apineapple6 · 2 years
Reblog if 004:
Reblog if you're have social anxiety anxiety and whenever you're n public you feel everyone is talking about you and passing comments on YOU. If you 'friends' are laughing you feel they're making fun of you.
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apineapple6 · 2 years
when people who only follow me on normie social medias are like ‘wow you’re never online you barely ever post’ im always like :) thank you :) yes I am extremely offline. without mentioning that I spend like 15 hours a day posting nonsense on a barely functional social media app that most people think shut down in 2018
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apineapple6 · 2 years
Kinda just wanna die 😌
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apineapple6 · 2 years
When you put a face mask on while cutting because that's self care 🤪
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apineapple6 · 2 years
me: *impulsively tells someone a fucked up thing about myself*
them: that doesn’t sound healthy
me: yeah lol
me: *thinks about what i told them for 5 hours*
me: why the fuck
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apineapple6 · 2 years
to all those who do not feel valid
it is a disorder related to the way of thinking and to an often false image of oneself and one's surroundings
things like weight and whether you fast completely or not and those things are effects but never indicators of whether you are really ill
and it is not for anyone to judge how serious the condition really is
no matter what, you are valid
you are valid you are valid you are valid you are valid you are valid you are valid you are valid you are valid you are valid you are valid you are valid
don't forget it
take care of yourself, i love you for being here and hope you don't let it get you down because
You. Matter.
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apineapple6 · 2 years
Yall ever just stare down a car as you are walking across the road.
Like mf hit me, ik you wanna
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apineapple6 · 2 years
Anyone else go from suicidal to horny.
We love a good coping mechanism guys :D
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apineapple6 · 2 years
School needs to go ahead and suck my dick.
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apineapple6 · 2 years
Yk when my tblr posts slowly get more and more depressing 😄
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apineapple6 · 2 years
I hate being alive.
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apineapple6 · 2 years
Anxiety is so bad rn :(
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apineapple6 · 2 years
Has anyone else had this problem?
Last year I had to do this depression and anxiety screening with a psychiatrist but how they do it is they give you like a really long sheet of questions and then you have to give your answers as a number, 1 to 4 and I didn't really understand how this meant to work cause how was I meant to rate what I was feeling or doing when I didnt have anything to compare me to, like I didnt know what they would consider a 4, therefore I just had to guess, I suppose and ended up mainly putting 2s and 3s cause it can always get worse right :/
(I think it was done roughly this way but don't quote me in terms of the actual numbers, it was a long time ago now)
Has anyone else had this problem with screening or testing to do with diagnoses'?
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apineapple6 · 2 years
vfbrewbgsh calling me out
One of the worst parts of self harm and suicidal ideation is when you’re sitting next to someone you love so much and all you can think about is how badly you want things to end.
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apineapple6 · 2 years
I was sitting on my bedroom floor earlier on ft to my friend, we were gonna start cutting together but they had to answer a text or something so my special mind was like, let's just casually start body checking while I'm sitting infront of the mirror.
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apineapple6 · 2 years
I was watching a movie earlier about how this boy went to a psych ward and it made me so fraustrated cause I've never heard of an in real life situation where someone got admitted just cause they said they wanted to kts, I'm not saying that's right, I just feel like it isn't a very realistic representation of real life. I also feel like people outside of the mentally ill community aren't aware of what it's all like in terms of what it takes to get to a stage where you are admitted.
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apineapple6 · 2 years
I love the scars from styro cutting, they just feel more permanent.
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