amirrorneverlies · 20 days
No Man Left Behind  - A story told with Jacob Black - Part 2
※ Jacob ※
I laughed at her comment and pointed to the chopped bacon. “I mean I do have meat there.” I laughed at the small portion, just enough to add that Smokey flavour. I put a deep skillet on the stove and heated just a little olive oil. I glanced over my shoulder waiting for a comment from the two carnivores across the hall… but they both exploded at the TV and #Charlie grumbled something about the ref needing to turn in his whistle. I just flashed Bella a grin. “They are finally distracted.” I laughed. “I think this is what new parents feel like when they finally get a screaming baby to sleep.”
I put the bacon into the sizzling pan and added in the diced streaky bacon. “All the recipes on YouTube say to add pancetta for flavour… but that's expensive… so, I thought. It's basically bacon… right?” I shrugged. “So, I tried it. And it worked.” When the bacon was browned, I added the carrots and celery and kept stirring it.
※ Bella ※
“Oh…” The brown eyes followed to where Jacob pointed. “Okay... so... I missed the pink meat sat there too.” Tucking a stand of loose hair behind my ear.
“Charlie is always telling me how I need to become better aware of my surroundings. I think he has a point.” I knew he didn’t mean not seeing things in front of me in the kitchen. I wasn’t going to allow myself to dive into the depths of why my dad said it. However, right now. I understood.
Half smiling at the parenting comment. “Sure, you and me. The bad parents who are leaving their two children in front of the TV for entertainment whirl making dinner. What would Jean Piaget say!” Glancing over slowly towards the dads, so not to draw their attention away from the game. “Okay fine. Now… I know I’m not a helicopter mom. That’s something, right?”
When I moved my attention back to Jacob the first thing I thought was, ‘Wow he really knows what he is doing.’ Then seeing how he wasn’t that different to me in some ways. It was hitting home again why we had become friends.
“It’s the same thing. They add a flash name to it, and they can charge more money for it.” Not hundred percent true, there were differences but also not a lie. “If you want it smokier, you know you can start the bacon off in a dry skillet.
Once it picks up some colour, then add a little oil.” Tapping the side of my nose. “Another YouTube tricks.”
※ Jacob ※
I shook my head a little. “That's always good advice… but not here Bells. You’ll always be safe here… it’s okay if nowhere really feels safe right now.” I am getting dangerously close to that line of mentioning that night she was lost in the woods. “But just remember… you’re  safe here and with #Charlie.”
Then I quickly changed the subject. “I might have some crayon somewhere from babysitting my cousins.” I laughed. “Is that better?”
I grinned and Bella. “See I knew there was a scam there!” I chuckled. “For the sake of a few bucks, all it takes is a few minutes of chopping.” I listened to her and nodded, still stirring what was in the pan, adding the onions, and I minced the garlic into the pan.
“Oh really? Good tip! I will totally try that next time. You can come and taste the difference.” I was not thinking about how cute the nose-tapping thing she I did was as held up the bottle of red pepper flakes… “How much heat can you handle Swan?” I grinned. Handing her the bottle, there might have been a little challenge in my tone.
※ Bella ※
Dangerous…. His kindness and the meaning I found in those sweet, shared words had me in a path towards a dangerous future if I didn’t veer away from it now. Blinking my eyes, a circular motion of the neck, a gentle count to ten, with some easy breathing and I laughed softly, trying to hide the internal turmoil. Because this was #Billy and Jacob’s home. A happy place to visit, where no bad memories lived.
Not finding the courage within myself to reply to his words which felt like a sting and a warming balm all at once. “Crayons? Yeah. Hundred percent better. We could bring out their autistic side?” My voice bitching up into a question.
Half smiling, I nudged Jacob in his arm with my elbow. Shaking my head at his conspiracy theory over bacon and pancetta. “Oh, so now I’m your tasting guinea pig, as well as  the fact that you are attempting to challenge me with heat?”
Tutting at him taking the small round bottle of red pepper flakes from his hands. Tilting my head to the side when I noticed how small the bottle appeared in his hand. “You know I’m an Arizona girl. We love our spice and heat. And you still challenge me, Black!” Twisting the lid off I began to tap the flacks out into his pan, while keeping my eyes on him.
“I hear the tone you’re using Jacob Black. Not cool.”
※ Jacob ※
Hell… this girl was so lost… it only happened for flashes, then she found her way back. But those flashes? They broke my heart a little every time. I laughed as Bella fearlessly tapped the pepper flakes into the pot as I stirred them in. Maybe if I let her have those moments and choose when she wanted to delve deeper into them… she’d realise I was here to listen.
Once she reached about the amount I would use; I held up my free hand in surrender. “Okay, okay… much respect. But let’s not overdo it.” I chuckled. I leaned closer and  whispered “#Charlie can’t handle the heat as well as he thinks. Why do you think he always orders steak?” I smiled.
I laughed again. “Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition between friends! Especially in the kitchen. Plus, you have chocolate on your side! I need a  little heat.”
※ Bella ※
I felt as though I hid my far away thoughts and emotions from those close to me. Keeping them away from the draining of my little happiness I’d begun to experience once again. So, they could see only the glimmers of hope I wanted them all to believe I grew within.
“Oh, thank God! You had me worried I needed to go out and grab something else for him.” Okay for me to play chicken with my new close friend, however my dad wouldn’t thank us if he suffered a bad tummy all night.
Nudging Jacob in the side while setting the pepper down. “Maybe next time we made sure we take Charlie’s position out before we go wild?”
At the mention of chocolate, I turned to pick the tray of uncooked brownies up and once again nudged him to the side to place them in the oven. “You know in Mexico they love adding some chilli into their chocolate, it enhances the flavour. Or so I read.”
Now wanting to try some, one day.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed and shook my head. “If I’d known how competitive you were I would have chosen my words more carefully.” I teased. I stirred the pot, the fragrance from it multiplying now with added flavour. I added in the last of the ingredients.
“Really? And here I was thinking that Salted Caramel and chocolate was a breakthrough.” I laughed. “Maybe the next time we will make a batch just for us… save the old timers some heartburn.”
I covered the pot and let the food simmer and the vegetables reduced down into a sauce. “I’ll be more help next time  now that I’ve seen it done before. I honestly never really looked into learning to bake because none of it seemed suitable for Dad… but you managed to find a way around it, you can give me some tips.” I smiled and checked the pasta.
※ Bella ※
“Whomever found the combination of Salt and Caramel was a genius! The sweet and salty really does enhance the taste buds in an intriguing way.”
Left with nothing to do, instead of watching Jacob all attention turned toward the dinner table. Taking the time to clear the things which had been set upon it out of the way. (However, still within the eye-line of #Billy and Jacob). I began to set the table for four.
“I think it was a French chef, it had to be. The French come up with the best dessert ideas.” It took a couple of attempts to find the plates, and then the glasses.
“I wouldn’t say I’m an avid baker. But who doesn’t like watching a good baking show when you aren’t in the mood for anything else?” Nodding my head towards the dads. “I know Charlie hasn’t got the  health issues like Billy yet…” emphasising the last word.
“However, I worry if he doesn’t change his habits. He could end up with some. Which is why I try to have him eating better…. And… Which is why I took over the kitchen duties.” A glance back to the dads to make sure they weren’t eavesdropping.
“Next time we can make red velvet cake, with beetroot. Charlie doesn’t know how good that cake is for him when he is scoffing down two slices with sour cream frosting.” Winking in a conspiring manner.
※ Jacob ※
“Agreed!” I laughed. “Let’s hope the chilli and chocolate people are geniuses too… Genius-ies… Genuises?” I tried to figure it out. “Genius-i…. Whatever the plural is.”
I added tomato paste to the pot and turned to her, wide-eyed. “Oh please, don’t tell me you watch that British baking show? Rebecca watched that things like it was a religious service.”
I listened to her talking about the worry for her dad’s health, it was something I could understand, I knew that in different circumstances my dad could still be walking. I didn’t blame him for not looking after himself better after Mom died. But I knew it was something that could have been avoided if he hadn’t had his world shattered.
“I understand that, even without family histories it's something to worry about. And I know it’s Forks, but his job still has its dangers, I know you worry. And that’s a good compromise, right?” I chuckled.
“Healthy cake but you still get a little frosting?” I kept my voice low enough not to carry over the sound of the TV. I couldn’t give away Bella’s secret.
※ Bella ※
A small chuckle leaving my lips, nudging myself on my toes and then back down again. “It’s geniuses... you had it right brains.” Shaking my head because he reminded me a little on my mom, she always questioned words and then went ahead and made her own up.
The look of shock covering my features, with a hand placed on my chest. I wouldn’t attempt a British accent because I knew I’d murder it.
“Do not judge me, or your sister. We have great taste, okay.” Feeling a blush creeping up my face. “Also, sometimes we all need something which is good for the soul. Watching something which is about people like me creating things I couldn’t imagine doing… it’s…. Well… nice.”
Smiling while i watch him as he cooked, hoping to learn something new as I did when watching Sue, from time to time. “I know you would understand. I tried to explain it to my friends at school. And they were… well… they didn’t get it.”
※ Jacob ※
I grinned at her. “I know…. It was a test. You passed.” I laughed, that was the goal really; to make her laugh or smile. I had succeeded at it a lot today, but it wasn’t going to make her feel better forever. But at least it relieved her burden for a few moments.
I chuckled, covering the pot now to let the sauce reduce. “I’m teasing… my weakness is those endurance contests, like American Ninja and the mud runs or spartan contests. Not that I really watch a lot of TV. But when I do I have a guilty pleasure too.”
I leaned against the counter. “I  learned a long time ago that you can’t blame people for that. Most are used to their parents always looking after them, they can’t imagine a world where it's reversed. Not until they see it. Like #Quil… he worries after his mom since my dad got sick… but #Embry was right  there too, and he can't fathom a world where his mother isn’t invincible. I swear that woman has never even had a cold.” I grimaced a little at the mention of #Embry. Did he still think that now? Or was that changed too?
※ Bella ※
The shift came so abruptly, just a small trickle of sadness in his shoulders when mentioning his best friends.
There were so many reasons to lose we I’d found out the hard way myself, that tonight I didn’t want him feeling guilty about anything else. And some part of me, should kick myself at taking this whole conversation back around to a place of deep thought and maybe some regrets when it came to #Embry. Even if I hadn’t meant too.
“I’m sorry... did you say American Ninja, and mud runs, and spartan contests? What in the world are those?” Emphasising each word to draw him out from the emotional state I knew looming over his head. “I feel like you are making it up.”
Pushing myself off to bend my knees. Looking into the oven at the state of the brownies baking. The scent of the chocolate hadn’t changed so I knew we still had a few minutes to go.
※ Jacob ※
I was grateful that she jumped right onto the topic of my silly TV shows. She was doing for me that I had done for her. I scooped up a spaghetti noodle and tasted it. “Perfection.” I grinned.
“Oh no, they are very real. It’s like endurance contests and races, they do obstacle courses like the ones people do for army training and stuff… it’s a race, a strength challenge, and a mental test all at once. I’ll show you sometime if you want. I’ll even watch your baking show with you and not complain.” I chuckled and set the big colander in the sink and  turned off the burner with the spaghetti on it.
‘Getting hungry in here, kids!’ Dad called from the living room.
“Five minutes!” I called in. “Go wash up,” I smirked at Bella. “And they say teenagers are impatient.”
※ Bella ※
“Yes! I’m in!” In need for something more to do. Now that #Charlie’s shed was done, a gap had opened up for a new hobby. “If I’m not muscling into your time alone?”
“And you know you are always welcome to join in on the bake off. As long as know we will be baking afterwards too.” Thinking about the times we could have.
“Well maybe only on weekends. You need to prioritise your homework and studies. I can’t have the oldies saying I’m a bad influence. I’m meant to make sure things are don’t right.”
#Billy pulled on my attention, making me smile again. Turning to glance back over my shoulder when I stood towards where our dads grumbled something before getting themselves up.
Lowering my voice, “Whomever said that didn’t know these two.” Lifting my chin back now.
‘It all smells really good here guys.’ #Charlie went to the kitchen sink while #Billy disappeared into the bathroom.
“Jake here is a talented chef.” Going to the cupboard for some glasses and a jug.
To Be Continued....
0 notes
amirrorneverlies · 10 months
Stakeout – Solo by Jacob Black
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The same night that #Quil and I talked about trying to catch #Embry alone; we found ourselves bundled up in layers and hanging out between the houses across the street from his.
‘If he’s gonna sneak out and meet #Lahote then we can see both their houses from here.’ #Quil observed. I looked up the street towards #PaulLahote’s house.
“I really don’t want a run-in with Paul… I have no idea what’s happening with him but do you remember the way he was before he was out sick with mono? Fighting and yelling for no reason?” I shook my head.
‘You  know I heard some the girls at school talking and they said they heard that he wasn’t sick at all.. that he was in juvie.” #Quil said with his eyes on the Call’s house across the street.
“Who said the? #Micah? Because you can’t take her at her word… she’ll say anything for attention.” I replied. #Quil laughed and nodded.
‘Right… The chick is crazy.’ He said.
“Dude!” I slapped his arm with the back of my hand lightly. I mean she was a little annoying, always gossiping and flirting… and she was kind of bitchy to the girls she claimed were her  friends, but that didn’t mean we needed to say those things out loud.
‘He wasn’t in juvie.’ A familiar voice came from the shadows between the houses behind us. We turned to find Embry standing there, Shirtless… shoeless… I gaped… What the hell… He was mucked up to the ankles and he had what looked like a week-old dog bite on his shoulder.
“What the hell are you doing?” I eyed him from head to toe.
‘What am I doing?’ #Embry ran his hand along his jaw. Puberty had hit him all at once… plus, I could swear he was six inches taller… but  that had to be impossible… right? ‘You are the ones hanging around in the dark outside my house. What the hell are you doing?’
‘We just wanted to talk to you without Sam and the goon-squad hanging around. What’s going on bro’? Why haven’t you been in school… or picking up the damn phone?’ ‘Quil asked.
He said nothing for a long time.
“What happened to your shoulder? Did you get hurt?” I asked, pointing to the injury, there were no scabs or blood. It almost looked like a scar but it hadn’t been long enough for him to get hurt that bad and  have healed to the point of scarring since we’d seen him last.
#Embry looked at his shoulder. ‘Shit.’ He muttered and tried to wipe the red-purple marks off his shoulder, but it obviously didn’t work. ‘It’s nothing, just a scratch.’
“They look like puncture marks!” I said getting annoyed because he was lying to us again. “Did #Sam Do that to you?”
#Embry’s face flushed red and he started to suck in breaths through gritted teeth. He was trembling and clenching his fist. ‘Do. Not. Talk. About. Sam.’ He seethed and took two domineering steps forward. #Quil and I both stepped back away from him… He looked like he was going to swing for us any second… he was… scary.
‘You have no idea…’ He raised his clenched fist and his voice at the same time. I tried to step in front of #Quil At the same time as Quil tried to pull me back away from the potential trouble. But all #Embry did was point a trembling finger in our direction. All this happened in a matter of seconds, but before #Embry could continue #PaulLahote stepped out from between the houses.
‘Call!’ #Paul barked. ‘Go home.’
He stepped between us and #Embry. He seemed to snarl at #Lahote.
‘You can’t tell me what to do!’ #Embry yelled and shoved #Paul back a step. Even in the dark, I could see that his face was turning red.
‘You wanna start something? Huh?’ #Paul shoved him back again. ‘Start on some on your own size big man, c’mon!’ #Paul looked like he was going to shove him again and at the last minute, he switched and swung a punch into #Embry’s stomach that had him doubling over. #Paul stayed locked up with him for a second, saying something that I couldn’t make out from here.
#Paul turned his attention to us then, leaving my friend with one arm wrapped around his middle where he’d been struck. ‘You two get the fuck outta here.’
“We just want to speak to him…” I started to say, taking a step towards #Lahote. “You’re the one that  should leave!”
‘Jake just go!’ #Embry was still clutching his ribs, but he straightened up again. ‘Please… before someone gets hurt.’ It wasn’t a threat… he was afraid. Truly afraid someone would get hurt… worse than taking a gut punch, which seemed to be barely phasing him.
#Paul moved back to #Embry’s side and Embry gave him a look like he was grateful. For getting punched? Was this some kind of twisted fight club? Then Paul clapped a hand on his shoulder and led him away from us. ‘You heard him… get lost.’ And the two of them disappeared into the dark and we were left standing between the two houses looking at each other, utterly confused.
‘Can I stay at yours tonight?’ #Quil asked… I just nodded, I didn’t particularly want to spend the night alone with my thoughts either. We both headed into the street and towards my place… my head reeling from what had just happened. We made walk the back to my house in silence.
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amirrorneverlies · 11 months
No Man Left Behind  - A story told with Jacob Black - Part 1
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“Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.” - David Ogden Stiers
※ Bella ※
“Are you… okay there Jacob?”
※ Jacob ※
"Wh... what... Me?" Trying to act cool.
"Fine... yeah.. totally cool.. how, eh, how about you? you okay?"
※ Bella ※
Tilting my head slightly watching the boy stumbling over those words. “I am just dandy.”
Whispering this time. “Are you sure you are okay?”
※ Jacob ※
Laughing now and feel a little more at ease. “Dandy? That’s a good thing, right?” I smiled at her. “I'm good, Bells.”
※ Bella ※
Shrugging my shoulders. “From what I know. Yeah. It’s meant to be. Why do you know differently?” Half smiling now that he has relaxed just so.
※ Jacob ※
Shrugging my shoulders. “From what I know. Yeah. It’s meant to be. Why do you know differently?” Half smiling now that he has relaxed just so.
※ Bella ※
Smiling and lowering my head. “Oh… uhmm…” clearing my throat and then rubbing the side of my head. “Charlie has been working long days. I may have been watching and re-reading pride and prejudice again.”
※ Jacob ※
“And the puzzle that is Bella Swan Becomes just a little clearer.” I smiled her, we had talked about books before. I had told I was a big reader.
“You know, I checked out the library at school… and checked out a on the history of cars since they were invented.”
※ Bella ※
I would have said I was anything but a puzzle to solve. However, #Charlie and #Renée would agree. Tilting my head to the side. He had heard and taken my advice?
“Really? You listened?” Looking up to the sky and back again half smiling. “And? Does it peak your interest?”
※ Jacob ※
“I wouldn’t say I’ve ready it covers to cover but I flick through, reach the parts that caught my attention…” I smiled. “Did you know the world’s first speeding ticket was issued it 1902?”
※ Bella ※
“The fact you picked something up is a start.” Leaning back into the wall, my smile grew a little.
“1902? Really. I did not know that. What was the speed the ticket was issued for?”
※ Jacob ※
I smiled at her. "A completely scandalous forty-five miles an hour!" I chuckled.
"I'll go back and find myself something else that will interest me too... you may have started a slow-burn love affair between and books."
※ Bella ※
“Lock them up and throw away the key.” A slow and soft chuckle escaped from me, making me shift and nudge him in the side with my shoulder.
“I told you; it’s about finding your perfect match; the rest is history.”
※ Jacob ※
“I know!! I was completely outraged when I read!” I said in mock horror. “Such reckless behaviour.”
I gave Bella a crooked smile. “Well… we’ll see I would much rather get my hands dirty working on a car but when I can’t do that, I could see myself reading about them.”
※ Bella ※
“Horrible behaviour Master Black, who is the bad influence in your life? They should be banned!”
Tilting my head off to the side. “This is the joy of reading Jacob. It’s knowledge to help you love and appreciate what you enjoy even more.”
※ Jacob ※
I laughed but smiled brightly, kicking the dirt. "Has any ever told you, your kind of a nerd Isabella Swan."
※ Bella ※
Clearing my throat and shrugging my shoulders. “You, say it as though it were a bad thing. I’m actually proud to be identified as a nerd.”
※ Jacob ※
“You should be... Nerds are hot...” My face heated. “I mean, you know... In general,... Guys like smart girls. Or girls... Like them too....” I was an idiot.
※ Bella ※
Trying my hardest to control the smile bursting out of me, my index finger keeping my lips together I looked up and away. He was so sweet while he rambled and fell over his words.
“Guys and girls. Got it.”
※ Jacob ※
I could see she was trying not to laugh. I shook my head. “You know some people think that rambling is cute too. Sometimes… I mean… not my rambling… but some peoples.”
I grinned. That ramble was on purpose.
※ Bella ※
This time the floodgates flew open and there was No way for me to take a hold to them. I hadn’t smiled and laughed in so long, and now the count that I had were all thanks to my friend.
“Jacob! Stop!” Still laughing I shook my head. “You’re right…. So… right…”
※ Jacob ※
I beamed seeing her smile, hearing that laugh. "I would make a fool of myself all day every day just to make you laugh, Bells."
※ Bella ※
My laughter faltered just a little, nudging my friend in the side. “Thank you…” nudging him again my laughter softening. “Because I know you would do it too. And that mean a lot to me.”
※ Jacob ※
“I will… promise.” I chuckled. “But you need to keep coming around…”
I gave her a look… I didn’t want to talk about her dark days, she was working so hard to climb out of them. “We’d all miss you around here if you stopped.” It was the complete truth and I hoped she saw it  for what it truly was. It wants pity or sympathy. Bella was fun… in a semi-responsible way, we all enjoyed hanging out with her…
“Especially with Embry going AWOL.”
※ Bella ※
My breath hitched from the kindness this boy showed. Well... every one of them showed to me. It was like nothing I’d felt before.
“Promise.” I said hugging myself with my arms, still needed the comfort of my own embrace from time to time.
My head jerked up at the mention of Embry. “Wait… you still haven’t seen him? Since he hurt himself at my place?” Trying to think about the last time we’d spoken about his injury.
※ Jacob ※
She almost closed down again. But her concern for #Embry kicked in before she could.
"Oh, he's not... injured." I said inhaling deeply. "And I've seen him... he just doesn't want to see us... apparently." I sighed and kicked the dirt again.
※ Bella ※
Concern drew me to take a few steps forward towards my friends. “What do you mean? Did you both fight?”
I couldn’t see how Embry wouldn’t want to see Jake. They three friends had been inseparable when I saw them together last at my house.
※ Jacob ※
“No.” I said too fast. I don’t think so… I hadn’t been happy with him after what he said to Bella in front of my father. Had he taken that to heart?
“No… no… we… he just started hanging out with #SamUley. He hadn’t called and he won’t see us when we drop by.”
※ Bella ※
My brow pulled together in a small frown. He’d answered too quickly. However, Jake was like that sometimes.  “Sam? Isn’t he a little too old to be hanging with someone like Embry?”
※ Jacob ※
"He definitely is... but he's been hanging out with #Jared and And #Paul too... they're both in our grade.. and Paul... let's just say the kid had problems ever before he started hanging with #Uley."
※ Bella ※
Unaware of the two new names, I just nod my head while taking everything in. “Are you afraid for Embry?” The memory of Sam’s arms around me while he carried me out of the forest not once, but twice….
Wait… my mind replayed a mutter conversation. Three voices. Sam and two others?
※ Jacob ※
“No…” I said but my chin dipped in a nod. “Yeah… maybe… Momma T… his mom Tiffany… She’s worried… like talking about sending him to leave with his grandparents in Neah Bay worried so his grandfather can…straighten out or something.”
I sighed and shook it off. “They all follow him around like Groupies or something.”
※ Bella ※
My brows pulled together with concern. Concern for Embry… a boy I didn’t really know, however we were on the path of friendship. And more so for my friend before me now.
Placing a hand on his shoulder. (He’d grown for sure.) I squeezed gently.
“I can talk to Charlie. see what he knows or can find out?“ However, I knew #Charlie had high regards for #Sam ever since he found me a year ago.
“Is there anything in particular you can say is wrong? With them all being together like this? Something Charlie can look into?”
※ Jacob ※
"There's no need... We talked to Dad about and he told us to let it go... and they haven't actually done anything wrong..." I was shaking my head again. "Other than #Paul... but always got into fights and trouble at school."
I looked up at Bella and shrugged. "Tiffany thinks  Embry is on drugs... I don't think he is. But she's a worrier, she always jumps the worst-case scenario when it comes to him." I gave her a smile when she reached out to me.
"It's going to be okay... The three of us aren't just friends... Quil and 'Bry are lie my brother's... he'll come around."
※ Bella ※
“The offer stands. Not that you need me to talk to him. You know where #Charlie lives after all.”
I schooled my face, not letting the facts in my mind roll off my tongue. Statistically the boys at their age were showed to be at high Risk of developing some form of drug abuse short or long term. However, at the same time I couldn’t see #Billy, #Harry, #Sue and all the others allowing it. I could see #Billy chasing them all down with his chair to ‘straighten them out’.
Letting my hand drop. “I’m glad to see you know Embry well enough to calm his mom a little. She must been really upset and uncertain right now.”
※ Jacob ※
"Thank you, Bella... and I would consider it... only."  I paused for a second... "I suppose it's just that I can't be sure what they up to... it might not be something so bad as drugs but... I could be illegal and I would hate to put #Charlie in that position..." I doubted highly he would bust #Embry but that would leave him in a bind with his job.
"And I'm fairly sure it breaks a friend code or some variety. Besides... Dad and #HarryClearwater have been over at his house a lot lately."
※ Bella ※
“We could do it.” The words tumbled out before I could think or stop them. I had been thinking ‘See, I knew #Billy and #Harry would take care of these boys.’ But instead… I said again.
“Why don’t we find out what is going on?” Crap! Was I insane? It was clear I needed to stop with the Sherlock Holmes books, and maybe stick to something less crime fighting?
“I mean... if you want too? If you’re not sure what is happening, and worried. Which I can see you are. Would it hurt us to check things out?”
Yes… yes it would…. #Charlie would kill me! and I believed in people being allowed their privacy. This was wrong on so many levels.
And then I saw the way Jake looked so worried. And I wanted to take that away from him. I didn’t want my friend to be in pain.
※ Jacob ※
I tilted my head and grinned at her. “You want to go all Nancy Drew on Embry?” I asked her…
It wasn’t a terrible idea. Maybe he would talk to Bella… he had a crush on her after all. And I knew that he wouldn’t hurt her, he had said some pretty mean things to Quil, and I when we tried speaking to him.
“I mean we can drive around and see if he’s out and about… but I’m not sure he’ll speak to us. And… well, he’s been kind of and arsehole lately. If you’ll excuse my language.”
※ Bella ※
He thought it could work? Surprise took a hold before I could shake it off. “I was thinking more along the lines of Sherlock Holmes. However, Drew works as an example too.”
Shrugging my shoulders, a little as I spoke. “Really? You think we could find him and talk? Then we should go.” Saying it before I could change my mind.
“Sure, we can just drive around in the beast and see if we come across Embry, play it by ear?”  There was nothing wrong with this plan, right? It would work… of course it could.
※ Jacob ※
“You are being British again?” I teased her about the Sherlock Holmes comment.
“Surely let’s drive around. We should try the beach first… just…” I pressed my lips into a tight line. “If we find him and he strums off or says something mean… I don’t think he means it… he’s  going through something. And if he’s with the whole group we should just leave.”
I didn’t to get mixed up with #Sam or with #Paul’s temper.
※ Bella ※
“What can I say, the British literature hits the spot better?” It wasn’t meant to be a question; however I wasn’t mind it had ending up being so at the same time.
Fishing the keys to the beast out of my coat pockets, I frowned. “Did he say something mean to you?”
How did Jacob know to be aware of the unkind words if he hadn’t witnessed them before?
“When you saw him last, what exactly did you talk about?” Stepping back towards my truck, I tripped over my own feet, but caught myself straightening up before anyone noticed.
※ Jacob ※
"At least you know what you like." I laughed.
I followed her to the truck and bit the inside for my cheek... "Sort of... He's mostly told me to get lost and to leave him alone... and that its better if we weren't friends anymore?"
One brow lifted when i saw her trip but I  to close the other side of the truck to try to catch her.
She acted like it hadn't happened, so I did too. I could always tease her for it later.
※ Bella ※
“Embry? Embry Call? The boy who stood in my yard and in my home joking, laughing, and—“ stopping myself from saying ‘flirting’, because I didn’t need to fuel that fire.
“That Embry told you these things?” This information was jarring to hear. That a friend like Embry could say such things, broke my heart for Jacob and #Quil.
Climbing in I sat looking out the front screen for a moment or two. “Are you okay?” Finally asking.
※ Jacob ※
The look on her face proved she couldn’t believe it as me as I couldn’t.
“The very same… that’s I think…. I think maybe somethings wrong. Maybe he got in same kinda trouble he doesn’t want to tell us about.”
I just couldn’t of anything he wouldn’t trust #Quil or I with. I could figure that out I might be able to fix it all.
“I’m…” I shook my head… I didn’t know how to answer that. She was the first person to ask me that since all of this started. “Not… I’m afraid for him… I worried. And I miss my friend. We hung out every day and I mean  every single day for as long as I can remember. Even the day he had his appendix out… we were there waiting for him to get out of surgery…” I buckled my seat belt. “None of this makes any sense.”
※ Bella ※
Tugging on my seat belt too hard making it lock while I listened to Jacob speak. None of this mattered to most people, however their friendship, it was a bond, a brotherhood.
“Jake…. I want to say it will be okay, however I’m not going to lie to you. What I will say. we will get to the bottom of it all. Whatever the reason. We will find out.”
The ‘how’ was still up in the air. However, determination how to count for something.
Turn in the ignition, my beast came to life, and I reversed out onto the street.  “Where to first?”
※ Jacob ※
I nodded, listening to every word she said. I appreciated the way she was being realistic and still comforting.
“Maybe that what I need to tell #Quil… I keep trying to tell him it will be fine, and He’ll be back to normal soon… but I don’t think it helps.”
I turned to look at Bella. “I think the beach is the best place to start. 2nd Beach not first… They don’t hang out on first on more.”
※ Bella ※
“It’s always best to be honest Jake, at least I’ve come to learn this. Giving false hope doesn’t help anyone in the end.”
Pushing back the chasm attempting to reopen moments and promises which gave me false hope as I said it. “I can take us part the way, remind me where I need to turn off.”
First beach had been the one I’d visited a few times. However, recalling the signs to second Beach on the way I could find my way if needed.
“Is Quil very upset?” I asked.
※ Jacob ※
“You’re right… I know… I guess it just doesn’t feel dishonest when you hope you’re telling the truth… and trying t make people feel better.”
i nodded when she told me she need some direction. “Sure thing. Just keep driving past First Beach and I’ll tell you where to turn  off. You can’t see the beach from the road, there is bit of a trail we need to take.”
I thought about her next question… “#Quil… Quil and #Embry have always been closer to each than to me… I know that kinda sound bad when the three of us are best friends. But it’s not like that. Maybe it and only child thing or something, I don’t know. But, all this is a little harder on him than it is on me.”
※ Bella ※
Even with the windows rolled up the roar of my truck was evident. And when I hit some uneven road, we could feel the jolt of it too our skeletons. However, still I would want nothing else.
He was my way to freedom, to getting out and doing something so that #Charlie didn’t start his worrying about leaving me home alone all the time.
Taking in Jacob’s concerns I found myself frowning with my hold on the wheel tightening.
“I kind of understand what you mean. Being an only child and all.” Except I didn’t have the friendships these boys shared. “What is Quil’s take on it all? Does he think that Embry is…” I didn’t want to say ‘taking drugs’, but if anyone would know, it would be your friends, right?
※ Jacob ※
I honestly couldn't imagine what it would have been like to grow without the twins and not just because they looked after me after Mom died.
"#Quil thinks he's in some kinda trouble... but he doesn't believe its drugs... he says he’s been too afraid of what his mother would do  she found out... but..."
I stopped because #Embry was already treating his mother unlike anything we would have expected.
"Take the next turn here, it's a carpark that is not exactly a car park. But everyone uses it" It was a levelled dirty and gravel plot with no lines painted, but it was right next to the trial that led to second beach.
※ Bella ※
The faces of the kind and jovial boys came to the forefront of my mind. It had been days… days since they were at my house, laughing, joking, and teasing one another.
#Quil and #Embry climbing over each other and teasing me too. And now I had to imagine the kindness of one had vanished, while the other would be cast in shadows of sadness. Something I knew too well.
#Alice’s face pushed its way out of my lock box, and I pushed it right back, before the sight of all my unread emails came rushing through too.
Shaking my head, to stop the sting from embedding right now, because this wasn’t about me. It was about Jacob, Quil, and Embry.
I took the turn and followed the ‘road’ if you could call it one. “He is holding out hope, and worried.”
The jerky stops on the uneven surface, and we were parked.
※ Jacob ※
I could Bella wasn’t used to what we called roads here. I had a feeling getting used to driving in Forks was strange enough after Phoenix, but parts of the Rez… it was basically patches of earth cleared by locals.
“Driving on the Rez is a little different from town.” I chuckled, glad for the short break from the heavy conversation.
“There’s a bit of a walk to the beach, but it’s a nice trail.” I unbuckled my seat belt and climbed out of the truck.
※ Bella ※
My gaze moved over to Jacob. “No…” I stopped myself. I didn’t want to lie to him. “Well, actually. Driving the roads with the wet weather, the forests, and all took me a minute to get used too. Back in phoenix the problems in driving were different.”
A memory of Mom making me run out to the car to open all the windows to cool it down before we had to use it came rushing in. And I missed her.
Taking the keys out of the ignition, I sat there thinking of her for a little. Telling myself to call her tonight to catch up. “Shall we go? I kind of  want to see what this secret beach is hiding here.” Half smiling as I unfastened my seatbelt.
※ Jacob ※
“I wouldn’t say it’s a secret beach… but mostly the townies come her to surf. And they don’t like to carry the boards on the trail, so it usually a little quieter here.”
I climbed out and waited for Bella at the back of the truck. “It’s a nice walk though. Just watch your  feet.” I chuckled and led the way to the trailhead. “There is a lot of trip hazards.” I grinned and planned to stay close enough to catch her. At least it wasn’t steep.
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※ Bella ※
“What? My feet?” Pointing down to my chucks. “These have promised to behave themselves today.” Not overthinking the fact that I had tripped climbing into the truck just before.
Following behind my untrusted feet came to a stop. “Okay, I can see why people wouldn’t want to  carry their boards in there.” It was indeed beautiful, however there were steps. And Bella Swan and steps, didn’t always see eye to eye.
“This is going to be fine.” Saying so more to myself as I began the climb up the first three nice and slow.
“How often do you guys come up here?” Asking as I kept my eye down on the uneven surface.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed again, it felt to relax a little bit after the last few days. So, I told myself to just enjoy her company until we found out if #Embry was on the beach or not.
“Yeah, it’s not an easy task.” I thought about her next question… “It really depends on… if we want to swim or  just hang out we came here. Or if we want to light a fire… but if we wanna kick a ball around of if the guys want to try meet a townie girl or a tourist, we’ll go to first.”
I saw how hard she was concentrating and chuckled. “Hey… Need an arm to lean on?” I teased and  linked my arm with hers so I could least catch her if she stumbled.
※ Bella ※
“Heel, toe… heel, toe..” I mouthed to myself while listening to him and walking. Somehow, I wanted to make sure I didn’t make a fool of myself today. It was for myself more than for Jacob, I knew my friend wouldn’t judge me for it, however I also knew I wouldn’t let myself off the hook.
His arm linked into mine for a moment making my heart race and climb to jump out of my chest, however, the nothing happened. I didn’t want to pull away, I wasn’t feeling like the world was closing in on me. I was… just me!
Leaning into him, my arms and hand curled around his. Keeping me straight be Jacob Black standard at least. “Thank you, I am okay with taking a little help from my friends.” Just not often.
“Okay, so.. now things are all falling into place.” Arching my brow my dark brown eyes glanced over quickly before looking down at the path. “When you said you weren’t looking to date anyone at school, it’s because Jacob Black is a player… Townie girls… and tourists who come and leave are more your kind. I did not see that coming.”
※ Jacob ※
I laughed and teased her again. “Oh, this is purely selfish. I work very hard to make people think I’m a polite young man… if I laugh at you for falling I’ll be totally busted.” But I think we both knew I wouldn’t laugh… definitely not on this trail.
I tilted my head to the denying that I was occasionally interested in a girl we met on the beach wouldn’t just be hard to believe, it would be a lie. “I wouldn’t go that far. There’s been a girl every now and then staying in the lodges that I liked… But I don’t really like the idea of a summer fling… and I know not everyone finds their soulmate in their first girlfriend…” I shrugged my shoulders. “But it sounds kinda awesome if you ask me.”
I knew of so many high school romances that turned into lifelong marriages… but I knew for this generation it was an  unrealistic ideal.
※ Bella ※
“And now the truth be hit the facts come out to play. Jacob Black is not really one of the nice guys!” Laughing a little again, I shook my head. Because even a blind person could see the truth and the lie in that statement. Adding to which his following comments.
“Finding soulmates? A little deep for a teenager to be thinking of isn’t it?” I wouldn’t let the chasm in my chest open up. Soulmates, love forever, things that I once believed in but not so much anymore.
Daring to look up to take in the view, just enough before my eyes were down once again.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed, I like bed she was relaxed and teasing around me. After everything she'd gone through, she deserves to just feel... At ease. Maybe even happy. And if I was reason... It's was okay to feel good about that, right?
“I guess it not normal... I know that #Quil and #Embry are planning on a long list of exes.” I chuckled. “If they ever get a date that is. But…” I shrugged again, continuing down the trail, and holding onto her arm a little tighter on the steeper parts. How did I explain this? “Did you know my mom and dad were each other’s first kiss? First…. Well everything, actually. First and only.”
※ Bella ※
“Do they now? I’m sure they are well on the way. Those two look the type of boys who have dates every weekend.” My foot slipped, and I squeezed onto his arm for balance but did not trip over. Thanking my guardian angel!
And then I smiled. A real and genuine warm smile at the mention of his parents. “No, I didn’t know that they were. They were high school sweethearts?”
My heart felt easy at the thought of having two parents who loved one another. Not that I held #Charlie and #Renee to this obtainable standard. They tried, it didn’t work.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed harder, hoping not to make it obvious I was trying catch her when she slipped a little. But she held onto me for support… the was a good thing right? Trust? I was probably reading to much into her not want to face plant.
“Not really… #Quil gets a lot of numbers… but he usually puts his foot in his before making it to the first date. #Embry is just… awkward.”
I nodded. “Dad said he fell in love with her in middle school. But she had no time for him until his growth spurt in the 9th grade. I know it’s probably unrealistic… but  I guess I know what I want my life to look like… and when you’re with the right person… I think you’ll just… know, you know?” I smiled at her.
※ Bella ※
“I have a few friends how could give the guys some pointers.” I knew #Ang would be happy to help if asked.
My confidence grew as we continued up the path. “Middle school? I didn’t know Billy had it in him.” It was such a sweet thing to admit to your children. I could see  the Black’s and Swans had very different personalities and relationships within their family dynamics.
My gaze lifted to needs my friends. “You really feel that you know now what you want your life to look like?” I wasn’t patronising him, I genuinely thought all teens spent all their times trying to imagine and failed a few time before they locked such a thing down.
“Would it be too intrusive to ask what this life of yours looks like?” Quickly adding. “You don’t have to share. I’m just curious.”
※ Jacob ※
“You want to teach them how to flirt?” I laughed. “Nah… let them learn the hard way… lessons last longer when you have to work for them.”
I smile and her and nodded. “Yeah… I dos I mean I don’t have a ten-step plan or anything. I just… I wanna graduate, get certified to work on cars. Fall in love, follow her to college because I’m such a romantic.” I clutched my heart like it was breaking. “Then…” I shook my head. “Nope too embarrassing! But nothing is set in stone. You know? But I do really want kids… eventually, I mean.”
※ Bella ※
“Me?” Stuttering and clambering over one small word. “NO!” Okay that small word came out too loud. “I mean…. No…. Me? No… I said I knew people who could help.”
Heat rose reddening the apples of my cheeks. “However, there you go again. You sound to old for your age.” teasing him to hide my own embarrassment. “You aren’t meant to know about life lessons and how to best remember them.”
Now I came to a stop tuning to look at his perfect soft face. “So young with so many dreams. Why would you follow a girl to college? Don’t you want to go yourself?” I knew the answer. At least I thought I did.
Jake wouldn’t be happy with books. He wanted to make something for himself in a practical way. Smiling a little because I wished for all his dreams to come true.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed harder. “Oh I see! You're not willing to subject yourself to that kind of torture but you’ll toss your friends into the wolves den without a thought!” I grinned at her. “That's stone -cold swan! I didn't know you have it in you! I'm impressed.”
I could hear the ocean now as we walked.
“A mechanics apprenticeship involves a little schooling... But there are cars everywhere, you can learn how to give them everywhere, you know. That's not always true for the things other people want to learn. So I think it's fair... But first someone has to fall in love with me.” I looked ahead now at the forest slowly giving way to the sand and driftwood trees in haphazard rows along the shore.
※ Bella ※
“Wolves have the cutest puppies, I’m sure my friends will have the best time playing with them.” Saying with a matter fact click of my tongue.
However, he had hit the nail on the head. “I don’t have the best advice when it comes to dating.” And for once I didn’t mean my ex. I just hadn’t dated before him.
I held my chest readying myself to the turmoil to follow, however it did not arrive?
With a puzzling look in my eyes, I patted Jacob’s arm. “Just promise me one thing… don’t set your dreams aside for anyone else, and if you do, make sure she deserves you. You’re too kind of soul not to be appreciated my friend.”
Eyes ahead now I stopped walking at noticing the first of the fallen driftwood trees. “It’s so beautiful.” I hadn’t even gotten a full look, however the scent and sound of the ocean, even with the  cold Biting at my face. It was magnificent.
※ Jacob ※
She older in n herself a little and it made me slow and turn more towards her. But after a few breaths, she seemed to be... Okay. So instead of asking her what it was, I let her be okay. Then... Maybe one day she would tell me in her own time.
The strong of being friend zoned again, settle in. And the instant guilt, I should see that as a bad thing... Bella was incredible. Being her friend was a privilege. I continued, skipping over her first point without meaning to.
“It is, isn't it?” I noticed her cheek tint pink. But there's no shelter from the wind. Do you want my jacket? I'm used to it here.”
※ Bella ※
Everything other thought had been forgotten for a brief moment. “It really is. I cannot believe I’ve never been here before.” My voice trailed off as I picked up a little speed, wanting to have a better look into the rest of the beach.
“No, not at all. I have a coat on.” Tugging at the collar as if I needed to prove the fact to him. Not as though he could see it, right? At my stupidity I tugged at it once more. “You will freeze out here. As beautifully breathtaking it is, it’s cold too.”
※ Jacob ※
“Honestly I’m used to it… so if you change your mind just say, but if you turn blue, I will have to insist.” I grinned. “Or try to insist at least.”
I led the way further down the beach, daring to let go of her arm, not wanting to seem overbearing. I was sure she’d manage not  to trip here, even with the driftwood scatted across the stony shore.
“If they are here, they’ll be up this way.” I motioned up the beach. Walking along the stretch between where the tree trunks were deposited at high tide and the water. The mood shifting back to our conversation. “They keep away from where most people hang out.”
※ Bella ※
“If I turn blue, run, and save yourself. It’s over for me. Let me go in peace.” The joke fell flat to my own ears when something shifted between Jacob and myself.
It wasn’t really us, it had more to do with why we had come down here in the first place.
“Why would you keep their distance from other?” Tucking my hands deep into my pockets. “Unless they are really up to no good at all?”
What had #Embry gotten himself involved in here?
※ Jacob ※
I chuckled. “How about of you start to turn blue I’ll give you my jacket and we head back to the truck to warm up?”
Then I turn my attention to her other question. I shrugged. “They’ve all been weird, starting fights… skipping school cutting off their friends, running around  all of the night. No one knows why, others than saying all teens act out, but this isn’t the same.”
I walked with her up the beach. Hearing voices carried on the wind. I hated myself because my first though hoping #Embry wasn’t here. I hated seeing him like this.
※ Bella ※
“Starting fights? Why—”
The words were cut short at the sound travelling over to our side, noticing the way Jacob reacted I couldn’t help myself. Reaching out my now slightly warmer hand I took his.
“Don’t worry, I’m right here with you.” Giving a tender squeeze to elevate the point of my my words.
‘What are you doing here?’ A deep, angry voice caught me off guard. ‘And why did you bring her?’ The aggression possible towards me.
However, why? What had I done to deserve this welcome?
※ Jacob ※
Those dark thoughts were abruptly shut down when I felt Bella’s hand in mine.
Then that too-familiar voice came from behind us. “Shit!” I muttered under my breath… swearing wasn’t normally my first reaction… but today…
I tugged Bella closer, this man terrified me, but I wasn’t about to let him make Bella feel that way too.
“We’re looking for #Embry… and we can be here… this isn’t private property. Just because e you think you own this beach, #Sam… Doesn’t make it true.” I took a step away, keeping hold of Bella’s hand.
“C’mon Bella… Let’s go find our friend.” I pulled her with me, continuing the way we had been walking before #SamUley appeared.
※ Bella ※
The tension in the air was palpable, with the look in his dark earthy eyes drawing me in. These eyes I had seen before? In my dreams?
No…  I shook my head… I was Not dreaming of this man. I had seen #Sam before, closely…
Before I could say anything more, Jacob had stepped before me, hiding me in plain sight of the towering man. However, it still felt as though he could see me.
‘Jacob stop.’ He called my feet frozen with the command in his voice. Slowly my head half turned back.
‘Bella…’ he started but then thought better of whatever  he had been thinking of.
‘It’s too cold out here for the two of you. And Embry is busy. Now isn’t a good time.’ #Sam finally said.
“Therefore, Embry is here? At the beach?” Then the sounds of laughter came from down the ocean way, as an answer.
※ Jacob ※
I couldn’t help it, I stopped when #Sam told me to and hated myself for it. It made me feel spineless. But Bella… she wasn’t intimidated by this man in the slightest.
My head snapped in the direction of the laughter at the same time as Bella’s. I started towards it again, still holding onto Bella’s hand #Embry quickly came into sight, kicking a soccer ball with #JaredCameron and #PaulLahote. Jay used to be a nerd… Paul was always kind of a loner… but mostly harmless.
They were all shirtless… “They must be insane!” I muttered as ‘Bry sniffed the air and turned to spot us.
※ Bella ※
Step in step with Jacob I walked, looking back at #Sam who stood with his feet apart and firmly grounded, and his arms crossed over his chest.
‘Jake… Bella…’ #Embry called. his eyes shifted to over my shoulder, where I knew #Sam stood. Something in the boy I remembered as  funny and kind boys eyes changed, before he glazed away and then down. The way Embry said my name has changed too. There were no signs of the flotation or admiration that had coveted the sound of my name before when this boy said it.
‘What is she doing here?’ The other boy behind Embry asked, in what felt like venom and hatred in his voice. But… why?
“Why does everyone here keep asking that?” Dismissing the one with what looked to be anger issues. I smiled to the boy I wanted to speak with.
“Embry?” Squeezing the hand in mine tightly as I spoke. “Hi… we wanted to see how you were. Your foot?” I pointed down to the ground. “I was worried after you didn’t come back to mine the next day.”
He shifted where he stood, once again glancing over my shoulder. “Embry… don’t be scared… do you need help? Come with us. With Jacob and I … let’s go.. maybe get some lunch and talk?”
The boys behind him snarled then their gaze went past Jacob and me before stopping.
※ Jacob ※
I moment he looked past me to #Sam I felt anger like never before. What on earth was the doing to my friend that made him afraid to speak to his best friend in his presence? I squeezed Bella’s hand again and took comfort in her steady calm.
I didn’t know how to answer his question… Should I tell him I’d told her everything? Confided in her how upsetting all of this was?
But Bella answered it before I needed to make a decision. Embry was looking at Bella like he was waiting for something…
‘I’m not scared of anyone.’ he said with an edge to  his voice. The same edge that was becoming his new normal. His gaze drifted to where my hands were still clasped around Bella’s, something in his look made me shift closer to her. ‘So, this is a thing now?’ He took a few steps closer, his eyes on Bella again. After a few seconds he shook his head. ‘It's about time.’ His tone was mocking and angry and I had to resist the urge to step backwards.
“‘Bry… what is wrong with you? This isn’t you?” I finally found my words.
※ Bella ※
At first, I couldn’t understand what he meant by ; ‘So, this is a thing now?’
And I didn’t give it too much mind. For me the exchange between the two friends who had been like brothers broke my heart.
The way #Embry spoke and looked to me, then towards Jacob gave me such an unexpected urge to hold on to him even tighter. However, he had taken said step already.
‘How would you know what I am?’ #Embry mocked taking another step forward now in a menacing way.
‘Bry’ the voice came from behind making him stop in his steps.
“Sam… I know you’re all big and older. However please could you just let Embry speak!” My voice sounded normal, without the anxiety, I was feeling internally.
‘You don’t speak to Sam like that Bella Swan. You’re not welcome here on our lands. So, leave!’ The boy with the anger issues spat out to me. This time my heart jumped, and my feet moved back.
‘Paul… stand down.’ #Sam came to stand in the space between them and us.
※ Jacob ※
The fact he could ask me that hit me like such a physical blow I took half a step backwards. "#Embry.... we've been best friends our whole lives... you stood next to me at my mother's funeral... how can you ask me that?"
What the hell was wrong with these guys? #Paul's words  were just vicious.
"Bella is welcome here and always will be... Who do you think you are speaking to someone like that. Wasn't it only a few years ago you were saying the same thing to #Embry because he has Makah blood... and now all of a sudden, you're inseparable?" I turned my gaze to Embry for the last part, hoping he would see some sense.
'Why are you here bringing up ancient history Jake?' My friend snapped. 'Just go! We're done. Get it... Done.'
This wasn't right... this wasn't the guy I knew.
※ Bella ※
Tears pricked at the back of my eyes, from the cold wind.
From the way these boys were fighting.
Or was it from the realisation that somehow, I was playing some part into this?
“Jacob.” Squeezing his hand my eyes moved between all the faces. Even the boy in the back holding the ball. He watched ready to step in if needed. But it wasn’t needed.
‘E n o y g h !!!’
#Sam’s voice boomed, making the uncomfortable sensation within me bubble to life. Placing my free hand over my chest and taking in a slow and deep breath I stood looking confused at  what was happening.
‘Jacob, you should get Bella off the beach and out the cold. She doesn’t look too well.’
Hearing #Sam’s voice but also not hearing it at the same time. I felt like I was a shadow of myself, as though witnessing all of this from behind a glass door.
“Uhm… yeah…” I whisper tugging tightly to the hand still in mine.
However, I didn’t want to take this opportunity and have it lost for good.
“Please, Sam… Embry… just… I will leave.” I let his hand go and took a few steps back. “Please Embry, just talk to Jacob.”
#Sam stood watching me with his deep dark eyes. It felt like he could see something I wasn’t willing to share.
Nodding my head, I turned to walk back the way I came. Clenching my chest trying to gather the wind that had been knocked out of me, with my head beating in my ears.
※ Jacob ※
I felt Bella tighten her grip on my hand and I knew then it was time to leave. #Sam's voice made something in my chest tighten and all the guys fell silent and still. It was eerie.
And whatever it was... clearly had an effect on Bella too. She let go of my hand and I took a step closer to #Embry. "I'm not gonna give up 'Bry... Not on you. Not ever."
He chewed his lips like he did when he was trying to control his emotions and dropped his eyes to the sand.
"But I brought Bella here... So, I'm going to bring her home. You know where to find me." I turned and jogged to catch up with Bella, zipping off my jacket to wrap around her shoulders. "C'mon Bella... let's get out of here."
※ Bella ※
The voices behind me grew dull with each step I took, my eyes blurred… but not. There is was again, that glass closing me off, and moving with me. My eyesight flickered over and over until I succeeded to squeeze my eyes close and rub them hard. I was shaking, from what I didn’t know.
“Stop it… stop it!” I told myself scared that the chasm within me, within my chest was breaking open again. Was this how it happened before? Had the world just melted away like this and I hadn’t fault back?
“NO!” I told myself. No…. I wouldn’t do that to #Charlie or #Renée or my friends… or… myself.
“Not again..” I said with my lips and teeth chattering. I pushed my will into it, my all. And it felt like something snapped. And it snapped so hard that I felt my feet stumbling before I caught myself.
Everything around me came into focus. The sound of the crashing waves, the cold wind whipping my hair all over the place, the footsteps behind me. And then I felt the coat around my shoulders.
“Jacob…. I’m sorry…” we walked in step when I felt it. Turning my head, I saw two faces watching and I could tell for very different reasons. #Embry with sorrow. And #Sam with conjecture.
※ Jacob ※
There was something else wrong with her. This wasn't just being upset by what had happened or frightened at the untethered aggression. What the hell was wrong with Paul anyway?
"It's okay, Bella." I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, ready to steady her if she needed it. "Let's get off the beach and we can catch our breath. Okay?"
I could feel several pair of eyes on our backs, but I didn't look back. I focused on getting Bella to the trail. Once we were far enough up the path that we were out of sight I stopped and turned her to face me. Concern etched into every feature as I asked.
"Are you okay?"
※ Bella ※
My teeth wouldn’t stop, the shivers consuming me now refused to stop too. Grateful to Jacob as he held me and guided me, as well as at the same time so upset with myself that I needed a helping hand once again. The mixture of these emotions was overwhelming. By the time my friend stopped us I had gathered myself partially.
“I’m not going to lie. No.. I’m not okay. However, right now it’s not the pressing matter. Did Embry talk to you after I left?”
I couldn’t tell how much time had passed before Jacob left his best friend because he felt he needed to save me?
※ Jacob ※
She was freezing... Damn! I shouldn't have brought her here... But I didn't feel cold at all? Then again... I didn't grow up in the desert.
"He didn't... It wasn't the right time, he wasn't... himself. Don't worry. We won't give up." And I knew that letting him sit on the  thoughts That #Paul had once said to him exactly what he'd said to Bella in the past would change his views.
There was no way he thought it was okay for #Lahote to speak to Bella like that. But he didn't speak out? When did he ever keep his thoughts to himself?
"Let's just get you to the truck and turn the heat on, yeah?" I tugged my jacket closer around her shoulders. "We can regroup... figure out what the hell just happened. Let's go." I put my arm around her again and started up the path.
※ Bella ※
None of this… this day… this situation made any sense to me, and by the sound of it.. to Jacob too.
“I’m sorry.” Unclear as to what, I just felt the need to apologise for how it all played out. “If I’d known… I wouldn’t have gone on the beach.”
However, once again it occurred to me, I’d been to La Push before. No one had told me I hadn’t belonged… except for… My eyes widened and my mouth went dry, turning my head back as Jacob lead me to the Beast. Thinking.
‘No… no… there’s No way that Billy would have told them… he wouldn’t have.’  even the thought of it made my stomach churn with anxiety. It wasn’t my story to tell. I had promised to keep his family’s secrets. Even if he hadn’t kept any promises made to me.
“Yeah… yeah.. please… regroup.” Once in the truck I blew into my hands. The onset of the chill still questionable. However, there were so many things swimming in my mind, I no longer had the capacity to understand how this all came apart so royally.
Turning the truck on, we sat there idling in silence. Certain Jacob had a need to unpack what had occurred too. finally when I could feet my fingers and toes again, turning to face him.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
※ Jacob ※
"You’ve nothing to apologize for and don’t let what #Paul said get to you. He's an ars-" I stopped myself. "He's never been the nicest of guys. He used to say the same thing to #Embry because his mother is Makah."
In her truck, I cranked up the heat and rubbed my hand over her  arms trying the urge a little warmth into her. I was stifling in the cab in a matter of minutes, but she still shivered. The cold must have gotten into her bones. This was such a bad idea. I laughed a little even now she was worried about me. So, I answered her honestly.
"No. But I will be... We won't just let this go. #Embry is a brother to #Quil and I... he always will be. Are you okay? Did they frighten you? .... on the beach?"
※ Bella ※
The cold bit my skin as the heat began to slowly penetrate. Still unable to explain how I’d reacted to the chill in the air so quickly without knowing. However, it wasn’t the most pressing matter right now.
Looking to Jacob, I consider his question before answering. “I won’t lie, yes, I was a little. Paul... did you say... and Sam…”
Placing a hand on my chest as I recalled the tightness that had completely overtaken me at the time. “And Embry, he’s changed.” The coldness in his eyes, it brought tears to my eyes. I swiped them away. “What can we do now? Do we wait to see if we can get him alone?”
Unable to stop myself from feeling proud at Jacob for his willingness not to give up on his brother.
※ Jacob ※
A little colour started to return to her cheeks. Not that she ever had a whole of colour when she was feeling great. But  she was still pretty… and her paleness made it so much cuter when she blushed… I was getting side tracked.
“I’m so sorry, Bella. I shouldn’t have ask you to come… I knew they might be rude and tell us to get lost.” I chewed on the inside of my cheek. “But I never thought they’d be so…. Intimidating.” I was so angry at how they’d spoken to her.
“We… Right now.” I put my arm around her pressed her into my side in the attempt at a one-armed hug I could manage in the cab of and old truck.
This wasn’t flirty in anyway or an excuse to touch her. This was a ‘my friend look likes she’s about to cry, vomit and faint any second’s.’ Kinda hug.
“I think we should get you a hot chocolate and take you home.”
※ Bella ※
“You have nothing to apologise for here, they were just as rude, and disrespectful, and .. and.. and… Intimidating to you too.” A little angry came to life with the warmth of the cab and with Jacob’s friendly hold.
I should have wanted to push free, being in the grasp of someone’s hold hasn’t works so well for me this past year or so. However, it wasn’t the same with him. Frowning my gaze moved to the pathway, no one had followed us down.
“Hot chocolate sounds heavenly, however.” Pointing my cold fingers to the cab surrounding us. “I’m the designated driver, so I need to drive you home my young friend.”
※ Jacob ※
I shook my head… “I can’t believe that #Embry would ever let them actually hurt either of us… But…” I sighed. I couldn’t help it, the way he was acting made me doubt it. It took all of my faith in our friendship to keep from letting that fear win out.
I laughed, my smile  growing at the break in the tension, gratitude in my eyes for the subject change.
There was no disputing her logic… If I took her home, I’d have to call someone to get a ride home. But if Bell had dropped me home and then headed home herself... it was unlikely that she would  run into them again on the road to Forks.
“Okay… I can’t argue with that.” I laughed. The simple act of it was like a balm for my worry. I knew it was temporary, but I needed the relief. “But only if you let buy the hot chocolate.” I released her from my hold and reached to buckle my seat belt.
※ Bella ※
Shifting back over to my side of the cab, I allowed my gaze to fall at the entire of the path. Hope blossomed that maybe, just maybe #Embry would come bounding over to make up with Jacob. However, no such luck.
“I told you. I am an intelligent woman; you cannot defy my  logic when it comes to hot chocolate.” Chewing on my lips. My brown worried eyes finding my friends again. Wanting to say…
‘He will be okay. He will see this is a mistake, and come back to you…’ However, the topic change meant I couldn’t push Jacob back to something so painful.
“Okay. Fine. You can buy the hot chocolate. However, I but the cookies.” Turning the key in the ignition, we sat in there while I reversed out of the parking lot.
※ Jacob ※
I shook my and gave her a sideways look. "No way... you are on my turf now Swan, So the hot chocolate 𝙖𝙣𝙙 cookies. Will be on this time."
She couldn't argue it was the same logic she used when she paid for the pizza the day we built her Father's new shed.
※ Bella ※
Giving Jacob a sideways glance, my lips curled a little with a warm smile. “Oh, now you are using my logic on me? So rude.”
Once on the road, my eyes moved to the beach as we drove by, wanting one final look at the gang. However, no one stood there. The beach was now deserted. Where had they gone?
“Uhm..” shaking my head with a frown between my eyebrow. I lost my train of thought before collecting it once again. “Okay.. fine.. this time the drink and snack is on you. Where would you like to go?”
※ Jacob ※
I lifted my chin triumphantly and flashed a bright grin. "I'll have you know I am well known for my lack of rudeness actually! I even won a certificate for it in 3rd grade."
I gave her a sympathetic look. "You're on the Rez now Swan." I chuckled. "There's only one place to  go... And lucky for you they have the best cookies and the second-best hot chocolate on the rez."
I directed Bella back into the village and towards the cafe.
※ Bella ※
“Excuse me? did you just say that you won a certificate in your third grade for being a young gentleman? And I have not been told this story until now, why?” thankful I could lighten the mood for my friend at such an awful time. I followed the directions provided by Jacob.
“You said, second best… that you knew a place with the second best hot chocolate. So, you know I will ask where the first best could be found now?”
※ Jacob ※
I laughed, telling any other girl about that would be embarrassing, but this was Bella... she was a bit of a nerd, so it was fine. "Yup." I dusted imaginary lint off my shoulder. "It was a Spotlight Award for the most respectful student." I bragged like it was my crowning achievement.
"Well, I may be underselling it as the best on the Rez... It may be the best in the State. And it can only be found in #SueClearwater's kitchen." I explained. Then told Bella where to pull in. I knew #Sue's hot chocolate came from a regular tub of cocoa. But she had to have some secret she was keeping from us all.
※ Bella ※
The sound of hit boys laughter warmed the soul. Keeping my eyes on the road, smiling with small sideways glances at him. He seemed so proud of this achievement, and so he should be.
“If I knew I had the good fortune of the company of such a wonderful young gentleman. I would  have brought out my best manors. How will I live with myself?” Even with everything upsetting him, he still found time to laugh. I could learn something from him.
“Oh. Sue? Really?” Thinking back on my visits. I’d never had hot chocolate. She knew I like my coffee so, assuming she gave me what I enjoyed. Parking the beast into the spot not far from where Jacob had asked me to go.
“Well, let’s see what the second-best hot chocolate in La Push tastes like?” Glancing over at the small diner in the Rez.
※ Jacob ※
"You are a very lucky woman to have the pleasure of my company." I grinned. "And your manners are just fine. A little rough around the edges but I think I can help you with that." I teased and nudged her with my elbow now that the truck was parked.
I unbuckled my belt and  noticed her looking around.
"This is a great place. It's family run for two generations and when school is out their ten-year-old daughter Gemma hangs around, talking to costumes and drawing pictures." I could see from her the place wasn't full... just a few of the tables had people sitting at them.
"Ready to head in?" I asked in case she still needed a second to recover from her encounter on the beach.
※ Bella ※
“Rude. So rude.” My body shifted a little by his playful nudge. Jacob had somehow managed to lighten the dark cloud we had both been under. “I will graciously, accept that your company is—”
Without completing the sentence I allowed his mind to fill in the blank himself. unclasping the belt, I took a steady breath.
“I am. Hundred percent ready. The place looks great.”
Add to it the background of the same family owning and maintaining such a pivotal part of community? I knew I should have come before.
Opening the door, it stuck a little  however nothing a shoulder nudge couldn’t handle I jumped down from the cab.
The chill in the air, sent another shiver through my chest and spine, making me rub my hands together.
Locking the door, as I felt my legs were still a little wobbly, which I contracted, by keeping my stride small.
When I pushed the glass and wooden door open, the ring of a bell announced our arrival to those who were enjoying a meal or just a coffee.
‘BELLA!!! Look sis… it’s BELLA!’
The voice I could recognise out of a crowd rang loudly in the diner. like a little thunder the child threw himself at me, if arms and legs, close to knocking me back off my feet.
‘What are you doing here?
Did you come to see me?
I mean us? Us… yeah… did you come to see us?
You must have been at the house… did you go to the house? Did Ma tell you here to find us? She must have.’
All the time he spoke, he had taken my hand and pulled me towards a table towards the back of the floor. Where I saw her.
‘Kid, would you slow down. Let Bells go. She’s not here to see us.’ Her eyes were bypassing me to Jacob ‘No… of course she…. JAKE!’ And the same lever of questions where now being asked of him. #Seth let me go to move beyond me giving me the space to move around the table to smile at #Leah.
“It’s so good to see you out here.”  She shrugged her shoulders.
‘A wise woman told me; I have no reason to hide.’ This made me smile a little too. I had overheard part of this conversation she has with the beautiful woman.
“She is correct of course; I’ve been trying to call.”
‘I know. I needed some time.’ She finally looked up at me. and her beautiful amber eyes spoke so loudly, telling me a story I understood.
“May we join you?” I asked and then turned to Jacob. “Do you mind if we…” pointing down to the table #Leah was sat at.
‘YEAH. Please Jake. Please join us.’ The kid looked up at Jacob with Such admiration and longing.
※ Jacob ※
Was I meant to finish that sentence? How should I finish that sentence? My company was pleasurable?… Spirits no! A pleasure? That was kind of the same thing… nice? She got out of the truck before I had to answers! Thank the spirits!
I recognized Seth’s voice instantly! The kid was a little clingy on the rare occasion we hung out, normally when one of our parents visited the others. I was cool for a while; the hero worship thing… then it got a little annoy. But honestly, he was such a happy, optimistic kid. It was impossible to be mad or annoyed at him.
I watched him with Bella and really hoped that I didn’t sound like when I talked to her. I gave Leah and nod when she acknowledged me. She used the best friends with the twins… but she was always a little distant.
“Hey dude!” I grinned at him and clasped the hand he held out giving him a one-armed hug. He. Never. Stopped. Talking. Asking a lot of questions about Bella. I told him we were just hanging out, driving around. It was true, kinda… and there's no need to freak the kid out about Sam and the HMS gang (hall monitors on  steroids).
I was about to tell Bella sure let’s join them… wondering if Bella knew Sam was her ex… this might get awkward. But Seth started to beg. “Sure, sounds great!” I said.
‘Yes!!’ He actually fists pumped.  Seth was off again, telling me all about how his dad was showing him how to fix the car when broke down and one day he would build his own car just like me.
“Hold that thought… I wanna here all about. But a respectful gentleman doesn't  leave two ladies at a table without a hot beverage when it’s freezing outside.” I winked at Bella.
‘Oh… yeah, I knew that! I’ll go with you.’ Seth followed. ‘My dad always says just because a woman is independent doesn’t mean we can’t do little things to show we care. He always tells me cool things like that… I bet your dad does too… being chief and all.” he kept  going. I tried my best not to laugh and look attentive and interested. But this kid had boundless energy.
※ Bella ※
Sitting myself down across from #Leah, the both of us watched as the boys walked over to place an order.
‘I didn’t take you for a cradle, robber.’ Her fingers fidgeted with the empty cup before her.
“You are correct, Jacob and I are just friends. He’s been good to me. Just as Seth and you have.” My eyes came back to give her my full attention. “I’m not going to ask how you are.”
It was the one question I disliked the most. Because people never asked to actually find out. They wanted you to say you were fine, so they could move on.
‘Good, because I have no idea.’ She pushed the cup away.  The one thing about #Leah I had begun to understand is that she never lied, however, she always stopped short of the truth.
“I understand.” It was the truth.
‘I know you do zoops, as much as I wished you didn’t.’ Both of us turned to follow the sound of her bothers excited voice.
‘He really wanted to come out for a hot chocolate.’ She had a lightness in her voice now.
“Who could ever say no to him?” I smiled.
‘So, Jacob Black is buying us drinks?’ She sounded baffled.
“And cookies” Another thing about #Leah I loved. She didn’t really ask questions. She listened to those who wanted to speak. However, she never pried into your personal life.
‘Kid, would you give people a minute to answer, when you ask them a question.’ She called out to her brother.
‘By the spirits of our ancestors. I will need to talk to him about saying less and listening more.’ She has no malice in those words.
Anyone could see at first glance how different the two siblings were . #Leah silence and observing, and Little #Seth energetic, and talkative. “Don’t, he loves life and all that it has to offer. It’s an innocent time of his life. We should live through him vicariously.”
The boy has such a pure and sweet personality. I knew she would do anything for him, and would anyone who met him.
※ Jacob ※
I almost order four hot chocolates but, then I stopped them and asked what Leah's usual order was and got that. As soon as I order the cookies I was handed a platter of four side-plate-sized cookies and Seth's started to do a cookie-monster impersonation and  stopped    abruptly, looking self-conscious. I wished he worried less about what other people thought. Because he was the nicest kid I had ever met.
"Why don't you take the cookies over while I pay? It's not polite to keep a lady waiting... even if it's your sister." I nudged him with  my elbow and handed him the plate.
He set off to the table. When I join them I sat next to Bella and smiled at her. I didn't want to ask her if she was okay... she might not have wanted Leah and Seth to know about what happened at the beach s instead am looked at Leah  and smiled. "So how are you, Leah?"
※ Bella ※
#Leah and I watched her kid brother rushing over with a tray in his hands.
‘Slow down kid, there’s no rush.’ She rolled her eyes, however I could see the truth. Her worry of a mother, in the eyes of a sister. Moments like this I wished I had siblings. Until I remember who my mother is. Then I knew it was never going to happen.
“Thank you.” My eyes widened at the size of the cookies.
‘Welcome to the Rez, where they love to give you a bang for your Buck.’ #Seth sat down beside his sister. Whispering. ‘Jake paid for it all.’ And she nodded. ‘Don’t worry, I will pay him back.’ She messed his hair up making him all self-conscious, and still laugh.
“Thank you, Jacob.” Smiling as he came to sit next to me. My eyes darting to #Leah the moment he asked the question. At the same time her eyes came to find mine.  Not a word had been exchanged by us. But I heard her voice. ‘See I told you.’ And hoped she read my answer. ‘He really wants to know.’
Reaching out to place the cups before everyone I saw one was a dark coffee. And I looked questioningly to Jacob. However, #Leah took it. ‘I only really like my Ma’s hot chocolate. So that is mine. Thanks.’ She took cup, blew on the hot liquid before sipping. Then turn her attention to Jacob again.
‘I’m here. Which is a good step.’ Picking up my cup I held it in the palm of my hand is feeling the heat warming my cold self. She continues. ‘I heard you updated the ramp at the house. Da was proud of the work you did there. And at Swan house.’
I smiled, squeezing his arm next to me. “All three of the boys did  exquisite work. I really did not think the project through and would have been lost without them… without Jacob.”
She sat back, watching. Me. Watching Jacob. And sipped her coffee.
※ Jacob ※
I smiled at Bella's reaction to the cookies as I slid into the seat next to her and smiled at Seth's comment. "Just wait until you taste them."
I looked between the girls... clearly missing something. But I wasn't sure what it was. Then Leah's answer hit me like a stone. I'd put her in a really awkward position. In front of her little brother too. "Oh..." I was shocked at the subject change... but after putting my foot in my mouth I was willing to give it to her. "Well, the ramp was just a little repair. But the shed was great... Harry thought we did well."
I had to fight the flush that threatened in my cheeks... but the heat there told me that I was failing. "That's what friends and family are for... plus we used the photos and Quil's sketch to write up a report and got extra credit in the wood shop."
※ Bella ※
‘Stop blushing, take the complement for what it is. The dads on the rez are proud of you boys.’ Something cut I the words when #Leah said them, however I knew it hadn’t been towards Jacob. It felt as though it had been something missing in her life?
‘Two birds and all. Well done, with the extra credit. Your sisters wouldn’t have missed that trick too.’ she went on to say, then turned her eyes to me. ‘Take a bite zoop. See what you’ve been missing out of.’ She broke one of the cookies handing it to me, before taking a mouthful herself. It was perfect.
“Okay, I think I’m going to die happy if this is the last thing I ever eat.” I told them all. There was just the right amount of chocolate chips in each bite, it was firm on the outside with a gooey centre. Some sea salt sprinkled over the top, giving us the perfect bite.
‘Well, you are always so easy to place.’ #Leah rolled her eyes, but I knew she was teasing.
“The question is, will it be cheating if I attempt to recreate these for my home economics class? I’m not much of a baker, but cookies.. we have all made them at some stage, right?
※ Jacob ※
I pressed my lips together bad... I wondered if I would ever learn to control my emotions, or would they always    be written on my face like words on a page.
I chuckled at the mention of the twins. "#Rachel might be coming home for a little while..." I looked at Leah... and  then between her and Bella. Now I knew I was missing something... "I've heard some weird nickname in my life but that one..." I trailed off.
"Hey if I can use your Father's shed for extra credit I can't see why you couldn't try... They'll give never give up the recipe. But, I'm happy to be your taste tester when you try it out." I chuckled and broke my cookie, scooping up a little whipped cream before I took a bite.
'Me too!! and you should come over. Mom is an excellent baker I bet she could show me how to make amazing cookies. She's been teaching me to cook. She says cooking first and baking when I can make healthy meals for myself. But!!!' He beamed at Bella. 'If you need help with school I bet she'd teach us sweet things!'
※ Bella ※
#Leah’s lips pressed together, and her eyes narrowed. I wanted to tell her to leave it. That Jacob wasn’t trying to dig for information she wasn’t freely willing to share. It wasn’t in him to do that.
‘Yeah. Well. That’s the point of nicknames Kiddo. People give them to share a moment. It’s not for others to understand.’
I took some of the cream, copying Jacob. I’d never thought of mixing the two together. “Leah.” I shook my head. Thankful and relieved that she didn’t explain the meaning. I knew she wouldn’t. Turning to Jacob, with a half-smile. “It’s just a private joke. That’s all.”
The fact that she called me a zombie from the past year, had somehow become a running joke we both now understood.
“Oh. I couldn’t ask Sue to do even more.” Taking a bite, a sound I hadn’t heard before escaping with delight. “Why has no one ever told me to add cream to a cookie?”
#Leah sipped her coffee, watching us all silently. ‘Bella, mom won’t mind. Really. Maybe if Rachel is coming, we could all have a lesson?’ #Seth tugged on his sisters arm.
‘Maybe Kid. She may have plans.’ Then she  glanced back to Jacob. ‘It’s still mid-year. Why is Rach coming back from school?’ With a mix of confusion and concern in her futures.
※ Jacob ※
I raised a brow at the Kiddo... I was going to mention that I was, in fact, sixteen... but something about how she'd she was here earlier and that it was a start made me decide to let it go.
I smiled at Bella and then Leah... "I wasn't going to ask.. you should hear the  'Bry and # Quil..." I shook my head. I wasn't going to get back on the topic here. So, I jumped to the question about Rachel.
"I'm not sure... something about work-study or a study break." I knew what it was. Dad had her worried about me because I wouldn't stop trying to  find out what #SamUley was up to with #Embry and the others. But this was the line Rachel was using, so it was a version of the truth.
※ Bella ※
Tilting my head with a small smile. “I’m sure if their Nick names are adorable.”
Hiding the uncomfortable sensation of all that had taken place before we came here. It wasn’t my story to share with the Clearwater siblings. Also, Seth was too young for the topic. #Leah gave a curt, not offer head then took a bite of a cookie. Her eyes didn’t leave Jacob for a little while longer, had she picked up on the same thing as I had? He wasn’t lying, however…
‘Oh, it’ll so great to have Rachel back. She always gives me the best candy.’ #Seth spoke in between mouthfuls and slopes of his hot chocolate.
‘Well, Becc’s does too. But she makes me eat fruit too.’ Wrinkling his nose.’
“Fruit is good for you. You need you’re five pieces a day.” Pretending with my school teacher voice.
‘I mean…..Yeah….. I eat it. I do.’
※ Jacob ※
I chuckled at #Seth trust that boy to save you from an awkward conversation with his innocence. "Yeah, #Rachel always had more of a sweet tooth... But #Becca was right too. What is your favourite?" I asked #Seth...
It wasn't bragging to say I knew this kid looked up to me. It was obvious and it. If that meant I could encourage the kid to eat a little better... then why not?
"Mine is grapefruit... of pineapple... actually... I really like avocado lately, but I think what more of a vegetable. And berries... all the berries all the time. you can grab a handful and eat them no matter where you are or what you're doing."
I knew #Leah had to have heard about all the stuff going on with #Sam... did she know about #Embry too? Is that why she was still looking at me. I scooped up more cream onto my cook and took a bite.
※ Bella ※
Sitting back I watched in silence with #Leah, I could see her shoulders relaxed and a small smile like curve on her lips as Jacob spoke to #Seth.
‘Grapefruit? Really?’ The young boy made a face as though he has sucked on something tart. ‘It’s so sour. And it tastes…’ he was attempting to find the words. ‘Yuck.’
#Leah’s head spun. “Kid. We never say that to food. Food. All foods. Are a gift from the ancestors and the spirits. A blessing.’ She scolded him.
#Seth’s eyes dropped; his beautiful soft almond skin grew a hint of pink. ‘Sorry’ his voice dropped.
‘Not to me.’ She said, nodding her head across the table.
‘I’m sorry Jake. I didn’t mean it is yuck.’ The boys eyes met mine and I wink mouthing well done. To him for apologising.
※ Jacob ※
I smiled at #Seth… he was just being a kid. But correcting Leah in front of him felt like correcting a parent on of their Kid… maybe because my sisters had basically been my mom for a long time.
“It’s just not your favourite?” I smiled sipping my hot chocolate. “Well, that’s  okay. You should come over to my place some Tuesday. That when my aunt #Connie cooks. She can make entire desserts with tons of fruit and no sugar, and it tastes like real cake.”
I turned to Bella and smiled, not wanting her to feel left out of the conversation. “So… what’s verdict on the hot chocolate.”
※ Bella ※
#Seth’s face brightened up, his shoulders lifted, his eyes sparkled within the blink.
‘Really?’ His voice went up an octave. ‘Can I go?’ He turned to his sister holding his hands together like a pray.
She raised her eyebrow. And nodded her head once. ‘Someday when it’s okay  with all the grownups.’ She muttered something about never saying no to him.
And like that all was forgotten in the young boys eyes. He cheered. Hugged his sisters arm awkwardly and let go the moment she stiffened.
That was nice. #Leah had always been so attentive to her brothers needs before.
#Seth let go right away, as though he knew he shouldn’t have touched. And went back to his hot chocolate at the same time as I picked up mine.
“Uhmm..” mid sip I smiled nodding my head. “It’s really good. I can’t believe you guys all hide this from me.”
※ Jacob ※
“I’ll ask my Aunt and call you.” I smiled at #Seth. “And Collin is feeling better so I know he’d enjoy it. He finds it pretty hard to make friends.” I whispered and leaned over the table. “He kind of looks up to you…” I winked. “But you didn’t hear that from me.”
Seth beamed  and it made me smile. This kids happiness was contagious. A few minutes with him was all you needed after a bad day.
I laughed at Bells words. “You might feel differently when you leave… we’ll have to make you sing some paperwork… non-disclosure… iron clad vow of secrecy.” I smirked. “We only want very select townies to know about this hidden gem.” I joked of course, this was a family business, and we would send all the customers we could their way in support of them.
※ Bella ※
I could help but smile and feel a sense of warmth towards Jacob in this moment. The way he gave #Seth time, to help the boy feel welcomed and seen. It was the kindest thing he could do. And without even waiting a beat.
My gaze moved to #Leah, whom I knew to never miss - a thing, and I was correct. She sipped her coffee taking the exchange without comment.
“I’m sorry. I was not told I had to sign on a dotted line. I have a plan for a front-page article describing each and every taste tone of his drink and cookie.” No.. I had no plans. However, seeing the glee in #Set/ eyes at the banter made this worth it.
“Seth, do you recall anything about the is?” He shook his head finishing his cookie, and I pushed half on mine towards him.
‘No. Bella is right. You didn’t say anything Jake.’ Hearing about this  boy idolising him, #Seth has straightened up. Attempting to be fair in his comments. It was so cute to see.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed at Bella and #Seth. "Really?! You're going to team up on me with her?" There was nothing but laughter in my voice. “That's the trick you see.” l snickered at him. "You get them hooked on the grub... Then hit them with the paperwork.”
I grinned a little when #Seth looked proud. It was true. My cousin had trouble making friends and people gravitated to #Seth... I could see why a sink kid would look up to someone like him.
※ Bella ※
‘She is pretty cool, you are too. Just not as much.’ #Seth waggled his brows winking at me. His sister scoffed and rolled her eyes, however in good nature.
“I’m hoping my intelligence has something to do with it too. No matter how good a marketing strategy Jacob has.” taking another sip of the hot chocolate, immersed in the flavour as it coated my tongue with a burst.
“Jokes aside. This drink is amazing.” Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a little girl running over to stand by our table. She placed a picture on the table and ran away.
※ Jacob ※
"Well, I can't really contest that because that would be a lie." I scowled jokingly at #Seth. #Leah just pulled her signature eye roll move.
"Of course, it is Bells.” I smiled at her. "I still plan on taking you up on the study date for English lit.”
Leah turned and looked interested suddenly. 'Are you struggling in English class?' She asked. 'I can find you a tutor if you need one.'
‘Sis!’ #Seth burned beet red. Embarrassed that his sister was so keen on helping his friend keep his grades up. I saved him with a polite nod. "Thanks, Leah. I'm doing ok. And I have Bella's awesome bookworm brain to help me out. I'll keep it in mind though.”
I turned my attention back to Bella. "I told you... We do everything better on the Rez.”
※ Bella ※
I couldn’t help but smile to the little hiding behind a servers apron. She was beautiful with her jet black curls.
#Seth, #Leah, and Jacob were lost in their conversation as I placed my finger on the picture pulling it before #Seth so he didn’t miss the small gift. “of course, I’m happy to help. I turned to the two Clearwater siblings. “You’re both welcome to join too. We could then them into study nights? Make sure we all do our homework?”
#Seth jumped a little in his seat. ‘Yes. That’s sounds good.’ And #Leah looks shocked at his enthusiasm. ‘Ma and I cannot get you to sit down for more than a hour just to finish your sentence or reading, but now you want to take part in study nights?’
The kid blushed, looking down at the A4 sheet of paper. Then he found the little girl smiling. ‘Thank you Gemma.’
※ Jacob ※
I had been so engrossed with the conversation that I had totally missed Gemma leaving a drawing on the table for #Seth.  I smiled... because Bella didn't.
I chuckled at Leah. "Studying with friends is always different. Every day after school #Quil, #Em..." I stopped almost  choking on my best friend's name.
I cleared my throat and shook it off. "We... uh... do our homework together at my place." It was mostly to make l sure did his and focused... I swear that boy has undiagnosed ADHD.
I peered over at the picture and grinned at Gemma. "Nice work Gem... looks exactly like him!" I praised the little girl.
※ Bella ※
Reaching over I squeezed Jacob’s arms before continuing to take another piece of a cookie. Attempting to not dare attention, however, #Leah didn’t miss a single point.
There were regrets from me. He had been through a lot today, and right now I couldn’t help the feeling  he could do with a friend.
“Quil should join us too.” I offered.
‘Someone might think you hate being alone.’ #Leah offered before looking at the wall with a clock on it. ‘Come on kid, I best get you home before Da comes looking.’
The sibling stood up. ‘Let me know when you are doing this study group thing. I’ll make sure the kid is there.’ She messes up #Seth’s hair.
“It’s a deal, I will most definitely call.” I told her.
※ Jacob ※
I rested my hand lightly ok Bella’s when she gave my arm a squeeze. Grateful for the fact she was here and she came with me today even though she hardly know #Embry.
“Hell yeah.” It wasn’t hard to fake the Enthusiasm #Quil loved tutoring and if an hour with #Seth contagious  happiness was making me feeling better it would surely give my #Quil a boost too. “Can’t have a study session without the Maths and Science nerd.” I chuckled. “She we have a history nerd.”  I pointed to myself. “An English nerd, and maths nerd were sorted.”
I looked up at those words reminded me of #Embry. The kid who never went home unless he knew his mom was from work. He hated it… but I suppose him hating being alone was still true. He was with #Sam all the time. “I don’t there’s anything with that.” I spoke. “As long as you’re keeping good company.”
※ Bella ※
‘All the nerds in La Push had to be in my vicinity.’ #Leah rolled her eyes, nodding to Jacob and then me.
“You wouldn’t have it any other way.” Knowing she would. She performed a hand gesture the. Walked off towards the counter, saying something before leaving.  Tuning to  #Seth who was chasing after his sister shouting and waving his goodbyes. “See you soon Seth.”
I half smiling. “Thank you. You really made #Seth’s day, Jacob. I had no idea the boy idolised you.” As I spoke, two fresh cups of hot chocolates and this time fries were brought to the table. “Oh. We didn’t order anything.” I told the lady with a sweet smile.
‘Leah asked me to bring these over. She paid for them too.’ Setting them down before leaving us.
“She doesn’t let anyone do anything nice for her.” I muttered underneath my breath.
※ Jacob ※
I chuckled at #Leah... I knew she'd gotten good grades in school. She was a perfectionist. When the Clearwater  Siblings stood up  to leave reached out to high five #Seth. "See you soon, #Seth." I smiled at him.
Then I turned back to Bella and shrugged. "He's always been a  good kid." I took the last mouthful of the hot chocolate that had cooled enough not to have more than a sip. "I used to find it annoying when he was younger, and he followed us around... but looking back now I know that was a little mean. But he's older now... even if he still  talks a lot." I teased.
The drinks and fries arrived. I shook my head with a grin. "Or... did we give her the opportunity to do something nice for us, by doing something nice for her?" I smirked at my own cleverness and took a bite of a fries.
※ Bella ※
“We did indeed. However, she will never admit to doing so.” Taking one of the hot crisp fries in my fingers and having a bite. “This just means I take a pizza with me the next time I go to visit.” Adding while dusting my fingers free of the salt.
“I love that he speaks for the  world. He can be a life saver at times.” Saying sentences before realising what it was is said. “I… ugh.. I mean. Sometimes it’s nice to fill the silence.” Was that any better?
I gave up. “Youngsters will find their hero’s eventually, even if the heroes are determined to  push them away. Seth Clearwater doesn’t know how to take no for an answer, and he doesn’t hold a grudge either. The boy is too much of a kind soul really.”
※ Jacob ※
I chuckled and dunked more fries in the ketchup. "Me too... There is something freeing about being around someone who says everything they think. There's no pretence, you never have to wonder if they are being honest or not." There was a lot of dishonesty in my life right now, #Embry was keeping stuff from me... even my own Dad. I knew, he knew something about #Sam that he wasn't telling me.
I chuckled as #Bella tried to find the right words. "I get it." I told her, reaching for a sachet of mayonnaise and mixing it into the ketchup. "But I'm not  sure I could be called anyone's hero." I laughed a little. "But trying to do homework with him will be really interesting."
※ Bella ※
“We all have to consider all the time we must place in homework every day. I mean I complete mine the day it is assigned. That way I’m always on top of things. However, doing so with friends will be good for us all.”
All my attention focused on the one action. Jacob Black’s hand going for the mayonnaise, and then adding it to the ketchup. There was No way in the world.
“You… mix them up?” Pointing to the concoction before us, a pale shade of pink as the two came together. “Ketchup and Mayonnaise, together, as one?”
※ Jacob ※
I chuckled… Bella and I were more alike than I had thought. “I try don't same… but I dare you to try to convince #EmbryCall to do maths on a Friday afternoon and not at 7 am on a Monday morning before class.” I laughed but the casual mention of my friend brought the memories crashing back… I was glad she'd given Mr something else to focus on. I glanced at my pink blood and then at her.
“What? You don't like mayonnaise? I may need to rethink this friendship!” I teased her.
※ Bella ※
The headmistress tone from my voice dropped, with the mood returning to a sombre tone (in my mind at least).
“Last week I’d have said challenge accepted. Not sure he wanted to be in the same room as me today.” Shaking the feelings off because this wasn’t about me. It was about my friend. So, I squeezed his arm and then poked it. Turning back to that jovial, teasing tone once again.
“ Mayonnaise... yes, I like it. However, a ketchup girl with fries. There is nothing better in my opinion. But... it is just my opinion.”
Elbowing Jacob in the side. “You? I believe I’m the one who is more on the fence with this friendship now, thank you so very much!”
※ Jacob ※
"He’s not himself.” I said, quieter now. "He isn't exactly the politest guy you will ever meet. But he isn't like that either.
"Not liking mayo on your fries...I can forgive that... " I smirked. " But have you ever tried this magical concoction?” I pointed to the pink mess on the plate. Glad for the change in subject.
Grabbing a few more fries, I mixed even more together and popped them into my mouth. "So good."
※ Bella ※
I disliked this feeling, the feeling of not being able to help those who love. More so I disliked Sam and his gang. I know I didn’t know these people. However, there had to be something wrong here. The way the boys all watched Sam, not moving, or speaking without the go ahead from the man.
Half smiling Because I didn’t wish to share anything I had been thinking with Jacob. I couldn’t stand him being hurt.
“I’ve never seen anyone do this.” Pointing my finger over to the blood like mess. “However, I also won’t judge without trying it first.” taking a couple of fries in my fingers.
“May I?” I asked before dipping them in.
※ Jacob ※
I see her trying to rack her brains to figure out a way to fix this whole mess with #Embry. But I knew this was up to me, it needed to be someone that knew him. But for some reason, it felt nice to have someone want to help this badly. Just that fact alone made me feel better. I bowed my head in mockery of old-school manners and smirked. “You may! And prepare to have your mind blown!” I chuckled. I mean… it was good, but mind-blowing might be an exaggeration.
※ Bella ※
“Why thank you young sir.” Bowing my head as I imagined Miss Bennett may have, before dipping the fires and taking a bite.
The flavour… well… it was smooth thanks to the Mayo and tangy thanks for the catch up, it felt a little different in the mouth.
“Okay…” wiping my  fingers on the napkin, whilst I continued to chew.
“I actually like it; I don’t want to. However, it really is palatable…. I’m astounded… cookies, hot chocolate, this dipping sauce. It’s all delicious. Thank you, Jacob.”
※ Jacob ※
I chuckled; she was really into that British mannerism stuff. It was good to know if I even needed to make her smile. I stored away that piece of information for use later.
“Palatable?” I laughed. “Sounds like with write in the box for pet medication. But will take it!”
As  plate of fries diminished, I knew we would have to talk about it sooner rather than later. “You feeling okay now? After… everything. Any dizzier spells or… whatever that was?”
※ Bella ※
My hands froze whilst I wiped the reminder of the salt off my fingers. He had noticed that? My glance lifted to meet his as I took Jacob in.
“You noticed that did you?” Setting the used napkin down, I finished off the cold dregs of the hot chocolate in the cup. “For someone so young. And a boy. You truly do not miss a thing around you, do you?”
Sighing deeply, I nod me head a little. “I think I needed to eat, and the cold. You know how much I like the cold and rain.”
What other reason could it be? Even as I said the words, I didn’t believe it, however, also couldn’t explain it too.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed softly. “I keep telling you… I am wise beyond my years.” O took a good look at her… but… it was hard to tell with Bella. Her skin was always a few shades whiter than most white people... Even the ones that people who spend their lives in dreary Forks.
She never covers with makeup to make herself look tan… so when a hint pink flushed her cheek she could tell, or when the cold reddened her nose. I liked it… her skin was… she was… so pretty and I was staring.
“Thats good.” I stared into the empty cup like it might swallow me  and save me from my own awkwardness. “But if it happens again, you should see a doctor. Dizzy spells like that are no joke, trust me. It's better to be safe than sorry.”
※ Bella ※
“You do, and it is high time I began to believe you Jacob Black.” My eyes found him attempting to hide in plain sight, so I nudged him attempting to smile.
“Okay Doctor Black… I will do as ordered.” My voice set to wistfully move on from the topic.
“What now?” Pointing my chin to his empty cup. “Would you like me to drive you home?”
※ Jacob ※
She was still holding something back, but I didn’t want to push… okay, well I did WANT to but I knew I shouldn’t. So, I didn’t.
“I can drive you home if you still aren’t feeling good? I can call #Quil and he’ll come pick me up in his mom’s car.”
She seemed okay driving from the beach. But that was just through the village. The he road back to Forks was longer.
※ Bella ※
Shaking my head vigorously. “Don’t be silly, I’m not taking you all the way to Forks and making poor Quil come out too. That’s out of the question.” Motioning to the empty dishes on the table before us.
“A sugar rush from all of this, and the fries have giving me a boost  it’s not a long drive away. And it’s not as though Charlie will be waiting for me when I arrive home. So, I can take my time.”
Going back to an empty house never used to make me pause for thought, however lately the emptiness felt like it was rushing out to get me. But I  tell anyone, especially #Charlie. He felt guilty enough about having to work late and going fishing with his friends.
“Anyway. You must have homework or chores you should be getting on with. I don’t want Billy thinking I’m a bad influence on you.”
※ Jacob ※
I shook my head. “I don’t know how it worked in Arizona… but around here friends like to do favours for friends.” I chuckled. “It wouldn’t be a problem, but if you’re sure…” Then I stopped and looked at her. “Is #Charlie still working? Well… Theres no point going home to an Empty house. You could come hang out with me and Dad if you want… Better sitting hope alone, right?”
※ Bella ※
Dropping my eyes to hide my embarrassment. How could I tell him that I really didn’t have friends until I came to Forks. How to tell him that he should understand just how important he is to so many people, that they would drop things for him.
How did I say, I hadn’t made the time of the effort to gain such friendships? #Renée had been a full-time relationship for me. “Uhm… I wouldn’t want to outstay my welcome. I’m sure you and Billy have things you’d rather be doing, other than entertaining me.”
I nudged him with my elbow  as a thanks. It had to be said how easy it always seemed for Jacob, to think of others. This boy genuinely cared. “Come on you little delinquent. Let’s get you home before your dad calls me a bad influence.”
※ Jacob ※
l felt an instant rush of guilt I thought she'd chosen to come here from Arizona. Maybe problems at school factored in? Either way, she was not ready to want about it.
If I respected her privacy, then maybe one day she would share things without hesitation. I should probably  use that logic on #Embry too, but I knew him. He wasn't one to bottle things he said everything that popped into his head.
"You could never outstay our welcome. You may be put to work come dinner time, though.” I chuckled. "And I think dad misses having girls in the house, so you would always be welcome.”
I stood up and stopped by Gem’s table for a high-five on the way out to the truck.
※ Bella ※
Smiling I gave the young girl a small wave as I passed by her table. Seeing how Jacob interacted with her, his willingness to share his time so willingly. This boy came as a gift to those who came across him.
“If helping with dinner is a Pre-requisite... I think we have a deal.” pushing the door over a gust of wind blew directly through my clothes and unzipped coat making my hackles rise. Quickly I rectified the situation, taking my keys out.
“Billy must really miss having a full house?” I asked climbing into the truck to turn it on right away with the heat blasting through it was cold again from being still all this time.
※ Jacob ※
I grinned... I hadn't expected her to change her mind. When she made up her mind she stuck to it, I just wanted her to know she was always welcome. I knew some people didn't mind being alone, I had a feeling Bella was one of them. But that didn't mean you shouldn't seek out  company when they wanted it. Or needed it.
I nodded climbing up into the passenger side the blast of cold air felt even colder than normal... and I was used to the noisy stream this beast made if you forget to turn the heater off.
"I think some of it is guilt... not that suggesting he doesn't miss the twins. But with them gone a lot of the chores are up to me... he thinks I have too many responsibilities... but it is not like he's a slob or anything. Mostly I cook and clean and #SueClearwater and #AuntConnie help out too."
※ Bella ※
I kept my concentration on what I was doing, pulling out of the parking lot, checking for a clear road before pulling out towards the Black’s home.
At the same time nodding my head whilst listening to my friend and watching my speed and the vehicles coming towards me, “I can see why Billy would feel like that. It is his prerogative as your dad, Jacob.” I’d seen that same look in #Charlie’s eyes so often.
“As long as you have support, and it’s what you want to do.” Hearing #Sue’s name did not surprise at all. The lady has been a god send for my family too. Her whole family were.
The dark clouds opened to let rain fall hard on the roof of my beast. Turning the wipers on, a ‘V’, formed between my eyebrows with my level of concentration.
※ Jacob ※
"I know he feels like he should be the one doing all that stuff, but life doesn't always follow the path we think it should... and I wouldn't want anyone else doing it. At least... not all the time. I have people to help when I need to ask."
I leaned forward in my seat as the  rain poured down in sheets. "Damn... the drizzle got hardcore pretty fast."
※ Bella ※
If #Charlie hadn’t drilled in the fact that the driver needs to look at the road all the time. This would have been a moment when I would really look at Jacob Black.
“How can someone so young, have suck a hold of life?” The question wasn’t meant to be spoken aloud. However, now that it was. I wouldn’t take it back.
“It’s how I feel about taking care of things for #Renée and #Charlie.” Sighing I reached over to clear my side mirror. “The weather loves to keep me on my toes here.”
※ Jacob ※
I chuckled. "I'm really not that much younger than you, you know." I had said the words without any other thought than just that. I was barely two years younger than her.
"I do remember #Charlie mentioning that your mom was a little...." I tried to think of a better word  he used. "Free-spirited." I laughed. "I bet that made for an interesting childhood."
I looked at the sky again. "Maybe it's a good thing you are staying for dinner... Hopefully, the weather will get a better."
※ Bella ※
I said the words at the same time has Jacob. “Free-spirited?” However, mine was a question to see if it was how #Charlie described his ex-wife. And he did.
Half smiling, I nod my head once. “Yes, it’s the best way to explain her. I think you would like her if you met her, she’s really laid back and easy going. She’s the one who always tries to make me skip school to go on a road trip.” I half laughed. “We have these tees we collected over the years.”
Glancing up at the sky. “I guess things happen for a reason. We need to stop off at the store.” seeing it coming up. “I need to grab a few things.”
※ Jacob ※
I chuckled when Bella came to the same conclusion as me. I Looked over at her when she said she needed to come to the store...
"Who on their mind comes here to go shopping when they could all the choice of Forks?" I laughed because really wasn't a notable improvement. And at we had the Farmer's market once a week.
 "Do you need directions into the village?" I had to admit I was a little curious about why she needed to go shopping just to come to my place for the evening.
※ Bella ※
“Someone who just thought about it, and now needs to go.” Clicking my tongue at Jake.
“Stop being so judgmental Jacob Black.” The comment was made in jest of course, this boy was the least judge mental person I’d met other than #Charlie.
Chewing on my bottom lip as it occurred to me, I’d not been into the heart of the village since I’d begun coming to visit. The Clearwater home, or the Black home, or the beach were the only places.
“Uhmm…. Yes please. Some directions wouldn’t go amiss.”
※ Jacob ※
I laughed and teased her. "Well, aren't you just full of ironclad logic. I will apologise with my famous Bolognese for my judgemental behaviour." I laughed.
I directed Bella turn by turn into the village.  "You can't miss it, it's the only store with a neon sign over the door."
※ Bella ※
“I’m a very logical person, I will have you know.” As soon as I say it, I shook my head. “Okay. Fine. I’m not. However, it’s the taking part which counts in the end.”
Being guided by Jake wasn’t hard. Soon enough we were parked outside of the bright neon sign. 
“This is cute”
※ Jacob ※
I chuckled. “I mean I think you are… you just aren't… you know, constrained by it. You are still creative and funny, don't take yourself too seriously. Well balanced, I guess.” Was I giving away too much?
“Yeah, it’s enough to survive on. At least in between the weekly  farmers market. Like most things around here it's been in the same family for generations.”
I looked out the window bracing myself for the spring to the door. “Ready?” I asked like it was a challenge.
※ Bella ※
My eyes found Jacob so fast. “Would you like to write my endorsement for my school yearbook, by any chance? I pay well in rides and helping out with homework!”
Looking to the store on the others side of the rain we would need to run though. “I haven’t been to the farmers market here.” Making a mental note to visit it soon.
“Okay. Let’s do this.” Pushing all my willpower into my body to open the door, close it and run towards the door.
“Oh crap!” I felt my feet going out from under me as soon as I was in front of the store and my truck.
※ Jacob ※
"Really? That's what want your yearbook to say? She didn’t take herself too seriously!” Laughed. "But you should check it out... they have a stall with the best cheese you will ever taste."
I ran to the store just a few steps behind Bella. before I knew it she was tilting backwards... limbs everywhere. Faster than I knew I could move and caught her under her arms. "Geez... Bells." I just about stopped her before her butt hit the wet pavement.
※ Bella ※
My chest was heavier, just as it had been on the beach. My mind honestly felt like it had vacated and then came crashing down when strong arms came from nowhere to catch me.
“What… where… how?” Confused with the mystery of how my body reacted and then Jacob… “I… Uhm… I’m so sorry Jacob. Are you okay?” Correcting myself as quickly as I could.
 “Come on. We are getting soaked.” Straightening myself up, grabbing Jacob’s hand to pull him along. Hoping to hide my embarrassed.
※ Jacob ※
"It's okay... Just a clumsy moment..." I helped her to right herself. Then she grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. "I think you really to quit running... especially in the rain." I chuckled.
"Me?" I asked, incredulous. "I'm fine... Are you okay? I hope I  did grab you too  hard? I figure I was an option than the pavement." I still wasn't quite sure how I managed it. I looked back to where she almost fell trying to recreate the slip in my head.
※ Bella ※
“Yeah….” Multiple thoughts about what happened and could have happened invaded my mind, however I waved them off. “Maybe it’s time to retire  from running. I’ve been telling my teaches for years.”
With one last glance back to the place where I would have landed, I let go of his hand, and shook the rain lingering on my shoulders.
“I would rather you than the cold, wet pavement. Thank you.” Pushing the door to the store open, we were greeted by a kind face. ‘Well.. hello.’
※ Jacob ※
I laughed a little relieved. "True... I just hope I didn't grab you too hard. You seem to do enough damage to yourself without any help." I teased... but I was starting to see her clumsiness was more than just the odd stumble or spill.
I smiled ad followed her inside, wiping my feet on the mat in front of the door. I beamed as we were greeted. "Hey, Joy." I turned to Bella. "Bella... This is #JoyAteara. #Quil's mom... Joy... This is Bella Swan."
'Oh!! This is the young lady that has all my favourite Boys scrambling for her attention?' #Joy grinned cheekily. I coughed and rubbed the back of my neck shyly.
※ Bella ※
My shoulders had felt a hold, but nothing more. Why would Jacob believe he may had hurt me wasn’t clear right now. That was until I went to shrug my wet coat, so I didn’t drip water in the store floor.
A sharp twinge jolt made me stop and bite down on my lip trying to smile at the woman before me. My hands half reached out when i heard her. I could see #Quil’s eyes and smile looking back to me. And the open demeanour.
“Oh… Uhm… I’m…” what did one say to such things? “Good afternoon, Mrs Ateara. I’m not sure of that.” My eyes darting to  Jacob and back to her. “Your son is a dear friend, and such an incredible young man. He was such a help with my fathers shed. I’d have been so lost without them all.”
Deflection to how well her son is brought up had to work, right?
※ Jacob ※
#Joy laughed. ‘Yes, he is. Good boy… when he minds his manners.’ #Quil’s mother was well aware of her son’s flirty nature. She put a hand on my shoulder. ‘That’s what this is for, keeps the other two… polite.’ She smiled. ‘You’re very welcome to our little village Bella, Jake will you show her around while I ring up some customers?’
“Sure thing…” I smiled and turned to Bella. “So what are we looking for?”
※ Bella ※
“Oh. Jacob does the same for me too. And thank you.” Taking a step to the side to made room for #Joy to continue with her work, I pushed my hands into my pockets.
“Oh.. Uhm… cooking chocolate, eggs, flour, powdered sugar, some vanilla?” Looking around my eyes fell on the grocery baskets, so I picked one up. “Are you or Billy allergic to nuts?” Chewing on my lips as another customer smiles at me walking past.
※ Jacob ※
I grinned at Bella. "Told ya I won awards for my politeness." I chuckled.
"What are you baking?" I asked her, really curious now. I had learned to be a decent enough cook looking after dad and trying to make sure he had well-balanced meals that kept his diabetes in check  but, baking was still beyond me. But luckily the ladies or the reservation had that part covered.
I led #Bella through the store to the aisle she needed.
※ Bella ※
Without answering I nudged my elbow into the side of my friend.
“As you’re cooking dinner, I thought I could take of dessert? It’s just a simple brownie recipe I saw on line. If I use a rich dark chocolate, a rip banana, and honey. Then Billy can have a one square too. what do you think?” Billy had in the past sneaked some pie or cake at ours when Jake wasn’t there. It’s why I thought of looking up some recipes to easy bakes to try.
“And trust me, I’m not great at the baking. However, brownies can’t go wrong can they.”
I could feel #Joy’s eyes following us. So, I turned my head, to find her smiling and waving while speaking to a woman I didn’t know. Waving back my attention returned to the job at hand.
※ Jacob ※
I smiled at #Bella of course she had thought about Dad's health. "Dad always reserves his sweet treats exclusively for baked goods... so I think you have a winning idea there."
I chuckled. "Well, neither am I... but I find that YouTube can solve most problems... and there one  in the living room where the Wi-Fi works."
That might have been an exaggeration... there were about three spots. I glanced at where Bella was waving. "#Joy is great. She teases a lot but she's good fun."
※ Bella ※
“Exactly. What did the world do before YouTube?” Gathering the few items necessary and placing them into the basket I lead the way back towards #Joy and the counter.
“I can see where Quil gets it from too. He definitely has parts of his mom visible. Now that I have met her.”
‘Did you find everything you needed Bella?’ #Joy took out a paper grocery bag, ringing the items up.
“Yes, thank you Mrs Ateara.” I said.
‘Please, call me Joy.’ She glanced up at me with a wink. Jake here will tell you. I’m not a stuffy old bat.’ This made me smile and redden.
※ Jacob ※
I smiled… “Yeah, his grandfather says that he's got his mother’s looks and his father's personality.” I laughed. We just took his word it bones of us knew for sure.
“They live with Old Quil down by the docks.” I told her as we walked up to the counter and Joy checked us out.
“Thanks, Joy.” I smiled at her, chuckling at her comment to Bella. 
Then I followed her out to their again. Taking the bags because Bella was struggling to walk today, without added burdens. “At least the rain eased up a tiny bit.” It definitely had not eased up.
※ Bella ※
My lips quirked up into a smile. (I’d begun doing it ‘smiling’, a lot more around La Push and these boys. They were good for the souls.)
“They must have some amazing views by the docks.” Looking up to the dark sky and the rain still coming down.
Pushing my hands into my pockets at first, and then I thought better of it. I would require my hands if my feet gave out on me. So, they came out as I walked as fast as I dared towards the truck.
“If you say so Jacob, however, please don’t be offended if I disagree with you.” Thankful he has taken  bags for me. Once inside I pushed the hood of my coat off my head and shivers.
The engine on, heat on full blast.
“Right, let’s take you home.” Pulling out of the parking lot, I pointed towards the left and then Right. “Which way do I need to go?” Asking sheepishly.
※ Jacob ※
Bella didn't run to the truck I grinned. She had learned the hard way. "Yeah, it's pretty good but... there are hardly any fishing boats anymore... but you see most of the bay. We climb up on the roof sometimes when there is a full moon, and the clouds aren't too thick.
I climbed into the truck and settled the groceries on my lap.
"Maybe it's just that I'm more accustomed to this kinda of weather. The Desert Girl has a low tolerance for cold and rain."
※ Bella ※
“It’s sounds heavenly.” I could picture the three boys growing up together young children climbing up to watch the night sky.
“Excuse me, however, I am not ashamed to say I like the heat, the sun, the warm air, and the lack of lush greenery surrounding me at all times.” Shivering just as I said the last word.
“I had hoped to have Climatize to this” pointing out the window. “However, my body, mind, and souls are fighting it tooth and nail. With my blessing... may I add.”
※ Jacob ※
“It’s a lot of fun.” I admitted happily.
I thought about what she said. “I mean I love the sun and the heat… but I don’t think if like to live somewhere without tress and rivers and free everywhere. I’d love to see it, but just for a visit. But I guess that’s the human we like the known and for you that’s… well the desert.” I chuckled.  “And I would be be the same if I went to Phoenix… because a hot day here has nothing on the hot day there.”
※ Bella ※
“I guess, I mean… I’ve not thought so deeply about why I miss the heat and the sun. Just that I do.”
For a short time, a blink of an eye is contemplated moving back with mom and #Phil, when #Charlie had come to his wits end with me. Because it would have been easier for him. However, I’d fought them.
“I’m conflicted with it now. Mom is asking me to pick a school closer to her when I graduate…. She misses me…. So, maybe you’ll come for a visit if I do, huh?”
Trying to become jovial with the possibility of the move.
※ Jacob ※
I grinned at her. "I think I'd feel the same if I left here. But I don't think that's the reason I don't want to leave... missing home in kind of a normal human condition."
I shrugged a little. "I suppose you should decide based on the school, right? How good it is... if it Teaches the course, you want and all that? right?" I didn’t like the idea of Bella leaving... but her not getting what she dreamed of? That was far worse.
※ Bella ※
Scoffing a laugh, one of those it’s worn as a mask for far too long. “Yes, of course. Of course, it’s about where it is best for me to go.”
Keeping my eyes on the road as the wipers swag back and forth over my windshield. “What you, still thinking about an internship or  trade school?”
Trying to think back to this conversation I had with him and his two friends now so long again. That had been his answer then.
※ Jacob ※
“So maybe don’t worry too much about where and focus on the best school…unless it’s a place you really don’t want to be… like I hear Seattle is kind of dangerous at night.”
Bella seemed to know where she is going now. “Um… yeah not really thinking about it. I have guy willing to me on as long as I graduate high school and it will be six months away of the trade school part. But #SueClearwater we can figure something out for Dad while I’m gone.
※ Bella ※
“Yeah, Charlie wasn’t best pleased when the brochure from Washington state came in the post. He’s worried about the crime rates there.” Nodding me head as I spoke. “He is trying to find a missing boy who went to school there. The mom and dad have been trying to find answers however, the police in Seattle haven’t helped much. They say the boy is over 18, so is ‘most like out doing what boys do.’ Charlie is taking this one hard.”
Tuning down the road going to the black house now, the rain easier enough for me to ease the grip on the wheel. “Six months away from home?” I had to smile; Jake was trying to plan ahead to make sure #Billy was looked after. We were so dissimilar after all. “You’re going to graduate, aren’t you? So, it’s a sure thing?”
My brows pulled together as the Blacks red house came into view. “Is that Charlie’s cruiser parked up in front of your home?” What was my dad doing here, I thought to myself.
※ Jacob ※
"I get it. I mean, he would probably love for you to be close by... but..." I inhaled loudly. "Yeah, he asked us to help put up posters around the village. But... I doubt anyone here has seen him. And I know that happens... kids go off to college and stop getting in touch... but  I think that a dangerous road when someone is missing... even if it turns out to be true. People need to be more like #Charlie and try to find them... not make excuses."
I nodded. "Oh yeah graduating was always the plan... but I think he used it as an incentive... Rez  High Schools have the highest dropout rate of any other demographic in the state. So... the grownups around here really try to encourage us to stay in school."
I leaned forward when I spotted the cruiser too. "Did you leave a note or something? Telling him you were coming  here?"
※ Bella ※
How could I not have a sense of pride in my father and what he did for his community? Add to the fact when others spoke with such a high regard and respect for him, I knew #Charlie was where he was meant to be.
Once maybe I held it against him for not leaving with my mother and I, however that feeling disappeared as I grew up to better understand #Renée, I knew they made the correct decision in the end.
“Huh? Oh… Uhm… no I didn’t.” Knowing I should have and that it was silly of me not to when I knew #Charlie would worry.
“But he has been  working late all this week, and I didn’t like he would be home before me…” my logic had made sense to me at the time.
As soon as I parked up beside the cruiser, the door to the red house opened. The shadow back lite by the light of our two fathers came forward before them.
#Charlie gave me a small wave and smiled. When #Billy spoke. ‘I gave Charlie a call, he’s been working too hard. So, I told him to come for dinner. We can watch the game while you kids do kids things.’
※ Jacob ※
When Dad and #Charlie stepped out onto the porch at the top of the ramp, I wondered if #Leah and #Seth had told #Sue they saw us and word got to Dad… who then… “Yup!” I whispered with a grin when Dad said that he called #Charlie.
“Just in time!” I called up to them. “I was  going to make my world-renowned Bolognese for dinner, and Bella is even going to make dessert.” #Charlie didn’t look surprised; he’d been here before, and he had eaten my cooking more than once. And I knew that #Bella had taken on a lot of the kitchen duties in the Swan house too.
‘Two teenagers sharing a kitchen?’ #Charlie flashed a crooked smile. ‘This will be fun.’ He chuckled.
“Two very mature, responsible teenagers!” I scoffed.
※ Bella ※
‘Sure, responsible.’ #Charlie teased.
‘Don’t disagree with the cooks, Charlie. We want to eat tonight.’ #Billy joked.
As I walked up the ramp towards the men with a paper grocery bag in my hand, reaching out I squeezed #Billy’s shoulder making eye contact. Thanking him in our way for making this happen.
His smile told me ‘Don’t worry, I got you and my friend kid.’ Making the prickling sensation at the back of my eyes threaten to let my emotions run wild. Blinking my eyes a few times, I leant into my dad as his arm came around my shoulder, taking the bag from me while kissing the top of my head.
‘You okay, Bells?’ He whispered into my hair.
“Yeah dad, I am more than okay.” It was the honest truth.
He glanced back to look at Jacob, I couldn’t see the look he gave the boy. However, his body remained relaxed as we walked into out of the cold.
※ Jacob ※
I chuckled at the dads and rolled my eyes as we walked inside. “Keep it up #Charlie and I’ll give you the supermarket cheese instead of the pepperjack from the farmers market.”
I heard Dad scoff behind me. ‘Hey, don’t waste the good cheese on the townies!’ He teased.
#Charlie gave me a smile that was more like a silent thank you… but he didn’t know that Bella’s day out of the house and socialising with friends… was more like getting yelled at on the beach by my so-called best friend.
They followed us to the kitchen, and I turned to glare at them. “Weren’t you talking about a game or something? We don’t need a peanut gallery.” I elbowed Bella lightly as we started to unpack the groceries.
The two figures finally retreated, muttering something about grumpy teens. “Should we start the brownies first? They need to sit a while before you can cut them, right?”
※ Bella ※
The Black house had a warmth to it, and I didn’t mean from the wood burner, I meant this sentimental warmth which engendered care, love, and a welcoming atmosphere.
Seeing the three of them laughing, joking, and teasing made a sigh of contentment, release from within. Of course I knew #Charlies friends were here for him, however they had also opened their tighten knit group up to welcome me in too.
The dads headed away. “I didn’t know they listened to you Jacob.” Nodding my head towards their retrieving bodies. #Charlies two steps behind  #Billy until he disappeared into the couch.
“Uhm..” nodding again as we unpacked the groceries. “It would be a good idea, for once giving them some time to rest. Charlie had a habit of stealing from the pan while they ate hot.” Saying it loud enough to be heard over the TV.
‘Lies. I hear nothing but lies.’ He was up making his way to the fridge.
“I would never.” He kissed me on the head and squeezed me into a half hug.
‘Whatever you say Bells.’ Whispering to Jacob. ‘I’m an officer of the law. I wouldn’t steal.’ Winking he left with two beers in his hands.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed. “Only when they want feeding!” I teased her. “I learned a lot from #Sue and Auntie #Connie so if I’m even half as good as either of those two I’m doing pretty good in the cooking department.” I boasted a little.
I nodded when she agreed we should start the brownies  first. “I know that from trying to steal #Sue’s and getting my hand slapped away.” I laughed and rubbed my hand like I could feel it. Even if she never hit hard, always a warning shot with a glare that made you take it seriously. “Okay… so what do we need? A mixing bowl…
One of those tray thingies… and…” I looked to her for the answers and searched for the tray in the cupboard next to the oven.
I rolled my eyes. “I’m inclined to believe Bell’s, #Chief! I’ve seen you try to snake a half-grilled burger off a barbeque.” #Charlie waved me off as he walked back into the living room. But I heard his deep chuckle. I set the bowl and tray on the counter and pulled open a drawer for spoons and a whisk.
Baking wasn’t really my thing… unless you counted heating lasagne or the pies that #Sue brought over, but I had a vague idea of the basic tools.
※ Bella ※
Once again, I found myself smiling, knowing #Charlie noticed it too. His chuckles and teasing with Jacob and I had a calming reaction for sure.
“Oh... Uhm… a knife to cut the chocolate bars with please? And a board too. And…” as I placed the ideas from the bag before us. Lifting up the bananas. “Could we microwave two of these for a few minutes? I need them to become ripe and soft.”
“Sue’s been great with the food advice with me too. Over the last year, I’ve gotten to learn to cook a few more things, other that the meat Charlie wasn’t all the time.”
Taking the mixing bowl, looking around. “Do you have any measuring cups at all?” Glancing towards the dads who had now fallen into their normal routine of discussing the game situation and how they would do things differently.
※ Jacob ※
I tilted my head at her… A knife for the chocolate? I chuckled. “Now there’s a sentence I never thought I’d hear. A Knife to cut the chocolate coming right up!” I grinned and pulled the drawer next to the sink open and found a big knife. Then I stopped to think about measuring cups…
“I know have I a jug…” I said and went to the corner cupboard… the annoying one that went back so deep that anything that went there might as well have been lost forever. My finger closed on a handle, and I pulled… various ancient pots and pans clattered. I pulled out the heavy Pyrex jug with measurements printed on both sides and held it out… “This has probably been in here for a year.” I laughed. “We should wash it first.” I set it in the sink, ignoring the mess I had likely made inside the cupboard… I made a mental note to clear  it out soon.
※ Bella ※
“Excuse you… I actually read in a blog that you should use a bar of chocolate when baking and not the chips. Which is all good and well.” Holding up the thick chocolate bar for him to see. “However, these things are hard to break with just my fingers. Also, I got the high coco  dark chocolate, it’s not so sweet. So, your dad can enjoy the dessert too.”
Setting the bar down, I walked over the sink without thinking. Picking up the jug and began to wash it out. Shouts came from the vicinity of the TV making me smile a little again. Once clean and dry I returned to the bowl and began to measure out all the ingredients we needed into the bowl. “Could you chop and mash the bananas and I’ll get to chopping the chocolate.”
Setting the bowl aside, I turned to the work at hand.
“These things are made to test one’s strength and willpower.” Joking (but not at the same time.”
※ Jacob ※
“I believe you!” I laughed holding up my hands in surrender. “Plus, I’ve tried that cooking chocolate before…. It’s…” I wrinkled up my nose. “Bitter.”
I smiled, I liked that she was thinking of not just Dad’s health… but the little bit of joy he’d get from a treat. This was Bella Swan, so I wasn’t shocked; she was kind unlike anyone else I had ever met. “Mashed bananas.” I said like it was a perfectly normal thing to do. “On it.” I washed my hands and grabbed the bunch. Then found a space on the counter to start peeling and breaking them into a  bowl. I laughed. “You mean the junk cupboard? I think every kitchen has one.”
I licked the fork I mashed the bananas with and dropped it into the sink as I passed to put them where Bella could reach them easily. “What’s next?”
※ Bella ※
“And this is why we are using the bananas. A little sweetness to cut the bitterness of the chocolate.” Leaning over the knife, using the full weight of my body to cut down on the thick bar of the chocolate.
Smiling. My eyes remained in the work in hand, the last thing I wanted was to cut myself and ble—"
“I—" Stopping the thought as it came to life in my mind, cutting myself, my blood, it wasn’t something I needed to worry about. I stopped the next thought even faster before my heart gave in to the darkness I have been fighting to fix.
“Uhm…” replaying what I’d heard while spinning internally. “We need to melt the chocolate once it’s cut. Could you set up a bain-marie at all?” A frown finding a home between my brows. The knife coming down harder and faster now as I attempt to distract myself.
※ Jacob ※
“Just don’t tell Dad there’s fruit in there… he thinks fruit is only dessert if it’s baked in a pie with massive amounts of sugar.” I chuckled. She seemed to freeze for a second with her eyes glued on the knife in a way that made my stomach churn a little.
Then she was sad again… out of nowhere… but not really. I mean I knew that today was only a reprieve from the pain she was in, I wasn’t going to swoop in and save her from the darkness in an afternoon. This wasn’t a movie; it was real life. But… it hurt my heart to actually see the little joy she had, drain away right in front of me.
So, I did the only thing I could think of… try to make her laugh. “Oh yeah, a… bam --- thingies sure. No problem I can do it with one arm tied behind ---” I shook my head, laughing. “Nope... absolutely not. I have no idea what that means. But…” I smirked…. “I’m a fast learner.”
※ Bella ※
“No.. of course, I wouldn’t tell… unless he asks…” distracted slightly as I considered myself lucky for controlling my mind.  The bar was chopped down half way before my gaze fell on Jacob making me smile. Jacob’s laughter had filled the kitchen, making it difficult not to  see how he was trying to help me.
“Bain-marie, Jake.” Licking my lips, I brushed my hair out of the way and pointed to the stove. “If you place a pan of water to boil, and a bowl over it. Please make sure the water doesn’t touch the bowl. We can then melt the chocolate with an indirect heat source. It’s the best way for smooth and glossy chocolate. It’s all about the science, you know.”
My hands had begun to hurt a little with the weight of me trying to cut all the chocolate up however it would be worth it in the end.
※ Jacob ※
I chuckled again. “He won’t. He’s learned to just enjoy it and not ruin his treats. He knows that the minute he hears sugar free he assumes it won’t taste as nice. When he makes no assumptions, he learns to enjoy the things he can have. #Sue’s trick is to tell him he’s only allowed one, then he thinks that just maybe it’s a little cheeky.” I grinned and wondered how many times she’d used that trick on us as kids.
“Oh…” I chuckled. “That doesn’t sound so complicated.” I smiled and looked for a heatproof bowl and a pan that it would safely sit  on top of. I set the water to boil and went to stand next to her. She was white knuckling the knife she was chopping the chocolate with… I wondered if it had something to do with the stressful moment that seemed to threaten to overwhelm her a moment ago.
“Hey, let me try  that, Bells.” I held out my hand for the knife. “It's not every day you get the chance to carve up a chocolate bar with a kitchen knife.”
※ Bella ※
Setting the knife carefully on the counter I took a step to the side. “There you go, I’m not placing it on your hand, that’s not very safe, Jacob.”
Working my hands to ease the discomfort of the pressure placed due to cutting the thick bar of chocolate. “Sue is really good in the way she speaks to you.” She had done something similar when I had needed help. “She’s a lovely lady.” Adding it as I glanced back to the stove. Before gazing back to him.
“Please be careful when cutting, I cannot have you injuring yourself before  we even begin cooking dinner.” Elbowing him in the side playfully. While he took over the chopping, I moved onto measuring out the dry and the wet ingredients ready for the next stage.
※ Jacob ※
“You are such a cop’s daughter.” I chuckled. But she had a point, it was a better option when the counter was right there. “Sue is amazing, she does so much for the tribe and the school… the clinic, and the community centre. I honestly don’t know how she has the time for it all.”
I chuckled a little at the protective comment. Such a cop’s daughter, I thought it this time. I started to chop… “I’ve been the boss in this kitchen since I was twelve.” I teased, remembering cooking in this kitchen with the twins before they went off to college. I matched the sizes of the chunks to the ones Bella had already made. “I’m pretty good with a knife… not in a creepy way.” I laughed when I realised that sounded like that was something a serial killer would say. It wasn’t as hard as it looked, the knife sliced easily through the thick bar, but I learned after a few chops to go slow, or chocolate chunks and crumbs flew off the cutting board.
When I was done, I went to check the pot of water, it was bubbling now. “So do I just put the bowl on top and let the chocolate melt?” I wanted to follow Bella’s lead on this one. I wasn’t used the baking unless it was warming up a pie #Sue had already made, and I didn’t want to ruin her dessert.
※ Bella ※
“And proud of it, however if you tell Charlie I said it out loud. I will have to kill you.” Trying to mimic the tone and accent of Liam Neeson in The Taken but failing miserably.
My gazed flickered to Jacob and back to the measuring jug as he spoke. It occurred to me how Jacob had stepped up to help in his home just as I had mine with mom at a young age. I’d never considered how he and #Billy would have managed their home once the twins left for college.
“Knife skills huh? And don’t worry about it, statistically speaking, the likeliness of there being two serial killers in a close proximity is really unlikely.” Giving him a devilish smirk, which I hoped didn’t look as uncomfortable as it felt doing it.
Upon my next glance over to Jacob, the crease between my brow deepened as I frowned. “You’re really making me look bad. I was struggling with the task you are making look so easy.
‘The boy is all muscular these days.’ #Charlie called out from where the dads were.
“Stop listening to our conversations!” Mocking my dad with a chuckle. His eyes came over the back of the couch and he smiled watching me.
‘Us Black men are stronger than we look.’ #Billy laughed punching dad in the shoulder. The sound of both of them laughing made me smile.
“Uhmm? Oh... yes.” Stopping myself from becoming distracted. “Yes, please if you set it on there, when you see it has begun to melt you can stir it.
Whipping the back of my hand over my forehead to move my hair out of my eyes. My hands working to whisk the ingredients in my bowl.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed and gave her a side-long glance at her serial killer comment. “Are you sure about that?” I asked with a slightly evil glint in my eyes. “Nah… you were doing it for longer. I can’t take all the credit.” I flushed a little at the comment #Charlie made. If the guys had  been here, I would have bragged… but Bella? My cheeks burned.
I tipped the chocolate into the mixing bowl and set it on top of the pot, making sure the water didn’t touch the bowl like she’d said before. Then I went to wipe the flakes and chocolate dust that escaped the  board off the counter, I’d have a moment before it would start to melt. Then I returned to watch it, the corners of the pieces touching the metal already melting a little bit.
“Who taught you how to cook?” I asked… curious. I had a feeling it probably wasn’t her mom.
※ Bella ※
“Okay, Jacob Black. I see you.” Elbowing him in the side. He took the bait and ran with the joke. “You know two minds are better than one. We can give each other our alibis”.
Smiling a little again, it had become a habit around this young boy now. “I know what the truth is. And you chopping that bar as though it is melted butter is boasting worthy.”
The almond tint of his skin reddened, however uncertain as to why I began to whisk the ingredients in the bowl before me.
“TV… a grandma a little too. Magazines on food, and sometimes I just thrust myself into the unknown hoping the outcome would be advantageous and edible. Well one of the two at least.”
My mom was never one to step forward into the kitchen for anything more than a sandwich or some pop.
※ Jacob ※
If I hadn’t had been blushing already, I might have taken her invitation to boast. “Anytime Swan…” I grinned. “The FBI shows up and asks me anything you were with me all day.” I nodded seriously.
“Must have been fun… Learning from your grandma.” I said, stirring the chocolate  now that a puddle of melted chocolate was pooled on the bottom of the bowl. “But it sounds like you mostly taught yourself… that’s cool and from everything I see so far you are pretty good at it.”
I kept stirring, there were still a few lumps, but they were soft and  shrinking. “What comes after melting the chocolate? I think this is nearly ready.”
※ Bella ※
Taping the side of my nose with a small playful wink. “And I’ll do it right back for you, Black.”
Shrugging my shoulders, a little “I have some fondness when I think of my time with her. She always had so much patience with me.”
My hand waved over the bowls and the baking tray I was buttering now. “Cooking is passable, this baking thing. It’s new. And brownies are as good as I have in my repertoire.”
Leaning over to gaze into the bowl. “Oh, that looks good. As soon as the last of the chunks melts, you can pour it into the big bowl here.” Lifting my chin towards the one I meant. “As soon as we stir it all together, it’s ready to go into the oven.”
※ Jacob ※
“More than passable for what I’ve tasted so far Bells..” I stirred the bowl until the last of the lumps melted away. I turned off the burner and lifted the bowl with a towel, hot water dripped from the underside, and I waited until most of it stopped.
“Careful… there’s still  a few drips.” I said as I tipped over the bowl into the one that she had pointed out. “I guess it's something you just have to learn by doing really. I used to do everything the way the twins did… but then I started changing things a little at a time and adding more. Now my Bolognese is famous…” I boasted. “In a very small circle of people… but still.” I laughed. And put the hot metal bowl into the sink, after scraping out as much chocolate as possible.
※ Bella ※
“Yeah. I guess. I hadn’t thought of it before.” Talking as Jacob went to take the bowl in his hands to the sink.
“Now that you say so, I guess it’s the same for me. Your sisters touch you, my grandmother and YouTube taught me and now we are here with your famously amazing  cooking.” Half smiling.
I stepped up stirring all the different ingredients together until they were combined. Once the batter became smooth, the contents were emptied into the baking tray.
“Who wants to lick the bowl?” I’d only gotten half way through asking the question and #Charlie was up running over; he took the spatula too.
‘I best take something for the old one to try too. Otherwise, he’ll sulk the rest of the night.’ Kissing my forehead.
‘Hey, don’t call yourself old. Don’t worry we won’t banish you a cave without dinner  just yet.’ #Billy shot over his shoulder, eyes still on the TV screen.
“You both are such big babies.” Rolling my eyes and wiping down the counter. Moving the Bowls to the sink for a clean-up.
“Right, chef. What can I do to help you with dinner?”
※ Jacob ※
I laughed… “I wouldn’t go that far… I mean my cooking is decent. But this is just the one that I chose to perfect. I should probably start a new goal for a perfect dish.” I chuckled.
I watched how she combined everything. How it all went a little clumpy and then started to  look more and more like you would expect brownie batter to look… I was half expecting the chocolate to start going solid right away. I laughed as #Charlie ran in… Not licking any excess chocolate off of the spoon at all. Nope, I was far too mature for that.
Then he vanished with the bowl and spatula. I wiped my mouth quickly with paper towels and washed my hands again. “We can start with the sauce if that doesn’t need to go into the oven yet?” I asked, clearing space on the counter. Bella was like me, tidying as she went… I hated a big clean-up job after I cooked. But that hadn’t come from the twins… They would wreck the place and do a big clean-up after we ate. It was a quick job after Bells washed the bowl.
I pulled out pots this time, then the vegetables, mushrooms, and tinned tomatoes for the sauce.
※ Bella ※
Shaking my head. “Not yet, we can talk place it in the oven once the sauce is on. It’s all about timing at this stage. Charlie likes them still warm for the first night.”
‘And I know how to use the microwave for the second round the next day.’ He called out. “Would you stop listening in to our conversation and consider watching the game with your friend!” There was a smile on my face while telling my dad off. Well. It wasn’t really a telling off.
“Of course, we can begin with the sauce. I am happy to chop up the onions for you. ”A job I knew most people didn’t like to do, so I offered so that it didn’t case them the eye burn. “And anything else you trust me to work on too.”
With my hands now dry, I went to stand beside the counter, finding a knife and chopping board and the onions to begin the process.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed and rolled my eyes. “You know he never chimes in like when I’m cooking. He’s all about the deserts.” My brow crinkled and watched her gather up the onions and chopping board. “You are volunteering to torture yourself?” I tilted my head and watched her. “It's my  least favourite part of cooking.” I chuckled. “Chopping onions. If you’re sure I’ll gladly delegate, the task.”
‘That’s my boy! Can’t have you crying in front of a girl.’ Dad called in for the next room. I rolled my eyes.
“Really, Dad? What happened to you two not  eavesdropping anymore!” I looked at Bella and smirked. “My next home improvement job will be soundproof doors.”
I went to the sink and washed the carrots and celery, setting myself up with a second cutting board near #Bella to start peeling and chopping.
※ Bella ※
“I’m sure, happy to help with the unwanted jobs. But you need to understand… This is going to get messy, however I feel up to the challenge.” I replied before looking back to where his dad spoke from this time.
I could help but laugh this time, another one of those full disclosure no holes bared laughs which I’d not done in a long while. “Those two are most certainly taking turns tonight.”
Peeling the skin of the onion, I cleaned the cellar membrane where it stuck before halving it with the root still on and began to slice and then dice. It didn’t take long. At first the smell on the vegetable hit my nose, setting off the chain reaction of the stinging and then came the tears.
I blinked my eyes, using the sleeves of my jumper to pat my eyes but not giving up. “Okay. These are shape.” Sniffling.
※ Jacob ※
I chopped the vegetables really fine and then cut up the streaky bacon I used instead of pancetta. “They are as bad as each other.” I chuckled. “And it’s getting worse with old age.” I whispered the last part.
I took the onions from her. “Thank you!” I smiled and then tilted  her face up. “Let’s assess the… Damage.” I paused, swallowing hard. Spirit’s… she was even pretty when she cried! I knew that was a stupid thing to think… Probably an awful thing to think. I mean, not this time because it was onions... but if she was really crying, it would be an awful thing to think. I grabbed a paper towel and handed it to her. “Not too bad.” I fibbed... not bad at all. “Tough as nails Bells.”
I took away the finger I had tilted her chin up with, realising I had touched her without asking again. Then I moved on to  peeling the garlic to get ready. Suddenly glad I hadn’t dealt with that before reaching for Bella’s face.
“Could you put a pot of water on to boil for the pasta please?” I asked, separating the three cloves of garlic I needed and assessing that I had everything I laid out  before I started to cook. “Oh!” I laughed realising I had forgotten the ground beef. I went to the fridge to grab it.
※ Bella ※
“Thank you.” The paper towel helped to wipe away the evidence of my tears, even if the stinging remained in place for now.
My mind went to how tall Jacob had become once again as my head tilted back to glance up at him. And his touch had been so deliciously warm. That act had cased my shoulders to stiffen, however the kindness of this boy had me relaxed.
“Of course, I can.” Following the way he indicated, opening the door to the cabinet I found a pot which could be used getting to work to fill it half way with water before setting it on the stove. The scent of garlic came instantly when he began to cut it, I turned to face the kitchen watching Jacob going to the fridge.
“Awww… and here I thought it would be meat free.” Teasing as I walked over to find a way to help with the next task.
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amirrorneverlies · 1 year
A Father’s Pride – Solo by Bella
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“𝐵𝑒𝒽𝒾𝓃𝒹 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒾𝓈 𝒶 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝓁𝓎
𝒶𝓂𝒶𝓏𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒻𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇. ” —𝓤𝓷𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀𝓷
I work up this morning without a heaviness on my chest. At first it hadn’t occurred to me, that was until I stood under the hot water cascading down from the shower head. I hadn’t, had a nightmare last night.
What had been the cause of such a change? I have no indication. However, it is something I hope to become a recurring circumstance going forwards. Often, I woke with cold sweats, breathlessness, and anxiety of what I had seen in my dreams. However, this. It was new... contemporary with a privation to understand and then repeat over again if at all possible.
‘Good Bells.’ #Charlie had the day off to go fishing with #HarryClearwater today, so seeing him in the kitchen making eggs made me stop in my footsteps.
“Dad, what are you doing here.” Pointing to him, then the kitchen and then to the door as I spoke.
‘Some would be curious, at their teenage daughter wanting them out of the house. But not me.’ Setting a plate on the kitchen table and guiding me to sit down to eat.   
“Of course, you would never, you have complete and utter confidence in your child not to do anything silly. Right?” Picking up a slice of toast to butter it.
‘Of course. However, in answer to your question…’ Walking over he kissed the top of my head before pouring some eggs on my plate now. ‘Harry wanted to come over in daylight to look at the beautiful new tackle shed my amazingly talented daughter built me for my birthday.’
I stopped my hand from moved just before my toast touched my lips.
When it had taken me with a LOT of help from #Embry, #Quil, and #Jake a full-on weekend to complete the job. To my surprise, in all that time #Charlie hadn’t even noticed what had been happening in his own back yard. He had been overjoyed to learn that the three boys had been over to help. (Mostly because it meant I hadn’t been home alone or at the Newtons store working.) A man of few words, however the joy of seeing his gift on the morning of his birthday had been written across his face. He told me he’d planned to update it for years, that time had gotten away from him. however, if he were doing this project himself, he would have picked the same style, size and try of shed.
#Charlie hadn’t had the time to look at the ins and outs of the shed until now. However, in all fairness he has been working so hard at work, with little to not time to do or think of anything else. Which is why I had been so happy to hear that #HarryClearwater had talked my dad into take a day to go fishing with him.
“Dad!” I exclaimed. “I hope you told Harry it was the boys who did all the work, I was learning from them. However, this was all their hard work.
He came to sit on the chair beside me and smiled. ‘Bells, you helped too. I’m proud of you.’ Filling his fork with some eggs. ‘And of course, I told Harry and Billy the boys had helped with it all. I told them I was delighted  with the end results. Which is why Harry is coming over today and Billy said he would come on the weekend. They both want to see how you kids did.’
Before I could say another word, the sound of a truck pulling up made the two of us turn to look out the kitchen window. I waved and smiled a little seeing #HarryClearwater climbing out and then walking up the pathway towards our door.
By the time Harry had a cup of coffee in his hands, some breakfast on his plate he had been giving us updates of everything happening on the rez.  ‘So, your father had been gushing about this new shed in his back yard.’ He tells me. ‘He’s been trying to make Billy and me jealous you know.’ When the man laughed, I saw parts of #Leah in his eyes, the way his eye lite up and the happy sound that came with it all. ‘He is very proud of his great and talented daughter.’
#Charlie didn’t say much or cut his friend off, I saw how his chest grew as #Harry spoke.
“Trust me Harry, I did not do it all alone. Jake, Quil, and Embry saved me… And as for being great…” My eyes were on my dad now. “They say… Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing father.”
#Charlie’s eyes meant mine and I could see his thoughts taking root. I was lucky to have a man like him as my dad, and I was going to make sure he knew it too.
#Harry’s eye moved to #Charlie in a wordless conversation I had not insight on. ‘I hope those boys were well behaved.’ He finally looked back to me.
“They are all amazing, until Embry hurt himself.” Telling the story of how the boys had been injured again I asked. “Have you seen him? Jake and Quil said he wasn’t feeling well?”
#Harry smiled and without missing a beat said. ‘I saw Embry, he is doing fine. It’s just mono. He will be back to himself soon.’
Before I could ask any questions, Charlie took his break in conversation to speak.
‘Right, time for us to get a move on and for Bella to head to school.’ Pushing back from the table he stood. Kissing the top of my head before the two-men disappeared out the back door.
“Happy Birthday, dad.” I whispered, watching them out of the window in the door. Telling myself to find a way to thank the three boys when I next made my way to La Push.
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amirrorneverlies · 1 year
Friendships on the Brink – Solo by Jacob Black
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Embry’s mother looked exhausted, so much so, that #Quil stood and took the kettle from her shaking hands and told her that he would finish making the hot chocolate. #TiffanyCall was the youngest of our parents, being only nineteen when she had #Embry. She’d not had an easy life… but most days you would never think it by looking at her. She was a powerhouse, a single Mom that worked hard for all of her son's life and gave him everything that he  needed. Not that #Embry was an overly demanding kid… he was happiest at home, with friends as long as there was music. He never wanted or demanded the latest and greatest clothes or trends… wasn’t hugely into video games or expensive hobbies. Though he would never say no to  going to #Quil’s for a marathon session of whatever the current favourite game was. (Then again neither did I)
She had raised a kind, smart (though he struggled at school in certain subjects, he was clever in so many other ways), sarcastic and loving son. He adored his mom, and he didn’t care who knew it, or how much they teased him for it. So, watching her hand shake as she lifted her coffee cup broke my heart. She was the fun Mom… The one that let us stay up all night and watch horror movies, eating junk and drinking soda, the one that drove us to concerts and let us make giant messes building forts in her living room when it was raining outside.
‘You boys are sure you haven’t seen him?’ She asked, #Quil was back at the table with two mugs of hot chocolate, and he slid one to me. ‘No one is going to be in trouble… I just need to know that he is okay.’
“We haven’t seen him since the day he hurt his foot, Momma T… I swear.” I told her and #Quil nodded. It was true… that was two days ago.
‘So what happened? He just left in the middle of the night?’ #Quil’s brows pinched with worry.
#Tiffany nodded. ‘I heard something in the middle of the night. When I went to the kitchen; he was eating cold leftovers out of the fridge… I thought that was a good thing because he’d been so poorly with that fever and when I offered to warm something up for him, he just completely freaked out. He started screaming about me treating him like a child. I didn’t get a chance to say anything he just started making no sense at all and he was shaking… his face got all red and I….’ She stopped talking and shook her head, staring into her coffee mug.
“You what?” I pressed gently.
‘Honestly… I feel horrible saying it, but I was scared. He really frightened me… then he stormed out of the house and…’ She motioned for us to follow her into the hallway and to the back door of their single-storey home. There was a fist-sized hole in the drywall. ‘He did this on his way out.’
There was no way. It was beyond comprehension that Embry would do this in his mother's house. I mean sure he played fast and loose with a lot of rules. He would sneak into places he shouldn’t be… but out of curiosity… not for random acts of vandalism… the reason he almost always got away with it was because he left things exactly as he found them.
This information didn’t fit comfortably into my mind.
#Quil and I just stared at each other. I could tell that he was thinking the same things as me. ‘We’ll go find him Momma T.’ #Quil said, and Tiffany stifled a sob. ‘We’ll figure it out.’
‘Thank you… just… be safe, boys. Don’t go getting yourself into trouble. If he’s gotten himself in a situation; I don’t want, you boys getting into it too.’ #MsCall always wanted what was best for each of us, even now when she couldn’t find her son; she was making sure we didn’t do anything we shouldn’t.
“We won’t… but we’ll find him. I promise…” I nodded and I turned to head for the front door with #Quil right behind me. But a knock at the door stopped us in our tracks.
‘Embry!’ #Tiffany gasped and squeezed between the two of us to rush to the door.
My heart dropped into my stomach when I saw Embry standing there… He looked like a different person, and it was only two days since we’d seen him.  But next to him was my father and Harry Clearwater… behind them all; #SamUley.
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amirrorneverlies · 1 year
What is there to see, if a Mirror Never Lies?
Stories told from the Point of View of Jacob Black and Bella Swan. What would life look like if Bella Never went after the boy she thought she may have loved?
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⌿ ⟶ Their stories are created and come to life on Twitter ...
𝒲𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝒶𝓇𝓀𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝐿𝑒𝓉 𝒢𝑜? – 𝒮𝑜𝓁𝑜 𝒷𝓎 𝐵𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶 https://tmblr.co/ZWeuqSamNLEhSe01
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𝐼𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝒾𝓇 𝒢𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝒢𝓇𝒶𝒸𝑒s... - 𝒷𝓎 Jacob and Bella https://tmblr.co/ZWeuqSap2BB5Ki00
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𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒹𝑜𝑒𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶 𝒻𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝓃? – 𝒮𝑜𝓁𝑜 𝒷𝓎 𝐵𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶 https://tmblr.co/ZWeuqSbQKqhhKq00
𝐹𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅𝓈 𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝐵𝓇𝒾𝓃𝓀 – 𝒮𝑜𝓁𝑜 𝒷𝓎 𝒥𝒶𝒸𝑜𝒷 𝐵𝓁𝒶𝒸𝓀 https://tmblr.co/ZWeuqSdeaWXrCm00
𝒜 𝐹𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇’𝓈 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝒹𝑒 – 𝒮𝑜𝓁𝑜 𝒷𝓎 𝐵𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶 https://www.tumblr.com/amirrorneverlies/715965972225327104
𝒩𝑜 𝑀𝒶𝓃 𝐿𝑒𝒻𝓉 𝐵𝑒𝒽𝒾𝓃𝒹 - 𝒜 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝓉𝑜𝓁𝒹 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒥𝒶𝒸𝑜𝒷 𝐵𝓁𝒶𝒸𝓀 https://www.tumblr.com/amirrorneverlies/719771403310727168
Stakeout – Solo by Jacob Black https://www.tumblr.com/amirrorneverlies/722636408787025920
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amirrorneverlies · 1 year
Into Their Good Graces – With Jacob Black Part 2 - cont....
※ Jacob ※
I couldn’t help but wonder about Bella and her mom when I watched her with #Charlie, was her relationship with her similar? It was always something I wondered about. Like with #Quil and his dad got along really well but he and his mom kind butt heads a lot... Probably because she was the one forcing him to study and do his chores.
#Embry adorid his mother… But she was all he had. I had so few memories with my mom. I mean other than the normal stuff, we’d never taken a family vacation or anything, the furthest we had ever gone was day trips to Seattle. I knew that losing my mother was part of why I always paid attention to how my friends were with their parents. But that was probably normal, right?
I knew the answer to #Quil’s question instantly. But I let Bella handle it, he would believe her quicker. ‘Oh yeah, of course. That’s wouldn’t be a problem. Just… Scholarships don’t come easy, even with good grades.’ He would be happy to do it.
When Bella turned to me and Embry and said the same we just looked at one another and pressed our lips together... Embry chewed on his the way he always did. "Um... neither of us is planning on doing the college thing..." I explained. "I already have a place sorted after high school to apprentice as a mechanic... I'll need to spend a few months in Seattle for trade school... But that's about it. Then when I'm qualified I might take night classes to learn how to open my own  shop."
People always gave me a m weird looks when I told them my plan like I hadn't thought about it though. But I had done my research and spoken to elders on the Rez and my father about the plan at length. After a lengthy process, even my Father had come around to the idea that maybe college wasn't the only way to make something of yourself.
 I waited for #Embry to explain his plan and tried to brace myself to not roll my eyes. 'As soon as I get my own car I'm gonna start  a band with my friend #Tony and be a rock star.' He leaned back in his chair and took a large bite of his pizza. #Quil and I both turned in unison to see Bela's reaction.
※ Bella ※
“I am sure, and with so many people trying to apply for the same scholarships too.” Taking a drink from my glass of water. “Have you looked into the scholarships open to tribes? I’m not sure what is out there, however when I was researching my choices last year, I did see a few.” I offered. “I may still have the brochures and catalogues upstairs. Remind me to grab them for you.
We both turned our attending to Jacob and #Embry.
How could three boys be so different and the same? Their friendship truly had to be witnessed to believe. And yet there seemed to be and organic thread that kept the close and together.
I half smiled one by one listening to their plans. Jacob made me pause. I could see him doing well with his hands in a trade. However, he would miss out on the experience of having to manage himself and his life without his family. And then… it occurred that this young boy was doing that as it was.
And the #Embry I schooled my features in a neutral position, I had no right to tell anyone what they could or could not dream of.
“Those are both interesting plans guys.” I took #Embry first. “Only those who dream to climb the mountain will achieve their dreams.” Whispers, “I stole that from the Dalai llama. The man is full of wisdom. However, I happen to agree with him.
You and your friend. Tony? You should go for it.
Turning my chocolate brown eyes to Jacob. “I can see you have thought this through. You have a plan, and you should go for it. If I can help with anything… all of you… just say the word.”
※ Jacob ※
#Quil nodded. 'Yeah the principal of our school is incredible she told me about all the scholarships I should be eligible for and a few I probably won't be... but they are all on the list to apply for in my senior year.' He smiled at her.
'Yeah, I'll take whatever you have to offer... you've probably sent your applications already right? You're graduating this year?'
I smiled and kept eating. I was glad that Bella was encouraging #Embry. "He's actually a really good guitar player. He can hear a song once and play it more or less perfectly." I added to the conversation, and he was really good... It wasn't a lie.
 I gave her a smile and a quick nob. "Thanks, Bell's I'll definitely let you know if I need a  hand. But for now. I pushed out of the chair next to me. You need to at something before these two finish all of this off." I laughed. "Embry had lead eaten all but two slices of the box in front of him and was looking longingly at the other one.
※ Bella ※
“Thank you, Jake.” I took the seat beside him, nudging my shoulder lightly to send the ‘thank you’, all the way in. The guys were all looking to me. And I laughed softly. “I’m going to eat three slices. The rest are all yours.” It was all #Embry needed to hear.
“Maybe someday you will play for me too Mr Call. I’m sure Leah told me your mom plays something too?” I couldn’t recall which instrument.
“And Yes.” I say with a slice on my plate now and a wing or two. “I sent in all my applications last year; I should be hearing in the coming months if I’ve been accepted anyway. It’s why I say I have all the books. You know to help with writing your essay and how best to apply and how to approach the colleges. I don’t need them now. So, they are yours too. If you want them.”
I didn’t mind sharing and giving them out. I would have no need for them. “Once you are with them, pass them on to anyone in your school who would want them too? We all should help anyone.”
Smiling as she all finished up with our dinner. I sat back as the two who set the table also worked  to clean up. ‘You bought the food, we will clean.’ Smiling I stood nodding to the living room.
“I am not saying no to that offer. And I’m going to go wait in there.” Backing away from the madness. My glanced out the window. “Do you guys think we are done for the day?  Or do you think we can get another few hours in?” I called out over my shoulder.
I was so full. Maybe pizza hadn’t been the best idea of we still planned to work?
※ Jacob ※
I smiled at her and took another bite. But the smile was short-lived when #Embry spoke. ‘I love a girl that’s not afraid to eat… I hate when they try and convince you that one slice is enough to fill them.’
My mouth dropped open. “Are you…” I gaped. “What on earth is wrong with you?” I would have slapped him over the back of his head, only I didn’t want to catch Bella in the crossfire. #Quil elbowed him and he exclaimed. ‘What!? All I’m saying is three slices is pretty decent.’
I shook my head. “And I’m sure she appreciates your approval.” The sarcasm in my voice was thick, I knew all too well his mom told that criticizing or commenting on what a woman chose to or not to eat was not his place.
‘No … no…’ #Embry chewed on his lip the way he did when was thinking. ‘Sorry Bella that was insensitive. And thanks.’ he pointed to the pizza he had already taken from her box.
I couldn’t help but smile when Bella was talking to #Quil about  college, it meant so much to him… but a little selfishly I was dreading graduation. He wanted to get as far away as possible. It all depended on scholarships and financial aid to see where he would end up… even if it was Seattle… I was going to miss him. But at the same time I wanted him to get his dream career.
“I think we should get back out there,” I said washing down my last bite with a swig from my water. “We still have some daylight left, and daylight is not a thing to waste around these parts.”
※ Bella ※
I ducked down hiding myself as far down as I could while listening to the boys chastising #Embry. My face burning a crimson share as I moaned when Jack said we should get back out to work. It wasn’t a conversation I felt like happing, not after the year I had, not after the fact that I had worried my father so much, to the point he was thinking of sending me away.
I shook those memories from my mind.
Thankfully the subject changed about what was left to do, what we could complete today and most importantly, on how #Embry wasn’t allowed to climb up on what was left to dismantle of the old shed.
“Embry?” I called
‘Yeah Bella?’ He was over like a shot, making me smile.
“The top of the stairs, there is a closet. I’m not sure if they will fit, but Charlie has some d trainers he uses for work. You can’t go outside without something on your feet.” And I hoped he wouldn’t put the blood-filled ones back on.
‘Oh. Yeah. Thanks Bella. I’ll go up and see.’
Willing myself, I pulled free of the cough and patted my thighs. “Okay. Let’s get this done.” Calling out to the other two.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed at her reaction. “C’mon Bells… don’t tell me that you are afraid of a little hard work?” I teased her. This was the girl that planned on building this entire thing herself after all.
#Embry headed for the stairs… definitely not  limping. The cut on his foot must not have been that bad after all. I mean we’d all had tiny cut that bleed way tanner you thought they should right? Maybe it was just that on a larger scale? “Okay let’s get this roof off the right way,  shall we?” I clapped my hands together and rubbed them eagerly. #Quil was already grabbing the collapsible ladder that #Charlie had in the shed and propping again the side of the shed. He was already prying out nails with the claw hammer and lifting the sheets of felt that lined roof.
“Wanna help me gather all this up?” I said to Bella when he tossed down the first sheet and I started to fold it up as best I could.
“Probably a good plan for me and #Quil take the roof down and then you can keep #Embry’s feet on the ground and help him with the pieces when we pass them down?” I said to her just before he appeared at the back door with an old pair of used-to-be-white trainers.
‘I can hear you, you know!’ He huffed like it was obvious… but there was no way!!
“How!?” I called across the yard and he tugged on his ear, again, like it was obvious. “I thought spending half your life wearing headphones with blaring music was meant to damage your hearing does not improve it!” I laughed.
※ Bella ※
“I so am not and you know it Jacob Black, I was hoping to Digest My Food. That is all.” Food made me lethargic, I never did well after lunch or dinner. But I knew we had to make a good amount of progress today.
We were outside and moving  things about, I nod in agreement with Jake’s plan. “It would go better this way.” I said before I hear and saw #Embry.
‘You think you’re funny.’ #Embry said to Jacob, and then jumped form from the top step and I frowned watching him. How? How could this boy jump around after losing so much bloody?
“Don’t you both start, we have a plan and we have work to do.” I clapped my hands, because I had seen where thing kind of conversation could lead with the guys at school. It would be with them rolling in the mud play fighting or wrestling.
#Quil glanced down and rolled his eyes at me as to say ‘children, right!’ And this made me smile a little. Because he knew he would be right there in the middle of it all.
‘Sure, sure. I’m here to save the day. Why don’t you and I team up Bella?’ #Embry asked picking up the last sheet that hit the ground.
“I believe that is the plan Embry.” I told him and he nudged me in the side.
‘Listen Bella…’ he lowered him  voice a little and came in closer to my ear. ‘Don’t take this the wrong way. But your room smells like something died in there.’ My eyebrows shot up.
“What do you mean? I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.
‘What were you doing in her room to smell it?’ #Quil called down and threw another sheet.
‘The door was open; I was sat on the floor putting these on. It was hard to miss.’ He threw something up and it hit #Quil in the face. ‘Score!’ He was laughing. ‘Anyway, I’m sure  it’s just a week… not maybe a month-old pizza box or something.’
I stood uncertain if he were joking or if he meant what he said. I didn’t really eat in my room, so I knew there were no festering
Boxes or plates in my room.
He was lifting on of the big sheets, so I put my gloves in and help with one side.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed. “But like I said… daylight is too precious to waste!” I grinned.
“I guess your foot is feeling better,” I said… confused.
‘I told you guys, you were overreacting.’ #Embry scoffed. I grabbed a claw hammer and climbed the ladder up to help #Quil pry out the last of the nails out of the roof. Then I froze because of the next words out of Embry’s mouth. I was never going to bring him back here.
“Embry… I’m sure it was just your own feet you were smelling. Can you stop being rude for a second, and help with this?” I scrambled to the other side of the roof. with before we pulled out the last few nails and started to slide the roof down for the two of them to grab.
I was seriously going to need to talk to him about thinking before he spoke… he was always impulsive, but it was getting out of control lately.
※ Bella ※
The conversation died down for a little while, everyone put their heads down and worked hard. Jacob had been correct in advising us, that we should make the most of the daylight while we had it. Adding to it the fact that after eating, we all seemed to hind the energy to get more done.
Before I knew it, the boys and I had the old, shed roof down too. The windows out and the back of my truck filled with the sodden timber. ‘We will keep some of this, Bella. If it’s not too bad, we will reuse it for patchwork, and you never know what we might come across when we get the new frame work up.’ #Quil’s advice was good too.
“I’ll get to work putting it all under the new tarp we bought today.” I moved out of the boys’ way and a little at a time had all the off cuts and leftovers covered for use at a later date.
I wasn’t certain how much time went past before #Emby found his way next to me, he brought over the last of the off cuts they wanted me to save. ‘Hey Bella?’ He shifted on his feet and bit his lower lip at the same time as I did it. ‘I’m sorry if what I said was rude. It’s not how I meant it. I really was only saying it because my Mom would throw a fit, and I didn’t want to leave you having to face that with the Chief. I swear. Only good intentions were in play.’ It made me smile. I knew my dad wouldn’t say anything, he would be glad there was food in my room. However, I understood.
“It’s okay Embry. I will go up in a little and check for the dead rat. I know how bad it could really be?” He laughs and nudges me.
‘You’re pretty cool you know that, Swan.’
“Thanks, Call. You aren’t so bad yourself.  
 ※ Jacob ※
We fell into a rhythm and before we knew it, we had Bella’s truck full of wood and glass for the salvage yard. I wasn’t shocked at how easily Bella seemed to get into the swing of the manual labour, I doubted she’d done anything like this  before… but she was always resourceful and clever enough to figure out anything she set her mind to. When Bella went to cover the shed’s contents, I went to help her. “Why don’t we put the fishing tackle and tools into my dad’s truck and I can keep it in the barn until we have the new one up?” I smiled. “I doubt anyone would steal from the Chief’s yard… but the weather might not be great.”
#Quil and I were arranging things in the back of the truck, and I watched #Embry and  Bella talking. I couldn’t hear them, but I could tell my friend was apologising. Which I was glad about… but she was smiling at him. It was obvious that Embry liked her… but could she possibly be starting to feel the same?
I could go over  there and interrupt them… but did I want to be that guy? I was a little disappointed in myself when my feet started to take me in their direction. Telling me that; yes, I did want to be that. “Bell’s if we head out now, we could probably make it to the scrap yard before they close. Or do you want to wait and do that in the morning before we get started?”
※ Bella ※
#Embry nudged me again and we both looked up to see Jacob as he spoke to me. “Oh… uhm…” My brows pulled together, and I bit down on my lip. “You know what Jake if it’s not too much trouble could we do it now? Like you said. Best to keep going with the daylight as we have it.” I turn my eyes to the sky. “If you don’t mind I’m going to go change out of this.” I pulled on my damp top. “I won’t be long.”
‘Hey why don’t Bry and I take your truck down to yours Jake, we can start to empty the Chief’s things and that way both the trucks are clear for us to start on the building tomorrow?’ I stopped half way up the back yard.
“Are you all sure you want to spend all your weekend doing this work?” #Embry laughed. And he and #Quil both at the same time said. ‘Hell yeah.’
My dark brown eyes settled on Jacob before I turned to run ( well walk faster ) into the house and up the stairs. As soon as I was upstairs, I went to the bathroom to freshen up. Wash my hands and face, pull my hair up into a ponytail so that it was out of the way, and then I was in my bedroom. I stood in the middle of it, looking at everything. I sniffed and inhaled deeply. “That’s funny.” I smelt nothing but the candles I burned in the evening while I did my homework.
I bent down and pulled my covers up from around the bed. Looking under the bed just in case something had fallen under there. and again nothing. “He must be playing a trick on me.” I muttered to myself. Then began to look for my red shirt. I searched high and low for it. I had worn it for an hour a few days ago, so I hadn’t washed it just yet. But now… “Maybe Charlie put it in the wash?” As I said the words, I knew it wasn’t so. He never did the washing. Not since I had woken up from my zoop life.
※ Jacob ※
#Embry nudged Bella with and elbow. ‘This one’s got hustle! No stopping you when you get going, Swan. Respect!’ He nodded approvingly. He had said something that wasn’t mildly (if unintentionally offensive) and all it did was irritate me.
I was glad that #Quil volunteered them both to drop the truck back to mine; it gave me a few more minutes alone with Bella. There hadn’t been a lot of chances for that today. I grinned wide when the guys said together that they wanted to  spend the weekend working on this. “We’ve never been great with being idle.” I explained. “This is the kinda thing we do for fun.” I laughed softly. “I mean normally we’re working on a car or something… unless someone needs something like this done. And I’m still up for new parts so there’s nothing we can do on the Rabbit right now.”
‘Yeah!’ #Quil chimed in. ‘You’ve saved us from a boring weekend, Bella.’
Bella headed inside and I tossed the guys the keys, they proceeded  the play rock, paper, scissors to decide who got to drive, but they both picked the same thing the first five times… I rolled my eyes. They always did that! Then finally #Quil won one and #Embry tried to say best out of three but I reminded them that this was round six and we didn’t have all day. They just laughed and gave in and it was easy to forget that I was annoyed with him while we waited for Bella to lock up the house.
※ Bella ※
“Ready?” I called out as I closed the back door, pushing my arm out from in the jacket and trying again to push it in.
‘Bella! Mind your footing, that middle step is lose’ #Quil called out just before I set me foot down unevenly. But caught myself, from tumbling down. ‘I swear, we need you wrapped up I bubbles or a Zorb ball, or something.’ He was laughing now, however his face still looked like he was usure what my next step would cause.
“I know, my hand and eyes co-ordination have never been great.” I tell them coming to a stop before the boys.
‘Bella…’ #Embry shook his head and thought better of saying whatever it was he had thought of. ‘We are going to head off.’ He looked to Jacob and then to #Quil. ‘We can empty this all out and them see if Harry will loan us some of his tools. He had the best ones. We will see you at yours,’
The two of them ran, punching, pushing, and laughing, watching them I had to smile again. “Those two have a special kind of a friendship. It’s as though they can read the others mind.” I said Finally turning to Jacob. “You three are the perfect blend of friends. Each one had the strength the others need. Don’t ever let go of them okay. I can see you all needing one another over the years.”  
※ Jacob ※
“Maybe we should just put in a ramp instead of those steps.” I teased after I noticed that Bella was okay after her stumble.
‘That’s all well and good until it snows.’ #Quil chuckled. I nodded. “Yeah, they do.” I gave her a smile and started towards her truck. “I think it's an only child thing… they’re like kindred Spirits.” I stepped up to the passenger side.
“We’ve all been friends since forever, we look after each other. They help me with Dad… mostly Quil but Embry  is great at putting a smile on his face when he isn’t feeling good even if he can’t help me with the house and stuff.” I shrugged and pulled open the door. “It’s like you said. We each have our strengths and we don’t try to change each  other. Even if I wish Embry was a little less blunt sometimes.”
I laughed, but in all honestly, I wouldn’t change that really. He always said what he was thinking… I could always trust him not to lie to me or hide things.
“Trust me…  we’ve been through a lot together… nothing is gonna break up this band. Plus, I’m not sure #Embry would make it to Christmas without us.” I laughed
※ Bella ※
“I feel as though I should take offence here with the ramp comment Jacob Black.” Frowning, however, the teasing in my voice giving me again.
Once in my truck I backed it out of the drive, checking for oncoming traffic before setting off. “I don’t know.” I say setting the wipers on, seeing drops of rain beginning to fall on the windscreen. “I like his bluntness. You don’t have to try to work out what he means. What you see is what you get with people like him. It’s refreshing.” Looking over to him on the passenger side. “I had a hard time with people who said one thing, when they  meant another. My school is full of them. So, yeah.”
As I drove us out of town to the junk yard, it occurred to me that I felt so at ease around these boys and the Clearwater’s. I saw why #Charlie preferred to be in La Push, fishing, and hunting with such kind souls.
When we reach the junk yard a man waved us down. Asking that we were planning on dumping. I glanced at Jake and then to the man explaining what we were doing and what we have in the bed of the truck. He gave it a once over before pointing me towards the far end of the yard.
“This is the first time I’m doing it, wasn’t expecting the pop quiz.” I whisper.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed. “Well, then we need to work on your coordination.”
I smiled at her when she said she liked #Embry… even though it still sparked some jealousy. “He very rarely means to be offensive… and when he does… there are normally swear  words involved.” I chuckled. ‘#Embry isn’t one of those people; he’ll say what he means… He might forget to follow through in something he says, but he will mean it at the time he says it.”
I turned to look at her… Was she having problems with people at school? But instead of trying to focus on the negative, I said. “There are good people everywhere… unfortunately, they’re harder to find.”
We reached the Junkyard in plenty of time before it closed, Bella told the guy at the yard what we need to get rid of and followed his directions. “I’ve been here a few times and It still shocks me how organised it is.” I laughed. We weaved through the section. “I think this is where we need to be just ahead.
※ Bella ※
“As long  as a person’s heart is in the right place Jake, we should give them the benefit of the doubt.”
I knew #Quil and #Embry through Jacob, so I only had today and his stories to go by. I knew when I overhead #Harry and #Charlie speaking. They spoke highly of the boys on the Rez.
“This is organised?”
Trying so hard to school my features as I looked around. I couldn’t tell where one thing started and another ended. However, for the way the man gave me directions it was clear to me he knew this place like the back of his hand.
Once parked, I bit my lips tucking a few fly away hairs behind my ear.
“You really know what you are doing don’t you?”
Not sure why I asked, because from the moment we were in the hardware store, to the work in the yard, and now to here. It was clear despite being younger, Jacob really did know his way around all this hard word.
“Come on then, let’s empty out all this mess.”
Pushing the door open I hadn’t even stepped out for a man came rushing over. Asking if he could have the glass panels he has seen in the bed of the truck.  Telling him to help himself, but that they were old. He thanks us and gets to work taking them all. The cracked ones too.
“One less thing to remove?”
※ Jacob ※
“We do…” I smiled at her “But his mom would kill us if we didn’t pull him up on his manners.” I laughed. “And Momma T is a sweetheart… but we all do as Tiff says.”
I laughed when she pointed out the flaw in my logic. “I mean… cars and metal at the front, lumber to the back and then building material somewhere in the middle. It’s trying to be organised at least… right?” I sounded a little unsure.
I looked at her confused for a second. “Oh… the DIY stuff? Yeah, sure… I  mean Uncle #Harry made sure we all knew what we needed to for basic jobs… When Dad ended up in the chair…. #Embry doesn’t know who his dad is… #Quil lost his father when he was little. So, Harry and Charlie made sure we knew how to look after a house and stuff.” It was things like this that made me glad I lived on the Rez… Even a town as a small as Forks didn’t have the sense of family that we grew up with.
I nodded to the guy that wanted to take the windows and turned to  Bella. “Yeah, that’s another thing I love about this place. Someone is always willing to give you a hand. Let’s get started then.” I smiled at her, and we started to unload. Shortly after we started, the guy that took the glass came over and offered us a hand to empty out the last of the pieces in the bed of the truck.
※ Bella ※
“Okay. Okay. That is somewhat organised. However, from a glance I wouldn’t have thought it.”
Now that Jacob has pointed it out. I saw the clean definition in the different areas. And it kind of made sense.
“Oh…” I didn’t know about #Quil or #Embry’s fathers. It had never come up in conversation. However, maybe that was why the boys were so close?
“Charlie too?” A little shock resounded in my voice, because… Well, I’m not sure. It was something I hadn’t known about my dad. That he had been there for these boys just like #Harry and #Billy.
However, knowing how #Charlie was close to them, knew them so well. Even the way they all exchanged words, humour at the house today. It should have made me realise there was a deeper connection.
“I like knowing that Charlie and Harry helped to teach you all. Now I need them to teach me.” However, I was taking notes from the three boys today.
I smiled as we got into working, surprised at how the man came back to help. Thanking him when were all done.
‘Three sets of hands are better than two kid.’ He said winking at us both, before he went to climb into his truck.
“That was so nice of him.” I said climbing into my own truck after shrugging out of my now soaked coat. “I wish this rain would let up a little.” It had started up as we had been half way through.
Shaking from the cold, I shifted in my seat, feeling the wet rain rolling down my back.  “I hate being wet.”
※ Jacob ※
“Yeah, the guys spend a lot of time at my place… So when #Charlie visits he’s around them… And he just… took an interest I suppose. Especially in #Embry… he’s a little reckless and rebellious sometimes #Charlie has a way of talking sense without sounding like he’s telling people off, you know?”
I knew that #Embry appreciated the Dads on the Rez that took an interest, and #Charlie too. A lot of people treated him like an outsider. “It means a lot to him… you know how small towns are and then add in the fact that his Mom isn’t from the tribe. Some people just have small minds.”
I smile at Bella when she spoke about the man that helped us out. “One good turn deserves another.” I chuckled and I smiled at her.
“And a pretty face never fails to put people in a good mood.”
I brushed the rain off the sleeves of my jacket and laughed. “Then you definitely moved to the wrong state” But then I quickly added. “But you’ll get used to it… there really is a lot of beauty around here if you can get past the cold and wet and go look for it.”
※ Bella ※
That smile was back again. Listening to Jacob speaking about my dad in this way was eye opening. How he was seen by others was so different.
I loved my dad. But #Charlie was #Charlie. We knew what the other needed or wanted without sometimes even having to ask or say. The smile turned into a small frown as Jacob continued.
“Mrs Call isn’t from the tribe? However, she loved on the Rez with Embry, doesn’t she?” My eyes moved from the road to him for the briefest of moments, and then were back in place and concentrating once again.
“And what do you mean by the small minds thing?” As I said it I lifted one hand up and shook my head. My wet hair clinging to my forehead. “You know what. It doesn’t matter to me.”
I had meant #Embry’s mother once. And that one small interaction was enough to set her in the list of people to be respected for their kindness. I saw how she helped my friend when she looked broken. And anyone who saw that beautiful lady in any other way. Did not deserve my attention or time.
I shook the mood off and scoffed “Now you are calling yourself pretty Jake? Do the guys know it’s how you describe yourself? I’m sure they will have a few more descriptive words to add too, knowing how your three are.”
I allowed myself to look around us as we started back towards La Push. That hole was starting to claw in my chest again.
“There are some breath-taking beautiful places..” my mind started to flash images of all the places 𝙃𝙚 took me.
“You know what Jake. There was this one place. I went to it a few times… in the foot of mountains. I was hiking…” that hole was crowing with every word I said. Why was I saying it? I never wanted to see that place again. “How easy would it be for me to find it do you think?”
※ Jacob ※
I wondered for a moment if I’d spoken of turn… but #Embry was always the first to correct people when they called him Quileute. “Yeah, she’s from the Makah tribe, they live on the Neah Bay reservation. But it’s pretty common for people to  move between the two considering it’s only an hour and a half drive… and there are a few smaller tribes too… but normally when people move its because they are getting married or staying with family for… well…” Normally when kids were shipped to a cousin, aunt or uncle in a different tribe it was for a bad reason. “A lot of reasons. But…” I got back to the point because the wolf was out of the bag already anyway. “Mamma T thought that #Embry should grow up here because  she can teach him the Makah traditions and histories but not the Quileute ones and she wanted him to have both sides of his heritage.”
I remembered being in awe of her when she told us all this after a particularly nasty incident in school that resulted in #Embry going to stay with his grandparents in Neah Bay for a week; just to get away from it all for a while. That she would give up being with her tribe and her parents to see to it that her son would learn about both of his halves. It was a sacrifice I didn’t think many would make. Especially when his father never stepped up for them.
Then she had me laughing… “Well, there’s no denying that now that you have so kindly brought it up… but I have a  feeling it was your pretty face that did the job this time.” I grinned. Not in a creepy way, the guy was probably my dad’s age, and he was just being genuinely helpful.
I froze then and shifted in the seat to look at her. “You want to go back into the woods?”  A chill ran down my spine at the memory of #SamUley carrying her out of the woods in the dead of night. “I mean unless you can pinpoint it on a map….”
I continued. Not wanting to encourage that idea but telling her  outright not to do it didn’t seem like my place.
“There’s a lot of woods around her and you really need to be prepared if you’re going to hike in it. It’s not a stroll in the park where you bring a granola bar and bottle of water and you’re sorted. You know what I mean?” I raised my brows for emphasis. “Can you remember the name of the trail you took?”
※ Bella ※
I could sense the disapproval in the gaze that I could only just about see out of the side of my eye while I drove us to La Push. I knew it was an irresponsible thought, I didn’t want to go there, I didn’t want to go back to a place that was filled with memories of a lie.
My hand went to my chest, and I rubbed it without thinking of the action. That hole was trying to carve it’s self-bigger and deeper than before. “I don’t even really know where it was, I just know where I started and then…” Again… Why had I allowed myself to think about it at all?
“Forget I said anything, please... Of course, I don’t want to go in the woods… Not after…” Remembering #Charlie and all he had to put up with, I let my eyes find Jake’s and I felt my heart sink at the way he was looking at me now too.
“Charlie before asking us all to stay out of there right now… Just made me remember it, that’s all.” Chewing on my lips I wanted him to smile, to look at me as he had been before I brought this stupid place up.  “It was just… a thought… I shouldn’t have asked. Forget it.” I said again as we headed out of Forks now.
※ Jacob ※
I chewed on the inside of my cheek… I didn’t want her to be afraid of the place that she lived either. “There isn’t anything wrong with going into the woods… not if you do it right.” I explained. “A map… the right gear and never go alone… mace is always good too. Just in case, but as a last resort.”
I watched the way she rubbed her chest. “But without a starting point…” I heaved a sigh… It was impossible. “If you could describe it I could ask around on the Rez? #Embry has a wicked sense of direction if he’s been there before he could find it easily… we’ve spent our fair share of time in the woods with summer programs and things like that…”
I pressed my lips into a tight line. I hadn't wanted her to feel bad… but it would be like me going to Phoenix and taking a stroll in the desert. “You should always ask Bella… there’s nothing wrong with it. Just… if you change your mind… don’t go alone. It doesn’t have to be me you ask. But someone… someone that knows the area.”
We started down familiar roads and I smiled, she had made it clear she wanted the subject changed but I knew I needed to tell her not to do this alone, in case she did change her mind. Now that I had I smiled and turned to her. “Today was fun huh?’ I chuckled. “A little blood loss aside… it was a good day.”
※ Bella ※
Keeping one hand on the wheel at all times, and reaching into the deep pocket of my coat, my fingers grasp a small canister before pushing it out. “Have you been taking to Charlie at all?” The can of mace was thrown in his direction. “Feel free to have this one, Charlie leaves me a new one out each week. It is like he hopes I am using it on the boys at school or something.”
Trying to put a little excitement and gratitude into my voice, because I had to face the facts in these here matters. #Charlie would be devastated just by finding out that I had asked about the woods, let alone asked how to find my way around the place he had asked me and the boys to stay out of.
“It would be very selfish of me right now Jacob to ask anyone to step into those woods. Charlie asked us to stay out and to be safe, we should do that.” I could only hope that I hadn’t come a long way in this process that people said would heal, only to stumble at the ninth hour and fall back into a place I had no desire to lead into again.
Chewing on my lips as we drove over the bridge, and I knew these roads as well as I knew those around Forks. Coming to the Clearwater’s, the Black’s, or to the beach for a little time meant I could drive without really thinking about it.
“Actually...” My eyes on the road, however I could see the change in him now. “I really did have a fun time. Who would have thought?” These boys had been the much-needed support and help I didn’t even know I required.
 “I really do not know how I will ever thank you and the boys. All your helps today. There is no way I would have been able to begin the process let alone come so far in it, in one day.” Wincing a little at the blood loss comment. “I still cannot believe we did not take that boy to hospital. It really did look so bad while we were outside. Do you think his mom will be mad when she hears what happened? I should have been better at looking out for him.”  
※ Jacob ※
I laughed and caught the can, the big letters reading [POLICE ISSUE] down the side. “I have two of these in my S&R pack. Charlie’s doing too.” I nodded in explanation. “He’s always trying to give them #LeahClearwater too… and #Rachel when  she went off to college… but Rach actually took hers.”
I listened and nodded. “It would be less selfish than doing it alone. A lot of people would hurt if they lost you Bells. Even if it was only for a few hours.”
I smiled wide. “You don’t need to thank us... we do this kinda thing for fun… and it's for #Charlie so that just makes it even better. And don’t worry about #Embry… it couldn’t have been as bad as it looked if he was. I’ll make sure his mom takes a look. She’s seen way worse with him.” I chuckled. “If he needs a doctor, she’ll make him go… he acts tough… but he can’t really say no to her.”
※ Bella ※
“Of course, Charlie did. I’m surprised he isn’t going to my school to hand them out there.” Pausing for a beat before continuing. “Actually, something tells me it would be less safe to hand those canisters to some who go there.”
My heart sank and that chasm in my chest began to dig it claws into me. The sensation of hearing him say out loud what I knew those who cared thought. Grounded me to the point that my hands lost control of the wheel for a breath, and then corrected as quick as I came.
Clearing my throat. “Sorry… sorry… I don’t know what happened there.” I knew full well. He had hit a nerve that was still raw even with all my attempts to heal it by myself.
I didn’t say anything else for the rest of the drive. Telling myself to breath and keep the beast on the road took all the attention I could muster.
Thankfully Jacob really didn’t stop, talking about Embry, his mom gave me the time to gather myself before we pulled up outside his home.
“The doors open?”
Just as I said the words, #Billy approached and waved us in. With the outline of #Embry Right behind him.
※ Jacob ※
I watched her eyes go dark for a moment and the truck drifted over the line… but she got it under control. Bella seemed to be more comfortable with the change of subject, so I stuck to it. She had heard what I said about the woods… and if  she did go searching… we would find her.
I saw the guys as we pulled up and Dad on the porch. “At least that means the ramp we fixed earlier is holding up.” I chuckled. “Looks like dad is happy to see you. Why don’t you go say hi? I’ll find out why those idiots haven’t finished unloading the truck yet.”
I climbed out of Bella’s truck and Dad shouted at me that it wasn’t very polite to not open the door for a lady. I rolled my eyes and walked around to open her door. “Dad is all about manners… so save me from his lecture and let me open the door for you.” I smiled at her before I opened the door.
I made my way over to the guys. Teasing them about how they still hadn’t unloaded the truck yet. ‘It's not our fault that #Sue dropped off a cake’ #Embry laughed.
“You better have saved me a slice!” I said and the guys both started teasing that they didn’t, prompting me to try and wrestle #Quil to the ground… I failed. But it was fun to try, as we laughed and joked.
※ Bella ※
“I will let it slide this time. However next time, I’m opening your door.” Teasing Jacob before climbing down from the truck and waving to #Billy.
“Hey Billy, loving the upgrade to the house.” Pointing down
‘There boys will never learn if  we don’t teach them.’ #Billy smiled up to me. Reaching out and squeezing my arm. ‘It’s good to see you back in the Rez Bella, it’s been a few weeks.’
Smiling down before turning to witness the madness taking place behind me.
“Sorry, work and school have been so busy. And Leah… well… she’s not been in the mood to hang out. So, I’ve been giving her some space.” Making a mental note to stop by on my way home. Just to say Hi.
‘Yeah, that girl has had a few hard patches. But she is a strong one, she will pull through.’
Without looking down, while watching Jacob wrestling with #Quil. “Just because someone is seen as being strong, doesn’t mean that they do not need to be supported. Sometimes, they need it the most.”
#Billy didn’t reply for some time. And then when he did. ‘Sometimes I forget that is oldies have a few things to learn from you kids too. Come on in. Let’s put the kettle on. I saved some cake from these two when they said you were coming by.’
※ Jacob ※
I laughed and smiled at her. “Deal… I like to be spoiled from time to time.” I laughed before running off to the guys.
I helped the guys unload the rest of the truck. ‘So… how was your alone time with Bella?’ #Embry asked, making a stupid  kissy face. I gave him a shove, but it was half-hearted, I still wasn’t too sure how his foot was feeling.
“I’m not going to make a move on her… she just broke up with someone... Like brutally.” I rolled my eyes.
‘Wasn’t that like seven  months ago?’ #Quil asked.
“No… more like four but that isn’t the point. Everyone moves on in their own time.” I replied.
‘Well, you better hurry up… because if you don’t... I will!’ #Embry teased even though we all knew the #Quil was far  more likely to. I tossed a discarded bottle top at him.
“Go ahead a try… but you realise Bella has to actually be interested in it to work right?” I raised my brows. After what she said in the truck, I was starting to realise this place she was talking about had to be somewhere she went with the Cullen boy.
※ Bella ※
‘Where is your sad these days? He hasn’t been fishing with Harry in a few weeks.’ #Billy sat at his kitchen eat, cutting me a slice as I stood watching for the water on the stove to boil.
“He said he would be working late. There have been some cases he is worried about. - He was heading to Port again tonight.”
Billy looked lost in his thoughts. Mumbling something inaudible for me to make out.
With the water boiling. It was all about making a pot of tea. And I didn’t even think #Billy knew what tea was.
“Here you go.” Setting a mug down for him taking a seat across from him where the cake sat waiting for me. “Sure, really does k is how to spoil us all.”
Aware that small talk really wasn’t my strong suit. And there were no words to describe how much I appreciated #Billy for not needing to fill out space and time with unnecessary conversations. However, this was unexpected.
‘Bella, I know I shouldn’t ask. But I need to.’ Chewing on the forkful  of cake while he approaches a subject that made him uncomfortable. ‘Bella—‘
‘Hey Bella, I have a question for you.’ #Embry came running in. ‘Hypothetically, if a guy were to find a girl attractive. And want to ask her out. How is it best to do it?’ My eyes moved from #Embry to #Billy and back again. ‘Son, not girl is going to find your lanky arse attractive. Now get back to work before I roll after you!’
#Billy shook his head and I sat thankful for the save.
※ Jacob ※
#Embry rolled his eyes at me. ‘Well d’uh… but how do you know she’s not but looking to move on… or rebound?’
I punched him on the arm now. He was spending way too much time with the weight set he got last Christmas. “Bella is a rebound  kinda girl… I’ve known her my whole life.”
‘I’m mean…’ #Quil shrugged. ‘Not really for only spent a few weeks here at a time until recently.’
I glared at him.
‘Let’s find out!’ #Embry slid the box in his arms onto a shelf and was gone  before I could snatch a handful of his shirt.
“‘Bry!!!” I hissed following him out of the Barn-type shed behind my house. But he was gone.
#Quil snort-laughed and we ran after him but it was too late. We stopped at the back door. I threw out my arm to stop Quil because #Embry was already talking. My face burned red and I wasn’t even in the room. Dad sent him packing fast… “What the hell is your problem!?” I whisper-yelled and dragged him back toward the truck to finish what we had stated.
‘Relax dude… It was a joke.’ He mocked.
“It’s not funny… you didn’t see how bad it got. Or how worried #Charlie was. How much weight she lost…” I huffed and dragged my hand through my hair. “It's not a joke… And I really…” I huffed and slammed the tailgate shut as I hauled out the last of the stuff. I wasn’t going to tell them that I really liked this girl.. because it was clearly all a game to them. “You know what, I can finish this myself. You guys should go.”
‘C’mon Jake!’ #Quil sighed. ‘It was just a goof.’
“Well, it wasn’t funny. Just go, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I took the last box into the shed and left them on the driveway. When I came back out I saw them both turning off the end of the street. I wasn’t worried, I knew tomorrow everything would be fine with the three of us.
※ Bella ※
Once #Embry left, #Billy asked me if I had heard from the Cullen’s. He asked me if I knew they were coming back, or if they were gone for good. If I thought the boys and Jacob’s conversations could make me spiral, this was a full-on drop of  an atom bomb.
He apologised to me, told me that I was the only one he could ask. And I understood, as much as I didn’t want to, #Billy is the only person who knew that the last year of my life wasn’t a figment of my imagination. Him, and  the crescent shaped scar on my wrist.
Once #Billy had finished with me, I went out to see if i could help at all. The boys had been out here for a long while.
Shaking from the cold, rubbing my hands together and blowing in then, “how are  they still out here?” I would have given up a long sooner if it hadn’t been for them today.
As I made my way across the back of the house my feet froze in the wet mud as I overheard the disagreement between the friends. Part of my mind  saying I should turn back, as being the topic of their discussion wouldn’t lead to anything good. And yet some part of me wanted to know what they thought of me. Why? I didn’t know. Whenever I’d overheard anything about myself, it never was  flattering.
Chewing on my lips, as I heard Jacob speaking up, and I knew because of the conversation in the truck earlier that he had been worried about me. Ducking behind the door, as the two boys left.
‘Give him the night ‘Bry, you shouldn’t had don’t that.’ #Quil pushed his hands into his pockets as the two walked away. And then Jacob was left alone.
Again, the internal questions begun. Should I check on him? Should I leave him? Should I… before I could act Jacob stood outside watching his two best friends way away.
“You really don’t need to fight with your friends because of me. Weren’t you the one, who told me their heart is in the right place?” Coming out from behind the door I came to stand by him.
※ Jacob ※
#Quil, #Embry and I had the kind of friendship that we weren’t afraid to tell each other what we thought. We never really fought… and we knew when to give each other space. #Embry would think about what he said. He normally meant well he  just never thought before he acted… or spoke.
I turned to #Bella and smiled… “Fight?” I raised my brows. “That wasn’t a fight. I told you about how Embry doesn’t before he speaks right? I know that you don’t want to talk about…” I searched for a word that wasn’t a break-up. “Last September… and I won’t make you. But… #Embry doesn’t seem to get that people need  time… before… you they want to… before people should… well…”
Oh hell!! What was trying to say? Why was I trying to say it? My face started to burn.
“Um…” I was blank…. Everything I meant had flown out of my head. And then I committed the worst possible crime of bro’ code. “He shouldn’t have been hitting on you.”
The guilt was instant… even though he had definitely hit on her… this last time was him asking on my behalf. And either way… I should have kept it to myself.
※ Bella ※
“There were here, you asked them to leave… and now they are gone… and that’s not a fight? Okay…” who could even understand teenage boys?
Well… damn… the men of the Black house were detained to take an axe of the gaping hole in my chest that had only just begun to heal over.
In honesty it wasn’t just them, it was living here. Being in Forks, my school, nowhere… but the Rez had some form of memory. Even work had times when he popped into my head.
To prevent Jacob from feeling any more out of sorts than he looked right now, I schooled my face into a ‘I have no idea what you mean.’ Look, and then tucked my fly away hair behind my ear.
“Embry wasn’t hitting on me Jake, sure he was flirting, and posturing. However, nothing more than what the boys in school do every day. It’s not his responsibility to walk on eggshells around me. And I would like it if you wouldn’t do that too.”
Pulling at the sleeves of my coat I look out towards where I had seen the  boys last before they disappeared.
“It was kind of nice to have you three around today. It was the first full day where I wasn’t treated like some fragile creature, who could break any minute now.” I let the honestly flow from me.
※ Jacob ※
I couldn’t help but laugh. “A lot of people feel that way when they see us disagree… But we’ve known since before we were out of diapers… trust me… that was nothing. We are more like family than friends really.”
I cringed internally at the thought she believed I was trying to protect her… I mean I was... But hearing her say it that way made it feel like something bad.
Maybe it was. But weren’t that what friends did for one another? Even though they know the other is capable  of looking after themselves.
“It's not that I expect him to walk on eggshells and trust me, I’m not either.” I turned to face her and spoke honestly. “But some basic manners would be nice… Are you telling me that him saying what he did in front of my dad like that was the best timing?” I raised my brows. “Well, you’ll see us all again tomorrow. We still have a job to finish. And for the record Bella… You are the least fragile women I have ever met. And I know some pretty  badass women.”
※ Bella ※
Biting the corners of my lips I had to concede. “Okay. Maybe a little foresight isn’t a bad idea for him. However, I can’t see there being any malice in his actions.”
Pushing my shoulder into Jack’s side before how was this boy younger than me, and still have such  good advice to share?
“Thank you for being so honest with me. It’s kind of… refreshing sometimes to know you are getting it as it is.”
Glancing back towards the house and then the sky.
“Right, tomorrow. Are you sure you guys are up to it? What if it started to rain? Because let’s be honest. It’s a highly likely scenario. And have you guys done all you need to do around home and school work?”
I knew they said they would help me. However, it wrong to monopolise all their time like this.
“Oh.. your dad said there is a slice of cake for you. It’s really good. Sue really out did herself with this one.”
※ Jacob ※
I smiled, glad that she agreed. “I mean I love him… but sometimes it wouldn’t be him any harm to step back and assess. Just in certain situations.” I chuckled because his impulsiveness was a part of him too.
“If dad had any more chores for us he would have made us do them when he had us on the hook earlier. But he would beat me with a newspaper if I left a project half-finished.” Okay maybe that was an exaggeration… but a swat would definitely be on the cards. “Plus, this  sort of is school work. I think #Embry and #Quil are going to use it for their wood shop project. But if it rains, we might need to put it off... Hopefully, the Spirits will look out for us. I mean it is for Charlie, after all, he deserves a great birthday.” I chuckled.
My stomach growled at the mention of cake. “I do love #Sue’s cakes… Even the sugar-free ones. But I’ll have to take you to the Clearwater’s for the really good ones someday.” I smiled at her. It had been a good day, even if the guys were flirting the entire time. “Do you have to go, or do you want to come back inside and have another slice?”
※ Bella ※
“Give him time. He is young, you all are young. A few years from now, and all this will be different.” Life had shown me how it changed without warning.
“What about you? Are you not going to use the shed as your wood work project?” A thought occurred. “Mom and Charlie bought me a camera. I will take it out and maybe take some photos tomorrow. Something for them to use for their project?”
Looking back over my shoulder to the red house. “Actually” chewing on my lips and pointing to the Beast.
“I am going to head off to the Clearwater’s now while I am here on the Rez. It’s been a little while since I’ve seen Leah and Seth. And now I need to thank Sue for the cake and ask her to teach me how to make it.”
Also, I didn’t want to go back inside. I knew #Billy had been worried about the truth of what happened to me. And being the only person who I could speak to who didn’t think me insane, had some positives, I couldn’t take anymore today.
“You go on in. Enjoy your cake and rest. And if the weather holds up. I will see you all tomorrow.” Half smiling, I cherished today with these boys. For all they did for me and #Charlie.
※ Jacob ※
✧ The Next Morning ✧
I pulled up outside #Quil’s house to pick him up and head to Bella’s right away. He came jogging out to the car. And we headed to The Call’s.
When we got there #Embry’s Mom told us that he was still in bed and not feeling great. But she didn’t want to let us see him in case we caught what he had.
‘I’m sure it's just the flu, boys… He’s got aches and pains and a fever, but he’ll be right as rain in no time.’ She told us.
“It's nothing with the  foot is it?” I asked… Know getting hurt in a job like that could lead to a nasty infection.
‘No, no. That’s just a scratch’ Mama T insisted and #Quil gave me a look. Tiffany was an alarmist when it came to Embry being hurt or sick…  ‘Honestly, he will be fine, he’s just sleeping it off.’
We promised to call later and cheer him up and Tiff convinced us to go ahead with our plans for the day. We piled back into the truck and headed to Bella’s.
‘That cut wasn’t just a scratch.” #Quil said.
“I know…” I replied, deep in thought.
‘Do you think he got grounded?’ He asked as we headed out of the village.
“I mean maybe… But he would have called. Mama T never takes his phone privileges and there was no music blasting from his room.” That was a sure sign he was sick… there wasn’t much that stopped that guy from getting up to turn on his stereo.
※ Bella ※
The morning had begun overcast, cold and wet. However, by the time I had done with showering, drying my hair and eating my breakfast there was a turn with the rain stopping, and the clouds attempted to break up a little bit if not fully.
#Charlie, had been home. However, I hadn’t seen him since dinner with the boys yesterday. The only tell tail signs were his wet towel hanging behind the bathroom door, and the coffee pot he had filled leaving it brewing for me.
Worry etched on my forehead, because I knew my dad was burning himself out to keep this town safe. My fingers playing with the crescent shaped scar on my wrist as I gazed out the back door towards the structure we had to complete today. I knew the boys would be here soon enough, and if nothing else I would have something ready for them to eat with the breakfast burritos keeping warm in the oven.
So, for now… If I couldn’t help my dad with his concerns, I could at least start with keeping myself busy from doing anything that would add to his anxiety with staying in the yard of our home, where he could trust me to try not to injure myself while I began with the small tasks around the wood filling the holes to cover the nails Jacob, #Quil, and #Embry had set to bring the walls up.
※ Jacob ※
We pulled into the driveway of #CheifSwan’s house. The cruiser was gone so I knew I wasn’t going to block him in. Dad was willing to lend me the truck again because I was helping Bella surprise #Charlie. On the way, we had decided we would drop by the calls again that evening before heading home and check in on him. We spent the rest of the drive talking about how quickly Bella picked up using the power tools the day before.
I climbed out of the driver’s seat and headed up the front steps, but #Quil had gone around the side; when I heard him call out. ‘Good Morning, gorgeous.’ I figured Bella was outside. Unless he had suddenly developed a crush on the Police Chief.
“And so, it begins,” I muttered and  followed him around, finding Bella already hard at work.
“Getting started without us?” I chuckled and headed over to her. “It's just going to be the three of us today.” I told her. “#Embry’s mom said he isn’t feeling good today.”
※ Bella ※
With my legs crossed I had been sat on the flood of the shed, filling and sanding the wood to give it the finish it would need as I waited for the guys to arrive.
Upon hearing #Quil calling out a good morning, I wiped the back of my hand over my forehead, leaning to the side to have a better view of him before he was stood in the door.
“Good morning Quil, how are you?” Giving him a small smile before standing up and stepping out.
‘I’m not bad, you’ve been busy?’ He went  inside to look at the work I had done.
“Hey Jake. Just trying to keep myself busy. There are some breakfast burritos, waiting for you all in the oven.”
He had come to join and while I glanced over his shoulder for the third musketeer. I heard he wasn’t coming.
“Oh, no. It’s not his foot is it? Can I do anything to help Embry at all?”
‘Breakfast? I’ll go grab them.’ #Quil ran off towards the back door.
“Help yourself to the OJ in the fridge too.” I called after him.
Before smiling and returning my eyes on Jacob. “Will Embry be okay? Really is there anything I need to do?”
※ Jacob ※
My smile grew instantly… “You made us breakfast? You didn’t need to do that. But thank you, it sounds really good.” #Quil ran in to grab the burritos so fast it made me laugh. But if I was being honest if Bella wasn’t standing right here, I  would have gone running for them too.
I looked at what she had to do today and nodded. “You know I think we might get this finished today…” Then I turned my attention to the question about #Embry. “He’ll be okay… and it isn’t his foot.
His Mom didn’t seem worried, about him or his foot and trust me #Tiffany is one of those moms that takes you to the clinic for a skinned knee.” I chuckled. “I remember my mom always used to say it was because she had no siblings growing up  and only one child. We’re going to go check on him later today. There’s nothing to worry about.”
I hoped I was right. It was a little weird… but sometimes people just got sick. Right?
#Quil came back out, burritos and orange juice in  in hand. ‘These smell really good Bella… did you make them yourself?’ He asked and I unwrapped mine to take a bite. “Wow… These really are good… We should help build stuff here more often.” I chuckled.
※ Bella ※
“It’s the least I can do. You boys are giving up your weekend to help me. I was making myself breakfast, so I just added a few more things to make enough for everyone.”
Waving his dismissal off, while looking back at the shed. “Do you  really think we can get it done today? That would be excellent. I don’t know how Charlie hasn’t notice what is going on back here.” The V between my eyebrows deepened. “He had been so engrossed with everything at work. He hadn’t had the time to think or be at home.”
Shaking the concern for my father off to the side for now. I took in what Jacob had said about Ms Call and #Embry. “I hope he feels better really soon. I’d hate for him to be unwell.” Still feeling a little guilty  about the situation and the injury he suffered because of helping me out here.
#Quil’s voice drew me towards the house. “I’m glad you think so. I hope they taste as good.” Nodding my head. “I did. Charlie’s not much of a cook, so if we want  a home cooked meal I have to make sure one of us knows what to do in the kitchen.”
Smiling a little as I wait for the two boys to take a bite, and only then releasing the breath I was holding when they didn’t throw the food away.
“You do not have to help build things to come over for dinner.” Nudging Jacob in the side and bouncing off him. “Damn Jake! Would you stop growing already!”
Rubbing my arm I went back to work with the filling while the boys ate.
‘Bella, if you go with the grain. Here let me show you.’ #Quil was beside me, taking my hand with the flat knife with filler on it. Slowly showing me the direction I should take. And it was like magic. The hole was filled with one motion. ‘Just like that.’ He  stepped back taking another bite out of his burrito.
“They don’t show you this on YouTube.” Amazed at the revelation of this knowledge I planned to share with dad later.
※ Jacob ※
“He’s been really preoccupied with that missing college student… It’s good that he gets so focused, I think. At least for the people he’s helping. I just hope he doesn’t burn himself out.” I said thinking about #Charlie over the years. “A  lot of people depend on him. He needs to be at his best.”
I took another bite… this was like an entire breakfast in one tasty parcel… “Oh wow… what kinda cheese is this?” I asked but before Bella could answer #Quil chimed in. ‘Dude… forget  the cheese… where is that spice coming from and the eggs! Bells… you make good eggs!’ He laughed and took another bite; like it was the greatest thing he ever ate. Honestly, it was the best breakfast I’d had in a long time… and it was my  second breakfast of the day.
I chuckled at her, my cheeks flushing a little. It was true that I had gone through a growth spurt lately… but what did it mean that she had noticed too…
That she hasn’t seen you in months... and she has eyes. I thought to myself. I was probably right.
“If you’re going to keep feeding me like this then I don’t think I can do anything my growing Bella.” I smiled at her playfully.
I was taking the  last few bites of the burrito when #Quil jumped up and took Bella’s hand, showing her how to smooth out the filler. How was he so good at this when he’d only really had two dates ever? That had to mean he wasn’t actually good at it right?  
And maybe Bella was just too polite to push his hand away? I shook my head, stuffing my hands in my pockets. No. Bella was too independent to stay in a situation she was uncomfortable with. Even if the person was doing her a favour.
“So….   Who’s ready to get these walls up?” I asked them both.
※ Bella ※
There was an innocence in #Quil when he stood beside me, I didn’t like people coming too close right now with the fear that I would break. The mask I wore wasn’t as strong as I wanted it to be. However, this boy. There was nothing in the vibes I picked up for him to make me still or step away. He and #Charlie so far have been the only ones who gave me this feeling of comfort?
Acknowledging what Jacob has said about #Charlie I knew I was being selfish. That a boy not much  older than me was missing, and his parents were beside themselves. However, Jacob also had a good point. If #Charlie didn’t mind himself. Then he couldn’t help those people who look to him for support.
Half smiling, with my dark eyes moving  to the two behind me. I shook my head. “Jack cheese.” Answering Jacob. “Chilli flakes. Just a small amount in the eggs, lifts the taste.” Telling #Quil.
‘We are growing boys. We need all the feeding we can get Jake. And I’m not saying not  to good food. Bella, if you need anything done around the house. We are your guys!’ #Quil smack Jacob on the back for agreement.
I actually enjoyed cooking; it was a list of tasked that stopped me from letting my mind travel of places I was unable to travel right now.
‘Let’s get to it. Once they are all up, it’s ready for the windows so that the shed is then water tight.’ Rubbing his hands on the back of my pants. #Quil already moved forward to begin.
“Yeah, that all sounds  pretty good to me.” I had no clue as to how to do it, however in theory everything they were saying made sense. “Just tell me where you would like me, and how I can help.”
My sleeves were metaphorically pulled up because let’s be honest it was too cold to physically do it. And I dived right in head first, I may not have the skill. However, hoped my enthusiasm would make up for it.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed at #Quil… “Hey, I never said I would turn it down when it's offered… that would just be rude not to.” I tilted my head and looked at what we had left to do.
“I don’t know. Don’t you think we should get the roof on before we put in windows in?” I looked between the two of them. “Less chance of the glass cracking when were hammer or drill on the roof?” If we installed and sealed the well it would be a small chance that the glass breaking but why risk it when we had plenty of time?
‘You might have a good point… Let’s get the frame and the walls up and see long it takes and then re-assess the priorities?’ #Quil said… he liked the constantly reassessing thing and adjusting the plan. I like to have a simple straightforward plan and just deal with problems as they arose. We looked to Bella for a deciding vote.
“This is you’re project Bella… what do you think?” I asked her.
※ Bella ※
The two boys spoke as though they had spent years of their lives doing things like this.
The confidence in which the both of them spoke and planned, the way in which they stood gauging the work in hand. I was impressed.
“Me? Why are you both looking at me? I’m the helping hand here, whatever you both think is the correct way, I am willing to follow your lead.” The conflict of my indecision was apparent on my features.
‘Let’s go with the walls, then we have a steady frame to climb to do the roof, something for it to sit on top of?’ #Quil offered to help me.
“Okay. Let us do that. In principle, I can see why that would be the best process to take. Walls and then roof and then windows.” Nodding my head  once, before opening the bottle of water I had sat to the side for a drink. Pulling at my ponytail to make sure it was firmly I place. We all set off to work.
I followed their lead, handing things over, holding wood up. When #Quil handed me the drill telling me I could screw in some of the panels, I felt a little pride. ‘You didn’t do too badly yesterday. I think we can trust you today.’ However, he stood by, supervising me.
“Hey, Jake! Look!” Tapping on the wall I had just  put up (with a lot of help) I did this one under great supervision.” Smiling and nudging #Quil, mouthing a big ‘thank you’ to him.
※ Jacob ※
We got stuck in and I smiled watching #Quil holding the panel for Bella while she screwed the panels to the frame. “Nicely done.” I grinned and walked around, taking a closer… like I was inspecting her work. But I knew the #Quil would have made sure that she did it right. Otherwise, it would be a safety risk. “Really nicely done.” I smiled and rested my hand on her shoulder, not pointing out the two that I had put up while they were working on that one.
‘It's perfect!’ #Quil scoffed. ‘She had an excellent teacher.’
I rolled my eyes. “Or the teacher had a well-prepared student… Who showed her how to use the tools yesterday?” I laughed and lifted another panel. “If we keep up this pace I have no doubt that we will finish before dinner time.” I nodded to Bella holding the panel in place for her. “Let’s see what you’ve got Swan.” I smiled at her.
※ Bella ※
My lips curled up into this smile that I hadn’t felt in a long while. Witnessing the back and forth between the three friends yesterday had been a breath of fresh air, and with one missing these two did not disappoint.
“How about we just say thank you to you both for helping to grow my skill set?”
Pretending as though it didn’t matter to me, my eyes fell to the box of screws when Jacob checked over my handy work. However, in all reality, I waited with bated  breath. Because the top form student in me wanted to know she had achieved an A+. If not for engineering skills, maybe for effort?
When Jacob placed a hand on my shoulder, for the second time today I hadn’t frozen. I didn’t jump, of push back. It just sat there, and I continued to breath.
#Quil and Jacob swapped. #Quil going to take over some of the other panels. While Jake held one up for me and waited.
“So, I didn’t do a bad job?” I asked following him to the next on to do everything #Quil had just told me. “You’re trusting me with power tools too? You boys like to live on the edge.”
※ Jacob ※
#Quil and I both laughed. “You don’t spend a lot of time with teenage guys, do you?”
‘If we aren’t competing we’re probably sleeping.’ #Quil chuckled.
“You did great Bells.” I grinned and bumped her shoulder gently with mine, more a graze really.. since I seemed to be knocking her off-centre a lot lately. I didn’t want to d that while she holding power tools.
“I can sleep way better than you can!” I called the #Quil between the hum of drills.
‘Nah!!’ He scoffed. ‘I get a solid seven hours a night.’
“Only seven?” I said with a mock sneer. “No wonder I’m prettier than you. I get eight.” I tone of superiority colouring my tone.
‘No wonder I’m smarter than you…’ #Quil teased. ‘I get an extra hour of studying.’
Then we both burst out laughing. I turned to Bella. “See… It's always competition.”
※ Bella ※
“On the contrary, sometimes I feel like I spend too much time with teenage guys. They are always in the way.”
Witnessing the exchange between #Quil and Jacob I had to think of the guys at school. #Mike, #Erik, #Ben and the others. They  always seemed to be there for one another. A deep friendship that was strong and unbeatable and unconditional. Maybe it was a guy thing? That strange strength they all found in one another, it was awe-inspiring. Handing the tools over I  threw my hands up.
“Okay, okay, I got it. It’s all about one-upmanship between all you kids. And I’m not even going to try to understand it at all.”
Stepping out of the shell of the shed I made my way up the yard. “I’m going to go grab some coffee. Do you both want to come warm up too? Or can I bring something out?”
Walking the right way with my eyes on my feet, be there would be not injuries on this building site today. “And they say women are hard to understand.” Muttering to myself.
※ Jacob ※
I remembered the guys from to pizza place yesterday… it seemed like maybe had a good few guy friends at her school. ‘One-upmanship?’ #Quil repeated. ‘Bella… buy me dinner first!’ Laughed and all I could do was roll my eyes.
“She already bought you dinner fool!” I tossed a work glove at him.
‘Oh yeah!’ He leaned against the shed and smiled at her. ‘In that case, carry on.’  
But she was gone… heading inside. #Quil called after her, saying he’d love coffee too and just asked her for whatever she had in the fridge. The #Quil started to tell me that it was too cold for soda. Which I of course responded to by telling him he’d warm up if he actually did some work. Get the last panel and started checking out the roof beam… working out the best place to put the ladder to get up there and get the boards on. I ran around the side of the house to grab the straps for the truck for hauling the wood up to the roof.
※ Bella ※
“Anytime Quil, I’ll even take you to a restaurant. It’s the least I can do.” Feeding him in exchange for his weekend had to be the best deal for me.
Leaving them both out there working or chatting, I rubbed my cold hands. Blowing my warm  breath onto them before I reached the stepped up to the door. Shaking my head as I stepped into the house, the bust of heat making my cheek tingle from the quick cold / hot change on my face.
Rubbing my hands together and then over my arms again, continuing into the kitchen. The coffee maker refilled and set to brew; I moved around the kitchen. Taking out a can of soda from the fridge, some chips from the cupboard, some cookies too, I set them all on a tray I could carry out.
Only when I poured the coffee into two of #Charlie’s travel cups did I remember I hadn’t asked #Quil how he liked his coffee.  Pushing the back door open I called over to him, asking him the question.
‘I’ll take it however you like  it. Really, I just want it to warm up.’
He was too sweet, stopped as I turned, looking back out to the yard, Jacob had disappeared. I went to finished off the drinks before carrying the tray out.
“You. Know I drink my coffee black with some sugar. So, I hope you meant it when you said you would take it how I like it.” He rushed over to take the tray off me. Setting it down to the side and opening a box of cookies. ‘Bella, it’s fine. I meant it.’
※ Jacob ※
I came back around the side of the house to Bella and #Quil talking over a tray with two steaming cups. I dropped the straps by the shed and made my way over to the two of them. Picking up the soda from the tray. “Thanks, Bella.” I could  smell the coffee and I shook my head. “I don’t know how you guys drink that stuff. It gives me palpitations.”
I looked back over my shoulder and tipped my chin towards the shed. “We got that done way faster than I thought we would... I bet we’ll have the roof up and the windows in before lunch.” I smiled at her and grabbed a cookie from the tray. “You know you don’t have to keep feeding us to make sure we stick around to finish the job, right?” I teased her.
※ Bella ※
“I am in shock at how extraordinary it looks. And to think that we did it… well mostly you guys.” Looking to the structure with admiration.
‘It will be done by lunch. It’s a goal you just set Jake! And We’ll have to write something inside of it. I was looking as we pulled the old one down. No one left a message on that one for us to see. We will have to leave a message for whoever takes this one down.’ #Quil added.  ‘Speak for yourself. Bells, please keep feeding me. I promise never to stop coming over.’
 #Quil blew on the hot dark liquid before sipping it and making a loud appreciative noise. And I knew it was in answer to Jacob’s comment on how we drank coffee. Rolling my eyes at the two boys.
“I  know I don’t have to. It’s a want to thing Jacob. I mean I’m no Sue Clearwater. But cookies, chips, ordering pizza or making a burrito… it the last I can do. However, if this is your way in saying my food is bad and that you don’t want lunch….”
Shrugging my shoulders while I took a step to the side. Setting the tray down on some of the wood we had staked up before taking my own cup in my hands. My cold fingers delighted by the touch of the heat, the aroma of the hot caffeinated drink wafting in the air.
‘Hey, let’s not be hasty. Jake has this thing with talking without thinking.’ My eyebrow arched up into a perfect angle. “Really? I’m not sure I actually agree with you.”
※ Jacob ※
I smiled at Bella. “That all depends on how you look at it, Bells… I mean maybe we put up more panels than you did but we didn’t learn a new skill while doing it. You learned a transferable, useful skill… and helped build the shed all at once. So, it probably all balances out in the end.”
I laughed at #Quil… “Well, who am I to tell you to stop doing something you want to do? But your food really is great… so if you offer you can guarantee I’ll be eating.”
#Quil shot me a  glare with no real malice in it and slapped the back of my hand lightly against my arm. ‘Jacob tells the woman that you didn’t mean it!!’ His voice filled with mock panic, making me laugh.
“I would love some lunch once it’s all done… and since he is so keen I think he’s just volunteered to help make it too.” I slapped my friend lightly the way he slapped me. “Right, #Quil?”
※ Bella ※
“So true, when I leave for college who knows what someone may need help putting up a shed. And I can step up and speak. ‘Excuse me, but you won’t believe this. I learnt how to do just this not so long ago. I can help you.’ It’s a sure-fire way for me to some new friends. Or… they will think I am lost my mind, am lying, and never talk to me again.”
Shrugging my shoulders as to say, ‘both scenarios are viable’, well maybe not. Because let’s be honest, I wouldn’t got up to a stranger to offer my help like that.
Watching the two friends I sipped on my coffee, taking a couple of cookies, and showing on them by the time #Quil had been offered up to make lunch.
‘Me? You want me to make lunch? Sure, sure. It’s called I will drive down to the cafe for some takeaway lasagne. And we will be very disappointed because it won’t be as good as Sue’s or Mama Ts. So. Your choice.’
He gave Jake another slap on the back this time and I shook my head.
“There is no need, I have hotdogs in the fridge we can have. It’s quick and easy and you don’t have to worry about me taking too long to feed you.”
Looking around and back to the shed. “So, we are doing the roof now?”
※ Jacob ※
I laughed and shook my head… “Okay maybe not… but you can use a drill and the power screwdriver. If we show you how a stud detector works you could mount a shelf strong enough to hold twenty college textbooks.”
 Eyed #Quil when he thought I wanted him to cook. “Hell No!!” I nudged his hand away jokingly with my hand. “I just meant maybe you can learn a little something about cooking. Help out a but… but under strict supervision.” I smirked.
He shoved me lightly with his elbow but then his ears pricked up like a dog would when she said hotdogs… honestly, mine might have too. But I didn’t want her to think I was one of those guys that only ever thought about food.
“We can put the roof now with this  super-nifty invention I like to call… nails and seat belts from the scrap yard.” I laughed. “We’ll tack these the boards and #Quil and I will get up there and you can help us lift them up until we’ve room to stand on, and then you can climb up and help if you want to?”
※ Bella ※
“Why does it feel as though you are dangerously dangling a carrot before me right now?”
Promises of power tools really should not excite someone like me, however telling me that I could build something to hold more books on? That was like tempting fate.
‘You want to put up some shelves now, don’t you?’ #Quil set his cup down on the tray, pushed two cookies into his mouth and started up the ladder beside the shed.
“No… Maybe… No… No… okay.. Yes.” He laughed as I shrugged my shouldered. My coffee was gone too, and I set the cup down and then took one cookie biting it in half. As much as I wanted to join the boys in a cookie eating match, I knew I couldn’t right now.
“Okay. I can do that. Let me get my gloves and start handing the sheets up.” I’d seen a guy on YouTube doing it. It was best to protect your hands he had said. “Would you like to have me push them up long ways?” I asked Jacob, but it was #Quil who hung off the edge of the roof, balancing.
‘Any way you fell you cane. Hey Jack, why don’t you help with the first few and then come on up?’
This was not a joke to these boys. They really did know what they were doing. And from where I stood down here, it was really coming together and coming into some form of shape that we all could be proud of.
※ Jacob ※
“You know if you need something done in the house all you have to do is ask, Bella… We really don’t mind. We enjoy this kinda thing.” I chuckled a little, I was not even a little surprised she had been YouTubing DIY videos.
When #Quil  climbed up onto the rafters I tacked the straps onto some of the panels while Bella ran to get her gloves. I nodded to Bella. “Exactly, yeah then no one has to lean off the side to try and reach them. Even though our resident daredevil  isn’t here today.” I chuckled the tossed he straps up to, #Quil. We counted to three and I helped Bella push up the first one. And we let Quil place it before passing up a few more. The sheets weren’t massively heavy, just awkward I knew Bella could handle them on her own.
‘We have a decent area the kneel on up there now Bella… do you want to climb up and try or just take over down here?” I smiled at her… a little bit worried about the idea of the clumsy girl I was used to seeing climbing around on the half-finished roof. But she was a clever girl who could make up her own mind.
※ Bella ※
“I know I can ask for help. Harry said the same this after he saw my first failed project. However.” Pulling the gloves as high as they would go, and shifting on my feet, the helping with one side of the boards we were pushing up. “It’s about trying, failing and learning do something for yourself. You know?” Uncertain if it would make sense to anyone but me.
‘It’s how we all learnt.’ #Quils voice came from above as he heaved a board up. ‘We all watched our elders, we made mistakes. And we learnt from them. So, if you make mistakes, or you think the project has failed. All of us are willing to help.’ His smile was radiating down even with the dull sky behind him. And then when my eyes fell on Jacob it was the same.
“Thank you both. I will ask whenever I am stuck.” I promised placing my hands on my hips too look up again.
“I think I’ll stay down here until there are a few more board up there. it’s not hard for me to pass them up.” I knew my weaknesses, and walking on a big hold where a roof should be. I knew I would end up in the ER.
Walking over the boards we laid on the ground, I began to lift them up and line them beside the shed, making it easier for me to just lift them up the way Jacob was do so now.
“Have you guys heard from Embry today? I would have thought he was the kind of person who’d be asking for updates as the day went on?” I didn’t know him that well. However, he certainly would be the kind of person who wanted to finish what he began, or as least know what was happening if he couldn’t be there.
※ Jacob ※
Bella had no problem lifting the boards up, she was a logical thinker and she just found the most efficient way.. and in my experience that was normally the right way.
I nodded in agreement with #Quil… “Something can only be learned through trial and error.” I chuckled. “Lots and lots of Errors.” Quil nodded his agreement right back.
“Sure, thing I think you manage down her on your own just fine. But if you want to get up there, we could make you a safety line. Basically, we tie you to the main strut so that you can’t slip any further to the edge of the roof.” I started up the ladder. “Let’s get one side done and see if you want to give it a go.” The only time I had seen a safety used was on an actual house or us when we were still kids… but it was her first time, so it seemed wise.
#Quil answered her while I found my footing. ‘He doesn’t have a cell phone…. Or he does… but the concept of charging it is totally lost on him.’ He  laughed. ‘Unless he’s texting a girl.’
“Maybe he is texting that Girl and that why he hasn’t text you.” I said to #Quil… considering my phone was home on my bedside table. But at least it was charged.
‘Could be! Who knows?’ #Quil chuckled.
I laughed because it was true, it annoyed #Tiffany to no end. She complained that she bought it for him s she didn’t need to worry about him. “We can call in and check on him later. Or we could call his house and see how he is if you're worried?”
Bella was the type to worry after people, it was obvious in the way she made sure we were regularly fed and how well she looked after #Charlie. The Chief would deny it… but he needed someone looking out for him.
I started nailing down boards in the same pattern the Quil had started.
※ Bella ※
“Oh, I am going to join you both up there. I cannot miss out on all the fun up there.” I wasn’t so sure about the being tied to shed, however I also knew better than to question the safety aspects of this work.
“I’m so bad at keeping my cell phone with me too.” tapping my pockets. “You know I believe it is inside charging too. It’s a pet peeve for Charlie, he doesn’t like it when I leave the house and forget to take it with me. So, I can understand.”
Smiling I pushed up a few more boards to the guys before they disappeared back from my view, unless I moved back away from the structure, then I could see them working a little bit. “Why am I not shocked that girls are the only reason you boys would keep a phone on you.” Jokingly I say taking the gloves off. “And I’m going to take a wild guess that Embry does not have a girlfriend right now, which is why he is hard to track down.
Boys no matter their age, had something in common. “Yes please, if it’s not too much. Just to check and see how his foot is? I still feel bad that he was hurt here while helping me.”
#Quil asked me for three more boards, before he hung over the side beckoning for me to climb the ladder to join them both.
“Jacob?” I called out to him. “What do you think? Will I need to baby belt?” of course I was attempting to joke, however the look on #Quils face as I climbed the ladder had me changing my mind. “Maybe I’ll just stay down there.” My eyes widening once I saw the process, they had both made by themselves. “Guys, You… Wow…. You did all this while I’ve just been pushing boards up to you?
※ Jacob ※
Bella was sliding up the boards as fast as we could tack them down. I laughed at her comment about girls and our cell phones. “The girls that text me the most are my sisters.” It wasn’t that I was never interested in a girl or they were never interested in me… It just tended to be a case of I saw them in the village or at school.
But I couldn’t deny that since Bella came back… I had been single-minded when it came to girls. “Try it out up here first and if you feel  uncomfortable, we’ll give you a line. But it’s not for babies anything that makes a job safer without getting in the way is always a good thing.” I smiled at her. “We were always told that falling because you wanted to look like a tough guy was more embarrassing than using a safety line.”
Her head peaked over the side of the roof, and she popped up. “It goes pretty fast once you have the siding up.” I told her.
#Quil climbed down and started passing up the boards. I showed Bella how to nail them down and how to keep her feet where she knew there were support beams under her as much as she could. She didn’t need the safety line. The barn style roof had a nice gentle slope. Just angled enough to stop more than a thin layer of snow gathering in winter. We measured the spaces that were left and let #Quil cut the remaining boards to size and pass them up.
Time flew as we all laughed a joked and #Quil re-joined us on the roof to roll out the sheets of felt. Bella managed to scrape some skin off her knuckles cutting the rough material to size. But she braved it; and before we knew it, she was hammering in the final ceremonial nail while #Quil and I applauded.
※ Bella ※
“Jack, you need to get out there, live a little, experience the world as a young kind man should.”
I took a bow while the boys clapped, my knees were throbbing, however I wasn’t going to let anything overshadow this morning.
Jumping down  from the ladder we all stood back a few feet.
“It’s beautiful.” Taking the completed product in now blew my mind. What was I thinking when I set off this weekend to start this job alone? “Thank you both so much, there is no way it would have been completed to such high standards if I’d attempted the build on my own.”
Hugs and closeness weren’t my thing, patting the boys of the back felt wrong. Shaking their hands? Nope it would be so out of character. So, how could I thank  them?
“Let’s wash up and eat?”
#Quil pointed towards the tools saying they would need to be packed away before we could go inside. And at a second glance I could see there was some work left to do.
Time few so fast, as fast as it had when we all were stood on the roof. All the off cuts of wood, the tools and any spare reusable items had been placed onto the back of the truck.
“Really thank you. You both and Embry too. I couldn’t have done this without my friends! Thank you.”
Thanking them wasn’t enough. I would find a way to show them all how much I appreciated their time and all their hard work soon.
※ ※ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓷𝓭 ※ ※
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amirrorneverlies · 2 years
What does being a father really mean? – Solo by Bella
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“Not all superheroes wear capes.” - Superman
Half asleep, I opened my dark eyes and woke up blinking to a bright day, the sun somehow had managed to break through the thick grey clouds. Making it feel like there was a sliver of a chance that the day would be promising.
I held my hand outstretched before my face, trying to hide from the dazzling beams of light penetrating my thin curtains, which hadn’t been fully drawn together. I pulled myself up in my bed, tugging my tangled hair out of my face as a thought came to life in my mind.
“Dad?” I called out, kicking the sheets back and climbing out of bed.
“Dad?” I was sure it was his day off today and that he had no plans. Or at least that was what he had told me before I called it a night last night. I’d managed to open the door before my toes caught on the edge of the door and I huffed, jumped and half skipped on the spot. “I’m okay… I... am… fine…” ( Even if I was biting the inside of my cheeks to stop from shouting out as my big toe throbbed, and I could see stars in my eyes. )
Shaking off the pain, I started to make my way down the stairs at seeing #Charlie’s bedroom door wide open. He was up? Not a surprise really. He was up before me on most days; however, I had heard the T.V still on when I put my book down and turned my lamp off and fell asleep.
“Dad? It’s a—” my words cut short as I rushed down the last few steps, the living room was quiet and as I turned to head into the kitchen, I found a note stuck to the front door.
‘Harry called; the fish are biting at the waterhole. Will bring home some Pizza tonight. – Dad.’
“Of course, they are.” I muttered. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as all the excitement drained from me.
“It’s not like I’d made any plans with him.” I told myself, and I hadn’t. I never felt like I wanted to keep him from the only thing he loved doing. Fishing with #HarryClearwater was the one thing that made #Charlie happy, so I would continue my day without him.
★ ★ ★ ★
It had taken me half the morning to shower, have breakfast and potter around the house. I finished off re-reading ( for the sixtieth time ) the book I had started last night. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, for my English homework, with the paper completed again.
I’d called to check in with #Renée and #Phil only to find out that he had injured himself when a team mate of his had throw a bat in the wrong direction and he smacked #Phil on the back of his head. Mom told me it was nothing to worry about, and #Phil had called from behind that it was going to make for a good story to tell. ( Of course, #Renée hadn’t found it funny )
Once I was done with them, I found myself lost in what to do next. The house was clean, dinner didn’t need to be made as we were having pizza tonight, my homework was done. And the day was turning into late afternoon.
“I could take a walk?” I told myself. Even though I’d promised #Charlie I wouldn’t head into the woods alone. It didn’t mean I couldn’t take a hike. “I’d just stay on the outskirts of the forest.”
A new plan started to form in my mind, so I made my way to the small closet under the stairs in search for my rain coat. ( Because let’s face it, the sun may have stayed out so far today. However, with my luck the moment I stepped one foot outside things would change. )
Upon opening the door, I stepped back on myself with an enormous amount of equipment toppling over me. I fell back on my bottom with a crash and moaned out as my tail bone hit the ground. “Crap!” something soft hit me on my head and then tumbled to the ground beside me.
“Charlie!” My dad had a way to make everything stand upright until he was no longer in the room. Once he was gone, everything came crashing down on top of me. Rubbing my face, my head and then my bottom as I slowly pushed everything off of me, I stood to look inside the closet.
The thing was full to the brim, and nothing was sorted in a way that would make sure everything inside didn’t come flying at the head of the next person who made the mistake of opening the door.
“Change of plans!” I huffed, taking my hair band from around my wrist and tying my hair up and out the way. I started to remove everything that had fallen in the hallway before I started on the closet itself.
“How long has all this been in here?” Looking at the condition of the things, and then sizes of the coats and the wet weather wears. It had been for way too long. I found gum boots in the back of one of the shelves. And I was shocked, because there was a picture in one of #Renée’s photo albums with me in #Charlie’s arms wearing these yellow gum boots. “He kept them?”
I slowly started to notice, that the coats, the shoes, the boots they all once belonged to me. I had never really looked into this closet until today as it was the place where #Charlie kept some of his equipment for fishing. However, there was more to it.
I pulled out a metal box, there was no lock on it, and it looked like it hadn’t been touched in some time. Upon opening I lent down on my knees. It was full of pictures, rocks and twigs, there were some cassette tapes, VHSs, and there were photo albums too. “He kept it all?” These were things I’d collected as a child when I would visit him. He would take me to see things in the forest with him. Or we would go to the beach. He would carry me on his shoulders and… I stood up taking one of the VHS over to the living room to watch.
Sitting with my legs crossed under me, I smiled as I watched and heard #Charlie telling me stories. He stood with me set on top of his shoulders, while I cried.
‘I could have killed that kid.’ #Charlies voice startled me, making me jump out of my skin.
“You’re home…. I didn't realise how late it has gotten." When I looked outside the sky was darker. "I… I…” I was pointing to the mess in the hall and then to the T.V.
‘It’s okay, it all belongs to you Bells, I couldn’t throw it away.’ He smiled sitting down on the sofa and setting the pizza box in his hands on the coffee table. ‘Do you remember that day?’ He asked pointing to the screen and I shook my head. ‘You begged me for a sheet, it had to be red. We had watched Superman for the first time together, and you wanted to fly with the birds. I found you one that I cut up into a cape, and you went out in the front running and playing.’ He shook his head smiling at the memory. ‘Then some kid from down the street came and pushed you….’
Short snippets started to come back as he told the story. “Because I was a girl, and girls couldn’t fly.” I said and #Charlie nodded. I moved to go and sit beside him on the couch. “You told me I could fly.” Nudging his knee with a small smile.
‘Yeah… And you did for the rest of your stay.’
We continued to view the home video while we ate pizza. #Charlie took the time to fill in the gaps with stories I hadn’t even recalled as being a part of my life here in Forks. I was amazed at how much he still remembered even now.
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amirrorneverlies · 2 years
𝐼𝓉’𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝒴𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓈 - 𝒮𝑜𝓁𝑜 𝒷𝓎 𝐵𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶
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❝ Christmas is the day that holds all time together.❞
- Alexander Smith
“What are we doing out here?” I called out as #Charlie trotted ahead without even taking a moment to glance back at me as I tripped over my own two left feet.
‘It’s going to be fun, trust me.’ That was easier said at this time of the morning by him. Me on the other hand, I hadn’t even been given the time to pour myself a cup of coffee before leaving the house.
“Dad! The sun hasn’t even fully come up.” I whined, with my eyes narrowed to the sky. “Not that it will be coming out, by the looks of the grey clouds in the sky.” I drone, but this wasn’t discouraging him.
‘Live a little Bells, you’ll see soon enough that it’s worth it all.’ He was out of my sightline; however, I could see his footsteps in the light dusting of snow covering the hard ground.
The chill in the air had found it’s way in past my thick coat and under my hat. My hair was pushed up and out the way. Which with hindsight may have been a bad idea, leaving no added protection for my neck around my scarf. My fingers and nose, I was most certain I had lost them to frost bite. And yet my father seemed to be having the time of his life.
Something had him excited unlike anything I’d seen before. And I knew it couldn’t be fishing. The lakes and the ponds had been frozen over, ( or so he told me ). And the sea had been too turbulent for him and #Harry to head out over the last few weeks. I knew #Charlie had been going a little crazy with cabin fever setting in. ( Even if there was so much for him to be getting on with around the house. )
“You do remember, you promised me you would look at where that leak in the roof was coming from. Shouldn’t you be getting on with something like that, instead of dragging me out here. Where you and I both know I am more likely to fall and break my neck.”
That stopped him from rushing ahead, I couldn’t help but smile when I could hear his footsteps coming closer and then my fathers head popped out from behind a few trees.
‘One foot in front of the other, and you don’t step into any holes. Now come on, we are losing daylight,’ #Charlie was teasing but I threw my hands up into the air.
“Losing daylight? It’s not even DAYTIME! Why do I still live with you?” I teased right back, and it made him chuckle a little. I pushed ahead, trying to place my mind over the cold that had my bones rattling in my disdainful skin.
I came around a corner in the forest walking righting a few branches that were at my head height. They stung as I walked into them, and the snow smacked me between the eyes.
I rubbed the back of my arm over my face, brushing the sub-zero water out of my eyes. Then when I could finally see again, I perceived #Charlie stood before me, his hands on his hips. Coming to stand beside him. “Where are—” my voice cut off at the sight before us.
“Wow…” I whispered
‘Wow indeed, I told you this would be worth it.’ He had walked me to a mountain field full of pine and fir trees. ‘I was hoping you would want to pick our tree yourself this year. Maybe help to cut it down too?’ Even though I wasn’t watching him, I could feel his eyes on me.
“And we have come here, because the tree lot in Forks were all out of trees?” I questioned, however now that we both where here, and there was no one else with us. It felt kind of special. Something that could become a tradition maybe in times ahead.
“I… Me? Are you sure? I have no idea what to look for.” We only ever had plastic trees as I grew up with #Renée.
‘Yeah, I’m sure… Go on, have a walk around and pick the one you want for us this year.’ #Charlie nudged his shoulder into the side of mine. Waiting patiently for me to step forward. ‘Let the tree speak to you, let it call out to you, Bells. Don’t overthink it, just walk around until you know you found the one.’ This was a lot easier to do on paper.
“Okay, I could… maybe… do that…” At least I hoped I could. “Okay… I can do this.” I told him with a touch more certainty in my voice.
Pulling my hat down over my forehead, tugging the sleeves of my coat down, I set off to find the Swan Christmas Tree for this year.
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amirrorneverlies · 3 years
Into Their Good Graces – With Jacob Black and Bella Swan - Part 1
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“It's not about making the right choice. It's about making a choice and making it right.” ― J.R. Rim
※ Bella ※
‘The Newtons seem to be impressed by you.’ #Charlie spoke from behind the sports section of his newspaper.
“Are they?” I shrugged my shoulders hunched over the tattered copy of To Kill a mocking bird. I had read this book a million times, and today I awoke feeling Scout vibes and needed to be in her head. "When did you see them?” I tried to keep my voice natural and stop my face from giving me away. Had #Charlie been checking up on me?
He changed the page of the newspaper, the crackling sounds of it irritating my ears. ‘I saw them in the diner yesterday lunchtime. They were saying that if you keep it up, you’ll surpass Mike’s sales for the quarter. Which they joked he wasn’t happy about.’
“Oh…” My eyebrow popped at hearing this. Taking another spoonful from the porridge in my bowl as I mulled the words over. This had come as new news to me, they hadn’t told me I’d been doing that well. I knew I’d been stepping up and out from behind the counter more. Where as in the past I’d left it to the others and #Mike to make the sales. Now I was making a point to do my 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉. “Mr Newton said I would be very happy with my paycheque this time around. But he didn’t mention the rest.”
He sighed, letting his paper drop to glance over the table. ‘It’s good Bella, you are doing good.’ His eyes moved to my hands which were all but healed now.
The few passing weeks had given the two of us a chance to look past the mishap, which had been what we could only explain as sleepwalking. It had taken #Charlie and me a few conversations to piece together what could have happened. I had to agree to a full check-up with #DrGerandy, and the doctor had come to the same conclusion and offered some medication to help me to sleep again. But I was glad that both #Charlie and I were on the same page not wanting me to take any sleeping aids.
However, there were changes made. #Charlie had stopped working nights, but he was always on call. For the first week he’d taken it upon himself to sleep downstairs on the couch, 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒾𝓃 𝒸𝒶𝓈𝑒 something like that happened again. And to both our relief it had not.
‘So…’ He leant over the table a little. ‘What do you have planned for the day?’ He half smiled as he asked. And I knew why. I had heard the phone ring this morning, and I knew from the one-sided conversation that #Harry wanted to go out fishing for part of the day.
“Me? Oh, you know…” Closing the book I made eye contact. “I need to go down to the Newtons to pick up my paycheque, and then you know... Someone’s birthday is coming up soon, so I was going to head out to see what I could find for his gift.”
This made #Charlie laughed waving his hand in the air. ‘No Gifts. I’m too old for that now.’ I shook my head; however, the sound of his laughter was welcomed. It was a sign that I was slowly making it back into his good graces.
“Oh, I see, I say no birthday and no gifts, and you don’t listen, now I am meant to let your day go by uneventfully. Not happening dad.” I managed to say it and keep my mask in place, not thinking about my last birthday and all that had conspired from it. How my life had been turned upside down by it. “It’s happening Charlie Swan, and you will enjoy it.”
※ Jacob ※
“Jacob Ephraim Black!!!” I heard the bellowing from the bathroom… I had barely towelled off from my shower and my father’s voice had me stuffing my feet into my jeans. Zipping up, I staggered still shirtless to the front door.
“What’s with the…” I stopped dead. The front wheel of Dad’s wheelchair was wedged into the loose board of the ramp, at the front of the house. “Shi—“ I didn’t get to finish the word before he whacked me with the newspaper.
“I’ve been telling you to fix this for weeks.” He glared.
“Sorry I’ve been… distracted… I’ll do it.” He glared again and that vein on his temple bulged. “Today. I swear.” I moved behind the wheelchair and tugged on the armrest to unwedge the wheel… the boards on either side of it splintered and cracked too. “Dammit!!” He whacked my forearm with the paper. “Language!”
I pushed Dad inside and promised him I would do the job today. He grumbled into his coffee and aggressively leafed through the paper as I picked up the phone and dialled #Embry’s number. I asked him to come over and help; he was good at this stuff too. He was here the day #HarryClearwater put the ramp in and showed us how… at the same time. He huffed a little down the phone but agreed to come over and help.
I went to finish getting dressed and brushed my teeth before I headed out to the ramp to start lifting the broken boards and check to see if the wood was rotting. It had splintered so easily when I pulled the wheel out. But it all seemed fine.
I tugged on one of the cracked boards just to see if it was sturdy but… one hard tug and it pulled clean from the supports beneath it. But again, the wood didn’t seem to be rotten. Normally I’d need a crowbar or at least a claw hammer, to pull up the boards that needed replacing but, not this time.
By the time #Embry showed up in his jeep with #Quil as back up. I had pulled all the broken ones up. “Dude… how the hell did you do all this since you called me?”
“The boards just came up.” I shrugged.
“Shit… is the whole thing rotten?” #Quil asked.
“I don’t think so, take a look and see what you think… maybe I should have #Harry take a look? It all looks good to me, but I don’t want to patch it if the whole thing needs replacing.” I scratched the back of my head.
“You know Harry hasn’t been feeling well lately… we shouldn’t call him unless we have to…” #Embry stated looking at the pried-up boards and the ones still nailed down. #Quil and I looked at him; curiously… #HarryClearwater never gets sick. “What? #Sue is friends with my Mom…. You think that man would ever admit weakness?” ‘Bry clarified with a laugh. He wasn’t wrong!
※ Bella ※
I followed #Charlie out into the back yard. My eyes not moving toward the opening into the forest on the far side. It was the only way into the woods, and it would have been the place I would have gone threw when I was unaware of my own actions. It was scary to say the least, knowing that you could leave the safety of your own house, stepping into a forest where wolves and bears lay waiting for a feast. And you have no recollection of it.
Shaking myself out of my own mind, hearing #Charlie’s voice. ‘Bella, are you listening?’
“Uhm, yeah. Hmm...” I really wasn’t, when I moved to glance up at him, my foot caught on my shoelace and I half tripped over my own feet. “Damn…” Biting my lip “I’m okay, I’m okay.” I held my hands up to stop him.
#Charlie’s brows pulled together, but he stayed put. ‘I said, I won’t be late, and I’ll grab a pizza on the way back if you are up for it?’ He opened the door to his tattered old shed where he kept all his fishing gear since I moved in.
“Dad, I’m happy to cook—” But he cut me off saying that even I deserved a night off from cooking, so I gave in. Really pizza and a movie sounded like a good night for the two of us. It was one way to stop him from bugging me about being out with my friends, instead of staying in with the ‘𝑜𝓁𝒹 𝓂𝒶𝓃’, as he called himself when it suited him.
“Dad, you need a new shed!” Glancing in I didn’t dare step foot inside. Staying at the door. “It’s an eyesore after all the work I did to clean the yard up. We really should look at bringing in a guy to build you a new one.”
#Charlie waved a hand in the air as he gathered what he needed. ‘I’ll do it in the summer, it doesn’t take much time to put up a new one. It’s an easy job.’
“Is it now?” An idea started to form in my head, but I hid it away and made a non-committal expression when he turned to look back at me.
‘Whatever it is you are thinking, don’t.’ I gave him the most innocent smile I could muster.
“I haven’t got a clue what you mean.” Oh, this was going to be the next project that would keep me in #Charlies good graces and out of trouble in his eyes.
#Charlie’s birthday was around the corner, and if he believed that it wouldn’t take long to build a new shed why wouldn’t I give him this? I could put up a few boards to stop him from looking out, and then on the weekends, or after school, when I wasn’t working, I would have a reason for staying home. This was the perfect gift that just kept giving.
※ Jacob ※
We took my Dad’s truck into Forks; my car wasn’t nearly ready and #Embry’s jeep wasn’t going to be big enough. The guys insisted on stopping for food before we hit up the lumber yard. So, we sat in the car park of Subway while #Embry dug into his second foot-long sub with meatballs… I wrinkled my nose as, yet another dollop of sauce landed on the tailgate, where we sat in the back of the truck.
Not letting him eat it in my Dad’s truck had been a good call. “You’re an animal, you know that, right?” I feigned just little more disgust than I was actually feeling.
‘I’m a growing boy.’ He said with a shrug. He wasn’t wrong. He had one hell of a growth spurt recently; he was taller than me now. #Quil just laughed and shook his head, muttering ‘Savage.’ Under his breath. Which prompted ‘Bry to ball up a napkin and peg it right at #Quil’s head.
When we were all finished eating; we jumped down and piled into the truck again. We drove to the lumber yard just outside town and parked up. It wasn’t going to take us long to find what we needed; we were used to these trips by now. #HarryClearwater had made it his business to make sure we knew how to do basic maintenance. It was all stuff my Dad knew but, by the time I was old enough, he was already in the chair and supervising just annoyed him… Not because I didn’t listen, just because he’d rather have been doing the job with me.
Before I knew it #Quil was sat on one of the long flatbed carts, with #Embry racing up and down the ‘aisles’ of ten-foot-high walls of lumber.
I pinched the bridge of my nose and hoped no one assumed I was with them, as I approached a guy in overalls to tell him what we needed.
※ Bella ※
By the time #Charlie had left to pick up #Harry I was ready to go too. My jacket pulled on, hat on my head and my wallet in my back pocket. The idea had formed to a point that I’d even logged onto the internet to look up some easy How to ideas.
The best one by far with the highest star rating had been something called flatpack plastic sheds. They were the best on the market and could withstand extreme temperatures and weathers. Okay fine I knew we didn’t have the temperatures they spoke of; however, it did get really wet and cold here in Forks. The down side had been the $800.00 plus starting price for these ‘Systems’, as they called them. Add to that the eight weeks waiting time to have the system delivered out to Forks. Not that I could get away with spending that much money in the first place.
So, good old trip to the hardware store it was to be. I hadn’t had time to look into how to put up a new wooden shed, But I could do this. #Charlie said it was easy!
As I climbed into the Beast, I ready myself for a productive day. This was going to be a turning point for #Charlie and me, he would see that I was actively seeking out ways to keep busy. ( All be it ways to work alone and not mix with too many people. ) However, it still counted! ( At least that was my story, and I was going to stick to it. )
My first stop was the Newtons for my paycheque. When I pushed the door open #Mike was busy serving a customer, his dad called out from behind the counter. ‘Hey Bella, you aren’t working, today, are you?’ Mr Newton smiled over his glasses at me. The man was an older version of his son, but with dark hair. #Mike had gotten his blonde hair from his mom.
“Not today, but I needed to pick up my paycheque.” I half smiled with an awkward shrug of my shoulders.
‘Of course, of course. And Congratulations too. You beat Mike for first place on sales.’ I shifted on my feet awkwardly, as I felt #Mikes eyes on me.
‘I’ll be back next quarter.’ He called out, but there was no sign of malice in his tone.
“Sure, you will Mike, if I let you.” I said without turning back to him and taking my cheque.
‘Now don’t go spending it all, put some of it away for college.’ #MrNewton said as I half rushed out of the store. College? I shook my head as I tripped on the sidewalk, and again somehow stopped from toppling over myself.
Frowning as I glanced at the ground. ‘Be careful there, young lady.’ Someone called out as I made it back to my truck slower this time. Climbing in to check what I’d made, and half smiling when I realised, I could do something nice for #Charlie this year.
Pulling out from in front of the Newton’s I made my way to the hardware store.
※ Jacob ※
I was relieved to get the wood loaded into the truck and get out of there; with the guys still acting the fool. But I couldn't completely hide the grin when they were acting like idiot kids. I considered myself mature for my age... but I could goof off and have a good time too. Just.... lumber yards weren't really the place for it.
"Okay, guys! Hardware store next and can we please try and not get kicked out?" I flashed the guys a grin and they just looked at each other and burst out laughing. I reversed out of the space and headed into the centre of town. Traffic was never a problem in Forks, there was more than La Push for sure, but never anything that delayed your drive.
I turned into the lot and tried to find a space where the long boards sticking out of the back of the truck weren't going to impede other cars coming and going. Then we all piled out and headed inside, going over the list I had compiled in my head. I grabbed a cart because I was going to need the paint the new boards, with weather seal paint too.
I headed straight to the back of the store to get nails for the nail gun first, then started making my way around the store looking for the paint and anything we might need at home. The guys were messing around behind me the whole way.
※ Bella ※
Parking up in front of the hardware store, I pulled out the rushed list I managed to create from the videos and the blogs I had viewed. I had a rough idea of the things I needed, and the rest… I mean how hard could it be?
#Charlies words looping in my mind saying it was an easy enough job, gave me some encouragement. I pocket my paycheque, I opened the door, jumping down from the #Beast. My hand caught on the crook of the door by edge of my jacket pulling me back down into the truck. Hitting my head on the edge I curse under my breath. Keeling over myself I rubbed the back of my head.
“That proves I’ve lost my mind.” Protective energies, Auras, all paranormal beings, and sensations I had been making up. I had to have been insane. I was positive now that it all lived in my mind. “If it were true, I wouldn’t have a bump growing in the back of my head right now.” I told myself, as the stars in front of my eyes started to dissipate. I unhooked my coat from the door, this time making sure that there was nothing keeping me tethered to my truck before I closed it.
Pushing open the door to the store I rubbed the back of my head and came to a stop. The store was full of tools. Full of the scent of wood, plastic, metals, and glue all combined hitting you at once as you stepped inside. ‘Excuse me, move… move let us past people…’ And it hit me, my feet moved me back, knock on the door as I pushed it open. The rusted smell of iron hit me hard before I saw the older man, holding a towel wrapped around the hand of a young guy in his twenties. Seeing the towel turning red I closed my eyes and jerked my head out towards the cold air outside. “Please, please, Please… do not faint here” I muttered to myself.
‘Are you okay there, Miss?’ I didn’t hear him the first time, so he asked me again. I opened one eye to glance around. I wasn’t sure I knew this boy; he was older than me. Tall, grey eyes, a nice and welcoming smile. ‘Don’t like blood huh? It’s okay they are gone. I did tell Roger that he needed to keep his fingers to himself. Some guys just don’t listen.’ He was talking away as if he had known me all my life. And I wasn’t really listening. ‘But really, are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.’ He placed a hand on my shoulder.
“Hmm...” My head was still spilling; however, my legs didn’t feel like jelly any more. “Yeah, I’m cool. Just not great around blood.” I told him, shifting my shoulder out from under his hand.
The boy noticed the way I moved out from under him and smiled. ‘Yeah, I’d guessed that. Are you looking for your dad? Or maybe your boyfriend?’ He nodded his head into the store. Making me frown and cross my arms.
“Why because a girl couldn’t want anything in a hardware store?” I huffed at him, and then my body betrayed me, and I bite my lips uncertain of my plan to go in.
‘Not at all.’ His hand flew up in defence. ‘There’s nothing sexier than a beautiful girl who knows her way around this place.’ He grins and winks, causing me to frown. ‘Is there anything I can help you with?’ He was so full of himself, and I could tell he was certain that I couldn’t work my way around the store without his helps.
I had to think fast, were there anywhere easy I could go? Anywhere else at all? And the answer was no. “Nope, don’t need any help. I can do this myself thanks.” I told him, pushing myself off the door. Testing my feet before walking past him with my shoulders square. Without knowing it I had just talked myself into really doing this alone. “This is going to be so much harder!” Muttering as I looked back over my shoulder at him smirking and then winking at me.
※ Jacob ※
I hefted a large bucket of paint and sealant onto the flat cart. #Embry and #Quil were fighting with yard brushes like they were quarterstaffs. I dropped my head and sighed but I was partly laughing too.
‘Hey!’ #Embry said too loudly, his attention moving across the store. #Quil raised his hands in victory.
‘And Call forfeits! I win by default.’ #Quil held up the yard brush like it was a trophy.
‘Isn’t that Bella Swan?’ #Embry nodded in the direction he was staring. My eyes immediately darted to the area just in front of the door. It was definitely Bella… in a place where there were power tools? This could end badly…. Not Because Bella was a girl, just because she was… well, Bella . She had trouble staying upright on a good day.
‘Wow… She looks good!’ #Quil’s obnoxious tone was not appreciated. ‘A little skinny… that must have been a hell of a breakup.’
“Knock it off!” I hissed between my teeth, jabbing him in the arm. “And don’t say anything like that to her.”
‘So defensive!!’ #Embry teased. ‘So….’ An eyebrow quirked and he looked at me urgingly. ‘Dude! If you aren’t gonna talk to her I will!’ I laughed at the same time #Quil snorted a laugh of his own.
‘Please!!’ #Quil patted his chest like he was struggling to breathe from laughing. ‘What are you gonna do? Stand there and stammer at her until it gets so weird, she just leaves? I’ll go talk to her.’ #Quil set off in her direction. I stopped him by shooting out my arm to block him from passing me.
“No!” I stared them both down and continued. “You two stay here. I’m just gonna say hi.” I took a few steps in that direction when ‘Bry called in a hushed voice. ‘Hey! Bite your lip… chicks dig that!’
I rolled my eyes. “Is that why you’re turning down dates left right and centre?” It was a rhetorical question... Because he most certainly was not, and not for lack of trying. “I’m not going to flirt! I just want to say Hi!”
Also… I didn’t know the first thing about flirting, even if I wanted to. Maybe I did want to… but today wasn’t really the time or place.
By the time I got closer; I noticed that some dude was talking to her… and I really didn’t like his body language and how uncomfortable he seemed to be making her. Maybe I should get her away from him…
“Bella!” I said animatedly, making sure to flash the townie a look. “Fancy meeting you here. Great timing too.” I smiled. “I could use a hand with something. If you’re not in a rush?” I gave her a quick wink when the guy wasn’t looking.
※ Bella ※
I moved down the store, trying to look busy but everything on the shelves looked the same. Nails… There were like ten million of the same kind. Brackets, I’d say there were at least fourteen different kinds of those too. Then there were screws? What was the difference between nails and screws? Didn’t they both do the same job?
I slowly turned my head back over my shoulder, looking through the curtain of my hair. The guy had moved back a little, however he still stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, a cocky smile playing on his face. Like he knew that any moment now, I would have no choice but to ask for his help. And I wasn’t sure I could live with myself if I went to ask him.
His brow popped and his smile grew at catching me looking at him, and he moved to take a few steps towards me. My heart was pounding in my chest as dread consumed me from the inside out. I jumped out of my skin at the sound of my name being called, and the guy narrowed his eyes looking past me. I spun around dropping the box of nails in my hands, clambering to catch them before they hit the ground.
“Jacob?” His name was the sound of uncertainty and shock from my lips. There were sounds of laughter coming from behind him, however, I didn’t dare to look to see if it was due to what I had been doing.
“Jacob!” This time relief flooded my voice, it was a little louder and I half smiled holding on to the box of nails in my hands for dare life. The last thing I needed to do now was to drop them again. “You want help ….” My eyes followed his and I saw the look he was giving the store assistant. “Oh… Uhm… Yeah... Sure… What can I help you with?” Jacob must know that there was nothing at all in this store that I could help him with. So, this had to mean he was trying to help me.
My feet slowly started towards him and I lowered my voice. “Remind me to buy you a hot chocolate. You are a life saver.” I whispered, trying not to glance back again. “What are you doing here?” I asked him.
※ Jacob ※
I quirked a brow in surprise when she caught the box she dropped. Catching was never her strong suit, but dropping on the other hand… I grinned to myself.
I could see the moment of realisation dawn on Bella, and I smiled, kind of smugly at the guy behind her. I turned and started walking with her. But not towards #Quil and #Embry. “No problem… I could see that he was bugging you. Some guys can’t take a hint.” My brows pinched together. “I think the better question is what are 𝕪𝕠𝕦 doing here?”
She looked even paler than normal. “Are you okay? You look like you’re about to be sick?”
Dammit!! Why the hell did I say it like that? That was definitely not a compliment! Idiot!
“I’m just picking up a few things to mend the ramp… Dad is currently housebound. So –“ And right as I was about to say; ‘I came to town with the guys.’ the cart came careening towards us, with #Quil and all the supplies I picked up, sitting on it. Far too fast… I could see the '𝕆𝕙 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕥!' look on #Embry’s face. I stepped between Bella and the cart and put out a foot to stop it.
Hell!! #Embry really didn’t know his own strength. That hurt… But I managed to keep it from showing on my face. On the plus side, #Quil jolted at the abrupt stop and looked like an idiot. “Are we done acting like ten-year-olds now?” I raised my brows at him.
But he was only interested in Bella. ‘Hey, Bella.’ He flashed the crooked smile he thought girls melted for and winked.
※ Bella ※
I glanced up at Jacob now, had the boy grown again? When was it going to stop? That a little too smug grin on his face had me rolling my eyes, however I wasn’t going to correct him right now after all he had just read the moment in the store and acted to help me with it.
“Me? Uhm….” I knew he was going to have a laugh at my expense now. “Please don’t laugh, and I don’t know why I said that, because when you tell people not to do something… they do it.” I rubbed the back of my hand over my cheek. “It was dad’s birthday, and I wanted to do something nice for him. I’m building him a new shed for all his fishing things, the old one is falling apart.” I spoke as the two of us started to walk again. I came to a stop and frowned a little.
“Thanks Jake, next time why don’t you just tell me that I need a face lift?” Did I really look that bad? Even thinking about the blood now I could smell it in the air, making my head a little light on my shoulders. I rubbed my nose trying to stop my mind from homing in on it again.
“You still haven’t fixed that ramp? Billy is going to kill you soon if you don’t get a move on. Even I went flying over it the last time I was around.” I told him, but my words were cut short as he grabbed me and moved me out of the way. I wasn’t sure what was happening until I saw the two faces looking at me, and Jacob’s foot stopping the trolley. “How….” I frowned looking between the three faces again.
“Hey there.” I half smiled straightening up. “Trying to kill me now are you guys?”
※ Jacob ※
Right after I put my foot in my mouth it was as though she’d turned a pale shade of green. “Not at all… I just mean… you look pale…er… than normal. You know?” I took a relieved breath when she changed the subject.
“I know, I know. But it’ll get done today. I swear.” I smiled at her.
I didn’t have the chance to say anything about her building a shed before I had to stop the cart. My foot was still throbbing a little, but it was already fading. ‘Now why would I ever do a thing like that, Bella?’ #Quil still had that smile on his face and I kind of wanted to slap it off, of him… well not really. But… you know? Maybe?
‘Never to a pretty thing like you.’ He added… Yup! I wanted to slap him. I wouldn’t… but boy did I want to!
“So… um… Building a shed? On your own? Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I asked her with pinched brows.
#Embry and #Quil burst out laughing. Tact was never their thing… but then again, I wasn’t doing so good myself. ‘That’s a good one Bella… I thought you were serious there for a minute.’ #Embry added insult to injury.
But it was #Charlie’s birthday soon… and I knew he had been through hell lately with Bella being in that dark place. I remembered overhearing him telling Dad about her waking up screaming most nights. “That’s at least a two ma—“ I stopped short. “Person job. If you need a hand…” I shrugged and raised my hands in an offering.
※ Bella ※
“Maybe you will live to see your next birthday in that case, and Billy will be able to access his home and the outside too.” I shifted to face the other two.
“So, if I wasn’t pretty in your eyes, you would go ahead and run me over?” I teased #Quil and saw his cheeks redden. ‘No, that’s. Not what I meant.’ #Embry was laughing now a little harder.
If I was not aware of the madness in my plan, I sure was fully aware of it now. Before Jake, #Quil and #Embry laughing, I had been a little unsure. But now, seeing that they didn’t believe me. Boy was I in too deep?
I bite the edge of my lips, my fingers tightening around the box in my hand as I felt a little foolish now for thinking it was something I could do. And I noticed the close call save Jake made with saying it was a two 𝑀𝒶𝓃 job. However, then I heard the whispering voice in my mind.
“Actually guys, it’s not a joke. I want to do something nice for Charlie, and the shed is something he wants, but just doesn’t have the time.” I so couldn’t do it. But I was going to give it a good try. “Thanks Jake, but I can’t ask that of you. You have school and things to do at home.” I pointed to the supplies for #Billy’s ramp.
‘You’re right Bella, he does have a lot on. But I don’t. I could come and help you. You need a strong set of arms.’ #Quil winked at me, making me raise my eyebrows.
“Sure… maybe… if you see anyone with strong arms Quil, please could you send them my way?”
‘Are these boys troubling you?’ The store assistant called out from behind us. I turned my head to glare at him. “Do I look like I am being troubled by my friends?” He shrugged his shoulders and turned to leave.
“Really, some people are a little too heavy handed.” I was frowning now.
‘Right. He can’t even tell when Friends are bantering.’ #Embry added moving to place a hand over my shoulder.
I stiffened to the touch. Not because of who it was, just because I didn’t do well with people holding me anymore.
※ Jacob ※
I noticed her chewing on her lip and I stopped myself from laughing. “I think that he would love that… But even #Charlie wouldn’t tackle a job like that alone, Bella… And it wouldn’t take too long. We could get it done in a few days; if it was after school. Or over a weekend.” I followed her gesture to the cart.
“Oh… the ramp won’t even take an hour. We already have the lumber in the truck.” I added. I glared at #Quil… but it was quickly replaced by a big smile when Bella made her comment about strong arms.
Then I couldn’t stop myself from laughing out loud when she roasted the store clerk again and made an agreeable sound. I noticed the way Bella tensed when #Embry put his arm around her shoulder. But he seemed to be oblivious… So I jabbed a finger into his ribs and he barely flinched, but he did turn to me and say. ‘Hey!!’ Though, he did move his arm from around her.
“But seriously… Bella. I would love to help. I mean, I’m good at it. And #Charlie has always been so good to us, I’d like him to have a great birthday. So please let me help?” I smiled at her and then #Quil and Embry piped up all at once about how; if we all pitched in it could be done in no time at all.
I really hated these guys…. I mean, they were brothers to me… but right now I kinda hated them.
※ Bella ※
My eyes were darting around the three of them. Anyone who stood and took the time to witness the carefreeness between these boys would notice what it was I was witnessing for myself. They had an ease about them. A friendship that went deeper, they knew one another and still. They teased each other ruthlessly.
#Embry called out; however, he didn’t move when Jacob poked him. Making me frown just a little unsure why Jacob had done that in the first place.
“Guys…” I was speechless, and a little overwhelmed. I hadn’t the courage to face Jacob after all the time I had been in my 𝒵𝑜𝓂𝒷𝒾𝑒𝓁𝒶𝓃𝒹 times. And now, whenever I crossed paths with this boy, he pushed me to shame.
I moved out of reach from the three of them, as their eyes were on me. Waiting for an answer to their offer.
“If you three are really sure, and this is something you want to do. And it doesn’t interfere with your other work and school. I would be extremely grateful for the help and support.” Placing my hands crossed over my chest.
#Quil made a cheering sound, and #Embry clapped and rubbed his hands. And I. I shrugged my shoulders at Jacob Black. “You really are a good friend Jacob. I am so lucky to have someone like you in my life.”
The guilt of how much of a terrible friend I had been was drowning me with shame. However, standing here and now. I knew, I would try to be a good friend to him… to them all. If they would still have me.
※ Jacob ※
I smiled at Bella and tried not to glare at the guys. I could talk to them later and ask them to back out so I could spend time with her alone. "Of course, we're sure. Besides, we enjoy this kind of thing... not as fun as rebuilding engines... but way more fun than fixing a wheelchair ramp." I laughed.
My cheeks are heated when she singled out my name from the three of us. But that made sense, right? I mean she'd known me since we were kids. I could tell that she was still having some kind of internal struggle. "Don't worry about it... that's what friends are for, right?"
I didn't move closer to her; she clearly needed a little space. I wasn't going to step into the space she had made between us... but I watched the other two in case they did... picking up on social cues wasn't their strong suit.
"So, have you been to the lumber yard yet? Do you have any measurements or anything like that? Oh, and there's a guy on the Rez that would give us some good deals on glass if you wanted any windows." I rambled off the questions.
'Oh yeah, great idea.' #Embry added and then #Quils started rambling off a list of tools that he had in his shed, that he could bring along if we needed. "Okay, okay... hold up guys. Let's just see what Bella's ideas were before we start making plans." Then all eyes turned back to her again and I was sure she hated the idea of that. She hadn’t been the type that like being the centre of attention.
※ Bella ※
This was a lot, and I mean 𝒶 𝓁𝑜𝓉. The three of them were on board without even asking for anything in return. How was I meant to pay them back? And then came the inundation of questions. Size, wood, glass, tools… The list was never ending. However, it was when they all stopped and turned back to me. My feet shifted, and I somehow caught my shoelace under myself and stumbled.
‘Slow down there Bella.’ #Embry darted out and took a hold of my arm before I went far, bringing me back forward. ‘You need to tie those things before you kill yourself.’ Letting me go once he knew I was safe. How had he managed to reach me so fast? I shook my head and died a little inside. I was mortified.
“Tha…thank you Embry.” Giving him a small smile, before he held the trolley for me to lean on. And thankfully this gave me a moment to gather myself.
“Lumber yard? Can I not get that from here? This is the hardware store, right? they should have everything I need?” #Quil and #Embry looked to each other and then to Jacob. And I knew I’d said something wrong. My cheeks were blushing hot, and once again I hated all the eyes on me.
Hunching my shoulders, a little in the hope to hide myself, I moved on to the next questions.
“I was thinking, that with the new one replacing the old one, we could make it say… eight to ten feet? No more than twelve I would guess, otherwise it will over take the yard? And three or four feet wide maximum. Bigger than what Charlie has now so that we can put up some shelving for him to pack his things away?”
I was glad that I had done some homework before coming out today. “I have an idea for these two styles, I wasn’t sure which could be done by myself… So, I was going to ask the guy here…” Looking over to the front. “But… Yeah…” I wasn’t going to ask him for help. As I spoke, I took out my phone and flicked to the pictures I had saved. Holding it out for them to see.
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“Is this something we could do?” I asked unsure of my choices now. One was a Dutch/ barn style wooden shed with double doors and four side windows. ( Two on each side. ), with a curved roof. This one I knew would be harder of the two. And the other option was a simpler shed with double doors again, with a flat roof and only two small windows in the front.
“The double doors are a must; it is really hard to watch Charlie trying to take his poles out and his bait boxes. He is always banging into the one small door he has.”
※ Jacob ※
#Embry really was laying it on thick today… I almost growled at him. Bella seemed to be clearly uncomfortable with his closeness.
“Um…” I wanted to explain this without sounding like a mansplaining jerk. “Well, there are a lot of things you’d need from here; like the roofing felt, nails, hinges and locks and so on. For the wood, the lumber yard will be best.” I hoped I wasn’t condescending saying all of this. “And then stain or paint… you’ll need to protect it from the elements.
I looked at Bella’s phone and swiped through the pictures; just the four she had already shown me. “Both of those look good… but you have a lot of open space in the yard. So, the first one would probably be best, it will let in more light, and it has a good slope on the roof for heavy rainfall.” I chuckled about her dad struggling in and out of the door. “Double doors it is.” I smiled at her and started looking around.
“How about we start with the hinges and fittings. Then we can do the math on how much lumber we’ll need?” I looked over my shoulder again at the guy that Bella seemed to be keeping tabs on. That guy must be a creep… girls always had a better sense of these things. She seemed to want to know where he was at all times. I noticed #Embry was doing the same thing… watching the guy when she did.
※ Bella ※
#Embry and #Quil both moved in closer to look at the photos I was showing them until Jacob took the phone from my hands. I smiled noticing how #Quil walked around to Jacob to get a better look at the images, but #Embry. He stayed close beside me, and his eyes were on the sales guy. If I didn’t know better, I’d have thought that he could feel the unease I felt from that man.
“Oh… Uhm… That would explain a lot.” I wasn’t sure why I hadn’t thought of these facts. “Paint… Does the wood not come treated?” I asked, not even sure where the lumber yard around Forks was. I’d never needed to go there, and I’d never seen #Charlie going there since I came to town.
‘Some of them do, but you want to put a few more coats on it. You know how bad the weather is here, best to be safe and give the wood that extra protection.’ #Quil rubbed his chin as he spoke, and then started to look around.
“I like the first one more, so I’m glad we can make it. The roof is higher on it too…But… Jacob, are you sure you have time for this? Aren’t you meant to be fixing Billy’s ramp?” I was grateful, and I was starting to realise I couldn’t do this alone. However, I didn’t want to be the reason for #Billy’s ramp not being fixed.
#Embry pushed the trolley they had, and I rushed over to walk next to Jacob again. “Hey, thanks for this… really... you are a life saver.” Turning my attention to the other two. “All three of you are.” I said a little louder.
※ Jacob ※
I looked up from her phone to find #Embry hovering. He was such a player!
“Don’t worry about it, Bella. We’ll make the time. Anything for #Charlie.” I smiled at her. Bella was the silently selfless type; if I made it about helping #Charlie then she was more likely to accept it. “The ramp will only take an hour. And we’ll need to wait for the wood to be delivered anyway.” There was no way even with both trucks that we could get what we need from the lumber yard to Bella’s house.
When ‘Bry move to push the trolley and Bella moved next to me… I hadn’t meant to give him a smug look… it just sort of… happened. “No thanks are necessary, Bells. We’re happy to help.” Even though I was planning on talking the guys into being 𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕪 busy when the time came.
We moved around the store and picked up the paint, hinges, window fitting and I filled Bella in briefly on what each part was for. She might not be a carpenter, but she was smart as a whip.
There was no need to dumb things down for her.
When it came time to circle back to the registers, I noticed that guy still there, speaking to another woman now, closer to his age and clearly being the same condescending asshat that he had been to Bella earlier.
※ Bella ※
“Charlie really won’t know what to say when he sees what the four of us have done. And I do mean four… I’m not going to sit on the side lines. I promise I will dig right in there with you boys.” It was going to be a new project for me to lose myself in.
Following the three boys around the store, I took note of everything they were saying and everything they were picking up. It was crazy how they were younger than me and knew so much about all these things.
“I feel like I’ve been living under a rock.” I finally said to Jacob as it looked like we had all that he thought we needed.
‘It’s allowed Bella, you have been missing in action for a while.’ #Quil said and I stopped in my tracks. The smile on my lips faded a little for a second before I pulled it back in place. Witnessing #Embry nudging his friend I waved my hand in the air.
“Yeah, uhm… You aren’t wrong there Quil.” Trying to laugh and shrug the comment off. I knew that he didn’t mean anything by it. It wasn’t the same as when #Jessica made these kinds of comments. When #Quil said it, it seemed to come from an innocent place.
Tugging on the sleeves of my shirt I followed along behind Jacob, until I noticed we were walking towards the front of the store now. “We have everything we need from here?” I glanced over the cart and then came to a stop seeing the store clerk in the middle of talking to another girl, someone older than me this time.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed at the mention of #Charlie showing up and finding us all in his backyard. “Don’t worry. Charlie loves me! He’ll be glad to see you recruit extra hands.” I rolled my eyes at her. “You really need to spend more time on the Rez Bella. If you think Quileute girls get away with playing it all sweet and dainty, you are sorely mistaken! Whatever you can’t do…” I looked at the guys. “We’ll teach you how to do it. It’s not like you’ve built anything like this before, so just ask and we’ll show you.” I smiled sincerely at her.
“This will be great Bella… there’s nothing like manual labour, out in the fresh air to get you feeling like you’ve accomplished something. And with us lot involved it will definitely be fun!” I smiled again and wondered if I was being selfish wanting to talk the guys out of helping.
I’ve known for a long time that #Charlie was worried about Bella being alone all the time, not seeing her friends outside of school… if she wanted to be around us then… My eyes stayed trained on the arsehole as my inner monologue played. Yeah, it would be good for her… to be around people and even if I wanted to punch these two right now… they were the best people I knew; even if they were idiots sometimes.
‘Yeah, we can head to the lumber yard next and figure out how much wood we’ll need.’ #Embry grinned at her when he realised the dirty double meaning in his words. Yep…. Definitely wanted to punch him. ‘I can ride there with you if you don’t know the way, Bella.’ He added with that same grin. And I choked… covering it with a cough. Really!? How did he always get there first!?
※ Bella ※
“Sweet and dainty?” The image of #LaurenMallory with her blonde hair and green eyes flashed into my mind, followed by #KatieMarshall, who even with red fiery hair and blue eyes had that sweet and gentle aura about her. They were the kind of girls who did the hair flips, flurrying of their eyelashes and asking guys to pick up their book bags. Girls like #Angela, #Leah and me, we did things for ourselves. There was nothing wrong in the way we all moved through life, however what worked for one person, did not have to work for another.
“Of course, Charlie loves you, you are starting to sound like him.” Smiling a little, I pushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear, before nudging his shoulder with my own. “Ouch.” Rubbing my shoulder. “When did you become this strong?” I teased him chuckling. However, it had hurt me.
“If you guys are going to help and teach me all you know, them… I need to find things to teach you. Is there anything you three need help with?” I genuinely asked.
‘You could teach Jake how to talk to girls?’ #Quil laughed and nudged his friend.
“And what about you Quil? Are you able to talk to girls?” tilting my head to the side I gave him a look. I was sure none of them could. ( Well maybe Embry )
As we came to the front of the store, I took a deep breath before answering #EmbryCall’s question. “Sure, I have room and I really don’t know where I am going. But…” I looked to Jake and #Quil. “Only if it’s okay with you all? I wouldn’t want to break up the merry band or anything?”
Before they could answer the store clerk was back. ‘Get everything you needed beautiful girl?’ I glanced over my shoulder to see who he was speaking with. And then my face flushed with embarrassment seeing the way #Embry glared at him.
“Oh...” He was speaking to me! “Ye…Yes. We have it all, could you ring it up. We are in a little rush here.” I told him. only because I wanted to get out of here.
‘No worries, and even if you have missed anything. I’ll be happy to help you if you come without the entourage.’ He gave me that smirk and wink, licking his bottom lip. Which had me cringing.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed a little when Bella repeated my words. Sweet and dainty weren’t the words that came to mind when I thought about her. Kind, generous… beautiful… maybe even a little fragile, (but there was something strong and solid inside; that I could see she was fighting to rebuild)… definitely clumsy… all came to mind.
I shrugged and smiled far too big when she called me strong. “I’m just filling out Bella. Maybe it wouldn’t seem so drastic if you came around more?” I teased her.
I shot #Quil a glare and he just smirked and burst out laughing at Bella’s telling question. “Oh yeah… like you have girls lining up to get your number.” I scoffed at him. Embry was laughing now too and as if on cue his phone beeped in his pocket. He flashed his screen at us quickly. Just long enough to see a string of shorthand texts with far too many X’s at the end of the ones he received. ‘Looks like I’m the only one that doesn’t need that kind of help.’ He bragged. He thought he’d won… But I knew he liked Bella and though I couldn’t say what her type was; I was pretty sure it wasn’t the kind of guy that led on multiple girls at a time like he made it sound. But I knew it was one girl From the Neah Bay Rez.
I leaned in and whispered to Bella. “Looks like ‘Bry could use a few spelling lessons.” I laughed. I shrugged at her while #Embry glared at me. The was no way to get around this without sounding desperate… plus, it seemed like a good idea to let #Embry dig that hole he had started a little deeper. “Sure… If you’re okay with being alone with this creep.” I nudged Embry this time, but I laughed so Bella knew he wasn’t really a creep.
Though… the way he seemed to square up to the cashier guy was out of character for him. But that last comment about her entourage gets my back up too. “Dude… be creepier. It really goes with your signature look.” The guy tilted his head at me like he wanted to ask but stopped himself. After we paid for everything, I clarified. “You know… the grown-ass-man-flirting-with-high-school-students vibe you have going on.”
Okay so maybe #Embry wasn’t the only one acting out of character today.
※ Bella ※
#Quil’s feet shifted, and his almond cheeks took on a blush. Rubbing his neck, he began to laugh when Jake turned his attention to #Embry.
This wasn’t the first time I was witnessing the three friends speak, laugh, and joke with one another. Each time I had seen them in the past, it was the same as it was now. I smiled partly because it was kind of them to allow a girl like me into their circle like this, and partly because it was indeed entertaining to watch.
I lent in a little at the phone #Embry turned towards us. He was being pursued by some girls, and from the few words I made out. He was into her too. However, was he really into her?
“Please tell me The Player type isn’t the look you are going for at your age Embry.” He seemed like a good boy, but I wasn’t the best judge of characters anymore.
‘You really have a thing about age Bella. It’s only a number. I’m so much more mature than these two.’ He gestured to the other two.’
This of course I was sure would come back to bite his arse at some point. “It looks like I will have time to get to you better, to see if it’s true or not.”
My mood dropped when my attention moved back to the store clerk. However, if I were to place my finger on the pulse over the reason, it had been due to the way #Embry and Jacob had reacted.
Was I really that weak, that these boys felt I was a damsel in distress? Did they feel I needed saving? And if so, I knew my reactions had to be the reason for it.
“Step away boys. All of you... two steps back.” Clearing my throat because my heart had its bags packed and was ready to jump and run. “We have what we need, and we have a lot more to do.”
I pulled at Jacob’s and Embry’s arms. Turning my glance to the fooling store clerk and the smug grin he gave the boys.
“You need to do better.” I told him.
Using #Charlies name here would have done the trick. But then I would just be passing the buck to another man ( all be it my dad ), to save me. And I was done with that.
“I’m going, if you all are done with your pissing contest.” Why was I so angry? I knew it wasn’t towards the boys. It was at myself.
Pushing the cart out of the store I didn’t look back.
※ Jacob ※
#Embry did that thing where he chewed on his lip and I knew my theory was right. Bella wasn’t into the womaniser act… even if it was clear she knew it was just an act. This was exactly why I preferred to just play things straight and try to live up to some kind of imagined reputation.
My eyes narrowed on #Embry… Did he really think he was the most mature out of us? The guy makes some questionable judgements… More and more lately. My Dad had put him in a place more than once recently. Or was that a subtle hint that he was only one of not still a virgin?
I let Bella drag me away and I could see that #Embry was doing the same. #Quil followed quickly behind us not knowing where to look after my outburst and #Embry’s silent threat of violence. I heard #Embry mutter a curse under his breath.
“Sorry Bells.” I pressed my lips into a tight line. I rubbed at the back of my neck. “That was over the line…” The guy was being a creep… But that was an excuse. My Mom always said an apology didn’t count if it came with a caveat, so I wasn’t going to make excuses with her.
I gave her the sincerest smile I could muster. “I’m really sorry. Let’s go get what you need for this birthday gift for #Charlie… No more…” I glanced over my shoulder. I couldn’t say pissing contest to her. I sped up to keep pace with her.
※ Bella ※
Keeping my eyes forward I open the back of the truck. The flat bed was empty, and I started to fill it up with the things we had purchased. I could sense the boys behind me, and then it was #Quil who came around taking a hold of the side of the truck, and jumping up into the bed.
‘Why don’t you pass the things to me, and I’ll set them up in the back. That way we have all the room you need for the timber?’ He was leaning down so that I had to look at him.
Nodding my head once in agreement I started to hand him the things.
It took me a few deep breaths to find my words again. The path my memories had taken me down hurt in the depths of my soul. Bringing back a time when I let another do everything for me. And where had that gotten me? ‘I really am Sorry’ #Embry reached into the cart to help. And of course, I heard Jacob’s apologies too.
“No… I am sorry. I didn’t mean to go off on all of you.” Chewing on my bottom lip, I stood brushing the back of my hand over my face to move my flyaway hairs out of my eyes.
“I just don’t like guys like him.” I pointed behind us. “And you are all much better than that. You are still young, and that macho act... you are better than that.”
I nudged Jacob in his side. “You are too kind, too sweet… don’t end up becoming like that guy.” I turned to look at the other two. “You too… all you boys are so much better.”
※ Jacob ※
I started to pass things up to #Quil too... hearing Bella use the word macho act stung. Was that what that was? I glanced back at the door of the hardware store. Of course, I couldn't see the guy... but is that what I had done?
Acted exactly like that jerk and thought I was better than him because I was defending her?
The nudge of her elbow into my side brought my focus back. I flushed when she called me sweet and kind. I had no idea why... because she was definitely friend-zoning me. I smiled but it faltered...
What the hell was wrong with me? She was just starting to come back into herself after a traumatic breakup. There were worse things than being friend-zoned… and that was having the Bella I knew almost completely erased. I tamped down any selfish thoughts and touched her arm, giving her a real smile. "We might even stand a chance with someone like you on our side to call us on it." I laughed and took the empty cart from her to return it to the bay next to the door.
By the time I turned back #Embry was pulling open the driver’s door for Bella and talking about riding with her to the lumber yard. I took a long breath... No... I wasn't going to be the jealous guy... I wasn't going to be the guy that swoops in on a girl because she's single now.
I was better than that. Wasn't I?
But Bella... Bella was... everything.
I crossed the parking lot again forcing that smile back to my face... just be her friend... and then see what happens. She wasn't going to fall for either of these idiots... even if they were the best idiots I knew. I reached into the glove box and called to Embry that we should work out what we needed before heading to the lumber yard. I grabbed a pencil and notebook and gathered the others around... and drew out a rough outline that we could add measurements to, based on what Bella wanted. We tended to trust #Quil's math... because... well he was never wrong.
※ Bella ※
“I will always be here to straighten you boys out, and keep you on the right path… Well, that’s until I go away for College, then I’m sure I could enrol the help of Seth to look out for you three menaces.” The sound of Jakes laughter was so soothing, I wasn’t sure what it was about him, however the boy made anyone who came close feel better.
The boys all worked so well together, at one stage I felt like I was in the way, then when #Embry reached over my head to hand #Quil a box, I knew for certain I was most definitely in the way. The three of them were like a well-oiled machine, and some part of me was in ore while watching them.
‘Here let me take this last one.’ #Quil said jumping down from the truck bed and taking the box of screws from my hands. ‘It’s best we keep this one up front, it’s small and we don’t want to lose it on the way.’ Okay that was something I should have known too.
Turning a full circle when I thought we’d lost Jake, I watched him rolling the cart back to the bays. ‘You okay there?’ #Embry stood beside me opening the door to the cab for me to climb in.
“I am, I think I upset Jake. I’m just not sure how.” Maybe the macho comment had gone too far? I knew Jake was nothing like that idiot in the store, he was a polar opposite.
‘It’s Jake, he will get over it. and look...’ Embry pointed over to Jake as he returned, the smile on his sweet face back in place. ‘See, he is fine. Now come on, let me help you up. And I’m just helping you up. No Machoness at all. I promise.’ He laughed a full-on laugh, and for the first time I noticed that when he did so, it made it all the way to his eyes.
I had climbed in when Jake mentioned doing some work on understanding the supplies we would need to purchase, I was about to climb down but then they all came to stand around the open door, so I turned my body letting my legs swing out. Watching them, I help #Quil with the numbers. However, he was fast and really good with his head. “Where are you planning on going to school Quil, you have to put that mind of yours to good use.”
※ Jacob ※
I smiled at her; I knew she meant it. "#Seth will just sic his big sister on us." I tried to sound teasing, but Leah didn't pull any punches, she could be scary when she wanted to be. I hadn't thought about Bella and college. I had started to take it for granted that Bella was always going to be here... which made no sense at all. She hadn't even been here that long.
If I was ever going to have a chance, I would have to make a move sooner rather than later... but that was pretty much the opposite of my previous thoughts. This was complicated!
#Embry was still making more moves on her. I heard her talking to #Quil about colleges and he looked from me to Embry, he was the only one of us that planned on going to university. But it made him a little self-conscious when he talked about it. 'Um... Hopefully Seattle, maybe Math and Physics, if my grades are good enough... or Engineering.' he shrugged; acting like it wasn't a big deal.
I slapped him on the back lightly. "Whatever #Quil does… he'll do brilliantly." I grinned. We all knew that academically speaking he was destined for more than the rest of us. But I felt like he held himself back because he didn't like the idea of leaving home.
I gave #Embry a look before we all pulled out of the parking lot... but I knew that he was going to be flirting the entire time. #Quil turned to me and gave me a knowing look. "Shut up." I muttered, shifting gear, even though he hadn't said anything.
※ Bella ※
“Leah? Now why in the world didn’t I think of her, she will surely keep all of you in line.” I was making a mental note of stopping by the Clearwater home with some pizza over this weekend. It had been a few days since I’d seen her now.
“Seattle for engineering?” I could see the uncertainty in #Quil, the slight movement in his posture, the way he glanced at the others as he spoke, and I wondered if he was shy in speaking about his future endeavours? However, when Jacob stepped up with an encouraging smile, a pat on his friend’s back. I knew that he would stand by #Quil no matter what.
“Quil I would have to agree with Jake, you really will flourish in whichever path you choose in the end.” His cheeks turned a shade of red, that you could miss if you weren’t watching him closely.
We all dispersed, splitting up into two teams. #Embry climbed into the beast beside me, with #Quil and #Jacob making their way over to their vehicle.
‘What about you Bella?’ #Embry asked as soon as we pulled out of the parking lot and were on our way. ‘Where are you thinking of going to school?’ I kept my eyes on the road because the hole in my chest was threatening to open, as the thoughts of going to college came to mind.
It had been an ongoing conversation in my past with him. However now it was a different conversation all together.
“Well, it’s an open-ended choice at this time really. I know what I want to study, however where is a question mark. I have Arizona, Georgia, and Miami on the shortlist. It will all depend on my grades.”
‘Really, so far away?’ He asked, when I let my eyes glance over to him, I saw how long his legs were, and how he shifted to get himself comfortable. Embry really had grown since I saw him last too.
“I am from Arizona Embry, so it would be going back to home. And then with Georgia and Miami I would be closer to my mom in Jacksonville. On top of which, the University of Miami is one of the best schools in the country for getting a degree in English language and literature.” I had read the brochures from cover to cover. At first it was just to keep #Charlie happy, if he thought I was making plans he would think I was getting better.
‘I guess, I’m just not sure I could go that far from my mom and home. It’s a big decision.’ His voice trailed off. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that he was regarding the hole in my dash where once there lived a radio.
※ Jacob ※
"I will give you anything you want... if you promise not to set Leah Clearwater on us." I laughed. But I knew that she really wasn't all that bad. She just had a certain way about her... like she was always expecting the worst to happen. So, she was always too fast to defend and protect. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing... but I think it hurt her more than it hurt anyone else.
I pressed my lips into a tight line, thinking about when she was going to off to college. Of course, I wanted all of that for Bella... but if she left... I knew that she would never come back here. The worst part about that... was that I wanted that for her too... there was nothing here for a girl like Bella. I had nothing to offer her but me, and I hated that that could never be enough. Not even if she felt the same way.
Embry never seemed to want anything he couldn't do without a guitar in his hand and yet he never even talked about trying to make that a job. It was different for #Quil and me... it was what was holding back. I mean, sure there were tons of Quileute kids that wanted to get away from the Rez and that was fine... I mean there was nothing here but fishing and woodworking. Ikea was quickly killing these dreams too. But for #Quil and I? For #Seth, #Leah and so many others this was the land the Spirits of our ancestors walked, while their bodies lay guarded by their keepers. Lands they protected with their magic and then bled for from their earthly bodies... I got it... they were stories. Legends. But the last part; that was a fact. It was different.
I made sure to stay close to #Embry and Bella on the drive to the lumberyard. I tried not to obsess about what he might be saying to her.
※ Bella ※
‘Take the left and then it’s another left, and we will be there.’ #Embry sat back, his hands tapping on his thighs as we drove talking about his mom, school and what was happening on the Rez. It was like a small telenovela that was for sure. I didn’t really buy into knowing other people’s business and by the sounds of it nor did Embry which I had to admit I liked about him.
“What are you tapping out there?” nodding my chin to his hands making him stop right away.
‘Sorry, It’s nothing.’ But it was something.
“Embry, do you… uhm… you know…. play?” I asked. “An instrument… I mean... Do you play an instrument?” Rolling my eyes at myself and my inability to speak on the best of times, however right now there was no reason for me to be succinct.
‘Uhm. Yeah. I play the guitar.’ He seemed to blow out his chest as he spoke. And I was sure I should have reacted in another way, but I just chewed on my lips and kept looking ahead at the road.
‘Okay…’ He muttered. ‘You know what, we should go out sometime. Pizza, a movie. Port is playing some good retro movies right now.’ he said off the cuff.
“Hmm…” I took the left he had mentioned. “Sure, my friends from school and I were there a few weeks back.” Taking the next turning, thinking I needed a reason to ask #Leah out, maybe even #Seth? “We should do it. Get the others in. It would be a good night, and hey my treat for all of this.” I pointed to the back of my truck and then towards the lumber yard. “Maybe depending on what we go to watch we could ask Seth to come? He always gets left behind.” I knew it was because he was so young. “I know the kid would like to come to Port too.”
Pulling up into a free spot I parked the beast up before looking over to him. “Ready?” he looked a little abashed but smiled and nodded.
‘Let’s see what you need.’ He pulled the handle and stopped as if he was going to say something, however thought differently, stepping down and out of the cab. ‘The guys are right behind us.’ Leaning on the side of the beast he waited for me to walk around and join him.
※ Jacob ※
'Hey...' #Quil nudged me lightly with his elbow. 'How much would you bet that #Embry already asked her out?' My eyes widened and I glanced at him... "What?" I fixed my gaze back onto the road. "No!... I mean... He wouldn't..." He so would, I heaved a sigh. "I hope he didn't... Bella is just out of a really dark place..."
#Quil scoffed. ‘Puh-lease!! Like you don’t want to ask her out!’ He barked a laugh.
“I can want to.. and know that it’s not the right time, too.” I shot back. “Bella getting better is more important than me shooting my shot.” I turned into the lumberyard for the second time today. #Embry was climbing out of the car with a bemused expression. It gave me more joy than I would care to admit.
We stepped out too and joined them. Before we had a chance to say more than hello; one of the lumber yard workers appeared, pulling heavy gloves off his hands. ‘Back again, lads?’ He said in a thick Irish accent.
I nodded to him. “Hey, Paddy… Yeah, we picked up another project and we need a lot more this time.” #Quil handed over the piece of paper with the measurements and the list of what we thought we’d need. ‘It’s a biggun for sure.’ The man nodded.
“And it’s for the Chief of Police so I’m sure we can talk about some kind of public service discount, right?” I gave my best charming smile. Paddy just raised a bushy brow but cracked a smile, shaking his head and laughing. “Okay, how about you throw in the roofing felt for free?” I kept smiling, knowing it wasn’t a completely unreasonable request.
‘You drive a hard bargain for a young chap. Roofing felt at half price.’ He stuck a hand out to me, and I gave it a firm shake.
‘Yer auld man will be chuffed with you.’ He headed toward the forklifts, tugging his gloves back on.
“I learnt from the best!” I called after him.
※ Bella ※
It was like watching a master at work. Jacob did not miss a beat, once his feet hit the ground, he was straight to work. I stood back, watching the man with an accent talking with him and I was about to speak up at the mention of a discount. I knew that #Charlie wouldn’t accept any kind of special treatment from the local businesses. However, #Quil stopped me with a tug to my sleeve.
Uttering softly. ‘Just watch him at work, this is something Jake is really good at.’
‘Yeah, sometimes I even forget how good the boy is.’ #Embry articulated. I turned to glance at him.
“Isn’t Jacob the same age as you?” Even if to anyone observing these two boys would be forgiven if they thought they were a lot older by the way they were filling out.
#Quil sniggered, then tried to hide it when the man called #Paddy walked away.
“I can’t believe you all were happy to come back here after you have already been once.” Rubbing the back of my neck I shifted from foot to foot. The guilt of asking for their help started to weigh on me once again.
‘Hey, I’m happy to help for a Pizza and Movie date.’ #Embry winked at me. Was he trying to act up for the others, or was it just a slip of his mind that I had said we could have a group fun night?
#Quils mouth dropped open and his eyes flew to Jacob.
“Yeah, of course.” I wasn’t sure why I felt the need to clarify once again. “I will call Leah when I get home too. See if she is up to joining all of us.” I saw #Quil breathing a sigh of relief at this.
“Now, what do we do? Go and pick the timber we think we need or something?” Attempting to move on, also I had never before in my life come to a lumber yard, and I couldn’t point out what I should or shouldn’t buy.
“I don’t know why I thought I could have done this alone, however, I’m taking notes now.” Stepping out to the side, my eyes were taking in the vast amount of cut wood before me.
※ Jacob ※
As I walked back, I heard Bella talking about this being our second trip here today. But before I had a chance to tell her it was perfectly fine... #Embry opened his mouth and my heart dropped like a stone into the pit of my stomach. I fixed my eyes on the paper in my hand; with #Quil’s impeccably neat handwriting and the roughly sketched dimensions. Hoping none of them would know that I had overheard.
The tension in my chest eased when Bella clarified that it wasn't actually a date... though I was one hundred percent positive that was what #Embry had intended it to be. So much for bro' code. But I was still in control of how I reacted to this... I could double up my attempts to charm Bella or... do right by her and give her the time she needed. Why did I have to be the good guy all the time? Why couldn't I selfishly go after what I wanted for once?
Even #Quil was stunned into silence. I looked back up to Bella with a smile. "Now we wait, they'll bring around whatever we can take in the trucks and deliver the rest this afternoon." I moved back to stand next to Bella... I was feeling oddly protective of her.... even with #Embry. He had a bad habit of saying every little thing that popped into his head and I hoped he hadn't said anything... inappropriate to her.
"We'll drop everything off, then I'll have to go back to the Rez to fix the ramp... but we can get started right after that if you want to?" This time my smile was less forced. I focused on Bella and helping her out with this project. It would be good for her. My Dad always said there was nothing better to lift one's spirits than hard work and a job well done.
※ Bella ※
A little oblivious to all that had taken place behind me, I stood listening to the voices however not quite hearing them now. For a moment I could feel something in my chest tugging me forwards, but to where I didn’t know. It was like something was calling, trying to take me out of myself and then, with a blink of an eye I was back when Jake spoke.
“We wait… Okay…” I shook my head. “First you need to make sure Billy’s ramp is done. Don’t feel like you have to rush over to Forks.” I’d taken so much of their time today. “I am happy to get things started, and then went ever you have time…”
Before I could finish #Quil snorted. “Don’t take this the wrong way Bella, but if you start without us, the likely thing is we will have to take it all down and start again.” He bumped my shoulder and laughed at my expression if I were to guess.
“Hey…” however, could I really fault him for this. “Okay… fine… But… I was thinking more the case of breaking the old one down and clearing the space wise arse.” The smile I shared, I hoped told him I wasn’t offended by the comment.
Shaking my head slightly, I turned to face the others, and no one was speaking. This had to be a first with these boys? Whenever I’d seen them all together, they were always laughing, joking, playing, and goofing off. So, I replayed the conversations being had before I zoned out. Had I caused this? I hoped I hadn’t.
I couldn’t help but make the observation. How Jake had come to stand beside me, his body in place as if he were protecting me. But from what or who? Then I found myself glancing at Embry.
“Embry and I were talking on the way here.” I started without really knowing where this would end up. “As a thank you, we thought it would be nice to have some time in Port and do something fun, right Embry?” I didn’t give him time to reply, but he was smiling big again.
“Yeah… so, we thought Pizza and maybe a movie on me…” And idea popping into my mind as I spoke. “Wait.” I turned to them one by one. “Have you heard about the new rock-climbing wall they are opening up in Port? It’s in this big warehouse, and they have an arcade, food etc. Erik was talking about it at school.”
The plan was coming together. “We could do it in the day, not too late so that Seth could come too?” I knew I would have to talk #Sue into letting him out. However, he always said he missed all the fun.
※ Jacob ※
I chuckled when Bella confirmed that we needed to fix my father's ramp first. "Don't worry Bells... Your project will be far more fun than fixing a creaky old ramp. But..." My voice was mockingly dire. "I won’t risk another whack of a rolled-up newspaper from Dad!" I chuckled. Though #BillyBlack was far from anything resembling a disciplinarian to be dreaded. "But that will take an hour at the very most." Realistically it would be a lot less than that... but an hour gave us time to drive back to the Rez too.
#Quil was either brave or stupid... or both. If there was one thing my sisters had taught me growing up it was that you should never suggest that a woman couldn't do something without the aid of a man.
But #Quil was the type that said what he thought assuming that people would perceive it as innocently as he meant it. He wasn't suggesting that her gender was the reason she shouldn't start alone... only that Bella shouldn't. It wasn't like she had experience with these kinds of builds. But there I was underestimating Bella's kindness. She had heard exactly what #Quil intended to say other than his misguided words.
I raised a brow, and a grin spread across my face. "Wait... you climb? Really?" I was amused and the thought of the klutzy girl I knew scaling a rock wall. "Now, that I have to see!" I chuckled. "You can count me in for sure." #Embry and #Quil quickly joined in with their agreement.
※ Bella ※
‘If we don’t get this ramp done today, we might find more than the paper rolled up.’ #Quil shared with a playful punch into the side of #Embry. And whatever tension had been in play, dissipated.
“Okay.” I resigned myself to the momentum of what had been started. “I am taking your word for it.” I half smiled hoping they weren’t taking on too much.
My body stiffened a little and I tugged the sleeves of my jacket over my cold fisted hands. My face reddened as the blush of embarrassment creeped it’s way up. “I… I mean…” I cleared my throat before starting again, and this time with a little more confidence. ( Or at least I hoped I was portraying confidence ).
“I’ve never climbed before.” Making myself stand upright, pushing my shoulders back. “But Erik was saying they teach you, and it’s all hooks and ropes so you cannot fall and kill yourself.” Shifting a little my eyes started to drift to my feet before I made myself look up. Some part of this plan had started to thrill me as it came together. “How hard can it be?”
The two boys shared a look, and it made me cross my arms over my chest. ( However, even that move had a lack of certainty in it. ) “I saw that.” Biting on my lips. “It’s meant to be fun. I’m sure…” I would fall and break my neck? “It will be fine. Right? Totally fine.”
Thankful when the man Jake had been speaking with came back. ( Even if he made me jump out of my skin. ) ‘Where ya want it all lads?’
※ Jacob ※
I laughed at #Embry and #Quil. They both knew all too well that my dad had no second thoughts about turning that paper on them, if they deserved it. I could say the same for #Quil and #Embry's Mom's, they were all like parents to the three of us.
The red flush in Bella's cheeks made me smile and before I could say anything #Embry spoke... That boy could never keep a thought inside his head. 'In that case, we have got to see this. If she can climb a rock wall, we could take her cliff diving in the summer.' He was grinning.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." I shot him a wary look... Bella was far too clumsy to put that idea in her head. Knowing her she'd try it alone and get herself into all kinds of trouble. "And I'm sure you wouldn't fall..." I was trying to be nice... but it sounded unconvincing.
At least it was kind of impossible to get hurt doing it in a gym. But when #Quil and #Embry share their little eye roll; I stepped closer to Bella and squeezed her forearm gently. "Ignore those two chuckleheads... Everything takes practice. It sounds like a good time to me."
When Paddy came back, I turned to him and asked him to split it between the two trucks and we all set to the task of loading them. "Do you want one of us the drive back with you? You can just leave everything in the truck until we get back and we can unload everything together."
※ Bella ※
My ears perked up for a moment. “Cliff diving? What’s that?” But before #Embry could answer me Jacob had shot him down. Once again it felt like these boys spoke with a squint of the eye rather than words from their lips.
Jacob’s words had a lack of certainty in them, however, I still made myself smile at his attempt to help me in the moment. When he squeezed my arm, I did feel a little bit of warmth in his eyes and this time the smile I shared with him was real. “It’s okay Jake, I know they mean well.” These boys were all kind hearted, them being here had to be proof of the fact.
#Paddy and the boys set to work, #Quil handed me the paperwork and a pencil. ‘You stand here and mark off all the things we call out. So, that we are sure it’s all here. It will help Paddy out.’ The man gave me a crooked smile and they set to work.
“Sorry? Oh. Uhm…” I wasn’t sure; however, I knew one thing. “No, you guys head back to the Rez, Billy’s work first and if you still have time then come on over.” If one of them came with me, it would mean they were one hand short.
As they all got to work, I tugged on #Quil’s sleeve and whispered. “What’s this cliff diving thing?”
#Quil straightened up and gazed over to Jacob who was busy with Paddy. ‘He will kill me… But… It’s…’ His eyes were back on the others as he told me of the cliffs out on the first beach in La Push, and how there are different levels you could climb up and then go diving.
“And you guys do this for fun?” There was more astonishment in my voice than I’d intended, with a combination of enthusiasm.
‘Bella, I’m only telling you this because you asked, but you have to promise not to go anywhere near it without us.’ Saved by the bell, #Embry called #Quil over to help, so I hadn’t needed to make any promises.
‘All Done Miss Swan.’ The man told me as the boys finished off loading.
I followed #Paddy into the office to pay for the supplies. “Thank you for everything Paddy, you’ve been a real help.” I told him before returning to the others by the trucks. “Thanks guys, really I mean it from the bottom of my heart.”
※ Jacob ※
That smile... It was different from the others, it reminded me of the first time I'd seen her after she moved here. The day we gave her the truck Charlie bought from my dad. Genuine... and one hundred percent Bella Swan.
I nodded to Bella. We would be a lot faster if all three of us went home to finish this job... and I could try and talk the guys out of the shameless flirting. Not just because I liked Bella more than I should, considering that I knew she was still in pain... but because that pain meant that it really wasn't the time for any of us to fawn over her.
She wasn't wrong though; they did mean well... they just didn't know when to think and when to talk. I smiled at #Quil, trying to find a way to keep Bella in the loop while we got to the task that we were used to doing together. Whether we came here with Dad or #Harry... even #Sam. The three of us had a rhythm that even they would keep out of the way of. We just worked together, we always had.
"You're welcome, Bella." I smiled, genuinely. "Anything for you." I cleared my throat… then added quickly. "A-and Charlie. He's always helped out Dad and me."
※ Bella ※
“Sure, you know Charlie would do anything for you and Billy.” I glanced up to the sky and the greying clouds coming in. “Now head off before the rain comes down again and stops all the work you guys have planned out.”
The smile was back once again on my lips, for some reason when Jacob Black spoke, anyone could see the boy meant every word he said from the bottom of his heart. I nudged my shoulder into his side and then bounced back at the brick wall that welcomed me. Rubbing the side of my arm I half laughed. “What are they feeding you boys at the Rez?”
‘Bacon… Lots of Bacon!’ #Quil pulled the sleeve of his shirt up to squeeze his biceps tight. They didn’t quite make the shape he was hoping for by the look on his face.
‘Come on bacon boy.’ #Embry yanked his friend away as I opened the door to my truck and climbed in.
Half shaking my head, I watched them fool around for a few moments before closing the door and rolling the window down. “Drive safely Jake, I’ll see you soon.” Turning the key, the Beast came to life and as I put him into gear, I could feel the heaviness on the wheels.
“I’m going to need to get your air pressure checked.” I whispered to myself as I reversed out of the parking spot waving to the three guys as I headed home.
※ Jacob ※
I knew what #Bella said was true, #Charlie had always been there for us. I never hesitated to call him if we needed a helping hand. No ask was too big or too small when it came to Bella’s Dad. Seeing her smile put something at ease inside me. It seemed like it had been forever since I'd seen her smile for real.
I laughed when she rubbed her arm. "We all know that everything is bigger and better on the Rez Bella." I grinned. "You should spend more time there... It might catch on."
I stepped back towards my dad’s truck as Bella climbed into hers.
"We'll see you soon, Bells." I pointed to the load in the back of her truck. "Do not unload that by yourself. It’s not a one-person job."
I climbed into the driver seat and waited until she pulled out. As soon as she did, I slapped #Embry, hard, on the shoulder. It hurt!
But I tried not to let on.... was that what Bella meant when she'd bumped me with her shoulder? Was #Embry secretly hitting the gym?
'What was that for?' He protested, but he hadn't so much as flinched.
"Multiple bro' code violations!?" I scoffed like it was obvious.
'You were the one that said it was too early to make a move, not me.' He said with that annoying little smirk of his.
"C'mon 'Bry... Bella is the only girl I ever liked like that." I sighed and gripped the wheel a little tighter.
#Embry huffed. 'Don't be an asshole; Call... you hit on girls all the time.' #Quil chimed in from the back seat.
'Fine... I'll keep it low key. But if she comes onto me the deal is off.' He scoffed.
I tried not to laugh at the idea of Bella flirting with #Embry. The rest of the drive home consisted of a long, inane conversation about what was and wasn't flirting.
※ Bella ※
On my way home I made a point to stop off at the diner to pick up sandwiches. Then it had been a drive past the station, to make sure #Charlie was still there before I pulled up and went in.
I stayed out of the way of the people who were working inside. Making my way to his desk to set the box of sandwiches on it for him to eat, when I saw my dad leaning over a table with dread on his face.
‘Hey Bells.’ He tried and failed to smile.
“Hey dad… I bought you some lunch.” I told him.
‘Thanks kid, we’ve not had time to eat today.’ He opened the box taking out one half, however he didn’t eat it.
“What’s going on?” I asked, all the time my eyes followed the people in here, noting that some of them worked for the forest rangers.
‘Nothing…’ he started and then somewhat, came to. ‘Listen, that promise you made to stay outta the woods. It still stands. Do me a favour and spread the news to your friends too.’
Okay now I frowned a little worried. “Okay… but why?” I knew why he wanted me to stay away. But the others?
He set the sandwich down on a napkin, rubbing his forehead. ‘There have been some animal attacks. People are—‘ he cut off as someone called his name. ‘Give me a sec.’ And he was gone.
I didn’t want to eve’s drop however; it was hard not to overhear. Someone on the radio was saying that a body had been found five miles out. It was a hiker who had been lost for over a week.
I felt bile grow and bubble in my throat, at the images my mind conjured. And it was the guiding hand on my shoulder who bought me out of my lost state.
‘Are you okay Bells? Maybe you should go home? Remember. No going into the woods. Not until we find this animal okay.’
With that said, #Charlie walked me part way out. “I’ll be okay dad.” I stopped him remembering my truck was full of supplies for his surprise. “You go bad to work. And please eat something.”
Saying my good bye to him, I rushed to my truck and climbed back in. Leaning forward I rested my forehead to the wheel breathing in deeply for a few moments. There was an electric charge, it felt like I was surrounded by some energy that was invisible to the naked eye. It felt like safety. Like I was going to be fine. However, I wasn’t the one whom I worried for. The loss of any life, even one you didn’t know was hard to come to terms with. My dad... #Charlie took the safety of everyone in town on his own shoulders. I knew this day would be hard for him. I pulled out of the parking lot and for once listening to him I drove straight home.
※ Jacob ※
By the time we got to the Rez #Embry was criticising my taste in music. I rolled my eyes… like he could talk. He was the one flipping through my Dad’s CDs and looking impressed as he selected a Def Leppard best-of album and cranked up the volume.
When we pulled up outside the house, Dad was sitting out on the front porch… well not really a porch… just the top of the ramp where we had set out a small table and a single chair so Dad could take a spot on the other side and sit with whoever was coming to him with any tribal issues. So… seeing him there wasn’t unusual. But what was unusual, was who was sat in the seat across from him; #SamUley.
But right there, leaning against the end of the ramp, like it wasn’t completely abnormal for them to just be hanging out in front of my house with a grown-ass man; was #JaredCameron and #PaulLahote. Wearing wife-beaters and cut off shorts… who were they fooling? This was La Push…
#Sam stood up when he saw us getting out of the car, stepping over the hole we’d made in the ramp with ease. All three of them locked their eyes on #Embry as they walked off, heading away from the road and towards the tree line. I walked to the back of the truck and grabbed what we needed, #Quil followed, but he stopped and nudged me with his elbow. My gaze followed his to where #Embry was frozen… The boy never stood still; it was unnerving. He watched them disappear. I walked around the truck and took him by the elbow. “C’mon ‘Bry… Don’t pay any attention to them. Let’s get to work.”
He seemed to shake himself, chewing his lip raw. ‘Hmm… Oh… yeah.’ He forced a laugh. ‘Hall monitors on steroids.’
#Quil and I exchanged looks… we knew he was freaked... this wasn’t the first time he’d been the centre of their focus.
※ Bella ※
Once home I planned on emptying out the old shed, I needed to stop thinking about the poor hiker in the woods, and the animal attacks. It wasn’t easy so I knew I had to keep moving and doing something for my mind to remain distracted.
I when up to my room, to set my wallet and things down, and then to the bathroom to freshen up. Pulling my hair up into a ponytail so that it did not distract me from the work. However, as I came out of the bathroom, I stopped at the threshold of my bedroom door looking in. Something felt out of place. But everything was still there. I shook my head. It was my mind playing tricks on me, it was the same as Edw—.
I stopped those thoughts of Him coming to the forefront of my mind. The times when I found him sat in the chair or listening to my Walkman. The times when I would wake to find him sat on my bed watching me, when I knew there had been no way for him to get into my room.
“Stop it!” I chastised myself. Hitting the palm of my hand to my forehead. “That was the past.” And still at times, no matter how much I tried not to think of him, his memory would come rushing out.
“Dad. Birthday. Work.” Starting to think of the things in my life that had to be more important than the past. No matter how much at times I wanted to wallow in my self-pity. I had given #Charlie my word, and each day his fear of losing me subsided so, I couldn’t fall into the depths of my sadness again. ( Not visibly anyway. )
I plastered on that smile I had in my arsenal, even with no one around to see me, it was good practice to do it. I made my way down the stairs and out the back door.
※ Jacob ※
It didn't take us long to fix the ramp. The support beams were still solid. The miserable Olympic weather hadn't taken its toll on them yet. When we were done, I had wanted to rush right off to Forks but Dad insisted that we eat something.
'What's the hurry?' #Billy asked. 'Why are you so eager to head back to town so soon?'
'We're helping Bella build a new shed for #Charlie.' #Embry blurted out and promptly started shovelling Dad's favourite pasta dish down his throat. I kicked him under the table. Did he really need to say every little thing out loud? He kicked me back and DAMN!!! Someone has been eating his spinach because that hurt!! 'Was it meant to be a secret?' he asked.
Dad and #Quil just laughed.
'So, Bella is still doing better then? Socializing? Leaving the house for more than school and work?'
"Yeah. She seems good... you know, happier." And apparently, my smile gave away too much.
'Just... remember that heartache never fully goes away. Give the girl room to breathe.' Dad's eyes moved from me to #Quil.
'Hey! Why isn't Embry getting the evil eye? He flirts as much as I do.' #Quil protested.
"Yes... But he's bad at it." Dad teased and 'Bry just glared at him.
'You are so lucky you’re in that chair or I'd kick you under the table too.' He teased Dad right back. And if anyone else had said that; they'd be answering to all three of us... but Dad just laughed and nodded towards the door, giving us permission to leave the table.
"Bye Dad!!" I called back as the three of us got jammed in the doorway while the other two called back 'Thank you, Uncle.' It was the Chief thing... and a tribal thing considering how close our parents had been as we grew up.
※ Bella ※
Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes is all it took for me to get three splinters, fall over twice and bang my head on the broken shelves once. I was stood outside rubbing a bump which had started to grow just higher than my hair line. Looking over the progress I had made despite my incoordination.
“This is why Charlie doesn’t like me going into this place.” I told myself. “It’s a death trap.” We all knew true blame lay in the person, and not the inanimate objects. However, it felt good to share the blame now and then.
I stepped back into the shed to see if I could find some gloves, something to protect my hands from getting any more splinters stuck into my skin. The ones I had already taken care of had gone in deep, I wasn’t sure I could take any more without needing a tetanus jab or something stronger.
Just as I set back to work, removing buckets, rods, tins of fish line, and hooks, my phone started to ring in my back pocket. Stepping back outside I answered it seeing that it was #Charlie calling.
“Hey dad, is everything okay?” I could still see the concern on his face from before and hear it in his voice now.
‘Sure, everything is okay. I wanted to make sure you made it home. That’s all.’ On any other day, my hackles would be raised. But today… I understood.
“I did thanks. Came straight home, didn’t stop on the way. I’m here safe and sound.” Putting a little pep in my voice. Trying to tell him not to worry about me, even if I knew that would be hard for him to do after everything, I put him through last year.
‘Good. Good. I maybe home late tonight. So, don’t wait up. And don’t worry about dinner for me.’ I had guessed this would be the case.
“No worries. Jake and his friends #Quil and #Embry are coming by, and I promised to get in some pizza for us.” This must have been unexpected, because for a moment #Charlie didn’t say anything.
‘They are? Okay. They’re good boys. Have fun.’ He said before he had to go again, and I returned to my work at hand.
※ Jacob ※
We loaded up the truck with a ton of tools that we would definitely need, few things we might need… and some that I honestly thought were unnecessary. But #HarryClearwater had suggested them when we asked to raid his tool shed… and he always knew what he was talking about when it came to this stuff.
#Embry took control of the radio on the way back to Forks too… we just let it slide. Music was a bigger deal to him than it was to any of the rest of us. Plus, most of the time, the stuff he played was decent.
When we got there, we pulled up behind Bella’s truck. #Charlie’s cruiser still wasn’t there… Good. He wasn’t home yet. Once we got the old shed torn down #Charlie couldn’t tell us he didn’t need a new one. It was easy to guess why Bella wanted to give her dad an extra special gift this year. I flashed back to a shirtless #SamUley carrying Bella out of the woods. She knew she had worried #Charlie… then when she was in that dark place… he’d seen it all.
When we came around the side of the house, we saw that she had been busy. Each of us carried some of the tools that we’d need to tear down the old one. “Looks like someone’s been busy.” I called across the yard to her.
“You could have waited you know? Until we got here to help.” I looked her over to make sure she hadn’t hurt herself, but she seemed fine. And she’d worn gloves… so at least that was something.
‘Let's get this old thing emptied so the fun can begin!’ #Embry rubbed his hands together with excitement and I rolled my eyes.
“He likes to demolish things way too much.” I explained to Bella with a chuckle.
※ Bella ※
As I worked, there was an internal monolog taking place. Words and sounds, sharing of quotes, I was paraphrasing from books and plays. There was an opening in the school play this year that Ang had been asking me to help with. I told her I wasn’t going up on stage, and I was thankful that her offer was for me to help her back stage. I hadn’t agreed to it, and really with everything going on, I had forgotten about her request. However, now with me trying to keep my mind distracted. It was the first thing to pop into my mind.
“Holy Cow!” I jumped out of my skin, dropping the tool box in my hands down to the ground.
I had readied myself; I saw it heading for my foot but at the last moment it toppled forward and missed me by a couple of inches.
“Make some noise Jake.” The guy was so big, and yet I hadn’t heard him or the others coming. I cupped my mouth to hold my stomach in that was threatening to leap out of me. “Sorry.” I said holding a finger up asking for a minute to gather myself. “I was miles away.”
Jake was in front with his hands full, and both #Quil and #Embry stopped where they were with hands full of tools too. “What’s all that? You know there are tools here too.” But when I looked towards the sorry collection #Charlie had, I added. “Actually, maybe it was a good idea to come prepared.” Who knew that teenage boys could think ahead like this?
“Cleaning this mess isn’t as much as it looks. There is no way I wouldn’t try to help Jake.” I told him half smiling. Because I knew I hadn’t managed to do half of what I’d planned to before they arrived. “You guys made good time? Everything sorted with Billy’s ramp?”
The guys started to walk towards me, setting the things down and look over the old shed. The glint in #Embry’s eyes told me that Jake wasn’t lying. “Easy there Embry, we don’t want to kill ourselves bringing this old thing down.”
‘I should be offended with the fact that you have so little faith in me Bella, I’m a demolitions expert.’ He told me.
And I went to stand beside Jacob now. “At sixteen? Who gave him a licence?” I teased shaking my head. “Have you guys had something to eat? Need a drink or anything before we get to work?” Before I could finish off my sentence, Embry was inside of the old shed with Quil on his tail, checking to see what needed to be taken out.
“Are you guys always so gung-ho?” I asked Jacob with a nudge in his side.
※ Jacob ※
I cringed when I saw the toolbox drop… but somehow, completely inexplicably it missed her toes by a hairs-breath. I shrugged it off let out a relieved sigh. “You really shouldn’t have started without us.” I chuckled.
#Quil sauntered up and plopped a bright yellow hard hat onto Bella’s head and spoke saying. ‘I knew this would come in handy. You should have told us it was your feet at risk, we could have found a pair of steel-toed boots for you.’ He teased.
“We weren’t sure what Charlie had here.” I explained to her. “Plus, we’ve used all of this stuff before so…” I nodded towards the other two, though… I was mainly talking about #Embry. “Less room for error.” And I mouthed the word idiots to her silently, but with a grin.
Then I scoffed at her. “Please! Like we’d let you get away with not helping.” We totally would; but Bella wasn’t a side-lines kinda girl. “Although… waiting for us all to start together would have been perfectly acceptable.” Then I answered her question. “Yeah, all fixed, we just needed to replace a few boards.” I stood as tall as I could next to her.
I managed to cover my mouth but not my snort at #Embry’s declaration. “Let’s get the rest of Charlie’s stuff out before we start tearing anything down.”
Instinctively the three of us fell into a line, #Embry inside the shed… because he never thought things through, and he was already in the doorway. Then #Quil and then me… because I had the foresight to take shorter strides and I led Bella over with an extended hand, not actually touching her because of her reluctance to be touched in the hardware store. “You know #Charlie best so you should sort the stuff that comes out. There’s probably a lot in there he might want to throw away… you know how Dads are about keeping old stuff.” I chuckled.
That was when #Quil noticed I had placed myself between him and Bella and gave me am ‘I-see-what-you-did-there-grin’ but said nothing as we started to pass things down the line to Bella.
※ Bella ※
I was smiling once again, without thinking, without needing that mask I wore around this world and its people. These three boys brought a pure joy with them whenever they were around me. Their friendship. Their thoughtlessness towards how they spoke within their group. What you saw was what you got with them all.
I tapped the hardhat with my knuckles, and then pushed it up a little so that I could have some visibility before me. “Thanks, Quil. I’m surprised you didn’t bring me some sort of metal suit.” He winked and clicked his tongue telling me the day was still young. Which earned him an eyeroll of course.
Jacob made me tilt my head to the side, it was so easy to forget he was so young when he spoke sometimes. I knew boys two years older than him who wouldn’t have thought ahead like he did. My eyes drifted to the shed and #Embry as Jake spoke, and I rained in the laughter bubbling up within me, as he mouthed the word ‘idiots’. Biting my lip to stop myself from reacting was the only thing I could do.
“I know, and I thank you for not being one of those guys who think girls can’t help.” Because I knew those boys too. The ones who didn’t think it was possible for a girl to think for herself or know what was good for her. I took a step back as that rift in my chest threaten to blink open at the spiral of thoughts I internally began falling down. However, I knew the signs, and I knew too well by now how to counter act them.
‘Bella, you really did make a dent in here.’ #Embry was the one to call out and bring me back this time, and then Jacob too.
Clearing my throat as Jake motioned towards where he wanted me, and I noticed how he didn’t attempt to touch me. Making me so grateful, if in this moment he had reached out I knew that I wouldn’t have been able to hold myself together.
“I tried.” I called out to #Embry, taking my place at the end of the chain where Jacob started to place things on the ground before me. “That’s a good idea.” I told Jake. “Even if I have no idea what holds sentimental value, you know?”
I started with looking for things that were broken or looked like they couldn’t be fixed. Making three stacks behind myself. Keep, Throw and I’m not sure.
As we worked making progress with the piles growing behind me, I began to feel an ease around the boys, listening to them banter and work. It was something I used to have with my friends, well before I checked out for so long.
‘If you throw that rod away, Charlie will come after all of us.’ #Quil pointed to the old, battered rod I was about to place on the throw stacks. ‘Billy carved it, and Harry lined and painted it for Charlie for one of his birthdays.’ I stopped to look the rod up and down. It was well used, the carvings on the handle were still visible in the light.
“Thanks, you just saved me from being disowned by my dad.” I told him; my eyes were on Jake now. “I knew Billy carved, but this.” Holding the rod up to the grey light of the day. “This is amazing.”
※ Jacob ※
I laughed at Bella and #Quil, my eyes staying on her. Seeing her laugh and enjoying herself... even when it was a little work too, it was good to see her getting back some happiness in her life.
I just smiled at her. "You know I was practically raised by #Rachel and #Rebecca, right?" I chuckled.
'And Momma T.' #Quil added, and we all laughed.
"Oh yeah... #Embry's mom doesn't tolerate that kinda thinking in herboys." That was what we all were to, Ms Call. I winked at Bella now. "Besides we agreed to a four-person job, not three. So, it's too late to back out now."
I smiled when she said I had a good idea. "Yeah, you never know what kinda things people get attached to." I nudged her with my elbow and pointed to #Embry. "Like him, he never gets rid of anything." I laughed.
#Embry rolled his eyes. 'Because I don't own anything that isn't worth keeping.' Then I just rolled my eyes because this wasn't the first time that I heard it. I had to laugh when Embry passed out the fishing rod and #Quil passed it to us.
"Oh wow!" I laughed. "Yeah... Dad worked on this for days!" I leaned in and examined it as Bella did. "Right there... that was me." I pointed out a slightly wobbly fish carved just in front of the reel. "#Charlie really loved this old thing." I grinned when Bella praised Dad's work... "Yeah, Dad was always great with his hands."
After a while #Embry called out that were done and the two of them ran to grab the sledgehammer we'd brought. "Wait, Guys! I think #Bella should have the first swing."
※ Bella ※
“All of you boys need someone to show you the way.” I said.
However, Momma T? my brow raised in interest until Jacob clarified and the image of the beautiful woman on the beach speaking with #Leah came into focus. I recalled concern on her face, witnessing part of her conversation with #HarryClearwater’s daughter, and then the way she smiled as she passed me by. I could see that woman taking the time it took to teach these boys how to respect girls and be respected by the world too. It also didn’t go a stray on me how these boys all called her Momma T. She really had to be a caring woman who must be well respected within their tribe of people.
My thumb stroked the disjointed fish, and I was smiling again, thinking of an even younger Jacob Black helping his dad to do this. “It’s so sweet.” I said as I carefully this time set the rod to the far side, where there would be no confusion when filling my truck up later.
When I heard what Jake wanted me to do, I called back. “I’m sorry What?” I abruptly rotated to face the boys, falling about on my feet, tripping over some boxes, landing in the heap with a soft thud.
‘Oh sure, let’s give the girl who can’t turn around without falling, a sledge?’ I wasn’t sure which one said it because I was looking up at the sky.
“Hey—” I started but gave up because… you know… But then something inside of me twisted. “You know what.” Shuffling myself out from inside and under the boxes, pulling myself up onto my wobbly feet once again. “I can so do this.” With a new found determination, I stomped over to #Embry holding my hand out.
‘Bella, it’s okay. I can—’ I shook my head cutting him off.
“I can do this. I mean just how hard can the first hit be?” The moment he placed the hammer in my hands, it fell to the ground and tugged my arm with it. “This thing is heavy.” However, I was still determined. Slowly lifting the hammer, I dropped it again. “Third time lucky.” I told myself this time lifting it with all my will, aiming to hit the side panel beside the door of the shed.
‘Yeah! Here we go… This is going to be fun.’ #Quill called out.
※ Jacob ※
"There’s no shortage of that on the rez." I chuckled. #TiffanyCall had always been a big part of our lives... even before we were old enough to understand the rumours. But those never stopped any of us from loving her like family or speaking up when people voiced all those nasty thoughts about her or #Embry. But I smiled at the thought that #Bella would just know her the way we did.
I flushed a little at Bella's comment... I'd not stopped to think before I pointed out my addition to the project about how she would react. I would have to find a way to show her I had gotten a lot better over the years. Let her see some of the nicer, more skilful things I had made.
I reached out for Bella when she stumbled, but the girl had a talent for falling over. I gave her my hand to help her up and looked to #Embry... who had gotten closer to her then the rest of us than I thought possible in the few short seconds, but Bella was already upright again.
But even her clutzy moment didn't stop her... just like I knew it wouldn't. I smiled to myself, biting the inside of my cheek, trying not to let it show. "She can do it." I nudged #Embry with my elbow. "C'mon Bells!" I cheered. "You got this!"
I caught #Quil's attention and motioned for him to take out his phone, he did and started recording the moment. Bella swung and made contact... considering the size of her target; it would have been hard to miss. But it did punch a decent-sized hole in the wood. I cheered and clapped for her, then went to help her yank the hammer free from the structure. "See! you totally got this!" I laughed. "But that was purely symbolic... now we take the rest of it apart panel by panel." I was smiling brightly but as the heavy hammer thunked to the ground next to my feet and I looked up to see her eyes so close to mine I realised...
Maybe I was too close, close enough that her chocolate brown eyes were level with mine and made my mouth go dry. I cleared my throat and stepped back. "Ready to play with some power tools?" I tried to cover my awkward shift.
※ Bella ※
The vibrations rushed up my arms into my shoulders and body. If I had made the hit any harder, I was certain that the shed would remain in place, and I would have been the one to go toppling over. The clapping and the cheering from the three boys had my cheeks rush with heat and colour.
“It wasn’t that good of a hit.” I told them, as I decided reading books and writing were going to remain my top-level past times if I survived these tasks.
When I glanced over to Jake, he was right there beside me, making sure like a good friend that I didn’t hurt myself, and #Embry stood close by too. However, something in Jakes brown eyes seemed to be off, like something was wrong?
‘I’m going to send this video to the station, it’s got to get a few hundred for the comedy aspects if nothing else.’ #Quil was re-watching whatever he had managed to film.
“Don’t you dare.” Both #Embry and I said at the same time. And then #Embry added.
‘You didn’t get my good side.’ Following up with a flexing of his biceps. Biting on my bottom lip I turned my eyes away, something felt wrong with watching #Embry while he did that. And that was when I saw Jake shift and move away.
‘Jake, maybe power tools are a step too far, I mean I’m up for making the videos, but don’t we like Bella and want her to live?’ #Quil was joking again, his big brown eyes twinkling with mischief.
I took a step back away from the three boys’. “You know what, I am happy to start filling the truck.”
But #Embry took a hold of my arm gently and smiled. ‘Jake has this in control, none of us are going to let you hurt. Give it a go, it’s a rush.’
That word Rush had my undivided attention. As I let the words sink in to my psyche, the intelligent side of me told me to run. And there was another side that had started to flicker to life more often.
“Okay… fine.” I slowly freed my arm from his hold. It still didn’t feel right to be touched by anyone, not after everything…
Then I felt this vibration of energy wanting to heave me away from the danger.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed. "Hey, it's not the hit that matters. You celebrate... It's the end of one age and the beginning of the next. This shed did its job for years and years. So, we show gratitude." I leaned in a little not getting too close this time and whispered. "Plus, it was a pretty good hit."
Damn!! Did that mean the #Quil had gotten the awkward moment with Bella and I on video too? Of course, #Embry used it as an excuse to flex... I really needed to start eating more of #MommaT's cooking.
Wait... I watched Bella pull her eyes away, was she... did I... just catch Bella checking out #EmbryCall?
No... I had to be wrong.
I turned my attention to #Quil and my brows pinched together. "We aren't in a rush... we have time to show her... I mean we had no idea the first time either, right?" I knew that #Quil was just being protective... but I guess his idea of protection and mine had always been different. Even with Dad... instead of doing things for him, I tried to make it so he could do it for himself. Keeping the house, a certain way, making sure he could reach and use what he needed from his chair and so on. I guess it was the same with Bella... When things got hard having a project  helped me... so hopefully this one would help Bella.
#Embry was right there again... but Bella eased out of his hold on her arm. Maybe I had imagined things earlier. #Embry seemed to get the message taking a step back… maybe too fast because he staggered over his own feet a little but caught himself.
"We can start with the electric screwdriver and work our way up... you won't get hurt, I promise. At least... not by the tools." I smiled. I grabbed one of the toolboxes and motioned for her to follow me into the shed. "Why don't you guys work on the windows and try not to smash the glass?"
I talked her through how to back out a screw and take down the internal shelving. It was all a little mismatched and clearly added to over the years... not unlike our barn at all. I removed a few to show her how it was done. "See..." I let a screw drop into my palm. "Easy peasy... We take down the shelf first and then the bracket." I handed her the screwdriver. "Ready to give it a try?"
※ Bella ※
“You are always too nice to me Jacob Black.” It wasn’t a lie, and I knew that I could have been worthier of his friendship. And I planned on making up for lost time now until I left for college.
Every now and then the boys would pop their hands and heads in through the holes they had made, trying to distract us, while they were removing the glass from the walls and being careful not to let any of it break. I wasn’t sure what they planned on doing with it, but I  knew they knew what they were doing.
“Easy peasy….” I repeated Jakes words with less than the same amount of excitement he shared. Asking  myself just how hard could it be? It’s a screwdriver… ( Even if Electric was the key word. ) Then there was the voice telling me, ‘It’s also pointy and could take someone’s eye out’. Those thoughts didn’t help matters. “Easy when you know what you are doing.” However, like #Embry said… They were going to be looking out for me.
I could hear the muttering coming from the outside of the shed with both myself and Jake inside, I kept turning for reassurance by watching him before I continued trying to do as he did.
“I got this. Right?” Not sure if it was him, I asked or if it was myself. I wasn’t going to wait and see. The tool in my hands felt weighty, however it was finding the screws that was the real challenge. #Charlie had been placing new shelves up as an when he needed them, so there was no organisation or uniformities in here.
“This could take the rest of the day the way I am going.” I huffed, sweeping a strand of hair out of the way from my face. The first one I kept missing, the next one the driver kept slipping until #Quil shouted helpfully to try a smaller head. The third one I tightened deeper into the wall, before I got a hang of what it was really, I should have been doing.
“Why is this kind of pleasurable task to complete?” I asked Jake as I removed the last of the shelves, handing it back to him, before starting on the brackets.  
※ Jacob ※
I just laughed. "I'm nice to everybody," I replied without thinking. It was the truth, but would it have been so bad to let her think she wasn't just everyone? I really was an idiot and the sideways glance that #Quil gave me he thought the same thing.
I was glad to have the distraction of something to do with my hands while I showed her how to dismantle the shelves. "Of course, you do." I encouraged her before she attempted her first one. "See?" I beamed at her.
"I told you."
I moved to the other side of the shed and started on the shelves at the back of the small structure planning on working my way around to meet her. "It won't take all day." I gave her an encouraging smile. "It's your first time... once you get a feel for it you'll get a rhythm going and get a little faster each time."
'Yeah, Bells!!' #Embry popped his head through a now glassless and frameless window. 'We'll turn you into a pro in no time!' If I had had anything in my hands other than rusty old screws, I would have thrown one at him... as it was, an epic eye roll had to suffice. We both had to change the driver heads once or twice... I grumbled about this being a problem with Dad's not thinking ahead when they set these storage systems up... everything was mismatched.
I smiled broadly. Bella confirmed what I had thought earlier. Completing a tangible task like this was cathartic. There were a lot of tasks you could complete and have proof of... but something about manual labour that worked your body, and your mind was different. It worked out tension and anything pent up inside. "There's nothing like a hard day's labour to cleanse the soul." I grinned, and we carried the last on the shelves out of the shed.
'You sound like #Harry.' #Quils teased... but that wasn't a bad thing in anyone's opinion. We took in the shed. All three of us assessed the next step.
"Roof?" We all asked, in near-perfect unison and laughed at the absurdity and frequency of it.
'Gimme a boost. I'll do it." Embry walked over and proceeded to try and climb onto the roof using the empty window frame as handholds. #Quil and I lurched forward at once, shouting
※ Bella ※
My shoulders were a little stiffer, my hands a little bit sore. My fingers bore a tautness, telling me they couldn’t hold a pen right now. However, Jake was right, it did feel good to have this part of the job done.
I made my way around the small empty shed collecting the last of the screws and nails we had dropped as we were working. Gathering then releasing them into the bucket we had set aside just for this. When I heard the boys shouting outside, I leaped up from my knees and darted out of the door of my old shed.
Grimacing, unsure what I would see. My brown eyes taking notes so fast that things were not registering with me until, I turned my attention to my side, catching why the other two boys were rushing towards the shed.
#Embry had attempted to climb up the side of the structure.
It all happened in slow motion. I saw #Embry set is foot down on the old window frame they had removed the glass from. Then as his hands reached to pull his body up, his foot went down into the fractured old, damaged wood.
“EMBRY!”  I cried out his name at the same time as he came toppling down.
I turned my body out of the door, right underneath where he was climbing, my hands were reached out and up to stop him from falling back, but I should have known better.
#Quil’s voice was the one to reach my ears first. ‘Bella move!’ However, it was too late.
I saw #Embrys dark brown eyes, and in the moment, I didn’t realise it meant he was coming down on top of me. His lips parted and I just heard my name on them, asking me to move, but I was frozen in place still attempting to... well ‘save’ him?
I closed my eyes; I knew what was coming. I could feel the rush of air in my face, the firmness of his body knocking mine back towards the ground, a rush of energy, heat, and something else like an elastic recoil trying to push free, and not all at the same time. It took a hold of the two of us. I collapsed back into something that reminded me of a cloud of softness, stopping my body and head from banging into the ground. I could detect #Embry was with me, then I sensed a short burst of something pushing him off. ( It was a blink, and you would miss it kind of a feeling. ) But enough to push #Embry off. Making him roll onto his side like a cat landing from a first-floor window to the ground.
Winded I let my head fall back into the grassy earth, blinking up to the grey sky above. And then it hit me. A smell I couldn’t dismiss. It was on my breath, in my nose, and it was all I could think off. That metallic scent that coated the inside of my mouth without being here. Nervousness kicked in because I knew what was about to happen.
“Embry is hurt.” I just managed to say as the nauseousness made my stomach turn, my head span and everything went black for a few moments before I was back again.
※ Jacob ※
The wood under #Embry's foot fractured... it was so fast. In a blink of an eye, Bella was there, and it was too late, she was right under him the moment she stepped out of the door of the shed. I threw my arm out to block #Quil, though we  had both rushed forward in the hopes of stopping #Embry from acting the fool. I knew if we get any closer it could potentially end up with all of us landing on Bella and probably #Embry too.
Before I could really register what had happened,  I was on my knees next to Bella watching her turn even pale than I knew was possible. #Quil stooped next to #Embry who swore he was fine, and that his ankle just hurt a little.
"Bella?" I pinched my eyebrows together and slipped my hand  under her, raising her up off the ground a little. Completely forgetting her reluctance to be touched in the rush of concern. I was instantly worried she'd hit her head when she seemed to... pass out? But not.
'Okay his ankle is bleeding... but the idiot will live.' #Quil was slapping #Embry's hand away as he pulled off his boot, showing where the splintered wood had cut his ankle when it cracked.
'Damn... is she okay. She looks like she's going to hurl.' #Embry  wrinkled his nose and hissed as #Quil turned his foot to get a good look.
It hit then... a memory from when I was little. Bella fainted at the sight of blood. My sister #Rebecca was the same way. The last time it happened to #Becca was  ironically when #Embry fell off another shed and broke his leg so bad the bone came through his skin.
"You sure you’re, okay?" I said over my shoulder to him; to which he replied that it was barely bleeding, and he just needed a band-aid. I mean it didn't look too bad, but it would need to be one hell of a band-aid. Bella seemed to be coming out of it but was clearly still woozy.
"Sorry about this Bells." I had one hand under her already, so I slipped the other under her knees  and lifted her up... I knew she wasn't going to be happy about it. "Take him upstairs to clean that." I carried Bella to the back door of the house, pressing the handle down awkwardly with my elbow to get inside. I tried my best not to  jostle her too much.
I set her on the couch and let go of her quickly. "Don't hate me for that... I just wanted to get you away from the blood as fast as I could." I dragged over a footstool so she could put her feet up.
"I'll go get you some water." As I went back into the kitchen #Embry was hobbling in the back door with one shoe off. "You, okay?" I asked... I still wanted to call him an idiot, but he was hurt so I would save that until tomorrow. Okay... the ride home maybe.
'I'm more worried about her... I'm pretty sure I landed on her... I mean... it didn't feel like it... but I had to.' He sounded confused and really guilty.
"She'll be okay." I didn't want to tell them what I thought it was, that was Bella's business. I filled the glass and told them where to find the bathroom.
Then I came back into the living room, pulling the door closed behind me. "Here you go." I handed her the glass and perched on the edge of the coffee table across from the couch. "Are you okay? That was one hell of a slam you got."
※ Bella ※
Head ringing, eyes closed, the noise coming from the boys  and their talking had felt muffled, to the point that they all sounded the same as time went on ( Or was time standing still? ). Inaudibly I tried to tell them I was fine, that I needed to lay here on the cool ground for a few moments longer. However, the conversation only took place in my mind.
The pulsing of something I couldn’t place my finger on, slowed, calmed, and then dissipated. Leaving me a little flabbergasted and breathless, and enervated. This is when I heard the voice again.
‘Sorry about this Bells.’ Who was sorry? Was that Jake? Why did the voice sound like another I knew, however hadn’t heard in a while? I wasn’t sure if I was losing time, or if time was losing me?
The proof of it being that as I felt myself drift off with the copper like scent coming closer. These strong arms overwhelmed me to the point that I was attempting to push away unsuccessfully. The night when my life was turned upside down came tumbling all around me.
The sound of #SamUley’s voice vibrating in my chest as he told #Charlie and #Harry that I was going to be okay. ‘She’s just a little cold.’ The tears I had been holding in had come out like a waterfall when I heard #Charlies voice telling me that I was safe, that it would all be okay. However, he didn’t know. He didn’t know if it would be okay.
I opened my eyes on the same couch I had been placed on that night. And with the trauma coming in to focus for some reason now, I tried to hurtle myself up and off the couch. The room spun and my legs went off like jelly, making my body claps back down.
‘I’ll get you some water.’ This time there was no mistaking the voice. Jacob… Jake had been the one to carry me in here? I closed my eyes, my head dwindling into the back of the couch as I covered my face in the crook of my elbow. I was mortified. Once again, I had been a burden on my friends.
There were awkward sounds coming from the other side of the door. The living room was never closed off, so I knew for it to be done I must look a right state. I couldn’t move my hand when I felt Jacob come to sit close.
“Yeah, I am fine.” I finally found my voice and will to speak. “Is Embry, okay? Does he need to go to hospital?” I could swear the scent of the blood had felt all consuming. It must have been bad.
Moving my hand from over my face. I still felt the world spinning all around me. “I’m so sorry Jacob, I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I’m sorry Embry is hurt because of me.” I couldn’t stop feeling devastated knowing that someone was harmed while helping me.
I arms were still trembling as I took the water, and my feet now on the foot stool still felt out of place.
"Don't look at me like that please. Embry is the one we need to be worried about." I turned my head toward the closed door and regretted the movement instantaneously.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed softly. Of course, her first clear-headed thought was about somebody else. "He's going to be fine. He might limp for a day or two. But he's survived worse." Her eyes glazed over a little and I eased off the edge of the table and sat next to her, careful not to jostle the couch and her with it. "Okay, sit up a little and take a drink." I took a cushion from the other end, propping it behind her to straighten her up a little more. "You have nothing to be sorry for.
If anything, I should be apologising to you for not warning you about #Embry's..." Was stupidity too harsh considering he was hurt? "Impulsiveness... and his history with sheds." I laughed. Hoping she would too, then remembered that there was no way she could get the joke.
"He is in good hands. #Quil may goof around a lot but he's actually the most responsible of us all." I wasn't sure if that was entirely true... but he was certainly the cleverest and most rational. "If #Embry  needs a hospital #Quil will drag him there if he has to."
She was taking this hard... maybe harder than I could make better. There was no way she could realise that this was a regular occurrence... All three of us had our brushes with stupid accidents. #Embry more than most and maybe the most serious consequences because of his utter lack of self-preservation instincts and fear, he didn't stop to think. "He doesn't think things through. Believe me when I tell you... this  is just another Saturday in the life of Embry Call."
'My ears are burning.' I heard through the living room door, then they walked in. #Embry with one shoe off and a bandage on one foot and ankle that would make #SueClearwater proud. I  looked for traces of blood. There was nothing on the bandage, but he still had the shoe in his hand. I stood up still careful not to make the couch bounce.
I took the shoe and whispered before he could make it past the door. "You'll make her sick again. I'll leave this on the porch for now." The front door was only a few strides away, then stepped out onto the front porch. Curiosity hit me at Bella's words... she had thought he'd been hurt bad enough to need a trip to the  hospital. I tugged the opening of his shoe open wider. tilting it to the light. "What the..." I trailed off.
Almost the entire inside of the well-worn white trainer was stained red. it wasn't like something from a movie with blood pouring  out of it or anything. The lining had been soaked through but, #Embry had been standing on the foot... limping, sure but still holding some weight on it. I set the shoe down and went back inside finding #Embry had usurped my place next to Bella.
※ Bella ※
He moved cushions around me, gave me water, he hovered above me and examined me as though I could break any minute now. However, wasn’t I already broken?
“Thank you.” I sipped on the  water, letting myself sit back a little when Jacob told me that his friend would be okay. I didn’t fully believe him. “It’s not the point Jake, I don’t care if the three of you dangle from the trees off the side of the cliffs. This was on my watch. I’m the oldest here…”
I bit down on my lip thinking about my dad.  “Charlie will be disappointed that I didn’t protect the three of you better. He doesn’t even know that we are doing this.” I pointed sheepishly towards the back window. “It would upset him to know that Embry is hurt because of it.”
My father wasn’t a man of gifts.  When he did buy… I cut that thought off, because the last gift he gave me was one he bought with my mom, and I hadn’t picked that camara up in over a year now.
The sound of voices came close from behind me, but I didn’t turn to look. “I hope you are right. I am sure I can climb into the beast if I need to take him in.” However, some part of me was so thankful that #Quil would be able to help. Sitting in the tight space of the cab of my truck could make me faint like a fool again. So, for now I had to take Jacob’s word for it, at least until I could see #Embry for myself.
Jacob jostled the couch, making the queasiness return. #Quil was around the couch holding on to the water in my hand. ‘Easy there, Bells, you going to be alright there?’ I gave him a half-hearted smile.
“I’m so sorry Quil.” I told him the same as I had Jacob, and in return he had repeated his friends sentiments.
‘Don’t worry about me Bella, see. Nothing will keep me down.’ #Embry jumped into the spot on the couch beside me.
“I’m—” He cut me off with half a hug, his arm over the back of the couch.
‘Don’t say you are sorry. You’ve said it like five times since we came inside.’ I pulled my brows together.
“How would you know? You weren’t in here with me.” I poked his side, making some room between the two of us, with #Quill sitting on the edge of the coffee table.
‘The walls are thin in this place.’ He told me.
‘I didn’t hear her.’ #Quil jumped to my defence.
‘You never hear what your mom shouts right next to you.’ Embry poked him with is injured foot.
“That looks like it need to be seen.” I told them as I heard the front door closing.
‘It looks worst than it is. The bandage should do the trick.’ #Quil told me looking up and over my head, I assumed towards Jacob.
“Maybe it’s a good time to order in some pizza I asked? “The menu’s are in the kitchen on the pinboard by the phone.”
※ Jacob ※
I shook my head; I could have laughed... but she was one hundred percent serious. "Bella... we aren't kids. You don't need to be responsible for everyone all the time. It will age you ten years. #Charlie has witnessed or heard about his fair share of our shenanigans. He'll be glad he wasn't trespassing or that none of us didn't fall through his roof."
I was still trying to figure out how he had bled so much and was able to stand on that leg, the cut had to be deep. But there he was the moment I came back inside; his arm was around her shoulder. The guy had no idea how to read a room! My head tilted at the conversation, and I couldn't help but glance up the stairs before stepping back into the living room. I suppose it wasn't impossible for him to have heard if they left the bathroom door open.
"I'll get them," I said and walked past the back of the couch. Crouching over it against the back of it next to Embry. "Does that hurt?" I asked, knowing that if I asked him if he was okay again, he would give me a dead arm.
'Barely.' He shrugged. 'I mostly feel for landing on Bella...' He turned to her. 'I'm really sorry Bell's. Most people know better than to try and catch me at  this stage.' he chuckled and shook her a little with the arm of her shoulder. I cringed internally.
"Dude... easy. She’s not feeling well." I messed up his hair.
'Hey! not the hair!' He laughed and I headed to the kitchen to grab the menus.
Then, I unpinned the stacked and my eyes caught on the corner of a photo. I lifted a notice for a charity event that was at least a year out of date and under it was a young, so young that she was missing two front teeth and still smile big Bella. Judging by how sunny it was I was guessing her mother took this in Phoenix. My curiosity piqued and I scanned the board, there were more... a few that looked like school portraits and one of her and the twins that made my heart  twinge for my sisters.
I cleared my throat and headed back to the living room. "Alright, guys... what are you all in the mood for?" I asked and listed off the take-out places as I flipped through them one at a time.
※ Bella ※
“Ouch! Don’t make age jokes.” Muttering to Jacob, “Not when you are still a baby.”
‘We are not babies Bells.’ #Embry piped up to defend his friend and himself.
 ‘That’s so wrong. We are young adults.’ #Quil added.
‘Not sure your mom would agree with us.’ #Embry reached over me to punch his friend. And I ducked out of the way to the far side of the couch. It wasn’t so big that I could get completely out of the way. But something was better than nothing, right?
Watching the interaction between these was a whole lot of entertainment in itself. The way the spoke to each other, the way they joked, laughed, and looked after the others. I was something I had read about in my books, but never had myself. The closes I came to something this good, was with Al…. I shopped that thought.
Angela… She was a kind soul, someone who had stood by me even in my ‘zoop’ phase as #Leah had called it. But even what I had with her wasn’t this.
#Embry and #Quil were joking back and forth. ‘We need to get back out there soon.’ #Quil had been saying when Jacob came back in.
“I think you guys need something to eat and call it a night. I can clean up a little and maybe do some more another day. #Charlie is going to work out something is up the moment he is home.”
We all turned to glance back at Jake. ‘Pizza.’ One side and the other agreed too.
“I’m good with Pizza too.” I told him with a half-smile. Something had diminished in his eyes. I was uncertain what it was.
‘Here let’s take a look at the menus, there are more options here then in La push.’ #Quil stood to reach for the papers in Jacobs hands. While I watched him.
※ Jacob ※
I shook my head... she was seriously obsessed with age. I watched them rough house across her. None of us was raised to think of girls as the weaker sex... but she had just taken a major spill. And manners were a thing too.
"C'mon guys! You told her we aren't babies... let's try to prove it shall we." I gave them both a look. I held out the menus to #Quil and #Embry grabbed them before he could reach for them.
'The Lady said pizza, so pizza it is.' #Embry started flipping through the stack.
'Pretty sure we all said pizza... but sure.' Sarcasm dripped off every syllable of #Quil's words and I gave him an agreeable smirk.
'Whoa! Three pizza places?' Embry scoffed... exaggerated. 'Townies have it  good! Which one is your favourite Bella? I've ever had the slices from the diner.'
"Home Slice is the best if you ask me... but Pacific deliver. I don't mind running out to pick it up. It's not far." I said, the guys looking at me like I  was a stranger to them. "What?" I shrugged. "Dad and I ate here a lot with #Charlie."
'And you never brought us back a slice?' #Quil looked horrified! and I laughed.
"Hell no!! It was way too good to share... there was never any left to  bring back." I said unashamedly rubbing their faces in it.
※ Bella ※
My eyes stayed on Jacob for the longest time as he spoke. I couldn’t put my finger on it. And I was sure it had everything to do with the spinning head thing that I had been going though. However I wasn’t so slow that I didn’t see the look both #Embry and #Quil exchanged. Some sort of warning sign and alarm began to ring internally and I darted out the way just in time.
Both the boys went jumping up and over the couch, theirs arms out stretched to the point that they crossed over. The biceps hit Jacob’s chest and they both took him down flat on his back.
“Guys!” I covered my mouth and closed my eyes, to stop the wave of fear of hearing all three heads crack on the floor. But as laughter erupted, I slowly allowed myself to open one eye. Climbing onto the couch with my knees on it, and my arms over the back. My eyes couldn’t believe the sight before me.
“Do you have a death wish? What if you both hurt him or yourselves? Jeez.” My heart was going a mile a minute, I could feel it trying to except that they were all still alive. By some miracle.
‘Nah. We’ve been clothes lining one another since we’re were five..’ #Embry was the first to sit  up and face me.
‘We know how to wrestle like the pros Bella. And he deserved that. He knows better than to keep food from us.’ #Quil rubbed his shoulders a little. Frowning. ‘And Pizza is on him for this too.’ He added. I shook my head, still in a little shock. Resting my forehead of the back of the couch.
“I told you, pizza is on me. And I can go pick it up. I don’t mind the fresh air.”
And out of the danger zone for a hour.
※ Jacob ※
"Oh hell!!" I saw it in their eyes before they even moved. "Guys wai--" And then I was flat on my back trying to push both the fools off me. #Embry held me down like he meant business, but he was laughing and smiling like we always did when we wrestled and joked around.
I finally sat up when they let me. "Seriously!?" I huffed at them, trying to sound annoyed but I was smirking. I looked up at Bella leaning over the couch. "Do you see what I have to deal with every day?" I laughed.
I was starting to think it was a bad idea to have these guys around her, she was still easing herself back into the social thing... and these guys were a lot for anyone to deal with.
"You shouldn't go on your own if you still feel dizzy. I'll go with you. If you want me to." I looked at the other two idiots. "And if you trust these two fools alone in your house.
'Or I could go with her and you and can babysit Call?' #Quil interjected which started a back and forward between the two about who really needed a babysitter.
I slipped away from between them both on the floor and moved around the cough. "This could on for an hour. Wanna escape now? I know their orders."
※ Bella ※
“I’ll be fine, it will do me some good.” I told him, needed out of the house while my head came around.
“They are your friends, you kinda have to deal with it.” What I wouldn’t give some days to have this, but then again, I liked my alone time. It gave me what I needed to think, to read, and to remove the mask I showed the world.
Slowly, really slowly I pulled myself up off the couch and started to make my way around it and as far away from the three boys tumbling around on my living room floor. I had a feeling, that if I remained where I was… And before that thought was finished #Embry and #Quill started to pull one another into head locks.
“Ja… Jake! Make some noise.” I had been trying to sneak out without pulling their attention. Not that it would have been heard over the madness that the other two had brought down. “You read my mind.” I told him. Jacob was stood right there before me. So, pinching the sleeve of his shirt, I tugged him towards the door. Only stopping when the guys moved across and then back again.
My chocolate brown eyes moved over the length of #EmbyCall’s body. Not because I was checking him out, but more the fact that someone who had so much blood loss was moving about so easily, and had no issues playing around? “Maybe I’ve become overly sensitive?” I wondered to myself as I reached for my jacket from the hook, and wallet from the small table beside the door.
“If the place is ripped down, they will have to answer to Charlie.” I told Jacob as I opened the door and stepped outside. The cold fresh air blowing my hair out of my face. I closed my eyes and thanked the wind gods for the relief this gave my senses.
“Crap.” Before I forgot, I reached back inside to the bowl sat on the side table for the keys to my beast. “Got them.” Throwing the keys in the air, I missed catching them and had to bend down to pick them up. The scent of blood hit me when I saw #Embry’s shoes beside the front door.
“Wow.” Standing up slowly, I felt light headed again.
※ Jacob ※
"I'm sure you will." I told her with a smile. "I just want to look out for the truck. In case you start to feel poorly again. Can't have you scratching that bad boy." I laughed. we both knew that the paint job was beyond saving already.
I shrugged at her next comment giving an apologetic smile when startled her. "True... but sometimes I need a little sane company... to stop me losing my mind like them."
I smiled a little too wide when she tugged me out towards the day. The  other two had devolved into a verbal back and forth to was barely English anymore. All three of us were closer than brothers but there was a bond between the two of them that defied even that. It never bugged me... Neither of them grew up  with siblings at home so they found a little of that bond together, it was a good thing for both of them.
"They'll be okay." I chuckled... "They're idiots but they are respectful idiots."
I reached out for her when she leaned down to  examine the shoe on the porch but kept my hand a distance, so she could take it if she wanted to, or not. "Whoa, whoa... don't make yourself sick again." Her colour had drained when she stood. "You, okay?"
※ Bella ※
“Okay?” It was a question rather than an answer to his question. I could feel that he stood close by, however I lost myself in trying to stay upright and not allow myself to buckle under the sensations flooding me.
“Fine. It. I. I’m fine.” All the conversations form before we’re forgotten as I set my shaky hand on the wall and then slowly backed away from the trainers at my doorstep.
“I shouldn’t be this sensitive towards the smell of blood. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” I told him when I turned to find his eyes on me. Embracement taking a strong hold of me now that I had place some distance before the offending object and myself.
“Hey. Jake! This fast!” I throw the keys in the air for him to catch. “Maybe it’s not the best idea for me to drive right now. I’ll add brownies to the Order  if you don’t mind driving us down there?” My hands touched together like a small plead for him to do me this favour.
I tried to smile, tried to push that mask into play. But the rawness of this sickening feeling had make it impossible at this exact time. “I’ll even owe you… a favour…? Please?“ My mind wasn’t working completely.
Some part of me thought I needed to give him for, him to do something for me. Otherwise I would once again be some hopeless girl who need saving. And there. That feeling! I didn’t want to live ever again!
※ Jacob ※
I raised a brow at her while she tried to make up her mind about how she felt. I laughed when she apologised. "You didn't... worried. Of course, but I've seen this before and trust me when I say I've seen way worse." I smiled, remembering  Rebecca fainting when Embry had broken his leg... "Let's just say... 'Bry has that effect on a lot of women. And not in the way he would like you to believe." I caught the keys with ease. "Nice throw for someone that can hardly see straight." I laughed.
"I'll never turn down a brownie... but... You never need to bribe me to drive this beast." I grinned wide. "Man, I miss this truck!"
I had loved driving this thing, but we needed something newer just to make it  easier on dad. Plus, once I had finished rebuilding the engine I was dying for a new project, and I knew Dad had a point when he told me I couldn't keep this and find myself a new fixer-upper in the salvage yard. It was an easy choice... I loved having something to work on. "Did you know I learned how to drive in this?" I beamed at her and pulled open her door.
"I'm not being all guyish..." I said with a goofy smile. "You're not feeling well... I'm just being polite." I raised a brow, chuffed that I got there before she could tell me she was perfectly well able. Plus, it was kind of a habit for me... I was so used to driving dad around and helping him in and out of the truck. I walked around to the driver's side to climb in.
※ Bella ※
“Wooha!” I really had to do a double take thing you only see in cartoons. “I cannot believe you actually so casually caught those keys.”
It was not a clean throw ( I couldn’t throw straight to save my life ), however the way he reached out. “You need to play ball. Any ball games. Anything where you can do that.”
I was rambling to take my mind of the nauseous still playing havoc with my stomach.
I stopped, however did not have the will power to act on the door opening thing he did.
“I’m sorry… excuse me Jacob Black, how do you know I am not a girl who likes her door opened?”
My voice and face cracked at the same time. I really was a bad actor. ( which is why I didn’t audition for school plays! )
I was in The Beast half smile when I saw #Embry doing some kind of a dance in our window, knowing we could see him.
“I mean, he has his moments. I am sure?” The last work turned the statement into a question.
I covered my face, waving from him to go away as Jake climbed in too. “I didn’t know you learnt to drive in the Beast. I’m still thankful to you dad and you for all your hard work on him. He still runs so well for me.”
Resting my head back I closed my eye feeling the truck pulling out of the drive and onto the road.
“What are you working on now? Billy mentioned you are trying to work off a new part?”
I was trying hard and failing as the memory of him flashed into my mind arriving at my prom to give me #Billy’s warning.
My hand slowly slipped up to my chest as that hole started to push its way open and I pushed down hard.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed and jangled the keys. "Like I said... it was a good throw." I grinned. I wasn't really sure if it was or not... I always had pretty good reflexes and I had been too busy watching for signs that she was about to keel over again.
"Oh, I tried... but all the coaches told me I was just so damn good that it wouldn't be fair to all the other average human boys out there and cut me." I boasted with a goofy smile. I rolled my eyes at her suggestion that she like having doors opened for her as I walked around to the driver's side. "Because I didn't meet you yesterday." I answered. "Don't worry, you can pay me back and open doors for me when you're feeling bet-- Oh jeez!" I cut off when I saw #Embry in the window.
I smiled at her question about what I was working on. That was a good sign, right? When girls asked you about the stuff you were interested in? I started the engine as #Embry was snatched from view... by #Quil I would imagine, as  soon his dance moves turned from comical to... well... pelvic thrusts. "Oh, right now I'm rebuilding a Volkswagen Rabbit. But when this one is done it's gonna be my main set of wheels."
I back out onto the road and rolled down the window  when I noticed Bella start to clutch at her chest. "A little fresh air is all you need Bells." I gave her a warm smile and set my gaze back on the road, heading into town. "You're gonna be just fine. Promise."
※ Bella ※
“The coaches did what?” The hole in my chest prevalent, however the thought of someone telling Jacob he couldn’t take part in sports. It jolted me out of my self-pity.
That was until I saw the smile and cheekiness on his features. “Jacob Black! One of these days I Will believe you, and go to war, and make a fool of myself.”
Uncertain why out of nowhere had this protection over him come to land? I shook my head and rolled my eyes at him. “Sure, sure. You may know me. However…” I laughed at how long it took for him to find out what his  friend had been doing.
When we were on our way, the cold air from the rolled down window had been a welcome reprieve. It had some how make things In my chest calm.
“A Volkswagen Rabbit? Not sure I’ve seen one of those. Is it a truck too?” I asked training my  eyes on the tree foliage as we drove past.
My mind wondering about his size. Seeing that the kid had such a growth spurt over the months, I could only imagine where he would end up in his height and build.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed hard and shook my head. "Hey if you really want t go to bat for me, you can have words with my English teacher... She's a hard ass" I laughed. I was a good student but literature just wasn't really my thing... and poetry... I mean, what was I ever gonna use that for? I knew I needed to put in a little more effort but I really wasn't interested, so it was hard to motivate myself.
"It's a very old truck. My Uncle Kevin had it lying around, so he said if I can babysit and help out Aunt Connie I could have and fix it up. It's a work in progress... but I only need a few more parts to get it road worthy."
I drove threw town and pulled in along the curb outside the pizza place. "Are you feeling any  better? A little fresh air, peace and quiet... and a lot less crazy. It is good for the soul." I laughed and pulled the keys from the ignition.
※ Bella ※
Moments such as these were the ones to remind me why I seemed to enjoy Jacob’s company.
He maybe younger, however sometimes his ability to change your mood and take your mind off into a new direction. The thing that makes it ever so endearing, had to be the fact I didn’t believe it was planned by him.
“English? That has to be the best subject in school, the only one I look so forward to. I’m sure you are exaggerating, all English teachers are always so nice and full of the best quotes.”
When the truck stopped, I half smiled looking out at the full day. And yet it still felt light somehow.
“Working hard for what you want? That’s very grown up of you.” Opening the door, a little. “Whenever you are done with your new ride, I’m sure you will be that much prouder of it.”
I didn’t push the door completely open at first, testing the air, my breathing and more so my legs where I sat. His laughter was contagious again, making me join in.
“I am feeling a little better. I need to get a handle on myself. Poor Embry is the one hurt, and I am the one running away from him.”
Now I pushed the door wider before jumping down from the beast. The wet road did not take me down this time and I let out a sigh of relief.
“Do you think we should have called ahead with the order?” The thought occurred a little too late now. Closing the door, I make myself to the curb and then towards the store front.
“Come on, let’s get some food in before Embry decides to take another running late from somewhere.”
※ Jacob ※
There was a strange sense of pride that I was able to amuse Bella and make her smile... after everything she'd been through I knew that sometimes, moments like these could make all the difference. Even if they were fleeting. And even  better... I was to do it by being completely myself.
"You did always have a thing for books." I smiled. "And it's not that I don't like books or anything... but Lord of the Rings isn't exactly on the syllabus." I laughed. "And it's not I prefer practical stuff, I'm great at history... decent at math and everything. It's just that the material in English isn't my thing."
I smiled. "Exactly! See the girls at school don't get that." I climbed out of the truck and watch her carefully as so did the same. "But it's not all that hard really... They always tell me they make me babysit the kids and stuff. But, they never really go anywhere, my cousin is always sick and Aunt Connie is overprotective."
I shook my  head and locked the truck, spinning the keys on my finger. "Stop worrying about him." I laughed. "#Embry hurts himself on a daily basis... we're probably lucky it was while we were all here and he didn't get into a fight instead." I nodded  to the door of the pizza place that was propped open, heat from the ovens wafting out. I heaved a dramatic sigh. "And I was about to tell you it was your turn to open a door for me!"
※ Bella ※
I shrugged my shoulders, “Sometimes the world in books helps to relieve you from the Reality we live. Words written by people you know of, and yet have never met could make the difference in someone’s life.”
There was a truth so deep, however I hoped I skated it, and didn’t allow him to see the depths of how I hid in the books I read all my life.
“I can see how you are more hands on. Some of us are made for books, and others are made to use their skills and intelligence to survive.”
Stopping I frowned a little. “Aunt Connie? I don’t believe I know her. Is your cousin going to be okay?”
I held my hands up in defence. “I will stop thinking of the walking, talking hazard who is trying to steal my crown.” Laughing I chewed on my lower lip. This laughing thing, and smiling thing is something new around Jake and his boys, they had this energy about them that was contagious.
“Would you prefer me to close the door, and then maybe opening it again for you? I wouldn’t wish for your hopes to be dashed at all. Not after all you are doing for me.” There may have been a touch of sarcasm, however it wasn’t with malice. More a dark humour I had found in myself.
There were a few customers stood before us waiting to order, I reached the counters and picked up a menu opening it for the two of us to see.  “What do you and the guys like eating on your pizza?” My dark brown eyes looked around before settling on Jake stood beside me.
※ Jacob ※
I walked with her, taking in each word. "I know... it's not that I don't like reading. I don't hki read a lot or anything either... but just the trading list for school isn't exactly my genre."
I flushed a little... did Bella Swan, of all people... call me... Jacob Black,... intelligent? The cleverest and most articulate person I had ever met? I must have misheard her.
"My Dad's sister, she's one of the twins. And he will be fine... that boy has Guardian Spirit's... he's a  sick kid but... he'll be fine." I had always tried to help him be normal... but my aunt was overprotective. I got why... but I always just knew he was going to be okay, I didn't know why... but I was always certain that he would pull through stronger every time.
"Oh, walking-talking-hazard is SOOO going to be his new nickname!" I grinned, I had made her laugh again. I tilted my head like I was thinking about her offer, furrowing my brow in concentration. "That sounds  great... But I wouldn't want to come across as a diva. So I guess you'll just have to owe me one." I flashed her a bright smile.
"We'll need to get #Embry his own unless we want to lose fingers trying to make him share." I chuckled, he  had been eating like crazy lately. "He likes sausage, extra pepperoni and All-the-cheese…" I air quoted the last part, #Bry's exact words. "#Quil's favourite is chicken and mushroom... And I'll have what you're having. I like  it all and I suck at deciding... we could be here for hours."
※ Bella ※
Nodding my head, I actually understood what he meant. “See, that’s where you are missing a trick. Find something you like to read about.” I thought for a moment.
“Cars… You like cars right? Making them, building them? Driving  them?” I asked setting my eyes on him, not really waiting for a reply because anything who knew Jacob Black, knew this of him.
“That’s where you should start. Go to the library, the book store, browse the shelves, read a chapter, until you  find something you want to read.”
I straightened my shoulders a little, that really had been some good advice to give a kid who didn’t like reading, right?
Tugging on the cuffs of my coat I listened trying to place this aunty. “I may have  met her once, at Harry’s and Sue’s?“ there were a few times when #Charlie had dragged me out in my ‘Zoop’ days as #Leah called them. My walking, talking zombie days….
“I’m sorry, to hear he is sick.” I nudged him with my shoulder. “I’m sure your aunty knows that you are only trying to be there for the youngster.” I half smiled. Liking the sound of having a Guardian spirit to look over him.
I rolled my eyes at him unexpectedly. “Jacob! Stop that. You cannot name one of your best friends a ‘Walking-Talking-Hazard’! Even if the boy had proven himself to be one so far. “Also it’s a little too late Master, Black. Your are known in town as a diva queen. All the boys are saying it.”
Running my eyes with the back of  my hand. He was making me take my mind off all that had been happening to me of late.
The teen behind the register went to my school, the pizza place belonged to his dad and mom. ‘Hey Bella, what can I get you?’
He smiled looking between Jacob and me. I placed the orders for the two boys at home first. And then an order for two Pepperoni pizzas, one deep and the other thin. Once I paid. I turned to Jacob.
 “You may regret going for my choice, Charlie and I tend to like our  pizza simple with just pepperoni on it. We do drift between thin and deep pan.” I added shifting a little. Now it was a waiting game.
※ Jacob ※
I nodded, tilting my head in thought. "You know what..." I smiled. "That actually makes sense... I never really thought about doing anything like that before."
I nodded, "You probably did, they are all quite close." I shook my head and  laughed at the change of subject. My cousin wasn't fond of being the centre of attention, whether he was there to see it or not. "Oh c'mon!! It suits him so well!! Especially lately... he's been so clumsy the last few weeks."
I narrowed my eyes at her... "Master Black?" I laughed. "I guess that's better than Cheif... I think."
She ordered the pizza and as I stood there surrounded by all the scents of cooking food I suddenly realised I was starving. "That sounds great." I  wondered how many fingers #Embry would break if I stole a slice. Then I turned to the guy at the counter. "Could we get some garlic bread with that too?"
※ Bella ※
“Actually… could you make that two garlic breads, and two portions of your hot wings too?” The kid smiles nodding his head before I set the money down and he went off to update the order.
Turning to Jake I shrugged my shoulders. “I’ve a feeling the pizza’s won’t do the trick tonight.”
And then I went back to his comment. “Master is the title of young man, before he becomes a man. And then it is changed to Mister.” What exactly did he think I was speaking of.
“It is the same as a girl being Miss, until marriage, and then is changes  depending of if she is married, divorced or widowed.” A little lesson in history, felt nice. I Chester over to the stalls and started to walk towards myself, glancing back ver my shoulder.
“What do you mean by that? Embry becoming clumsy in the last few weeks?” Sitting down, I combed my hair behind my ear. “I mean I understand I should stand up for him, you know. The clumsy’s United club and all.”
Without thinking, my fingers slipped under the cuff of my coat, and I caressed the Crescent Moon shaped scar. It had been a lie, however when my father saw it, it remained him of just how clumsy his daughter could be.
※ Jacob ※
I smiled at her "You'll have to let me pay you back somehow... next time the truck needs work you know who to call, right?"
I tilted my head at her explanation. "Wow... you really do read a lot." I was half teasing and half impressed. Shrugging when she asked about #Embry... there had been a lot about him that was changing lately, he was angry a lot, which was out of character for him, and we (#Quil and I) had had to stop him from starting fights in school twice in the last few weeks. But I wasn't going to worry Bella with that, he wouldn't ever hurt someone... Not on purpose at least; given that he had just fallen on top of Bella.
"His Mom says that he needs to grow into his limbs.” I chuckled.
"He's grown like four inches in the last month." Of course, that was an exaggeration, it was impossible. It was just that these went unnoticed when you saw someone every single day. Then you suddenly realised   they'd gotten taller. Right?
I followed Bella and slid into a seat too. "And don't tell him I said... He's like a brother to me. But he kinda turns into an idiot when he's trying to impress a girl." I gave her a look that I hoped she'd  read as a Yes, you’re that girl. She'd seemed completely obliviously to the flirting from him and #Quil today.
I glanced at her hands... that was the second time she'd tugged on her sleeves. I chewed on the inside of my cheek and asked quietly. "Is that from your accident?" I knew there was a scar there, #Charlie had mentioned it though I had never gotten more than a glimpse of it.
※ Bella ※
I stiffen a little and felt my cheeks reddening with the heat creeping up on them. Maybe I had let out a little too much of my inner geek? Then again, this is me, and I wasn’t going to hide myself to make others feel comfortable around me. Those days were gone.
“Jake…this is pay back for everything you are helping me with today. So, it’s counterintuitive to set a new payback.” Biting on my lower lip.
“However, you know if I need help with the beast. I am calling you first.”
I gave him a nod, and a small nudge of my elbow.
I listened to Jacob intently, not wanting to miss anything as he spoke. I could see that this was about growth when it came to Embry. The boy had been clearly going through a spurt, and how  his mom had described it.
 “I guess you will all be going through these changes soon enough. Growing pains and all.”
#Renee had tried having this talk with me, until I turned the tables on her. She soon saw the errors of her ways when I started quoting my biological reproductive system to her in their Latin terms.
“Your secret is safe with me.” I told him.
Looking confused at what he said and then that look he gave me. “I mean anyone can tell that… Embry would love to  be a ladies man….” But again, why was Jacob giving me that look?
I stiffen at the next question. Tugging down on my sleeve to hide the scar away from him and anyone who would pay it too close attention. “Uhm… yeah—“
My words cut out when  arms came around me from behind and I was lifted up off the stool and spun around mid-air. I let out a high-pitched squeal.
‘Hey Arizona! Why are you having pizza without me?’ #MikeNewton kept spinning me.
“MIKE! Put me down!” I exclaimed.
He laughed while #Ben and #Erik told him to let me be. He finally set me on the ground, and I had to hold on to him tightly with my head still spinning.
※ Jacob ※
I nodded and laughed. "Okay, okay you have a point. But this is the kind of thing we live for. Plus, I bet you ten dollars that Embry will try to use photos of this build as his assignment in wood shop." I laughed because honestly... they would probably accept it too. They liked it when used the skills from class in the real world.
"Sad thing is... if he dropped the act, girls would probably give him a chance." I had been so distracted watching Bella fidget with her sleeve again that I didn't even notice the townie guy coming up behind her until he lifted her clear out of her seat.
I stood up, not sure what was happening until Bella said his name. Then it made sense... he was her age... a guy from her  school? An idiot from her school.
I stepped around the table and stood next to her after he put her down. I eyed him warily, my hand coming up to sable her by her elbow. That couldn't have helped her feel any better after her spell earlier.
"You, okay?" I asked her, not bothering to fill in any blanks for the guys.
※ Bella ※
‘She’s fine!’ #Mike places one arm around my shoulder, tugging my hair and making my chin jerk up.
“I am fine! I don’t need you to answer for me Mike.” I batted Mike away freeing myself from him and tugged my elbow away from Jacob too. Why did everyone always think it was okay to touch me? “Mike here can be a jackass, at times.” I frowned at the boy who tried to give me big puppy eyes.
‘Come on Arizona, I was just playing.’ He brought his face close to mine, and I jerked away. Placing my hand flat on his chest and pushing him back. ‘Anyway, are you going to introduce your friend to us?’ His eyes were looking past me to the boy stood behind me.
I sighed, chewing on my lips realising what I had done to Jacob. Giving him an apologetic glance. “Jacob, this is Mike, Erik, and Ben. And Guy’s this is my friend Jacob.” I told them.
‘Ah… I thought maybe you were babysitting.’ Mike said, then #Ben slapped him over his head.
‘Hey Jacob, don’t mind Mike, he is a prick at times, but he has a good heart ish.’ He reached out to shake Jakes hand before going to the counter to place an order.
‘Yeah, we still aren’t sure if he could live in the wild without us babysitting his ass.’ #Erik winked at Jake and again reached out his hand to shake it, before pulling #Mike away with him. ‘We will leave you guys to it. Have a good evening, Bella, see you in school.’
Rubbing my forehead, Still frowning after #Mike, I turned to face Jacob. “Jake, I’m sorry. Mike really isn’t a bad guy, just a little bit of a ….” I didn’t finish the sentence. “And…” I shifted on my feet. How did I explain it to him? How would I tell him that when someone steps up to catch me, I feel like I am drowning in my own worthlessness? Before I could, I heard my name being called to collect our order.
※ Jacob ※
I cringed again, watching this #Mike guy. He was careless... rough... Was I like that? The way Bella tugged her arm away suggested that maybe I was. Was it a guy thing? Hell! Was I one of those guys? I examine the three of the... were  these what the guys and I acted like when we were out together?
I rolled my eyes at his babysitting joke. "Nope... I learned to tuck myself in a few months before I learned that grabbing a girl from behind was kind of a dick move." That  is what I would have said if his other friend hadn't reached out to take my hand. The impulse to snap, thankfully, passed quickly.
"Hey if he needs some survival lessons, I'd be happy to show him a few secluded camping spots." I quirked a  brow at Mike as I spoke to the other guy with him, who laughed. I shook his hand and smiled at him.
"Jerk?" I offered with a laugh. It was the most polite word I could think of that also wasn't a lie.
I waited while she collected the  food and I took the stack of pizzas off the countertop, pausing to thank the guy behind it again before heading out with her.
"You don't need to apologise for other people Bells." I smiled. "Guys do stupid things when they're trying to  impress a girl. Do you feel well enough to drive, or would you like me to?" I asked, stopping next to her truck.
※ Bella ※
‘See you at school Arizona.’ #Mike called out as I walked step in step with Jacob out of the store. I wished in that moment that I was one of those girls, who were crude with the confidence to flip people off over their head without feeling any guilt. However, I wasn’t that girl.
“I will see you are work first Mike.” We had a shift together tomorrow, and his laughter had me rolling my eyes. #Mike really was a nice guy, however at times he just knew how to push buttons that shouldn’t be touched.
“Stupid things.” Repeating the words. Didn’t I know it. “However, when your friends speak like that to another friend. It needs to be apologised for.” I told him.
Patting my pockets for the keys of the beast. Frowning when I couldn’t find them.
“Hmm? Sorry.” Replaying what Jacob had asked I shook my head. “Oh, Uhm. Thanks however I am think I can manage.” My mind had been so preoccupied that I’d forgotten that Jacob drove us here. Half smiling, I walked around to the driver side, pulling the heavy door open and climbing in. Once Jacob was inside, I turned to look at him.
“Jacob. I am truly sorry about Mike. He… well… I don’t want to make excuses for him, so I won’t. However, I will address this with him tomorrow. I promise.” Holding my hand out for the keys.
※ Jacob ※
I laughed softly when she corrected the guy... It was a petty kind of joy, but it was only for a second.
"Well, in that case, your apology is accepted." I smiled at her. It was hardly her fault, but when I thought about it; I understood the impulse. We climbed into the truck and I rummaged in my pocket for the keys and dropped them gently into her open palm.
I pressed my lips together and looked over at her... She was serious. "It's not the worst thing I've had said to me  by a townie Bella... It's best to leave it be, the more attention you pay to these things the more you give them what they want." I started to pull on my seat belt.
"What he needs to hear about is grabbing you like that... he's lucky..." I stopped myself from saying that I didn’t punch him in the face, because I wasn't that guy. "You didn't tear him a new one for that. Are you okay? I mean I know he's your friend...ish. But still..."
※ Bella ※
The key in the ignition, I put the beast into gear and pulled out of the parking lot. Even over the roar of my truck, I could hear Jake asking me why I hadn’t dealt with #Mike’s behaviour. “It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just that I needed to address his behaviour  towards you first. And I failed trying to be… well… friends….”
And it stung. What he said about that not being the worst thing said to him. My brows pulled into a small crease on my forehead. “I can’t pretend to know what you go through, what is said, how people act. However, If you ever want a ear. Someone who doesn’t want that to become a part of your life. Then I’m a phone call away. And I will get into this beast and come to you.”
The story #HarryClearwater shared with us on last Thanksgiving came to my mind, and my eyes pricked with stinging. “And… I’ll be fine Jake, #Mike…” how should I say that Mike hadn’t picked up on the tells that #Charlie and even Jake had. That I didn’t like being touched.
I changed the subject. “Do you think me house is still standing?” I gave him a sideways glance.
※ Jacob ※
I narrowed my eyes a little and thought about what she had just said. I failed trying to be… well... friends…. Did she really believe that? She had said a lot of things but that one stood out to me like a neon sign.
"You can't fail at being someone's friend, Bella. You can mess up, - which you haven't by the way - you can hurt your friends and everything like that. But you can't fail at caring about someone who cares about you." I gave her my  brightest smile. "It's not possible. Believe me. I'm wise beyond my years." I gave a small hopeful chuckle and hoped against hope that it was true. The more time I spent with her the more I wonder if I should have tried harder to see her during her dark weeks... Was I wrong? Had I failed to be her friend?
 My heart did a weird jittery thing when she said all I had was to call and she would come. "I know Bells... and the same goes for you."
I laughed again. "Unless your  house isn’t standing then you might need to accept the charges and speak to me on the prison phone." The guys were idiots... but they were mostly respectful of others' property. So, I wasn't too worried. "There's a good chance your fridge is empty though."
※ Bella ※
I swallowed the lump building in my throat as I drove us back towards home. I had to keep my eyes on the road because this boy was really too good for his age.
My hands tightened to the point that I could see the whites of my knuckles where my hold on the wheel had gone beyond the need when holding it. He had managed to disarm me with those thoughtful and considerate words. “So wise Jacob Black, I’m going to add a year or two, towards your maturity levels this time.”
The stinging behind my eyes dissipated and I laughed a little softly. “Charlie will keep you out from becoming jailbait. I somehow cannot see him allowing you or the other to be carted off to prison. And… If he does, I have money for an okay ish lawyer to help bet the rap.” Pointing to the cheque book I hadn’t taken back into the house after going on my little shopping trip today.
No sooner that we had pulled up, then a roaring thunder came rumbling out of my house. Both the boys were running  towards her shouting “FOOD!” making me smirks as the door flew open, and they had the boxes in their hands, and they were gone.  
“Hurry Jake, on I have a feeling you will go without.” I jumped down out of the beast and followed up behind them. Giving Jake one last smiled before coming to a stop inside the door. “You guys set the table?” the small round dinner table in the kitchen had plates and napkins. Cans of soda and a jug of water with glasses on it. Before I could do or say anything else, the sound of #Charlies patrol car pulling up had me looking back out the open door.
‘Hey Bells, Jake. I didn’t know you were all getting together here.’  My father gave the two inside a nod of his head and gave me a kiss on the side of my head. ‘Where’s my invite to the party?’ He clapped Jake on his shoulder smiling from ear to ear.
※ Jacob ※
I noticed the tension in her hands, but I didn't say anything, I let her process her thoughts quietly. Because she was on her way back to a mad house, there would be no room to think about it there.
"I told you; age is just a  number baby!" I teased with a low chuckle, hoping to lighten the mood and instantly regretting the Baby. But I tried my best to play it cool.
"The best kinda friends are the kind with bail money." I laughed, almost nudging her with my elbow  but... She probably had enough of being touched after the douchebag.
"Animals!" I laughed, rolling my eyes at how they pounced on the food. When I saw how the table was set, I knew it was probably #Embry, he hid it well but anyone that paid attention knew he was a mama's boy, and #TiffanyCall was a force to be reckoned with at dinner time... But then my eyes dropped to his ankle. So maybe not. But had he been limping when he charged us for the food?
"Hey, Chief! We got plenty of food, why don't you join us?" I beamed at the hand on my shoulder, I had always looked up to #Charlie before I learned how to use a wrench, I always wanted to be a cop. But the reservation police were very different from what Charlie did. "Stop  any bank robberies today?" I teased, crime in Forks was small stuff mostly, shoplifting, fender benders... and occasionally drugs just like the Rez; with the occasional missing tourist or idiot townie teen that left the trails in the woods. They always turned up.
'Always a hoot kid!' #Charlie tried to mess with my hair, but I dodged him.
"Oh!!! Too slow old man!!" I laughed and sat at the table, flipping open the pizza boxes. "C'mon Bella, before these two get their hands on any and every slice."
※ Bella ※
“I’m coming, just one sec.” I told Jake. Seeing him and #Charlie this way reminded me of how my father had known this boy since he was born. All three of them really. The way they were all looking at him, smiling and joking. I could tell they at least respected him.
I went to the fridge to take out a beer for my father, however noticed that he wasn’t taking a seat on the table. Frowning I sent him a questioning look as he grabbed a slice over #Embry’s shoulder and messed with his hair.
‘Oh. Man. Chief!’ But #Embry was laughing as he tried to huff. 
“Dad?” I asked and he took a can of soda, saying no to the beer.
‘I’m not staying kiddo. I came to grab my heavy coat; I need to head into Port.’ He saw my frown deepening.
“Again? You were there only a few days ago?” I asked him, hugging myself with my arms, because this meant he would be late home.
“I know, but Mr and Mrs Biers brought in the things we needed, so I’m going to drive them up and check in on the progress of their case. And I also wanted to remind you of your promise. No night time walks in the woods behind the house… Please Bells.’ The look he still gave me in the moment made my heart drop.
I knew I could not and would not stop #Charlie from doing his job, not when it came to missing kids. Mr and Mrs Biers had been in to report their son missing. And Riley Biers was just a few months older than me, which made it even more important for dad.
“I told you I wouldn’t go out there again, and I won’t.” He kissed my temple and gave me a one-armed hug. But it was light, and he barely touched me.
‘That’s my girl.’ He walked off to the closet under the stairs. ‘And you three. Same goes for you. Have the elders told you all to stay out of the woods?’ His head disappeared in and them he came out with his big rain coat. While the slice of pizza hung from his mouth.
※ Jacob ※
I had heard about the Biers boy on the radio, and I had hung posters in the community centre and in the stores and schools on the Rez when he first went missing. "Can we do anything else to help Chief? I'm not sure if putting up any more flyers  in the village will help..." The Rez wasn't exactly a tourist spot and his parent ahead already said he was a surfer and that was the only reason townies visited the Rez unless they watched the powwows or went to the markets.
'I don't  think so kiddo... But I know who to go to if something comes up.' He winked at me.
When #Charlie mentioned the night Bella went missing. I chill ran through me. I had been terrified, kids from the Rez and Town had both disappeared into those woods and not all of them were found, the ones that were lucky to survive.
I nodded to Charlie. "Dad already made us go to the little kids' classes and talk about all of that and the Rez police came to the high school classes." I told him.
'Yeah, being best friends with the Chiefs kids is kind of a time suck... we get roped into all the civic duty stuff and we can't even use it to get into college.' #Embry griped.
'Speak for yourself, I'm putting all  of it on my college applications.' #Quil laughed.
I stopped for a second and watched Bella as she watched her Dad. "He'll be back before you know Bells." I said, hoping not to alert the other two to how clearly worried she was.
※ Bella ※
#Charlie said his good bye, taking another side of pizza with a kiss to my head before he was out the door once again. Out of the kitchen window I kept my eyes on him until his cruiser disappeared. And them my eyes were on the woods. A flash of something came and went so fast, that I was certainly sure I had imagined it.
“I know Jake,” I gave him a small smile before taking a seat beside him on the table. “Thanks.” Nudging him with my elbow before I rejoiced the conversation.
‘Man, I thought the chief would find us out there for a moment.’ #Embry said leaning back so to look out the side door. ‘How didn’t he see what we have been doing in the back?’
“He doesn’t take notice at home as much as he would on the job.” I say biting into a slice. “And he doesn’t really look out back unless he is going to fish.” I added.
‘Do you think…’ #Quil stopped and stook his head.
“Think what Quil?” I ask seeing that there was something.
‘I don’t know.’ He rubbed the back of his neck. ‘I mean. Do you think your dad would write me a recommendation for college?” My eyes widened at the request.
“Quil, I am sure he will. All you have to do is ask.” Feeling a warmth in the thought that he would want #Charlie to write something up for him. “But, I warn you. He may make you do some hours at the station first. He did that to a few of the guys from school who asked.” Then I added. “What about you two?” Looking to Jake and Embry. “It maybe a good idea to ask #Charlie for a letter too. It’s up to you how you use it.”  
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amirrorneverlies · 3 years
𝐼𝓃𝓃𝑜𝒸𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝓈𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑀𝒾𝓇𝓇𝑜𝓇 – 𝒮𝑜𝓁𝑜 𝒷𝓎 𝐵𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶
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𝐼𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓈𝑒𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑜𝒸𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝑒𝓎𝑒𝓈, 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝓈 𝒹𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑒. – 𝓕𝓮𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓸 𝓕𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓲
My mom has always been…. Well… Free ‘spirited’ if you may. Some will say that she only ever cogitates of herself with no regards of the consequences to her own actions, while others will say that she was born as a bird who always needed to be free to fly. Whatever side of that coin you fall on, the one thing you must try to understand about Renée Dwyer is that… She does it all out of love…
Sure, as her child I had always needed to be the one to take care of the things that slipped her mind, matters that her Free Spirit never came to terms with ( such as paying bills and buying groceries. ) However, when it came to the small things that others forget, that’s where Renée Dwyer excels.
And I know, you will believe what you may, however my life is full of these small memories where she placed all her love into ensuring that I was content.
★ ★ 𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴 - 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓱 𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓭𝓪𝔂 ★ ★
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My gaze wondered from my feet all the way up to the princess crown on my head. I attempted to blow my long brown hair out of my eyes. However, the harder I blew the more it fell back in the way. My pink tutu, fixed in its place made me feel like a Ballerina. I didn’t dear touch anything, mom had worked so hard on making me look this pretty, and I knew it would hurt and upset her if I spoiled anything.
‘Bella? Bella? Where are you darling?’ My mother’s soft song bird like voice came from the room behind me; however, I couldn’t move my attention from the mirror.
‘There you are. Bella, I was calling you darling. You had me worried.’ When I glanced back at mom in the mirror, she stood taking me in, her eyes glazed a little and her lip trembled. ‘Oh, you look so beautiful.’ Her hands darting to her chest and the other to cover her mouth. And I couldn’t help but wonder if she was upset with me?
“I’m sorry mama, I didn’t touch anything. I promise.” She rushed over right away, turning me around and pulling me into her arms.
‘No baby, no… no…. you haven’t done a thing. You are so innocent… beautiful… perfect… Mama is just so happy to see you having fun.’ #Renée shook her head motioning over to the room full of little girls like me. They were all dressed in their tutus of all colours; however, I was the only one with a crown adorning my head. ‘Look at all your friends having fun too. I’m glad you like it all.’
Friends? Did I really know the meaning of this word at my age? No… However, with all the girls giggling and wanting to play with me, I knew that it made my mom fill with delight, so I smiled up at her.
‘Bella, can we play with your balloons?’ A few of the girls who I knew from the dance studio came from the side smiling up at my mom and then to me.
‘Of course, you can sweethearts, here why don’t you have some of these.’ Mom kissed my cheek, and then stood up and went to help the girls. As I remained in place, regarding all the girls laughing, dancing, and running around me. I realised how fortunate I was, this was for me. My mom had done all this for me.
‘It’s time…’ Mom clapped her hands together and the lights went down. A hush fell over the room and then I saw mom from behind a pink cake with candles lit on top of it.
Everyone including #Renee started to sing Happy Birthday to me. All their eyes were on me, making me fidget with my tutu, twisting my fingers into it. I smiled for my mom, for all my friends, then closed my eyes and made a wish. I wanted mom to be happy always.
‘Blow out your candles Bella.’ Mom’s soft voice said, and I did as I was asked. Cheers broke out and the lights came back on. I was surrounded by joy, love, and laughter. And some part of me wished that my dad had come to be here with us too. However, for now it was just mom, my friends and me who were present.
‘Happy Birthday Bella Darling, may you have nothing but happiness in your life.’ Mom engulfed me in her arms, making me laugh from all the peppered kisses she left on my face.
I wondered if when I grew up to be a big girl, would I be like my mom? Would I ensure that those I loved and cared for were made to feel as special as I did right now?
‘Happy 4thBirthday my baby.’ #Renée set the cake down and peppered my face with kisses.
‘Let’s see what the year holds for us.’ She held my hand as we cut the cake. And everyone else clapped wishing me a Happy Birthday too.
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amirrorneverlies · 3 years
𝒲𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈 – 𝒮𝑜𝓁𝑜 𝒷𝓎 𝐵𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶
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❝ 𝒟𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒻𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓁𝓊𝓇𝑒, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓇𝒶𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓉𝓇𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔.❞ ― 𝑅𝑜𝓎 𝒯. 𝐵𝑒𝓃𝓃𝑒𝓉𝓉
‘Bella dear, are you sure you are able to work with your hands?’ #MrsNewton surveyed my hands. Holding them in her own as she glanced at the bandages. I shifted on my feet uncomfortably chewing on my lip. Attention from others, on the best of days had been something hard for me to manage, let alone on a day when I had been chewed out by my dad.
“I promise you I am fine, there are just a few scrapes. Nothing broken or cut too deeply.” I told her gently taking my hands back from her.
The day had been filled with the same questions at school. Everyone either asked ‘What does the other guy look like after your fight.’ Or it was ‘When will you learn to walk straight Bells?’ both good questions, however for me right now it was all a giant black hole. I still hadn’t been able to place the night, what had taken place and why of all people #SamUley had told #Charlie all those lies. But more so, how had he gotten into the house? I had locked the doors… I was….
‘Okay my dear, but if you need to go home, you just say the word.’ #MrsNewton’s voice pulled me from the turmoil in my mind.
“I will, I promise.” Excusing myself from #MrsNewton, I shifted on my feet towards a customer. The man was middle aged, and I was sure I’d noticed him in here a few days back. “Hello there, my name is Bella. May I help you with anything?”
He looked up with a lost expression which turned into surprise at seeing me stood before him. ‘Hello sweet girl. I was looking at these bear canisters, but I don’t think I need it really. My backpack is pretty secure.’
‘Sweet girl?’ I gave a small sigh trying not to show my disregard at being called a 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁. Was it even possible to describe anyone over the age of ten years old as 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉?
My best customer service foot forward, I made myself smile. “Well…” I chewed on my lip and tugged the hem of the shirt sleeves over my hands. “…you see sir, the national parks across the United States, and especially here in the Olympic National Park have made the use of a bear canister mandatory.” Pointing to the one in his hand. “This is the LIGHTER 1 - BIG DADDY, it comes in at about 2 lb 10 oz in weight, so you will find it is really light to carry with you. It holds about 650 cu in.” doing my maths in my mind. “Which is 10.7 L. And it is IGBC approved too.”
The way he looked at me changed from ‘What would a girl know.’ To ‘Damn this girl is something else.’ And I wasn’t sure which I liked more.
“I know the price is steeper them the others on the market, however I am sure you will agree that keeping the black bears and the grizzlies away from your camp would make every penny worth spending.” Giving him the sweetest smile, I could pull from within the vault of my emotions. If he was going to call me a 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁, I may as well play up to it. The canister was retailing at $104.00, which would make the Newtons a good sale.
#MrsNewton had been working on restocking the bug sprays, however I noticed her out of the side of my eye watching and listening to the exchange.
‘You are making a good point sweet girl, hmm… I have heard rumbles of a large black bear being seen in the National park here. Do you know anything about that?’ The man didn’t look worried about it, there was a glint of excitement in his eyes.
“Uhm…” chewing on my lips I turned to peer over to #MrsNewton, before turning back to answer him. “…We have heard some reports from other hikers and locals of a black bear, however from where we hear it is staying out of the way…” arching my brow as I said the next part. “… And anyway, it’s not bear hunting season here. So, if anyone is caught shooting one, the rangers will come down on them hard.” I wasn’t sure why I felt the need to remind him of this. But my gut said it wouldn’t hurt to reiterate the facts and rules.
‘Sure, sure. I am sure I won’t come into any trouble.’ He said holding out the canister. ‘I’m going to take your advice sweet girl, ring this up and add in a few of those firer lighters I saw as I walked into the store, please?’ Nodding my head, I took the product to the till and started to set up for his payment.
‘You did so well there Bella dear, you really are getting the hang of things. I’m so proud of you.’ Her words gave me a warm sensation in my chest. After all that #MrsNewton had done for me. She had kept my position here on hold until I was able to come back. This was the least I could do, paying attention to all the information #MrNewton shared with us on the products, and then adding a little time myself on learning the ins and outs of them too.
“I wonder if there is any chance you will tell Charlie!” I mutter under my breath.
‘Did you say something Bella?’ She asked me, smiling I shook my head telling her I was fine.
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amirrorneverlies · 3 years
𝒜 𝐵𝓇𝑜𝓀𝑒𝓃 𝒫𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒾𝓈𝑒 – 𝒮𝑜𝓁𝑜 𝒷𝓎 𝐵𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶
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“𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒽𝑜𝓁𝒹 𝓈𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓃 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒽𝒶𝓃𝒹𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓁𝑜𝓃𝑔, 𝓈𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝒾𝓉 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒷𝓁𝑜𝓌 𝒶𝓌𝒶𝓎 𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓃𝒹.” – 𝒰𝓃𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌𝓃
There was a sting in my hand, as I moved to place it between my cheek and my pillow. Sleep still kissing the temples of my mind asking me to remain in the land of dreamless slumber a little while longer. I was unsure when the night of living in the world of the Bennet family, had helped my mind to drift off into sleep. I found myself tossing and turning all night long. My dreams had been all over the place for months now, and last night was no different. Even as the dull light of the day started to illuminate beyond my closed eyelids, I felt as though I’d not slept at all.
The sound of rain hitting the side of my window made it so I was sure that sleep would not take me away again. Shifting myself onto my back I turned to face the other side of the room, and then pulling the covers up to my shoulders I turned back to the face where I had been laid before. Finally, I gave up, my mind awake as I opened my eyes and jumped out of my skin.
“Jeez Dad! What….” Bolting up in my bed I looked around, rubbing my eyes and then the sting was back again. There were two large square band aids on the palms of my hands looking back up at me. “When…. How?” I questioned looking back over to where #Charlie sat.
Only now that I concentrated on him did I see it. My father sat on the rocking chair in my room, but instead of it facing out onto the yard it was turned to face my bed. His eyes were red rimmed, and he looked like he hadn’t slept at all. His head was a mess like he had spent the night dragging his hands through it repeatedly. He still wore his uniform, and now I saw that he held some papers in his hand.
“Dad, what’s going on?” I asked pulling the covers back to throw my legs out of my bed, when pain pulsed up me. band aids covering my knees and that same stinging present in my legs too. When my feet touched the ground, I felt some discomfort at the bottom parts as I tried to stand and then stayed sat up in my bed.
‘That’s a really good question Bells. And one I would like to know the answer to myself.’ His brows were pulled together, he used his free hand to rub his eyes. Had he been crying? No… Not #Charlie?
“I don’t know what is going on here…” He cut me off.
‘You broke your promise to me Bells. You Promised no more of this… this… madness… No more of this running off into the woods… No more living in the past and yet….” What was he talking about?
“What are you talking about dad?” My voice grew louder as I felt a lump of fear growing in my throat. “I have been doing all of that… I am living, I am working. Hell, I am back to my normal grads at school and not behind anymore… Dad what is going on here?” My eyes were back on my hands and my knees. There were cuts on my legs and none of this was making any sense to me.
‘I received a call from this house last night while I was at work. It was gone Two a.m. Bella, and the voice on the other side was not yours. I was told that you were found in the thick of the forest, alone, in your night clothes freezing and injured.’ My eyes widen at hearing his words as he continued. ‘It was just lucky that Sam Uley was taking a short cut on his way home and he found you 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣. ( The emphasis on the word 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣 did not go amiss. ).
‘He told me that he carried you home, that he didn’t think the cut on your head was too deep, but that maybe you could be in shock.’ My hands darted up to my forehead and then it moved back into my hairline until my fingers brushed over a cut, and I winced from the pain.
‘Sam was here with you, until I got home and then explained again to me how he found you in the forest…. Bells…’ His eyes moved to the papers in his hands.
“What… What is that dad?” my voice cracked, because a part of me knew what it was.
‘It’s a ticket, you are on the flight tonight to Jacksonville. I called your Mom…’ I cut him off.
“No… Dad! You called Mom? No… I am not going… Dad… I didn’t mean it… I don’t know what happened… Dad!” My voice was breaking as the fear was tightening its hands around my throat. I felt something pulsing from within me, but I was up on my feet.
I could see his lips moving; however, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, he was holding me accountable for something I couldn’t even believe happened. Sam… Sam Uley… This was all his fault… what lies had he told my father?
‘This is a broken promise Bells, and I made it clear what would come next.’ Shaking my head, I pushed my hands through my hair, pulling it back off my face.
“No… No… this can’t be happening…. No… I refused to stand here and let this happen to me again… I will not let anyone change my life without my permission again… I will not give away the power of my life and allow anyone to make the choices for me… No… I didn’t go out… I don’t know how this happened… I did not break my promise!!”
The sobs were coming hard and fast now, my voice hoarse from the fear that my life was about to be turned upside down and I didn’t even know why. Everything around me was falling away, and I couldn’t keep anything in place. It was like sand in a fist, it was all disappearing before my eyes.
‘Bella… Bella… Bells… Baby… No… Shhh….’ His hands came around me and my father pulled me into his chest. One hand around my shoulders and the other holding my head to him. ‘Shhh…. Shhh…. No one is taking anything away from you. No one will ever take your choices away from you… I am trying to do what is right for you Bells… I can’t take seeing you hurt and bleeding… I can’t… see you as I did after your accident in Phoenix. You are my only child Bells… I love you…’ His voice broke too, and I could tell that #Charlie was in as much pain as I was.
“Please dad… I didn’t break my promise… I didn’t do it. I don’t want to go…” Is all I could say as he set me down on the bed and held me tight to him.
I had no explanation about the night and what had happened to me. But I knew I wasn’t lying to him this time.
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amirrorneverlies · 3 years
𝒜 𝐵𝑒𝒶𝒸𝑜𝓃 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒯𝓇𝑜𝓊𝒷𝓁𝑒 – 𝒮𝑜𝓁𝑜 𝒷𝓎 𝐵𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶
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“𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝒮𝓁𝑒𝑒𝓅𝒾𝓃�� 𝐵𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝓎 𝒽𝒶𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓌𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓊𝓅.”
★ ★ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍɪɴɢ ★ ★
I walked in the forest once again, and there was a small nagging feeling telling me that I was missing something. That even as my bare feet carried me deep into the cold night, I had missed a clue, or I had forgotten to see what had been before my eyes all along.
I still found a tug calling me, it had always been here in the land of my dreams, guiding me and asking me to continue the search. It told me with no words that I was lost and that I was the only one who could find the answers, however I had to truly want them.
My voice spoke to the unseen force guiding me deeper into the moss-covered ground of the woods, telling it that I did indeed want to hear and see what it was trying to show me. But at the same time, I knew I could not lie to it. It was as though it could sense the fear and the anxiety within me which I refused to acknowledge for myself.
The damp smell of the earth and the wood raising up from the ground, as each foot step I took disturbed the fallen foliage from the trees now towering all around me. And yet when I lifted my head towards the sky, the light from the moon shone down showing me the path I was to take.
It was night time? The sky was black other than the moon. Not even the stars could be seen from where I stood. This was different, as my dreams had in recent times once again been of that sun filled day. I had started to feel the rays of the sun on my skin, and it would warm me. However, not tonight. Tonight, it was a cold night that had the hairs on the back of my arms standing up. I was just thankful that this dream hadn’t been filled with the rain that I was used to listening to on the roof of the house as I fell asleep.
There was a hum in the air all around me, something pulling my attention back from the cloudless sky above me, reminding me that I had been in search for answers. The air whipped its way around me as I stumbled forward losing my balance. My hand outstretched, I fell to the ground with a thud. My knees and the heel of my palm grazed on the stones and twigs on the forest ground. Even in this dream state I could feel the sting of the top layer of my skin being pushed back. Even in a dream I was still falling over myself!
As I lifted my head, brushing the back of my hand over my forehead. Pushing my hair out of my face. My body stilled at the sight before me. The Mother of Energy within is what the blog had called it. But the woman sat before me now. With her eyes closed, all colours of energy and power shooting out from her and reaching towards me, had the face… of Me! I was the one sat on the ground with my eyes closed and my legs crossed beneath me. I was watching myself sat in a state of meditation, searching for the meaning of the power that had been engulfing me and consuming me, with no intentions of letting me go.
I jerked back still on my knees trying to crawl my way out of this dream, I wasn’t sure what it was that I hit, but my head rebounded off it and I felt myself fall flat onto my face. All I wanted was to go back into a world where life was not marred by such power. I did not want to lose myself to something that I had no right to understand.
★ ★ ᴘᴏᴠ ꜱᴀᴍ ᴜʟᴇʏ ★ ★
Something told me it was going to be a long night. I had been trying my best to keep my anger in check, but Paul and Jared were not making it easy on me. The boys had a lot to learn, and of course I would step up for them as #HarryClearwater and #BillyBlack had done for me. But still. Being the Alpha of a pack of three was not easy when the other two were teenagers full of hormones. Adding to this fact that Jared had only just imprinted on a girl in his school.
Night after night, their minds were full of the same things, but now I was living a front row show of how it felt to kiss a teenage girl.
“Enough!” I growled at them both in my wolf form, telling them to get their heads in the right place. That being a Spirit Warrior had deep meaning, and it was an honour to be blessed by the Spirits of our tribe to protect our lands.
There were times when I missed being the only one, I missed the pace of being in my own mind with no others voices in there with me. But then again, I knew that having my brothers in arms, to be here for them when they changed had been a blessing the Spirits had laid on my shoulders.
The scent in the air around us pulled me from my thoughts as the three of us patrolled our lands, and that of Forks. With the Cullen’s gone, and I hoped that they would never return, we had taken it upon ourselves to look out for the forests neighbouring those of our own.
Tonight, we took a long run around the perimeters. But now, with the change in the wind, the scent filling my nose was one I knew so well; this was not the first time I had picked it up. And I could tell it was fresh. “What is she doing out here in the dead of night?”
We ran like the wind, my body outstretched and rushing through the forest so fast that the air didn’t have the time to still around me. Paul and Jared both flanked my shoulder but were a few steps behind me until all three of us came to a dead stop out of sight. We took in the view before us, and I tried to understand what it was my eyes were seeing.
Jared was the first to speak, ‘What is she doing out here?’ It was a good question.
Paul spoke next with a ting of irritation in his tone. ‘I don’t know, want me to go wake her up and ask?’
With their voices in my head, it made it hard for me to home in all I’d learnt to identify any danger. “Shut it will you both, we will wait and see. Make sure she is safe.”
Paul snorted a little. ‘Leave her, that’s what she deserves.’
This made me growl at him. “We leave no one unprotected.” And they both stopped for a few moments. Bella lay on the floor of the forest. Still, breathing, her heart beating. But she was not moving. The night was cold, and even if I could not feel it myself, I was sure her body could. The girl was in nothing more than a sleeping shirt and some old shorts with nothing on her feet. “She will catch her death out here.”
Jared spoke softer this time. “Do you think they are coming back? That she is out here waiting on them?” Again, it was a good question.
But there was something that told me I wasn’t sure. “I don’t know.” I told him.
Paul then spoke again. ‘Do you think that’s why she is out here?’
I couldn’t help the low growl because I didn’t have the answers they were looking for. “𝓘 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀”
Jared shifted to move a closer, lowering himself a little. ‘I think she was sleep walking. It sounds like she is fast asleep.’ But the girl moved, and blood was in the air. Pulling all three of us up to attention. I moved in closer and saw her knees, her hands, and now her head too.
Paul huffed a breath, ’Sleep walking? I mean even Sleeping Beauty had to wake up at some point, right? Let’s throw something at her until she gets up and walks home.’
It wasn’t a lot of blood, but enough to make me think about taking the right action. “We do Not throw things at people Paul!” Shifting out of my wolf form, I untied my shorts from around me and pulled them on. “I’m going to carry her home, make sure she is safe, watch my back.”
I would need to have words with #Charlie about his accident-prone daughter, this girl is a walking, talking beacon for danger and trouble.
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amirrorneverlies · 3 years
“That was Weird.” – Solo by Jacob
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It was eight in the morning and there was someone at the door. Who the hell was here on a Saturday at this time? I heard the sound of wheels on linoleum and the front door opening. “#Jared, what are you doing here?” My dad sounded angry… no worried… and a little irritated. I rolled out of bed and groped around the floor for a t-shirt, pulling on the first one that came to my hand. Dad must have had the heater running all night and the house was like a furnace. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and padded barefoot down the hall. ‘I need to talk to Jake… About… homework.” Jay lied, amateur move. Everyone knew my dad was a human lie-detector. “He’s sleeping, Cameron. You’ll see hi…” Dad started. “I’m up.” I yawned from behind him. “Oh… I…” Dad looked up at me before he backed away from the door. I knew #Jay was here about #Kim… but why the hell was he here at eight in the morning! On a Saturday!! I gave Dad a weird look as he seemed reluctant to leave. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Just… don’t be long, we have chores to see to today?” He finally left… watching us both. Why was he being so weird? It was #Jared… he was a bit of an idiot… but not in a dangerous way. Dad never had a problem with us hanging out before. “Weird…” I nodded over my shoulder and stepped outside, pulling the door shut behind me. “Why are you knocking on my door this early on a Saturday?” “What happened with #Kim when you brought her home the other day?” He ask without so much as saying ‘Hello.’ “Nothing, I just sat with her while she waited on her mom to get home.” “Did she say anything about me?” He almost snapped. Jeez... he was touchy. “Well… yeah.” I laughed. “She fainted when you kissed her… she didn’t really talk about anything else.” He looked pissed when I laughed and dragged his hand over his face. “Was she… I mean… she wasn’t hurt or anything, right?” “What?” My brow furrowed. He was there… he knew she was okay. “No… her pride maybe. Her face was so red I thought she’d pass out again.” I chuckled and I could have sworn he growled. “Dude, are you feeling okay?” “Yeah… yeah.” His head whipped to look across the yard. “She just…. She won’t call me back...” “How many times have you called her?” I asked inching away. He was acting really weird. “Like ten… maybe more.” “#Jay…” I tilted my head. “That’s overkill… I mean, really! She likes you… but she’s embarrassed. Just wait until you see her in school on Monday and talk to her.” He opened his mouth to say something but his head whipped across the yard again.; just as #SamUley and #PaulLahote came out of the trees and Sam hollered Jared’s name. Now I knew why he was acting weird… he really was hanging with them. They were acting completely different to the guys I knew… I mean, it’s not like I was best friends with #Paul or #Jay, but we hung out from time-to-time… they weren’t acting like the same guys anymore. I knew it had something to do with #Sam. “I gotta go.” #Jared said… shifting side to side, and he almost looked scared. But he hopped off the porch and ran to the other two, the three of them disappeared in the woods. “Well, that was weird!” I shook it off and headed back inside.
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amirrorneverlies · 3 years
𝒮𝑒𝒶𝓇𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝓃 𝒜𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔 𝒫𝓁𝒶𝒸𝑒𝓈 - 𝒮𝑜𝓁𝑜 𝒷𝓎 𝐵𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶
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𝘈𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘦𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮.
There was a calm all around me, a warm breeze that was now cooling after a day where the sun had actually come out to play for us. As the sunset and the temperature dropped, it was a reminder for me that Winter was still not ready to let go of its hold over Forks just yet.
Pulling myself out into the back yard I looked up at the sky and then the damp grass. It wasn’t so warm that the rain had dried it out. The smoky breath from my lips also told me that if I tried to stay out here too long, I was sure to catch a chill.
#Charlie had left for work as I came home from school. With animal attacks taking place in the forest, he had offered the support of himself and his officers to the Forest rangers in the hopes that they could find out what was causing the problem.
‘Stay inside and keep the doors locked, and please Bells, don’t fall asleep reading out back again.’ I had chewed on my lips, apologising again for doing that a few weeks back, but it hadn’t been my fault. For some reason sleeping out in the cold had been so much easier for me than in my own bed. And the fact that I had taken a blanket, a book and some coffee with me had made sure I didn’t feel the need to rush back inside.
The dreaming, ( or nightmares as Charlie called them ) were back for some reason. And I had a feeling it had something to do with the conversation I had overheard between #MsCall and #Leah on the beach at Thanksgiving. And then there were the digs that #Lauren took pleasure in, even if she too had backed down from me since she heard about what had taken place between #Jessica and me. Sometimes I know I hated small towns and how news travelled like wildfire. However, this had to be one of the times it had worked for me.
Coming back inside, I worked my way around to lock up the house before making myself some hot coco and heading up to bed for the night. On nights I was alone in the house I had started to hide away in my room again. Homework, a call with #Renee, reading. Anything I could do to make the time move faster towards sleep ( if it came ). And if not, I would at least be in the correct place where #Charlie expected to find me when he thought he was slipping into my room without waking me. Checking to make sure I was asleep before he would climb into his own bed.
Tonight, was no different for me, other than the fact that once I was in my room, I’d turned on my computer, and router, waiting for the connection to fall into place I changed into my sleeping shorts and t-shirt. Sipping on the coco as I packed my bag for school tomorrow, the homework I’d done while things had been quite in my free period.
When the connection clicked into place, I opened up a new page and then nothing. What was it that I was going to search on? “Why do I feel an energy around me when I am about to break my neck?” That was going to… Before I knew it, I started to type it in the search bar and hit 𝗘𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿.
The first search which came up read: 10 𝘚𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘴 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘏𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘕𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘌𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘺 & 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘛𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦 𝘐𝘵.
I clicked on the link and started to read the blog: 𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓁 𝓎𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝑔𝑜, 𝐼 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓂𝒾𝓈𝑒𝓇𝒶𝒷𝓁𝑒. 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝓉𝑜𝓁𝓁 𝑜𝒻 𝑔𝑒𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒹𝒾𝓋𝑜𝓇𝒸𝑒𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝓇𝒾𝒷𝓊𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝒶 𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇-𝑒𝓃𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓌𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝑜𝒻 𝑔𝓇𝒾𝑒𝒻, 𝒷𝓁𝒶𝓂𝑒, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓃. 𝐼 𝒻𝑒𝓁𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝒶 𝓋𝒾𝒸𝓉𝒾𝓂 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹𝓃’𝓉 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓂𝓎 𝑜𝓌𝓃 𝓌𝒶𝓎. 𝐼 𝒹𝒾𝒹𝓃’𝓉 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓏𝑒 𝒾𝓉 𝒶𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝒽𝒶𝒹 𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓃𝑒𝑔𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝑔𝓎.
Something in my chest started to hurt and I closed that page right away. It was too close to home. It was a key to a lock I wanted to keep shut. I didn’t want to allow the broken part of me out into the light, fanning those flames which I had been keeping at bay.
The Second search which came up read: 𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘌𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘺 𝘚𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦? 6 𝘛𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘚𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘴
When I clicked on this link my screen was filled with the most beautiful, and frightening image I had seen in a while. A woman sat with her legs crossed with energy flaring out from all over her. The colours, the image itself had me transfixed for some time before I started to read the blog.
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The Screen Read: 𝒜𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊’𝓋𝑒 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝒷𝒶𝒷𝓁𝓎 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒾𝒸𝑒𝒹 𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒, 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝒶 𝓇𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓈𝑒𝓃𝓈𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝒶𝒷𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑒𝓈. 𝒮𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓅𝑒𝑜𝓅𝓁𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝓈𝑒𝑒 𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓌𝑒𝓁𝓁, 𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓌𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝒶𝓉 𝒶𝓁𝓁. 𝒮𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝑒𝓍𝒸𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝓌𝒽𝒾𝓁𝑒 𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒹𝑒𝒶𝒻. 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝑔𝓎 𝓈𝑒𝓃𝓈𝒾𝓉𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓉𝓎, 𝑜𝓇 𝒶𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝒾𝓉, 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 “𝓈𝒾𝓍𝓉𝒽 𝓈𝑒𝓃𝓈𝑒.” 𝒜𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝑔𝓎 𝓈𝑒𝓃𝓈𝒾𝓉𝒾𝓋𝑒?
Was this what I had been experiencing? Could it be something that had been…. “Don’t be silly. This is just…” What? When I had searched for answers once before, I’d sat here in the same chair on the same computer, and I had believed what I saw. But this? Me? I was broken, looking for answers where there were none.
“Such a fool.” I told myself. Disconnecting from the internet and shutting down my computer. I was looking for answers to questions which were all in my head.
I found my copy of Pride and Prejudice from my stack of books on the floor. My mug of coco and settled into bed for a night of reading.
“Miss Bennet and Mr Darcy are going to keep me company tonight.” I needed to stop thinking about things which weren’t really there.
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amirrorneverlies · 3 years
𝒲𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒫𝓁𝒶𝓎 𝓉𝑜 𝒲𝒾𝓃 – 𝒮𝑜𝓁𝑜 𝒷𝓎 𝐵𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶
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“𝘊𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶.”
‘You look like you need another ten hours of sleep.’ Mrs Newton’s sweet soft voice came as I pushed the door open and stepped in from the rain into the dry warmth of the Newton’s Olympic Outfitters store. ‘Did you all have fun last night?’ She moved from behind the rail she had been hanging new waterproofs on. ‘Mike came back so late, and as he isn’t working today, I let him sleep in.’
That was good to know, I wouldn’t have to deal with #Mike today. “It was… uhm… yeah… fun?” I told her pushing the hood back off my head and shrugging out of my wet coat.
‘Just fun? Bella sometimes I have to wonder if you are one of the boys, other girls wouldn’t need much to start telling me all about the night, who was there, what you did, how it went, who is crushing on whom.’
She was teasing me, I had come to know Ms Newton well since I started working here at their store, and she had been the one to talk Mr Newton to keep my position open here while I was…. Well…. While I was in my zombie phase. She knew I was nothing like the 𝒪𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁𝓈, after all I was the daughter of Chief Swan, a man of few words.
“You know me so well.” I told her, rushing to the back with her following me. The store wasn’t open yet, so we had some time to set up and clean up if Mr Newton hadn’t the night before.
“It was a fun night, just a few of us from school, you know Pizza and a Movie.” Setting my things in the back, I pushed my hair behind my ear, pulling the sleeves of my work shirt down into my palms, rubbing them together hoping to warm them up.
The night had been 𝒻𝓊𝓃 for the I was sure of it. We all had made it to Port a little late to try out the Artisan Pizzeria #Jessica had been going on and on about. However, Erik had done some looking around and had found a smaller place, it was only half a block from the Lincoln Theatre, not as flash and trim as the place #Jessica had her heart set on. But it was right up my alley, simple, easy to relax in and not to show offy.
It was called Straight Slice Pizza, a basic restaurant with only a handful of tables on the inside and a few benches on the outside. Gas heaters above the front windows keeping customers warm if they dared to sit outside in the cold. The Owner worked hard and fast to keep the orders moving and he had told us they were known for their wood burn Pizza ovens and their fresh made cookies. Some nights they have a live Band outside too, but I was lucky that last night was not one of those times. I wasn’t sure how I would have been able to deal with listening to live music again, and I sure as hell did not want my friends from school witnessing a breakdown if it were to occur.
‘Did you like the pizza?’ Mrs Newton asked pulling me out of my thoughts and I smiled nodding my head.
“Yes, it was good.” Is all I told her, bending down to look at the boxes of new stock she had been working on when I came in.
Did I like the pizza? It was nice, fresh and tasted delicious. However, some part of me hadn’t enjoyed it as much when I had found out that #Mike had paid for our pizza by himself. Everyone had opted to share a pizza; the girls were in no way going to manage to eat one each. So, the plan had been that we would share one and the boys would all buy whatever it was they wanted.
Every pizza topping, I wanted to have ( which was only one. Pepperoni ), #Jessica had stated she had a major dislike towards. Even if I were sure, I’d seen her eating it at school more than once before. #Mike had jumped in saying he wanted a Thin crust Pepperoni, and he would share with me, upsetting #Jessica greatly from the way she’d thrown daggers at him with her eyes. #Mike hadn’t even noticed as he turned on his heels, running into the restaurant to place the order and pay for it to my dismay. When I had offered to pay for my share, he had presented me with one of the fresh baked cookies, turned my body by my shoulders and pushed me up the street towards the Cinema. ‘𝐼𝓉’𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝐼 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝒹𝑜 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝓅𝒶𝓃𝓎.’ He had whispered into my ear. Sending a shiver down my spine, but the shiver was not one that left me feeling weak in my knees. Instead, it was full of discomfit and something I didn’t want to feel at all.
‘And how was the movie?’ Mrs Newton held her hand out for me to give her some of the snow gloves from inside the box.
“The movie? It was a Die-Hard Marathon. Who doesn’t like Bruce Willis saving the night?” I half smiled at her, taking the hats out of the box to hang on the rack.
The Movie… The Boys had gotten themselves into some sort of bet or challenge once again, the night had been a repeat of the same sort of conversation. What one could do better than the other, what the other could do with their eyes closed, so forth and so forth. As we all walked up the street, #Erik had laid down yet another challenge to the others and without a word all the boys had set off running up towards the Cinema, leaving us girls behind. We all looked at each other with a glance saying without words: ‘𝒩𝑜𝓌 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉?‘ And there was a part of us which really did not want to know what it was they were doing. We hadn’t chased them, leaving them to get whatever it had been out of their systems by the time we had arrived at the doors to the Lincoln Theatre. Finding the boys all had purchased tickets not just for themselves, but for us too . This in itself wasn’t an issue, however, once again when I attempted to pay #Mike back for my ticket, he wouldn’t take the money from me saying. ‘𝐵𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝒢𝒾𝓇𝓁𝓈 𝒟𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒫𝒶𝓎… ‘ to which my reply had been. ‘𝐼𝓉’𝓈 𝒶 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝐼 𝒶𝓂 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒷𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓃.’ Which had just earned me a tap on my nose, and his laughter. An uncomfortable night had gone into over drive when he had taken his seat, and I pushed past #Jessica to take the seat on the far side leaving her to sit next to #Mike for the movie marathon.
‘As long as you all had a good time, it’s nice to see you all getting along again.’ Mrs Newton dragged me out of my mind and memories of last night. She squeezed my shoulder as she walked back towards the counter.
I remembered what I had planned to do today, but with #Mike not working, a new plan had started to form in my mind. I started to run toward the counter after #Mike’s mom. Tripping over my shoe laces, I just caught myself before I went flying into the racks.
‘Slow down Bella dear.’ Mrs Newton called out and I muttered a sorry to her. My wallet in my hands now, I took out $30.00 and set it on the counter. Mrs Newton gave me a confused look.
“Oh, Mike didn’t tell you. Well… You… Uhm… You see… Last night, I left my wallet at home, and Mike was kind enough to spot me for the night. Would you mind giving this to him when you see him?” I gave her the sweeties smile I could muster. Even if my heart felt like it could rocket its way out of my chest, but then again lying was second nature to me, I could do it without even knowing it was happening now.
‘Of course, dear. That was kind of my son. I must be doing something right there.’ She picked the money up and set it under the counter. If Mike Newton was going to play games with me, I was going to make sure I came out on top each time.
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