alexexperiments · 4 years
Inequality is the Basis :(
I'm pretty sure, if you start dissecting all this inequality shit, when you get far enough, it starts to become clear it's just what our country is built on.  You can't be better than others unless others are worse than you...  If everyone has mansions, then the prize for being rich is less glamorous..  if "winning" is what allows you the comfort of a life well lived, the validation of effort spent, and if they start giving out participation trophies the same size as first place, then what makes you worth anything?  you're just the same as everyone else.. right?  This is part of the problem.  
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alexexperiments · 4 years
Got Blocked... Went on a Rant.
I got blocked today. After weeks of debate with him about varying topics such as: trans pronouns, running protestors over, and this time, the existence of privilege. He shared a post about how getting ahead through hard work and there not being such a thing as privilege. Another of his friends was debating him about how his LACK of police encounters was due to white privilege and he wasn’t having it.. he started by sidestepping anything his friend was saying by mocking her lack of punctuation and claiming he couldn’t be bothers to try and decipher her nonsense... then his point became that the post wasn’t talking about police but simply putting in hard work to get ahead... to which I said something which pushed him to block me. I pointed out that his current job was given to him by his family member..  but I said it in less words. I used the word nepotism... And I’m posting this mostly to say that it was quick and off the cuff and I’m sorry there couldn’t be more of a conversation about it... it was blunt and admittedly I don’t know the whole story...  but it always bothers me to some extent when I get blocked, not that it happens often.  It obviously crossed a line with this person and they just decided they were better off without those kind of comments in their life.
And I start to ponder on that.  The control of what gets said to you, who can talk to you.  Being able to filter your bubble.  On one hand I can’t be against it completely, but I think it’s the WAY you do it online that bugs me...  For instance, lets look at the universe... if, like the internet, all points were accessible from all other points with equal distance/“load time” between them... and in places such as social media where you have overlap from hundreds to millions of other places all at once... then you’d have a tremendous amount of commotion.. there’d be so much noise, you couldn’t hear anything..   the universe, unlike the internet, sorts everything by location... remember before the internet?  information was local.  information was word of mouth.  not to say it was better.. it’s incredible to be able to find out information from anywhere in the world...  but in the universe.. you hear what’s within processing range.. and if you dont want to hear from something, you run away from it (im imagining caveman times, precivilization)  But cavemen even lived together.. and what happened back then if you didn’t want to hear the worldview shattering/rudely put insulting grunts of another caveman, i guess you just beat them up or killed them.. so that’s not so good.. but maybe the thing to take away is the immediate resolution..  its over and done with...  one of those viewpoints is eliminated and the other persists.. there’s an elegance to it, BUT the obvious downside being the deciding factor be violence rather than “correctness”..  which leads back to modern social media...  it’s not violence, it’s blocking, it’s filtering away the stuff you don’t like..  again, not to say that isn’t better.. but it loses that immediate resolution.  It propagates and reinforces everyone’s bubbles... and as your bubble’s walls become almost solid, you’re left sorted into a life of same ole same ole... nothing new happens... no progress is made...
From my perspective, yeah, this guy is an asshole who I disagree with and I’m glad that he’s gone.. But what if, aside from our differences about certain topics, he had some great info about something else that could have helped me out?  gone.  What if I had the same for him? gone.  Sometimes I wish people wouldn’t throw in the towel ever.  But then sometimes, I can see where certain people just shouldn’t be allowed to converse...   I just wish that problems could be rendered quickly..  that there was an algorithm that could process the correct answer or explanation for every debate and every argument and every miscommunication and every confusion..  I think that sometimes the best thing for you sometimes is the hardest thing to hear and it just sucks that some people might be allowed to block themselves from hearing it... or even block others from hearing it from you....
Subtopic: But that ends up boiling down to the fact that a civilization can only support so many different views.  you can’t boil down some arguments because it simply comes down to different priorities...which are both “allowed”...  democrats and republicans..  which, personally seems like it’s just greed vs sharing.. selfish vs selfless.... and also personally, i think you need a balance.. but instead of trying to balance every person, they just let people shift from side to side like a teeter totter.. allowing each side a time to shine...  almost like if good and evil both wanted to swing.. and in the interest of “being fair”, evil was allowed an equal turn.. even though being fair is inherently a good thing... 
This has been an off the rails rants about a bunch of shit 
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alexexperiments · 4 years
My Father Was a Patrol Officer Once, a facebook comment.
look. I love my dad so much. Sooooo much. Don’t let the next bit get that confused. But years back before he switched from patrol to computers, he was a power hungry dick sometimes with spurts of rage over not getting something he wanted, which seems to correlate with how a number of cops act.. my dad never killed anyone (actually he did and I never asked much about it, but the guy was attacking him directly, so we’ll agree in his case it was warranted) but if the range goes from my dad (placing him on the good side because we both know overall he was an incredible hysterical bad ass amazing son of a bitch) to bad apples... and if him switching from patrol to computers removed the aggressive tendencies, then I definitely think there’s an inherent problem with how patrol officers function. And look, I don’t want to say it’s the cops themselves. I mean SOME are actual bad apples, but the role they play having to deal with dangerous situations all the time and the power they’re given, it has an affect. Like people sent to war who come home with PTSD. And then with the almost consistent way the force doesn’t apply the same consequences to officers as they do to regular people (not to say I don’t get it.. if officers were afraid of being prosecuted during these dangerous situations they’d second guess themselves during critical life and death moments, but..) it can build a “I can get away with anything” mentality... and it’s that bullshit that needs to stop. But you are right. It’s better than Mexico or Venezuela... but also, just because we’re better than the worst doesn’t mean we should stop improving. And I think the African American community has been trying to have this conversation for a long time and nothing ever happens. You get people including the president throwing a fit over football players peacefully kneeling during the anthem.. so.. I can’t say I know what to do about it. The whole thing is a mess. And it’s very possible you don’t see all the videos. Not of killings or shootings either but of officers being disrespectful bullies for asinine things. Lying about and just fabricating laws. Hopping out of unmarked cars all pissed off that someone simply honked at them. Attacking medic tents during the protests. Shoving people down and punching them in the face... and I’m not making these up, I’m describing actual videos... and it would be one thing if every time it happened it was dealt with, but more times than not, it’s rationalized as just doing their duty.. and when a lot of people these days see this happen, over and over, they start to become scared of the people who are supposed to protect them.. which SUCKS... but it’s happening... and it’s not NEW, we’ve just grown to an age where it can be documented more easily and shared to more than immediate social circles... Anyway.... That’s my two cents, or rather, handful of assorted coins...
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alexexperiments · 4 years
The difference between murderers
I don't understand how some people can go "it's not ALL cops" and then ignore that it's also not ALL protestors... but that it's not the point... you think the protestors who are causing damage should be held accountable, correct? but imagine if there was video of each one of them, we knew their names and had evidence... but then the rioters were allowed to decide if they were guilty or not and over and over again they just kept letting themselves off the hook.... that would be annoying to you, right? have some perspective.
to which someone replied something about how good cops simply need to stand up to the bad cops...
you're right.. they do need to.. but what if they don't? and what if you keep asking them to? and what if they still don't? something is wrong at that point... it's not that ALL cops are bad.. it's that THEIR JOB is supposed to be upholding laws and justice, but when doing your job starts to result in the OPPOSITE of what you're supposed to be doing... then it's something critical to address.. my post is reversing the roles... some people are more pissed at the riots than the lack of justice and continual rationalization of murder perpetrated by the police in order to save face in the public eye... and my intent is to show that the same way you might feel about the protestors, is how the protestors feel about the police except it's not the protestors JOB to prevent crime.. they aren't contradicting their purpose like the bad officers are... if someone you loved was murdered in front of you and the murderer was RECORDING it with a camera and then released the footage and then just said, "i was just doing my job, but we can check if maybe I'm guilty of something if you want" and you scream "YES! IT WILL BE OBVIOUS! THERE'S VIDEO PROOF" and then the murderer shows his best friend the video and his best friend comes back and says, "yea, he was just doing his job.. no big whoop"... that might be annoying or discomforting... but then let's say after that.. you start seeing that other people in your distant family are running into similar situations.. different murderers, but they're all suspiciously from the same club that TAUGHT them all how to act... a club that you've always been told represents justice and what is right... and it feels so contradictory... because you SAW them KILL someone.. and a majority of them are just not in trouble whatsoever... and it's like.. if you have a cookie machine and a huge portion of the cookies coming out end up poisoning people... at a certain point you have to say, "there's something fucked up about this god damned cookie machine!" like.. it sucks that some cookies are poison and some are not.. and it sucks that it drastically affects your ability to deal with cookies... but with all the evidence of poison cookies... if you went to the cookie factory and told them to take a look at the allegedly broken cookie machine and instead of opening it up or looking at the parts, they just pointed to a screen built in to the allegedly broken cookie machine that says, "not broken, no poison", but then you walk around back and you see a bottle connected to tubes that is labeled "poison" and you're like.. "what about this bottle clearly labeled poison though!?" and they just kept pointing at the screen that says "not broken, no poison" ... might get annoying... then on another side, if a person made poison cookies and handed them out... they'd poison people exactly the same as the cookie machine.. no difference in the poisoning... except it's not their JOB to detect and eliminate poison cookies... both are guilty of poisoning people, but one is ALSO guilty of failing to stop themselves from not poisoning people, which they are PAYED to do... so it's WORSE.
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alexexperiments · 4 years
A response to ALL Lives Matter
jesus christ, christy... i see there are 9 more comments but your first one really hits me and every other person who cares right in the gut.... Were you saying "all lives matter" BEFORE people said "black lives matter"? or is this a response to african americans trying to fight for A REGULAR FUCKING LIFE!? imagine if Jewish people during the holocaust started saying "Jewish lives matter" and, all while theyre being thrown into gas chambers, you strolled in and said, "uh... excuse me, ALL lives matter".. all while you ignore the bodies piling up behind you... can you imagine how annoying that might be? to see someone screaming for help, bleeding out on the sidewalk and you come along and say, "we ALL need help, bud.. why don't you pray to jesus?" how condescending.. and look... im sorry. im agressive.. you probably get a lot of aggression from people you say that to.. and you're only saying it because you heard other people say it and enough people have said it that it gives you confidence that it's right.... but it's not... you're thinking about what the words MEAN and not what the PEOPLE MEAN... black lives matter is like when women couldn't vote and women were like "hey, my opinion matters" and imagine if someone came along and said, "ALL opinions matter", all while ignoring how women's opinions currently don't... like. yea. you're right they all SHOULD matter but thats not what you're saying when you say all lives matter.. you're suggesting that it's a fair playing field and that all lives should be treated equally.. which in essence is the goal.. but it's not the reality.. if we pour equal liquid into multiple cups, but one of the cups started with nothing and the others were all half filled.. the person with the empty cup is still going to go thirsty first. yes all lives matter.. but until we equalize the playing field we need to focus on the lives that are having a tough time.. and when i say having a tough time and i mean, BEING MURDERED AND THE MURDERS BEING RATIONALIZED AND NO ONE BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE.
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alexexperiments · 4 years
The Terror of Uncertainty
Look, people aren't your enemy.. people in general are smart and loving and clever and resilient..  the PROBLEM is information and the mental structures we build to make ourselves comfortable...    When your head is spinning and your feet are off the ground and all you want is to grab on to the safety bar, but there isn't one... you choose a thing and you call it the truth.. and you build your views from there... and if someone comes along and points out that your safety bar isn't connected to anything substantial, it becomes less about the truth of it, but more about the questioning of your life choices, the threatening of your comfort, and the mental gymnastics one does to defend ones worldview...    a number of us choose comfort over facts... because at that point in the progression of it all, it's not about the facts... it's about the unraveling of what you thought were trusted sources and the resulting terror of uncertainty...     this is all to say, if we all showed a bit more compassion to each other, we could make the work less difficult.
 and maybe see that the clusterfuck of information is a labyrinth built to keep us pacified and prevent any one chunk of us from unifying..   
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alexexperiments · 4 years
What’s 2001 a Space Odyssey about?
Here's what I know. The film's most iconic music is called Also Sprach Zarathustra, which is an homage to "Thus Spoke Zarathustra", a story by Nietzsche about a man on a journey to become an "übermensch", meaning superman... so, essentially, an evolution of man.. becoming something better...
The whole movie is built around this concept.  
Movies in general.. to me.. are a way of showing people forms of themselves and how those versions overcome obstacles, so that viewers can apply those learnings to their life and become better.. (of course in modern days i feel it’s used more to control than to improve, but that’s beside the point).. so..  Kubrick went above and beyond.. 
Kubrick boiled down the essence..  an outside thing instigates an evolution in an entity..
Kubrick said, this “other” is aliens because we’re doing a sci fi movie…
So, we have the monkeys whose waterhole has been taken and they don’t know how to deal with it.. and suddenly the monolith appears and a monkey screwing around with a pile of bones realizes he can use this as a tool…..  he takes his waterhole back and is able to survive….
jump cut to the furthest progression of the human tool: a space station
the monolith appears again and we go to check it out which then triggers a signal to be sent to the creators of the monoliths on Jupiter (originally Saturn, fun fact)…  so we go on a journey to Jupiter..
this comes to a point where our tools have evolved beyond us and are hindering human progress and he has to destroy his tool… and of course another monolith appears and he experiences the star field…   in the interview that was just released Kubrick talks about how Dave is being taken in by higher dimensional beings and gets put in a zoo where we go through a quick recap of a human life..  he looks in front of him and see’s himself, but more progressed… much like we the audience see a more progressed version of ourselves on screen… and then boom, we ARE the progression and we see the next step.. all the way until the monolith appears and Kubrick suggests that there are levels of evolution beyond human form.. the starchild.  
and the aliens drop him back off at earth for whatever reason.. its not clearly stated.. 
so… jump back.   when an entity sees the monolith, they evolve.. and the monolith is a sharply edged rectangle…  keep that in mind…
so, it’s opening day and kubrick is missing from some meeting and the studio is gets calls that someone has burst into the projection room with a file for shaving metal down.. and he’s shaving the edges of the projector so that the build up fro the bulb smoke doesn’t create a blurred edge… he is purposely trying to make sure the screen has a sharp edge to it… turns out.. it’s Kubrick…  he wants people  to see it as he intended… which apparently means seeing a sharp edge around the rectangular film screen.. wait…
The film starts in total black.. and with sharp edges around the frame… is this not THE MONOLITH we are staring at?  the film screen IS the monolith.. so, in it’s presence, we the audience are meant to evolve…  i feel the star field sequence, with it’s light show is a reference to a film screen shooting light out at you…
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alexexperiments · 4 years
An Email to You
Cold Open.
*You, the reader, have just opened an email in a long string of emails.  You’re an above average human living in a world that hasn’t acknowledged that yet.  The emails are just one of a number of tasks you are expected to handle before your focus is free to aim at will, but for now, emails.
You mostly delete them and rarely do you pass anything on to your boss even though it’s your job. 
Expecting another “Hi, I’m Chorpy Dunkaroo, let me tell you all about.. blah…blah.. 
*mark as junk* 
*delete*, you notice this one is different.  
“Cold Open?  I know what that is!  This letter is really speaking my language!”, and so you, the reader of this email, hunkers down, accepts the call to adventure, has a quick mental debate about oxford commas, and then plots to push through to the end.
“We’ll see about THAT”, you think to yourself, “This email isn’t going to tell me what to do!  I’ve got bigger shit to worry about, like bills, personal relationships, emotional problems, fighting against a system that seems designed to hold me back just to attain a tiny taste of self fulfillment, and work relatio…”
A notification chimes your attention away.  A colleague from your office messaged, “Yo, I think you’re right.  This place is pure garbage and if I have to go back to the same bullshit after all this is over, I’m going to snap and lose all hope!  I’ve been flipping through the old Sumerian Runes at the library as well as a number of the Dead C Scrolls, and then cross referencing with WikiLeaks and I know this might sound crazy but, I think it could be completely possible to write a uniquely powerful email capable of grabbing attention, showing off talent, conveying value, and convincing to take action…  One just has to believe in themselves and others. Please hear me out.  We can meet up later if you want.”
“Jesus Christ.  This feels contrived”, you mutter as you ignore the message in disbelief, “Pfft.  Nothing in life is that easy.”
Opening Credits:  Email written and directed by Alex Van Almsick
Returning to the email you realize you’re reading the email.  There was no message, that was just part of the email..  “Stupid”, you think, “This isn’t going any..”
A Video Chat alert is going off and it’s that same work colleague.  You answer.
“It says it was delivered, it says you read it, so why aren’t you responding?  I almost expected you to refuse the call, so I appreciate that at the least.”
The email says you say, ”Look, it feels like you’re talking about some sort of magical mumbo jumbo.  I’m not trying to pretend like I know everything, but I’ve been around long enough to know that there are people with the goals of holding others back.  Because it’s easier to deal with the lack of real choice in life when you can look down at the mound of people you stand on rather than up at the mountain of bodies you’ve been piled into..  And there are also enough of those people that I can guarantee I encounter at least a handful, no matter what path I try to go down, no matter what attitude I reflect.  And if I’m being honest..  When you can see something is so broken that it probably won’t survive any more damage, you tend to choose paths with the least chance of damage, no matter how unfulfilling they may be.”
Your colleague is taken back.  They stare at you for a moment through the screen before saying, “Well that’s just a shitty way to live.  Maybe can you pretend?  Maybe just let me tell you what I do…”
“Sure, what do YOU do?  But also make sure to explain how IF this is so useful, why you’re stuck in the same dead end job as me…”, you retort, in the email at least.
“Well, because you’re judging my accomplishments against YOUR goals instead of MY goals…  Is this job the best?  Definitely not… Am I working on something else?  Yep… but to me, the job is just a fuel source for my goals, which is what I really care about.  You, on the other hand, have ambition in other areas.  You want to write for television and movies, right?  Tell stories?  Which I’ll admit does make it more complicated since your goal then is in and of itself a fuel source, hence it forces you to balance both in the same choice.  My values end up based on the approval of my family, where as yours cast a much wider range that includes everyone who partakes in content.. which is basically everyone…”, rambles your colleague.
“For fuck sake.  If I wanted to have someone analyze my life, I’d visit my parents.”
“Here… try it or not, but when I want something… I imagine all the steps along the way.  All the people involved.  All the luck I might need.  and I pretend that I AM all those steps and all those people…  I become a metaphor for each step and live that”, your colleague goes on like some sort of mystical dream child, “Let’s say I want to go camping and so I need my significant other to agree… I set the idea in motion.. and then I pretend I’m them… and if I’m approached about something someone else wants, I become a metaphor for accepting plans presented by others and I say yes…  and it IS like I’m doing a magic trick.. but all I know is that it works, whether I know HOW or not…”
You respond, “It sounds like when you say you agree to anything someone else wants, that’s probably just always your partner and then because you did them a favor, they do you a favor..”
A voice is heard in the background of the video call and your colleague saying to someone, “yes!  definitely!  sounds great!!” before they come back to the camera, “call it whatever you want, try it or don’t, but I’m telling you it could help… and if you don’t want to go back to the same shit different day after quarantine, then I don’t see what the harm is… but hey.. it was great talking to you.  I’ve got to go…  ”
The video call ends with whatever noise your video conferencing app of choice makes.
Another day, another paragraph, and the stuff your metaphorical colleague was saying in this email starts to get to you.  They’re right.  Who would even know if you tried it and looked stupid?  It’s no different than checking to see if Bloody Mary actually comes when you say her name 3 times.  So you go to your computer desk and find, for some odd, totally unexplained reason, your laptop has been moved into a different room?  
Crossing the threshold into the other room, you feel a chill as you pop open a text editor and go to town on the first draft of an email. 
You start over.  That one sucked.
The next few suck.  
They all suck.  
You sound like a whiney child who wants everything and has nothing to say about why they might deserve it!  
In your head, it always sounds incredible, but by the time you sit down to write it, you’ve boiled a lot of it down into only a handful of sentences that will get no more attention than a tweet from an egg icon.  You know you have the skills to construct amazing story circles and develop heartfelt characters, but how does one show it until they’ve done it??
This is all stuff you’re thinking…  
I don’t have to tell you that…  
I’m just making sure you know that I know...
You give up on this whole email business and start macrodosing shrooms and fucking a rolled up towel on the daily, until an afternoon where the Salvatore Dali poster you have of a pixelated Abraham Lincoln gains sentience and starts talking to you.
“I freed the slaves you know?”
You respond, “yea, but that was like four score and..
“NO.. that’’s not.. *sigh* nevermind.. I don’t think you really understa.. nevermind… So, what’s up bud?  Weren’t you trying to get yourself out of a rut?  What happened there?”
“What do you mean?”, you ask..
“What do you mean, what do I mean?  You’re tripping balls, yo!  I’m a fucking poster that’s communicating with you?  Your subconscious is obviously screaming for help!”
“You’re right.. fuck.”
“We’re right.. don’t sweat it pal… Do you think maybe you’re scared?”, comforts the poster.
“Not scared of the thing, but scared of how I’ll react to the struggle to attain it.  Scared that the path to get there has been lined with so many traps and compromises that the me who would arrive at the end might have had to give so much of themself up that they aren’t the same person.. I don’t want to lose myself to the climb!”
“I think that if you just sit at the bottom of the steps your whole life, you’ll get to a point where you’re missing out on more than you’re saving yourself from.  Look at me.  I knew people hated me.  People LOVED owning other people and bossing them around and I changed all that.  Of course the richest of them figured out a way to keep doing it on a massive scale down the road, but my point here is this.. I could have stayed locked in away in my house to stay safe from my haters.   Admittedly, the world has a majority of haters these days, there will always be haters, but if you avoid the haters you’ll miss all the plays… does that make sense?”
“Like you said, I’m tripp.. WE’RE tripping balls here.  You’re a surrealist painting that I’m using as exposition for an inner debate..  So sure.. it makes as much sense as it’s going to…”, you’re really leaning into this conversation.
“If you want my advice, and you do, or else I wouldn’t be saying this, you should work out..”, says Honest Abe.
“WHAT?”, you blurt.  This poster is missing the point.
“No, like, work out your mental skills.  Utilize them in everything.  You say you’re good at stories?  Flex them guns dawg.”, Abraham puts on a pair of shades and tilts them down so he can see you over the top before shooting a finger gun at you and winking.
You sit in silence contemplating.  Honest Abe might be on to something…  
Maybe I should just flex my guns…
You think to yourself, “oh is that what this email is?  flexing?  wow.  what a freaking dweeb..  but I’ll stay to see how this all plays out.”
You run over to the poster and hold your hand out, “I really appreciate you spending the time to talk this through.. You’re like an all knowing Goddess!”
“You know I can see what you’re doing, and I’m worried about how you’re going to react when you see how blatant you’re being about the story circle..  For fuck sake, now I’m doing it..  And hey, I know you had this whole thing brewing before that damn train episode of Rick and Morty, but I’m just not sure anyone else is going to believe that..  I’m just saying.. No Worries.  Do what you want.  Take it or leave it… Just make sure you get it right… or you’ll pay the price…” says the painting as the mushrooms wear off.
Sitting there reading this goddamn clusterfuck, you think, “oh come on, it’s not that bad.  I’m having a good time.  It’s a bit.. i don’t know, but it’s got it’s merits.. I’m still paying attention..”
Reassured, you start to put words to screen.  
Referencing common TV terminology and structure you set a meta tone and realize immediately that this is going to seem like you’re just ripping off other popular things.. How do you show that you’re not copying, you’re likeminded?  Yea, I guess if you’re lazy, that’s how.  And sure, let’s pretend snide meta commentary will cover up that fact…  We really are doubling down on this aren’t we?  Fine, but four self commentary sentences is the MAXIMUM!
You finish the email (writing it).
You feel accomplished. You feel proud.  You feel real possibilities.  SOMEONE.. at least SOMEONE will like it and pass it up the flagpole and maybe, just maybe, more than maybe actually, I’m hoping probably, will see something in you and take a chance.  Although, as we both know after finishing this doozy of an email that it wouldn’t be a chance they were taking.. it would be an obvious choice. ;)
Your goal is to reach out to your personal idol.  Having watched his shows and podcast over the years, you found hope in the fact that this person who has very similar thought processes and problems and drives and interests as you was able to accomplish great things in the world.  Which is just to say, it proves that x+y can = success!
You search for a number of contacts and send it out with your fingers crossed.
You finish the email (reading it).
“God Almighty, what in the world is this?  This is not how we hire writers!”
But before clicking delete, you stop and think about the email you wrote..  
You look down and your fingers are still crossed…
You think about the advice of your work colleague…  To become the steps, they said.  
You think about how you would feel if your email that you spent hours crafting was simply deleted.
You think about that person who is sifting through the mailbox containing YOUR email…
You ARE that person.  
You don’t become them, you always were them, we always have been, and although we normally might delete it and save ourselves any additional hassle, this time we don’t.
“I am my own gatekeeper”, you whisper to yourself in realization as you click to forward this email and you add a number of the people who could make dreams happen.  You even type out a little note saying something nice about it, encouraging them to give it and the writer a chance.  You’ve been there yourself and if you can be the step for this person to succeed, then someone else will be the step for me to succeed!
You click send.
You respond to the writer of the email with a heartfelt reply.
A moment of self reflection follows where you question everything.  Wait..  You never email those people like that.. let alone throw in your own two cents!?!?!?.. 
Moments later you receive a phone call from corporate.  They explain that emailing directly to those contacts is strictly not allowed and, in fact, you are to be fined millions of dollars for the transgression.
This comes as a huge bummer.  You really payed the price for that.  You only had a few million in the bank, so you had to grab some cash from the floor safe (the small one with just spending money, not the large safe with the backup spending money).  After all is said and done you almost vomit to find you’re only in the triple digits.  
But you know what?  You hated that job anyway, so you quit…   It’s liberating.  Maybe your colleague wasn’t right about his weirdo hippy “be the steps” bullshit, but something good could definitely be made from all this.  
Soon enough though, you run out of money.  You need to support yourself.  Society doesn’t care if you’re happy.  So you start applying for jobs.  This is actually worse than it was before. Why THE FUCK did you even decide to change anything you fucking PIECE OF SHIT!!  We used to be comfortable!!  You’re stuck at home all day every day now and your rent is about to be 3 months overdue!  
Interrupting your negative thoughts is a phone call from your mother.  She wants to know how you’re doing?  Have you found another job yet?  Stop striving for your dreams, reach for something attainable!  But she has a question…  There’s this new pool cleaning service nearby that nobody has used yet, but she’s thinking they look like they know what they’re doing and what do you think?  Should she give them a shot, hoping for equal or better service or stick with the well known company that is at least a guaranteed OK job?
Because at this point you get the concept, you tell her to go with the new company because the new company is you.
She doesn’t understand, “the company is YOU? you’re not making any sense darling.  did you start a pool cleaning service near me?  I thought you lived out of state!”
“No mom.. nevermind.  but hire the new guys, they’re going to be even better than you can imagine!”, you reassure her.
“ok well thank you.. i love you so much, ill talk to you this weekend.. you know we’re thinking of going up to the cabin? did i say that?”
“bye mom”, you say.
“bye honey!  if you want I can bring you some of the firewood we have up there!  we’re really never going to use it al…”
“no.. mom.  you’re not supposed to transport firewood.”
“not supposed to, what?  that’s ridiculous!  I can just throw it in the car!”
“it’s because of the bugs, mom. I’m fine!  I don’t need firewood.  I’ll talk to you later!”
“ok buh bye honey. love you bye.. ok bye..”
And, as we all can expect by now… you get a call or an email or something from someone offering you a chance to put your skills to good use and actually feel useful and valuable for once in your life.
A real chance at something… 
My name is Alex Van Almsick,  I’ve been reverse engineering films and tvs shows since I was a kid.  When I was 10, I told my mother who was in fear of Truman dying on the sailboat in The Truman show, that he was the main character and so there was no way they would kill him.  This led me to have a better palette for expectation and subverting it.. The more you watch movies and Tv, the more the patterns emerge and the easier it is to get bored..  I’ve always been a fan of pushing harder to achieve something of better quality and pushing past previous boundaries.
I appreciate you reading through to the end and hope to hear from you.
my email is [email protected]
my phone number is **********(although i get so many spam calls its hard to answer any, so leave a message if thats what you prefer)
and if you want to check out any of my film work ive done for timed film competitions check out this short and the other movies on the page..
I have a number of scripts for things that i can send upon request as well.
If you can, in any way, provide me some sort of official outlet for my creativity, which could very well be endless, I’d very much appreciate it.  No matter how many brilliant character arcs or plot points i pitch to my current co workers, it doesn’t seem to help us sell more computers…  so..   please help.
I love you.
Alex Van Almsick
Although I wrote this with Dan Harmon in mind, I still feel that it shows off a number of essential qualities required to produce consistently good stories and fun plot lines.
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alexexperiments · 4 years
Plight of the Frogs
It's unfortunate that it's come to this.  It's sad that our comfort is being used against us.  It sucks that to be attentive and making the right decisions, you have to be so alert that you're stressed out a lot of the time.. but it's because a frog felt the water in the pot get warmer and shrugged it off, that the temperature kept getting raised on them. it's because that frog tried to tell the other frogs what was happening any no other frogs believed it.. and when tat single frog tried to jump out, they were grabbed and thrown back in..   and thats what we live in.. and it's more comfortable to not look at it.. to focus only on your little bubble and make sure you can achieve your tiny self happiness.. your serotonin, your endorphins, your dopamine... whatever your mental drug of choice... we zone out of the bigger picture just to hold on to our tiny pictures....  they raise the prices slowly without raising the average income.. and each time we go, "oh it's just 30 cents" "oh its just 50 more cents.." "eh, im not going to cause a stink over 89 more cents"... and eventually everything costs 5-10 dollars more than it did and all of a sudden your bank account is steadying out or even falling backwards... and you watch the media and they go "it's them! or wait no it's them!" "if only people would plan better" "if only you all didn't do this to yourself.".. well.. i bet if your older sibling could keep getting away with the why are you hitting yourself schtick, they would.. but eventually you go "I'M not hitting myself! YOU ARE! WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK!?  It's all just an attempt (sadly an affective one these days) to confuse the knob turner from the pot owner and make sure no large enough group of frogs ever tries to jump out at once... because they have a frog soup to serve, and it's not in their benefit to change anything about the process.. they dont want to STOP making frog soup.. they just want the frogs to settle down so they can handle the escape attempts easier and or stop frogs from trying to NOT BE BOILED TO DEATH.. how dare them... 
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alexexperiments · 8 years
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made a craigslist ad !
(for an update on this + responses check twitter @ColesTwitt3r )
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alexexperiments · 8 years
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alexexperiments · 8 years
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Don’t let your memes be memes
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alexexperiments · 8 years
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alexexperiments · 8 years
Isn’t it awkward when you’re flipping through your tumblr and you freaking love EVERYTHING a certain person posts, but you have to pick only a select few to like and share in fear that they might think you’re weird.  
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alexexperiments · 8 years
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alexexperiments · 8 years
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One of my favorite gifs 
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alexexperiments · 8 years
...the baby!
me: mom i can't go to work the stress is bad for the baby
mom: what baby?
me: me
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