betterfatethanever · 4 years
028/029: Computer Nerd
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Getting sloppy, am I not? Another couple of days where a condensed post is required. But this time there's a reasonable explanation for it! Most of the day was spent either reading (see above, Stephen King's lovely prose) or trying to wrestle with the terse and unfriendly interface provided by Arch Linux, which I was bullied into using and regretted the minute this scary tty screen popped up.
All in all, Manjaro seemed like a better, more friendly distro than "pure Arch", so that's what I'm using for now, and so far it's pretty good, especially the package manager that comes with it!
Classes officially begin on the 17th, so before that I'll try and post some of my goals each week and see if I can stick to them. That's it!
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
027: Parents and Stephen King
It's unfortunate, but I have no pictures to upload as companions to today's post. Not every day is remarkable, and snapping pictures of my daily life is relatively rare for me, unless there's a pretty good reason for it.
Most of my time was spent with my old folks at the cinema, and later at a restaurant where we had lunch.
After that I just spent my late afternoon and evening reading Stephen King's short story compilation Just After Sunset.
Starting tomorrow, I'll have some weekly goals related to self-improvement that might be of interest to readers of this blog. More on that tomorrow!
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
025/026: Work Hard, Play Hard!
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For a picture of me and my best friend being happy and drunk, see above!
The past couple of days have been awesome! Mostly socializing and making new friends, strengthening my bonds with old friends, and all that good stuff! Being up all night and running out of battery on my phone is why last night there was not post on this blog, but I suppose that's a valid reason, given my goals!
Tonight I was at a party with other economics students and we had a blast! Lots of drinking games, innuendo, giving and receiving advice, just the kind of social interaction I was looking for!
Hoping I can get some coursework done tomorrow. See you then!
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
024: High as a Kite
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I'm obviously not referring to any illegal drugs, but rather to the Propofol that was used to put me under; it also happens to be the same drug that ended up killing Michael Jackson. The procedure was as smooth as could be, and according to the doctors, there were no severe issues in sight, which is great news!
It's not the first time I've been under general anesthesia, but it's still a remarkable experience; as it starts to kick in, you can feel your body letting go, and just feeling warm on the inside, it's so weird. I woke up fine, and my dad took me home afterwards.
I was really happy with my unexpected treat when I got home: Hayley Williams (from Paramore) released part one of her debut solo album, and I loved it! The Dua Lipa cover is also pretty good.
Give it a listen and be kind to each other! That's it for today!
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
023: Tests of a Different Kind
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Despite the picture of all the math that has to be erased from my whiteboard, the tests I'll be taking tomorrow really are of a different kind; it's probably not relevant or wise to discuss what exactly they are, but let's just say I'll be at the hospital for a few hours, with the added benefit of being high on anesthesia.
If my body endures the procedures smoothly, I'll go get my passport and try to get some work done before passing out on my bed.
Today I had a conversation that's worth at least mentioning: my Real Analysis professor was just telling me and another friend about how stressful, unrewarding or even unfair academia can be. His goal was not trying to push us away from it, but to warn us that if you're at grad school, and feel overwhelmed by your personal problems, your advisor, your partner, your family and lots of other stuff, then that's ok, and you have to prioritize taking care of yourself. It was awesome to hear that from someone who's as qualified as he is, and I think it's the type of talk that professors should promote more often!
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
022: Free, At Last!
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Finally took the final Real Analysis test, and I'm pretty sure I aced it, so all that's left is preparing some assignments in LaTeX, and then I'll be done.
During the afternoon, I alternated between trying to implement the Gale-Shapley algorithm for stable matchings (in a very simple setting) and reading the book above, which is by my beloved Stephen King!
From now on, since I'll have some extra time to devote to my side projects (including this blog), I'll try to make printables, or review books more in-depth, or just make posts with study tips and things of the sort!
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
021: Aced It!
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As of today, this blog has as many posts as I have years of age! A significant milestone, considering how rarely these things usually go on for.
The results from my Real Analysis test came back, and I aced it! Tomorrow's the last one, and then all we'll have to do is hand in some assignments. I'm relieved.
After that, I'll go back to focusing on my physical and mental health, so the updates will be a mix of study stuff and healthy stuff!
The picture above features a proof of Banach's Fixed Point Theorem!
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
020: Test Prep
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I was supposed to study all day long, but it was neither necessary nor possible - I managed to review most of the content, but still had to rest for at least a couple of hours, since I wasn't feeling super well.
The notebooks in the picture were purchased yesterday, but I didn't think it would go well with yesterday's post, hence my decision to postpone it. They're Korean notebooks from this company called Morning Glory; what I like the most about them is that their pages are not aggressive to look at, unlike the typical white pages.
Last, but not least, I only smoked one cigarette, and I'm on a steady path towards quitting!
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
019: Touristy Day
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Today was mostly going to museums and doing touristy activities, because I found out my date hadn't ever been to some of my favorite spots in town. The first picture above is of an installation that's supposed to raise awareness about respecting the environment and sustainable living, and the second picture is a sculpture of an empty sphere inscribed in a cube (do you see it?), by Austrian Brazilian artist Franz Weissmann.
After that we went to a bar (an awful lot of my posts involve bars, I just realized; gotta watch the drinking habits) and made out in the rain.
What was amazing about this date was how authentic and open she was, and how comfortable I felt just being myself and acting normally. It's a good sign for a first date, I think.
Anyway, tomorrow I'll have to finish proving some theorems about derivatives and convex functions, which I'm honestly not super excited about.
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
018: Celebrations
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Tonight I watched the Netflix movie Uncut Gems with a few of my best friends! One of them had just taken a really important admissions exam for film school, and though we're not sure whether he was accepted or not, we were celebrating!
The cute dog in the picture is his, and he is always super sweet! He keeps asking for food and more cuddling by rubbing his paw on you; it's adorable!
Afterwards we went to the bar and got hella drunk, which is partly why I'm posting this so late at night!
Anyway, excited for my date tomorrow and for the real analysis test on Tuesday!
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
017: Vegan Game-Theorist
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Yet another delicious dish for today! This is a so called rösti potato, with a few modifications to the traditional recipe; in particular, we began using mushrooms instead of the usual cheese that goes inside it. It tastes great, and it's an easy recipe to make, too!
I've finished all of the assignments I had for the Real Analysis class, read a full chapter of the Two-Sided Matching book, and got myself a date for the weekend! (Ironically, the game-theoretical models I'm studying can be used to understand marriage markets in very sophisticated ways!)
My dad brought me some brochures about upcoming meditation retreats from his Pilates class and I'm trying to make my schedule available for it. I'm also planning a trip to Rio sometime soon, more news soon!
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
016: Sweet 16th Day of Productivity
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Today we concluded our study of continuous functions and their properties. As an extra topic, the professor provided a proof of both Banach's and Brouwer's fixed point theorems, both very useful in economic theory.
In the somewhat scarce time I had for myself, I started reading the excellent and classic monograph by Sotomayor and Roth on Two-Sided Matching, which develops a class of game-theoretical models useful in the study of labor markets, college admissions, auctions, and many other types of markets. I can't say much about Alvin (though he did win a Nobel Prize), but I've seen Marilda in action, and I can confidently say that she is one of the brightest game theorists of her generation, if not ever.
Some vegan blogs started following me, and that makes me incredibly happy, especially since it's not been very long since I started my plant-based diet. I am happy to support the animal rights cause any day!
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
015: Vegan Topologist
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My vegan meal plan has unfortunately been cancelled, and this was my last supper! The company supplying it had some issues with their website, and it might be weeks before they allow for subscriptions again. Until then, I'll have to go back to preparing my meals ahead of time.
Almost done with the Topology problem set, moving on to other topics soon, hopefully by tomorrow.
It's the 28th, so summer classes are nearly done -- they end by the 14th. After that I'll be facing one hell of a routine for what is proving to be a long semester before it even formally begins. I'm hoping this 100 day challenge will provide sufficient motivation, along with other things, to keep me going.
In other news, the Russian band Pussy Riot is in town, and they will be performing on Thursday and discussing a book about them on Wednesday. Excited for that!
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
014: Compactness and Beer
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A bit late for my daily post, but just in time!
Today was a really productive day! Between classes and running errands, and getting some assignments ready, I still found some time to go drinking with a friend in need. He wasn't feeling so well on the emotional side of things, so I offered to be there and support him!
One of the most important lessons I've learned this past year was: make plans and be aggressive about them, but never -- ever -- let down the people you care about the most. If your plans don't work out the way you wanted them to, you can always fall back on your plan B, or C, or Z. But you can't keep letting your friends down, for there aren't "plan B" friends. They're either there with you, or they aren't.
Looking forward to working on the Topology problem set tomorrow!
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
013: Spaghetti and Blood
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What you're seeing in the picture above is a complimentary breakfast the hospital provided after my blood tests. It wasn't half bad, and enjoying the small things in life, no matter how small, is one of the keys to leading a happy life.
The rest of the day was a lot of fun! Me and my friends cooked some spaghetti with sausage and tomato sauce, a ritual we've been religiously doing every semester. After that, we went to a concert where Caetano Veloso's 70's album Transa was being played. It was really exciting, but not nearly as good as the original.
Anyway, I'm now drunkenly typing this in, preparing my dinner and readying my backpack for tomorrow's class!
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
012: A Sea of Boredom
Didn't have much time for exciting new things today, so I was mostly bored doing some maths proofs to hand in next week.
Despite having a dull day, I know that consistency is key, and carrying a burden, working slowly towards a well-defined goal, will sometimes present itself as just that: a sea of boredom.
Tomorrow I'll be cooking lunch with my best friends in the whole world, and after that, we're going to a concert. So it'll more than compensate for today's lack of pictures or interesting stories!
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betterfatethanever · 4 years
011: Mathematical Genius, Passports, Brutalist Architecture
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The title of this post is a mouthful, I know, but bear with me.
Today was noteworthy for several different reasons. I cried in therapy for the first time in a really long time, and that is (at least to me) a good indicator of progress - I've always been a sensitive person, a lot of my emotions were dormant, and now they are finally coming back to the surface, which is great!
After class, I spent about an hour and some change chatting with a mathematical prodigy you only ever read about in news stories: a guy who at age 14 was already attending upper-level classes in the Pure Maths department. At 18, he was already a professor at the University, which is mind-blowing. In just this hour of conversation, he showed me *four* different proofs of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, all of which he arrived at independently, before reading them anywhere. A fun experience to have!
After that my day was mostly running errands, and in particular, getting my new passport made. It was less of a hassle than I thought it would be, and it was also an opportunity to visit these Brutalist metro stations which were recently inaugurated (see picture above).
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