angry-radfem99 · 2 months
I never want to hear anyone cheapen and degrade and commodify sex ever ever again because a genuine & caring sexual connection between people is one of the most special things out there. if someone touching you doesn’t feel like you two are developing your own secret language then don’t touch that person. so sick of this bloodless intimacyless chemistryless culture around sex because good sex is one of the last pure things in this universe. the pornographers and pimps and patriarchs want to take this from us DO NOT LET THEM
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
getting mad whenever lesbians tell some of you to kill your stupid bum deadbeat lazy broke unemployed ugly loser cheating lying headass boyfriends is ridiculous because we’re literally rooting for your wellbeing.
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
imagine if flat earthers went around and said "telling me the earth isn't flat is literally VIOLENCE. reminding me that the earth is round literally causes me to spiral and makes me want to commit suicide."
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
exclusivity is projected onto radical feminist views on a shocking level… a statement like ‘female people deserve safe spaces’ gets interpreted as ‘only female people deserve safety and we want all other people harmed/dead’. even innocuous shit like ‘women are oppressed’ gets turned into ‘men have never had a single problem and if someone brings up a man who had a tough life my ideology will quite literally implode’
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
I have nuanced views on motherhood in general but I also genuinely believe the vast majority of women would be happier not having kids. The position of motherhood under patriarchy is more miserable than it should be and would be if the world were perfect, but it isn't.
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
Flipping the narrative here i love small talk and i’m very good at it. I love saying “thank god we had that rain!” And “the construction downtown is CRAZY” it gives me a rush
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
How did you decide to transition/continue transitioning once you became a radfem? I'm a masc lesbian with gender dysphoria and sometimes I really want to transition but idk if it would be right or if I even should. How did you reconcile it?
Honestly I only became a radfem a few months ago. I found the reddit LGBDropTheT and realised I actually agreed with their views, and from there I discovered the gender critical viewpoint. This meant that I was already five years into my transition before I started questioning trans stuff.
I'm going to be honest with you. I don't think you should transition. Only you can make that decision, but you could go into any trans-positive space and they'd all tell you to transition. Without even knowing anything about you.
Transitioning is committing yourself to a lifetime of dysphoria, insecurity, medical issues, and discontentment. I did it before anyone told me that.
I do not regret my transition at all, because I'm happy. (That's why I can talk about it as openly and critically as I can). But that's because I've got to the point where I can accept I'm female, I always will be, I can never be a "real" man, and transitioning will cause me health issues, plus a body that's basically a mix between male and female. If I'd have found radical feminism before I found transgenderism, I wouldn't have transitioned.
I put together some points for you to work through and consider.
You're a lesbian. Could it be that you have internalised homophobia, and that's driving you to want to become a straight man?
Do you have any (masc) lesbian role models to look up to? Ones that you admire and can see yourself in? If not, you may feel disconnected from your womanhood, and that's why you're so dysphoric. Read about lesbians and their stories, join the lesbian community to meet people who are like you.
Did trauma occur in your life that makes you want to escape being a woman? If that's the case, you should explore therapy to help you deal with it. Transitioning won't make you feel better or fix the root issue.
Do you know about the health risks of transition? The effects of hormone therapy on the female body, SRS risks, etc. Before you do anything, consider if you'd be willing to risk all that. Remember that trans people are just guinea pigs. The effects of HRT are not well documented.
Therapy can help with gender dysphoria, especially if you try to find the root cause of it.
If you are already hanging out in gender critical spaces (my blog!), you haven't been sucked in by the trans-affirmative narrative. You're already uncertain and not sure if transitioning is a good idea. People who were 100% sure have still regretted their transition.
Please feel free to message me any time. We can talk things through and your identity will be totally safe with me. I hope what I've said helps you in some way. I wish you all the best and hope your dysphoria lessens.
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
Happy International Women's Day to proud misandrists, radical feminists, actual lesbians, active separatists, women and girls who mean it when they say "KAM," women and girls who don't "heal correctly," women and girls who are bitter and rude to men IRL, women and girls diagnosed with psych conditions as a result of male violence, women and girls who see gender ideology as backwards bullshit, women and girls called "TERF" and "SWERF"
Never let the current hegemony convince you that it's a sin or a moral failing to reject any and all forms of male worship. Never let liberal feminists convince you that appealing to male porn addiction is praxis. Today's fauxminism and queer theory will never be unveiled as the male power props they actually are without women and girls like you continuing to loudly resist.
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
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Happy International Women's Day to ALL women ♀
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
a sapphic ask game for ur sapphic ask game needs
are you beating the uhaul allegations? (be honest.)
do you identify as butch, femme, masc, and/or gnc? or none of the above?
how did you realize you were sapphic?
who is/was your most intense sapphic crush?
do you consider yourself a dyke?
are you good at picking up on when people are flirting with you, or do you tend to be more oblivious?
have you ever crushed on a straight girl?
what's your relationship status? are you happy about it?
do you have a "type"? if so, what is it?
did you do anything gay as a kid that makes sense when you look back on your childhood?
what are some good sapphic songs/music artists?
good sapphic books/poems/authors?
good sapphic movies/shows?
list five things you look for in a partner, or five things you love about your current partner(s).
are you the gay cousin?
do you consider being sapphic a big part of your identity?
how many people have you dated? talk about them if you want!
thoughts on e-dating or long distance? have you ever done it? how did it go?
describe your fashion sense. do you "dress gayly"?
do you consider yourself to be a good kisser?
are you generally "out" to people?
how do you feel about valentine's day?
do you like being referred to with masculine adjectives, feminine adjectives, both, or neither?
thoughts on marriage?
have you ever gone to a pride parade?
do you read yuri manga?
do you fit any sapphic stereotypes / other stereotypes related to your identity?
what's a canon sapphic ship you enjoy?
how about a non-canon sapphic ship?
who's your favorite sapphic character?
LEAST favorite sapphic character?
tell a funny story about something really gay you've done.
do you get crushes/fall in love easily?
who's a sapphic person you look up to? they can be someone in your life, a historical figure, a celebrity, etc!
if you could tell your younger sapphic self anything, what would it be?
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
to be women centered is to understand that no amount of rape can be justified. if one man commits rape for an ideology and 100 men commit rape for a different ideology, the women centered feminist says "here are 101 rapists."
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
While I still have a long way to go, radical feminism has made a huge difference in how I view my body. I’m learning to no longer base my worth on my appearance, I’m asking myself why beauty standards exist and how in the grand scheme of things conventional attractiveness doesn’t mean anything.
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
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FaT GiRL zine vol 6
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
I’ve said this before but: if your feminism isn’t coming from a place of radical love and empathy for all women, I’m not really interested in it tbh
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
I used to think I was attracted to men and maybe trans because I would look at mlm couples and be like I want that I want boyish love I want to wrestle and give each other shit and punch each other on the shoulder and be a little messy and dumb together I wanna blush at each others arm muscles. Turns out I’m just a butch who likes butches. Revelation. Didn’t know you could do that but it’s so cool like yeah show me your truck’s special features buddy I’m gonna kiss u stupid later. Oh u basically wore a gym outfit on our date that’s so hot actually, can I interest u in me slipping my fingers up the hem of your basketball shorts when I touch your knee? oh u cuddle me by spooning me in a half assed headlock that’s so cozy. I love being a boyish lesbian I love boyish lesbians I am kissing you all on the mouth
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angry-radfem99 · 2 months
Sex is natural, and it is frustrating to be horny and not have a partner, but I refuse to believe people are driven to the depths of despair because they don't have sex. And even if they were, I would still not support "sex work" because a person's dignity and physical integrity will always be more important than someone's else feelings.
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