asachen92 · 6 years
Path to minimalist
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asachen92 · 6 years
Highly Sensitive Person
So, the other day, I was emotionally overwhelmed by 2 things that for most of people would not be a big deal. Then I started thinking that I must be sensitive than normal... which is an idea I hated immediately, but I thought that googling “people that easily get hurt” would not be a bad thing. So I did it.
Then I found a notion, “HSP (=Highly Sensitive Person)”. 
Actually I don’t always wanna run to categorize things, cause each case is different. But… when you are lost or struggling just by yourself, some kind of framework help you out. You are given another tool to observe things and now you can see yourself from outside. I don’t know if I am HSP but, I can say that there is a high probability, so I can find solutions by talking to people close to me. 
Followings are 12 things which have to be aware of to be around a HSP. 
1. Your HSP will notice (and feel) what you feel. → I do, and it’s a lot of stress if the person doesn’t tell me what they feel or hide it.
2. Give your HSP a little more time to adjust to changes. → It wasn’t always a problem for me. It’s just the change itself is sometimes a lot of stress, but I can also enjoy changes in general. If there is someone close that can support me, I think it wouldn’t be a lot of problem.
3. Violence and cruelty often leave HSPs somewhere between upset and overwhelmed. → Absolutely, I hate horror or violent, even action movies.
4. No more sneaking up! → Haha, yeah I easily get startled and it takes time for my heart to be back to normal beat.
5. There will be times when you’re amazed. → I know I have some ideas that think differently. I would say, people can get amazed or confused hearing those.
6. Sometimes they need time alone. → I need relatively a lot of time in a safe environment, where I can feel myself. That doesn’t always mean alone. Often means I need to be with people that I love, trust and with whom I don’t have to fear who I am.
7. Highly sensitive people process things deeply, so they’re usually thinking about the big things in life. → Yeah, I do. I constantly think deeply like how the world should function, or the meaning of life. Therefore, I think I can answer to some vague or broad questions.
8. They know that most people don’t understand them. Yeah. I think that people don’t understand me. Well first of all, I don’t openly state my thoughts, cause they would definitely think that I am weird. Few people can handle it I think.
9. Never use these two labels, “too sensitive” or “shy.” → Not applied to me I guess, cause I am a rather outgoing person. Though a few times people told me that I was sensitive, but it is true so I didn’t care.
10. Their environment affects them. An HSP’s system puts a lot more energy into processing the signals like noise, light, activity, or the presence of other people. → For me, noise is not that problem. Light, on the other hand, indeed is a lot of stimulation for me. I am really really sensitive to bright light. I can tell that for wearing blue-light cut glasses, blue-light cut screen, and the lowest brightness of my PC screen. And I hate white color light. I really hate it. I am also sensitive to caffeine. If I take it too much, I recognize instantly that I get dehydrated or I start trembling.
11. Nothing takes a bigger toll than conflict. I HATE UNNECESSARY CONFLICTS FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.
12. Nothing is sexier to an HSP than being accepted. These are people who saw the HSP’s creativity, their sensitivity, or their quirky personality and said, “I love that. That’s charming.” But these same people never took the time to say, “I also accept and love the side that has needs, the side that has to process, the side that feels things so deeply, the side that’s inconvenient when it gets overwhelmed.” → I think, first of all, that I am not creative. Second, I think nobody could love the sensitivity… I cannot help thinking that it could only cause problems. I constantly complain like I have pain in stomach, head, feel dizzy…etc. Yeah, some people love some part of my weird thoughts. I love my college friends because they accept my weirdness. This is partly because they are weird, too. Who would study or work in Brazil, Mexico, Mozambique, Iran or Slovenia from Japan?
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asachen92 · 7 years
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asachen92 · 7 years
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Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Last year in my introductory course to health sciences, Determinants of Health (HSS 1101) I’ve learned that besides physical wellness, health encompasses 6 other dimensions: (1) social health, (2) emotional health, (3) spiritual health,(4) environmental health, (5) occupational health, and (6) intellectual health.
Taking this class and learning about the 7 dimensions of health made me realized that wellness is much more than merely physical health, exercise or nutrition. It is the full integration of states of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Each of these seven dimensions act and interact in a way that contributes to our own quality of life.
Wellness is achieving one’s full potential. It is self-directed and an ever-evolving process that follows a lifestyle of balance in health that ultimately decreases the likelihood of becoming ill physically, mentally, and spiritually. Comprised of seven dimensions and characteristics, wellness is achieved when a person’s life includes all seven elements in combination and in whole.
7 Dimensions of Wellness A holistic approach to health Seven Dimensions of Wellness The Seven Dimensions of Wellness
Take Occupational Wellness Assessment Take Emotional Wellness Assessment Take Spiritual Wellness Assessment Take Environment Wellness Assessment Take Physical Wellness Assessment Take Social Wellness Assessment Take Intellectual Wellness Assessment
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