cadmar · 9 days
Hearing study: each nerve fiber trains on it’s own
A complex network of nerve fibers and synapses in the brain is responsible for transmission of information. When a nerve cell is stimulated, it generates signals in the form of electrochemical impulses, which propagate along the membrane of long nerve cell projections called axons. How quickly the information is transmitted depends on various factors such as the diameter of the axon. In vertebrates, where the comparatively large brain is enclosed in a compact cranium, another space-saving mechanism plays a major role: myelination. This involves the formation of a biomembrane that wraps around the axon and significantly accelerates the speed of signal transmission. The thicker this myelin sheath, the faster the transmission.
“Even though myelination is an integral part of neural processing in vertebrate brains, its adaptive properties have not yet been comprehensively understood,” says Dr. Conny Kopp-Scheinpflug, neurobiologist at the LMU Biocenter. She is the principal investigator of a study recently published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), which reveals new insights into the principles of myelination. The researchers investigated the question as to how sensory stimulation affects the formation of the myelin layers. “We know that axons which are regularly stimulated have enhanced myelin sheath thickness,” explains Dr. Mihai Stancu, lead author of the paper. Accordingly, regular training improves transmission capability. It was unknown, however, whether this change takes place at the level of individual nerve fibers or if adaptive myelination is also transferred to neighboring, passive axons in a fiber bundle.
To answer this question, the scientists investigated the neural activity of mice. “We focused on the auditory system, because it allows separate activation of the left and right neural circuits,” explains Kopp-Scheinpflug. To this end, the team rendered the lab mice temporarily deaf in one ear by means of an earplug. This way, one side received stronger acoustic stimulation than the ear-plugged other side for the duration of the experiment. “Surprisingly, all the nerve fiber bundles we investigated in the brain contained axons that carried information from the right ear as well as axons transmitting information from the left ear,” says Stancu. The experimentally-induced one-sided deafness allowed the researchers to test their hypothesis.
Their results showed that in the mixed nerve fiber bundles, only the myelin sheaths of the axons that belonged to the non-plugged active ear were strengthened. Consequently, the active axons did not transfer adaptive changes in myelination to the other, passive fibers, even when they were located in close proximity. “The principle seems to hold that each axon trains on it’s own,” observes Kopp-Scheinpflug. “As such, the activity of one input channel cannot compensate for the deficits of another.” The authors conclude that varied sensory experience throughout the lifespan of a person is vitally important. “If you want to remain cognitively fit, you should give your brain comprehensive all-round training.”
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cadmar · 12 days
Creating Time
Here is a very simple thought experiment to understand what time actually is:
You are in a dark room and can not move around, nor see anything. You pick up a ball and toss it. The ball comes back. You heard nothing, but the ball is back. This time you throw it harder and the ball comes back almost immediately. Again, you heard no sound. You throw the ball slowly with hardly any force and the ball never comes back. You conclude that force has something to do with the ball coming back. You use a small stick and only moves freely about. You take a longer stick and you poke around and you feel something hard. You see the stick and you have an idea of the distance that the object is away from you and this is the object that the ball was hitting.
You use another ball and throw it, but this time you count. Throw the ball again with a different force and count. To tell others, as we all have different lengths in between our counts and sticks are of different lengths, you have created standardized units for measurements. Now, you can build, create, and make technological progress!
So, what has happened? This is very subtle. You are in a dark room and see nothing and can not move around. And yet, you have a ball and you can see a stick? You have used your senses to perceive and visualize the ball and stick. You threw the ball. You used your body to throw the ball. Your senses visualized your body.
Your sensory abilities are known to you. The ball is known to you. The stick is known to you. With your eyes, you "see" the stick. Your eyes are known to you and what it "sees" is known to you. You can close your eyes and imagine what it looks like. From visualization this ability approximates the ball, but good enough to you, that with your eyes closed, it is a ball. When you see the stick, your brain combines all the sensory signals into one visual as it being one long stick. Yet, your eyes are like tossing that ball one throw at a time. The eye does millions of throws per second, too fast for your brain to handle all the sensory inputs. So, your brain combines all these throws into one. This becomes faster and easier to compute!
You are using what is known to you (your sensory abilities) to throw at the unknown. You describe by using your known information of measurements, consistencies, and experiences.
When you are in that dark room, that is the unknown. That is the true, universal time. That is not known to you. That can only be directly communicated to you without you using your known sensory abilities. We can only interact with the known world that your sensory abilities have made it known to you. Because, you are subtly using the known to interact with the unknown. The unknown is the foundation, and we forget that and only focus on that which is known to us!
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cadmar · 18 days
The most current understanding of evolution is that the simple virus jump-started this process. Viruses dominate the evolutionary tree and our current biology. Viruses and bacteria are essential for life to occur and to evolve. Our physically body is mostly made up of bacteria and viruses and this demonstrates how essential they are for our survival and existence!
It is no wonder that a virus is within each of our thoughts! A virus is not alive and nor is it dead. A virus has to be activated, similar to flicking a light switch for the lightbulb to be turned on. Each of our thoughts are neural patterns in a structure similar to an upside down tree with all its branches. The trunk is the source of the energy and then it is distributed throughout the tree through its branches!
Somewhere in each of our neural tree-structure patterns is a virus. Each of our virus connects to an emotional response and reaction. When the neural tree-structure pattern is activated, the virus is triggered and along with this virus comes an attached emotion.
Our neural tree-structure pattern overlaps with other neural tree-structure patterns. Thus, the same virus is in this combination as well! For example, a desire for a drug, or alcohol, or depression, or anger, etc. is found in many situations, environments, and experiences. Because, the neural tree-structure pattern overlaps and there are common points.
How to find these virus and how to get rid of them? Simply, finding the common overlaps. In one situation you have this emotional rection. In another similar situation you have the same type of emotional reaction, but perhaps not as strong. For example, some stranger criticizes you that you are ugly and useless, and you are offended. However, if your mother, dad, family member, a friend, a lover or anyone else close to you criticizes you that you are ugly and useless, then you will be extremely hurt and upset. The same emotion with different intensities, but attached to the same virus and its emotional activation!
You discover this common overlap and the virus. Just by observing it, the virus becomes isolated and eventually not activated! This is your growth and development. Self-awareness of these viruses!
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cadmar · 25 days
Once you understand and grasp how the brain automatically self-organizes itself after receiving all these sensory signals, then the next level will reveal itself. Patterns of waves, with each wave with different frequencies and force. Each object has its own sensory frequency that distinguishes itself from other objects, environments, and experiences. These then become our mental images. Our mental images of objects, environments, situations, and our reactive emotional experiences are stored and become our memories.
With artificial intelligence, the latest leak from a computer lab is that the next level, leading towards a true AGI (artificial general intelligence) that mimics human thinking, is known as Q*. Q* is an energy-based model. Currently, the AI is a large language model that can only predict the next letter, and the next word in a sentence. It has no "understanding" what it is doing and its outputs. It is only following a complex program of steps within a tree of billions of branches, a chain of many steps.
Q* is attempting to do this analogy of water overflowing from the river and the pattern on the river's bank depends on the amount of water that is overflowing, the force of the water flow, and the medium of the river's bank (sand, gravel, rocky, combination, etc.) and the variety of patterns is something like 10 to the exponential power of 60, that is 10 times 10 and you do that 60 times! Thus, the first level of our brain receiving sensory signals and self-organizing these signals.
Unshakeable happens when one is at the next level as each neural pattern changes with each incoming sensory signal. Your memories are rigid and tries to freeze these patterns, but this only makes them more fragile and shakeable! Beliefs, values, words, ideas, thoughts, morality, and desires are all created from sensory signals and are shakeable. Desires are emotional reactions created from your memories of previous reactions, experiences, and outcomes. Sensory signals are shakeable, because they originate from shakeable objects which are always changing.
Unshakeable is direct connection to the unshakeable Source.
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cadmar · 25 days
Long-term memory and lack of mental images
When people lack visual imagination, this is known as aphantasia. Researchers from the University Hospital Bonn (UKB), the University of Bonn and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) investigated how the lack of mental imagery affects long-term memory. They were able to show that changes in two important brain regions, the hippocampus and the occipital lobe, as well as their interaction, have an influence on the impaired recall of personal memories in aphantasia. The study results, which advance the understanding of autobiographical memory, have now been published online by the journal "eLife".
Most of us find it easy to remember personal moments from our own lives. These memories are usually linked to vivid inner images. People who are unable to create mental images, or only very weak ones, are referred to as aphantasics. Previous neuroscientific studies have shown that the hippocampus, in particular, which acts as the brain's buffer during memory formation, supports both autobiographical memory and visual imagination. However, the relationship between the two cognitive functions has not yet been clarified: "Can you remember specific events in your life without generating inner images? We investigated this question and, in collaboration with the Institute of Psychology at the University of Bonn, studied the autobiographical memory of people with and without visual imagination," says corresponding author Dr. Cornelia McCormick from the Department of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Geriatric Psychiatry, who also conducts research at the DZNE and the University of Bonn.
Recall of memories is dependent on the generation of mental images
The Bonn team led by McCormick investigated the question of whether the hippocampus - in particular its connection, or connectivity, to other brain regions - is altered in people with aphantasia and examined the brain activities and structures associated with deficits in autobiographical memory in aphantasia. The study involved 14 people with aphantasia and 16 control subjects. The extent of aphantasia and the respective autobiographical memory were initially determined using questionnaires and interviews. "We found that people with aphantasia have more difficulty recalling memories. Not only do they report fewer details, but their narratives are less vivid and their confidence in their own memory is diminished. This suggests that our ability to remember our personal biography is closely linked to our imagination," says co-first author Merlin Monzel, a doctoral student at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Bonn. The study participants then recalled autobiographical events while images of their brains were recorded using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). "This showed that the hippocampus, which plays an important role in recalling vivid, detailed autobiographical memories, is less activated in people with aphantasia," says co-first author and PhD student Pitshaporn Leelaarporn, who works at the UKB and the DZNE. There were also differences in the interaction between the hippocampus and the visual cortex, which is responsible for processing and integrating visual information in the brain and is located in the occipital lobe. "The connectivity between the hippocampus and the visual cortex correlated with the imagination in people without aphantasia, whereas there was no correlation in those affected," explains Leelaarporn.
"Overall, we have been able to show that autobiographical memory does not work as well in people who have limited visual imagination as it does in people who can visualize something very easily. These results raise further questions that we are currently investigating," says McCormick. On the one hand, it is now important to find out whether people who are blind from birth and have never been able to build up a repertoire of inner images can remember detailed autobiographical events. On the other hand, the Bonn researchers want to investigate whether this ability can be trained. "It may even be possible to help people who suffer from memory disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, by offering training in visual imagination instead of the usual memory training," says McCormick. 
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cadmar · 1 month
Meaning comes about this way. We are continuously bombarded with sensory signals that our brain takes in. The brain makes "sense" of these random signals by comparing to previous signals, experiences, and memories. The physical body has the meaning for its survival and continuation through reproduction. The brain has the meaning to "understand", to "compare" the incoming sensory signals to previous ones.
The brain, you, asks itself, "what is the purpose of all these sensory signals and to understand them?" From your upbringing, we are then conditioned to find a purpose besides keeping our body healthy and to reproduce. One person by oneself can not survive, can not make all one's clothing, one's house, grow all the food one needs for the year, and so on. We can not sit around and do nothing. Other people will not allow that, not for a healthy individual all one's life.
We are told that we have meaning then, a purpose for others and for ourselves. Still, this is not purpose. This is not meaning. This is the brain telling you your meaning.
Pure meaning is sensing the sensory inputs directly without the brain comparing the signals to previous ones. We understand by relating, by comparing. I know you are smart, because others told me; I know you are successful, because of all the possessions and status you have. I know this action and behavior is correct, because of the history and problems that had happened before. Our brain teaches us by relating and comparing. Our meaning is taught by our brain by relating and comparing to what we are, to what we could be, and what others are.
Direct sensing without the brain comparing it to other signals and patterns is pure. The universe is touching you directly without any filters. There is no meaning there, but pure existence.
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cadmar · 2 months
Releasing One's Spirit
Releasing is not done by yourself, but reducing the structure you have created that surrounds it. The unstructured will then be free to flow through the cracks and peep holes. It is this unstructured that creates insights, creativity, energy, and vitality!
To reduce the structures that you have built over the years can only be done by you, then the unstructured within can release itself!
To unbound the unstructured is to do in real time the structured that you are constantly re-enforcing and creating. Stop the creating of new structures can only be done in real time when it is happening and being created. Awareness, realizing that it is happening, and having your focus and spotlight on it is sufficient for it to cease being created.
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cadmar · 2 months
Old area in the brain turns out to be more important than expected
Researchers at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience have discovered that a brain area preserved through evolution, called the superior colliculus, is more crucial for vision than we thought.
When we look at something, we can easily distinguish an object from the background. While this sounds obvious, how our brain accomplishes it is still quite complicated. It has long been known that a brain area called the visual cortex is involved in the process. Yet there are animals in which this area is much less developed than ours or does not exist at all. So how do these animals see when a prey or predator approaches them in a crowded background? Could another player be involved after all?
Visual information travels from our retina to the visual cortex, but also partly to a structure called the superior colliculus. This is the ancient visual system common to all classes of vertebrates, from fish to amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Remarkably, this structure has been preserved throughout evolution, but varies greatly in relative size between different organisms. For example, the superior colliculus is relatively large in fish and birds whereas it is just a tiny pea tucked away in grey matter in humans.
Two parallel paths
To find out exactly what the superior colliculus does, Leonie Cazemier and her colleagues from Alexander Heimel’s and Pieter Roelfsema’s groups studied mice and their ability to distinguish objects from the background. The mouse is an interesting model because, like in humans, its brain has two parallel pathways: both the visual cortex and the superior colliculus. The mice were trained to distinguish figures from a background, which appeared on the left or right side of the image. By licking either left or right, the mice reported on which side the image had appeared.
Alexander Heimel: ‘Previous research already showed that a mouse can still complete the task if you turn off its visual cortex, which suggests that there is a parallel pathway for visual object detection. In this study, we switched off the superior colliculus using optogenetics to see what effect that would have. Contrary to the previous study, the mice became worse at detecting the object, indicating that the superior colliculus plays an important role during this process. Our measurements also showed that information about the visual task is present in the superior colliculus, and that this information is less present the moment a mouse makes a mistake. So, its performance in the task correlates with what we’re measuring.’
Function in humans
‘How this works in humans is not entirely clear yet. Although humans also have two parallel systems, their visual cortex is much more developed. The superior colliculus may therefore play a less important role in humans. It is known that the moment someone starts waving, the superior colliculus directs your gaze there. It is also striking that those who are blind with a double lesion in the visual cortex do not see anything consciously but can often still navigate and avoid objects. Our research shows that the superior colliculus might be responsible for this and may therefore be doing more than we thought.’
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cadmar · 2 months
The alphabet and language are structures. Structures are linear. We thrive in structures. Patterns are structures. We are always imposing structures onto the unstructured. Structures reduce the unstructured into tiny bits of structures that we can then grasp, understand, and manipulate. Our civilization can only be formed by having, producing, promoting, and adhering to structures!
Structures are rigid, never changing, and fixed, as being dead, lifeless. The unstructured is always changing, moving, dynamic with explosive energy!
Since birth, we have been trained to accept structures as the tool for progress and for our personal growth. Structures are used as if one is training a dog to be domesticated. We are eager to implement structures into our lives. We believe that structures are orderly, predictable, and safe. Yet, we do not see the boiling energy underneath!
It is chaotic if we can not impose a structural pattern to it! It scares us. We are scared because it is the unknown. In the unknown is freedom and energy!
Our 3D world is a world formed by structures. 4D is the unstructured! Only through our 4D senses can we have access to the 4D world. 3D senses can only sense itself, the 3D world.
4D senses will free us from the 3D world!
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cadmar · 2 months
Study reveals a universal pattern of brain wave frequencies
Throughout the brain’s cortex, neurons are arranged in six distinctive layers, which can be readily seen with a microscope. A team of MIT and Vanderbilt University neuroscientists has now found that these layers also show distinct patterns of electrical activity, which are consistent over many brain regions and across several animal species, including humans.
The researchers found that in the topmost layers, neuron activity is dominated by rapid oscillations known as gamma waves. In the deeper layers, slower oscillations called alpha and beta waves predominate. The universality of these patterns suggests that these oscillations are likely playing an important role across the brain, the researchers say.
“When you see something that consistent and ubiquitous across cortex, it’s playing a very fundamental role in what the cortex does,” says Earl Miller, the Picower Professor of Neuroscience, a member of MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, and one of the senior authors of the new study.
Imbalances in how these oscillations interact with each other may be involved in brain disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the researchers say.
“Overly synchronous neural activity is known to play a role in epilepsy, and now we suspect that different pathologies of synchrony may contribute to many brain disorders, including disorders of perception, attention, memory, and motor control. In an orchestra, one instrument played out of synchrony with the rest can disrupt the coherence of the entire piece of music,” says Robert Desimone, director of MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research and one of the senior authors of the study.
André Bastos, an assistant professor of psychology at Vanderbilt University, is also a senior author of the open-access paper, which appears in Nature Neuroscience. The lead authors of the paper are MIT research scientist Diego Mendoza-Halliday and MIT postdoc Alex Major.
Layers of activity
The human brain contains billions of neurons, each of which has its own electrical firing patterns. Together, groups of neurons with similar patterns generate oscillations of electrical activity, or brain waves, which can have different frequencies. Miller’s lab has previously shown that high-frequency gamma rhythms are associated with encoding and retrieving sensory information, while low-frequency beta rhythms act as a control mechanism that determines which information is read out from working memory.
His lab has also found that in certain parts of the prefrontal cortex, different brain layers show distinctive patterns of oscillation: faster oscillation at the surface and slower oscillation in the deep layers. One study, led by Bastos when he was a postdoc in Miller’s lab, showed that as animals performed working memory tasks, lower-frequency rhythms generated in deeper layers regulated the higher-frequency gamma rhythms generated in the superficial layers.
In addition to working memory, the brain’s cortex also is the seat of thought, planning, and high-level processing of emotion and sensory information. Throughout the regions involved in these functions, neurons are arranged in six layers, and each layer has its own distinctive combination of cell types and connections with other brain areas.
“The cortex is organized anatomically into six layers, no matter whether you look at mice or humans or any mammalian species, and this pattern is present in all cortical areas within each species,” Mendoza-Halliday says. “Unfortunately, a lot of studies of brain activity have been ignoring those layers because when you record the activity of neurons, it's been difficult to understand where they are in the context of those layers.”
In the new paper, the researchers wanted to explore whether the layered oscillation pattern they had seen in the prefrontal cortex is more widespread, occurring across different parts of the cortex and across species.
Using a combination of data acquired in Miller’s lab, Desimone’s lab, and labs from collaborators at Vanderbilt, the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, and the University of Western Ontario, the researchers were able to analyze 14 different areas of the cortex, from four mammalian species. This data included recordings of electrical activity from three human patients who had electrodes inserted in the brain as part of a surgical procedure they were undergoing.
Recording from individual cortical layers has been difficult in the past, because each layer is less than a millimeter thick, so it’s hard to know which layer an electrode is recording from. For this study, electrical activity was recorded using special electrodes that record from all of the layers at once, then feed the data into a new computational algorithm the authors designed, termed FLIP (frequency-based layer identification procedure). This algorithm can determine which layer each signal came from.
“More recent technology allows recording of all layers of cortex simultaneously. This paints a broader perspective of microcircuitry and allowed us to observe this layered pattern,” Major says. “This work is exciting because it is both informative of a fundamental microcircuit pattern and provides a robust new technique for studying the brain. It doesn’t matter if the brain is performing a task or at rest and can be observed in as little as five to 10 seconds.”
Across all species, in each region studied, the researchers found the same layered activity pattern.
“We did a mass analysis of all the data to see if we could find the same pattern in all areas of the cortex, and voilà, it was everywhere. That was a real indication that what had previously been seen in a couple of areas was representing a fundamental mechanism across the cortex,” Mendoza-Halliday says.
Maintaining balance
The findings support a model that Miller’s lab has previously put forth, which proposes that the brain’s spatial organization helps it to incorporate new information, which carried by high-frequency oscillations, into existing memories and brain processes, which are maintained by low-frequency oscillations. As information passes from layer to layer, input can be incorporated as needed to help the brain perform particular tasks such as baking a new cookie recipe or remembering a phone number.
“The consequence of a laminar separation of these frequencies, as we observed, may be to allow superficial layers to represent external sensory information with faster frequencies, and for deep layers to represent internal cognitive states with slower frequencies,” Bastos says. “The high-level implication is that the cortex has multiple mechanisms involving both anatomy and oscillations to separate ‘external’ from ‘internal’ information.”
Under this theory, imbalances between high- and low-frequency oscillations can lead to either attention deficits such as ADHD, when the higher frequencies dominate and too much sensory information gets in, or delusional disorders such as schizophrenia, when the low frequency oscillations are too strong and not enough sensory information gets in.
“The proper balance between the top-down control signals and the bottom-up sensory signals is important for everything the cortex does,” Miller says. “When the balance goes awry, you get a wide variety of neuropsychiatric disorders.”
The researchers are now exploring whether measuring these oscillations could help to diagnose these types of disorders. They are also investigating whether rebalancing the oscillations could alter behavior — an approach that could one day be used to treat attention deficits or other neurological disorders, the researchers say.
The researchers also hope to work with other labs to characterize the layered oscillation patterns in more detail across different brain regions.
“Our hope is that with enough of that standardized reporting, we will start to see common patterns of activity across different areas or functions that might reveal a common mechanism for computation that can be used for motor outputs, for vision, for memory and attention, et cetera,” Mendoza-Halliday says.
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cadmar · 2 months
There's a reason that for millenniums for this being suppressed, persecuted, and destroyed! The Gnostics were saying this, but not in scientific words. Mystics and mystery religions have also been saying this. Even modern-day scientists have their careers jeopardized, ridiculed, and ostracized for suggesting this alternate view.
If we see ourselves from coming from the 4D world, then suddenly we come to the only conclusion that we must be valuable. If I am valuable, so are you and everyone else. Animals do not come from the 4D world, only us, as much as we can tell.
I being valuable means I will not become a soldier and kill the country's enemies as these so called enemies are just as valuable as myself! Our journey in life is to reveal more of the 4D within each of us. That's our meaning and destination. Not to harm, hurt, or steal from another!
If I am valuable, the government, organizations, institutions, and corporations can not order me around. Can not say, well you are just one of 7 billion people. Nothing special. You must work and sacrifice like everyone else. For your survival and growth, you must do what we say and what we have laid down as our social, religious, and political rules and beliefs!
We are valuable and they do not want us to experience that!
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cadmar · 2 months
We're Visiting
We don't live here, we're just visiting. This is an incredible statement as it is all about our observations and conclusions to what we call our "reality". We live here comes from the conclusion from all our experiences and all these experiences are created by our sensory abilities. In other words, there is no basis to claim that we live here in this 3D world as our own body, we have concluded, is also 3D.
If you get the chance, read this book, Relativity Visualized, by Professor Lewis Carroll Epstein. Here's an excellent video explaining that we are moving at the speed of light. This concurs with the idea that at every point in space and at every moment in time there is a force expanding in all directions that moves all objects (causes all movements and motions, for example a 4D hypersphere).
What does all this mean? We, our ability to perceive is from this 4D world, and we are looking what we call distance, height, length, as 3D, but is actually all time! Your brain is looking at a line drawn on a sheet of paper. We think that we are seeing the entire line all at once. This is incorrect. The eye is seeing pixel by pixel at each location on that line. Each pixel reaches the brain at slightly different times! The brain combines them into the perception as one time, but in reality, we are seeing only "time"! Not the line. We have created this 3D line!
We are in the 4D world and view time and conclude it is a 3D world. We think we are in a rigid, solid 3D world. This 3D conclusion is incorrect as it is the difference in time that we are sensing! It is all time! We are visiting this 3D world as we actually are living in this 4D world!
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cadmar · 2 months
Downscaling of electronic devices, such as transistors, has reached a plateau, posing challenges for semiconductor fabrication. However, a research team led by materials scientists from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) recently discovered a new strategy for developing highly versatile electronics with outstanding performance, using transistors made of mixed-dimensional nanowires and nanoflakes. This innovation paves the way for simplified chip circuit design, offering versatility and low power dissipation in future electronics.
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cadmar · 2 months
Physicists at the University of Southampton, working with scientists in Europe, have successfully detected a weak gravitational pull on a tiny particle using a new technique. They claim it could pave the way to finding the elusive quantum gravity theory.
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cadmar · 2 months
Can you see the spinning dodecahedron? pause the video and it disappears
via Matt Henderson
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cadmar · 2 months
You probably heard of a phrase something like this, "What's mine is mine, and what's yours is yours". Well, "mine" and "yours" is the root cause of most of our sorrows and griefs!
This is my house, my family, my career, my wealth, my future, and so on. These are all "mine". What I love and cherish is not the family, but "what is mine". I am attached to "mine" because to me, I own it. I possess it. I own my family. The family is "mine". "Mine" is my emotional support, my security, my comfort, my future, my purpose, my comfort zone, my peace, my answer for loneliness, etc. This is all "mine"! I am attached to "mine" and not to the family. Not to the loved ones. Not to the career. Not to the future. Not to friends. Not to money. Not to successes. Not to failures. It is "mine", because I get something out of it. That is why I "own" it. It is "mine"!
I am attached to "mine". Because what "mine" gives me emotionally, mentally, psychologically, and even physically! "Mine" is me! "Mine" satisfies my needs! I do not really love you, but I love "mine". If you are "mine", then I will love not you, but the "mine" you provide for me. You are my friend, my lover, my classmate, my best friend, etc. It is because you are "mine" and you are "mine" because you give me something emotionally, mentally, psychologically, and even physically! That is why we are friends, lovers, classmates, best friends, etc. Not because you are you, but because you are "mine".
It is "mine", because I worked so hard for it! I sacrificed so much for it! I want it so badly! I need it so badly for my emotional and mental health! It is "mine" because what I did to "earn" it, to take it from another. I took advantage of the opportunity and making sure that you don't get that same opportunity!
"Mine" creates sorrows, griefs, and destructions! I will fight for what is "mine". I will seek out revenge for when "mine" is taken away! I will hurt anyone who takes, or tries to take what is "mine". I will kill when "mine" is no longer "mine".
If you have no "mine", then, there is no cause for revenge, for striking out, for hurting, for causing pain to you and to myself! "Mine" causes you pain and it causes me pain, as well!
Peace comes when there is no "mine" and no "yours".
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cadmar · 2 months
Raw Data
What is the reason that we do not see the raw sensory waves that we sense? Inside our brain, these quantum waves are transformed into chemical-electrical signals that then trigger and excite our neurons and neural patterns. What causes us to be blocked from viewing these sensory quantum waves before they go inside our brain?
When we focus, we are focusing on our "interpretations" of these raw data. We are merely focusing on our interpretations and still we are not focusing on what is outside.
When people have OBEs (out of body experiences), or NDEs (near death experiences), or astral traveling, they continue to view through their interpretations. Seems that they are still stuck within their brain! If they are actually outside of their body and brain, then, it seems that they should be seeing the raw data directly and not through their human biological interpretations of the raw data.
Do animals view the raw data directly? Do plants experience the photons directly as science claims during photosynthesis?
What causes us not to view the outside world directly, all of its raw data? What would happen if we can? The ability to manipulate, influence, and control?
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