astrologyqueenn · 1 year
Signs as songs on the midnights album. 🕛 ✨
Aries: Midnight Rain
Taurus: Snow on the Beach
Gemini: Question…?
Cancer: Maroon
Leo: Bejeweled
Virgo: Karma
Libra: Lavender Haze
Scorpio: Vigilante Shit
Sagittarius: Mastermind
Capricorn: Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve
Aquarius: You’re On Your Own, Kid
Pisces: Labyrinth
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astrologyqueenn · 1 year
I’m back.
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astrologyqueenn · 2 years
It actually upsets me. The way people talk about others who’ve made mistakes that they don’t understand. When you speak in black and white, you give people no room for change, you minimize them down into one thing they’ve done wrong and decide that that’s who they are. Maybe some mistakes are too far, they’re unforgivable, they, in your eyes, give you the right to dehumanize them. Why don't we ever look at track record instead of someone’s bad day after something traumatic? Why don’t we ever think about what a person might have went through to get to that low point? And no, i’m not speaking on murder or rape. I’m talking about the girl who goes too far when she drinks or the person who’s swallowed so much pain and finally stood up for themselves and now they look like a bitch to you. The person who feels small and finally found their voice. The person who might’ve punched a wall from anger because they didn’t know how else to take it out. What about people who do change. People who were in a bad spot and might’ve took it out on someone else but realize the damage they were causing and turned their life around?? Why don’t we give them room to be different, why don’t we see the value in allowing people to grow instead of deciding who they are from one event that probably changed them just as much as it changed you. Why can’t we believe people want to change? When we don’t give them any reason to see that we believe in them, that anyone in this world believes in them, how can we expect them to ever take the steps without the support they need? People are not made up of one bad day or one bad moment or one event that altered them. They shouldn’t be held to something that they are deeply ashamed of. So what do we do with the people who show remorse? Can people who actually hurt other people change? Do we only allow certain types of mistakes to be apologized for? We set our own limits. But we don’t decide who a person is. & it’s deeply unfair for anyone to decide that they are better than anyone else when they haven’t seen what the other person has seen.
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astrologyqueenn · 2 years
April Lessons ⛅️
Aries: Even when it doesn’t feel like it, there are people who will answer your call even at 2am. They wonder about you and care about you and they are all around you, even when you feel isolated.
Taurus: Change is good when it feels like things are mundane. The big things that you’re thinking of doing don’t have to be so far in the future, you can do them now.
Gemini: It doesn’t hurt to give yourself a rest day every now and then. You deserve it when your mind is constantly working. It’s good to just do nothing, sometimes.
Cancer: Don’t hold yourself to your mistakes. Nobody is as hard on you as you are on yourself and you deserve to move on from the version that is no longer you.
Leo: It’s okay to cut people out when you feel like they no longer fit into your life or when they don’t align with who you want to be. You have to look out for you instead of worrying constantly about other peoples feelings.
Virgo: Holding things in has never helped anyone. Keeping the peace is a myth when it affects you so deeply to keep it all inside.
Libra: Remember to make time to do the things you love, or you will look back and realize that you were only living for other people. 
Scorpio: Realizing that you want to change your path isn’t a bad thing. It’s okay to change your mind, to change the direction on where you want your life to go. Don’t stay in something just because you’re worried about taking the leap towards something else.
Sagittarius: Don’t pour into a cup that has a hole at the bottom. Fill your own cup first and worry about the others later.
Capricorn: Be okay with saying no sometimes. You can’t always give your time to other people and things and leave none for yourself.
Aquarius: The thoughts & opinions from other people about your life truly do not matter as long as you are making yourself happy. Remember to not put so much weight on what other people think.
Pisces: You simply cannot get everything done in one day, sometimes. And being hard on yourself about this will not help. It’s okay to set things aside.
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astrologyqueenn · 2 years
How do you feel about a Sagittarius and Aries romantic relationship?
these 2 signs balance out each other fairly well. both of you are intense but in different ways. aries is more logical & sag is more emotional but together they can find a common ground since they have different strengths & weaknesses. :)
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astrologyqueenn · 2 years
April Lessons ⛅️
Aries: Even when it doesn’t feel like it, there are people who will answer your call even at 2am. They wonder about you and care about you and they are all around you, even when you feel isolated.
Taurus: Change is good when it feels like things are mundane. The big things that you’re thinking of doing don’t have to be so far in the future, you can do them now.
Gemini: It doesn’t hurt to give yourself a rest day every now and then. You deserve it when your mind is constantly working. It’s good to just do nothing, sometimes.
Cancer: Don’t hold yourself to your mistakes. Nobody is as hard on you as you are on yourself and you deserve to move on from the version that is no longer you.
Leo: It’s okay to cut people out when you feel like they no longer fit into your life or when they don’t align with who you want to be. You have to look out for you instead of worrying constantly about other peoples feelings.
Virgo: Holding things in has never helped anyone. Keeping the peace is a myth when it affects you so deeply to keep it all inside.
Libra: Remember to make time to do the things you love, or you will look back and realize that you were only living for other people. 
Scorpio: Realizing that you want to change your path isn’t a bad thing. It’s okay to change your mind, to change the direction on where you want your life to go. Don’t stay in something just because you’re worried about taking the leap towards something else.
Sagittarius: Don’t pour into a cup that has a hole at the bottom. Fill your own cup first and worry about the others later.
Capricorn: Be okay with saying no sometimes. You can’t always give your time to other people and things and leave none for yourself.
Aquarius: The thoughts & opinions from other people about your life truly do not matter as long as you are making yourself happy. Remember to not put so much weight on what other people think.
Pisces: You simply cannot get everything done in one day, sometimes. And being hard on yourself about this will not help. It’s okay to set things aside.
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astrologyqueenn · 2 years
Not to be a weirdo but if someone is truly interested in you, they’re gonna show up for you in the smallest ways that they know are important to you. I told the girl I was dating that it’s really important to me that someone asks me to hang out instead of me doing it all the time, because in my last relationship it made me feel unwanted to be the one to ask 100% of the time. Now, every time she wants me to come over she asks me instead of just assuming or waiting for me to do it. She tells me she misses me because she knows it means a lot to me. She remembers my favorite meals and makes them for me. She strives to be the person I need and it’s so comforting. The person you’re supposed to be with isn’t going to have to be begged for anything. They’ll hear you and want to be that for you. And when the two of you both are striving to be that person for one another, that’s when it has some real potential.
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astrologyqueenn · 2 years
Tumblr media
I refuse to ever date another male Cancer… lol
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astrologyqueenn · 2 years
March Lessons 🍀
Aries: the joy that is coming for you is worth the wait. you have already gotten through the worst of it.
Taurus: listen to your friends even when they’re saying things you might not want to hear… it might be what you actually NEED to hear.
Gemini: keep people around who build you up. don’t waste time on anyone who makes you feel unworthy
Cancer: live authentically. do not try to please people because the only one who actually matters is you. your opinion is at the top of the list. stop apologizing just for being you.
Leo: remember to reach out to the people who matter. check in on them.
Virgo: leave your past self behind, you don’t live there anymore and there’s far better things ahead for you.
Libra: it’s okay to admit you’re struggling with something. even if it’s hard to say out loud, it will feel like a weight has come off of you when you tell people you are struggling with something.
Scorpio: bask in the things you enjoy, make more time for them.
Sagittarius: you deserve people who put as much effort into you as you do into them.
Capricorn: the little things will actually be the big things when you look back on it.
Aquarius: remember to take a break. you can’t always be working hard and expect that you’ll never have a point where your body needs it.
Pisces: take lots of pictures of the moments about to come, there’s going to be some big ones & you will want to remember them.
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astrologyqueenn · 2 years
how did you get into astrology? it’s fascinating how much you know 💕
My mom has always been into it so I grew up with it and continued reading about it as I got older. :)
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astrologyqueenn · 2 years
are there any tv shows you're watching these days?
I’m keeping up with Euphoria, but besides that not really. I’ve been playing a lot of video games lately in my free time. The new Pokémon game on switch is so great!!
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astrologyqueenn · 2 years
What's your comfort food? ^^
Mac and cheese!!
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astrologyqueenn · 2 years
Ask me things :)
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astrologyqueenn · 2 years
February Lessons 💕
Aries: make sure that you’re doing things to make you happy, and not doing things just to please other people.
Taurus: the way that you are is already good enough. do not change to meet others expectations.
Gemini: remember to reach out and tell the people you care about how much they mean to you.
Cancer: you are so patient with other people and it’s time to do the same with yourself.
Leo: you may be tempted to stoop down to their level, don’t. you know who you are and what you stand for.
Virgo: don’t give attention to the people who don’t deserve it.
Libra: give yourself permission to be happy. you don’t have to be the perfect version of yourself in order to obtain it.
Scorpio: leaving people alone when they’ve done you wrong is the best punishment they can receive. no more wasted energy.
Sagittarius: don’t isolate yourself. people want to hear from you, they want to help you when you need it most.
Capricorn: stop apologizing for doing the things that make you happy.
Aquarius: you don’t have to constantly be productive in order to be “worthy” of anything.
Pisces: make sure that the time you give to other people, you’re also giving to yourself.
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astrologyqueenn · 2 years
what's the idiot's big three and venus sign? if u dont mind
Libra sun, Leo moon, sagittarius rising & Libra Venus
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astrologyqueenn · 2 years
Small Ways the Signs Show Their Love
Aries: they make something for you.
Taurus: they listen to you and don’t interrupt.
Gemini: they invite you everywhere they go.
Cancer: they give you small gifts.
Leo: they give you genuine compliments.
Virgo: they go out of their way to spend time with you.
Libra: they call you.
Scorpio: they tell you things they don’t tell anybody else.
Sagittarius: they trust you with their secrets.
Capricorn: they help you whenever you need it.
Aquarius: they let out their vulnerable side with you.
Pisces: they ask about your day.
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astrologyqueenn · 2 years
What Each Sign Can Teach You
Aries: how to believe in yourself. they can truly coach and teach anyone how to look in the mirror and see themselves as a winner.
Taurus: how to win a fight. they know what tactics to use and how to get anyone to choose their side.
Gemini: how to see both sides. they really can empathize with just about anyone, they’re able to see both sides of an argument and be a mediator for almost anything.
Cancer: how to be vulnerable. even the most hardened individuals can become softened when they are around a Cancer.
Leo: how to love yourself. even in the darkest moments, Leo’s somehow have mastered knowing how to show themselves love, and in return, this bleeds onto other people.
Virgo: how to not let things get to you. a virgo knows how to choose their battles and knows how to not sweat the small stuff. they have the best poker face and can walk past anyone without batting an eye.
Libra: how to express yourself. no matter what it is, a libra somehow knows how to express what they’re feeling in the most extraordinary ways. when they do this, it inspires other people to do the same.
Scorpio: how to give your all. a scorpio gives their all into what they are passionate about and it’s easy to get absolutely lost in.
Sagittarius: how to speak your mind. the bravest people are the ones who don’t hold back and hold their tongue. they speak confidently, and give others the confidence to do the same.
Capricorn: how to fake it. even when they’re not absolutely sure, a Capricorn can fake it till they make it. it’s a skill that a lot of people can use.
Aquarius: how to be free. so many people forget who they are from time to time, but an aquarius is so comfortable being exactly who they are, it ensures that everybody else in the room follows.
Pisces: how to see the best in others. even when they have every reason not to, they still see the best in people. this kind of energy really changes the world.
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