Hi, just wanted to say thanks for posting all the good recs! Read through a few in the past couple of hours and they were all wonderful! Thanks for recommending awesome works
No problem! :)
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THIS IS THE BEST HARRY POTTER AU I’VE EVER READ. IT’S SO GOOD!!! Basically a Jily AU. Bucky Barnes has been asking out Steve Rogers everyday since fourth year. Steve knows that it’s a joke, because what else could it be?
Every day since the start of fourth year, Bucky Barnes has been asking Steve Rogers out. Steve always says no, of course- he knows it's a joke. Why would Bucky Barnes actually want to date him?
However as Bucky's attempts get even more ridiculous, Steve is finding it harder and harder to turn him away.
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I read this for the first time and had to pinch myself to stop from laughing because I was in class. this fic is so funny it almost got me in trouble. Bucky likes to vent on twitter and JARVIS monitors all the mentions of the Avengers on the internet. Bucky is taken in for questioning. 
Coulson, for his part, stares up at Bucky with such a betrayed look of frozen horror that Natasha actually goes the extra step and presses another button, capturing the moment and airdropping the photograph to her phone for posterity. When he speaks, his voice comes out as a hoarse whisper. “Why…?” He swallows and starts again, trying for some semblance of normality. “...Why would you tweet something like that?!”
“If you must know, sir,” and somehow he manages to make ‘sir’ come out with the same inflection most people reserve for ‘motherfucking son of a bitch’, “it’s because I have a difficult time doing my job when my job involves monitoring the man with the best fucking ass in the United States of America.” He slowly lowers himself back into his seat until he’s at eye level, making extreme eye contact with Coulson until Coulson turns away to make mortified eye contact in Natasha’s general direction through the one-way glass. Natasha would take another picture, if she weren’t too busy catching Steve’s red-faced sputtering. “Sometimes, I vent to my Twitter followers. Sometimes, it’s about hot men with washboard abs. Can I go now, or do you need a graphic description of how I pleasure myself at night?”
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This is such a good story and I love it so much. The Winter Soldier has told the team that he has a dog named Rogers, but the story gets revealed in a hilarious way. Steve is offended that Bucky called him a golden retriever. 
“I thought you said you had a golden retriever named Rogers.”
Barnes’ eyes immediately went wide. “What the fuck, Barton? Shut the fuck up,” he hissed at him before waving one hand in front of his neck in a slicing motion. And, Clint knew that look all too well.
“Bucky!” Someone called from somewhere behind the archer. “Did you tell your teammates that I was a dog?”
Or the one where the Winter Soldier has a secret boyfriend
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I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH IT IS SO GOOD!!! Steve is a future lord in the 1600s but he is in love with a blacksmith. They gain the favour of a witch who tells them that she can trap them in time until it is safe for them to love. In the future, Tony Stark has two strange paintings that he’s been told to keep safe.
Steve and Bucky's relationship had always been a secret, with a flower code signalling when it was safe to sneak off to an old cabin in the woods, until Steve comes of age to become Duke and an arranged marriage threatens to separate them.
A love story across time and social clases with a magic spell to keep them safe until the time is right for them to be together. No one expected them to have to wait nearly 400 years though, or for the world to be nearly unrecognisable when they woke up.
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I love this story so much. It’s super kinky and explicit, but the story line is still cool. The Avengers see that Steve has a big bruise on his neck and they’re afraid that Steve is being abused. In reality, Steve and Bucky are just a couple of kinky bitches and are completely oblivious to their friend’s concern.  
When the Avengers see Steve is heavily bruised after a night with Bucky they assume the worst and continue to misinterpret things in increasingly ridiculous ways. Meanwhile, Steve and Bucky are enjoying an extremely enthusiastic and fulfilling sex life, and don't have time for any of that nonsense.
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Peter has always wanted to post funny videos online, and a project for school gives him the perfect opportunity. Tony is a supportive dad and Peter is just happy to do something like this. 
Peter starts his YouTube channel! "Subscribe and stay tuned! Bye!”
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This is such a funny fic! People realise that there isn’t much Black Widow merch. The only obvious solution? Take to Twitter
kam @kamalakhan
If we can’t have @blackwidow as president, I vote we move to make her Queen of the Internet.
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Everyone thinks that Tony went straight back to California after his time in Afghanistan. The truth is that Tony had some very important business to take care of, and it involved a little boy names Peter Parker. 
As far as the media was concerned, Tony Stark’s first steps on American soil after escaping his captors were in California. None of them knew he had a much more important stop to make first.
(What if Peter was Tony's son during Iron Man 1?)
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Peter spends time with Tony at the compound while the Avengers are away. Without Tony’s knowledge, the Avengers are back early and they don’t know who this teenager is.
Peter comes over to the Avengers Compound and is kind of attacked by the Rogue Avengers who were not supposed to be there that day. Tony to the rescue.
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Peter is up late (or early) one night and Steve (who is also up) offers to watch a movie with him. Peter asks how Steve and Bucky met, and the story continues
Steve leans his back against the kitchen counter, calmly sipping his coffee. The steps approach and stop again, and Steve counts to eleven before he clears his throat and says, “There’s some coffee left, if you want.”
He’s surprised but not taken aback when Peter Parker rounds the corner, looking sheepish.
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Peter likes MJ, MJ likes vaccines, Peter convinces the Avengers to get flu shots with him as Spider-Man to try and get MJ to like him more (Even though she obviously likes Peter Parker more than Spider-Man). Thor takes it a little too seriously and Steve doesn’t take it seriously enough. 
Spider-Man makes a cheesy PSA about getting his flu vaccine (because Peter wants to impress MJ even if he can’t do it as himself) and gets as many of his Avenger buddies as he can to do their own. Pretty sure Cap is just yanking his chain, but Thor takes it Very Seriously.
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(In honor of the end of pride month) Peter is bisexual, but he hasn’t told Tony. Also, he’s told Tony he’s straight. He wants to tell Tony about his sexuality, but he’s nervous, obviously. So, of course, he waits for the worst time possible to mention it. 
Bisexual Peter Parker for Day Two of Whumptober (Explosion) {Though this is a lot fluffier than whumptober is meant to be}
Peter puts his head down on the cold wood of his school desk, taking a deep breath. This is something he’s kept a secret for far too long and it’s starting to take its toll on Peter’s wellbeing.
Tony doesn’t know Peter’s bisexual.
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This is a super cute fic about Peter telling Tony that he was the kid at the Stark Expo in Iron Man 2. Tony now knows that Peter has been a self sacrificing little shit for a while.
the one where tony meets the kid from stark expo
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This fic stars Hurt Peter Parker and Protective Dad Tony Stark. Peter has a panic attack at school and Tony is called in to be his amazing dad self. Peter’s classmates don’t know what’s happening, but they don’t try to help. 
Peter has had multiple panic attacks-- and it's expected, since he's Spider-Man and has been through quite a bit.
But his classmates don't know that.
AKA Peter has a panic attack in public and this ain't it chief :>
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Ok, this is a Stucky fic, but it focuses more on Steve himself rather than his relationship with Bucky (who works in a bookstore, it’s super cute). Basically, the bookstore Bucky works at is the same one Steve used to work at when he was younger. He tries to ground himself with the few things he recognises, and some new things, too.
Before he was Captain America, he was Steve Rogers, knobby kneed and wild-eyed, with scrapes on his knuckles and a book in his hands.
In 1942, he leaves for war and eventually crashes the Valkyrie.
That's only the beginning of his story.
In 2011, Steve's body is dragged from ice off the coast of Greenland.
In 2015, he meets a bookstore clerk.
This is what happens when a superhero loses his way home and the only way back is through the Yellow Book Road.
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