brussoni · 4 years
Tuesday the 24th of March I work from home again today this is the one we kind of versuri of working from home and I quite like it I've been extremely productive and I had a meeting with my co-workers via Blue Jeans which is an online chat platform and I was able to see their faces and hear their voices and it was pretty interesting. Today hasn't been too difficult although I'd have to say that the workload has been very similar to a normal day other than all the coronavirus cancellations in any case at least I'm still working
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brussoni · 4 years
Friday the 13th March 2020 I just got the meeting with livio or the middle of the night and when I arrived at his house with my lunch box and glass jar in hand it is not answered normally answers the door before I even shut off my car. Today at work coronavirus again was the major cause of most of the calls however today as opposed to yesterday was more about cancellations and considering that Disney World decided to shut down operations for 2 weeks we were getting a lot of calls roughly 10 minutes after this announcement was made save happened yesterday with the president announced that flights from Europe would be cancelled that American Airlines at other airlines decided to call services from Europe except for the UK so we started getting a lot of calls for cancellations yesterday we weren't so understanding and the the hotels weren't so understanding because the hotels were only aware of certain cancellations in China and certain parts of Italy now I normally Italy doesn't like to cancel any sort of reservation for your charge for any reason and they're very good at avoiding call and very bad is beginning with us most of the time sometimes it just be good English but still refuse a cancellation free of charge of these so now we've had to go over their heads and offer for circumstances cancellations which are forced circumstances which go above the hotel years hey and we decide for them that they're going to refund a guest so a lot of people losing money losing out of their vacation and today it seems at the hotel are also there is about catching coronavirus so they're actually fine we canceling a lot of reservations practically every call I've had today was about canceling for your charge and a lot of people start off the conversation trying to convince me without telling me the relevant information which is their reservation number and pin code one guy said how do you say grace doesn't really have much to do with it it's up to the hotel he's at he said no I'm asking you for some reason like look up very sorry for the situation however everybody is also going to this I'm getting a lot of calls about those that everything will cause the same so just let me try to cancel the reservation for your charge for you and he would have really let me call them property so when I finally took all the property it was easy most of these cancellations were very easy even though the other Industries to the travel Industries are suffering it's all connected so ready businesses are interconnected not only with China but with each other and travel that when travel breaks down and people don't want to get together for a vent it breaks down a lot of the economy and I think this is almost revolutionary almost in the same vein as the 2011 Arab Spring which changed almost everything with relation to however you think about the world migration the Middle East democracy where you at all of these things have changed because of that and I think coronavirus although it may not be the Bubonic plague is changing a lot of people's perspective and perception of things and I think that people will travel lives and we'll go to a different direction before you know
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brussoni · 4 years
March 14th 2020 although I believe it should be the thirteenth isn't it yeah it's actually the 13th I never changed my watch 2 the correct date after the leap year so another day of coronavirus cancellations Walt Disney World decided to close down operations for 2 weeks and we may be working from home so tired because I only slept for about 5 hours last night and and I'm quite tired when we do things that kill our souls do we do that because we don't believe that the thing will kill us or because we don't care to that thing will kill us there's a big difference between acknowledging something and taking it to heart
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brussoni · 4 years
March 13th 2020 I just got off of work and I'm driving 2 Casas house and I would like to update you on what happened to the past two days on March 11th we had a team meeting in which I found it very difficult to not laugh together with Danny John Mateus and rub we were all laughing and Rolando we were all laughing at Morris a large man who use for grammar and kept falling asleep during the meeting it was so funny that it reminded me of being in grade school and a situation where you're not supposed to laugh and that only makes a funny situation funnier. Yesterday I said the day that just passed March 12th there was a lot of concern over coronavirus with the clients at work and I didn't actually produce very much however nobody else did either the load has been heavy and the going has been slow so tonight I'm thinking about my to do list and unfortunately it seems that I forgot why I wanted to start writing this message I'm thinking that what I wanted to do had something to do with going to Argentina as I've been researching a trip there very heavily for the past few weeks with an uptake and interest in the past two days due to the cheap flights resulting from the coronavirus outbreak however I'm still finding it very hard to remember what it was specifically that I was thinking about. Actually I think I remember semicolon I wanted to remember to change my oil price out the parts I need for my car and the work that it would take to get them installed so the ball bearing on the front left wheel maybe the CV axle a set of new tires other things such as not spending my money before I even make it there for not open casting my account to pay the $35 fee to Bank of America every single paycheck and also not taking out any loads to which I also pay over 10% feet and just between those two things I will have made myself $70 extra every paycheck and then I'll be able to pay my student loans very easily
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brussoni · 4 years
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brussoni · 4 years
March 10th 2020 today at work I work from 4:30 to 1 and I had a pretty decent time speaking with Paola Lara and the Danny about Brazilian slang and the difference between Rio Grande do Sul and the other parts of Brazil I had some interesting moments with my boss Paula where we were speaking while only looking at the eyes hopefully our screens and it felt a bit flirty I don't know how to put this in a way that sounds more poetic but it felt pretty powerful. I've been noticing small friendship developing between me and Danny and the cooling off of tensions between Ciara and Antonia towards me. That is very focused on her job and I think that she is probably going to go very far in booking and she'll be a good person to know. I wasn't very productive today however I believe that I've worked on my reputation with my boss has somehow I have engaged in the banter that my co-workers routinely take part in. Hopefully I'm able to keep doing these Diaries I just going to do. But now it's straight forward speaking I like going to live as if people could see me there's some things I won't say however they aren't necessary to say and I'll keep them that way. So this is my first blog maybe my second one where I'm using this approach so I don't set the expectations too high I had to give up on this entire project. As of late I feel that I am not recording my thoughts and developing my ideas so hopefully I will be able to do that through Tumblr.
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brussoni · 4 years
Found out that one of my classmates died back in January of this year the circumstances surrounding it nobody seems to know. Of course knowing the person that I once knew and now they've died Heather the same age as me more accomplished than me it's making me think a lot about the meaning of life how easily an unexpectedly it could end and how I'm feeling and succeeding in the world that I live in. Just last night I was thinking that I need to be less scared of expressing myself and doing what I need to do to live my life my way. If Voltaire did not write or if Michelangelo or Caravaggio decided that it was too risky to do what they've done it would've been a tradegy for they will be doing Humanity a disservice without adding their unique perspectives to the pallete of human experience.
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brussoni · 4 years
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brussoni · 9 years
The issue is to prioritize. It is far too easy to get caught up with the drives and motivations of others. You could easily spend all day running around doing other peoples building. You could easily spend all day feeling self-conscious based on the opinion of one mother fucker. You could easily lose sight of your long term goals based on the propositions that arise throughout the day. Therefore; I find it necessary to sit down and think about what it is that fucking happened today. Space I could start from the beginning or I could start from the end. But what I'm going to do is to worry more about what I plan to do tomorrow. And by tomorrow I don't mean the next calendar day, I mean what's to come overall. What I need to do is to find a full time job, what I need to do is to have an exercise routine. What I need to do this to get on that resume and start fucking writing it. I need to get a full time job here in Orlando. I need to get myself into grad school. I need to finalize my schedule for next semester. I need to transfer money into my account at rollins.
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brussoni · 9 years
G A bit overwhelmed. I take solace in telling you nice things. But it's not what is on my mind right now. But when I do... It is as reassuring to me as it is meant to be for you. A lot of jesus in my life. Social life is taking over. It is nonstop. So many people. So many lives. Sab, I need to get away. I need an assistant. Let's back up I went to whiskey's. Lele was giving me everything she had. Running her game. At the studio. No shortage of ppl trying to take me down or to get me to do shit for them offering me tokens. Paz. The girl, rough mind fuckin g. Nonstop. Roza the Persian. Heather. Barley. Casandra. All hitting me up for one reas9n or another. The list goes on. It must be lik3 how you f3el. I don't know what I feel. Its allm9
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brussoni · 9 years
by Shae de Tar
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