apricoity · 2 years
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how do you like the close up angle?
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apricoity · 2 years
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has anyone read warcross before?? Ahh it’s rlly good!! Although I haven’t gotten the chance to read the second book yet.
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apricoity · 2 years
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some Spanish notes from the book we were reading. how do you guys like to take notes for a book? Do you put sticky notes in the book or just write stuff down on a piece of paper?
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apricoity · 2 years
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some chemistry notes!! do you like to add those highlighter lines to your titles?
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apricoity · 2 years
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how is everyone’s day so far? these are some notes that i took to summarize the chs!!
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apricoity · 2 years
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what do u think of this metallic title? I honestly don’t think I’ll be doing these very much lol since they take up so much time making the border. I also have been using flash on my photos I feel like on some of the pictures the shine looks too obvious so ill try and start taking theme w/o them. But I have so many pics in stock lol.
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apricoity · 2 years
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what type of calligraphy pen do u prefer to use? I got the pentel fude touch one recently and it writes rlly smooth!!
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apricoity · 2 years
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my teacher made the pun, “trail through the forest of logs” during class lol and he made it the title of our lesson. do u prefer opaque rulers or clear rulers? I personally like clear rulers, I just bought the silver one cause that was the only type of ruler I could find in store and I rlly needed one at the time.
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apricoity · 2 years
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some of my acids & bases chemistry notes!! what size of pen tip do u prefer? I’ve been trying 0.3mm lately but now I’m trying 0.4mm that I think I like better!!
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apricoity · 2 years
“A story needs a break in a pattern to get it going…If everything is perfect all the time, there isn’t a story.”
— Margaret Atwood
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apricoity · 2 years
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some math notes I took ahh I think for the next school year I’ll transition to taking notes on graph paper, it’s more aesthetically pleasing to me ;) actually I’ll start that during the summer bc I’m planning on taking precalc!! honestly hopefully it’s gonna be ok. I’m hoping crossing my fingers ahh I signed up on the first day it was available since the spots fill up rather quickly. & legit the next day my math teacher recommends to not do it…. but I already had paid for it ;( & for refunds are only half the original price back so it’s better to actually do it!!
do u perfer to take math notes on graph paper or lined paper?
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apricoity · 2 years
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some motivation :))) ahh recently I’ve been doing a lot of research on how to start a YouTube channel!! I’ve already made the acc but I was looking into how to make good videos. I’ll try to upload my first video on Sunday. & also I came across a mr beast video where he made a video for future him in 5 years it was so inspirational now I wanna do that haha maybe I’ll just do 3 years when I’ll be a senior!!
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apricoity · 2 years
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ahh my first tumblr post & tbh I’m still figuring out how to use tumblr :’)
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apricoity · 2 years
Study Apps that HELPED me A LOT in High School
 g’day fellas it’s ya girl!
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1 LifeAt Virtual Spaces
That’s not exactly a studying app. However it helps you concentrate, relax and get things done
2 My classes (Weekly timetables and schedule planner)
The title says it all, it helps you stay organized and prevents you from procrastinating [Like mate stop procrastinating! , [for my  STAY folks:) ]
3 Socratic (by Google)
Very useful app ,especially if you need help with math , chem or bio :)
4 Quizlet
 You can make flashcards (really helpful for revisions, exams/tests etc
5 Google scholar
Just google “Google Scholar” and you’ll have a variety of articles, e-books and other sites for the subject you’ve searched
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apricoity · 2 years
5 study tips I live by  ✨
ig: 0.38stvdies 
1. use the pomodoro technique - studying for hours on end is putting yourself on the road to burnout. take 45 or 50 minutes (or even shorter) and spend that time soley dedicated to work and then take a 10-15 min break - go talk to your friends/family, get a study snack, get outside for some fresh air
2. spaced repetition - going over a topic (even if it is briefly) mutliple times in anticipation for an exam or test will make it easier for your brain to retrieve and store content
3. handwrite notes - you are more likely to remember content if you physically write it out; even better, try and explain concepts in your own words instead of passively copying out a textbook or lecture 
4. explore different resources - try and find videos, studies, podcasts about the topic you are learning about. get different people to explain the same concept; this helps to solidify concepts and allows me to stop relying on my lecturers to explain a concept in a way I understand
5. practice papers - a great way to practice retrieving and applying knowledge is to do questions. this allows you to test your active recall and is far more effective than rewriting notes or skiming through the textbook
click here for more study tips like this!
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