bskarsgard · 3 years
date arrived in bayview: September 2017 the first time around, and July 2020 the second time. 
area(s) lived in: Bill’s lived in every part of town, to be honest! Downtown when he first arrived in town, then moved over to Bayside, then Green Acres, and the last house where he still lives is in the suburbs. 
relationship history & status: Bill came to town for a fresh start after ending a long term relationship. He’s had a few relationships since. One he ended when he realized he wasn’t into it long term. He saw a future with Lili Reinhart before they broke up and he left town, both citing that they were just headed in different life directions. When he came back, he tried to move on with someone else but realized he was still very much in love with Lili. They happily reunited and have been together since.
family: Bill and Lili have a daughter named Dylan, born October 2019. 
career 10 years ago: He was an actor and producer, having just gotten his own production company off the ground. 
date left bayview: Never left. 
past residence: He has a slew of these, but they’re all in Bayview.
current residence: Bill and Lili are still in their house in the suburbs. Additionally, they had a house built in Stockholm where they split the time whenever work allows.
relationship status: Married to Lili. Bill proposed towards the end of September 2021 and they eloped before the end of that year. They later had a reception to celebrate the event with family and friends. 
family: Bill and Lili ended up adding two children to their family: Margareta (Maggie), born November 2022, and Daniel, born July 2024. Though they both agreed three was enough children for them to handle, they talk about having another child when the timing is right with work.
current career: Bill is still an actor and producer for projects he really feels passionately about, but a lot of his energy in recent years has been spent on writing and directing. He has a couple of films under his belt and is currently directing his first show. Bill feels satisfied investing the time in something that keeps him on his toes and gives him excitement about working and being on set. And much like his father, he drags his kids on set with him whenever he can. 
favorite location in bayview: Green Acres hiking trails, Circle B Ranch.
favorite food spot in bayview: Paco’s.
favorite drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic!) spot in bayview: Coral Street Cafe, Rusty Wheel.
favorite event or party: Bill always loves the events that call for dressing up or costumes, but the Halloween party just before Dylan was born is sentimental for obvious reasons.
best memory in bayview: When Dylan was born, his and Lili’s first camping trip, a prank war with his then neighbors. 
favorite project involved in: Bill has zero musical abilities, but he always liked getting involved on the Christmas albums. 
favorite sport played: Hockey, funnily. 
favorite trip taken: The trip to Italy had a lot of memories with Lili that Bill holds close. And the cruise just before Dylan was born.
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bskarsgard · 3 years
I think that it’s always important that we’re both happy. I like to think that we have something really good going for us now.  I think that it’s hard to be brave at times. I think that when it comes to doing what your heart tells you, you don’t really have a choice at the end of the day if you want to be able to avoid regrets. I don’t actually think eyes really o get stuck like that but we’ve always said that they do. There is no reason why we can’t say that they do though just to strike a little fear into her.  I think that it’s worked for centuries so why stop tradition.  If she’s not used to us by then, we might need to be spending more time at home.  I think her becoming a nerd in her own way is the more likely scenario.  I think that it’s a sign that you’re relatively normal when you cry at the birth of your child. It’s a special moment, you know?  I think that it’ll all come together in due time.  I think that in general people are always exciting to see what other people come up with. I mean, creativity in a town of artists tends to be high on the creative holidays.  It definitely didn’t feel good ignoring it. I mean, there are some things that are always going to be important. It is a lot of work but in the end we hope that everything will end up go precisely as we planned.  I do really appreciate you saying all of that. I’m trying to get myself to the next phase of my career and it’s not always easy but I am glad to always have you cheering me on.  I’m glad that for the time too. I mean, I definitely think that we have to sneak in a little time away when we can.  It’s nice that we can lean on your Aunt to watch her when we want a little night of it. She is doing okay with it all though. She really doesn’t seem to mind camping and the outdoors that much. She’s come a long way from when she was truly a baby.  In general, we have to balance the keeping her comfortable and letting her be exposed to experiences.  I think we do well at that. You’re completely right there. It is nice to spoil them and if there is a good karma or new skills that come out of it all the better. I think that she’s pretty good at picking up at things and will be the kind of kid that wants to help anyways. I think that it’s good to get play around and really see what things look like before we go and have a professional put it down.  I mean, we’ll still have some edits to make even after that but at least then we can take some of the changes out of it in the future.  I’m glad you enjoyed your gifts though and I really do hope you had a good birthday!  I always enjoy having a good time with you too.   We love you so very much!  I’m glad that you can hand that.  I think that would be wild. I mean, can you even imagine being somewhere for a month? I mean, completely there for the purpose of vacation with no work and no being somewhere for any other reason. I’m on board. I’ll look forward to the day that trip comes.  We always make good memories together.  I think that we have to enjoy our time while we can. I mean, Sweden will be nice for us because we’ll at least get to spend some time with family and get some work done when you’re working.   It’ll probably end up flying by.  I think that in general things tend to go quicker than we anticipate. We will most definitely always be there for her.  I think that some people aren’t as blessed and I think we’re as blessed as we can be.  I think that it’s always good to have people around you who want the same things. I mean, I know some people have families that are so far removed from their own ideas about family that it doesn’t work.  Ours are pretty great.  I think that she is going to have as normal a childhood as we can provide for her. I mean, we can’t completely ignore our careers because it is a factor in our lives but we can certainly minimize the attention brought to her. We do balance everything.  I think that people in general are good to do that. I think that sometimes you grow with people though and that’s nice too. I mean, it’s good to look back on who we were years ago to who we are now.    Dylan is a little too smart for her own good at times.  I think she’ll always be keeping us on our toes. I appreciate the fact that you’d do that. I most definitely wouldn’t want to have to be jealous.  There isn’t anyone better than you either.  I definitely think that some things just plain need to be purchased to keep people in line. Oh, I’m sure you are eager to see that.   I think that we’re pretty good at making sure the people who need to know things know it.  I mean, I don’t really love using the media to handle things that need to be handled between us.  It would be ludicrous to think that I’d ever not like you as you are. We’re all lucky in my eyes. We have plenty of good stuff.  I mean, she certainly appreciates the extra effort to make sure she’s living in the lap of luxury about things.  I think that you can only take it so far without being in a cabin.  I think that when you’re going to camp you want to camp though.  We do our best to keep things cozy though. Addy will love that.  Yes though. It’s a good job so we’re all super proud of him.  It’s crazy how we’re all going off and doing our own things at this point.  I’m glad you’ll always be greedy. I always feel bad for how much we leave them around with sitters and the like these days. I mean, I know they get loved when we can be with them but it still makes me a bit sad.  We’re going to have to really spoil them when we get to be home again for another long stretch.  I’m glad you’re on board with this plan. Hopefully, we won’t run into a long stretch of rain.  Well, that is kind of the plan.
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We definitely have a lot good going for us right now, of course this being the most important thing, that we're together to celebrate it all. It is, but it's always worth it to try and be brave for the things that are important, and I think that means something whether they end up working out or not. Sometimes you do get lucky, though. And you're right, following where your heart leads, you tend to end up not regretting anything. I know, but it's fun to tease kids by saying that. Strike a little fear while we can and while they're young enough to believe us. We wouldn't spend enough time away that she forgets we're complete nerds, though. I'd like to think she'll join our ranks in them soon enough, too. True, and even though I don't cry very often, I couldn't help being moved in that moment of just holding her for the first time. I know I'm always excited to see the costumes people come up with, and I'm really excited to see what we'll come up with too. It's true, though I think we were both thinking the same thing, that the other had moved on? Though clearly that worked out fantastically. I know the film will be everything you guys have wanted and worked hard for, and I can't wait to see the finished product. Of course, and you know I'll always be here to cheer on what you're working on. Makes it easy when it's so exciting. I'm really glad we did that for the first week there, just to set the tone for the rest of filming, you know? And nothing does it better than camping. My aunt's always amazing for looking after Dylan when we get these ideas. I'm really proud of Dylan and the way she handled being outdoors. Granted, I know we did a lot to make sure she was comfortable, but she came through it all just fine. That's a good method though, making sure she has new experiences and also making sure they're good ones by adding in some comforts. She'll be roughing it in a tent in no time, I bet. The spoiling comes with good karma and helps us out in the long run, I think it's perfect. It's adorable that she always wants to help now, and I'm thinking she'll certainly be a kid who wants to do that in the future. I agree, and just having an idea of what we want and then making sure we can bring it all to life in a house just the way we want is important. I'm confident we'll have a place we're proud of, though. I had an amazing birthday, thanks to you two! I appreciated everything so much and honestly felt so loved. I love you two so very much, too. And yeah, it's difficult to imagine vacationing that long, which is all the more reason to do it. We'd have a whole month to ourselves! We'd just have to choose somewhere, if it's not Italy outright. Anywhere we go though, we'll definitely make some good memories. Sweden's definitely been nice so far, even if I know it's a lot traveling back and forth between there and Bayview. But I know the family's been happy to see us and Dylan. The month's already flying right by, so you aren't wrong in the least about this. I mean, the Getaway is closed already! I'm sad even though it was fun being there for the last time this season. I'm trying to savor every moment we have with her, though. We're certainly blessed and I feel lucky for it all the time. I know what you mean, and I love that our families have always been supportive and had the same ideals we do. It just makes things easier. I agree with you on that, and there's still a way to minimize any attention on her despite that we're in the spotlight, at least until she's old enough to decide on those things herself. It's definitely nice when people can grow together and still fit into each other's lives. It doesn't always happen, but it makes you appreciate the times it does. I guess it's good to have someone around who knows you that way, the you years ago and how you've changed, too. I don't doubt Dylan will always keep us on our toes. She's been good at that even before she was born. Of course, I always want to spoil you and give you undivided attention, after all. That's what Dylan's bedtime is handy for. I'm happy I don't have to be jealous of anyone either, for the record. Can you blame me for being eager to see, though? Especially with what you can get up to with some rope. Exactly, we both let people who need to know these things know them without having to make a public statement or any of that nonsense. Well, I have to say I do like the reminder that you like me how I am. I think she did too, and I'm still proud of how she came through camping for the first time. She'll learn as she gets older, too. It is crazy, though like you said, reason to be proud of what everyone is doing, too. I know, and I wish it were possible to take them everywhere with us. Though like you said, we'll love up on them first chance we get. They'll get plenty of spoiling, too. We were lucky the weather held up and we could get out there on the water, plus Dylan has a ball with it. We might have to do that again before filming is over. Good, then we're on the same page with this plan.
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bskarsgard · 3 years
I would feel disrespected if I found out that you ate my tacos. Just do what DoorDash does and tape the food so you don’t feel tempted to eat my stuff. Turns out that they were telling the truth, and babies really do grow quickly. And the thing is that you don’t realize how much they grow until you look back at pictures/videos. Okay, that’s adorable. Isn’t the rodeo a few weeks away? Cause that’d be the perfect time to see if the boots and cowboy hat still fit. I’m sure! Guess that the clothes continue to go down the family line until it’s too worn down that you can’t use them anymore. Or if you’re like my brothers, use them to clean around the house. Oh, most definitely. Don’t know how many kids we’ll have, but we’re just getting started with Willa. What about you guys? You think that Dylan will be the only one you have? I don’t have an excuse because I still remember my name, Dearil! Are you doing anything crazy for your birthday? 
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But tape doesn’t make the aroma go away, and then I just want to rip the bag open and eat the tacos anyway. Proof I could never work for DoorDash. I know, looking at pictures and videos, and then those random moments where you realize just how much they can do and how many new abilities they’ve picked up, and you’re stunned all over again. Willa’s still young, but it’ll happen. Absolutely, Dylan plans on rocking those for the rodeo! They’re too perfect not to bring them out for the cause. That’s exactly it, though the great part is they never go to waste, even if they’re finding another life being cleaning rags. And aw, you know I wouldn’t argue with more of your kids to spoil. We definitely want more kids too, when the time feels right to both of us. So hoping Dylan won’t be the only. Do you, Dearil? You don’t even acknowledge your name! Didn’t do anything too crazy, just got spoiled by the family, which was good with me. Which thank you for the gifts! I’ve already started using the album, so we’ll see how long it takes to fill up.
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bskarsgard · 3 years
I think that we’ve all done that at some point in our lives. I mean, I think it’s safe to say that at some point last year I was doing that but I did manage to find my way back.  I mean, you have to trust yourself and allow yourself to find your way.  I am beyond glad that we don’t have anything to really worry about there.  We will get used to the eye rolls and probably tease her about them getting stuck.  The positive is that she’ll never know anything other than how we are. It’ll just be the norm for her.  I’m glad you consider it one of your best days too! We both did our fair share of crying but it was for a good reason.  I think that we’ll definitely have to come up with something genius this time. I have no doubt that we’ll cook something up that people won’t even have begun to think about.  For a while, she’s just going to have to accept that. I mean, we make the big decisions and she just gets to live through them.  I’m honestly always glad to know you’ve enjoyed the quality time with me.  It is always weird to try and ignore that sort of thing.  I know there is plenty more to do. I think it’s good to know that we have great people to handle a lot of that editing and stuff. We just get to give notes and share our thoughts about what is there and correct any glaring issues that come up.  I really do think this one is going to be special. I couldn’t possibly be happier to have your support.  I think that we deserved a little break at the house. The camping trip definitely is a tradition for us though.  I was thinking since she’ll be with us in Sweden, we might see if your Aunt wants to watch her for the weekend and we can make it a little camping adventure for the two of us.  I mean, she did well enough in our other camping adventures so it’s really something that could go either way depending on her mood.  I’m glad you’re on board with that gifting plan.  I think they probably would have loads of fun with it for years to come.  I think that it’s always a good idea to go and help her encourage those good habits. I think that the plan is to build up that feeling that every member of our family has to contribute somehow.  I thought that your birthday gifts might be helpful in helping us with that for sure. We can certainly make progress on some of our designing even if we have to go to professionals for the end plans and everything. There is nothing wrong with playing around with technology when it’s available to us.  Me and Dylan are very happy that you enjoyed everything.  I guess that’s only fair when you’re a weakness for me too! That’s how it usually goes. I mean, things that are long usually feel short and vice versa especially when it comes to things like vacations. We made memories, we saw lots of great things and we still got to come home and enjoy some rest before more insanity begins.  I think that those memories are always a worthy investment when it comes our family.  We pretty much don’t have to think about her moving out just yet. We have time before we really need to start sweating about it.  I’m pretty sure that we’ll both be emotional when it comes to that experience.  It is a blessing that everyone is pretty much on the same page about that.  I think that at the end of the day we’ll make our family the way we want but it’s good to have our extended family on the same page, you know. I definitely want her to have the same kind of experiences we had. I mean, maybe not all but definitely the best of both worlds.   We’ll definitely always do our best to include everyone who wants to be included. I’m glad that they do.  Life evolves and we have to appreciate that evolution. You can definitely respect someone’s place in the past without them being part of the future.  I’m glad to be stuck with you guys. That is my plan. We will do just that.  I like to think she’ll be smarter than us and will need far less explained to her. I could most definitely be jealous of myself. It is entirely an option. I’d like to see you stop me from being jealous of myself.  I think that is good information to know though. I need to add rope to the shopping list to make sure you don’t get any ideas.   I think most people would.  I think that we’re pretty good at filling people in on the things that they need to know, when they need to know it.  That is respectable though.  I feel like that is how most people feel at the end of the day.  I am glad you didn’t think that I would want to. I never would.  I’m happy to clarify any questions you might have lingering though. I love you too.  We try our best to look after you! I think that we’re all better off when we stop doing that. People will make you crazy just to try and destroy your joy.  I will most definitely hold onto you forever.  I think that it’s going to be hard giving up the beds this weekend but it will be worth it.  I think that we’ll make sure that any place we own has the same feel. There is a certain energy that we just want everything to have. I have no doubt Addy will. I mean, now that all her siblings are out gone and my sister isn’t nearby she’s probably desperate for more people closer to her age.  Her brother just got a job in Texas so he’s going to be far away from home too. We are allowed to be greedy. Vi har god smak. I’m glad that you do.  I missed them. I mean, they’re pretty much all our kids too so they deserve all the belly rubs and ear scratches they want.  I think that they know that we love them.  It doesn’t ever get bored around here.  I am hoping that it does.  I mean, it could be a great time. I’m just glad that you have a good one. I hope we get to celebrate many, many more with you.
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It's safe to say I'm glad we both found our way back from that, especially when I'm so happy for the outcome now. Trusting yourself is definitely key, along with being brave enough to follow through on what you're feeling, too. Of course, her eyes getting stuck like that along with any funny faces she makes. It feels like tradition for parents to tell their kids that. She'll basically be used to us being giant nerds, then. She might even become one with us. It was definitely for a good reason, and well, if parents aren't weepy meeting their child for the first time, what are they doing with their lives? I know we'll come up with a fun costume for the cause, though. Something people will be impressed by, no question there. I know, it never felt right ignoring it, and now I'm glad neither of us have to and we're happy where we are. I know the editing is just as big a job as the filming, but it'll be worth the work seeing the finished product. I definitely know it'll be special too, and of course, you make it easy to support what you do, Miss Producer. We did deserve the break, though now I'm glad to be out on the camping trip with the two of you. That's a really good idea too! I'd love a camping adventure in Sweden with you, and I'm sure my aunt wouldn't mind taking Dylan for a night. I think she's doing pretty well with things so far, don't you? I know she was a little fussy earlier, but she seems to be enjoying herself a little more now. And as long as she's comfortable, I know that's mainly what matters to us. Of course, any opportunity to spoil both her and Dylan, especially if it helps us out a little in the future too. That's a good plan and I agree with it, showing her it's the way a smooth running household works, that everyone contributes. It'll be nice for just having a general idea of what we want, even if we have to run that by professionals to made sure it's all possible and make changes if we need to. But it was definitely a perfect gift and I'm looking forward to having some fun on it with you. I did, and I love you two so much. I'll happily take being a weakness for you. I know, and maybe one day we'll have the time to take a really long vacation, like a month long, just to test this theory about the time passing quickly. I'm so glad for the memories we've made and all the fun though, I loved every moment. And like you said, it's a good thing before we're all off to Sweden for filming. Of course the memories are, and I know we both want Dylan to have amazing ones. I know, though her moving out will probably happen more quickly than we anticipate if her growing up in general is any indication. But we'll be there for each other through it, if anything. Exactly, it's just nice to have extended family on the same page, with the same values. I guess we had to get it from somewhere! I want the same for her, just to have as normal a childhood as she can considering our professions. I think we can certainly balance both worlds. I agree, it's possible to still appreciate someone's place in your life while not feeling pressure to keep it the same if you've grown apart. Like you said, life just naturally evolves sometimes. We'll get to see how much she understands, but she's already so smart, it wouldn't really surprise me if her intelligence was greater than ours. In that case, I'll have to give you some special attention and spoiling to remind you that no one's better than you and there's no need to be jealous, see. Adding rope to the shopping list, hmm? I'd love to see what you get up to with that. It's how I feel too, that the people important to us would be one of the first to know any important information. I'm really grateful you're happy with how I am, for the record. I know I'm lucky to have you two. I know, and it's nice to just live in the happiness with whatever you've created than all that. Good, because I'm not letting go of you. It hasn't been too bad since we have some inflatables for Dylan, yes? They're not bad on the comfort level. Maybe not a bed, but not terrible either. I'm really happy about that, thinking of our place there having the same cozy vibe. You're right, Addy will be thrilled with kids her age to play with. And oh wow, Texas? That is quite far away, though good for him on the job front. That's good to hear, because I'll always be greedy for you. The pets do deserve it all, especially since we had to leave them again for the camping trip, poor things. But they do know we love them. I'm sure we'll have at least one nice day it'd be fun to go out on the water, so we'll have to see. It's safe to say I want to celebrate them all with you guys.
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bskarsgard · 3 years
It most definitely can be very hard to ignore.  I think that you definitely should never try and silence something that you hear in your head and heart loudly. That would be sort of silly if you ask me.   I definitely find it far less emotionally taxing.  I’m glad that you’re going to stick with it.  I think that she’ll roll her eyes but it’s to be embraced.   I definitely think that the day she was born was one of the best days of my life. I mean, sure it was painful but it was worth it.  I think that we’ve always had a good time at Halloween. I mean, this year won’t be any different from the rest for us as far as I’m concerned. We’ll just have to go even bigger into it. We can only hope that she grows into being as big a nerd as we are.  I’m honestly so glad that you enjoy the nights with me. We’re definitely pretty much always on the same page. I agree it was hard to ignore. I mean, it was just weird to try and ignore our second nature.  I’m honestly so glad to know that we have it in the can.  There is probably a little more editing and work to get in there but I think overall we’ve got something that people are really going to connect with. I am beyond grateful that to have you to support me. It’s definitely always nice when the timing works out for us.  I think that we deserve a little bit of a break at home. I mean, plus we’d never miss out on camping. We do get to go and do that.  You’re going to get sick of having me and Dylan around before all is said and done.  I think that there is no reason why they can’t both have it. I mean, even if misunderstood, I don’t think that there is any shame in the photo ops. They’d literally both have a good time with that.  The sooner we can teach her how to help out the better it’s going to be for us.   I think that we should both take it upon ourselves to get into the purge.  I mean, we definitely do need the space since we’ll probably be taking photos of all kinds of stuff and working to try and put down some of our ideas for the Swedish house on paper.  I’m glad that you’re not morally opposed to a little pampering.  I do try.  I think that I am happy to play women who have many skills. You know that it’s a perk knowing that they’re weaknesses for you.  It doesn’t even feel like it was long at all to me. Time really does fly when you’re having fun. I am glad Dylan enjoyed herself. I aim for that wherever we go.   I think that we have a decent appreciation of all things.  I guess you’re right. It would have been pretty funny.  It is pretty hard but I guess it just comes with the territory. No matter how many years you have to be prepared, you never really are prepared for it.  I think that we’re lucky to have families that want to come together for the holidays. I mean, some people have families that don’t want to go and do that. I know that for me, it always means a lot when my family includes me when I can’t make it to things in North Carolina.  It would be a bit weird to lose contact with some people but I think that there are always going to be people who are truly close to and those we were close to because we were bonded through a project but it dissipates with times. I always look back fondly over it but I’m definitely looking forward to bigger and better things.   That is precisely what I’m saying.  I think it is perfect.  I can’t imagine ever being separated from you two. Your gut is pretty good.  I’m glad that you are. I mean, especially since you’re not getting rid of me.  That is precisely what we’re going to do.  We will make sure that if it’s within our power she gets it. We can’t control everything but what we can control will be taken care of. I’m honestly not worried about us ever failing to tell her something she needs to know.  I think that being happy is the goal for everyone.  You’re in love with her, huh? That seems like a pretty big reason to be jealous. I mean, what if you run off to be with her or something?  I mean, I guess if I was her, you wouldn’t have far to run though. You might could even run in slow motion.  It’s definitely a bit sad but it is what it is.  I think that sometimes life does have pressure associated with it. All you can really do is hope that the people who matter don’t jump to ridiculous conclusions.  The industry is very hard but if it weren’t somehow worth it we wouldn’t keep doing it.  I think that we do. I hope that you know that you should never change. We’re definitely always going to try our best to look after you.  It is very nice.  I think that is all you really can do. I mean, it’s less disappointing when you’re happy and less concerned about what everyone else thinks. I’m most definitely going to be holding you to that.  I think that it’s just nice to be home in your own bed, with your own toys and pets. I think I’m the same way.  I know for a fact Addy is thrilled. She might end up a little jealous when the time comes but right now she’s excited.  I think kids are going to be kids. They like that attention.  We do get pretty surroundings plenty so that is something to be smiling about.  I’m honestly glad that I can always depend on you to be a bit greedy. Det är min favorit tidsfördriv.   I think that it’s only natural to be excited about her but I think they were pretty happy to see us too. I mean, they know we buy the food.  They’ve got enough cuddles for all of us.  I love that too. I wouldn’t be mad if that was what she decided she wanted to do.  We’re usually always able to find them. Maybe this time when we go the weather will be better and we can finally enjoy some water there.
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Ideally, no one would have to do that, because it's a rough way to live, knowing you're not following your heart like you should. Thankfully it's not something either of us has to worry about. She'll probably roll her eyes at a lot of things we do, but she has to know we're nerds offhand and just get used to these things. It was definitely one of the best days of mine too, even though I'm pretty sure I was a mess holding her for the first time. We have, and I'm excited to come up with some costumes for this year, too. We'll do it up big, no question about that. Being around us all the time, though, she might not have any choice but becoming a nerd. It tends to rub off. Of course I do, though I've always enjoyed quality time with you. I'm glad we don't have to ignore our second nature anymore, though. Yeah, the editing and getting it all down to a finished product is a challenge too, but I'm excited to see it once it's all finished. You definitely should be proud of yourselves, and you know I'll always support you, no question about it. I agree, it's nice being at home while we can, plus getting a camping trip as well before having to work? It's the perfect way to wind down before having to hop into the grind again. Are we still going to try and have her in a tent, maybe with an inflatable mattress? And I'd never get sick of having you and Dylan around, just so you know. That settles it then, they're both getting spa sets! And I'm betting they'll have a lot of fun with those, too. Plus we're technically getting her into the habit of helping out, so she'll be used to it when she gets older, yes? At least in theory. That's a good idea, plus have to make room for new ones we'll inevitably take this week! I'm really excited to get some ideas on the Swedish house going, especially with that gift you've given me! Which, thank you for that and the others when they're all so perfect. You make picking out gifts an entire art. You play some amazing people, and well, it's be difficult for most if not all of them not to be a weakness for me, just for the record. I know, it's hilarious that the vacation still felt short despite it being longer than usual. Though like you said, just means we've had fun on it. And it was a whole lot of fun. Dylan did have a good time, too. I'm sure we won't be prepared for Dylan or our other kids to move out, either. At least you won't be surprised if I get a little emotional about that. We're lucky to both be part of tight knit families that know the importance of getting together during the holidays, absolutely. It's certainly the kind of family I'd want Dylan to grow up in. I agree, it's nice being included even when you know things are super busy sometimes. But they always want you around though, and that doesn't surprise me at all. I understand what you mean, and sometimes life just happens and people naturally grow apart. You don't end up appreciating them any less but just don't relate to each other in the same ways, either. You won't have to since you're stuck with both of us, just saying. And I'd never get rid of you. I know we both always want to give her every opportunity that she wants, so it's nothing I'm worried about. That or telling her the things we needs to know. I'm cracking up because you can't technically be jealous of yourself, now can you? Besides, if she wanted me to run away with her, I'm quite sure I'd be on board. I'm probably a little impatient for slow motion when it comes to her, though. I know, and most times I'd assume the people closest to us would know better, possibly because they'd be hearing from us first if something like that happened. I know, I do like being in it and the work, it's just sometimes a lot what we have to handle along with that. I had a hunch you didn't want me to change, but I appreciate you saying it. I love you just the way you are, too. You two always look after me. It means the world to me. That's how I feel, that if I'm happy with something, I'm not reading too much into what everyone else thinks of it. Good, and you can hold onto me too, if you'd like. It's definitely nice being back here and sleeping in our own place. I really want the new place to feel like that too, once we've built it. I know, sibling rivalry is always a thing, but I think she'll be happy to have more kids around to play with. Dylan will too! And we've got the camping trip coming up, with more beautiful surroundings. It's safe to say I'm always greedy when it comes to you. Du är min favorit tidsfördriv. I'd like to think so! Like they missed us all, so missed us just as much, ideally. Who else would provide them with the food, after all? I wouldn't be upset about it either, and it's never a dull moment working with animals. At least she wouldn't be bored. That sounds good to me, especially since the weather should hold. I'll have to take a better look at the forecast for next week. And in case I haven't said it enough, thank you for an incredible birthday. You certainly know how to spoil an old man.
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bskarsgard · 3 years
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happiest of birthdays bestie @bskarsgard
can you believe you’re another year older? sadly, you will always be younger than me so I’ll shut up now. in honor of your special day, I am adding to your mug collection for hot chocolate nights. wouldn’t a camp mona go perfectly in a set with last years gift, so you’re reminded of me on a daily basis? anyway. this year you get new sun glasses! and last but not least. you said how much you enjoyed all of the food at the baby shower, so for your meal this year more Hawaiian food. made by yours truly. that should show you how much I love you. hope you have a wonderful birthday!
- Janelly
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bskarsgard · 3 years
It depends on a lot of thing. Sometimes, it does and sometimes it doesn’t.  I think there is a line where disrespect shouldn’t be tolerated. We have to just walk away. I think that we want to try and hear other people out for the most part though so we can corrected if we’re wrong.  I don’t want anything nasty. Life is generally unfair but it shouldn’t be that.  I think that the problem is that a lot of adoption agencies discriminate against the very people who could provide a loving and supportive home.  I mean, anything is possible, right?  I mean, people have children as teenagers.  I am like ten years older than her though so probably not.   I think that we all deserve to relax sometimes. I had a decent time but I’m glad to be home. You?
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Sometimes it is easier to just walk away than expend any energy on anything that’s not really worth it. I’m all for discussion and hearing people out, though it’s nice to do that respectfully and actually learn something from a conversation. Yeah, I’ve heard too many stories of adoption agencies doing that and making people who are more than fit to raise children jump through ridiculous hoops that they often can’t make. I get it, they don’t want to set these kids up with just anyone, but there are definitely flaws in that system. I just feel like if you guys went around saying you’re mother and daughter, people would probably ask if they’re being pranked. I had a good time myself! Though vacation still felt short, as always. Though definitely glad to be home and always happy for spending time in town. Looking forward to the camping trip, too.
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bskarsgard · 3 years
Loosely. But I told you Dylan’s artwork goes with the theme! I think I just saw burnt orange decor and said I want that, to be honest. Luckily, Robbie didn’t veto it. I can’t wait to have it all go together. I think it might also be really fitting with the potential names we’ve chosen. It was a nice little venture out in nature. I enjoying making the most of it as possible. It was nice getting to spend one last trip out with everyone too. 
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I’m happy it does, and like I said, she’ll be thrilled about her artwork being included. I’m sure the colors will look great, though. And yeah? Then it all fits perfectly, it sounds like. Excited to see which name you guys have chosen. And yeah, it was really nice and we definitely enjoyed ourselves, too. Though that’s not difficult to do on a nature centered trip. By the way, thank you for my gifts!! Know I definitely chowed down on the Hawaiian food and am bringing my sunglasses and mug camping for that cool factor. 
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bskarsgard · 3 years
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Happy Birthday, Troublemaker @bskarsgard 
Another year without getting caught by the law. Pretty sure that you’re a wanted man in a few states. Think I even saw you on America’s Most Wanted the other day? Something about how you nearly killed a guy with a bow and arrow? And how you’re plotting to track him down? I’m not sure, I didn’t really listen to the entire episode because it was mostly background noise while I was cleaning up the house. When they catch you, can you make sure to mention that I’m innocent? Thanks. 
In all seriousness, Happy Birthday, man. I hope that the card made you laugh because I sure thought it was funny as hell. The candle was also supposed to be a gag gift that’s supposed to match the card cause… ya know, they sell candles there. And because you’re now a dad, I figured you would need all of the correct tools to start grilling. It came in a pack, and I mostly wanted to get it because of the “Best Flipin Dad.” Although, the “I love you” tool is also a sweet gesture. And lastly, I feel like we need to continue the tradition by giving you another dartboard. This one is different, I promise. It’s magnets and you can always show the little one how to use it when she gets a little older. 
All in all, Happy Birthday. I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am to have you around. We’ve been through hell and back so I can’t wait to see what journey we’ll continue to be on. Eat all of the cake that you possibly can today! 
Your brother,  Kitsch
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bskarsgard · 3 years
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Happy Birthday, DEARIL! @bskarsgard
Wait, this is one of the rare days that I call you by your ‘real’ name, right? Fine, fine, Happy Birthday, Bill. I hope your day is filled with lots of love from friends, family, and especially your little one. 
How long have we known each other for now? Four years? Longer? I can’t keep track anymore, but I will always remember the time that you got us lost in the maze and when you cheated the entire day! Honestly, I think I can name quite a few memories with you, and even if you’ll forever tease me, I know that deep deep deep down you loved hanging out with me. 
Gift time! Yes, the card is a reminder that I’m always going to be younger than you, and no… there is no money inside, sorry! I thought that the little succulent would be adorable (and cheesy!) I hope that he stays alive and you don’t kill him before the end of the year! They don’t require that much water, and I should know because it’s one of the few plants that I can’t kill. The bracelets is for you, Lili, and the little one. It’s not too flashy, and it could go with every outfit. And lastly, the box has slots that you can put any picture that you’d like. I figured it was a little more creative than giving you a photo album. Either way, I expect that box to be filled soon enough! 
Again, this is one of the few times that you’ll catch me being nice to you so soak it all up! But I do want to thank you for being a great friend to me all of these years. You were a great (and entertaining) neighbor, loyal buddy, and just a great person. I’m incredibly happy to have you in my life. Happy Birthday again! 
love, Soph!
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bskarsgard · 3 years
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I know that life’s been a little hectic lately, and we haven’t had the chance to properly catch up or hang in a while, but it’s your birthday, and short of me jumping out of a cake, or dousing your house in confetti using a drone, I figured that a bunch of presents would be the next best thing to celebrate the occasion, right? After all, you only turn 31 once!
You’ve probably gotten fanny packs from me before, and that’s okay! This one is really outdoorsy themed, with the colors and all, you know? I figured it’d be good for hikes, or even just when you’re going out to get coffee and want to look as stylish as I do every time I step foot outside the door. And of course, I had to give you a jar of honey from this season. It’s all still a work in progress, but since you got one of the first jars, I figured you’d want to see if I’ve gotten any better. Lastly, a keepsake box that I thought you could use and maybe even pass down some day to Dylan, or any future kiddos. It’s nice and sturdy, but also good lookin’ enough that maybe you can keep out, fill up with trinkets to put out on display.
Hopefully you’re having a pretty good breakfast that starts with cake (or at least pancakes, maybe?) and ends in some good cake, too. And ice cream. And also possibly some coffee to wash it all down. Sending you lots of love and good birthday vibes.
x Zach
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bskarsgard · 3 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BILL! – @bskarsgard
I’m realizing as I put this together that if I was going to go full-on vintage, I probably should have gotten you a card about how old you are, but I saw tacos and I thought about Paco’s and that’s… just sort of where my mind ended up. And also I might have gone to Paco’s after finishing my shopping, but that’s really not the point and the point is that it’s your birthday! And so it’s really important for me to be able to say: happy birthday!
In full disclosure, the first set of gifts is completely random stuff. But like, with  meaning behind it, because I always kind of enjoyed gifting you old things, and going through the antique stores and thrift shops in town to find things for your place, you know? And the cuff links just make me laugh because I literally bought up the entire display that they had for you. Some are even complete matches! Some… are just single cuff links without a mate, but maybe you can make them into cool pins or something? Either way, I thought if anyone found something funny or joyful out of both lots, it would be you. And then, of course, I had to get you a vintage casserole dish set. You should be able to make literally anything in these! I’m trusting you.
I hope that your day is full of cake, maybe some good ice cream? And a whole lot of love, although I don’t doubt for a second that it will be. We should definitely schedule in some time to head over to Paco’s, and maybe do some antique shopping (if they let me in after I bought all their cuff links…).
Make this year the best one, Bill. Happy birthday!
xo Claire
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bskarsgard · 3 years
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To My Handsome Partner In Crime [ @bskarsgard],
Thirty one years ago today, you were born and I have no doubt that when you were born the stars aligned and my soul cried that you were coming ahead to this world.  I probably threw such a fit that they inevitable sent me out a few years later.  There is no question in my heart that you and I were always meant to be.  You’re truly my twin flame and I’m just grateful that despite being born in different years, different countries and everything else we found our way to each other. I’m also grateful that despite almost losing each other forever, we found our way back. I will always find my way back to you and I hope that you know that.
Firstly, Dylan and I made you a cake. It’s chocolate. There might be some spices in the mix but I promise that as an act of mercy your tongue will not be burned. I figured you might prefer to keep it in working condition for the remainder of the evening.  Secondly, I bought software for our home building project in Sweden so that we could play with ideas and save them as we go along. Dylan also got you some new father-daughter art and matching outfits. I decided to add some dad shoes to match it because you might as well finish off the thing.
We’re going to make dinner for you. You just relax and let us spoil you on your special day.  We love you so very much and we’re so beyond lucky to have you.  Don’t worry, we’ll invite the demons to your post-Dylan bedtime party.  
Lili and Dylan
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bskarsgard · 3 years
Same for me. I’d probably think that my time is over and that I need to do something different in order to feel excited about my job again. Exactly – especially for the cool points, you’ll never hear me complain about that. That’s true, sometimes it’s good to be in the middle. I get it, doing press alone can quickly get boring, although it’s always nice to speak to people who care about the job we’ve been doing. I am! The place is so cool, I’m having a lot of fun. What have you done so far?
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Same here, it’d be a sure sign that it was time to make a change and try something else. Those cool points can last a while, especially when the kids are young! I don’t mind press on the whole because it’s nice that people are interested in our projects, though does answering the same questions over again make you feel like you’ve entered a time loop? That’s where the company would be nice to make it a little less strange, especially on little sleep too. Nice, what did you end up getting into? Did a lot of hiking and some horseback riding, and we had fun showing Dylan around the ghost town. Though truthfully, she’d have been happy as long as she got to see some ducks.
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bskarsgard · 3 years
I’ve always felt like it is important to have supportive parents so they aren’t going to blame us forever for this, right? I love how into it you already are. Let’s create that club for real, we’re gonna need it. We are stronger together. That’s the right word – eternal. It’s never gonna end, we’ll forever wonder how time can go so fast. Has she got her big girl bed already? I’m glad that you’re having fun out there! Meanwhile we’re making sure that Bayview remains Bayview so everyone can enjoy it when you’re back!
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I imagine it’ll be one of those things they’re initially embarrassed about but then end up understanding later on when they’re older and potentially have their own families! It’s just one of those things. And of course, members of the club have to support each other if anything! I know, it’s just being parents that makes the time feel like it’s going so much faster, and we probably have to accept our fate on this. And not yet, though with the way she’s growing, we’re anticipating the big girl bed soon enough. Emilia told me you guys had a staycation, I hope that was a lot of fun too!
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bskarsgard · 3 years
And that’s my long-term goal and what I am hoping for with this place. We’re just in the beginning stages so things are going to end up changing over time sooner or later. Even if it’s something like… frisbee golf. Which, actually… would be kind of funny if we ever do that in town. It is! There’s still so much to explore and it’s nice to be somewhere away from a big city. We might end up going horseback riding too, actually.
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Of course, and I imagine that’s what goes into keeping things fresh and new, for the most part. Which I know you’ll do. Wait, frisbee golf?! I mean, I’d be down for that with the hopes I’d be less tragic at it than I am regular golf. I support this venture! How was the rest of the vacation for you guys? I hope you ended up going horseback riding too! We did the horse and carriage so Dylan could get a little time in with them, too.
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bskarsgard · 3 years
I definitely think that you can’t help when you do. It just sort of hits you like a train.  I think that it’s always good when we can move in the right direction knowing full on that we’re doing precisely what is right for us.  It is pretty genius of me. I have to give myself credit where credit is due.  I mean, it’s honestly pretty crazy to think of all our memories with that.  I definitely don’t blame her for that. I mean, Halloween parties are pretty much always the best around here.  It’s safe to say that she has years of parties ahead of her that she won’t have to miss out on.  She does have a bunch of nerds in her family so she’s going to have to accept the nerdiness.  There isn’t anything that is going to change that.  Any night with you is usually a good night in my book.  I definitely think that we’ve always kind of been linked in that way. I mean, even when we probably shouldn’t have been reading each other’s minds we were definitely there.  I was a bit sad for it to all come to an end but we definitely do have to get back to life and work. We actually managed to get the last of our scenes that I was needed in, so unless they need me for reshoots then I’m going to be able to say goodbye to Austin and focus on your next job until Riverdale starts back up.   Clearly, we love to follow you around.  I think that Dylan would love a spa set. If only we can make it as practical as the little cleaning sets that actually cause the kid to mop and sweep the floors. My phone is sort of need of a purge of photos before I run of memory. I suppose that I’ll have to connect it to my computer and get the job done. I mean, I need more room for more pictures obviously. You are literally invited on every adventure. I mean, I can’t believe you’d ever think that you wouldn’t be. Besides, you should know that I’m not one of those sexist people who thinks men shouldn’t be able to pamper themselves too.  I try my best to be the best cheerleader that I can.  Betty has moved on to bigger better things though, like the FBI.  Vacations literally never feel long enough but I think that we had a good time though. I’m glad that we managed to get away for it.   I think that there is no chance of us stopping taking Dylan on these adventures. We do our best and that is all we really can do.  I think that the challenging helps us appreciate the good all the better.  I don’t know that she gave anyone that kind of video. She’s held it together.  She’s in the process of leaving the nest and mom is trying to be tough but it’s hard watching her leave.  We’ll all be back together soon enough though. The thing about my family is that no matter how far apart we might be from each other, we always find a way to get back together. We will definitely do the best we can get everyone around for Dylan’s birthday. One way or another we’ll include those who can’t come.  I can’t imagine not staying in touch with some of them. I’m admittedly sort of starting to feel distance growing with my Riverdale cast. We’re all just moving in different directions in life between people getting married, having children and going on to new projects. I feel like some of us will always keep in touch but it probably won’t be that way with everyone.  It very much feels like we’re all just trying to move on with our lives even if we still have at least one more season to film.  I’m looking forward to more time to do other things and spend time with you two though!  Demons are definitely serious business. There basket wouldn’t be anything but.  I somehow knew you would feel that way.  I think that they probably have family sized baskets.  I think that you should always trust your gut because it never leads you astray.  I’m so happy with you and our life together though.  I think that no one should let the world stop them from following their personal or professional dreams. At the end of the day if you don’t go for what you want, you can’t get them to come true. I think that we will definitely always pay attention but we’ll definitely miss out on things from time to time. I mean he’ll go out and do her own thing when she’s older and we’ll just have to wait and see how much she tells us about it. At the end of the day, I only want the best for her. I just want to see her happy at the end of the day. Is that so? They sounds like something else. I think you might be a little in love with her.  Should I be jealous?  I think that we definitely are setting a good example for her. I hope that she will have the same.  Nationalistic pride has a fine line from being glad for where you’re from and then using it for a bad reason.  I feel like it’s kind of taken over by the bad guys more than not.  It is a lot of work trying to keep up with it. I mean, when something big happens people expect you to talk and when you don’t they take it as you being on the wrong side of things. You can’t win for losing sometimes.  I think that we all want to feel like we’re getting something out of where we put our energy. We definitely do our best to keep the lines in place though.  I think that this industry is hard. To a certain extent, we have to be strong enough to know when to walk away from it.  I think that society has a certain level of responsibility to not constantly attack others.  We can only be who we are and everything else is something else.   The brain can be an issue at times but once you get past that you do what you need to do.  I think that is completely true.  I think that at the end of the day if I like it, it wasn’t a waste of time.  I pretty much plan to stick around forever.  That’s how it is going to go.  I think that we’re managing just fine.  We did manage to survive that and now we’re back home where she can get what she wants so there is no issues.  I’m sure they’re going to adore you as much as Addy does.  They grow up entirely too fast.  It is nice to feel useful.  She’s definitely not above being picked up even now though. She’s not that grown yet.  It’s just another funny commonality.  We are always going to be organized enough to have a plan. You never know what you might need.  I think the vacation was very much needed. I’m glad we are a forever thing.  You are most definitely allowed to be greedy. Jag vill fortsätta att väcka spänning.  I don’t honestly know who was more excited to see who. I’m pretty sure there will be fights over the cuddles today.  I’m glad she appreciates things.  She pretty much loves all creatures big and small which isn’t a bad thing.  A kid has to do what a kid has to do.  At least we’re home to her regular ducks now.
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I know, and it ends up being really hard to ignore. Though anything you feel that strongly, why would you want to ignore it, yes? It's definitely a good feeling knowing we're following our hearts and doing what feels right. It is genius, and now I won't be able to stop calling her that. She'll probably roll her eyes at me over it at some point. It was a great night though, when she was born. It was easily one of the happiest moments I've had. Halloween parties are a lot of fun, though now that she's here, at least she can celebrate with us. Maybe she'll even turn into a fellow nerd like the rest of us. I'm really glad you enjoy nights with me since I quite like them with you, too. It's true, and it's always been a nice connection to have between us, knowing we're so often on the same page with each other's thoughts. Even when we were apart, it was difficult to ignore that. I understand that, though I'm really excited about seeing your film once the editing's all finished. You know I'll be cheering you on. And nice, I was hoping the timing would work out between your project and mine. We still have the week to ourselves at home before we have to head anywhere, thankfully. And I love you two following me around, in case I wasn't obvious. Oh, I meant getting one for my aunt as a thank you for looking at Dylan, but now I'm onto the idea of getting them both spa sets just for the cute picture opportunities. Can you imagine? I'm glad we're on the same page with getting her little cleaning sets too, since she likes to help out. That reminds me that I should empty the photos I have on my phone, too. At least we're at home for the cause. We'll both definitely need more room for pictures, both this week and when we have to jet off to Sweden. I appreciate that and naturally always want to be on every adventure with you two. And I know you're not, nor am I one of those men who's above pampering either. You're amazing at being a cheerleader, plus a woman with a badge to flash, too? Just hitting all my weaknesses here. This vacation was a little longer than we're used to, yet it still went by rather quickly. It was a really good time, though. Plus Dylan enjoyed herself quite a lot, too. I agree, challenges do balance the good and make us appreciate it a lot more. Well, that's good for her, though I still can't deny it would have been a little funny regardless. I know it's always difficult for parents to watch their kids move out and leave the house altogether. I'm glad for that, and I know the holidays and special occasions always bring the family all back together. And that sounds like a good plan to me, plus I know the folks who can't make it will appreciate still being included in the festivities. I can't imagine not staying in touch with some of the costars I've met myself. I understand that, just naturally growing apart when life is taking you in different directions. Though I'm sure you'll always have appreciation for them and the god memories of the show, yes? Plus some people you just connect with better than others, so it's not always that way with everyone and keeping in touch. We're looking forward to that too, and I know you'll be happy that you'll have more time to pursue the projects you want as well. A family sized basket for transport? It's perfect, and you know I'd certainly want to keep you guys with me. That's basically how I feel and my gut's been right most times. I'm really happy with you and our life, too. We know that and always go for what we want, and we'll teach Dylan how to do the same. I know we both want her to have everything she wants in life. I hope she'll want to share all the important things with us, though I know sometimes it's good having things to keep to yourself, and she should be allowed that. And honestly, whatever makes her happy is okay with me. I mean, I am in love with her, admittedly. Though I don't think you should be jealous since you two are quite similar. Might even be the same person and all. It's unfortunate that kind of pride is often attached to bad intentions with it. That seems like a lot of pressure, that people assume your intent if you're not immediately speaking out about something, especially if it's someone's passing. No question the industry is hard, and if it ever becomes more trouble than it's worth, I know we'd both be supportive of each other if we needed to make that decision. Ideally, we have people in our lives who remind us of that point, that we're enough without changing anyway. I know you and Dylan would make sure I didn't get too in my head about that, and we'd do the same for you. It's nice when the brain and heart align, though. That's how I feel too, that if I'm proud of a project, other opinions don't weigh as much against that. Good, because I'm planning on holding onto you forever, so it works out quite perfectly. I think she's happy to be back at home too, where things are familiar and she can get whatever food she wants. I'm hoping they do! I know I'm really excited to meet them, and I'm sure Addy is too. I can't blame her for liking to be picked up, or help giving into those requests. I think the vacation was too, though we'll be in beautiful surroundings next week and that's sort of like a mini-vacation, yes? I'm grateful for that too, and having you. Good, because I couldn't see myself not being greedy when it comes to you. Du tänder mig hela tiden. I know, though I wouldn't blame the pets if they were more excited to see her than us. I don't mind letting her have the cuddles with them for that reason. And she does, I love that about her. Maybe she'll want to work with animals in some way when she's older. It's true, though I'm glad she's happy to be at home and that'll get to visit her ducks. We'll definitely have to find some in Sweden for her, too.
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