Glowweek nature■/nuture□ Nightbell @glowweek @ask-suauwitchanddemons
“As natural as the fall of night; as rhythmic as a bell chime, with a touch of their creator intent, hum?” Connie maheswaran rubbed her chin as she read the instructions for homunculi crafting. "What the heck is that? Why is this type of magic nothing but riddles? Nothing at all like flame or blaze magic.” She sighed as she leaned back in her chair, a tired and annoyed look on her face.
She has been at this studying and experimenting all morning.
"Mistress." Steven called from the front door of the witch's study, " Come out to my greenhouse, please. I wish to show you my newest purchase."
Connie hummed, hearing her partner's footsteps get further from her door as she stretched sitting up from her bent-over position. " Well, I have been in here all day. Some fresh air would be nice." She rubbed the nape as she stood up, turning and leaving her incompleted research on the table.
"You're a beauty." Steven gushed at the newest part of his garden, setting the potted plant down on the table, " Sure, my lady will love you as well. Yes, she will."
"Dapper demi?" Connie called.
"In here, my lady!"
The witch followed the call of her demon partner pausing, catching a glimpse of his excited, smiling face through the greenhouse glass walls. She felt her cheeks heat up at the sight and couldn't help but feed off his excitement, skipping a bit as the greenhouse came closer.
"I'm here, Steven." She announced her arrival, stepping in with a grin, "What this amazing purchase you have to show me that you pulled me away from some research in homunculi."
Steven grinned at his lady, kissing the back of her hand, " My apologies, my lady, but first I know you haven't left your lair since this morning and probably forgot to eat the breakfast I left for you in the kitchen."
"I..." She rubbed her nape bashfully. He knew her so well.
"I got to it, eventually.. "
"So if I kiss you, I'll taste it on your breath?" Steven grinned as he watched his contractor blush again.
".. umm. Ye- you were going to show me your purchase?" She stated shyly as the dapper demon got closer.
"You're right!" He exclaimed with glee turning away as Connie took a breath. Only to feel his lips take hers as she melted into the deep exploring kiss. Tippy-toeing as he pulled away to keep the kiss going for just a few more seconds.
"You did eat it, good job." Steven grinned, pecking her nose.
"I told you as much." She gave him a smug pout," I don't miss your meals... even if it gets cold." She grinned," Now, what did you want to show me?"
"Ah yes!" Steven smiled, holding her hand and leading her to the newest addition to his greenhouse.
"A... black and purple stripe bluebell?"
The flower she was looking at was indeed a black and purple bluebell, a demonically beautiful black and purple striped bluebell, with exotic bulbed stems, spike leaves, and its large head pointing upward.
"A Nightbell!" The demon exclaimed excitedly.
"A Nightbell?" Connie repeated, her eyes widening in surprise. "How did you manage to obtain such a rare and enchanting flora?"
Steven beamed with pride, "I've been searching for one of these for quite some time, and finally, a fellow demon trader had one in his possession. He was kind enough to part ways with it, seeing the potential it held for our... work."
Connie couldn't help but admire the extraordinary bluebell. Its dark colors seemed to absorb the dim light of the greenhouse, giving it an almost mystical aura. She gently ran her fingers along the spiky leaves, feeling the cool smoothness of the stem.
"But what is a Nightbell, Steven?" she inquired, still in awe of the flower. "It has all the beauty of a regular bluebell, but with such darkness and allure."
“Glad you asked, my lady.”Steven grinned, “ the Nightbell is a demon plant, usually grown in places of high magic and cursed soil.”
“Cursed?” Connie questioned
“Run down temples, alters, battlefields, dark ritual sites, and various other places of dark magic, where poisonous plants would grow," Steven explained. "It dwells in unstable landscapes, surrounded by a dense fog that takes its purplish hue from the night.”
Connie’s eyes glistened with excitement. “That’s incredible.”
Connie stepped closer to examine the flower further, still holding the exotic stem between her fingers. She traced the spikey edges of the leaves and looked up at Steven, her eyes wide with wonder.
“Its energy from those places is what it feasts on, what gives it attributes of dark magic and mystique. That allure is the flower's way of attracting unsuspected travelers to it so it can absorb its vitality and energy into itself. It can also absorb any magic used near it.”
"Fascinating," Connie murmured, her voice barely a whisper. "So it's a potted parasitic predator, feeding on the very essence of magic and life."
“if wild, yes.” Steven nodded, his eyes dancing with a mixture of excitement and reverence.
“But why would bring a cursed plant home?" she asked, her fascination growing with each revelation.
"Because my lady, a normal Nightbell, can amplify magical energy,” Steven said, his voice filled with excitement. “It’s an ideal ingredient for certain potions and spells. Even a well-boil Nightbell can produce a magical stimulant in the form of tea, especially those that require a touch of darkness.”
Connie’s mind raced as she considered the possibilities. “Could it be used to enhance my magic? Permanently” she asked.
“Absolutely,” Steven replied with a smile, “Among other uses.”
“And you’re certain it won’t try to feed on us or drain all of our magic?” She asked with a playful smile.
Steven chuckled. “My lady. I’ve taken the proper precautions. I’ve planted it in a pot filled with blessed soil and surrounded it with protective runes. It absorbs and is sated by the ambient magic in the air as well as the nutrients from the soil. As for feeding, it still can absorb the life force of smaller creatures, but it is not a necessity, as it prefers the magic energy, we’re perfectly safe.”
"You took precautions. Well, you should enjoy your find, Dapper.” Connie nodded, grinning at his excitement
”oh Connie, my blazing witch, this isn't for me. I did all this for you.”
“For me?” Connie looked up at her partner, an arched left brow, and a small side smile on her lips.
“For you, my Witchy ember,” Steven explained, taking her hands in his. "I know how much you've been struggling to solve the puzzle of a homunculi core, right?”
“those crafting instructions are like a tome of puzzles, riddles, and mind games,” she complained, her black eyes reflecting the purple tint of her flame magic. “But I'm determined to figure it out.”
“as expected of you,” Steven replied with a slight chuckle as he rubbed his thumbs across the back of her hands. “I think this Nightbell might hold the key you're looking for.”
“And how exactly is that? What's your plan, Dapper demon?”
Steven grinned mischievously, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “Nothing too sinister,” he toyed, “ just feed some of your magic directly into the bulb.”
Connie eyed him cautiously as she continued to caress the Nightbell's petals. “And what purpose will that serve, Steven?”
“It will attune itself to your power. Just trust me on this, my lady,” he insisted with charm and a glint in his eye. “This is exactly what you've been missing.”
Intrigued, Connie bit her lower lip as she considered his proposal. She knew he wouldn't intentionally lead her astray. Trusting her instincts, she steeled herself and focused on her fiery magic, allowing it to swirl within her. As the heat built up, a soft red-orange and purple ember appeared on her index finger, casting an eerie light and familiar warmth over them both.
“Alright, bell. Eat up.” She told the plant, holding it to one of its bulb heads.
“Oops, you named it.”
“Oh, quite you.” Connie playfully chastised Steven as the Nightbell head dipped towards the ember. The Nightbell's leaves shifted as if it sensed the magical energy and leaned into her hand, absorbing the ember whole.
Steven's grin widened as he watched the transformation occur before his very eyes. "That should do it," he said with satisfaction.
"Now what?" Connie asked, retracting her power with a small flick of her wrist, extinguishing the ember in the process.
“Now we wait,” Steven replied, his eyes never leaving the Nightbell. “It'll need time to process your magical essence, but when it's done, you'll see its true potential.”
Connie quirked an eyebrow at him as she tugged on his sleeve to get his attention, "Dapper, you and your dramatic pauses. Care to enlighten me on what we are waiting for?”
“Now that would ruin the show, speaking of.” He pointed to the Nightbell as its bulb rose toward the ceiling. its dark petals holding a blackish-purple glow that seemed to be getting brighter by the moment.
“Whoa… what's going on, Steven.” Connie inquired amazement in her voice and eyes. Latching onto his arm
“I wonder.” He teased as They continued to watch as the bulb began to open up.
Connie watched in awe as the Nightbell's petals slowly unfurled, revealing a marble-sized glowing night-colored orb suspended within.
The orb pulsed with magical energy, casting flickering shadows across the walls in an almost melodic time frame.
"As natural as the fall of night; as rhythmic as a bell chime," Connie gasped as she reached for the orb.. feeling a familiar heat of her magic residing inside it.
“With a touch of the creator's intent, was it?” Steven smirked before getting caught off guard as his lady gave him a loving smile and hugged him close, bringing a purplish-pink blush to the demon’s cheek.
“Thank you so much, my darling dapper.” She spoke with an earnest and loving tongue kissing his cheek and the corner of his lips.
“Always, my wondrous witch,” Steven responded in kind, holding and squeezing her tight, lifting her off the ground a bit as he did. All under the nightbells loving light.
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Glowweek Rain□/snow■ :loving decent
Connie stepped out of the shower, relishing in the hot water and soap suds cascading down her skin. As she dried off and changed into a soft knit sweater and well-loved jeans, she couldn't wait to explore the city with Steven. She grabbed her trusty blue beanie and slipped it onto her head, ready for whatever adventure awaited them outside the hotel walls. This was exactly what she needed after a long day of traveling.
Steven sauntered into the room, leaning nonchalantly against the doorway. He was dressed in a sleek black turtleneck with a bright pink star emblazoned on the chest, paired with fitted black jeans and vibrant pinkish red boots. His smile widened as he observed Connie from behind, two coats slung over his arm.
"Hey there, Snowberry," he greeted her warmly, stepping towards her. With one smooth motion, he draped a light blue snow jacket over her shoulders and pulled her into a gentle hug. "You're looking fantastic today."
A blush crept up Connie's cheeks at the compliment, but she couldn't help smiling back at Steven. He always knew how to make her feel special and appreciated. As he pulled away, she couldn't resist playfully poking his side.
"And you're not looking too bad yourself," she retorted with a smirk, gesturing towards his trendy outfit. “Thank you, Bisky, for the coat, and the vacation.”
“Perks of working at a mountain lodge, I can reserve a room or two. “ He gave her a small nip behind her ear as he helped place the coat on her. “No cost…besides you deserve a nice winter break.”
Connie giggled, a flush of warmth spreading on her cheeks "I appreciate it, really. It's been too long since I've gotten to enjoy a break like this...and here of all places."
Steven chuckled, running a hand through his dark hair as he moved towards the room's exit. "Exams that rough, huh...well, I got something to shake of that post examination fatigue."
Connie raised an eyebrow, meeting Steven's gaze with a sense of familiarity and comfort. "Is that so?" Steven's eyes seemed to hold a certain depth that felt like home to Connie.
"Yeah, there's some festival going on," he continued, his hands wrapping around her waist and under her bust. He gave them a slight lift as he leaned in close to her ear. "Snowball fights, snowboarding, and a ball on the skating rink. I thought it sounded like fun...and I also heard there are some hidden places for couples."
Wrapped in his arms and enthralled by his velvety voice in her ear, Connie turned to adjust her winter jacket to fit snugly against her body. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement.
"You're quite in the know, Universe." Connie joked, ”almost as if you planned this.”
Steven smirked as he gave back of her ear a small suckling. “Oh, you have no idea," Steven replied with a twinkle in his eye. He let go of her, his hands returning to his pockets and his gaze shifting out the window. A world of pristine white snow was unfolding before them. "I've got some surprises in store for you, Snowberry," he promised, a hint of mischief dancing in his tone.
Connie chuckled, wrapping her scarf around her neck as she headed towards the door. "I'm looking forward to it, Bisky.”
“nu-uh, .” Steven took her by the hand and led her out of their hotel room, holding the door for her” allow me.”
Connie couldn't suppress her laughter as her eyes sparkled with amusement. "Always the gentleman," she teased, receiving a playful hip pinch as she walked by. She flinched and playfully swatted at his chest, her cheeks puffing up in a mock pout to hold back her giggles. "Steven!"
"It's your own fault for being so cute, Snowberry."
"Oh, now it's my fault?" Connie retorted with a small smile, earning a tender kiss from Steven as he took her hand and led her to the elevator.
“So Ni’, anything you especially excited for.”
Connie hummed tapping her chin, “burying you under a hail of snowballs and making you eat powder.”
“Wow,mercilessly competitive.” Steven laughed.
“You love it.”
“I do.” steven admitted with a grin.
“Hmm, well.. “She brushes up against him for a moment, realizing the elevator gives them a good thirty, forty seconds.  “I’m also very looking forwards to this elevator ride with you.” She smiles at him, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “
“oh..well, it will be a good start.” Steven breathed with a blush as the elevator opened while he returned her kiss before leading her in.. It was spacious, empty and the walls were furnished in velvet.  He led her in with a smile before smiling cheekily.
Keeping close, the woman looked up at him, her eyes a bit too excited to NOT tell him what she was thinking. “No one else is here..”
“everyone's either in their room or out and about, and i have a strange feeling,”As the door closed and the elevator began to slowly descend, Steven pressed the multitude of  floor, “this ride between the 39th and ground  floor Is gonna be bit longer than usual.” 
Connie giggled as he slipped his arms around her hips. 
“Whatever shall we do?” Steven purred cooly in her ear.
Connie found herself in the habit of biting her lower lip. Clearing her throat, she turned to him, gently cupping the sides of his face in her hands. “W- well..”
“I like that look you got.” Steven whispered moving closer, an a loving look in his eyes,  “The excitement in those onyx orbs of yours..” He gave her a light kiss before teasingly pulling back.
Eyes widening with a small bit of shock, Connie's trails off, cheeks burning, her heart beating in her chest. “I- I.. uhhh….”
Steven laughs as he gives her a deeper kiss. His hands stroking her cheek as he did. 
"I missed him so much.’ Connie mused as she Boldly she quickly wraps her arms around his neck, pressing closer, before slowing down a bit. “ S- sorry, what am I doing, we’re in an elevator—”
“A very slow moving elevator.  Where we may or may not get caught acting like teenagers… an elevator..with a view.” Steven stepped behind her as the outside began to come in view.
Connie turned to look out at the slowly revealing winter wonderland that unfurled below them. Her breath hitched in her throat as she took in the beautiful sight. Snow-covered mountain cityscape glistened under the sunlight, children raced down snowy hills on their sleds, and festive lights twinkled in every direction.
"It's beautiful," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the soft whir of the elevator.”
Steven wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer against him. His breath was warm against the side of her neck, causing a shudder to run down her spine. "Not as beautiful as you," he murmured into her ear.
She couldn't help but blush at his words, turning to give him a playful smack on his chest. "You're such a tease, Steven.”
Connie shivered slightly as Steven’s warm breath ghosted over her ear again. “You see?” he whispered. “The entire world at our feet.”
Her eyes widened further, taking in the breathtaking vista. “It’s beautiful," she murmured again, "more so from this height... more so with you." She turned within his embrace catching his lips in a tender kiss.” When did you get so good at flirting?"
He chuckled softly, his fingers tracing idle circles on her stomach. "I practiced on a picture of you, Only for you, Snowberry."
That's oddly charming of you, Biscuit," she replied with a chuckle, leaning back into his warmth. The city below was slowly receding as the elevator continued its descent, leaving a soft trail of twinkling lights in its wake. “how..did I miss this yesterday?”
"you did come through Lion's portal at 10:pm yesterday .” he reminded her.
“"Oh, right," she muttered, getting lost in thought. "I guess I was just too excited to finally see you again."
He smiled, brushing a lock of her hair back behind her ear. "And I was just as excited to see you, Snowberry. Every moment I spent away from you felt like a lifetime."
Connie couldn't help but smile at his words. She leaned in close, resting her head on his shoulder. "I missed you too, Biscuit. More than you know."
Still didn't expect to, slide right in the room.” Connie chuckled, kissing his temple ” did you plan that to happen?”
“Noo, of course not.” Steven's eyes twinkled with mischief as he leaned in closer to whisper in her ear. "Though A little serendipity never hurt anyone," he murmured, his breath sending shivers down Connie's spine. "And it's all part of my master plan to sweep you off your feet."
She couldn't help but laugh at his audacity, shaking her head in amusement. "I don't know whether to be impressed or terrified, Bisky," she teased.
Suddenly, a resonating ding echoed through the elevator as it halted. They both looked up as the ride came to an end. The doors slid open to reveal a bustling lobby filled with lively chatter and echoing laughter.
Connie blinked against the sudden brightness of the grand entrance. She felt herself getting lost in the symphony of holiday cheer around them. Everywhere she looked, people were laughing, hugging, sharing stories around cups of steaming hot cocoa.
Steven released his hold on Connie, taking her hand, giving her a loving grin seeing her excited face, “ready to find out?”
Connie grinned as bright as the light as she latched on to his arm, excitingly leading him, more than ready to enjoy this snowy vacation with her precious Biscuit.
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Glowweek:(casual□/surprise■)morning ride (bittersweet meetings au) @glowweek
"Wha?" Connie groaned as her phone blared to life, waking her up from her slumber. "4:36?" She yawned , a bit annoyed as the ringing stopped and a text came up.
Bisk:Hey, I'm outside... It's Steven.
Connie glared at the text, not even a hello from her bestfriend turned Boyfriend.
Berry: it's 4:40 am, on a saturday, in the winter.
Bisk: I am aware.. I'm waiting. Get your coat.
Berry: could this wait til the sun up? We both had bust school weeks.
Bisk: I'm right out you window.
Connie blinked and turned to her window before opening the blinds to see Steven on his custom pink kawasaki, 'Lion' as he dubbed it, his pink shield helmet under his arm. Her nostrils flared when she saw him, and her cheeks burned. It was less than a week since the two became an official item, which they decided not to broadcast, just yet.
Only her and possibly his parents knew at the moment.
"Can't believe we wasted so much time." The Seventeen year old student president mused as a grin came to her.
Five minutes later, Connie was outside dressed in outfit fit for the chilling weather that included a large pink hoodie that belongs to steven, some blue winter tights, blue booties, and a black jacket that also belong to Steven.
"Now that a morning view." Steven smiled, looking at her, "Good morning, Sunnie."
"Sunnie?" Connie arched an eyebrow, "there's still no sun out. Not until 5:43 the earliest and 6:12 the latest."
"You're out, your smile out...all the morning sun I need, Pres."
Connie folded her arms and picked her lips to the side.
"I'm not smiling."
"Right.. let's fix that."
Connie squeaked gently as Steven boldly cupped her chin and gave her a tender, caressing kiss. It was slow, meticulous, and loving.
She couldn't help but the inward swoon, giggling upon the last moments before he broke away, resting his forehead upon hers.
"Seems the sun came up early." He remarked with a grinning red face.
"Can't trust meteorologist now and days, I gues." A brightly grinning Connie joked as she hugged him, " is it silly to say I missed you? Since I saw you yesterday."
"and every day." Steven added, hugging her back just as tight, "naw, I missed you too."
" Is that why i'm out here?" Connie looked at him impishly. "You missed me, jambuddie?"
"Partly." He grinned, pointing to the side car of 'Lion'; there sat a helmet for her, blue with a sword insignia.
Connie eyes widened and misted a bit," it's been a while.."
"Streets are clear. We'll have it to ourselves."
Connie nearly trembled in place as she placed and secured her helmet on before she mounts the bike, feeling his muscular form beneath her hands as you grip her waist to help stabilize her.
Once seated comfortably behind Steven, she locks the straps of the helmet over her ears, the plastic visor shielding part of her face from view.
"I missed this feeling," Connie mutters, basking in the warmth spreading throughout her thighs as they press against Steven lower body. "2 months is way too long without a ride on lion."
"Well, let's make up for lost time." Steven give her a smirk through his visor before pulling out and driving out onto the road, setting off together toward the heart of the city, the wind blowing as the world gradually become a moving winter picture around them.
Gripping onto Steven tightly, her knuckles turning red, Connie let loose a giggle, enjoying the ride. The cool breeze against her skin, the thrill of speed, the way his strong frame fits perfectly with hers—she missed this, this simple pleasure that she shared with him, the feeling of exhilaration that can onlt be shared with him.
Slowly, she leans forward, pressing her chest against his back, taking in deeper breaths of fresh air as the adrenaline courses through her veins. And for now, Connie lets herself forget about everything else except this moment with Steven.
Willing to go wherever, whenever as long as it was with him.
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Sea of star (dark□/glow■)@glowweek
"Huh, well, been awhile since this happened?" Steven Quartz Universe, ('Mister' if your Connie) stated as both Beach City and Little Homeworld were in the midst of a blackout.
"Kind of forgot we could with R&D and the generators they created." He mused as he walked through Little Homeworld, seeing the populous of gem and humans not at all bothered by the cover of darkness. In fact, the gem population seemed to take advantage of it by letting their gems glow, earning even more admiration from their human neighbors and friends, and, in some cases, partner and spouses.
'Just further proof that it was all worth it.' He thought as he continued his trek.
"It's like a sea of stars." He heard a kid speak, amazement deep in their voice. Steven could imagine seeing their eyes lit up at the impromptu light show.
"There's always something happening in Era 3." Steven chuckled as someone voiced his very thoughts. Turning to and walking over to the voice, he stole the freshly bitten pastries from their hand before sitting down beside them, ignoring their shock as he took a bite from the same place. Their four friends, including Daniel(Danny), Patricia(Tricia), Jeff, and Peedee, all chuckled at the victim of his playful bullying.
"Hey guys, hey Heartberry." Steven smiled as the four gave their hi's and yo's.
"Don't hey me, you just took my Kalu dodol!" Connie(Kahanni) Yasha Maheswaran ('Heartberry' if your Steven) exclaimed, pointing at him with a pout.
"Well, your lips made it so good. I wanted a taste."
"Of her sweets or her lips." Tricia teased.
"Both." Steven chuckled
"Well," Connie hum before cupping his cheeks," their better way to do that."
Steven eyes widened as she kissed him deeply. Her tongue grazed and curled around his for all of seven seconds, taking away his cockiness for the moment as he melted and his gem and body began to glow, illuminating the area more than the other gems.
Breaking the kiss with a small pop, Connie grinned at her more than best friend pink love strucked face before pecking him and nuzzling his nose with an excitable loving giggle; taking her treat back and leaning in her chair.
Her right hand entwined with his left under the table as she took a smug bite of her treat.
" You ok there, Ste-man?" Danny laughed, " seemed a bit enlightened over there."
Steven was about to answer when the child from before spoke.
"Wow! He is super bright pink!"
"That's right, he's a big pink supernova in a sea of stars," Connie teased with a chuckle.
Steven sucked his teeth and nodded before standing up.
"Well, if that is the case."
"Hey!" Connie exclaimed as Steven lifted the woman in a bridal carry, making her cheeks burn.
"Let's join the festivities." Steven smirked at her before turning to the others, "we'll be back after a few laps."
"Have fun." Peedee said as Jeff took one of Connie's treats from her box despite Connie's protest.
"Enjoy walking with your Supernova, Nini." Jeff stated as he took a bite of one of the treats as Connie pouted just a bit before snuggling close and stealing a kiss.
Enjoying their walk in the sea of stars.
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How do you guys like the Connverse art week's prompts? If you need some ideas, I'll include some below!
Mar 17th: Glow / Dark
Fireflies, Jack-o-lanterns, glow bracelets, sparklers, jellyfish, mushrooms, lanterns. / A dark bedroom, a night walk, looking up at the stars from the grass, space.
Mar 18th: Casual / Surprise
Lounging around the house, going for a walk, a typical romantic date. / Marriage proposal, surprise birthday, positive pregnancy test, surprise romantic date, a surprise gift.
Mar 19th: Rain / Snow
Self-explanatory. Maybe they could be dancing or singing in the rain/snow. They could also be going for a walk or trying to escape to shelter.
Mar 20th: Nature / Nurture
Nature walk, laying in the grass, maybe Steven created some sentient fruits and vegetables to accompany them. / Taking care of their child(ren), in the hospital after baby was born, child's first day of school.
Mar 21st: Family / Friends
Hanging with/taking care of their children, visiting the Crystal Gems, visiting the Maheswaran or Universe families. / Hanging out with Connie's human friends, hanging with some gems, hanging with friends Steven met on the road.
Mar 22nd: Ceremony / Vacation
A wedding, a graduation ceremony. / A vacation to an alien planet (maybe even with their kid(s)), a trip to a different country, a trip to an ancient gem temple, a trip to a national park.
Mar 23rd: Journey's End
Very loose. What would you consider the end of a journey when it comes to a couple? Maybe their kid(s) is/are moving out, maybe they finally retired, maybe they're visibly old, maybe they're thousands of years in the future and on an alien planet, maybe the two of them are super battle scarred and patching each other up.
If you need more ideas, ask me for some in my ask box!
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Oooohh this is good , this very good
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Full image at Newgrounds or at this reblog.
Anonymous commission!
Things got off IRL midway this drawing process, so I'm incredibly thankful for the client for waiting despite the long delay. I personally specially don't like to cancel this order because if there is one thing I'll be deadset in finishing, it's a connverse piece.
It was a fun drawing process also! So thank you thank you for the commission. ^^
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Dollar dogs chapter 2: reunited pt1
10 weeks ago
A red hover convertible floated down in front of the subtle-looking bar known as 'Three-eyed Love'. From inside, the driver looked out of the window and towards the top floor window to see what looked like paper cranes and planes being tossed out of them one after another, a usual sight. One that caused the driver to sigh in annoyance.
"Why am I his handler again?" The driver questioned himself, knowing the answer and regretting their history a bit.
Climbing out of his car and making his way to the bar entrance, he felt another sigh come as he pressed his finger on the wooden and steel door before entering.
"Afternoon Detective McKluth." The owner greeted," Here for pleasure, or is this another professional call."
The detective gave the owner a somewhat tired grin and pointed upward," Business, but I'll take a drink before beginning, Garnet."
Garnet pursed her full lips in a small smile," the usual, Kevin?" Her voice was cool silk to the ears, a welcoming sound to go with her curvaceous and alluring physique. She didn't wait for an answer as she began her work.
"So, how long has he been up?" Kevin inquired, looking at Garnet and her figure in her black and red bodysuit, which accentuated every curve of the African-British woman. Her afro was soft and steady as she made his drink, something called a twist martini.
"How many are out there?"
Kevin knew what she was referring to, the mess of cranes and planes that didn't quite get the same hangtime as the others.
"Didn't count," Kevin shrugged as his drink slid to him, "too busy wondering how I got this position."
"My," Garnet leaned over the bar, moving a bit closer, the cut of her collar surprisingly inviting, showing a fair amount of cleavage, "it's almost like you dread coming to my bar."
"Well, it's not your fault." Kevin smirked, taking a drink, "Your hospitality is always a joy."
"I'm aware, your eye-fucking assured that."
"I'm a detective, just trying to detect how you got all that sexy in that tight bodysuit."
"Though very salacious movements and very enticing hip rolls, from what I am told." She didn't smile, but her tone held joviality and tease.
"Lucky person, waking up next to you."
"No one gets to wake up next to me." Garnet spoke with a bit of steel and dark pleasure, "Unlike you Kevin, our dogs don't usually hold relationships and start a family."
"You're not a dog anymore. You served your assignments."
"Not an active one, but I do house one, Handler," Garnet stated with a bit of distaste.
"Another way those on top keep others under their thumb."
"You volunteered to be a dog," Kevin sipped his glass, savoring the taste, "I always wondered why, someone with no criminal record choosing to be a government dog, especially when the bounty hunter registration was right there."
"Government assistance, they still need to treat their little enforcers with some kind of respect, Detective," Garnet stated as she adjusted her three lens shades before taking a drink of her own. "Rather they like it or not, they need to keep us pleased, even those that are paying a debt to society, after all.."
Kevin watched as Garnet placed the now empty glass face down and flipped up her shades, revealing her three eyes; left a ruby red, right a sapphire blue, and on her forehead an eye the color of a purplish Garnet.
The same gem that embeds the palms of her hands since birth.
"The city's peaceful days rely on its dogs' fangs... isn't that right, Handler?"
Kevin was about to respond when heavy footsteps could be heard from the staircase behind the bar; its furthest northwest corner.
"Hey Garnet, can I get a broom? I..." The voice of Steven resounded before he showed himself.
Opening the red and blue swirl-painted door, the gem hybrid revealed himself, dressed in a black tank top and slacks; he gave them both a look over before turning his attention to Kevin, his handler.
"You're earlier than expected, McKluth," Steven spoke nonchalantly as he made his way to Kevin. "How's Holly and Helen?"
Placing a hand on his shoulder, Steven gave a smile through half-lidded eyes.
Kevin threw himself away from Steven's grasp, nearly falling on his ass as he moved, only for Steven to catch his wrist.
"Now, it's not a good look for a handler to be afraid of his dog, is it?" Steven pulled him up to his feet, "the dog just might bite if they feel they can't trust their handler." Steven grinned before wiping his shoulders, "Lucky, I know I can trust you, Kevin. Giving our history."
"But, that was a lifetime ago, " Steven interrupted, a smirk on his face that was gentle but sent a shiver down Kevin's spine, though the detective didn't let it show as he cleared his throat.
"Right...A lifetime ago." Kevin mumbled referring to the ex-criminal. 'Still doesn't wash away your past extortion methods,' Kevin thought to himself before pulling out a metal circular disk with a bluish-green platform in the middle and placing it on the bar.
"Can I get a drink, Garnet?" Steven asked the bartender as he sat down eyes on the dusk as its center began to light up, displaying a hardlight folder.
Garnet glanced at Kevin, her expression unreadable, before turning her attention to Steven. She nodded and prepared a drink for him, the corners of her lips curving slightly. "Here you go, Steven," she said, sliding the glass over to him. "Enjoy."
Steven took a sip of his drink and turned his attention back to Kevin, his eyes flickering with an intensity that made Kevin uneasy. "So, what's the assignment this time?" he asked, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and mischief.
Kevin sighed, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a small holographic device. He activated it, projecting an image of a man onto the bar counter. "This is Gregory Kane," he explained, pointing at the figure. "He's a renowned tech genius who recently went missing under mysterious circumstances."
Steven leaned forward, studying the image intently. His eyes glimmered with excitement as he processed the information. "Interesting," he murmured.
"He's also a serial killer or so we believe," Kevin added quickly as he took a sip of his drink.
"You believe?"
"Every officer who tried to find him never returned. so far five are still missing."
Steven hummed looking at the holographic image of Gregory; he looked between 35-40, and his sharp features held a kind and tired expression with his grayish-blue eyes and slightly combed-back hairstyles. His skin was flushed red and his lips were clammy, chipped, and thin. "Doesn't look much of a murderer to me."
"Looks can be deceiving, you should know that more than anyone, Mr. Pink."
Steven kissed his teeth at his handler's comment, his eyes taking on a dangerous pink glow, "I'm not that person anymore." Steven gave a small grin that didn't reach his eyes, "despite what you think."
"No, you might be more dangerous now."
"Only for criminals." Steven chuckled, "Besides, I'm more of a lover now; like I said not that person anymore and paying my dues to this fair city."
"Sure, you're a hero." Kevin blew an annoyed sigh" A bastion of goodness and light."
"Ha! Far from it!" Steven laughed, "But I'm much better than I used to be. Trying to be better. "
"Trying huh?" Kevin questioned, a sense of unease settling in his gut as he watched Steven's playful demeanor.
"Is that why you litter the front with paper planes? Trying to reach someone, Maybe?"
Steven hummed taking a sip, "Not something for you to know, McKluth." His voice held a slight warning, "Personal matters."
"Which makes you hard to trust, Pink."
"I handle the work given to me, don't I? Two years in, I haven't acted outside of my contract."
"Sure, but the whole change came a bit too quickly, and after disappearing for a time before... there's a whole blank period in your past."
"It's in the past why worry about it?"
"Because I've been extorted by you and your family in the past."
"You were just an informant."
"And you used my then-girlfriend as a pawn to keep me in line, didn't you, Pink."
Steven kissed his teeth gulping his drink, his demeanor hardening as a bit of guilt gripped his heart, "Well that's why I requested you as my handler, now you get to boss me around, retribution or whatever. leave it in the past."
Kevin clenched his fists, trying to suppress the anger that burned within him. Memories of that time flooded his mind—the fear, the desperation, the feeling of being trapped. He had thought he would never escape Steven's clutches. "Sure, says the one who still trapped in his own past. broken heart maybe?"
Steven said nothing but gave a low humorless chuckle as he took the last of his drink.
"Oh, now that's surprising if a little funny" Kevin pushed seeing Steven's hand tighten," Didn't think you have a special someone...or Had, I should say."
Steven's eyes flickered with a mix of anger and pain, his pink glow intensifying. "Drop it, McKluth," he warned through gritted teeth.
But Kevin was relentless. "Who was it? Someone you couldn't save? Or someone who couldn't handle the truth about you?"
Garnet watched the exchange silently, her three eyes observing everything with an unreadable expression. She could sense the tension in the air, the weight of their shared history hanging over them like a dark cloud.
Suddenly, a violent surge of energy erupted from Steven, crackling with pink electricity. The bar patrons around them started to back away, sensing the danger in the air. Kevin braced himself for an attack, but before Steven could unleash his powers, Garnet stepped in between them.
"Gentlemen..."Garnet's voice cut through the tense air like a blade. Both Kevin and Steven turned to look at her, surprised by the sternness in her tone. She placed her hands on the bar, her gemstones glowing with a fiery intensity. "Enough," she said firmly. "There's no room for grudges and personal vendettas here. You have a job to do, and going to do it professionally."
steven sighed before nodding and turning to the folder.
"Right," Kevin muttered, his gaze fixed on the holographic image of Gregory Kane. "We need to track him down before he strikes again."
Steven nodded curtly, his pink eyes flickering with curiosity before reverting to his normal brown.
"So do you have any idea about where he might be?" Steven inquired, "I doubt he would still be in the city by now?"
"That's the thing." Kevin started, "He usually stays on the city outskirts, and has a whole mansion-like lab up there."
"Government funded, I'm sure," Garnet commented.
"State government funded." Kevin injected, "His research is greatly respected, but can't fund a possible murderer."
"And paying the families of these maybe deceased cops is hurting the government's pockets." Steven sneered with a huff,
"enough to send one of their very expendable dogs."
"Believe it or not, I'm not a fan of it, but it is what it is." Kevin clenched his jaw, his eyes narrowing at Steven's tone. He had always known that Steven had a rebellious streak, but sometimes it rubbed him the wrong way. Still, he couldn't deny Steven's effectiveness when it came to getting the job done.
"Such a bleeding heart."
"Compensation, government-paid board, freedom, and a chance to get your record clean." Kevin listed off several perks of Steven's situation." You have more than the regular nine-to-five, or local officer." His nostrils flared in annoyance, "Not that the government cares about the lives of a few cops when compared to their precious funding."
"But you do," Garnet stated looking at Kevin's disappointed and sardonic demeanor.
"They're my fellow officers, good men, women, and others. Like me, they care about justice and protecting innocent lives," Kevin took a gulp of his drink finishing it off before placing it down.
"Going to their families to announce their disappearance... yeah, it weighs heavy on me...add that to the higher-ups who only care about their interests, and make those on the front lines expendable. Sometimes the government feels as criminal as the gangs and mobs we try to take down."
"every institution has its corruption." Steven stated as he got up from his seat, "That's why justice is singular as it is varied." he stretched his arms, "But that is a conversation for another time. so where are we going?"
"Woods in the county of Reekskill," Kevin stated as the hologram shifted to a map highlighting a dense forest area with a path heading to the center of the area. " The mansion itself is near the center."
"Not on the map I see, an unregistered address?"
"No address, government wanted to keep it under wraps," Kevin stated as he pressed on the hologram showing the Co-ordinates of the mansion,' "Need to keep protecting their assets after all."
Steven smirked at the sarcasm," So we're just bringing him in, right?"
"You're just bringing him in." Kevin corrected.
"There's some other business I have to attend to." Kevin told Steven as he gave him the holodisk, " But yes, the goal is to bring him in alive."
"I'll make sure he's unharmed." Steven agreed
"Never said unharmed." Kevin said pointedly, " I said alive. Just use your best judgment... Depending on any of the officers you might find."
"and if they all are dead?" Steven arched his brow as his handler finished his drink.
"my statement still stands," Kevin informed " Alive, don't care how alive..."
Steven whistled, a dark smirk coming to his face, "Aye aye, sir."
Garnet shook her head with a smirk, "I'll clean up the mess you made outside, go get ready for work Steven."
"Work." Steven chuckled as he headed towards the stairs, " Thanks for cleaning up Garnet, I'll make it up to you."
"You always say that." Garnet grinned as the hybrid made his way upstairs. door closing behind him. She turned to Kevin who was getting ready to leave himself, "So, they coming today, huh?"
Kevin smirked, " They should be in the city in a few hours, I'll be there to pick them up...Thanks for giving them a place to stay."
"Hey, I'm just looking after a fellow dog, besides I've known them since they were sixteen years old, it would be nice to see them again..." She went to get a garbage bag and broom, "It's not a problem, you want to come with to pick them up?"
"Naw, you have your business to run and everything. I'll be back later to drop them off." Kevin smirked, " Later G."
"Say hi to the missus and little one for me." Garnet waved as the detective closed the door behind him.
Meanwhile, on a hover train, A mother is watching her child read an AR newspaper with a smile on her face, the child's pink gem belly button slightly peeking from under their t-shirt.
Unaware that she and her child are being watched. if one was detailed enough they would see an indigo tattoo peeking from the watcher's wrist, as they reached for a hidden weapon.
a tattoo that symbolizes one belonging to a branch of an assassin clan.
a less detailed offshoot of the same tattoo bored by mother and child alike. the runaway princess and her child.
They bear the mark of the main family of the Maheswaran, the world's deadliest assassin clan.
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Fighting Flirty: Character Select PT4 (Act 4.9)
"Are you ready?" Connie asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes, as she prepared to capture Steven's picture, continuing their photoshoot and friendly challenge.
"I'm ready, are you?" Steven replied with a grin, playfully teasing his Heartberry. "After all that reprieve, I think you deserve a drink, Bottom Berry." As he spoke, Connie's cheeks flushed a warm maroon, and she couldn't help but spread an impish grin.
"Ah, now I'm going to put you through your paces, you mischievous Mister," Connie said with determination. Her nostrils flared as she emitted a low, determined noise that was a blend between a purr and a growl.
"Uh-oh, it seems like I may have just flipped her competitive switch," Steven teased, causing Alex to giggle and watch the two of them.
"You two are wild," their photographer giggled from behind her laptop.
"Oh, I have been quite tamed," Connie stated with confidence as she lifted the camera in hand and lined up the lens crosshair. She caught sight of Steven in between them and pursed her lips in a determined smirk. "Not anymore though."
"Give me your best shot," Steven challenged eagerly.
"I will make sure you can pose correctly," Connie responded with a flirty fire. "Give me a reverse bridge."
Steven's eyes widened at the request, about to speak.
"And don't think you can distract me with those puppy brown eyes, I'm in it to win it."
Steven let out a chuckle, his eyes sparkling dangerously. "Oh, you really are something, aren't you, Connie?"
Connie winked as she began to focus the camera, capturing Steven's every move. "Of course, it's why I'm so lovable. Now Reverse Bridge, let's see that core strength." 
Connie tapped the sides of the camera as a substitution for clapping as she allowed a heartfelt giggle to escape her chest.
Steven licked his lips as he stood on his tippy toes and folded his arms as he bent backward in an arch, lowering the top of his head onto the floor. Steady and sturdy, abs tight as he holds the pose.
"Wow, nicely done," Alex stated, impressed. "Didn't think a guy of your size would be so flexible."
"Looks can be deceiving," Steven joked as Connie looked around him, looking for a good shot.
"Hmm, yes. I agree, I wonder if your bridge is as sturdy as it looks," Connie teased before sitting on his costumed stomach. Her legs crossed as she grinned, camera still in her hand. "Not too heavy, am I, Mister?"
"Never heavy, perfectly 'hearty' as always," Steven flirted as he raised his midsection a bit, enticing an impressed gasp from his 'Heartberry'.
The thin material of their costumes hardly barred the heat between the two. Steven's hard and warm gem kissed and snuggled itself into Connie's supple posterior.
"You're not being very professional," Steven responded, keeping the pose as he tried to keep his cheeks from glowing pink.
"I'm not doing anything unprofessional, just looking for the best shot."
"She says as she shuffles her hips on my stomach."
"You're at fault for being such a comfy throne," Connie snickered.
"Just trying to motivate my model for the best shot. Hike your midsection up a bit more, Mister."
"Oh, you're really trying to make me work for it, aren't you?"
"Told you I was going to put you through your paces. Not gonna let me down, are you?" Connie said as she leaned in closer, her eyes meeting Steven's gaze. "You know, I could always stabilize you better if you just let me." A smirk played at the corners of her lips as she pulled back, giving Steven a sultry once-over.
"Oh, I don't trust that tone," Steven half-joked.
"My, oh my," Connie faked shock and insult, exaggeratedly placing her hand on her breast as she widened her eyes. "My Biscuit doesn't trust me, Alex. A decade of memories and no trust for me, his berry, his best friend, his knight, his Jambud. For shame."
"For shame indeed," Alex played along holding in her laughter as she watched them interact.
"You know I trust you with my heart, with my very life," Steven said seriously, a look of admiration and adoration in his tone steeped in affection for the woman leaning upon him. "My lovely birthday Heartberry."
"Oh, Steven." Connie mewled feeling her heart skip and her cheeks glowed a bit. 'My lovely sweet Biscuit. I swear you're the only one who makes me feel just a bit of fantastical romance,' she thought as she gave him a gentle kiss. "You're a smooth talker."
"The old universe charm," he chuckled. "But I'm still not trusting you to help." He smirked, "I know how cunning you can be, little minx. Probably gonna try to tickle me to make me fall on my back."
"Oops, seems he figured you out, Nini," Alex laughed.
"That's the problem with knowing someone so long. It gets harder to trick them," Connie chuckled before getting off him and stepping back to get him in the frame.
"Well, all is fair in love and photoshoots," Connie retorted, adjusting the camera and taking a step back. Steven's amusement was infectious, and Connie couldn't help but smile at the way her heartbeat seemed to sync with his laughter. 
"Ok, that's a good shot," Connie said, standing up and checking the photo. "You can stop showing off and stand up now, Mister." Connie played as Steven allowed himself to fall flat, spread eagle, breathing a bit. "I have a new respect for models; holding the poses is hard."
"Tell me about it," Connie agreed as a thought came to her, seeing Steven spread out with a smile on his face and his eyes closed. Stepping to him and stepping over him, she positioned her legs to his sides as she readied her camera, catching his face as his eyes half opened.
"And that shot, Seven," Connie giggled, seeing his shocked and blushing face.
"I wasn't even ready," Steven half-heartedly complained.
"That's why it's a near-perfect shot: a natural look of accomplishment after a long-fought mission or a daunting task. Tired but victorious," Connie answered.
"Yeah, carrying your big 'heart' without grabbing you was taxing, to say the least."
Steven looked up at Connie, his eyes filled with a combination of mischief and admiration. He couldn't help but feel drawn to her, even after all these years.
"You like my big heart, hippy."
"Never said I didn't," Steven laughed. "Though the shot doesn't really scream 'Shinji Ikari,' don't you think? A bit too positive when I'm supposed to be 'sexy depression.'"
"I mean, is Shinji Ikari...attractive really?" Alex asked.
"No, of course not," Connie answered quickly with finality. "But Steven Ikari." Connie let a small flirtatious smug grin on her lips as she shrugged as if she was considering it. 'Of course, he is, just look at how he fills out that plugsuit, Rawr! Shinji could never!' Connie thought, mentally giggling, unaware of the slightly amorous face she was making.
"Heartberry, you're getting a little lost in your fantasy there, huh?" Steven teased as he poked Connie's nose, making her back up and rub her nose tip.
"I was not, and where did you come from?"
Steven only laughed at her comment before looking at her, love in his eyes as he reached to caress her cheek.
"Hey." Connie nuzzled his palm, basking in his touch and their bond. "Being all affectionate isn't gonna save you."
"Oh, I'm sure you have something planned to break me. Give me your best shot, Heartberry."
"Oh, I will." Connie kissed his palm. "Just don't regret it."
Steven gulped, seeing her passionate and determined black eyes burn with impish mischief. He watched as Connie walked away and behind the desk to get a steel folding chair. She returned it and placed it behind him.
"Sit, since you wanna be Shinji so much," she commanded with a grin, looking at Steven's confused expression.
"What?" Both Alex and Steven wondered where Connie was going with this as Steven did as he was told.
"Now then," Connie began as she positioned Steven in the pose she wanted. Alex watched with wide eyes as Connie put Steven's knees together and giggled as she folded Steven's hands together and put them on his knees. She straight up guffawed with laughter as Connie lowered his head and buried his hands almost in a fetal condition.
"Now, get in the robot, Steven."
"Oh my god!" Alex howled in laughter at Connie's words and impression of Gendo Ikari.
"That wasn't even in that episode!" Steven yelled, trying to hold back his laughter. "You got me in a meme! You're memeing me."
"As a great ninja once said, 'Memes are the DNA of the Soul,'" Connie reiterated with a faux sage tone.
"Based," Alex agreed.
"Disgraced. Monsoon should never be quoted," Steven retorted.
"Well, if you can't meme your partner, who can you meme, right?" Connie smirked before her cheeks burned at her own words.
"What?" Steven began to raise his head.
"Keep your head down," she ordered, putting his head back down quickly. "Gotta take your shot."
Her soft voice tingled his ears as her hand rubbed his scalp and black curly locks. A look of cherished affection on her face as she gently removed her hand and moved back to get Steven in her camera crosshairs. Giggling at how cute and hilarious the scene looked. Unaware of the pink-faced grin on her Mister's face.
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Heartberry working in the lab
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That is excellent! Great job @santasantita999
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Anonymously doodle requested!
Darting across a public park(?) in their birthday suit for a lost a bet (from Amethyst most likely). 😣
I mean, naked people are kinda funny, ngl. Lol
Well at least there aren't a lot of people around that day.
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A quick warm up chibi before resuming to commissions.
I might have to change my brush stroke technique to adapt to the display tab.
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The multiple lab accidents of Connie *Heartberry* Maheswaran, under the cut
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❤️🍓: Be my eternal dance partner, Mister.
Mr: in this life..and all others,Heartberry
*spicy under the cut*
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❤️🍓:getting handsy, as always,Mister.
Mr: you love it.
40 notes · View notes
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Waiting for her mister, in his tutleneck
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❤️🍓: I feel attacked. Does anyone else feel attacked?🖐🏾
Tricia 👋🏿
Peedee: 🖖🏻
❤️🍓: just making sure.
hello! i hope you're doing well ❤️ can you do 'friends with benefits but then they're fall in love' prompts? Danke! 😸
Of course, here they are. Bitte schön :)
Friends with benefits to lovers Prompts
Person A always asks Person B to spent the night together, because they’re already sleeping together, so why not actually sleep together. But Person B always declines. Until one night.
They have been friends long before the benefits came along and they don’t know if they’re ever able to go back to just being friends.
Person A is going through very hard times and while just being someone they occasionally have sex with, Person B is the one person helping them through it
It was just casual for a long time, but being this close to someone for an extended period of times leads to a lot of trust and dependence on each other.
Person A needs a partner for an upcoming event and it’s a spur of the moment decision, but they ask their friend with benefits to go with them.
They enjoy having sex together a lot and do it so regularly that they start to feel very comfortable at each other’s places.
Person A always thought the benefits part only included sex, but with Person B it also seems to include cuddling, life advice and breakfast.
Person A hears from mutual friends that Person B is looking for a real relationship. Finding that out makes things awkward, since Person A is sleeping with Person B – a lot. And they never told them they were looking for a partner.
They have always been good friends and it's just so convenient to sleep with someone they trust and feel safe with, when they don't have time to actually find someone to date.
People get confused when Person A brings up that the sex with Person B is just casual, because no one would look at them and not think that they are actually a couple.
Have fun with them!
- Jana
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seeking out physical affection
comparing hand-sizes to hold their hand against the other's and then just holding hands
leaning against the other one in close spaces
acting like they're cold to have an excuse to cuddle or share clothes or blankets
brushing a strand of hair away
grabbing each other's hands in crowds or when crossing the street to "be safe"
turning their cheek to get the other one to give them a peck
brushing their arm against the other's, hoping the other would finally catch their arm and hold it close
fixing the other's hairstyle to let their hands run through their partner's hair
draping the arm around their shoulder while sitting next to each other
lightly tickling the other one, almost hoping it gets retaliated
reaching out with their hand without saying anything, wanting the other one to grab it
linking arms when walking around together
trying to get the other to dance with them
bumping shoulders into each other
wrapping arms around the other's neck when standing behind them
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