blank-et-noir · 15 days
{Chapter Four – Heat}
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Kim Namjoon: Black Mackenzie Valley Alpha wolf
Kim Soekjin: White Alpha Lion
Min Yoongi: White Alpha Jaguar
Jung Hosoek: Alpha Snow Leopard
Park Jimin : Alpha Albino Cobra
Kim Taehyung: Alpha White/ Bleached Tiger
Jeon Jungkook: Alpha Black Panther
Reader: Heaven Valentino Human
Status: Ongoing
Words: 3.8k!
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Jimin's POV 
"Noona," those words slipped out effortlessly, wrapping me in a sense of comfort and peace in her presence.
What I found enchanting was not just her perfume, but the natural scent that emanated from her, soothing and captivating at the same time.
Every aspect of her exuded femininity and authority, a captivating combination that drew me in completely.
She possessed the power to control us, to dictate our actions, yet I found solace in surrendering to her will.
I welcomed whatever she offered with open arms, knowing that she held us in her grasp.
I belonged to her, and she to me – a connection that felt unbreakable and consuming in its intensity.
Nestled in her embrace, I clung to her as if my life depended on it, an insatiable desire to remain close to her burning within me.
"Jimin, sweetheart?" Her voice, soft and melodic, washed over me, adding to her allure.
How could someone exude such strength and fragility simultaneously?
There was an aura of mystery around her, evoking both fear and excitement in equal measure.
Like a flame, she appeared harmless from a distance but held the potential to ignite a fierce passion when touched.
The tantalizing warmth of her presence, coupled with the thrill of the unknown, made any potential 'burn' worthwhile.
Meeting her penetrating gaze, I felt as though she was delving into the depths of my soul, seeking to unravel the layers I kept hidden, the darker aspects of my past that I dreaded to reveal.
Despite the shadows that lurked within me, she seemed intent on understanding me, on accepting every facet of my being, no matter how stained or flawed.
In her eyes, I saw a reflection of my true self, laid bare and vulnerable yet accepted without judgment. It was a rare and precious connection, one that transcended superficial boundaries and delved into the core of our intertwined existence.
As I basked in her presence, enveloped by her essence, I knew that she held the key to unlocking parts of myself I had long kept hidden, offering a sense of liberation and acceptance that I had never experienced before.
In her, I found not just a confidante but a guide, a beacon of light illuminating the shadows of my past and leading me towards a future filled with promise and possibility.
In the midst of the intense internal struggle, a surge of primal instinct abruptly washes over me, threatening to unleash deeply buried desires. 
Oh no, my heat!
I frantically retreat from the tempting warmth enveloping me, fighting against the overwhelming urges bubbling beneath the surface.
As I distance myself from the alluring scene, I notice her puzzled expression, indicating that my inner turmoil might not be as hidden as I had hoped.
The room quivers with the potent scent of my pheromones, a tangible reminder of the primal forces at play within us all.
An unspoken tension hangs thick in the air, each of us striving to suppress our most basic instincts in the face of the charged atmosphere.
Here we stand, a diverse group of beings united by our predatory nature - seven male Hybrid creatures, each a rare and exotic specimen in our own right, alongside one human female who stands defenseless against our combined testosterone-fueled dominance.
The power dynamics are palpable, the unspoken struggle for control simmering just beneath the surface as we grapple with our primal urges and societal norms.
In a desperate need to regain composure, I quickly walk towards the sanctuary of the bathroom, my trembling hands fumbling to secure the door behind me.
Alone in the confined space, I collapse to the cool tiles, the weight of my conflicting emotions crashing down upon me. My breath comes in ragged gasps, the stench of sweat mingling with the acrid tang of pheromones in the air as I keel over in anguish.
The pain of suppressing my natural instincts reverberates through every fiber of my being, a relentless agony that threatens to consume me whole.
With each heaving sob, I struggle to contain the primal urges clawing at the edges of my consciousness, a reminder of the precarious balance between civilization and raw animalistic desires.
I grapple with the essence of my being, a hybrid creature caught between worlds - a fragile balance that threatens to unravel at any moment. The struggle is real, the stakes are high, and the roaring tempest of desire rages on within me, a relentless force that defies control.
Heaven's POV 
As I sat there, confusion and concern swirling inside me like a whirlpool, I couldn't help but try to make sense of what had just happened.
Just moments ago, Jimin had been comfortably nestled in my arms, his presence comforting and familiar. But in a blink of an eye, he was now running away, as if something had spurred him into sudden action. 
My mind raced with questions as I attempted to unravel the mystery behind Jimin's sudden behavior.
What could have triggered this sudden change in him? Why were the others acting so hush-hush about the situation? It felt like they were keeping some sort of secret from me, and it only added to my mounting confusion.
"Guys, what's going on?" I called out to them, my voice laced with a hint of urgency.
However, they seemed engrossed in their own private conversation, their eyes darting around in furtive glances.
"Guys! Guys! GUYS!" I raised my voice, finally catching their attention. Their faces turned towards me, expressions guarded and wary.
"What's going on, and what's wrong with Jimin?" I pressed on, my worry palpable in the air. Their reluctance to share only fueled my anxiety.
"Please tell me, I'm worried. Maybe I can help in some way," I offered, hoping to lend a supportive hand.
"No!" Taehyung interjected abruptly, his voice tinged with urgency. I could see the worry etched on their faces, a silent plea for me to trust them.
"H-heaven, you can't help Jimin with his problem. Please, just trust us, please," Taehyung pleaded, his words heavy with unspoken concern.
I trusted them – all of them. Reluctantly, I nodded in agreement. "Okay, but please tell me what's wrong. I can at least offer moral support," I urged, my heart aching for whatever Jimin was going through.
Their hesitation lingered in the air, a silent conversation passing between them. Finally, Namjoon gave a slight nod, and Taehyung took a deep breath before stepping closer to me.
"Jimin is on his heat," Taehyung blurted out in a rush, the words hanging heavy in the air. In an instant, realization dawned on me.
That's why he's acting weird. But something still doesn't seem right.
"Okay, I understand why you're panicking but I feel like there's something else," I said slightly suspicious.
"Well, you see our heats have been suppressed for a long time, so that we wouldn't end up killing each other or from feeling, you know, yeah." Taehyung said.
"One of the numerous excruciating ways to agonize us was to deprive us of our biological need to mate and those were one of the most lamentable times we had ever experienced" Namjoon finished off, a look of pain, flushed in his eyes.
The concept of denying them their biological need to mate was not just cruel, but it went against the very essence of their existence as hybrids. They were being deprived of a fundamental aspect of their being, and it pained me to think of the suffering they must have endured as a result.
"Do you have suppressants maybe?" Namjoon asked.
His request for suppressants brought a sense of urgency to the situation, but I couldn't overlook the dangers that came with such a decision.
Suppressants may offer temporary relief, but the long-term repercussions could be catastrophic. The thought of risking their lives for momentary comfort was a risk I couldn't bear to take.
I knew that allowing them to take suppressants would only further exacerbate the damage done to their bodies and minds.
The toll it would take on their reproductive systems could have irreversible consequences, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing them to such a risky solution.
With a heavy heart, I made my decision clear to them. I couldn't in good conscience allow them to take suppressants, knowing the potential harm it could bring. 
Their safety and well-being were my top priority, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing them to a reckless decision.
"I'm sorry but you can't have suppressants," I said firmly, they all looked at me as though I had lost my mind.
"Before you say anything let me explain why, you guys were not allowed to properly and naturally take care of your heats like you are supposed to for God knows how long, and giving you suppressants will just deter everything, not to mention they are very destructive and could kill you that I will never allow to happen." I tell them firmly concern laced in my voice.
"I can't lose you, not now when I just got you" I whisper, my voice slightly breaking.
As I looked into their eyes, filled with a mixture of pain and desperation, I knew that my words had struck a chord. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, and I felt a sense of helplessness wash over me.
I wanted to do everything in my power to ease their suffering, but I knew that suppressants were not the answer.
In that moment, as Jimin's pain became palpable, I felt a surge of determination. I may not have all the answers, but I would do everything in my power to support them through this trying time.
Their well-being was my priority, and I would stand by them no matter what challenges lay ahead.
The tense atmosphere in the room grew even more profound as we all exchanged glances, the air heavy with a mixture of concern and fear.
Despite our shared sense of unease, we remained silent, each lost in our thoughts until a sudden, piercing wail shattered the stillness. The sound was followed by a series of powerful bangs on the bathroom door, sending shockwaves of panic through our already jittery group.
Without hesitation, the six men present sprang into action, their urgent strides carrying them swiftly towards the source of the distress.
Instinctively, I moved to follow, eager to offer whatever support I could in the face of the unfolding crisis. Yet, before I could take another step, a firm hand on my arm brought me to an abrupt halt.
It was Yoongi, his expression grave as he delivered a clear directive that brooked no argument.
"Stay back," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.
"Your presence will only worsen the situation. We need a female hybrid – and we need one now."
His words resonated with a chilling urgency, compelling me to act swiftly in the face of Jimin's escalating agony.
Swallowing my own desire to offer comfort, I knew that Yoongi was right. The smell of my scent could indeed worsen Jimin's already precarious state, making it imperative to find a suitable female hybrid to provide the assistance he required.
Summoning one of my trusted men with a sense of urgency, I issued a rapid-fire instruction, tasking them to locate and bring a willing female hybrid to Jimin's side.
It was crucial that her participation be entirely consensual, even in the midst of such turmoil. Forcing anyone into such an intimate act against their will was unthinkable, a violation that I could not countenance.
As a woman myself, the notion of disregarding the autonomy and dignity of another individual, hybrid or not, struck a deep chord within me.
The line between compassion and coercion was a stark one, one that demanded to be upheld even in the most trying of circumstances.
Jimin's pain did not justify forsaking the fundamental rights of another, and I was resolute in my determination to ensure that any assistance rendered to him was offered in a manner that respected the boundaries and agency of all involved.
In that fraught moment, as the echoes of Jimin's distress reverberated through the room, I found myself grappling with a complex mix of emotions. 
So, in less than twenty minutes, I heard a knock at the door and hurriedly made my way to answer it.
It was one of my men accompanied by what seemed to be a snake hybrid. The scales trailing down from her neck, disappearing behind her shirt, hinted at her unique nature.
Snake hybrids can be quite captivating creatures.
This particular one had stunning shiny green hair and the deepest emerald green eyes that seemed to draw you in. She had a slender figure with curves in all the right places, and she exuded an aura of allure that was hard to ignore.
I found myself wondering about her breed--what kind of snake hybrid was she, and what powers or abilities did she possess?
"Okay, where is he?" she inquired, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Oh, yeah, come in. He's in the bathroom," I replied, stepping aside to let her into the suite and guiding her towards where the guys were stationed.
As she passed by, I couldn't help but notice the way she walked, her movements oozing confidence and a hint of mischief.
It was then that she made a sly comment, "My, my, you are one sneaky bitch," which instantly put me on edge.
Suddenly, my initial fascination with her appearance began to wane, and I found myself fuming in disgust.
The guys, on the other hand, couldn't take their eyes off her. I mean, who could blame them? 
She was like a walking embodiment of sensuality, and her presence seemed to command attention.
"He's in here," Taehyung spoke up, moving aside to make way for her to enter the bathroom where Jimin was.
She stood in front of Taehyung, her hand resting lightly on his chest as she traced small circles with her finger. The way she looked at him and the suggestive tone of her voice sent a chill down my spine.
"Don't you wanna join?" she purred, inviting him with a seductive smile.
Taehyung's expression twisted into one of clear disgust, his discomfort palpable in the air.
I could see from the way he shifted uneasily that the situation was beginning to weigh on him. As much as I wanted to address the situation head-on, I knew I needed to tread carefully.
The girl in question, despite her undeniable beauty, exuded an aura of arrogance that rubbed me the wrong way.
It was evident that she had a penchant for reveling in the misfortunes of other hybrids, almost relishing in their suffering as well as her own.
Her twisted tendencies towards sadism and masochism didn't escape my notice, painting a disturbing picture of her true nature.
With a sense of urgency, I moved decisively to intercept before the situation escalated any further.
The urge to confront her and put an end to her unsettling behavior surged through me, but a grim realization dawned – she was our only hope in aiding Jimin, despite my reservations.
Suppressing my rising anger, I addressed her tersely, "I suggest you carry on with what you were brought here for, don't make me repeat myself"
Her reaction, a mixture of disdain and reluctance, only served to solidify my distaste for her. Without a word, she retreated into the bathroom, locking herself inside, providing a temporary reprieve from the tense atmosphere.
Turning my attention back to Taehyung, who was visibly shaken by the ordeal, I sought to provide him with reassurance and comfort.
Embracing him tightly, I offered soothing words to alleviate his anxiety, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead and running my fingers through his hair to help him find solace in the midst of chaos.
The sudden eruption of lewd noises and destructive sounds from beyond the bathroom door signaled that it was time to make a swift exit.
Recognizing the ominous cue, we exchanged a knowing glance before silently agreeing to leave the disturbing scene behind us, prioritizing our sanity above all else.
~Two Days Later~
During the last couple of days, I've found myself in a state of absolute agony.
Jimin, well, he certainly has a wild streak to him. That snake hybrid, now known as Siren, on the other hand, let's just say she's proven to be quite the challenging presence.
After satisfying Jimin's needs and giving him his daily dose of vagina, Siren made attempts to flirt with the other guys, and I can't quite express the level of frustration that stirs within me when I witness her actions. She truly manages to get under my skin.
The temptation to take drastic measures against her, such as cutting her tongue, arose, but I managed to restrain myself from acting on such impulses. 
Thankfully, Jimin's heat has come to an end, signifying our imminent parting with little Miss Siren.
I made the conscious decision to refrain from attending the events for the past two days. One factor being my involvement with Jimin, and the other being my reluctance to witness any further mistreatment of the hybrids.
It's disheartening to observe the depths of depravity that some humans are capable of sinking to. The blatant disregard for the well-being and dignity of these hybrids is truly sickening.
Jimin strolled out of the bathroom, looking utterly refreshed and at ease.
I watched as he made his way over to me, that signature toothy-eye smile lighting up his face, a sight that never failed to tug at my heartstrings.
"Noona!" His voice held a mixture of excitement and affection as he enveloped me in a warm hug, his eyes closed as he took in a deep breath, seemingly savoring my scent. I couldn't help but smile at his endearing gesture.
"Hey, Jimin," I greeted him, a soft chuckle escaping my lips at his adorable behavior.
Jimin had a way about him that was both endearing and captivating.
One moment, he could evoke a strong desire to shield him from the harshness of the world, and in the next, he had the power to make your panties drop with just a single look.
I often found myself pondering what divine spark had created such a perfect concoction of charm and allure in him.
"I missed you, noona," Jimin's voice was muffled against my neck, his warm breath sending a shiver down my spine.
"I missed you too, Chim," I replied, relishing in the quiet connection we shared, words flowing silently between us in the comfort of our embrace. 
However, our moment was soon interrupted by an unwelcome presence.
Letting out an annoyed grumble, I turned my attention to Siren, whose voice cut through the tranquility like a piercing alarm.
"Jimin oppa, I had such a wonderful time with you. You truly know how to make a girl weak in the knees," she purred, her gaze lingering on Jimin suggestively.
Despite not being a hybrid, I could smell and see her arousal, it was practically oozing out of her.
Jimin, looking all innocent and pure, shooting me the cutest smile. He turns to me, with those doe eyes, and goes, "Noona, the air in here feels suffocating, let's bounce to another spot."
Like, can we just take a moment to appreciate the shade he just threw at Siren right in her face? It was pure comedy gold.
I had to bite my lip so hard to stop myself from cackling as Jimin scooped me up and led me to the living room where the rest of the guys were chilling. It was like a movie scene, I swear.
But, plot twist, I wasn't gonna let Siren rain on my parade. Oh no, not today.
So, I made the boss move and called in my men to escort her out. She tried to put up a fight, bless her heart, but my guys handled business like pros and had her out in a flash.
And just like that, she was gone. See ya never, sweetheart.
It was like something straight out of a drama, but hey, that's just another day in the life, am I right?
As I settled in next to the guys, the warm glow of the movie playing in the background created a cozy atmosphere. 
Despite their initial reservations, it seemed like they were gradually warming up to my presence, a small victory that didn't go unnoticed.
Just as I was starting to relax and enjoy the moment, my phone suddenly interrupted the scene.
With a quick glance at the caller ID, my eyebrows furrowed in surprise to see Jae's name flashing on the screen. Picking up the phone, I couldn't hide the hint of concern in my voice as I greeted him.
"Hello, Jae? What's going on?" I inquired, the urgency in his tone instantly catching my attention and drawing the curious gazes of the guys around me.
"Miss Valentino, we have a problem," Jae's words tumbled out, laced with a sense of urgency that made my heart skip a beat.
My mind raced with questions as I tried to process the situation unfolding over the phone.
"What do you mean? What's happening?" I pressed, my voice tinged with a mix of worry and determination, a combination that seemed to resonate with the growing tension in the room.
And then his words hit me like a ton of bricks. "Black Eagle, he knows," Jae's voice crackled with apprehension, the gravity of his revelation sinking in slowly.
The unexpected turn of events left me momentarily stunned, grappling with the reality of our carefully constructed plans being jeopardized so soon.
But as the initial shock faded, a steely resolve took hold of me. 
The fight was far from over, and if anything, this new development only fueled my determination to see our mission through to the end.
With a sense of determination and defiance in my voice, I responded to Jae, "I didn't expect him to figure it out this quickly. Well, he's made his move, now it's our turn to see how he plans to stop us."
As the weight of the situation settled over us, a silent agreement passed between us, an unspoken vow to stand united against whatever challenges lay ahead.
Hey there! 🥰
I'm so glad you're enjoying the story! I love sharing all these details and twists with you. The depth of motivations, the emotional rollercoaster, the hidden secrets - it's all part of creating a rich reading experience.
And oh yes, who isn't in love with sly sneaky Jimin? He's got that charismatic charm and intriguing aura that just draws you in, right? I can totally see why you're smitten with him!
I appreciate all the love and support you show by re-blogging, liking and commenting. Your feedback means the world to me and keeps me inspired to keep crafting these stories for you.
Hope you enjoyed this latest chapter and all its drama and suspense. Can't wait to bring you more twists and turns in the next installment.
Till next time, my little farfellas, keep reading and loving our favorite Sly Jimin along with all the other boys that make this story come alive.
Much love,
Your favorite Author-nim 😉
TAGLIST: @strxwbloody, @strawblueberrys, @taetaeheart22, @canarystwin, @drenix004
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blank-et-noir · 5 months
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Here is the link! What an amazing idea ❤️
67K notes · View notes
blank-et-noir · 5 months
jimin and taehyung are only two months apart but jimin sounds like hes 12 and taehyung sounds like he’s gone through puberty twice and this is why i have trust issues 
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blank-et-noir · 7 months
ao3 recs
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blank-et-noir · 7 months
im trying to find a fic where jungkook gets his first heat/rut but decides to hide it because taehyung gets his rut too… he tries to deal on it on his own until yoongi sees him suffering alone… (ot7xjungkook) fic
2 notes · View notes
blank-et-noir · 7 months
im trying to find a fic where jungkook gets his first heat/rut but decides to hide it because taehyung gets his rut too… he tries to deal on it on his own until yoongi sees him suffering alone… (ot7xjungkook) fic
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blank-et-noir · 8 months
(Un)natural Instincts (Part 1)
I'm finally showing up in tags again woohoo! 🥳 Thank you guys for your patience!
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angst, fluff, smut
Pairings: OT7 x Reader, Human CEO Reader, Human Assistant Yoongi, Wolf Hybrids Joon, Jin, Hobi, Jimin, Tae, and Kook.
Basic premise: You and your assistant end up rescuing six wolf hybrids. No part of the process is easy.
General Warnings: Hybrid abuse and lab experimentation, hybrids as second-class citizens/owned property, future smut (Minors DNI, 18+ content)
Specific Warnings: needles, torture collars, misogyny in the workplace, probably very inaccurate business talk (pls suspend disbelief lmao)
The day starts off as typical as any other, with your assistant bringing you your morning coffee. You mindlessly take a sip while scrolling through your emails, except what welcomes your lips isn’t the usual Americano, but some Iced Matcha abomination—disgustingly too sweet for nine o’clock in the morning. You look up, ready to give Assistant Min a piece of your mind, but instead see a woman in his place.
“Who are you?”
The woman flashes you a nervous smile, hands fiddling in front of her stomach.
“Yoongi-ssi had an emergency, so I’m filling in. I’m the new hire, S—”
“I don’t care what your name is, this isn’t my coffee order. Bring me my Americano before my first meeting.”
“I’m so sorry! I was taking orders for all the executives, so I got confused. I’ll bring it asap!”
She runs off, feet clicking with each hurried step of her heels.
You toss the unnaturally green drink in the trash, annoyed at the setback in your morning routine. After shooting a quick "Are you okay?" text to Yoongi, you're back to your work.
Emails pile up in your inbox as they do every morning, mountains of classified information that you need to comb through before your 10am meeting. It’s tedious, but it’s the family business after all. Your grandfather started Shin Investments in the forties, and your dad took the business to new heights when he took over, now with your parents retired and on some island in god-knows-where, it’s up to you to make sure the company doesn’t lose its footing in the venture capitalist industry.
It's twenty minutes later when your Americano does arrive. Your eyes narrow into slits upon holding the cup in your hands.
“It’s lukewarm.”
“Oh my god, I apologize! Mr. Han stopped me on the way here, briefing me about what to prep for the afternoon meeting. I did not mean to take so long! I’ll heat it up and bring it back.”
You wave your hand dismissively.
“No need. You’re fired.”
The woman almost stumbles on air at your words, catching her balance quickly.
“Miss Shin p-please..I really need this job! I won’t make a single mistake from now on!”
“Too late.” You reach for the cup, the second one of the day to end up in the trash. “Please leave before I call security. I have work to do and no caffeine to help me.”
She doesn’t leave, but rather falls to her knees, waterworks in full effect. You let out a irritated huff.
“Please! Please, I need this!”
You don’t pay the commotion any attention, used to such scenes happening in your office by now. You simply dial security.
Your receptionist watches the new girl get dragged out, eyes sympathetic as she’s tossed right in front of the front desk.
“She-she fired me…all for a cup of coffee…I’ve worked so hard to get into this company and she just…for a fucking cup of coffee!”
Mascara stains a black rim around her eyes.
“I’m so sorry Seulgi-shi. You don’t deserve that.”
“M-maybe I should go beg for a second chance after some time has passed? What if I come back in the eve—”
“You’ll be wasting your time. That would’ve worked with the previous bosses…but Miss Shin is as tough as it gets. It’s unfortunate, but I’ve seen countless people get fired for less than a cup of coffee—dragged out here just like you.”
You overhear the conversation, as the security guard didn’t properly close the door on their way out. You can’t say it makes you feel all that good, crushing some fresh-faced new hire’s dreams, but it sends a message. You knew what you had to do once the company was signed over for you—how you had to conduct yourself to survive. The world of venture capitalism was cutthroat to say the least, and still considered “not women’s business” by many. The sad reality was that, if you wanted to be taken seriously, you’d have to be feared—because respected was rarely an option. So, you play your role well and let the rumor mill do the rest, so everyone knows not to mess with the ruthless bitch of a CEO at Shin Investments.
You walk into the meeting room and the vibe immediately changes: the once lively room of everyone asking each other how their weekends went turns silent enough to hear a feather fall.  Only sound is that of your red-bottoms click-clacking and earrings jingling. You take your seat, motioning for the standing executives to do the same. They can tell you’re more irritated than usual, and that could easily mean a demotion with one wrong move.
“Everyone’s here so let’s jump into it: where are we with HoloPad?”
“We’re at the audit stage ma’am.”
The tension in the air is palpable.
“Th-there’s been some—erm—gap in the books. They are working on fixing it right now.”
“So they’re cooking the books?”
“I-uh-I wouldn’t say—”
“Calling it something else isn’t going to change the fact that they’re cooking the books Mr.Choi. Call off the deal.”
The executives stare at each other with dumbfounded faces, hushed complaints erupting at the table.
“But ma’am…the CEO is the heir of Jun Tech…it’s not advisable to ruin our relationship with them.”
A bunch of others chime in with the same sentiment, and you have the room of men turned against you as usual.
“Is that so Mr.Choi? Do you really advise me to invest millions into a venture that can’t even provide proper financial records? All to avoid making the Jun family angry? Mind I remind you that this is a business, not a family drama?”
“It’s just—”
“And all of you who agree with Mr.Choi here…don’t think I don’t notice the new watches on your wrists. Can’t be a coincidence, can it? Everyone who wants to continue with the deal happening to buy the newest Jun Tech watches at the same time?”
Five people, including Choi, scramble to take off their watches, heads down in shame.
You let out a hollow laugh. “You all are too dumb to even be bribed properly, I can’t believe it! Anyways, I expect five letters of resignation on my desk by tomorrow morning. This is me extending my grace for all the work you’ve done in the company so far, but if you don’t voluntarily leave, I will not hesitate to disgracefully remove you.”
That’s the last thing you say before click-clacking your heels out the room, not missing the outbursts of “bitch” and various other insults blaring from the other side of the door as soon as you leave.
It’s moments like these when you just want to call your father and have him step in to help, but you can’t. You can’t be seen as a fragile little daddy’s girl in a room full of bloodthirsty businessmen. You keep your composure until you’re in the comfort of your office, where you let yourself decompress for a minute. Only a minute, though, because your receptionist is soon knocking at your door to remind you of a charity event tonight—a reminder that would’ve come from the temporary assistant if you had not fired her an hour before.
The charity auction seems standard, with the usual crowd flaunting off their rare pieces of art and jewelry under the guise of doing something good. You’re not in a place to judge too much, considering you’re also here doing the same thing. You are the only one who seems to see how ridiculous it all is though, for the little that’s worth.
“Y/N! Long time no see!”
You’re immediately swept up into various groups of people wanting to “catch-up” (aka keep in your good graces for their next business venture).
Yup. A typical day.
Until Kang Byung-hun approaches you with that same condescending smile he gives you at every event. He’s a short, plump man, a little bit older in age than your father, and he’s a complete pain in your ass. The not-so-subtle jabs during formal dinners, gossiping behind your back, and overall misogynistic world-view makes you want to tear out your hair every time you see him.
“Mr.Kang!” You say in the cheeriest tone, smiling wide. He’s a pain, but he’s got a lot of influence, and you’d be an idiot to dismiss that.
“Ah Y/N. I see you’ve done yourself up for this event. On the lookout for a husband, are we?”
You keep your smile through gritted teeth.
“Just looking my best for the noble cause, sir.”
“I’m sure.”
The wait staff comes around with wine at just the right time, because god knows you can’t deal with this without at least some alcohol in you.
“Oh, I actually do have some business with you. Are you down to talk in private a bit later?”
“Why wait? Let’s talk now.” You’d rather just get it over with.
“It requires some preparation. Have to make a few calls and get some things here. I was going to put on a nice presentation in your office, but now’s a good as time as any!”
“Sounds good sir.”
What you wouldn’t give to just go home, take off these uncomfortable heels, and just face-plant on your soft bed right now. But nope, you have to wait around for this jack-ass to put on his little show. As much as he dismisses you, Kang Byung-hun is no idiot when it comes to business. Whatever his newest idea is, he knows Shin Investments is the best option for financing—especially in the bad state of the market right now.
So an hour before the party is supposed to end, you get a tap on your shoulder by Kang’s assistant, and promptly follow her to one of the spare rooms at the venue. Kang sits with a glass of champagne in hand, flashing a smile that you can’t stand. You take a seat across the circular table.
“We already exchanged pleasantries earlier, so I’ll just cut to the chase. I just got the patent for a new piece of revolutionary technology, and I’d like for Shin Investments to finance the project.”
“What type of technology are we talking?”
“How aware are you with the current market for hybrids, Y/N?”
You shrug nonchalantly. Honestly, the topic of hybrids makes you uncomfortable, as you think of it as unethical to own anything even remotely human, but you keep your personal preferences to yourself.
“I know it’s a booming industry, especially in the last three years. And I know the market is big for training tech right now.”
“Precisely!” He beams. “Training technology is in high demand. You saw how much of a hit the snake hybrid calming diffuser by Pet Armor was. Sold out in minutes! Not to mention raised the demand for snake hybrids in general. That’s when I knew I had to get in on the action and expand to the hybrid market.”
“So is that what it is? Is Pet Paradise launching its own diffuser? For a different type of hybrid?”
He shakes his head, “Nope. You know how I like to do things big, Y/N. A new hybrid diffuser is too small of a scale. What we’re creating will change the hybrid market forever.” He ends with a snap of his fingers, to which his assistant takes cue.
Before you can even process what’s going on, a leashed wolf hybrid is brought into the room.
Your attention immediately goes to the bulky metal collar around his neck, filled with buttons and stats.
“Meet Jungkook, one of the hybrids we’re beta-testing on. That magnificent thing around his neck is the Obedience Collar, and it’s going to blow your mind.”
You feel sick, dinner threatening to come up your throat the sight. The boy looks no older than twenty-one, and has more fear in his eyes than you thought possible. He’s trembling, eyes trained on the floor, trying to make himself small in the big room.
“Now, it’s no secret that wolf hybrids are amongst the hardest to train, that’s why they make the perfect subjects for this,” his assistant hands you an iPad as he talks, “first, I’d like for you to watch a video of Jungkook before he started wearing the Obedience Collar.”
You reluctantly click play, seeing the wolf hybrid with so much life in his eyes. Life and anger. He’s growling and punching his way through a team of researchers, thrashing around for his dear life.
“What a violent and unsophisticated creature he used to be!”
You have to consciously unclench your fists, making sure not to show your true feelings. It’s excruciating to sit there and listen when all you want to do is see how Kang would like it if a group of strangers got their hands on him like that.
“But now, with Pet Paradise’s newest invention, he’s the most timid little thing you could own!”
“A shock collar? Hybrid shock collars are already a thing, Mr.Kang.”
Your voice shakes slightly, and you hope no one notices.
“No no, that’s not what this is. A shock collar is a good training tool, of course, but it’s not the most efficient way to train a hybrid. If you swipe on that iPad, you’ll see the design of this collar is far advanced.”
So you hold your breath and swipe.
And whatever you’re expecting, it’s worse.
This isn’t a normal collar by any means, as proven by the product shots. The inside is lined with thin needles, which you can’t see as they are quite literally jammed into Jungkook’s neck right now.
Holy fuck.
“You see, Y/N, the Obedience Collar works from the inside. The collar is supplied with our newly developed synthetic hormones, which are injected into the bloodstream through the needles. The hormones are specifically structured to work with the DNA of most mammal hybrids, and can even make something as unruly as a wolf hybrid behave. The changes take effect within fifteen minutes of collaring! There’s a little hormone pack in the back of the collar,” he motions for Jungkook to turn around, and the boy obeys instantly, showing the rectangular box in the back of the collar, “those will need to be refilled every six months—which we’ll sell separately, so the business model is more than sustainable. Isn’t this a gold mine of an opportunity?”
Keep calm Y/N. Breathe. Compose yourself.
“Very impressive stuff,” you force out, “but I’m not sure Shin Investments is the right fit for this project. Wouldn’t you want a partner more familiar with the hybrid market?”
“Tsk tsk tsk, Y/N. What kind of venture capitalist is afraid of diversifying their portfolio? You can’t survive this industry if you only play in familiar territory—your grandfather and father both know this very well. Besides, I heard a rumor that the deal with Jun’s son won’t be going through. I’m sure the board members are having low morale right now…so why not appease them with an even better deal?”
You can’t stand the way he chastises you. What you can’t stand even more is that, from a business perspective, he’s making sense. You know a lucrative business when you see one, and this is definitely one of those. And as unintuitive as it seems, it’s all legal. Hybrid abuse isn’t really a thing the government concerns itself with, which is why the only real law is not to intentionally kill one, and even that is enforced loosely. There’s no rules being broken, no shady deals, just a proposal as legal as the meeting you had two days ago where a start-up pitched their new smart fridge. Except this time it’s not a smart fridge you’re discussing, it’s the life of a very scared and no doubt in pain hybrid, that’s standing less than five feet away from you.
Kang sees the gears in your head turning as you find any way to refuse this deal for a rational reason. So he starts playing his game of mind-chess once again, a game he’d mastered since before you were even born.
“Look, I’ll be frank with you. If you were any other woman, I wouldn’t even consider bringing this deal to you. Because we both know most women tend to be too emotional to do good business. But you’re not like that—hell, you’ve got more backbone than half the men at this party. So, what’s stopping you?”
There it was. The emotional card. The thing you were most concerned about, how showing even one ounce of emotion could be blown out of proportion because of your gender. You’ve worked too damn hard to create your reputation, and that’s why the next words out of your mouth spill before you can even think about it.
“You’re right, I was being too cautious. Let’s start with the proper procedures during work hours.”
Shit. He got you. Checkmate.
The man’s face erupts in the sleaziest grin possible.
“Perfect! You won’t regret this, it’s going to be big! In fact, I have one more surprise for you!”
You raise your brows, not needing anymore fucking surprises tonight.
“It’s Jungkook! He’s yours for the month!”
Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head at that statement.
“Excuse me?!”
“It’s a token of our appreciation. You get to be the first ever person to own a hybrid with an Obedience Collar! You can see first-hand how remarkable the technology is. There’s five others from his pack that we can continue our tinkering on, so one less won’t hurt us. Don’t worry, the synthetic hormone part is fully developed, we’re just trying to make the collar look sleeker.”
It’s not uncommon nor unethical for you to be gifted prototypes. Businesses love giving you a taste of what you’re putting your money into, as a way to give you confidence in the product and maybe even open up possibilities for a bigger investment. But you’d never thought someone would give you a fucking hybrid.
You almost open your mouth to decline, saying something along the lines of not wanting the responsibility of a hybrid…but then something comes over you. You realize that declining means sending Jungkook back to the lab—and you just can’t bring yourself to do that. The damage you’re going to be doing by investing in this collar is going to be devastating as it is, no doubt making you the indirect torturer of many hybrids to come, but in some twisted sense of morality—you want to at least save the one in front of your eyes. Maybe even pretend that you have some good left in you.
“Thank you. I’d love to take him.”
The car ride back is silent and tense. Jungkook hasn’t said a single word, much less lifted his head to even look at you. He’s still trembling in the passenger seat. You have zero clue how to approach the situation. It’s not like you can take off the collar, as it’s a prototype with data still being transferred to the lab. You agreed to take him home to give him a better life, but you haven’t exactly thought far enough ahead as to how; judging by how scared he is right now, you know this isn’t going to be easy.
It's midnight when you reach home, and all you want to do is sleep. But you can’t yet, not until Jungkook is settled in. You lead him to a spare bedroom; it’s incredibly spacious and practically decorated for royalty, with a king-sized bed right in the center.
“This is where you’ll be staying.”
You see his head lift up for the first time, doe eyes scanning the room in disbelief.
“It’s late so we’ll talk more tomorrow, but for now sleep here. I don’t have nightclothes for you yet, so just sleep in what you’re wearing for the night. There are water bottles on the nightstand if you get thirsty. Do you need anything else before I head to bed?”
He adamantly shakes his head no, prompting you to exit. However, right as you’re about to walk out the door, you hear rumbling. More specifically, his stomach is rumbling. You turn back around.
“You’re hungry, aren’t you?”
No response.
“If you’re hungry, you need to tell me.”
Those words seem to turn some gears in his head, as he utters his first words of the night.
“I’m hungry Miss.”
It catches you off guard how quickly he gets the words out, much different from the no-speaking rule he had enacted on himself up until now.
That’s when the realization hits you.
If you’re hungry, you need to tell me.
It sounds like a command, and that damn Obedience Collar is sure to make him comply.
You let out a defeated sigh before guiding him to the kitchen. Your cook has already called it a day, so you prepare one of the few things your tired brain can handle—frozen waffles. You toss them into a toaster, drizzle some syrup, and pile on a generous amount of whipped cream before pushing a plate in front of the awestruck boy.
“Eat up.”
With the eagerness in which he digs into the plate, you’re sure he’d be the same way without the direct command.
And that’s how your first night with Jungkook goes, with you making sure he’s fed and in his bed before heading to your own. You notice he’s trembling a little less. Baby steps.
A/N: If you're liking this fic, please let me know! I love and appreciate every interaction!
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blank-et-noir · 10 months
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↳ Index [Day 20 - Gunplay]
Pairing: Gangster!Jungkook x f.Reader
Kinks: Dom!Jungkook, sub!Reader, arranged marriage, gunplay, oral to a gun, big cock, praise, body worship, nippleplay, strength kink, size kink, tattoos & piercings, thigh riding, spanking, dirty talk, sexy possessiveness, multiple orgasms (f. & m.receiving), creampies, squirting, overstimulation, rough & passionate sex in front a window, she rides him, the trope of “this is the first night where the sex feels real and not like a marital duty”
Wordcount: 10.4k
a/n: i feel…feelings. too many of them. most of carnal nature. some of deeply emotional nature. this story did too many things to me, holy fuck i need air. besties, Kinktober hits different because we can be totally unhinged together and i am loving the adventure ❤
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You fucked up. You are aware that you did. Five men are dead, slaughtered because you trusted the wrong person. Seven barely escaped death and the rest were either hurt or pissed. 
Taehyung’s with you, cleaning the cut on your cheek a broken bottle left. You think someone threw it at you, but you blacked out before you could see who did it. 
“Hurts”, you groan. 
“I know, sorry. It must be done”, Taehyung answers you, replacing the blood soaked cotton swap with a new one. Soaked in disinfectant, he presses it against your wound, eliciting another hiss of discomfort from you.
“So what are we gonna tell him?” Jimin asks the question the rest of the group was too afraid to ask. 
“The truth, what else?” Namjoon says dryly, fingers busy with stopping the bleeding on his arm by pressing a cloth to it.
“Yeah and risk her getting shot? Nah thanks”, Seokjin says, shaking his head. 
“People died”, Namjoon hisses, eyes lowered in anger, “Yoongi’s still out and guess shit about how Hoseok’s surgery is going.” 
“She didn’t shoot them did she?”
“She could have very well pulled the fucking trigger.”
You avoid looking at Namjoon, knowing very well that he would probably kill you with just a look if he could. You understand him. You’re angry at yourself as well. You weren’t careful enough and let the details of the meeting meet the wrong people, ending in the cops busting you in the middle of the deal. 
“Where is she?!” Jungkook’s loud voice cuts through the air like thunder.
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blank-et-noir · 10 months
Series Masterlist
OT7 x Reader
The Wanderer: The boys love you with all their soft little Yandere hearts. Idolverse AU. Laywer AU. Soul Traveler AU. Soft Yandere AU. [DISCONTINUED]
Bulletproof: In which you want to remove your own soulmark. Idolverse AU. Soulmate AU. Prosecutor AU.
I was the Gangster's Ex Wife. You're the Chou-the head to the infamously powerful Batafurai gang. But you're also BTS' destined. How does that work out? Gang AU. Idol AU.
Member x Reader
Min Yoongi
The List
There isn't anything remotely as stupid as you wishing to marry Min Yoongi. Idolverse AU.
One shots here.
Old stuff here.
18+/21+ playlist here.
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blank-et-noir · 1 year
im burnt out idk what to do, i feel like drowning or something, im sorry for dumping here its just that i have no friends to tell, if i do i feel like they'd be disappointed in me. context, im a univ student and recently i have been passing all my requirements past their deadlines. even though i have ample time, i wait till the last second to do it, i need some help, what would you advice?
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blank-et-noir · 1 year
Some-bunny to Love: Ice cream
"Master, master, can I have what she's having?" It's been a couple of weeks already and you still haven't stopped calling Jimin your master. Although, Jimin thinks it's better than you not saying anything at all the first couple of months - even if most of what you say is usually just something fed to you by either Taehyung of Jungkook. Just like now -
"Please hyung?! It's so hot that even y/n - y/n! - is asking for it"
“I know you told her to say it jungkookie,” the puppy hybrid pouts at his owner’s reply. "Still, couldn't you give our bunny a treat? She rarely asks you know" - Ah, so this is the route the cat is choosing to take - guilt-tripping. Well, unfortunately for him it doesn't work. He needs to be the responsible one among the bunch even if that means looking like the bad guy. "Guys, we just had cake from the cafe earlier, then crepe because Taetae said he never tried the strawberry one, then churros on the way here because Kookie was too hungry. We can't have ice cream too. That's too many sweets for the day!" At that, y/n frowns. Okay. He wasn't ready for that. To be honest, neither were the other two hybrids. "Ah, hyungggg ~~" Jungkook whines while tugging at his owner's sleeve, shaking Jimin aggressively. "Min-ah. I'll do the dishes later, I'll do the laundry this week too! Just please, please, please can we get ice cream for y/niee~" Taehyung bargains while also tugging Jimins sleeve, making it look like Jimin was in a middle of a human tug-of-war. "Okay, okay, okay. Let's get that ice cream. We just have to lessen our sweets the other days, hmm? Okay?" All three hybrids nod eagerly in response. *sigh* Maybe he'll be just have to be responsible another day.
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blank-et-noir · 1 year
Finding My Pack
Alpha!OT7 x Omega!Reader
Genre: Fated Mates, Omegaverse, Smut, Angst, Fluff
Series Warnings: Omega Abuse (Not By OT7), Fated Mates/Soulmates, Scent Sympathy, Sunshine!FMC, Knotting, Smut, MMMMMMMF, MMMF, MMF, MF, Breeding Kink, Cursing, Dom!OT7, Sub!Reader
Chapter Warnings: Omega Abuse
A/N: This will be the only chapter posted to Tumblr. All future chapters can be found on Patreon~! See you there!
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Chapter 1.
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“You do not lock the goddamn doors in this fucking house.”
The sentence was thick with a growl, one that if I was born correctly wouldn’t have mattered in the slightest. Just hearing the sharp hit of his words, my insides clenched and coiled, dying to listen and make sure that he wouldn’t be mad at me again.
“Sorry,” I whispered softly, looking down at my bare toes that curled awkwardly under my gaze.
“You need to put on your scent blocker and try a little bit harder to fit in here. You’re making all your brothers crazy with that fucking smell.”
Swallowing thickly, I grabbed the bottle from him with a nod.
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blank-et-noir · 1 year
Some-bunny to Love: Ice cream
"Master, master, can I have what she's having?" It's been a couple of weeks already and you still haven't stopped calling Jimin your master. Although, Jimin thinks it's better than you not saying anything at all the first couple of months - even if most of what you say is usually just something fed to you by either Taehyung of Jungkook. Just like now -
"Please hyung?! It's so hot that even y/n - y/n! - is asking for it"
“I know you told her to say it jungkookie,” the puppy hybrid pouts at his owner’s reply. "Still, couldn't you give our bunny a treat? She rarely asks you know" - Ah, so this is the route the cat is choosing to take - guilt-tripping. Well, unfortunately for him it doesn't work. He needs to be the responsible one among the bunch even if that means looking like the bad guy. "Guys, we just had cake from the cafe earlier, then crepe because Taetae said he never tried the strawberry one, then churros on the way here because Kookie was too hungry. We can't have ice cream too. That's too many sweets for the day!" At that, y/n frowns. Okay. He wasn't ready for that. To be honest, neither were the other two hybrids. "Ah, hyungggg ~~" Jungkook whines while tugging at his owner's sleeve, shaking Jimin aggressively. "Min-ah. I'll do the dishes later, I'll do the laundry this week too! Just please, please, please can we get ice cream for y/niee~" Taehyung bargains while also tugging Jimins sleeve, making it look like Jimin was in a middle of a human tug-of-war. "Okay, okay, okay. Let's get that ice cream. We just have to lessen our sweets the other days, hmm? Okay?" All three hybrids nod eagerly in response. *sigh* Maybe he'll be just have to be responsible another day.
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blank-et-noir · 1 year
The Innocents: 01
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❧ synopsis. Jimin is simply doing as he usually does. A bullet here, a punch there. However, when two innocents get caught in the crossfire his need to save them thrusts them all into an unconventional situation.⁣
❧ pairing. jimin x reader, yoongi x reader, yoonmin x reader⁣
❧ word count. 3.5k ⁣
❧ warnings.  Violence, Sexual Language, Strong Language    ⁣
Sometimes he really hated himself.
At times it was for something as simple as forgetting to grab a midnight snack before brushing his teeth. Other times it was for prematurely putting a bullet someone’s head. He annoyed himself. Nothing could truly explain his self-loathing but at this moment he felt it was warranted.
Two innocent strangers stumbled upon a dead body and were now being rushed across town at less than legal speeds due to carelessness. ‘Take a wild guess how much shit we’re in, Jimin.” he thought angrily to himself.
The girl was sobbing loudly, choking another sob with each sharp turn or hard hit to the car’s exterior. The guy, on the other hand, was strangely calm as he protectively covered the girl. Not unfazed but like it’s a familiar experience. Sure it sounded crazy, this isn’t the simplest of situations but the man’s mystery almost distracts him fatally so. He looks back in time to see and swerve to miss the other van that was strategically placed in his way.
A shrill ring came through the car’s speakers. He hastily hit ‘Answer’ on his screen.
‘Give me good news hyung. These assholes are popping up everywhere.”
“Calm down!-”
“Calm down!?” He swerved again to avoid a sinkhole. “Tell that to my new goddamn Mercedez you bastard!”
One of the people following got a particularly good shot into the side of the car, good enough to completely shatter the glass of the window near it, making the girl squeal louder as the man pulled her closer to protect her withering frame from the glass.
“What the hell was that?” Namjoon questioned.
Jimin sighed. “Well Namjoon hyung, that is the sound of one of two innocent people that are trying desperately not to get shot in the backseat of my fucking car!”
He could feel the man’s harsh stare on the side of his face at the harsh words but he spoke the truth. And he was saving them wasn’t he?!
More or less.
“Out of the fucking car.” Namjoon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
The dark-haired girl only continued to shake in the hold of the man. Namjoon grabbed her arm, ready to pull her out when he felt something cold against his throat. Barely lifting his eyes, his met with a cold, hard stare focused so harshly on him he felt like he was burning throughout his body but where what he assumed was a knife was being held against his throat.
“Woah!” he heard Jungkook from behind him.
The man’s voice came as steady as the hand that held the knife. “Remove your hand.”
Despite the nearly empty garage of well trained, quick-witted men, everyone was at a loss for action or words at the sight. Namjoon slowly let up his grip on the brunette and backed away.
Jin, of course, composed himself the quickest. “We’re sorry.” he made eye contact with the man as he lowered the knife, gaze still just as hard as it flicked over to Jin. The oldest continued. “We aren’t trying to harm you. Despite the lack of care in you getting from where you were to here, we aren’t here to hurt you. 
Jin could see the man’s grip on the girl’s head tightened some, keeping her face close to his chest.
“Yoongi,” it was faint. If there was even the sound of a penny dropping, they would have missed it. “It’s fine now.”
The girl was finally speaking. She stopped crying and though this Yoongi character still seemed tense he allowed her to move when she shifted from his hold. They could see her face now as he sat at the edge of the seat now, legs hanging out of the car.
Jin slowly approached her to offer a hand. She took it as she lowered her shaky legs to the concrete. 
It was only then they noticed the blood covering her the front of her shirt. Taehyung was quick to approach, his medical training moving his body before his rational brain could form a thought.
“Are you hurt?” he questioned with genuine worry.
“N-No, why-” she looked down and pure horror spread across her face as she saw the blood staining her blouse. She felt around her chest for a source wound. But there was nothing.
She and Taehyung shared a moment of realization and looked into the van were Yoongi still sat quietly.
He was looking, almost in confusion, at his bloodied hand. Near where his hand was going limp in realization was a spreading bloodstain and visible wound.
He looked up in a panic with a quiet plea in his eyes.
The group worked quickly. The two strongest following Tae’s instructions to aid the man that seemed to be losing quite a bit of blood. Jimin led the way, providing passage through the endless doors and hallways, finally ending up to a sterile-looking room.
She looked on in concern as Taehyung began ordering them to hand him this and that. She nearly missed the first touch of Jimin’s hand. But there was no way. The strength of it made her eyes snap up to him. He gave her a look but something behind his eyes told her he felt it too.
She was being touched again. This time carefully. Jungkook was calmly leading her out of the room.
What the hell is this place and was Yoongi alright?
Three different strong emotions were going through the house right now.
An intense distaste for the unpredicted.
Worry and discomfort.
And a fading confusion hidden by adrenaline.
The magnitude of them together almost made the air too thick to breathe. She could feel it growing by the second when worry wasn’t preoccupying her mind.
She looked around. There wasn’t a lot of stuff in the room she was led to. It looked like someone wanted it to be a sitting room but didn’t know much about furniture...or taste. She picked up a strange vase set on a small table. Plainly put, It was ugly. 
“Hello.” she whipped her head around to see the same kind man from earlier. “I see you were inspecting our vase.”
She had almost forgotten she was holding it. She was going to sputter out a lousy response but he spoke again as he took the vase from her hands. “It truly is the most hideous thing I’ve ever seen.”
She snorted before straightening up. He wasn’t wrong...but he’s a stranger.
“I’m SeokJin.” he held a huge hand out. “Most people call me Jin but either is fine.”
She hesitantly took it, with a low introduction of her own.
He smiles an absolutely breathtaking smile.
Once she retracts her hand she buries them in the sleeves of the jacket Jin believes belongs to her friend that Taehyung is desperately trying to keep from losing any more blood. The thought, though grim, doesn’t show on his face. He maintains a smile knowing full well this traumatized stranger’s friend could die in this house similarly to many others.
The only difference being they are trying to save him. Many others were quite the opposite.
“Let’s go somewhere with more taste.”
They moved to the living room, which as Jin said, had much more taste. Not a hideous vase in sight. After what felt like years, Jungkook comes in with a significant amount of blood on his clothes. 
Jin rushed to the man. “Are you alright? What happened?
Jungkook tsked. “Ah, Hyung don’t get all mushy. You know I am used to assisting Tae. Especially from gunshot wounds.”
“Gunshot wounds?”Her voice was laced with concern. There was nothing else it could be but she was still confused. This was her and Yoongi. They didn’t get involved with things that didn’t concern them, let alone basically kidnapped and with damn bullet wounds.
“He is fine. One bullet knicked him good across the arm, the other penetrated his abdomen.” Jungkook shook his head as he took a seat. He looked tired. She imagined this wasn’t how his night was supposed to go. Hers damn sure wasn’t.
Taehyung sighed deeply. His tense shoulders sagged a bit as he exhaled with his palms against the cold table. “Now that a stranger isn’t bleeding out on our compound, care to explain why there was a bleeding stranger?”
Jimin, who is leaning against a clear wall, sighs as well. “Not really but I know you’re willing to be a thorn in my side until I do.”
Tae arches his eyebrow, agreeing and waiting for the answer.
“I was at The Neon to oversee the drop as we planned but Lee was on the move. I followed him and saw the bastard was planning to do it in public. Not just in public but in my business. I and two of our men followed them. He slipped around a corner. As soon as we did the same there were four guns in our face and two of our other men knocked out.”
“Exactly.” Jimin pulled out a cigarette. “That shit wasn’t going to fly though. We had Sun and Moon coming around the fire exit. They got the drop on ‘em. Lit the bastards up. Of course, Lee got away, not without two of my bullets in him, but he still got away.”
“Where do Blondie and the girl come in?”
Jimin shot his friend a look and Taehyung held his hands up in defense.
“Sorry go ahead.��
“The fire alarm going off wasn’t too big a deal for the drunks in the club but fire some shots and all bets are off. From the first shot Moon took, I heard people scrambling. I tried to follow Lee out but he started getting lost in the plethora of drunken people wishing to live another day of cocaine-fueled partying and spending their parents' money. I got outside and realized I’d completely lost him but his men had eyes on me. They were roughing up basically anyone they could get their hands on. I was trying to book it for my nice new fucking car when I noticed the two. Their clothes told me immediately they weren’t involved. Not even the slightest. Blondie was holding her just as tight as he was earlier, hell I could barely tell there were two of them at first not until one of Lee’s guys tried to take her like Namjoon. He kicked the guy square in the chest. He probably would have done something worse with that blade I didn’t know he was hiding if another one hadn’t tackled him.”
Jimin thought back to the moment he made his split-second decision. “Next thing I know I’m knocking one out, taking out the other, and pushing them toward my car. You pretty much know the rest.”
“Damn indeed.”
“I just spoke to Taehyung and Jimin,” Jin informed you. “They said he probably won’t be awake for a while. There should be an empty bed next to him in the medical corridor. You can get some rest in there. I’m sure It will help both of you to be there when he wakes up.”
It was welcome news but he was headed the opposite way of where you needed to go. “Where are you going?” The question was a little more vulnerable than you were comfortable with.
He gave an apologetic smile. “To do my job. I’ve been here way too long.”
“Wait don’t you work here?”
He laughed. “You’d think so, wouldn’t you? I work with this group but I technically work for Jimin’s mother.”
This confused you for many reasons. “Don’t think about it too hard. She might feel it.”
You started to laugh but when he didn’t you made a mental note about her. Thankfully, a freshly changed Jungkook came back signaling you to follow him as Jimin wanted to speak to you. The quiet of the big house unsettled you a bit but the design made you feel comfortable. You were led past beautiful paintings hung on dark brown walls. Right as you reached the end of a long corridor, you were able to see the large portrait of a beautiful woman, a little boy, and an intimidating man. He opens a door next to the painting to see Jimin sitting in a chair by his fireplace.
“You can head out, Kook.”
“You sure, Hyung?” Jungkook side-eyed you. It was obvious what he was hinting at but Jimin could protect himself well. Plus, he didn’t think you would be much of a threat. He simply nodded with a smile. Once the younger man left, Jimin looked you up and down as you stood awkwardly in the middle of the room.
He chuckled. “Most people just sit down on their own but I guess I’ll say it. Have a seat, Miss. ”
You bit your lip. “I’m still covered in blood.” Just saying it, knowing it was Yoongi’s blood made you want to vomit but you figured the man wouldn’t appreciate blood on his upholstery so vomit would probably be a no as well.
“I’m sorry. I’m a bit desensitized to it at this point. Feel free to shower or bathe. Your room has a standing shower and an alcove tub. The jets are tricky but worth the hassle.”
While a bath did sound nice, you were taken aback. “My room??”
“Well, yes. I ended up having him moved down the hall from the medical corridor to something more comfortable for you. I figured you would want to be close to your boyfriend.”
“Friend.” You muttered.
“I- uh- He’s just my friend.”
The look on his face said he didn’t fully believe that but he went on. “If you prefer to leave him in our care that’s fine. You can go home and I can call you when he is awake.”
The current situation you and Yoongi were dealing with outside of the night’s events made the thought of staying there the much better- and comfortable- option.
“No no. I want to stay with him.”
Jimin smiled. “Good. I’ll show you to your room.”
Getting to the room you were staying in was more of a walk than you were used to in something considered a “home”. You found yourself thinking the house could definitely benefit from a golf cart. Jimin was busy looking at his phone, having roamed the halls enough to know the way around with minimal effort. The urge to speak to him was stronger than your anxiety related to your current situation.
“How many rooms does this place have?”
He stopped for a moment causing you to nearly bump into him. “That’s a good question. Do you mean designated bedrooms or rooms in general? Also, would you count the other buildings on this property as “this place”?”
You stuttered. That question wasn’t supposed to have layers.
Suddenly, he broke out in a smile. “Ten, love.”
He began walking again and you decided to stay quiet.
“Here’s your room. I suggest keeping the TV low so your ‘just friend’ can get enough rest.” You stepped in next to him to see Yoongi sleeping peacefully in the most expensive-looking room either of you has ever stepped foot in. Though...maybe that isn't true. You think hard trying to get to the memory just out of reach.
“Did you hear me?”
“No. I’m sorry.”
“I said if something happens use the landline and dial 6. It calls my cell. Alright?”
You nodded silently. “He offered a small smile before leaving.
Finally left to something semi-familiar, you and Yoongi alone, you felt a little more relaxed. A need to be next to him was strong but he didn’t need any more blood near him if it wasn’t in his body. You decided to make use of the tub Jimin told you about. It took a minute to figure out the knobs but it was well worth it. In the soapy, warm water, you tried to make sense of the day. All you were trying to do was survive like you always did now Yoongi has a few dozen stitches and is out cold in a stranger’s mansion. One of the most dangerous strangers, you’ve come across too. This where your mind began to wander. His dark hair obviously acquainted with the feel of his hands. That smile. The charming yet authoritative aura he resonated. Something about the way he said ‘love’. The way your body reacted. He was dangerous. And not only because he has put bullets into more people’s heads before dinner than you’ve seen on one episode of the crime show you watched as a teenager. No, he was dangerous because he made you slip into parts of your mind you thought were closed off. After soaking until you were as wrinkled as a raisin, you looked through the drawers of the extravagant dresser. A plain cotton sleep gown was nestled in the second drawer. From the assortment of unisex clothes in that drawer, you figured it was one of the many used rooms.
Freshly cleaned and free of any blood, you stood by Yoongi’s side. It felt like home to hold his warm hand. For as long as the two of you were on your own there hasn’t always been a physical home, most times not even a roof but there was always somewhere to lay your head. On nights where sleeping in the shadows of an alley had to sacrifice, he was there to offer his lap or chest for you to rest on. He tended to put you above his own well-being. The safety of his arms was the bubble that protected you. They were the comfort on the days where life seemed to have no goodness left to spare you. It tore you up to know he suffered because of it.
The call of a real bed was strong but the need to be close to your home pulled you onto the bed where he lay.
“Jimin.” He reached out his hand.
Yoongi stared at him, unsure of how to feel.
She stepped forward. “Yoongi, how are you feeling?”
“Are you alright? Did they hurt you? Ca-”
“Calm down lover boy, we didn’t do anything to her. She is fine and so are you. If you keep behaving like that you’ll break a blood vessel.” Jimin sat next to the bed.
“I’m fine. Really. They’re really kind. Jin took care of me while they were operating on you.”
“What?!” His face went from mild annoyance to utter shock. He tried to sit up quickly to inspect his body but the pain came all at once.
Jimin sighed. “Did I not just say calm down?”
“What the hell happened to me?”
Jin spoke up this time. “You got shot. Twice.”
Yoongi’s eyes widened. You nodded and held up two fingers for emphasis.
“A few stitches on your arm and a little work on your midsection. You should be alright though.”
“Yes, should. As long you calm the hell down you will be perfectly alright. I recommend you stay at home until it’s looking better.”
It was silent then. You looked to Yoongi but he looked down.
Jin carefully said your name. You hesitantly met his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“We-We don't-”
“Thank you for your help. We’ll get going now.” Yoongi tried to get up quickly, falling back against the bed in pain.
“Stop. I don’t know why you’re in such a hurry now but you’re hiding something.”
“I don’t like it when people are hiding things,” Jimin spoke. She wasn’t sure why she was so intimidated. He barely raised his voice but his authority was stifling.
“We don’t really have a home.” You spoke softly but they all heard you. After a long moment of silence, Jin asked. “Then where do you sleep?”
You shrugged, trying to be nonchalant like you saw Yoongi do. “Wherever we can.”
“Alleys, shelters, parks.” Yoongi listed off.
Jin’s mouth hung open. “So that night, when Jimin brought you here…?”
“We finished eating at this diner that lets us have the night’s leftovers sometimes. It was getting pretty late so we stopped for a minute to figure out a plan for the night. We would have gone elsewhere but those guys that caused all the trouble were moving in quick. Yoongi pushed me further into the alley where they couldn’t see us. Right when we started to make our move, all hell broke loose.”
Jin started to speak but by this point, Yoongi managed to pull himself to a standing position. Rather wobbly but standing nonetheless. “Thank you for your help. We should go.”
“You can stay here,” Jimin said.
“What?” Everyone’s simultaneous disbelief had no effect on the leader. He smiled that gorgeous smile. “Not for free of course. Once Tae clears you, you will be doing jobs for me. I saw some of what you can do, especially when that little one is in danger. I’ll put a roof over her pretty little head and yours if you join my crew.”
You were in a state of pure disbelief. 
Yoongi’s agreement widened Jimin’s smile and furthered your shock.
You were now living with the head of Korea’s most powerful and feared mafia.
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*originally posted to kmindset *yoongi icon from yethebts
317 notes · View notes
blank-et-noir · 1 year
About Love 3
My head gets messy when I try to hide
The things I love about you in my mind
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Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x Fem!Reader
Summary: Becoming a best selling thriller author? Part of the plan. Living in the city and isolating yourself from everyone? Part of the plan. Inheriting your late uncles home in the woods, his sassy assistant and fortune after he died mysteriously? Not part of the plan. Oh, and he failed to mention the 7 'surprises' he left you as well.  And come to think of it... was his death an accident? Or is your imagination going wild again?
Genre: Hybrid!AU
Warnings (if bolded then this chapter contains these elements) : Fluff, Hurt, Comfort, Angst, Death, Abuse, Smut, Violence, Dom/Sub, Dom/Sub Elements, Non-Con Elements, Slow Burn, Trauma,
Rating: M 18+
Tag List: CLOSED- Tumblr doesn't like my list, I'll most likely have to do the list on a separate post... I'll figure it out lol
Notes: I'm so happy to be writing again! Thank you to everyone who waited and to those who have just started to read <3
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After being thrown into a brick wall, drowned in scolding black liquid, ran over twice, and bent to the point of snapping in half did sweet mercy come to relieve the pains of the world. It just so happened to be in the shape of a large metal box. And smell like every health violation known to man and hybrid kind.
Y/n’s damaged phone hit the bottom of the dumpster, the loud noise nearly being lost in the dark alleyway thanks to the busy traffic of the city. The device was now gone and irreparable (which may or may not have been extremely fun to do- perhaps he has some pent up rage he should work on...) meaning it could no longer be tracked. He was oh so careful about it.
He was careful when arriving in the city, taking detours and making random stops before settling on a random alleyway with a dumpster. Despite knowing he was alone Jackson remained careful though, double checking his surroundings before exiting the dumpster and heading back into his car. It might have seemed too extreme to someone looking in, but if the knew the Spades family. Knew what they were capable of...
Closing the door with a little too much force, he leaned back in his seat and let out a long sigh. Jackson closed his eyes, feeling the freshly fallen snow slowly melt and dampen his jet black hair. His lips were pulled into a thin line, nearly sucking his teeth, as the events from the day played back in his mind. 
The day was supposed to be an easy one. Get the new heiress into the new home, help unpack, question her mini library and the knickknacks he had noticed from prior visits, then head home. Simple. Done. Takoda made this all sound extremely easy in the will. But that man could make lassoing the moon look as easy as riding a bike. He was the kind of man who accomplished what he put his mind to and didn’t hesitate. Jackson admired him for it, looking up at him as a mentor ever since he was first hired. Even now the young man wanted to strive to be like his late boss.
He really wished the old man was right there with him, to help shed light on what Takoda was up to. And what Jackson should do with the chaotic mess he was in. 
Not only does Jackson now have to worry about the Spades family but now hybrids. He never held any ill thoughts towards the beings and honestly viewed them just as he viewed humans: there were good and bad hybrids just like there were good and bad humans. Of course he found it odd that even now, so long later, they weren't given basic human rights. Hell, many places still want to keep them on leashes. He just couldn't see how they could be treated that way.
Well... maybe for one hybrid he could. Jackson scowled at the fresh memory of the shaggy brown haired hybrid that held him in that death grip. He would enjoy that one being in a doghouse, more for the sake of his injured ego than for the hybrids actions. A large part of him wanted to stay and ensure Y/n was in good hands. But judging at how they reacted to him was enough to let Jackson know she was going to be safe. His ass still hurt from the youngest canine tackling him to the ground.
‘Little shit.’
Bzz! Bzz!
His cell phone vibrated in his pocket, breaking the warm and calm atmosphere of the car. At first he was prepared to see a new number, knowing Y/n would be calling to give him her new cell phone information. However he was surprised at the name that appeared, his eyes narrowing for a moment. He really didn’t want to take this call…
But he had no other choice.
“Hello?... Hold on, what? … No, that’s not possible. I just… He what?...” He paused as he heard the new information being told to him. “... Of course he did… Alright.” The line went dead and he tossed the phone into the passenger seat. For a brief moment he stared straight ahead, allowing the new information to sink in.
He blinked. 
And banged his head into the car horn.
People walking about on the sidewalk jumped and stared at the parked vehicle who’s car horn was going off for a long period of time. But Jackson didn’t care. No, at that moment only one thing was on his mind: what the hell was Takoda up to. 
The entire drive was rather relaxing. Namjoon kept a keen eye on the road while also engaging in conversation here and there. Jungkook and Jin decided to ask you a million questions, the duo's eyes were shining the entire time. It were as though you were telling them the greatest story to ever be written, even if it was just tidbits of your life. You did try to ask them questions about their own lives as well but they would get shy and nearly clam up.
It was shocking compared to how flirty and outgoing they were most of the time. You wondered if it had to do with their files... Those manilla envelopes might be holding their history and maybe some secrets they are afraid of speaking. It was hard to ignore when Namjoon would tense up beside you; Jungkook would let his hair fall in his face and glance down; Jin's smile would freeze before he stuttered a question of his own.
Did they really think you would kick them out from what those files stated? You heart clenched at the mere idea of it. Judging with how they acted you knew they were kind, too kind for the world they were created for.
And it made you nervous thinking of all that could have happened to them while being alive.
"You have arrived!" The GPS announced as the car slowed down. You were too busy with the pack that you failed to realize how fast time had gone by. "Welcome to Unova Mall!"
There was a time where shopping centers were dying out. Online shopping had grown and become popular with how easy it was to merely pick up your device, press a few buttons, and you’d see the item within the week. It wasn’t until hybrids came to be that mall’s began a resurgence. As more and more people began to adopt they soon realized that they had no where to showcase their new adoptions; restaurants were hardly allowing hybrids in due to them being seen as animals and highly dangerous (especially the first generation of hybrids), and parks were working on regulations on whether they needed leashes or not.
 As the world shifted with the new profound creations certain businesses picked up on this opportunity; mall’s were revamped to accommodate hybrids, allowing specialty stores of all types to gather together. For some it was convenient to shop for themselves and hybrids in one go. For others it marked a great place to allow their hybrids to be seen by the world; from owning the latest generation to the rarest of breeds it was the place to go.
Personally you never shopped in malls before, never had a reason to. You preferred to get what you needed online or by running to whatever market you stumbled upon. However you knew there was no better place to complete your shopping list than the mall. Even if it made you cringe on the inside. The mere idea of being mistaken for someone who uses hybrids for clout... It left a rotten taste in your mouth.
Pulling up you could see the appeal of walking around in the large shopping center. The stores appeared to be outside but upon closer inspection you could see a glass ceiling covering all the stores, protecting shoppers from the elements. There were large and tall metal pillars placed throughout the area; units designed to heat or use AC depending on the weather. While there was a parking lot for people to park, the stores had large paved areas for everyone to walk around freely without worrying about traffic. 
“I’ve never been to a place this large before.” Jungkook whispered, gold eyes large as he watched everything from his window. The car parked itself close to the front of the main entrance.
You were taken back once more to those files, wondering what their histories were like. Even now, stepping out of the car, that logical part of your brain was alerting you that you didn’t truly know these males. And, of course, that small voice in the back of your mind was reluctant to think of them as anything less than perfect. Nearly purring at the idea of them being the best men out there.
You really hated your brain sometimes.
“Alright beautiful, where do you want to go first?” Seokjin stood next to you. He kept close, his body acting as a shield to the wind and most of the snow.
“Furniture first, it’ll be easier to get that out of the way.” You responded. You stuffed your hands in your pockets, trying to keep the cold away.
Despite being mainly outdoors, the main entrance to the shopping center could easily be noticed by the large LED 'Welcome!' screen, models posing with hybrids wearing big smiles. The screen would shift and list attractions and new sales that the stores located all around would have. The stone pathway began right where the large welcome screen was, a directory stationed right beside it to assist in finding certain stores faster.
Namjoon walked beside you with Jin and Jungkook following close behind. “Do you know what you need exactly?”
“A bit, yes. I have a mental list of everything.” You beamed at him, your eyes meeting his amber ones. “It really shouldn’t take too long. Hardly any time at all.”
“Are we going to buy things for the arcade room?” Jungkook asked with a hint of hope in his voice. It did have you grinning but you shook your head at him.
“No, at least not today. We’re going to focus on the basics today.”
"There's still hope." He whispered, Namjoon rolling his eyes as the youngest grinned at the mere idea of having an entire game room to themselves.
The minute you stepped foot on the stone pathway entrance you felt warmth engulf you. The entire area felt warm and cozy, and even smelled good: you could smell hints of something sweet in the air almost like a bakery. A nice place such as this would provide air scents to boost appeal from the customers and create a relaxing atmosphere. Even Namjoon looked calmer though he was looking around and familiarizing himself with the place. His eyes were alert on the few people walking around, body shuffling closer to you.
‘What a good alpha.’ The pesky little voice in your head swooned. You mentally stomped on it with a boot and shook your head. With a quick glance you spotted the store with ease. “The store is right over there! Hopefully they have expedited shipping.”
“Are you in a rush for a coffee table or something?” Jin quirked an eyebrow, bright blue eyes looking confused for a moment. 
“Not that, but I need a place to sleep.” You laughed as you all walked into the store. It was brightly lit and held displays for various rooms a household could have. It went far beyond what you could see from where you were standing. Glancing around you saw the bedroom area and quickly went towards it. “You guys got the bedroom since there are three of you in your pack. I’ll take another room and make it my own.” 
 You could feel a small amount of tension and turned to see the three hybrids staring at you, stone still at the entrance of the store, with mixed emotions; Jungkook looked hurt, Jin looked confused, and Namjoon appeared to be troubled. There was no telling what was going on inside their minds as you stopped mid-walk and blinked at them.
“What’s wrong?”
“That’s what we want to know? Was it the nest?” Jungkook quickly walked up to you, eyes searching yours for something that you didn’t know. “I can do better. Make it better.” Your face heated up as he knelt to your level, hands on your shoulders creating warmth and security that you hated to admit that you loved. “What did we do?”
“I- you guys did nothing,” You stammered over your words, noticing the rest of the pack gathering around you as well. A million questions rocketed in your mind, not knowing where this behavior came from. You really needed to do your own research or communicating would be nearly impossible. You could ask but you couldn't find the nerve to; you were already viewing yourself as a terrible owner for leaving them alone for months. Asking questions on basic information made you even worst in your own eyes. Stressing them out, not knowing enough about their species... you needed to do better and give them some hope in you and your abilities.
“You guys are a pack and would want to stay together, so you guys can take the master room. Since I’m not a pack member I really shouldn’t intrude.”
You could tell Jungkook was ready to argue, however a deeper voice was faster. “We understand Y/n. Thank you for thinking of us.” Namjoon gave you a soft smile, though it was a small one. His eyes seemed to be swimming through emotions that you couldn’t decode no matter how hard you tried. There was a pang in your heart at the thought of hurting them though you had no idea what you even did. If anything you were trying todo what was best for them.
As if sensing your doubts he gently took your arm and began to lead the way to the other showcases. Jin followed and offered you a soft smile as well, but just like the pack alpha’s it was small and didn’t reach his eyes. You pushed  your questions to the back of your mind as the bedroom displays came into view. Instead you focused on what you needed and went straight to the mattresses first, needing to test them out and see which one would be comfy for you. 
Namjoon and Jin did help you, making good points. Jungkook, however, not so much. He decided to full on pout and whine, hands tugging on your jacket as he tried to sway you with pitiful words. Small attempts at pointing out minor flaws (“It’s an ugly color!”) didn’t help him either. Sitting on the seventh bed, you felt like it was made from a cloud. And no pouts from the youngest hybrid could sway you.
“It feels like I’m on a cloud, I really like this one.” You sighed and leaned back, closing your eyes. “I think I’m taking this one. Scratch that, I know I’m taking this one.” Since entering the store you could feel yourself feel less tense and stressed, boy molding into the soft material. You were ready to take a nap right there and then. The mattress shifted and you cracked your eyes open to be met with a pair of gold eyes boring into your very soul. You heart nearly stopped in shock at the canines presence. You didn't even notice him near you.
“But why not just stay with us?”
Jungkook saved the puppy dog eyes for last. Large doe eyes were staring right into your soul, lower lip jutted out in a pout that could shake even the iciest of hearts. There was determination behind the adorable stunt that you could see; the sharpness in his eyes as he waited for the perfect moment to try and persuade you once again. And what better way than when you had your guard down? He was hovering over you, hands on either side of your head, knees placed on either side of your waist though not a single ounce of his weight touched you. He was holding his own weight easily, without so much as a second thought. Your cheeks heated up as you realized the position you were in and blinked rapidly up at him, trying to collect your scrambled thoughts.
Your heart hammered in your chest, nearly jumping up your throat. You willed it to be steady for your own sake. “Jungkook, we talked about this. You guys need space as a pack.” Your words were met with a frown tugging on his pout, eyes searching yours once more. But you had no idea what he was looking for. So you changed tactics instead. “Besides, I’m the worst to sleep near. I’m certain I snore a lot.” 
“I doubt that. Prove me wrong, spend the night with us. If we don’t mind then you stay.” His tone was firm, almost a command. Having him be this persistent should have made you roll your eyes and be snippy with the hybrid. But instead of feeling annoyed or even angry you felt yourself sag a little. Almost as if you were going to follow his orders, your eyes dilating ever so slightly as you stared up at him. Some type of trance seemed to take place over you, as if you were in your own little bubble with Jungkook where he was in control over everything. And somehow you were perfectly fine with that, hell you found yourself relaxing even more.
You couldn’t explain what your body was doing, you just felt the need to let go and let him take control. Maybe he was right… “Trust me, it’s best if you don’t. I-I also toss and turn all night.” You sounded weak, words spoken in a hush that not even you would have believed. 
The pout had disappeared moments ago, the moment you relaxed under him. Jungkook was now gazing at you with a small smirk and hooded eyes, the gold shining brilliantly against his dark lashes. He seemed to be in a trance himself as he slowly lowered himself closer to you. His body was a hair's width away from you now, if you so much as took a deep breath you would be pressed against him. You could feel his warmth radiate off of him, his voice dropping several octaves, almost a growl, as he spoke. “We can keep you in place. Namjoon-ah especially.” 
The next second happened too fast for you to grasp. The smallest of whimpers slid past your lips just as Jungkook yelped and disappeared from your view. It was as though the trance you were in shattered entirely and you sat up quickly, face ablaze as you looked around. Namjoon was gripping Jungkook by the back of his neck, the youngest looking almost ashamed with his head bent. Jin was reaching to slowly pull you up with sigh. There was no one else around (thankfully for you) and you nearly forgot where you were.
“Sorry about the brat, beautiful. He can be very persistent. We looked away for one moment and this happened.” His tone sounded remorseful, hands carefully pulling you up from the mattress. Those blue eyes carefully watched your face for a moment, as if waiting for something to happen. For you to do something or act out.
What even was that? You didn’t know what came over you or how it happened. Truth is you honestly didn’t want to know. Not yet at least. For now you were blaming it on your lack of intimacy. It has been quite some time since you were with someone…
Shaking your head you sighed. “It’s alright, he tried though. But I want this mattress.”
Taking note of which one you wanted, you continued down your list and got the rest of the things you needed. Namjoon kept Jungkook a bit away from you, the leader sending cool glares when he got too close. Jin was the one who did most of the talking with you, assisting you in certain items and his thoughts. An hour later and you were heading outside the store with your new belongings expected to be delivered that evening. While Jin was walking with you, Namjoon and Jungkook were following behind. The youngest was sulking while the leader was giving him a side eye. Whatever happened definitely wasn't approved by Namjoon.
'It's probably best if to keep my distance.' You thought, trying to keep some space between you and Jin. The husky sent you a questionable look that you ignored completely. You needed to get everything done before something else happens.
Next on the list was the hybrids themselves and getting them whatever they wanted or needed. You didn’t want them to feel rushed to shop, hence why you grabbed the furniture first. This ensured that they had plenty of time to browse and take a look around at whatever they needed. The store you had seen was not too far away; a mere few stores down was the famous store known for hybrids: Brand New Day.
BND was a large store that was filled to the brim with supplies for any type of Hybrid. It was a staple store in the community, being known for their amazing customer service and embracing acceptance towards all Hybrids. The four of you walked through the glass doors and towards the softer glow of lights that gave the store a warm appearance. The entire place felt like a giant hug; from the soft color scheme to the classic wooden floors. Displays scattered all around the store showcased all sorts of items, you felt lost looking around for a moment- where to even begin?
“Hi, I’m Lisa! Is there anything I can assist you with today?” A young woman approached your group, her hair glossy and as black as night. Her smile was kind, eyes meeting each person in your group. She wore an all black outfit with a beige apron, the BND logo embroidered on the front. Lisa looked relaxed and eager to help, eyes mainly trained on you since you were the owner of the trio.
You smiled back at her. “Hi, yes we need help. You see, I recently adopted my hybrids and…” You trailed off, obviously not knowing where to start. You feared you were going to look like an idiot and maybe even laughed at but the smile never once faltered. Lisa seemed to understand your predicament and give you a reassuring smile.
“I totally understand, it can be overwhelming. Especially if this is your first time.” Sliding her hand into her apron pocket she pulled out a small stack of pamphlets of various colors. “Now, what breed are each of your hybrids?”
You told her their names and their breed and she handed each one a pamphlet of different color. Jungkook had her faltering for a second, eyebrows knitting as she looked at the pamphlets. The wolfdog shifted his feet, gold eyes cast down as the seconds ticked by. Jungkook seemed uncomfortable as Lisa flipped through more pamphlets. You frowned, opening your mouth to ask what was wrong but Lisa was quick to perk up and smile at the two of you.
“Ah, here’s one for general canines and one for wolves! A crossbreed such as his is rare and while these are a good guide to buy the products you need, but Jungkook can absolutely browse and make his own selections. They all can really. These just help answer any questions you may have.” She explained, smiling gently at your group. 
It wasn’t hard to tell that Jungkook looked almost embarrassed about the whole thing. And to make matters worse he seemed to be watching your reactions, gauging how you reacted to it. Sending him a soft smile you nodded.
"Thank you for your help!" You truly meant it too; Lisa provided a warm presence and reassurance. The fear of being laughed at or frowned upon for your lack of knowledge was slowly melting away. There was something about her presence that made you feel better.
"It is not a problem, if any of you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! I'll be on the floor if you need to find me." One last cheerful smile and a small bow she made her way back to her associate duties.
The pack was looking around with wide eyes, glancing in every direction. BND certainly had a wide variety of items, which was incredible for those who had owners of different breeds, and easier to find what you were looking for. You were about to ask where they wanted to go to first but held back as you remembered how Namjoon behaved earlier; his iciness when Jungkook behaved in the furniture store was hard to ignore.
'It'll be best if I let them get their own items. Give them space.' You didn't want to cause another incident and have an angry wolf on your hands. Instead you gave each of them a small smile, ignoring the uneasiness you felt of your choice.
"Why don't you guys go and gather what you need? I'll have Lisa open a register for you to place your items as you go." Your voice was light and positive, watching their facial expressions, especially Namjoon's.
Those amber eyes met yours, the corners of his mouth turned ever so slightly down. "Actually-"
"Sounds like a lovely idea, beautiful." Jin smiled at you, grabbing his pack mates arms. "We'll gather what we need. Is there a limit on what you wish to spend?"
"No, gather what you need or want. If it can fit in the car it can be purchased. Have fun!" You quickly turned on your heel, looking for Lisa. You didn't want Jungkook or Namjoon to try to persuade you to linger. Besides you assured yourself that they would love the space to shop freely without you hovering.
Spotting the raven haired woman, you explained your plan to her: leaving the trio inside the store to shop while you ran out to get a new phone. You were vague, explaining that your previous one was damaged from being left on top of the car. Whether she believed your or not did not matter and she only smiled and promised to keep an eye on the trio while you were out.
Exiting the store you nearly jogged to the phone store located several stores down. Not too far to cause worry and only a few minutes to walk to. Once inside you got down to business, determined to finish everything up as soon as possible.
Which happened to take over an hour.
You had to close your old account and open a new one with a whole new number (you claimed you had a stalker named Jackson) and decided to add three more lines to your account. What took you the longest was picking out which color phone to give to which hybrid. It was so slow in the store that several phone service representatives began to vote for colors for each hybrid (you did have fun with that though) and settled on three new colors along with one for you.
Once they were set up, you were handed a bag and free to dash back to Brand New Day, mentally praying that nothing bad had happened. However opening the glass door you stumbled upon a heartbreaking scene.
Jungkook was alone and curling in on himself, tail tucked between his legs, merle ears so low you could hardly see them from his fluffy hair. Soft whines poured from his hunched figure, back starting to shake. Lisa was next to him, her words soft as she tired to calm the canine down. She didn't touch him however; she was attempting at keeping his personal space for his own sake. But her words were falling on deaf ears.
Your heart splintered at the site of the hybrid shaking and turning his head to the side and away from Lisa and the door. A single tear rolled down his cheek, lips trembled as another whine came through. He sounded almost as if he was going to start howling. A wave of worry finally got you rushing forward, sliding towards your hybrid.
“Jungook?” Your voice was high pitched, the worry leaking out into the open. Your own eyes were wide with worry as you tried to make your way towards the hybrid.
Hearing your voice he snapped his head to you, his ears perked up and twitched at the sound of your voice. Gold eyes brimming with tears. It only took a millisecond before you were nearly tackled. Strong arms encased you close and tightly as though you’d disappear if he loosened his grip. His nose was pressed into the crook of your neck, breathing in deeply before he sighed. “Couldn’t find you. I kept looking. Thought you left.” Although his words were muffled in your skin, you could hear them perfectly clear.
‘Was he left behind before?’ You had to wonder if this was something he had experienced, given that it was the first thing he thought of when he couldn’t see you. The mere thought had you holding him just as tight, a hand running through his locks. “I’m sorry, I had to grab something. Besides I can’t leave, not without my hybrids.” 
Your eyes met Lisa and you mouthed a thank you to her, and she smiled back and nodded to the register where you spotted a confused looking Jin setting some clothes down and heading over to the two of you. "Jungkook? Y/n? What happened?" The concern in his voice had you feeling a little safer; knowing he was worried about you was almost reassuring in a way you couldn't explain.
"I had to run an errand, Jungkook couldn't find me and thought I left you guys..." You trialed off, feeling guilt eat at you now. You honestly didn't think it was going to take that long to get everything done, thankfully he only just realized that you were gone.
Jungkook peeked up from your neck and looked at Jin, the two staring at one another for a few moments before Jin sighed. "I'm glad to see your okay, Y/n." His lips curled down however, eyebrows knitting as his bright blue eyes pierced into yours. "However, you need to tell us next time. What if something were to happen? We wouldn't know where you were or went to."
His tone wasn't condescending, but there was authority behind it. An order of sorts. It had you looking down, feeling small and weak for a moment. "I told Lisa, I wanted you guys to have some shopping and fun without me breathing down your necks."
Hearing this had the pair of hybrids looking at you with confusion, Jungkook pulling away from you. His lips parted and whether he had a questions or statement you wouldn't find out; Namjoon's voice broke the three of you out of the quiet stare down you guys had going on.
"I think we got everything we need." The ashy haired wolf approached the group, eyes lingering on everyone with an eyebrow raised. Seeing the questionable look you jumped away from Jungkook, creating some distance from yourself and the others.
"If you guys got what you needed we can pay and head out." Ducking your head, you headed towards the register where Lisa stood with a smile. Everything was rung up and ready to go, two shopping carts filled with items the hybrids had picked out. With a quick good day your group left; Jungkook and Jin pushing the carts towards the car while you gripped the single shopping bag from earlier.
"Y/n?" Namjoon was standing right behind you, his deep voice making you freeze on the spot. Slowly you turned and looked at him with eyes slightly large.
You managed to squeak out a 'yes?' and stare at the wolf, wondering what he was going to do. Was he going to go off on your for what happened in the furniture store? Or for leaving and making Jungkook upset? You were on the verge of fidgeting the longer he looked at you. Those eyes scanning over your every feature making your heart beat faster. It was soft, barely heart but you know you did: Namjoon let out a soft whine in the back of his throat, his hand quickly reaching out for one of yours.
"What's wrong?" He sounded concerned, his voice coming out in a hush. His thumb was brushing slow circles on the back of your hand, the gentle action helping quiet your hammering heart. "Did something happen?"
"I... I just thought you guys would want space as a pack." You wanted to kick yourself for sounding so weak and quiet. It seemed to be happening a lot as of late and it bothered you a bit. Closing your eyes you decided to be honest and not dance around the bush. "After all that happened today, I thought it was what you wanted. You seemed upset at the furniture store-"
"Oh angel." Namjoon cut you off with a sigh, his hand pulling you closer. Your eyes snapped open, meeting his gaze head on. The new nickname had your cheeks turning rosy. "I'm not upset. At least, not with you. Jungkook... he did something that I disapproved of." Reading your confused expression he only brought your hand up to his mouth, pressing his lips to the back of it, breathing your scent in deeply. "I'll explain once you read our files, angel."
When you only nodded he raised an eyebrow at you, not pleased with no verbal response. He raised his eyebrow for a second before his teeth nipped at your knuckles playfully, making you leap back and scowl. "Fine, yes!" He laughed at your response, gently pulling you towards the car.
"Let's get the groceries and head home." He laughed again, and looking up you spotted dimples with his wide smile. Grinning back at him you nodded in agreement with only one thought on your mind: You really liked how he said 'home'.
It was eerily quiet in the large vehicle. The soft sound of the heater flowing through the vents from the front seat would have created a beautiful little bubble in the car. If it weren’t for the two passengers sitting in the back seats, shivering in their thin jackets. They learned quickly that the vents were either broken or the driver simply refused to turn the back vents on. The teasing of the heat that barely reached them would have created a sour mood.  But not today. 
No, today was indeed a perfect day in their eyes. And no amount of cold could dampen the light that their eyes held as they watched the large city come into view. Towering skyscrapers twinkling in the late afternoon, their lights illuminating the grays and whites from all around. The lights seemed to glow brighter as if sensing their hopeful hearts. He pressed his head against the glass, ignoring the biting chill of the surface and watched with wide eyes as the world around them zoomed by. What would they look like? For months he had envisioned what their savior would look like. He wondered what their hobbies were, their favorites, he wanted to know it all. 
The daydream came to an abrupt halt much like the car that screeched to a stop on the side of the road, right outside of an apartment complex. It towered and loomed over the pair as they stared with mouths slightly agape. Was this the place? Was this where they were meant to go? The company gave them zero information on the matter with the exception of one name.
“Get out.” 
The driver’s voice was as cold as the winter winds. Beady, dark eyes glaring at the two from the rearview mirror. One hand was gripping the wheel and the other was on the gear shift. He wanted them out as soon as possible. Obviously he wasn’t a fan of hybrids. It was a common occurrence but still the hate in his eyes had the pair tensing up. 
“B-but which one do we-” The eldest tried to speak up, the cool glare already rattling his nerves. Even his sensitive ears he could hear the insecurity and softness in his words. He wanted to sound brave for his pack but it was hard when his own heartbeat betrayed him. He could have spoken up, perhaps sound stronger but those words died on his lips as the man in front of them laughed. It was scratchy and deep, full of mockery. 
“Like I care. I was told to deliver you two here, nothing more, nothing less. So get out. Now.” He tapped the gas pedal once, cackling as the vehicle bucked forward sending the pair forward into the front seats.
Anger brewed inside but he knew arguing with the older man would only cause problems. Gripping his younger brother's hand he gently pulled him out the doors and into the cold winter air. The lightweight jackets they wore were no match for the icy winds and snowflakes that whipped around them. The moment the door was closed the car screeched off and out of sight. 
“H-hyung, what now?” Arms crossed over his chest, the youngest leaned into the eldest to try and get warm. Pointed ears flattened against his head and bushy tail wrapping around himself as protection. “Sh-sh-should we kn-knock?” 
They both knew that wouldn't work. At least not for them; two hybrids knocking on every door would only have Hybrid Protective Services called. And going back was not an option, at least not for them. Being homeless and living on the street would have been better than returning. Anything would have been better than returning to their company.
Today was supposed to be the start of a new life for them. A new chapter with possibilities and hope for a better future. A fresh start. Was this all a joke? Fear began to creep in as the thought of this all being one large prank grew; giving the two of them one last bit of hope only to have it ripped from them. It was very possible, knowing their company, and the thought had the eldest almost spiraling when a soft voice broke the chain of thoughts.
“Are you two from Faux Inc?” 
A young woman stood behind them, shocking the pair for a moment. Dark hair was glittered in snow flakes, with equally dark eyes watching the two with curiosity and, from what they could tell, hope. She wore a professional pantsuit with a thick outer coat to help protect against the harsh weather. The air she had was calm and collected, though not cool- she was someone who felt dependable, a safe place to land. 
The youngest perked up, tail wagging at the young woman. “Are you Mr. Takoda?” There was a hint of desperation in his voice, fingers gripping his hyung’s jacket. 
She smiled and swallowed the giggle that tried to escape and shook her head. “I’m afraid not. My name is Soojin Seo, I was one of his three assistants. I was informed by your late owner to provide you with a home for a while, letting his niece get settled in before escorting you both to the home.”
“Late owner? Mr. Takoda has passed?” The eldest blinked in surprise, turning to the other. This was not something that they were told. 
“That is correct. However do not worry; his niece will be your new owner. She is slowly adjusting with the changes.” Soojin smiled at the two softly, knowing this was a confusing situation. She could only do her best to help the pair while under her temporary care. Takoda was a well planned out man; she had her instructions and would follow them perfectly. “While she is getting settled, you two will be with me for a bit.”  As she spoke she walked towards a large white SUV, gracing them with a reassuring smile. “I can answer all your questions to the best of my ability on the way back to my home. I’ll do my best to ensure your safety and happiness.”
The two shared a look with the same thought bouncing between the two of them: they had nothing left to lose anyway. Perhaps it was blind trust and the cold, or maybe it was the desperation of wanting a home. Regardless the pair climbed into the warm car, their hands clasped together as questions crept to the tip of their tongues. 
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blank-et-noir · 1 year
Fic recs
OT7 x Reader (Polyamory)
Creatures of Comfort by @interesting-interludes
au: supernatural!au, soulmate!au genre: angst, fluff, evetual smut, hurt + comfort + recovery reader: confused af? literally has amnesia, scared and hurt, very traumatized
Time Heals (Sometimes) by @becomingbts
au: soulmate!au, idol!reader, semi-smau genre: major angst, fluff, evetual smut, hurt + comfort + recovery reader: stubborn, very angry, very hurt, feeling betrayed
Cry Me a River by @minniepetals
au: mafia!au, arranged marraige!au genre: angst, slight fluff, revenge reader: just super hurt, revenge era, fuckin mad, angry like super grrr, loves to sacrifice a lot :>, very complex tbh
Belong by @ratherbefangirling
au: abo!au, omegaverse!au genre: fluff, hurt + comfort, angst reader: soft and hurt
Feels Like Home by @btsrunmylife
au: abo!au, omegaverse!au, college!au genre: fluff, angst, comedy reader: stubborn? curious
Petichor by @jellifysh
Ride with You
From Ao3
Merillia by saylilirose
The Lost Queen by KuronoVixenYami
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blank-et-noir · 1 year
Some-bunny to Love: Ice cream
"Master, master, can I have what she's having?" It's been a couple of weeks already and you still haven't stopped calling Jimin your master. Although, Jimin thinks it's better than you not saying anything at all the first couple of months - even if most of what you say is usually just something fed to you by either Taehyung of Jungkook. Just like now -
"Please hyung?! It's so hot that even y/n - y/n! - is asking for it"
“I know you told her to say it jungkookie,” the puppy hybrid pouts at his owner’s reply. "Still, couldn't you give our bunny a treat? She rarely asks you know" - Ah, so this is the route the cat is choosing to take - guilt-tripping. Well, unfortunately for him it doesn't work. He needs to be the responsible one among the bunch even if that means looking like the bad guy. "Guys, we just had cake from the cafe earlier, then crepe because Taetae said he never tried the strawberry one, then churros on the way here because Kookie was too hungry. We can't have ice cream too. That's too many sweets for the day!" At that, y/n frowns. Okay. He wasn't ready for that. To be honest, neither were the other two hybrids. "Ah, hyungggg ~~" Jungkook whines while tugging at his owner's sleeve, shaking Jimin aggressively. "Min-ah. I'll do the dishes later, I'll do the laundry this week too! Just please, please, please can we get ice cream for y/niee~" Taehyung bargains while also tugging Jimins sleeve, making it look like Jimin was in a middle of a human tug-of-war. "Okay, okay, okay. Let's get that ice cream. We just have to lessen our sweets the other days, hmm? Okay?" All three hybrids nod eagerly in response. *sigh* Maybe he'll be just have to be responsible another day.
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