captainbrieontoast · 2 years
“A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity.”
— Franz Kafka
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captainbrieontoast · 4 years
My WIPs, beating the shit out of me: Finish one thing before you start writing another idea, you filthy bastard.
Me, spitting blood: Fuck you.
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captainbrieontoast · 4 years
Doctor Who Masterlist
9th Doctor
Mayyyybbbeeee more to come
10th Doctor
Forever Could End Tomorrow
Happy Halloween Rose Tyler
Humanity’s Best
11th Doctor
The Golden Girl
12th Doctor 
Am I a Good Man?
Time and Relative Dimension in Space
13th Doctor
The Timeless Child
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captainbrieontoast · 4 years
The Golden Girl
This idea came to me while reading The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner. The title name came to me courtesy of The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald. I'm actually a closet literature nerd.
Amy isn't the only one who met an impossible person when they were younger. When Rory was five he met a golden girl who watched over him all his life. She never did him any wrong and she was always there when he needed her. The girl with the golden hair, the golden eyes, the golden smile. Rory looked up to her. Even so, he never knew just how important she was. Until he did.
Rory was really hoping it would snow. He knew it wasn't winter and there was no possible way on Earth that it would snow this time of year but he wanted it to snow, he wanted nothing more than for white flakes of cold water to fall to the ground, and stick. He would be able to miss school the next day, go and see all his friends and they would all get to play together.
Rory stared out his window, sitting on his window seat.
No snow.
He put his hand against the window.
Not even cold.
He groaned and stood up, walking over to his bookcase. He pulled out a book and clambered back over to his window seat. He began to flip through the pages, leaning against the window. In his book he could read some of the words.
Not many.
He tried to read it aloud.
"High…" He read. "In a white…. Pa-palace, the king's- the king's daughter, the-"
He was interrupted abruptly by a presence over his shoulder.
"The golden girl."
Rory turned to see a women standing in his room. She was bathed in a golden light, everything about her shone. She wore a simple plain white dress along with no shoes and curly golden hair.
"Isn't the Great Gatsby a complicated choice for a kid your age?" The girl asked softly. She placed her hand on Rory's shoulder.
It was warm.
"Who are you?" Rory asked, all wide-eyed and curious.
"My name is Rose," she replied. Rory frowned.
"Like the flower?" He asked. She nodded.
"Just like the flower, just without the thorns."
She smiled sweetly, and it made Rory smile back.
"I'm Rory. Rory Williams."
"Lovely to meet you Rory Williams."
Rose turned around and began to look around his room. Despite her carefree attitude Rory could tell she was frantic, scared even. He wondered why.
"Can you tell me Rory Williams, where we are and what today's full date is?"
Rory frowned.
"I hit my head," Rose explained. "Still gathering my memory back."
Rory decided that answer was acceptable.
"Leadworth. Easter, 1986."
Rose's eyebrows shot up.
"Easter?" Rose turned around. "1986."
She looked wildly confused, and murmured a few things under her breath.
"But why you?" She said this aloud and Rory walked up to her, tugging her warm, smooth hand.
"What's wrong?"
He tugged her down to the floor and clambered into her lap. He looked up at her.
"What's happened? You can tell me. Mum says I'm a great listener."
He spoke proudly, hoping to entice her with his words.
"I bet you are Rory."
She ruffled his hair and then sighed.
"I had this friend. He was brilliant, brilliant in every single way you could think of it. We did a lot of traveling together and then we got separated. I did my best to get back to him, and then I did get back to him and it was so exciting. But soon after I got back to him he left me at the same place I lost him. He didn't want me anymore, he had new people to take the place of me."
The boy frowned up at Rose, all wide eyed and amazed by this golden woman who had just appeared here.
"Why wouldn't he want you?" Rory asked astonished. "You're beautiful."
Rose smiled, making Rory feel warm, safe.
"Thank you, but it's a judgement on me-" Rose frowned as soon as she said that, like it reminded her of someone nasty. "The universe is equally for and against me."
"The universe?" Rory asked.
"But why you?" Rose repeated. "Why is my timeline attached to yours? It doesn't make sense."
Rory got up off Rose's lap and ran back to where his book was. He grabbed it and ran back over to her, sitting in her lap again.
"I'm bored," he stated. "And you're weird."
Rose took the book from Rory's hand.
"Should I leave?" Rose asked thoughtfully. Rory shook his head firmly.
"No I like you."
Rose smiled and gently urged Rory off her lap, turning him to face her. She put her hands on his temples.
"One day you could be in danger," Rose replied. "Or not, I'm just taking precautions."
Rory climbed into Rose's lap again, still holding her strands of hair.
"Rose, can you teach me how to braid your hair?" Rory asked. Rose smiled and nodded. As she began to lead Rory's small fingers through her hair, Rory couldn't help but think her mind was elsewhere. There was a flicker of something in her warm kind eyes that Rory figured he must be too young to understand, and he forgot when…
"You're leaving?" Rory demanded. Rose was running her fingers through Rory's hair, trying to coax him to sleep.
"I'll be back Rory, in a few years, but I can't stay around all the time," Rose explained. "Don't worry, you won't even realize you missed me until I'm back."
Rory pouted but accepted her answer. Rose's eyes glowed gold and Rory felt warm again.
"Now Rory, it's time to sleep."
Suddenly Rory was inexplicably tired, he yawned and curled up towards Rose.
"Can you tell me a story?"
Rose nodded.
"Of course Rory. Once there was a man… A wonderful man who could travel through all of time and space…"
Age 11
Rory shuffled along with his friend Amy, listening as she excitedly played with her toys.
"Raggedy man to the rescue!" Amy shouted. "Hurry Rory! He has to fly in the police box!"
Rory flew the box in his hands around and Amy giggled, chasing after him, doll in hand. She pushed Rory over, sending him rolling down the hill, leaving Amy and the Tardis at the top of the hill. Rory felt a surge of fear as he rolled down the hill. Just before he slammed his eyes shut he saw a red flower.
Rory's descent became slower and slower until he stopped rolling at someone's feet. He frowned, untangled his lanky body and looked up.
He immediately recognized the women before him, her golden hair in lovely waves, as if she had just unbraided it after a long while. Her eyes were slowly returning to a brown hue and her hands were cool to touch.
"Rose!" Rory exclaimed. Rose smiled.
"Rory Williams," Rose replied in delight. Rory clumsily got to his feet, only to trip over himself and fell over a roman helmet with red frills. Rose chuckled and helped Rory get to his feet. She knelt down, brushed off Rory's clothes. She picked up the helmet and placed it on his head. It didn't quite fit and lay crooked on Rory's head.
"There we are. What's Rory the Roman up to?"
Rory blushed and tried to straighten his helmet.
"Amelia and I are playing a game," he said. Rose got down, laying in the grass. Rory laid down too, feeling the cool blades greet his skin.
"Amelia, huh? What's she like?" Rose's tone was mildly suggestive but Rory didn't notice. He was only eight.
"She's my friend. She has red hair like fire and she's bossy," Rory explained. Rose laughed.
"I had a bossy friend who always wanted to be ginger," Rose recalled. Rory looked at her with a sideways look. It was one of the few personal things she had said about herself. "I loved- love him."
Rory frowned.
"Is that what it's like to be in love?" Rory asked. "To enjoy being bossed around?" Again Rose laughed.
"Rory, you're young. Don't worry about being in love yet. You'll know if and when you are in love with someone."
"Rory!" Amelia called from up the hill. "Rory where did you go?"
Rose sat up and looked down at Rory.
"You should get back to Amelia," she said, running her fingers through Rory's hair. Rory reached up and touched Rose's golden hair.
"But you just got here," Rory whined. "I can't forget you again."
Rose stood, lifting Rory up. He picked his helmet that fell off when he laid down and put it back on his head.
"Rory, I'll be back. I promise I'll be back okay? It won't be long now I'm sure."
Rory let his sadness remain apparent, and even though it was clear Rose was sympathetic Rory knew she wouldn't stay.
"I'll miss you Rose," Rory whispered, burying his face into her legs.
"No you won't," she replied and in a flash of golden light she was gone. Rory wondered why he'd been at the bottom of the hill so long and ran back to Amy.
Age 12
Rory got home and he immediately knew that Rose was there. There was something different about the air in the house or something but he knew she was there, he just knew.
"Rose?!" He darted up the stairs, and collided into her body. He hugged her tightly and then pulled back grinning. "I have so much to catch you up on!"
He backed off a little and began to dig in his book bag, fishing out a piece of paper. He held it up for Rose to see.
"A one hundred on my spelling test-" He went back into his bag.
"A book on nursing- I think I wanna be a nurse Rose!"
He got back into his bag again.
"And my homework for the night, already completed! Isn't that awesome?!"
Rose chuckled with a comforting smile on her face.
"That's great Rory, seems like you are doing awesome."
"I am! All A's on my report cards, Amy and I-" "Amy?" Rose interrupted, taking a seat on Rory's bed.
"Amelia, she bit a bunch of therapists and now she goes by Amy." Rose laughed and patted the bed beside her. Rory sat next to her and beamed up at her.
"Amy and I are still really close friends, along with this girl named Melody- We call her Mels- she plays pranks on the teacher all the time it's crazy!"
He stood up again and began to show her some more papers, pictures he had drawn of her and Mel and Amy and him and his mom and his dad. After a few minutes of it Rose had to laugh in order to even get Rory to pause.
"Slow down soldier! Why are you talking so fast?" She asked. She grasped his shoulders with her hands and gave him a comforting look. The smile on his face disappeared and he sighed.
"You've been gone for-" He scrunched his face up. "Two years? I want you to be around all the time but you aren't and I have to tell you two years worth of information in a few minutes."
A tear ran down Rory's face and he looked away from Rose.
"Why aren't you around more? Do you not like me?"
Rose got off the bed and knelt in front of him. She gave him a comforting smile and began to glow a little. Rory let himself get taken over by Rose's comforting golden light and reflected the smile back to him.
"Rory Williams, you are my best friend," Rose said. "I can't control when I get to see you, no matter how much I want to be there for everything I can't. I will be here when I can though so instead of rushing the time we have together just try your best to love it okay?"
Rory's eyes ran with tears.
"Okay Rose."
His vision grew blurry and he buried his face into Rose's chest.
"Okay, okay. I'm glad you're here. Please don't leave yet, please."
And Rose didn't. She simply stayed with Rory for hours until she could manage to coax Rory to bed. Even then she had to tell him a total of three stories from her travels with the Doctor in order to coax him to sleep. Rory fought sleep like he fought the plague but eventually Rose's eyes glowed gold and he was lulled off to sleep.
Age 16
Rory was at school when Rose walked into his classroom.
She was wearing a different outfit than the last few times that he had seen her. Clean jeans and a clean shirt. Her hair was in tight curls and her eyes were big and confused. Rory stood up at his desk instantly, in the middle of his teacher talking about rhetorical analysis in The Great Gatsby. Rose looked at him, still confused. Her eyebrows pressed together and she looked around the classroom wildly.
"Ma'am? Ma'am what's wrong? What are you doing here?" Mrs. Smith asked. The entire class returned their attention to Rose who looked up at the teacher in concern.
"Have you guys seen a boy, a young boy named-"
"Rory!" The teacher interrupted Rose. Everyone's attention shifted to Rory who was still standing and staring at Rose. Rose looked confused.
"Rose," he breathed. He moved out from behind his desk and hugged Rose tightly. "Rose, Rose." Rose pushed Rory back, Rory was Rose's height now, they could see eye to eye.
"How long has it been? How old are you?" She looked heartbroken, sad that she had missed something big.
"16, it's been five years. Five years."
Rose rubbed her arm.
"That's strange, a large leap in the amount of time of which I have seen you… Did anything major happen?" As she spoke she got more frantic. All Rory could do was shrug and shake his head.
"I mean-" He interrupted himself in order to shuffle his feet, in embarrassment. "I guess, I guess I discovered something pretty significant about myself while you were gone but I don't see how-" Rose gave Rory a confused look and he sighed and looked to the side in annoyance.
"Fine! Okay, so I'm sorta in love with Amy but-" "The replacement of me as one of the most important women in your life confused the energy that's tying me to you."
Rose's eyes began to glow, she seemed determined to fix what had gone wrong.
"There's no way for me to make my visits sooner but I should be able to get the energy to recognize Amy as a separate person then me and therefore to allow us more regular intervals in time- in theory that is."
"Just like that? You didn't even notice?!" Rory snapped.
"Time is different between us," Rose replied. She ran her fingers through his hair and gave him a comforting look. "What's been five years for you has been a week or so for me."
Rory narrowed his eyebrows at Rose.
"Is that why you don't… why you don't age?"
Rose gave him a short smile and even without that average Rose golden comforting light Rory felt assured that she was telling the truth.
"Not fully," she replied. "But yeah. I mean we both know I have magic but I can prove it for next time."
Rose looked around, grabbed a pen and dragged it's point across her arm. Rory's eyes widened and he lunged forward.
"What are you doing?!"
Rose's arms began to bleed and he shook his head quickly.
"This is bad, why would you do this to yourself! You could- well, I don't know what it could do but it could probably be bad but we should-" Rory began to ramble. Rose smacked Rory's hand away.
"When you are a doctor-" She stopped immediately, her eyes shutting tightly for a long moment, it seemed like she was in pain but for some reason Rory thought something else was bothering her. "When you have a medical license, then you can start nursing my body. Not until then." Rory wrinkled his nose.
"I don't have to have a medical license to know that's bad."
"It's proof!" Rose protested. "Next time I see you, this will still be fresh and you'll believe me." "You hurt yourself to prove-"
Rory spun around.
"Am I the only one-"
He froze. His entire class was frozen, his entire class wasn't moving. Rory turned to look at the clock on the wall.
"You froze time!" Rory blurted.
"I hardly froze it," Rose replied. "I really just removed us from the current time stream in one small millisecond-"
She stopped when she noticed the look on Rory's face.
"Okay, if it comforts you then sure I froze time but that's really just incorrect."
"What do you do when you aren't around for me?" Rory asked. Rose for once looked a little timid.
"You remember that guy I told you about? The one I had adventures with?"
Rory nodded.
"I… I'm trying to find him," she admitted. "He was my everything. The reason I am who I am today is because of him. I need him in my life and he isn't around. I have to find him."
Rory nodded slowly and then looked down at his hands.
"If that wound starts to get infected-" Rose laughed softly and clutched Rory's hand.
"As I said it's only going to be a few days for me till I see you next. You can treat the wound if you are that worried about it."
Rory have her a tentative smile.
"Maybe I will."
Rose chuckled and then sighed.
"I can't hold this time bubble forever, and your class can't notice a large time change. So-"
"You have to go."
Rose gave Rory a serious look and nodded.
"You know I'll be back as soon as I can."
Rory sighed and gave Rose a sad smile.
"It's okay Rose. Go on, get out of here. Find your friend."
Rose smiled back at Rory.
"Don't worry I will." She gave Rory a short wave and then ran out of the classroom, disappearing in a flash of golden light.
Rory got in a lot of trouble for ignoring the teacher when she told him to take a seat, so much so that even Melody gave him a high five for it.
He wondered why he had felt so sad afterwards.
Age 19
Rory ran his fingers through his hair.
He had so many things to worry about.
Tests, debts, Amy and then his worries were gone.
All Rose had to do was appear and Rory felt even more comforted than he had before.
"Three years."
Rose smiled at him.
"Four and a half days."
"Let me see that arm," Rory instructed. Rose rolled her eyes playfully and allowed Rory to see it.
"Is it bad Doctor Williams?" She teased with a tongue in tooth smile. Rory laughed and reached into his pocket for rubbing alcohol and a band aid.
"First off, it's Nurse Williams. Secondly, it isn't but I'm afraid it'll be infected."
Rory poured the rubbing alcohol over Rose's wounded, and she hissed a second in pain. He then dabbed it clean with the corner of his scrubs and put a band aid over it.
"You are lucky it isn't worse."
"You're going to school to be a nurse?" Rose asked, eyeing Rory in his all of his college-student-dying-from-a-heavy-workload-glory.
Rory smiled.
"I'm in school for it," he admitted. Rose whooped excitedly for him and jumped up.
"Rory Williams! Saving people since the day he was born. You are going to be just wonderful!" "If I pass the test I have tomorrow," Rory corrected glumly. "It's going to be difficult, and, well, I don't know if I can do it Rose."
Rose chuckled and shrugged playfully.
"I'll help you," she stated, with a confidence that surprised Rory. He blinked.
"You will?"
"I will."
Rory smiled at Rose, and she smiled right back at him. They spent hours together, over dinner, over coffee, over textbooks. Studying, talking, getting to know one another better and better. Rory had never been more confident in his skills as a nurse.
When he woke up the next morning after passing out at nearly 6 in the morning, he wondered how come he felt so rested, he wondered how he knew all of the material he had studied so well, and he wondered why there were two coffee cups on his table instead of just one.
Age 23
Rory saw Rose for once before she saw him. He smiled wildly and ran over to her. He gave her a tight hug and suddenly it was like he was a kid again.
"Four years, but I don't even care because I have so much to tell you! So Amy and I-" "I can't stay."
Rose stood up sharply and began walking blindly away from Rory. He frowned deeply.
"Rose? Rose are you okay?" She was bleeding in various parts of her body, looking like she was about to pass out.
"I'm fine, I just can't stay they are after me Rory." "Rose, can we not play the pronoun game right-" Rose grasped Rory by the arms and gave him a comforting look.
"I'm so sorry Rory but if I stay it'll just put you in danger. I'll be fine… I might be fine, just- I'm sorry."
And then she was gone.
If Rory could remember why he had run from Amy to confront a young woman she had never seen before he would never be able to explain it without worrying the Doctor.
But then again he couldn't remember.
Maybe that was for the best.
Age 29
Rory sat outside of the wedding hall, drumming his fingers over the kitchen counter. He was happy, so absolutely, completely happy.
Except there was something bugging him. Something he was forgetting.
Rory went over the details in his head, again and again.
He had looked over the guest list till he had memorized the it backward, forward, and in alphabetical order but he couldn't pinpoint what was wrong.
What had he been missing?
Amy walked over to him and gave him a kiss.
"Come on, Mr. Pond. The Doctor has an adventure for us."
Again that pull. Something was missing. Rory could feel that he was missing something very, very important to him. But what?
Rory shook his head, dismissing the thoughts.
It was probably nothing. If he couldn't remember it, how important could it really be?
Age 30
Rory was in the middle of a fight with Amy. A really big fight with Amy.
He stormed out. He was done, he was done with all this.
He was at a bar, drinking- drinking a lot- when suddenly she was there.
"Leave me alone," he snapped. "Leave me alone, I don't know want anything to do with you."
She touched him.
"No! NO!" Rory shouldered away her hand. "Absolutely not! You didn't come to my wedding!" "Rory, you know I can't-"
"Can't what? Can't control when you get to see me, how often you do? On the most important day of my life you weren't there for me. Out of all the people who showed up, I wanted you to be there the most and you weren't leave me alone!"
Rose sighed, and finally Rory looked at her.
She had fresh cuts on her face, she looked like she hadn't slept in days and like she'd been through absolute hell.
"If that's what you want. I'll go."
She disappeared in a flash of golden light and for the second time that day Rory felt like absolute shit.
Age 31
"Alright, so it's possible that I was wrong." "Wrong?!" Amy demanded. She grabbed Rory's arm and also grabbed the Doctor's. "What do you mean wrong?" "So this isn't exactly the planet Bane, it's the planet of the Bane. All too easy to mix up," the Doctor said, his voice a little bit too high. He was nervous. He laughed.
"Okay, I just have to- Any weaknesses-"
He was falling short. Around them, the large greenish pink slimey octopus creatures grew closer. They were gnarly. They were angry. The Tardis was too far away from them. There was no easy escape. They were doomed.
"It's going to be okay," the Doctor assured, but he wasn't sure. He wasn't really sure. They were going to die. They were definitely going to die and all Rory could think about was roses. Why roses?!
The Bane, as the Doctor called them grew closer and closer. Their tentacles reaching through the air. It was disgusting, it was terrifying.
"Rose…" Rory whispered. His words were speaking without him really understanding it.
"Rose?!" The Doctor snapped. "We're about to die-" He gestured wildly to the surrounding Bane. "And you are talking about flowers?!"
"No, no… Rose." Finally his brain was catching up with his obsession with a red thorny flower. "She did it! She really is out to protect me. She didn't come to my wedding because she couldn't."
Amy gave Rory a weird look and then touched him with her other hand.
"Mr. Pond? You're scaring me," Amy whispered. Rory gave Amy a comforting smile.
"You've always had the Doctor, just like Rose has always been there for me, and she can save us. I only remember her when I need her or she's around and is a bit overdue on visiting me!"
Rory felt inexplicably warm and he could feel hands on his shoulders, that weren't Amy's.
"Rory? You alright? You feel frantic," Rose said. Rory turned to Rose, glad to see the gold in her eyes. He could feel that everything was going to be okay.
"I'm in danger," he stated, entranced with Rose. Rose looked amused.
"I noticed... The Bane."
Rose's eyes began to glow more intensely.
"Rory Pond on another planet against an alien race."
A pulse of golden light was sent out and all the Bane fell to the floor limp.
"What did you do?!" The Doctor screamed, somewhat faintly. As if something was wrong with him. Rory turned to him, he was on his knees clutching his hearts through his chest with a pained expression on his face.
"They're only unconscious," Rose replied, her eyes never leaving Rory. "All alien life is currently."
"He's an alien," Rory said, only a little concerned at the news. Amy ran at the Doctor, catching him as he officially fell unconscious. Rose's gold aura flickered and her feet touched the ground. She looked almost scared like nothing Rory had ever seen in her before.
"He's…." The gold in her was gone now, her features becoming sharper and more defined. "He's alien?" Rory nodded, looking a tad confused.
"Yeah, he-"
Amy laid the Doctor down on the ground, a tear running down her face. She stood up sharply and wiped the tear off her face. Then she stormed up to Rose, her body setting off Rory's danger alerts.
"What did you do to the Doctor?" Amy demanded. Rory went to defend Rose but stopped when a wrecked sob left her lips. He looked at her, mouth open. She was crying. She was smiling brightly but real tears were running down her cheeks.
"Did you say Doctor?" She brushed past Rory and Amy and walked drearily towards him. "The Doctor?"
Rose knelt down by the Doctor's unconscious body. She hesitated a moment and then took his head, breathing in relief at the touch.
"My new new new Doctor."
She closed her eyes and began to glow again, brighter than he'd ever seen her glow. Then he was back, the Doctor shot up, jumping away from Rose and the golden light.
Rory ripped his eyes towards the Doctor.
"Who is that?"
The golden light began to fade and all Rory could do was smile.
"That's the golden girl, Doctor." Rory stated. "'High in a white palace, the king's daughter, the golden girl.'"
Rose stepped out of the light and for once she looked more human than Rory had ever seen. Even that air of warm comfort she usually wore wasn't there. Somehow she was in blue jeans again and a pink zip-up hoodie with a relieved look on her face. For once she wasn't that golden girl that Gatsby thought was his but still he couldn't really get a good grasp on her. Rose was suddenly just as approachable as any other girl.
Rory looked over to the Doctor. He looked a bit like he might cry.
"But… That's impossible," the Doctor whispered. He staggered to Rose as if he couldn't get a grip on what was right in front of him. "It can't be-."
He touched her.
"It is."
They beamed at one another and hugged tightly. The Doctor, he was actually crying and so was Rose. They began murmuring to one another their eyes filled with glee and tears. Amy rounded Rory and stood next to him, arms crossed over her chest.
"What's going on? Why are they acting like those girls in those 'boyfriend returns from the war' videos?"
"They used to travel together," Rory murmured. "Rose, when I was a kid, told me stories about this friend she had. This friend who loved her very much and she loved him too, but they got separated. They got seperated for a very long time. She was looking for him. She's been looking for him for as long as I've known her."
Amy looked at him.
"When you were a kid?" "And you never told me?!" The Doctor exclaimed. Both Rose and the Doctor were staring at him. Rose smiled and kissed the Doctor's cheek, startling him into looking at her.
"It was my fault. I didn't want Rory to miss me or for the information that he knew me to one day put him in danger. I didn't know why my time hops were tied to Rory so I made it so he wouldn't be able to remember me until he needed or saw me," Rose explained. The Doctor smiled a bit dumbly and Rose glanced back at him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Rose asked, a large stupid smile on her face as well.
"I missed you," the Doctor said. "I've missed a lot of people the last couple hundred years of my life, I've missed them a lot for a very long time and I almost never get the people I missed back."
Rose took the Doctor's hand.
"I'm back Doctor and I don't plan on leaving this time." Their lips pressed together, as Rose sent a blast of golden light towards Rory. He stepped back at the force of the blast and then placed his hands on his chest.
"What was that?" He asked, a bit frantic. Rose pulled away from the Doctor's lips.
"You won't forget me now," she replied softly. "You'll always remember me. I finally found what I was looking for."
The Doctor smiled at Rose and she smiled back.
Amy leaned towards Rory her eyes narrow.
"Should we be concerned?" She asked. "The Doctor's never spoken of this girl before, and all of a sudden she's the long lost love of his life?" Rory watched as the Doctor and Rose whispered quickly to one another. He tilted his head and then smiled.
"No we shouldn't. Look at them. They're happy. Let's let them be happy," he said. Amy looked at him and then smiled.
"Oh, you are getting sappy Mr. Pond." Rory smiled at his wife.
"I guess I am."
It was rare for Rory to feel any sort of joy or hope when he was with the Doctor, especially when on another planet but for once Rory could see that the future was bright. The Doctor and Rose were happy, and everything was going to be alright.
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captainbrieontoast · 4 years
'Maybe he loves you and will always forgive you' Rose jumped when that thought crossed her brain. That was impossible. Rose's thoughts hit the Doctor like a bag of bricks. Did she really think that? Just a really bad snippet. :-/
It was just after the Doctor and Rose had left Earth, right after he had regenerated, and they were just hanging out in the Tardis. Which was in the Time Vortex. Rose was really happy to find that the Doctor was in fact her Doctor, and that he wasn't mad at her at all.
Rose was situated in the library, sitting on a couch reading a book about the peaceful Monks of Moncura. She was currently reading about how some of the monks had been mediating without speaking for hundreds of years. Some have even been meditating since they were born, taught somehow through a telepathic field what to do while still in their mother's womb.
Rose sighed, looking at the monks on the cover picture with a sigh. She idly wondered what it was like to meditate. Rose looked around the empty library. No one was there but her. 
The Doctor was probably just in the console room, tinkering so it's not like he would bother walking in on her, and wondering why she was meditating. Rose looked down, where there was now a pink plush rug, for her to meditate on.
"Thank you," Rose said, with a small smile. She clambered off the sofa and down onto the rug. Slowly, Rose sat cross-legged and placed her bended elbows just below her bended knees. Then she put her thumb and middle finger together, in the way that the monks on the cover were doing. Then she carefully closed her eyes. 
In the book, it said that these monks didn't hum at all, so that they could easily find their own piece of mind. Rose sat there quietly, beginning to meditate silently.
The Doctor was in the console room, sitting in the pilot's chair, trying to get used to his new body. It is something that takes a little bit to get used to. He wriggled his fingers experimentally. He idly wondered momentarily how he had gotten to look like this. It was obviously because of Rose. 
She had always liked her pretty boys, and that apparently had affected his regeneration. That was a first. He never had regenerated for someone. It could have had to do with the fact that he was completely smitten for Rose Tyler. He didn't really have a choice either. He had been constantly trying to ignore the connection for their entire year together. 
It might also have to do with the fact that right before regeneration he had kissed her and technically she was the reason he regenerated. He didn't blame her for that, but she could have been killed when she observed the time vortex. 
How could she take a risk like that for him? She should have let him die. He had already killed all those people and she saved him, knowing what he had done. Why him? Why save him? He's a terrible person, she knows that. She's been around him for a year why does she keep insist on saving him? She could have died, this last time. 
Of course, she could have died a long time ago too in the midst of other rescues, but he had been so close to losing her this time. He had absorbed the Vortex for only a few minutes and he had been forced to regenerate. Who knows how long Rose had the Time Vortex in her, she should be resting. 
She could have died… 
The Doctor suddenly felt a flame start in his stomach. A flame of anger. She had almost died because of him. The Doctor jumped to his feet and stormed through the Tardis. 
After an adventure Rose liked to go to the library and read, which always seemed odd to the Doctor since she never used to read before she met him and he informed her of how much he loved to read. 
The Doctor finally found himself standing in front of the door. He opened the door slowly and saw Rose meditating on the floor in the library over in her little nook. 
She looked so peaceful. With a small smile, the Doctor forgot his anger, walking over towards her. He sat down near her so that he could look right into her face.
Rose looked completely at peace. 
Next to her was a book about the monks of Moncura. He smiled when he realized with a start why she was meditating. He smiled, and looked back up at her. She looked so peaceful, just sitting there. Her blonde hair, falling delicately just above her shoulders. 
Her chest steadily moved up and down as she breathed. He looked back up at her face to see if he could find any trace of difference on her face. He looked up at her face. He knew that when in the right stage of meditation, the meditator wouldn't notice anything about the world around her. 
The Doctor, looked intently at Rose's eyelids. If they didn't flicker then that means that she was in that stage of meditation. He watched her intently. Her eyelids didn't flicker. With a tiny smile, the Doctor carefully took his hand and brushed back a piece of her hair so that he could see her face better. On the side of her face he saw a little gold smudge. 
He didn't know what it was from but he took his thumb and gently rubbed it off her face. He leaned back then, just looking at Rose intently. Thinking about how he had been so lucky to get a companion like her. 
The Tardis liked her, she was brilliant even though she never got her A-levels. Not to mention the fact that she never gave up, she was so terribly loyal too. She believed that everyone was good, even the Daleks. She did always seem to find some reason to trust the worst of people. 
For most people that would be a weakness, but not Rose. Rose was even beautiful. He didn't think she knew that either. Whenever they went anywhere Rose would attract so much attention. 
When Rose did notice all the people staring she would always pass it off as she was acting stupid, or they were wondering what she was doing with such an 'old man.' 
The Doctor knew that she didn't realize how beautiful she was, and thinking back he realized that maybe his stupid ape comments hadn't helped. Rose however always acted like one of the highest beacons of confidence. It was rare for her to break. He knew why she felt that way too. 
Rose didn't know but he had heard that comment about Jimmy Stones, and before coming back to her he made a pit stop to see just who this guy was. Rose had been treated terribly by the guy. He criticized everything that she did, he hit her and he didn't allow her to leave the house. 
Even when she broke up with him, he sought her out. He beat her something bad and she nearly died, only saved by one of Jimmy's friends, who walked in on him beating her. He called the police because he secretly loved Rose, and didn't want to see her hurt. 
The Doctor knew he hadn't made it and it had nearly killed Rose that the guy had died trying to save her. Maybe that was part of the reason why she had saved him. The Doctor continued to watch her intently. Lost in thoughts of Jimmy and Rose and the fact that he was inevitably in love with Rose Marion Tyler.
Rose wasn't sure exactly how long she had been meditating, she felt very relaxed though. Rose sighed, and slowly opened one eye to look around. She yelped and jumped to her feet when she saw a certain Doctor staring at her intently. He watched her jump up and Rose looked down at him eyes wide, as he looked up at her.
"Why did you save me?" He asked, completely shattering the silence. Rose looked down at him confused.
"Why wouldn't I save you?" She asked, a frown covering her features.
"Because. I killed everyone Rose. Everyone is dead all because of me," the Doctor said silently, wanting to look away from her but he couldn't.
"You had to Doctor. Everyone would have died anyways. You saved the universe. You also save people every day, so many people are alive because of you," Rose said a smile replacing the frown. The Doctor was silent. He didn't know what to say.
"You could have died," the Doctor said, finally. Anger began to fill his voice a little bit, and he looked up at her.
"There is always that chance," Rose replied, noticing the anger seeping into his voice. She didn't want to make him angry. She was pretty sure that she had been thinking of him, but had she? Had she been thinking of herself when she saved? 
Rose shook her head vigorously. Maybe she had just been thinking of yourself. But she didn't want to think that. She would die for the Doctor. She honestly hoped he would forgive her, if he was mad at her.
The Doctor watched Rose as she stood there thinking. He slowly got to his feet and tried to throw Rose's thoughts out of his head. 
Lately, the Doctor had noticed that Rose had become extremely telepathic since looking into the Tardis, and he hadn't told her yet so her thoughts were being sent straight into his brain. He knew what she was thinking, and he felt bad for making her think that way. The Doctor decided to send a telepathic message to her, knowing that she wouldn't know it was from him.
'Maybe he loves you and will always forgive you' Rose jumped when that thought crossed her brain. Where did that even come from? That was, seriously impossible. He's a Time Lord, and hundreds of years older than her. Why would he love her? And she knew that the Doctor wouldn't always forgive her. One wrong move and he would leave her instantly. Anyways she was just a simple little primitive ape.
Rose's thoughts hit the Doctor like a bag of bricks. Did she really think that? How could she think that? 
The Doctor felt terrible. 
What had he ever done to lead her to believe any of this? The Doctor looked down at Rose, and realized with a start how close they had become. The Doctor was looking down into Rose's eyes and she was looking up into his eyes. Rose didn't seem to notice, she was too lost in their thoughts. The two were so close. He watched as a tear ran down her cheek, and he whipped it away with his thumb.
His Rose.
Rose's thoughts tried to beat his boundaries, hitting with force. It hurt him to know that Rose thought these things. They were so close. If the Doctor moved just an inch forward and tilted his head just a little bit… The next thing he knew, his lips were pressing against Rose's soft lips.
Rose was lost in her thoughts when suddenly the Doctor was kissing her. Rose froze, not sure what to do. Was she dreaming? Well, if I am dreaming I might as well make the most of it, Rose thought. She kissed back and the Doctor's two hearts soared. The Doctor pulled away for just a moment. It was like one of those moments where you'll do anything and he wasn't going to let it pass.
"Rose Tyler, I love you," he rushed, to get out of his mouth before he could take it back. Rose looked genuinely surprised at him. She pulled away from him a little just so that she could pinch herself. It wasn't a dream. Rose looked up at him surprised, and then a smile grew on her face.
"I love you too, Doctor," she replied softly. He pulled her into a tight hug and they both new that they would be together for a long time. "My Doctor," Rose added.
"My Rose," the Doctor said. If only right then he had paid more attention to Rose's heartbeat against his chest. If he had he would have noticed that Rose didn't only have one heartbeat. She had two.
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captainbrieontoast · 4 years
Humanity’s Best
Rose and the Doctor go to a peaceful planet which turns out to be not so peaceful and Rose's shoulders get filled with pressure. I Don't Own Doctor Who, and I hope ya'll enjoy :-) Not my best story.
"Here we are," The Doctor announced, waving his arms around as the two of them stepped out of the Tardis and onto the crisp green grass of a planet that Rose had never been to before. She looked around in amazed awe at the so far unnamed beauty that now surrounded her. "The Planet Sefalopious. Known for its peaceful inhabitants and its beautiful sights. One of the top sight-seeing planets of its day." 
Rose pulled her purple leather jacket down a little bit with her hands and then looked around her. She took in the dual suns, lush green scenery, and the tall (believe it or not) pink and blue cotton candy trees.
"The only planet known to have real-life cotton candy trees. Coming in flavors of strawberries, blue raspberry, grape, and green apple," Rose said, looking smugly around as if it were obvious. The Doctor, looked down at her with a selfish look of pride on his face, as if she were the smartest human in the world. Rose couldn't help but blush under his pride. "Guess?" The Doctor asked, not quite believing she would do anything else.
"Nope." Rose answered, popping the 'p.'
"Research?" The Doctor asked, sounding surprised. "Only for you,' Rose said with a cheeky smile. The Doctor beamed down at her with a prideful smile and then held his arm out for her to take. She happily obliged, hooking her arm into his arm and smiling cheekily at him.
"The inhabitants here like to call themselves-"
"The Sugary Fluffs?" Rose offered, still smiling cheekily.
"You did a lot of research," The Doctor said, looking at her still surprised at her knowledge.
"Read a few books on the place a while back," Rose replied as if it were no biggie.
"You never stop do you?" The Doctor asked with a chuckle, leading her through some trees and over to where a yellow path winded through the forest of cotton candy trees, and lush green plants.
"Stop what?" Rose asked, startled by his sudden question.
"Stop surprising me." The Doctor said, blatantly. Rose turned the color of her namesake before unhooking her arm from his, and looking down at her feet to keep him from noticing the blush. The Doctor smiled down at her and then looked down the path in front of them to see what he could see. Rose shuffled her feet while he looked around, watching the grass crinkle beneath her feet. As the grass moved around she saw a drop of liquid fall into the grass. Surprised she knelt down and moved apart the grass where the liquid had fallen. She saw a puddle of red liquid, assumingly blood, lying between the blades of grass. Rose looked up, and put her hand over her mouth, more in grief then fear.
"Doctor," she whispered, tears coming to her eyes. She blinked them away and moved out of the drip zone. "Doctor?" She repeated, looking over to where he was.
"Rose. Come here," the Doctor urged, looking off into the distance. Rose looked up at the mangled body of a alien who looked like a human, except for the soft pink color of its skin. It was probably an inhabitant of the planet. Rose knew that much. But whatever the Doctor could see must be important. So she slowly walked over to him and looked up at his face.
"Over there," he said, gesturing at the scene before them. Rose looked at where he was gesturing, but all she could see was the beautiful cotton candy colored hills of Sefalopious. She knew that according to this planets lore, their Gods, had colored the hills that color because of the inhabitants' love of cotton candy.
"I don't get what you want me to see," Rose said, confused, looking over at him.
"Do you trust me?" The Doctor asked, acting as if he were in trouble. Or she was in trouble. Or they both were in trouble.
"Yeah," Rose replied, looking at him. She started to get annoyed when she realized he was avoiding looking her in the eye. "Why won't you look at me?"
"Rose." The Doctor said, his voicing shaking slightly. "Ask me."
"Ask you what?" Rose asked, not sure how to react to his sudden weird behavior.
"Ask me if I trust you," he replied.
"Do you trust me?" She asked him, wanting to oblige to his wishes.
"Yes. Rose I trust you more than anybody I have ever traveled with before. Rose you're one of a kind," the Doctor said and she could hear the smile in his voice.
"Doctor. What's wrong?" Rose asked, not sure if she really wanted to hear the question. She raised her hand up and tried to put her hand on his arm.
"Don't touch me!" He said, stepping away from her. She frowned a little feeling slightly hurt, and slightly confused.
"Doctor. Answer me."
"I won't ever let you get hurt. I won't let anything happen to you. And I most certainly won't let them get you," The Doctor said confidentially
"I know," Rose answered, looking at him, now with concern. She knew that there was something really bad going on.
"And Rose. I want you to leave," The Doctor continued.
"I'm not going to leave," Rose replied, a frown on her face.
"I know," the Doctor said with a laugh. "I just don't want anything to happen to you."
"It's ok Doctor. Right now I'm fine and you're fine," Rose said, even though she knew that it wasn't true. There was certainly something wrong. "You know that's not true. Now you need to leave. Before you can't leave," the Doctor replied.
"But if I leave, then. Then who's going to hold your hand?" Rose asked, a tear running down her face.
"No don't cry," the Doctor said. "You know I can't stand it when you cry." His voice was getting weaker by the minute. She whipped the tear from her face, and her gaze strengthened.
"I won't. I won't let you die," Rose said, angry and determined.
"I know you won't. My clever little pink and yellow human. I care about you Rose," The Doctor whispered, and he finally looked at her before vanishing into thin air. Rose wanted to stand there and mope. She wanted to stay there and cry but she knew she had to stay strong and she knew she couldn't do this alone she had to get help. She turned in her trails and ran. She ran back the way she came and ran straight into the Tardis, slamming the door shut behind her. Fear and loneliness filled her as she looked around the Tardis, knowing it was empty.
'It's ok Wolf' The Tardises soothing voice promised her, from deep within her head. Ever since Bad Wolf, they had a certain connection that not even the Doctor had or could explain.
"I know. I just... What do I do?" Rose asked, the Tardis.
'You know what?' The Tardis replied, and she did. She knew just who could help her. The Tardis knew that she knew what she had done to him. She knew he could help her. She had to go get him.
"Let's go to Cardiff. We have to find a certain Captain Jack Harkness."
Rose walked over to the Tardis console and looked over at the levers scrounging her memories for how to drive the Tardis. He had taught her before, she knows he has. Suddenly, the Tardis lurched and Rose fell to the ground, hitting the grated floor with a slam that should have hurt but didn't hurt at all. She let her feet lay straight on the ground, as she began to laugh her heart out. Her hair lay spread out around her head like a halo and then she looked over to her left, expecting to see the Doctor there too. When he wasn't there she frowned, and she slowly sat up.
'Sorry, just trying to keep you cheery. You've arrived at your destination,' The Tardis informed her. She smiled.
"Oh? So, when did you turn into a GPS?" Rose asked, cheekily. The Tardis did something to the equivalent of a laugh and opened her doors.
'I never asked for a cheeky stray' The Tardis teased, and Rose walked out the door. Closing the door carefully behind her Rose looked around at her surroundings. It was busy. Regular old Cardiff. Rose laughed as she remembered the time that she came with Mickey, the Doctor, and Jack. They had all been so carefree. Then all that Slitheen crap happened. But still, they were happy. Rose looked around, trying to see any sign of Jack. Sighing, she reluctantly left the Tardises sign. This was only her fourth or so time away from the Doctor since she had met him and leaving the Tardis, the only other thing familiar to her from the Doctor's world was almost like jumping off a cliff.
She looked around again at all the people. She knew as much as the Tardis had told her. He worked with Torchwood. That's all she knew. It was a top secret organization, so he must e around somewhere. Anywhere. Rose looked around again. Nothing had really changed since the last time she looked around. She knew he liked pizza so that would be the first place to look around.
"Hi. Where is the closet pizza place?" Rose asked, a lady who was currently walking by her. The lady smiled, and pointed off towards a dock, but not quite there.
"Just over there," the lady said, smiled sweetly and walking away. Rose nodded slowly, and started to walk that way. She went into the small pizza shop and walked up to the counter.
"Hello. Can I ask you a question?" Rose asked the man behind the counter, smiling a bright smile.
"Anything ma'am," The man behind the counter replied with a smile.
"I was wondering if anyone ordered pizza here by the name of Jack Harkness?" Rose asked. The man smiled knowingly and shook his head.
"No ma'am. Like I told the last woman here who asked. No," The man answered. Another woman? Rose nodded slowly and turned about to leave.
"Wait. The other woman then asked if a Torchwood ordered pizza here and if you're wondering the same thing then yes. Yes Torchwood does order from here. And I can hook you up with some pizza to take there if you would like," the man offered up. Rose stopped and turned around, looking at him with a giant smile on her face.
"You are the best," she said simply.
Rose walked up slowly to a small, broken down office near the docks of Cardiff bay. She walked into the office and saw a man there. He looked completely calm and at home, he wasn't even looking at her. Rose had been supplied with a costume, that looked exactly like a normal pizza deliverers thanks to that nice man behind the desk and now she had the pizza. Even for extra precautionary issues she had temporarily dyed her hair black and put on blue contact lenses. She didn't want any issues and she didn't want to be recognized.
"Hi. I have a pizza for Torchwood," Rose told the man behind the counter, he looked up surprised before narrowing his eyes and then shrugging and clicking a button that opened up a metal door that looked like a vault. Rose walked in, pretending to be a little scared as she her ponytail swished behind her. She entered a large room where a ton of people were working. Typing on keyboards, investigating an area, and just chilling in his office was Jack. Rose felt her connection with the Tardis pull at the edge of her mind. Images of the people flew through her mind and names associated with the pictures.
'Tosh, Gwen, Ianto, and Owen,' That's what the names were. Rose recognized the Ianto man as the man at the desk in the office. Rose slowly walked through the path and towards Jack's office. She knew he would talk to her. But she also knew it was weird that no one had actually talked to her yet. She walked up to the office and knocked on his door. He looked up surprised but gestured for her to come in.
"Pizza delivery for a Torchwood," Rose said, changing her voice so that he wouldn't recognize it.
"Thank you, how much?" He asked, as Rose closed the door behind her.
"Actually, I'm not sure," Rose said, with a shrug. Jack got up, looking her up and down. He took the pizza out of her hands and set it down on the desk. Then he turned back to her, walking up to her and the way he was looking at her scared Rose. She backed away from him until her back hit the wall. Jack kept walking towards her until there was almost no space between them and then he put his right hand next to her head. If looks could kill, Rose would be dead. "I am going to say this plain and clear. Who are you? What do you want? Why are you here?" Jack asked, his voice low, cold, and harsh. He looked angry, angrier than he had ever looked before. This couldn't be Jack. Jack was always happy, and carefree, and well dirty as can be. Yet still Rose knew this was him, but she couldn't bring herself to say that it was here. It had been too long and she felt bad for making him immortal.
"I need your help," Rose said, her voice cracking as she spoke. That look. She was on the verge of tears.
"Why should I help you when I don't know who you are?" Jack hissed. He looked like he would kill her. Right then and there.
"I-I. I am so sorry Jack. I am so sorry. It's my fault. I am so so sorry," Rose said before she finally broke, and she began crying. Her hands flew to her face and she sobbed into them. "Tha-That's not going to work," Jack said, his voice wavering. "Just because you cry doesn't mean that I won't hurt you if you don't answer my questions." Rose slowly started to slide down the wall, but Jack caught her and pushed her against the wall. Keeping her there but not being to forceful.
"I am sorry, I am so sorry," Rose sobbed, her voice cracking slightly, so that her true voice came to light just for a second. Jack stopped, barely moving for a second as he heard my voice.
"R- Who are you?" He asked, again with less force.
"I didn't mean to," Rose whispered her voice completely real this time and she slid down the wall. Her knees pulled up close to her face. She then wrapped her arms around her legs. She felt Jack stand still there for a little bit and then she felt him kneel down in front of her. He placed a tentative hand on her arms and smiled at her softly.
"Rose?" He asked, and Rose sobbed even harder. "Rosie it's not your fault, hey, hey it's ok." Then a second later. "Where's the Doctor. Did he leave you? Alone here?"
"No, no. He wouldn't," Rose assured, she stopped crying and brought her hands to her face whipping away the tears.
"There, there. Rosie what happened?" Jack asked, being completely gentle with her before moving her arms from around her. Then he pushed her knees down, ever so gently so that they were no longer in front of her face.
"I-I made you invincible. It's my fault you can't die," Rose admitted, not wanting to look him in the eye. Jack chuckled and placed his finger under her chin so that he could lift up her head to look right into her eyes.
"I know Rosie dear. It's ok. Now where is the Doctor?" Jack asked. Rose nodded and offered him a small smile before telling Jack what happened.
"He took you to Sefalopious?" Jack asked, a small frown on his face.
"Yeah," Rose replied with a nod.
"Idiot," Jack said shaking his head. "What?" Rose asked confused.
"That man doesn't ever think. Does he not know that in the 51st century Sefalopious had this really big problem someone was doing something terrible. One day it all just stopped, He must have took you during that time period," Jack explained, helping Rose up.
"So you'll help?" Rose asked, looking down at her feet.
"Of course, I'll help you with anything Rosie," Jack explained, with a grin. Then he turned a grim look on his face. "And Rose, I'm sorry about earlier. I just, I won't let anyone hurt my friends and with that disguise Rose I thought you were after my friends."
"I understand," Rose said with a whisper. Jack smiled at her and Rose looked at him. "To the Tardis?"
"Just like old times," Jack replied with a smile and with that Jack was escorting her out of Torchwood.
Once in the Tardis Jack looked around the console room and smiled. "Why haven't I gotten to lay the Tardis before?" He asked with a chuckle.
"Because she isn't stupid," Rose replied with a smile and as if to enforce this statement, the Tardis lurched into the air throwing both of them to the ground. Rose burst into laughter and sat up looking at Jack, who just looked flustered.
"Rejected," Rose laughed.
"Oh come on, that wasn't rejection," Jack retaliated as Rose stood up and walked to the Tardis doors.
"Desperate to the bitter end," Rose sang and she looked out onto the beautiful landscape. Her smile turned to a frown and fear filled her. The Doctor was out there, and he could be dying.
"Rosie. It's ok," Jack assured, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"I just. He's out there in trouble and I wasn't looking at him for a like a minute and then he was taken... What if it happens to you?" Rose asked, a frown on her face.
"I won't ever leave your side. I promise," Jack promised. Rose nodded, and they stepped out onto the grass. Rose reached out and grabbed Jack's hand. Clinging onto it with every ounce of fear she had.
"So the body is over here," Rose said, and she pointed up at the tree where the body had been. It was still there. Jack looked up at it, not letting go of her hand and nodding, slowly.
"Jiblas Sugar Floss," Jack said grimly. "The fourth victim of our not very sweet killer."
"Jiblas Sugar Floss?" Rose asked, a small smile pulling at the corner of her lips.
"His parents hated him," Jack joked. Rose laughed, and then pulled him forward, over to where she had last seen the Doctor. Jack looked at the grass where the Doctor had been standing and Rose stood near, afraid to look away from him. Rose looked away for just a second and saw something written in the hills. She looked back at Jack and tugged at his hand.
"Jack," she said, and he stood up, still looking at the grass. "Look at me," she whispered a jolt of fear running through her body. He looked at her, eyes full of reassurance.
"Yeah?" He asked, and she nodded towards the hills. "What does it say?" She asked, and he knotted his eyebrows together in confusion.
"You afraid to look?" Jack asked. "I don't want to lose you," Rose replied, with a small smile. "I know, Rosie," Jacked promised, and then looked at the hill. "It says 'You're friend is with me, come and play my game.'"
"So now the hills are talking to me huh?" Rose asked with a frown. "Ok! Fine! I'll play your sick little game but don't you dare hurt the Doctor," Rose hollered at the planet. Jack chuckled and squeezed her hand.
"Remind me never to make you angry," Jack said with a laugh. Rose chuckled and then Jack jumped in surprise. "It's changed. The message has changed. It says 'To play my game the instructions are simple. All you have to do is find me a thimble. Take the thimble away from this place and give it to me away in the hills. After that it is very easy just roll down the hill all breezy and then you'll see him there all happy and alive' Oh Goodness the guy rhymes," Jack complained with a whine.
"I have a thimble," Rose said, reaching into her pocket and pulling it out. Why does he want a thimble?" Rose asked with a frown. Jack shrugged.
"How am I supposed to know? Let's just get this over with," Jack said with a frown. They both looked over at the hills and then looked around them.
"Ok, this way," Rose urged, and pulled him over towards the edge. "Jump when I say."
"What?" Jack asked confused, Rose offered him a cheeky smile and looked down.
"Jump," Rose said, they both jumped down onto a ledge. "Jump." They jumped again, landing on another ledge. "Here it gets complicated," Rose warned. They jumped again, and again, this time more rapidly. Before suddenly Rose pulled Jack completely off a ledge and into open air.
"What are you doing?" Jack screamed as they fell.
"Just trust me!" Rose promised. They both fell until they suddenly landed into something soft, pink, and soft.
"Oh, cotton candy," Jack said tearing some off, and smelling it. Rose grinned and picked some off the tree. "Don't forget not to eat it. Even though the cotton candy tree is natural to this planet, and the cotton candy might look sugary and delicious, it isn't sweet at all. It's actually quite bland, and is extremely lethal to any species that isn't of this planets origin. Only the Sugary Fluffs can eat it and enjoy their sugary sweetness," Rose informed with a smile. Jack looked over at her skeptically but a smile still danced on his face.
"Now you're starting to sound like the Doctor," he said with a grunt. Rose laughed and pushed him playfully out of the tree.
"You make it sound like a bad thing," she said as he fell to the ground with a low thump.
"Well, maybe it is," Jack said and Rose jumped to the ground her light pink converses smacking on the ground when she landed.
"It really isn't," Rose replied, walking over to him.
"You're even wearing converses like him," Jack groaned, once he got a sight of Rose's shoes.
"Oh, now I'm not helping you up," Rose teased, walking away from him and towards the hills. "Awe, come on Rosie," Jack whined, sitting up.
"Nope. Never make fun of a girls clothes," Rose joked, with a frown.
"Now I've learned my lesson," Jack replied with a smile, picking himself up and off the floor.
"You better," Rose said, as he joined her and they continued walking towards the hills. "So where do you think we are supposed to take this?" Rose asked, holding up her thimble.
"Maybe we should take it over there?" Jack suggested, pointing to the top of the hill where a black cloaked man stood.
"It looks like a good start," Rose said with a cheeky smile. They ran up to the cloaked man, who was lucky not very far.
"Here is your thimble," Rose said, putting the thimble into the man's out stretched palm. The man didn't say anything. He just pointed down the hill. Jack looked at Rose and they both went to roll down the hills except the cloaked man grabbed Jack's hand.
"I guess I'm not supposed to go," Jack apologized, with a shrug. Rose however wasn't having it. At one point their hands had joined again and she didn't want to let go of his.
"But. What if you go away," Rose said with another small frown.
"I won't go away I promise. You'll get your Doctor back soon ok?" Jack reassured. Reluctantly Rose let go of Jack's hand and kissed him on the cheek. Then she rolled down the hill. She looked up the hill once she got to the bottom. Jack was gone, and the cloaked figure was in front of her.
"Next to play my silly games, the steps you take will make your day. To the highest mountain you will trek, and find your friends in a cave, hidden in a cage. There you will recover and then, you shall escape. If you take the right steps at the Tardis you will arrive. Then off you'll fly into the skies to stop more spreading crimes," the cloaked figure said, and a tear fell down her face.
"Without my friends?" Rose said with a cry. Suddenly, a hologram of the Doctor appeared. He looked fine, except for his regular Oncoming Storm anger.
"Rose?" The Doctor asked a smile covering his face.
"Oh my goodness Doctor! I have to do it all alone, I don't know what to do," Rose said with a frown. A few tears falling down her face.
"It's ok Rose, you'll do fine. You now humanity was always the best at never giving up," The Doctor said with a humble smile. He settled down on the ground and sat comfortably sitting down and patting the space away on the ground next to him. She sat down next to him even though he wasn't really there.
"You've never told me that before," Rose said, with a small smile.
"Well, you see. Humanity has always had the craziest ideas, and beliefs, and they've always believed that anything you can dream you can do. Like Disney alone. They've made movies, about girls locked in towers dreams coming true and snails winning first place in the Indie 500. Anything you humans dream of, you dream that it will come true and most of the time it does. You humans are amazing. The year 6098, the entire human race is enslaved by a cruel alien race and you know what? They over come this threat to the way they live by coming together over the song Let It Go from the movie Frozen. I don't know why they used that song, but it was sang in all the languages of the world," The Doctor marveled.
"Really?" Rose asked, with a hopeful smile.
"Yeah. You can do it Rose. I believe in you Rose," The Doctor promised before disappearing into thin air.
Rose sat there for a moment alone. Not even the cloaked man was around. Thoughts flew through her head. She was supposed to have the Doctor back, Jack at her side and they were supposed to happily stroll back to the Tardis. Of course apparently she had forgotten who she was, who they were, and most importantly how they lived. With a sigh Rose got to her feet. She was alone. So bitterly alone. This isn't fair. It's never fair. She knew it wasn't fair. Aliens, and humans alike. No matter the species they were never fair. They were always unfair. Harsh and unfair. Never listened. With a grunt Rose looked around before locating the tallest mountain on the planet. She found it with ease. It was tall, with clouds floating around the peaks. It didn't look to be too far away and it was a beautiful bluish grey color.
"Seriously, there isn't even a little bit of this that's fair," Rose said out loud with a frown. She started to walk towards the mountain. She had confidence but not that much. She's just a puny human. A stupid primitive ape as the ninth Doctor put it. What could she do? Suddenly, a little bunny hopped up. It was adorable, with its long floppy ears, light pink fur, and its cute little light pink eyes. You might think that it would look a bit creepy but really, the bunny didn't.
"Hi there," Rose said with a smile, kneeling down to look at the cute little intruder of her thoughts. "What's your name?" The bunny's nose twitched softly and the bunny looked up as if to regard her.
"Strawberry," a tiny voice said. It was more like a small squeak but it was easy to tell that it was a little girls voice speaking.
"Well, hi there Strawberry. I'm Rose. We are both named after plants. Maybe we are related," Rose said, flopping down onto her back which allowed the little bunny to climb up onto her stomach. The bunny happily climbed up and then went up to Rose's face the whiskers tickling her cheeks. Strawberry giggled and then rolled around playfully. "So Strawberry. My friends have been kidnapped, and I'm all alone," Rose said, slowly.
"I don't have friends," Strawberry squeaked. "They've all gone." Rose felt a little bit of sorrow for the poor little bunny. She didn't know how the bunny could talk but she also didn't really understand how cotton candy could ever be lethal. So… You know….
"You want to hang out with me. I've got to go save my friends and I could use some company," Rose asked the little bunny. The pink fluff ball rolled off of Rose's stomach and into the green grass.
"Yeah, yeah!" She exclaimed hoping excitedly. "Where are we going?" She asked after hopping around the grass in circles for a while. "Over to that mountain. It's the tallest mountain on this planet. Do you see it?" Rose asked, pointing up at the mountain. Strawberry nodded eagerly and Rose laughed. "Let's go then."
"Are we there yet! Are we there yet!" Strawberry squealed bouncing up and down as the pair neared the bottom of the mountain. Rose smiled at the overactive fluff of bunny. The little thing was so…. Everywhere it was almost like having a little sister around.
"Not quite. Almost though. We just need to go to the top and find a cave," Rose explained with a smile. In reply Strawberry bounced up and down some more, before jumping over to a rock that was lying on the mountain.
"Is that a cave? Oh! Oh! I think I can see your friends!" Strawberry exclaimed. The bunny stuck her head under the rock and pulled out a few pebbles with her mouth. "Hi! Hi! I'm Strawberry! What's your name?" Strawberry asked the pebbles, Rose laughed and was about to explain that those weren't her friends but Strawberry interrupted her.
"Oh? Ok. So you're Captain, and you're Doctor," Strawberry said and Rose blinked, twice.
"How did you know that, Strawberry?" Rose asked, with a new upside down smile on her face.
"Your friends told me," Strawberry replied, pretty much eating the pebbles and then spitting them out onto her back. "Ok, everything's packed and ready to go."
"Strawberry-" Rose started, about to tell Strawberry that the pebbles weren't her friends but she couldn't bring herself to tell the poor thing. "Um, we have to keep going up the mountain because these aren't all of my friends," Rose said, motioning up to the top of the mountain with her chin.
"Kay!" Strawberry all but squealed, before going off and muttering a bunch of nonsense to her new friends that still stayed nestled in the fur. They walked up to an edge on the mountain and Rose realized she would need to climb up. Knowing that Strawberry couldn't climb, she picked up little Strawberry and put the small animal up on the ledge. Then she carefully climbed up putting her feet and hands into each crevice in turn.
"Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose. Where are you Rose? Rose, Rose, Rose where are you! Rose, Rose, Rose! What happened to you? Rooooose!" Strawberry called suddenly.
"Yes, Strawberry?" Rose called up, Strawberry wasn't too far but she still felt the need to call up.
"Oh, Rose. You're ok?" Strawberry called down poking her little head down. Her nose twitched right in front of her face, because Rose was that close to the ledge that Strawberry was on. "Oh hi!"
"Hello, Strawberry," Rose replied with a smile. Strawberry then jumped off the ledge and landed on top of Rose's head. Careful not to tilt her head to much, Rose lifted herself up with all her mite, and pulled herself onto the ledge, without hardly breaking a sweat. Strawberry, who was still on Rose's head jumped off it and onto another ledge that wasn't too high up. There were about 5 or 6 more ledges to go and then they had to hike the rest until they got to the cave near the very top.
"Rose? Rose? Rooooose!" Strawberry called once again from the ledge she was on. With a grunt and a laugh Rose climbed up this ledge with ease, because it had bigger crevices to hold onto.
"Yes Strawberry?" Rose asked, looking down at the mammal.
"Are we there yet?" She asked with wide, and attentive eyes.
Rose looked up, to see that she had one more ledge to climb. This climb had taken way longer than expected. She had thought it would only take give or take twenty minutes but in reality in had taken about an hour and Strawberry wasn't being helpful. All she did was talk to her pebble friends and then whenever Rose put her on a ledge she acted as if Rose had completed disappeared.
Rose, took her time with this next ledge because believe it or not they were high up, not extremely high yet, but high. The wind whipped Rose's hair around like it were paper in the wind and the mountain seemed to sway whenever Rose looked up, so Rose decided to keep her gaze focused on the rock in front of her more than anything else.
Rose could just hear Strawberry calling for her, with some confusion. To be honest Rose wasn't that far down actually, Strawberry was on her head again, but Strawberry was just that oblivious when it came to seeing things. Maybe she just needs glasses, Rose thought with a laugh. It would make sense except she didn't really know if bunnies needed glasses….
Ignoring that last thought Rose lifted herself up onto the ledge, panting. Strawberry jumped off her head and looked at Rose with those big curious eyes.
"Are we there yet?" She asked sweetly.
Slowly, Strawberry and Rose trekked up the mountain. They were both tired, and both really wanted to sleep. But Rose wanted more than anything to get to the top of this mountain, into the cave, and save her friends from whatever crazy 'thing' was around.
She could feel her motions slowing but she still kept on moving, aching step after aching step. Suddenly, Rose tripped on a crevice in the past. She huffed out air, and put her hands in front of her, pushing up so that she was sort of hanging there in the air face to face with a tired, but hyper at the same time bunny.
"Are we there yet?"
After walking for about an hour, Rose could tell that they weren't far from the cave. She walked while she listened to Strawberry talk about her old friends.
"-So Kandy is smaller than me, younger too. Her fur is about the same color as mine, except hers is unnaturally purple. See her mommy, Raspberry is pink, and her daddy, Rasper is blue. So when she was born she came out purple instead of blue or pink. Of course almost all the bunnies made fun of her but not me, Lemonade, and B.R. Lemonade and B.R are my best friends. Lemonade is pink like me, and B.R is blue. My mommy and daddy are both green so we don't know where my pink fur came from but that's ok. I just. I don't know why they all left," Strawberry ended, with a small frown. She looked sad for the first time today.
"I'm sure they didn't leave you purposely Strawberry. I bet you're looking for you right now," Rose assured. Strawberry looked up at her, with a thoughtful smile.
"You promise?" Strawberry asked.
"Yeah. I promise," Rose replied.
"Rose?" Strawberry asked after a while. About ten minutes to be exact.
"Yes?" Rose asked her.
"Are we there yet?"
They walked some more in silence. It had been who knows how long. Rose stopped keeping track a long time ago.
"Rose?" Strawberry asked, with a small smile and new found hop to her step.
"Yes?" Rose asked, for what felt like the millionth time. "Are we there yet?" Strawberry asked. "No, not yet," Rose replied, looking at her feet as she walked.
"But you said we were going to a cave and there is a cave right in front of us, and there are people in cages in the cave," Strawberry said, sounding genuinely confused. Rose looked up and saw what she was talking about. A cave with Jack and the Doctor in each cage. Not to mention a horde of bunny in one of the cages.
"Doctor? Jack?" Rose asked, her lips slowly turning into a smile.
"Rose?" They both called at the same time. Strawberry looked into the cave at the back and her eyes squinted.
"Rose? How do those people know you?" Strawberry asked, hiding behind her leg.
"It's ok, Strawberry. These are my friends," Rose said with a smile, looking around. She could see a huge golden key hanging from the ceiling and she snagged it, and then ran and opened all the cages.
"Rosie!" Jack said, attacking her with a giant hug. Rose laughed hugging him back. "Rose!" The Doctor explained, pulling her into a hug too. They all hugged tightly when suddenly Strawberry was attacking the back of Rose's leg.
"I want in! I want in! Please. Please. I want in!" Strawberry begged. Rose laughed and picked up the fur ball.
"Guys this is Strawberry," Rose introduced, showing them the pink fur ball. They both looked down at the bunny and the Doctor picked the little bunny into his arms.
"Hey little Strawberry. How are you?" The Doctor asked.
"Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!" Strawberry squealed and then hopped into Jack's arms. She looked up into his eyes.
"Hello. My name is Captain Jack Harkness," Jack announced. The Doctor grunted, and looked distastefully at Jack.
"She's a bunny Jack. Don't flirt with bunnies." "First of all, I only said 'hi' secondly the bunny breaths doesn't it?" Jack asked with a signature Harkness smile.
"Ugh. Enough of this right now, guys. We have to go to the Tardis right now, ok?" Rose urged.
"Come on guys! Let's go! Let's go!" Strawberry encouraged, hopping up and down. "Yeah, let's listen to the magical talking bunny," Jack grunted, as we all started to follow the bunny.
"Rose? You got this one?" The Doctor asked Rose, and Rose sadly shook his head.
"You know how just before we came here I was in the middle of a book?" Rose asked, quizzically.
"Yeah," the Doctor asked, not following clearly.
"I was just getting to the part in the book where they talked about the planets unique wildlife," Rose explained, with a tongue-in-tooth smile.
"Oh! Oh…" The Doctor said, with a hand on the back of his head.
"Yeah," Rose said with the grin still on her face.
"What are they doing?" Strawberry asked, with a frown on her face as she looked at Jack. "What do you mean little tiny bunny?" Jack asked crouching down as if to see her better.
"I mean why don't they just do the lip touching thing already?" Strawberry asked. Jack picked her up in his arms and laughed while Rose and the Doctor both had their faces turning to Rose's namesake.
"Ok so now we have to go to the Tardis. Yeah?" Rose asked, in an attempt to change the subject.
"Ok, so where are we going next?" Strawberry asked with a smile, and of course a hop.
"Back down the mountain, and to where we came from!" Rose explained with a parentally, smile towards the little bunny.
"Are we there yet?"
Strawberry did the equivalent to a smile and they all walked for fifteen minutes in mostly silence, expect for Rose, the Doctor, and Jack. Who were catching up.
"So we were walking on the streets right?" Jack continued with a broad smile.
"And you were naked. All of you, naked. Again? I don't believe it," Rose laughed. "You never believe it Rosie. Just listen! So we were walking, and an Ood shows up and says some crazy prophecy thing and then, it disappears right. So we are all confused, right? Then suddenly, this alien pops up behind us. Bigger then belief, and it looks at us. So Jorge is like 'So, how about some beers?' To the alien you know and, we all look at him, and that alien roars, and we start running. Running as fast as we can away. And we all turn to Jorge and we go-" Jack continued with a huge smile.
"Beer sounds good!" Rose, the Doctor, and Strawberry all exclaimed at the same time.
"You are unbelievable," the Doctor said with a shake of his head but a smile on his face. When suddenly a boulder fell off the top of the mountain.
"I TOLD YOU TO RUN!" And then they were all running. Just like in Jack's story. Except they weren't all naked, and one of them was a fluffy rabbit. Rose couldn't help but notice how well Strawberry was at morphing her personality to be more accepting by others. It almost felt like Strawberry was a part of the group. Rose stooped down low so that Strawberry could hope onto her head, which Strawberry was pretty good at. Then Rose grabbed both the Doctor and Jack's hands. She could feel their questioning stares and huffed out as she ran.
"I'm not losing either of you again," she said roughly as she ran. She could hear them both laughing and then she looked around. They were already at the bottom of the mountain. Rose ran her mind clouding with questions. Why take the Doctor and then give him back? Why was this thing evil? Why let her leave to go get Jack? Why let her get to the top of the mountain so easily? Why teleport them to the bottom of the mountain? Why let them escape?
Rose pushed away the thoughts and instead focused on running. They were nearly to the Tardis, more teleporting. All she could hear were the panting of her friends and the nervous whimpers of Strawberry.
"It's getting closer," Strawberry warned. Rose didn't know exactly what 'it' was but she didn't really want to know. Then they were all tumbling into the Tardis. The door being slammed, the Doctor running to the console, and Strawberry and Rose tumbling to the cold hard Tardis floor.
Rose woke up a little bit confused. She couldn't really register where she was, or even who she was before she saw a word freckled faced peering down at her.
"Doctor?" She grunted, grabbing her head as soon as she tried to sit up. The Doctor pushed her down gently.
"Just stay down. You need to rest. Probably. I don't actually know. But I am pretty sure you need to stay asleep," the Doctor said, the frustration obvious in his voice. Rose knew the Doctor got frustrated when he didn't know things. She nodded slowly and then blinked her eyes twice, before falling into another deep sleep.
Rose woke up, and calmly, turned to her side to see a tiny pale girl with light pink eyes, long shiny light pink hair, and pink freckles scattered over the bridge of her nose. So as any normal person would Rose jumped out of the bed preparing to defend herself. Oh, wait. Normal people scream don't they? Well…. Rose doesn't scream.
"Who are you?" She hissed and the little girl slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Rose with a smile.
"Hi Rose! The Doctor said, walking into the room. He took one look at the situation and then opened his mouth to speak before closing it and shrugging. "Who's up for breakfast?"
"I am! I am! Oh! Can we eat Strawberries? Strawberries aren't native to my planet, and I have always wanted to try them," the girl that Rose had just noticed said excitedly sitting in up the bed. Rose couldn't help but notice that the little girl was extremely thin. Even with this Rose still picked up a lamp and slowly backed up in front of the Doctor.
"Careful she could be dangerous," Rose warned. The Doctor withheld a laugh as he carefully pried the lamp from Rose's fingers and set it down on a side tale.
"It's ok. That's just Strawberry," the Doctor said, with a contained smile.
"Strawberry?" Rose asked, confused as she looked at the little girl as she got up and practically hopped up to Rose and the Doctor.
"The Doctor said that the moment I walked into the Tardis there was a genetic mutation in my body and it changed me according to the people around me. Which was you. So it transferred me mostly human, but it took my major characteristics, like that I was so pink. He said that was funny since you are his pink and yellow human. Jack said he was mad though because I also have like half Time lady in me and that is impossible, since you aren't a Time Lady and because the Doctor was nowhere near me when my genes were changed," Strawberry explained, without taking so much as a breath and she was still bouncing up and down. Rose looked at the Doctor as if for an explanation for all the energy and he gave her a funny smile. "She also had a major spike in adrenaline, but you Rose you should be dead," the Doctor said grimly looking her up and down with his usual 'I am thinking' look. He narrowed his eyes and grabbed her arm, looking at it with the utmost attention as if just inspecting her arm would make everything clear.
"I don't know what you mean," Rose said, her voice trembling slightly as she spoke.
"We were on a Planet that in the time we were on it, poisonous gas was put in the atmosphere to kill the person who was causing havoc on the planet. Everyone was evacuated. But Strawberry was ok, because of the way her body worked the poison didn't affect her. And Jack was ok because well, he died plenty of times while we were waiting for you. And I was ok because to Time Lords that sort of poison isn't lethal. But you Rose Tyler," the Doctor paused to poke her gently in the chest. "You are a human. That sort of poison is lethal to you and you. Should. Be. Dead."
To say the least, Rose didn't know what to say or think. Hearing that she should be dead wasn't something she heard every day, and honestly sent her brain to hysterias. She always hid when she freaked out because she didn't want the Doctor to worry about her. Of course she was pretty sure he was already worrying about her, but nonetheless.
"I- Um. Do you know what kept me alive?" Rose asked, looking over at the Doctor, hiding her fear with a look of curiousness.
"I don't know," the Doctor admitted. He looked so conflicted, and Rose knew it must be tearing him up not to know exactly what was going on that made her live.
"Do you need to do some tests or anything?" Rose asked quietly, wanting to know if there was anyway should could make it easier.
"No," the Doctor said simply, and walked off. Rose felt stunned, the Doctor was being just a little bit colder to her than she was used to. Rose looked to her left, where Strawberry was bouncing at her side.
"Tough crowd," Strawberry whistled, she was bouncing on her tip toes.
"I bet you're hunger aren't you Strawberry?" Rose asked, suddenly to change the subject. She got down so that she was eye level with Rose. Strawberry nodded excitedly. "Let's go find Jack and the kitchen."
Rose took Strawberry's hand, and they walked together through the halls of the Tardis, to where the kitchen was. They walked in and Strawberry ran into the kitchen and right up to Jack.
"Oh! Is there food? And Strawberries! And more berries!" Strawberry asked excitedly. Jack laughed and patted her on the head.
"Of course. Just go sit over there, nice and calm and I'll get you some fruits," Jack said, leading Strawberry to the dining table, and then started to put different varieties of fruits into a bowl for Strawberry. Rose grabbed some strawberries and started to cut the stems off the strawberries.
"Is he mad?" Rose asked, to quiet for Strawberry to hear but loud enough that Jack could hear. Jack looked up at her, and shook his head.
"He's just mad that he doesn't know why. He could never be mad at you Rosie," Jack promised, with a sad smile. Rose nodded, and began cutting the strawberries smaller so that Strawberry could eat them easily.
"Are you sure?" She asked, because it almost seemed like the Doctor was mad at her, and honestly it crushed her.
"Yes," Jack said determination in his voice. Rose nodded, and put all of the cut strawberries into the bowl, where Jack had put blueberries, grapes, raspberries, and some slices of mango. Rose took the bowl, mixing up the fruits inside, before taking it over to Strawberry.
"Here you go," she said with a smile. Strawberry eagerly took the bowl eating the fruit inside by sticking her face into the bowl. Rose laughed as she watched Strawberry eat from the bowl.
"You might want to try a fork," The Doctor suggested, handing Strawberry a fork and sitting down next to Rose at the table. They were all silent, watching Strawberry eat.
"Sorry," the Doctor said quietly. Rose almost didn't hear him but she did hear him. Rose didn't say anything. She couldn't. She looked at him a moment, not sure what to so much as do. So instead she got up, and walked out of the room. She didn't know where to go so she just walked.
"Take me where ever," Rose said quietly, knowing the Tardis would lead her where she felt she should be going. Rose found herself in front of a door, she opened it and found herself in a room full of a bunch of different papers, everywhere. She lifted one of the papers and found that she was inside the infirmary. Rose looked around, feeling confused. Why were there so many papers around? Rose saw a particular paper that just stood out to her. It was just like all the others except her name was written on it. She picked it up. It was written in the Doctor's hand writing and at the bottom there was one sentence that caught her attention that confused her beyond belief. It was so weird. She began reading the paragraph.
March 2
It's been a few months. I don't know what it is, it's just that for some odd reason Rose seems different. At first I figured it was just that I had just regenerated, but now I'm not sure. It's not that she acts different it's just… I don't know! It's killing me. It's just a part of my mind, that's pulling at me, that hasn't pulled at the edge of my mind since all those years ago. Something is different with Rose.
Rose looked at the piece of paper in her hand in the highest level of confusion. Was this all about her? All these pieces of paper, taped on the wall all containing information about her? She didn't feel any different. Honestly, Rose felt perfectly fine, she didn't feel different. Rose dropped the paper and backed out of the room. She hoped she didn't run into anyone because she couldn't hide her fear. Rose backed up until she felt her back hit the wall with a slam. She then slid down the wall, her shirt riding up a little as she fell. Her knees were pulled up tight against her chest, and she ducked her head in between her legs, wrapping her arms around her knees to keep them close. She didn't know what to do. It was almost as if she was alone again. It felt like she was alone again. Rose gulped, and tried to think of anything, that would calm her down. ' 'M fine.' She told herself. 'I'll always be fine. 'M okay.' But she wasn't, she didn't feel ok anymore. She really didn't. Rose sat there, not crying. Just sitting there. Just sitting there and thinking.
For what seemed like ages he sat there and then Rose realized that someone was with her. Someone was holding, her in their arms. She was being rocked back and forth, and at some point she had been pulled into that persons lap.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. Why did you have to go through all this? It's all my fault. My precious girl," Rose looked up, surprised to see that she was in the Doctor's arms.
"Doctor. What's wrong?" Rose asked, she could see his eyes were slightly red, and that he was upset with himself specifically.
"I just… I almost got you killed," the Doctor said quietly.
"It's ok. I knew what I was signing up for," Rose reassured with a smile. He looked down at her.
"But you almost died," he insisted emphasizing the word died.
"But I didn't die," Rose retaliated. "And you've had companions before. You knew more than I could have, what I was signing up for."
"I know." He said quietly, beginning to get up. "I just didn't realize how involved I would get." Rose looked at the Doctor as he walked away. What did he mean? Rose looked in front of her, just in time to see the door in front of her changing. Rose jumped to her feet. It had changed back to the infirmary door.
"What is it you want me to see Old Girl?" Rose asked out loud as she got up and went to the door in front of her. She opened it and she saw a paper on the floor. It was brand new. She picked it up and began reading.
It's so impossible. So utterly impossible. Isn't possible. Just impossible. I found Rose in the hall. She was so lost in thought she didn't know I was there for the longest time. I picked her into my arms and then I felt it. I heard it. Rose has two heartbeats. TWO heartbeats. It's impossible. IMPOSSIBLE. She can't have two heartbeats. It just leaves a question that can't be possible. It's so impossible. Is Rose a Time Lady?
Rose dropped the paper in her hand and stared at it as it lay on the floor. What? Suddenly, the door opened and Rose found herself face to face with a sort of angry, sort of frantic Doctor.
"What are you doing in here?"
"I was just. Walking around and…" Rose trailed off. What was there to say? The Tardis lead her here? What good would that do? Then the Tardis would get in trouble and what was the point in that? Rose frowned, when the Doctor frowned at her, a little bit of anger in the way he was looking at her.
"Have you been reading my stuff?" The Doctor asked, picking up the piece of paper that lay on the ground, he paled considerably and looked at her. "Did you read this paper?" "I just. I saw my name on it, and I felt the need to," Rose said, trying to explain why she was there. She could see it. In his eyes. His eyes were Oncoming Storm, and they were scaring Rose.
"Just because you see your name doesn't mean you go snooping. You shouldn't ever do that. Curiosity killed the cat Rose," the Doctor said, his voice low and angry. Rose, shook her head with a frown.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, make you angry," Rose apologized shaking her head frantically.
"No. It's okay Rose. I'm over-reacting," the Doctor said shaking his head clear of the thoughts and worries that clouded his brain. They were silent for a moment. Stuck in their thoughts, and just staring at each other. Rose's eyes on his eyes. Brown on brown. Just those two, staring at each other, uninterrupted. Time didn't even seem to pass as they stood there. Finally Rose knew she had to speak.
"Doctor. Why have you been secretly conducting an investigation about me?" Rose asked quietly, not wanting to invoke his anger again. He looked up at her with a slight frown.
"I was concerned about you." He said simply. Rose gulped as she thought about what she was about to say. It was risky.
"You could have told me," Rose whispered, she really wanted to know why he would do this. Did he not trust her?
"I just. I didn't know if it was really you," the Doctor said quietly.
"Who else would it be? Margret the Slitheen? Hm?" Rose asked, gently. He looked up at her, with a frown.
"I didn't know. For all I knew you could have been someone completely different," he insisted. Then something dawned on Rose, like a bright light in the middle of the dark.
"So… What you took me there on purpose. Knowing that I could die, you took me to that planet?" Rose asked, her sudden anger heightening. The Doctor looked as if he were mad that she even accused him of doing that.
"No! Welll, yes. But I knew you wouldn't die!" He protested, his voice getting louder.
"How could you know that? I'm supposed to be a human! You said it yourself I should have died. Did you plan this whole thing? Getting kidnapped, and everything?" Rose asked, her voice raising with his. They were both getting angry at the other.
"I just knew that ok! When have I ever been wrong Rose? I'm always right," the Doctor screamed, the moment the words left his mouth he knew he was wrong but he couldn't cool off.
"What if I had died Doctor? What if I had died? What would you have done then? Laughed and went to find a new companion. Oh you finally got rid of that stupid ape Rose. Now you can get someone better," Rose screamed, her face was beat red and she felt furious. He opened his mouth to reply but Rose was moving towards the door, and out it, slamming it behind her. She regretted the words almost immediately. She knew he didn't think that. Why would he? But she couldn't help the words as they left her mouth. Rose stood outside the door for a moment, wondering if she should go back in. She shook her head and started to walk down the hall. What would be the point?
The Tardis, sent the Infirmary Door in front of her a couple of times, trying to get her to go back in but Rose refused. So finally the Tardis just let her go to her room. The minute Rose was in her room surrounded by pink and pictures, Rose fell onto her bed.
"What did I do?" She whispered and tears began to run down her face. Now he wouldn't want her, he would want to get rid of her. Rose sat up and looked at her walls, they were covered with pictures. Rose got up and laughed when she saw a picture of her and the Doctor on Christmas when he had just regenerated. They were both wearing paper crowns, and Rose was on the Doctor's back trying to wrestle him for her phone, which he had stolen. Rose took the picture off of the wall and fingered the edges lightly. She could see her mom in the background smiling, and Rose realized with a start that she didn't want to go home. Ever again, but she would. With a sigh Rose put the picture back on the wall. As long as the Doctor wasn't alone, and had someone to hold his hand Rose would go home. Right now he had Jack, and Strawberry, they'll watch him. Rose went to the door, and looked out in the hall, before stepping out and walking to the Tardis console room where the Doctor was staring motionless at the console.
"You can take me home," Rose said, quietly. She was looking at the ground nervously, hair in her face.
"What?" The Doctor asked. She heard him stand up and begin walking over to her.
"You can take me home now. I know you don't want me anymore," Rose managed to get out. It was hard to say, but it needed to be said.
"What? Why wouldn't I want you anymore?" The Doctor asked, he sounded genuinely confused.
"Because. I said that you tried to kill me off pretty much," Rose said quietly, not looking up at the Doctor. The Doctor took his finger placing it under Rose's chin and lifting up her head with his finger.
"Rose Marion Tyler, I will never take you home unless you want me to. I promise," the Doctor said a small smile covering her features. "And I'm sorry about taking you to that Planet. You're right you could have died. I shouldn't have taken that chance." Rose looked up at the Doctor. They were so close. Rose could literally lean up and kiss the Doctor right then and there. If the Doctor wanted to he could lean down and kiss her. But what's the point? Isn't that the thing that makes their relationship so great? That they wouldn't just kiss like any ordinary couple? That they didn't need to know that they love each other? Rose looked up into the Doctor's eyes, giving him the choice. He could kiss her right then.
"Rose. I-" The Doctor started, and forgetting her former thoughts Rose leaned up and kissed the Doctor, both of them melting at first contact. The Doctor pulled back, eyes wide but not regretful.
"I know," Rose said, and Jack came into the room.
"So I did a scan and Rose is a Time Lady. Though you only have thirteen regenerations Rosie so use them wisely, and Strawberry will be living for a while, so if we are going to have another adventure we have plenty of time to start it," Jack announced, Strawberry gripping his hand tightly.
"So let's start running. Shall we?" Rose asked, allowing her tongue to point of from between her teeth in a cheeky smile.
"Forever?" The Doctor asked, placing his hand on a lever in on the console. Rose walked up next to him, placing her hand on the lever too.
"Forever," she confirmed. Placing her hand on the lever and together they both threw it forward, sending the group flying through time and space.
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captainbrieontoast · 4 years
Happy Halloween Rose Tyler
Rose and the Doctor spend Halloween the festive way.
Rose liked to get her sleep.
Between running from death on foreign planets, and reading Harry Potter books in the library with the Doctor, Rose needed some time to herself to unwind, and get some peace. Not that reading with the Doctor wasn't peaceful, and she did not want him to leave her or anything. But she did like to have some time to herself in her pink room in the Tardis, on her warm fluffy king-sized bed. So when the Doctor woke her up in the morning, she wasn't exactly delighted.
"Wakey, wakey Rose Tyler. We have a long day ahead of us!" The Doctor exclaimed, shaking Rose awake. Rose groaned flipping over in her bed, and throwing a pillow blindly towards the Doctor.
"'M tired Doctor. Go away." She could actually hear the time lord whine at her response.
"But it's ten thirty in the morning Rose. I've been waiting eleven hours to wake you up," he pouted. Rose groaned, and sat up in her bed. She could always sleep later...
"So. What are we doing today?" Rose asked, running her fingers through her blonde hair absent mindedly. The Doctor grinned, his brown eyes twinkling in a way that made Rose smile too. She couldn't help it. The Doctor's happiness had always been rather infectious to Rose. If he was happy. She couldn't help but be happy too.
"You mean you don't know?" The Doctor asked, pretending to be surprised. "That's rather disappointing Rose Tyler." Rose frowned, trying to think about what it was. It could be some holiday celebrated on Raxacoricofallapatorious she forgot about... Or maybe, something she would celebrate regularly. But Rose didn't even know what month it was on Earth. She hadn't checked in ages. So how was she supposed to know what holiday it was?
"It's Halloween!" The Doctor exclaimed, shaking Rose out of her thoughts. She frowned, she had never celebrated Halloween much as a child. At the Powell Estates, trick or treating was seriously frowned upon. So Rose had never gotten much of a chance to celebrate the ordinary traditions of Halloween, and instead, her mom made burned pumpkin pie, and allowed Rose to carve pumpkins every year. But besides that she hadn't ever celebrated it.
"You celebrate Halloween?" Rose asked, a teasing smile dancing across her face. The man just grinned wildly, running a hand through his perfect spikey brown hair.
"You don't?" The Doctor didn't bother waiting for a reply, and Rose was to distracted by the way he excitedly bounced up and down on the heels of his feet to actually answer. "Today we are going to carve pumpkins, and then we are going to bake Pumpkin Pie, and go trick or treating."
"Aren't we a little old for trick or treating?" Rose questioned, getting up from her spot on her bed to go to her closet. "'Sides, I don't have a costume to wear." The Doctor just darted forward and grabbed her hand, pulling Rose out of her room and into the Tardis console room, where two round orange pumpkins were rested.
"Don't worry about costumes," the Doctor said. He sat Rose down on the ground, and then handed her a knife, pumpkin scoop, a sharpie, and a pumpkin.
Rose shrugged, and pulled her ovalish pumpkin towards her, trying to figure out what kind of face to draw on her pumpkin. She sat there for nearly two minutes, before looking over at the Doctor, who was hunched over his own pumpkin scooping out pumpkin goo.
Rose looked back down at her pumpkin and drew three triangles, two as eyes, one as a nose, and then drew a half circle with two squares jutting out from the top, to form a mouth.
"How does this look?" Rose asked allowed, turning the pumpkin so that the Doctor could see what she had drawn.
"Nice." The Doctor said absently, barely giving the pumpkin a glance.
"Can I see yours?" Rose asked, leaning forward in an attempt to see the pumpkin, but the Doctor just moved it away from her. "Oi! I showed you mine!"
"No peeking until I'm down!" The Doctor replied. Rose rolled her eyes, and grabbed her knife, so that she could cut the top of her pumpkin, and actually start carving.
When Rose finally finished carving her pumpkin she had pumpkin goo, and over her and her pajamas. Which totally wasn't her fault. The Doctor's the one who threw the stuff at her, so of course she threw some right back at him. Then it became a pumpkin goo fight, and well. This happened.
"Can I please see your pumpkin now," Rose asked, batting her eye lids lightly. The Doctor, smiled, and turned his pumpkin around, to reveal a sloppily carved jack o' lantern face, with pumpkin goo easing out of the jagged triangular eye.
"Do you like it?" He asked, beaming brightly. Rose gave the Doctor a tongue in tooth smile, laughing lightly.
"It looks like something I would have carved when I was four," she said. The Doctor's smile disappeared, and he looked like a kicked puppy. "But it's good!"
"Really? Is it that bad?" The Doctor asked, not really sounding like he believed her.
"It's good. It really is good Doctor," Rose assured, giving the Doctor a comforting smile. "Now, Pumpking pie right?"
Rose and the Doctor should start only cooking when they have someone watching them. Because sure after nearly five hours of preparing and cooking, Rose and the Doctor had cooked the perfect pumpkin pie, but them and the kitchen were a mess. Not to mention that Rose was pretty sure the Tardis had simply took pity on the two and replaced their pumpkin pie with a different one as it cooked. But by the time they were done cooking, a sheet of flour had found itself on the two, along with bits of egg shell in their hair, and wet cinnamon was stuck to the time traveler's hands. It was kind of ridiculous.
"Um. Doctor," Rose said, looking over at the Doctor who was trying to free his foot from one of their failed pies.
"Can I go wash over before we go trick or treating?"
The Doctor looked over at her, his eyes twinkling with joy as he realized just how dirty she was.
"Yes, I think that's probably for the best," he said, obviously trying to hold back his laughter. Rose gave him a half hearted glare and then left the room, concentrating on keeping the pumpkin from getting all over the Tardis.
The Doctor was a master of disguise.
After Rose and the Doctor had cleaned up, the Doctor had shown Rose the tardises closet, which was filled with hundreds and hundreds of shirts and dresses, pants and suits. The Doctor had whisked Rose around after that, to help her find an outfit for her to wear. Until her eyes fell on a comically long colorful scarf, when she had decided she wanted to wear that. The Doctor had grinned, and told her that one of his older regeneration had worn that, and Rose had promptly told him to give her the rest of the outfit before she got dressed into the outfit, that apparently his fourth regeneration had worn.
Then the Doctor had dressed up as his fifth regeneration. Who had apparently worn a white suit, with red trims, and a celery stick attached to his coat.
So of course, no one recognized the pair as they walked up to various houses, and they got a lot of 'Aren't you a little to old for that' and such. But that didn't stop the two from filling their bags with candy, and stumbling into the Tardis laughing and hyped on sugar.
It took the two a good hour to calm down enough to go into the Tardis library and settle down to read one of the Harry Potter books.
"Hey Doctor," Rose muttered, her head rested on his shoulder lightly.
"Hmm?" The Doctor asked, peering at Rose over his glasses.
"That was a lot of fun. Thank you." The Doctor smiled.
"Your welcome Rose."
And then he continued to read the book allowed, until Rose fell asleep on his shoulder, using his old scarf as a blanket.
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captainbrieontoast · 4 years
Forever Could End Tomorrow
Rose watched as the Doctor raced around the counsel, and she was always worrying about him. She watched him run around and click the buttons and go on and on about why certain planets were the best for chips, and why certain planets were the worst. He had his trademark "Im the most impressive time lord you know Rose" look on his face as he did his dance.
900 years, over 900 years he had been doing this. Running around, saving lives, being impressive, traveling with people. After meeting Sarah Jane, Rose had done some snooping. The Doctor had traveled with many before Rose, they always ended up being close friends, he always lost them.
When Rose looked into the heart of the Tardis it changed a lot about her that Rose was afraid to mention to the Doctor. She saw how he looked at her when she promised him forever. She had a time limit with him. He was counting down the minutes till he lost her, her time Lord always ending up alone in the end. With what had happened Rose knew her promise for forever would be able to be kept. She knew she could be with him for as long as he needed her.
She would fight tooth and claw to get back to him. If she ever lost him, Rose would get back to him.
Rose looked up, wide eyes. The Doctor had a concerned look on his face.
"Rose are you alright?"
Rose smiled and shook her head.
"Of course I am Doctor." She beamed at him. "Now what were you saying about getting me some chips?"
He beamed back and went back to driving the Tardis in a whirl of blue and red.
Rose knew for certain then.
She would be with him forever, no matter how long she had to chase him to make forever happen.
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captainbrieontoast · 4 years
A Bit of a Pacifist
“I’d rather pick flowers, instead of fights and rather than flaunt my smile I’d flash you a smile… Of clean pearly whites.”
-Owl City, Ocean Eyes, The Dentist Song
Screaming. The Doctor was slightly aware of someone screaming at him.
He could hear angry words directed towards him but it just in one ear and out the other. He sort of recalled seeing this guy one day. His father had been dragging him through the grocery store and he had been nothing sort of nice. The Doctor had been a little snarky towards the guys father and it resulted in the guy getting bothered even more. That must have been it, the reason this man was screaming at him.
“You have no regard-“
The Doctor allowed his eyes to wander to the contents of the aisle in the grocery store.
How could he get out of this less than ideal situation?
He mulled over his options. There was the easy way out. Walking away.
Then he could always argue back, this man had no reason to be angry with him in the least. That or… Well he could always…
He considered it once over, tossing the idea around in his head. He had never actually considered using this idea before. Sure when he showed it to Rose that time she had joked about him actually doing it but never had he actually considered.
“I am so sorry. Really I am, I just… What is your name again?”
The man faltered, his eyes growing wide, his anger wavering. He looked oddly confused.
“I- Uh… John?”
“John! Lovely name John is!”
The Doctor began to rummage through his bag and fondled a few bottles in it before pulling out a drink. He handed John a bottle of Coke, with his name on it. John took the bottle, looking confused.
The Doctor beamed at him.
“The bottles say share a smile. That’s all I want to do with you John. Share a smile.” John took a large breath of air, and the Doctor thought for a moment he would go back to the screaming. Instead he snapped the bottle lid open, watched as the captured carbonation hissed from the bottle and brought the bottle neck to his lips.
He took a swig of the soda, and beyond all point of reason a large smile crossed his face.
“No, you know what, I’m so sorry man. I never should have bugged you like that. It was out of line. It was so out of line.”
The Coke bottle still between his fingers he gave the Doctor a tight hug.
“Thanks for being so cool.”
And just like that John went back to minding his own business.
The Doctor couldn’t believe it had worked.
After that incident he went through a bit of a phase.
Some people thought it was just a gimmick, and at first a lot of alien races were offended by the gestures.
Are you bribing us with trash with our names on it under the human pound sign ‘share a smile’?”
But in the end, it miraculously worked. There was something in the human drink that made aliens and humans alike beam in delight and forget there previous transgressions.
The Doctor appreciated it.
He had always enjoyed doing his best to stay out of conflict. Especially after the time war. Fighting seemed awfully trivial to him, making him less then keen to so much as pick up a weapon.
When he was angry enough that all went out the window but truly he fancied himself a bit of a pacifist.
Even if Rose insisted that there was no way a Time Lord such of himself, who constantly got into such mindless trouble could be one.
She proved to be one of the only ones who was not instantly calmed by getting handed a bottle of Coke with her name on it.
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captainbrieontoast · 4 years
The Timeless Child
“He who believes is a dreamer or a fool.” -Amelia B. Edwards, The Phantom Coach<br /> The Doctor spent all his lives proving people wrong. So, when he became a she, it was just another way that she made others question themselves and their beliefs. When she heard someone say the timeless child” she didn’t let herself believe it was someone she had seen before in one of her previous regenerations, but then again she had always been something of a dreamer and she had never and would never truly be a fool.
"He who believes is a dreamer or a fool."
The Doctor had a lot to worry about, and that didn't even include when some creature had mentioned the timeless child to her. She hadn't had much time to consider such meaningful phrases. She needed to get Yaz, Graham, and Ryan back to Sheffield. She needed to learn how to manage driving and reading her new Tardis. She needed to figure out what her newest universal threat was, but she did not have time to worry about such a small, possibly meaningless phrase such as the term "the timeless child."
Every time some such phrase came to fruition in her lives, something drastic would occur in the life of that current regeneration that she couldn't control. Besides, the timeless child could mean any of a number of things. It might just be Jack Harkness.
The Doctor couldn't help but wrinkle her nose at that thought, making Yaz give her a curious look. She offered the girl a smile.
"Just thinking about an old friend," She explained.
"You didn't look very happy to be thinking about them," Yaz observed. The Doctor chuckled and nodded.
"Yes, well, you'd understand if you had ever met him. He's-" She shivered. "Unnatural, but I suppose I do miss him."
She brushed her hand through the air, trying not to think of her old friend. He was alive somewhere in this universe, but not likely meddling in her affairs. No, he couldn't be the timeless child.
Could it possibly be Jenny? She was likely still out there somewhere. Protecting the galaxies.
The Doctor leaned back against her console, resolving to take a break.
"It's been a while since we rested," she said. Ryan and Graham looked at her.
"Where could we rest here? Isn't this a spaceship?" Graham asked, his frosty brows furrowing together.
"A live-in spaceship," The Doctor corrected. She scanned the corridor and pointed down one of the halls. "There should be some doors down that hall, sexy will show you to your rooms. Get some rest. Eat some food, it'll be a blast."
"Sexy?" Ryan questioned with a roll of his eyes.
"The Tardis! I've been calling her that for so many faces, it'd be rude to stop now!" She said eagerly. "Now off you all go. I'm going to stop the Tardis off somewhere, but don't worry about a thing, just fueling her up."
Her tentative companions didn't look very eager to wander away from her, so she shooed them away with a soft noise and a wave of her hands. Once they had disappeared down the hall she began to direct the Tardis to the nearest spot to land. They weren't in Sheffield yet, but they were on Earth. Not in America anymore, no they were in Cardiff, and not in 2018. More in 2010.
Once she had parked, the Doctor peeked out the doors.
She hadn't been to Cardiff in ages. With Captain Jack protecting the town with Torchwood, she hadn't really needed to. Still, the city was everything she remembered it being. If she squinted she could almost see where she and Rose and Jack and Mickey had strolled the streets. Laughing, saving the day.
Her heart warmed at the memory.
She was almost surprised she could still remember such a tender time. She had spent so long forgetting things like that.
But could she ever forget Rose?
Looking in the mirror, she wondered if her own appearance was affected by that simple pink and yellow woman. She had never fully explored the implications that her blonde hair and thin frame really meant for her. She looked like Rose, that was undeniable.
All these years later, and she still missed her.
Of course, she still missed the others. Liz and Sarah Jane were never not in her heart, but she had always known, deep down that Rose was different.
Could she…?
She didn't dare dream that Rose was the timeless child. She didn't dare hope that her Rose was still alive, back in this universe trying to find her. Would she even like this new face?
A woman? Rose had always liked pretty boys, not pretty women.
Of course, she knew better than most that the Doctor could change into anything and anyone. She had always been prepared for something like this to happen, but that didn't truly mean she would like it, did it? She was a fool to imagine that Rose would return to her after all this time. Likewise, she was a fool to dare and dream that she had somehow become timeless.
Of course, they had only experienced a short time together after she had peered into the heart of the Tardis. A number of things could have changed in her body when that occurred. No, she wouldn't be a time lady, that was for sure. However, she could have turned into something else, something timeless.
The Doctor stepped out of the Tardis, carefully closing the doors behind her. She peered out at the streets of bustling people.
Even if Rose had changed. It was too late now. She had stranded her in the alternate universe twice now. She had given her her own Doctor and she had left her with her family. Rose had gotten everything she had ever wanted in the end.
If the meta-crisis Doctor hadn't died.
Now that was a thought the Doctor didn't like to think of. The idea that the Doctor's duplicate had met the same fate that she had just barely saved Donna from reaching was something that she didn't dare consider.
She would be too hurt if she ever allowed herself to think that her Rose hadn't gotten a happy ending. She had deserved one. She had deserved to live happily, even if the Doctor couldn't live it with her.
Now, Donna, she knew how Donna was living. She was married, she was happy, and she believed in herself now. The Doctor had made sure of that. Yes, Donna had always been her best friend. She had been wonderful, kept her level-headed, always platonic. Exactly what she had needed.
Unlike Amy, whom, yes, she had loved but had presented a romantic essence to her life she didn't really need anymore. Loving people that much only lead her to more and more pain in her future. Losing the Ponds had been the worst event in her life.
Then there was Clara, but she was on her own now. She couldn't be the timeless child. No, even that was impossible for her impossible girl.
She knew that this timeless child would be someone new. The likelihood of it being someone she had never met before was simply more realistic. The Doctor ought to focus on being more realistic. She had been such a dreamer in the past that it only made sense to be more practical now.
Yaz and the others would never let her be practical though. She had a duty. A duty to be the impractical dreamer of a Doctor she had always been.
She owed at least that much to Rose.
Rose would want her to continue on. She would want her to be happy, to have companions, to dream of what could be and firmly believe in that no matter how impractical it truly was.
Maybe she would ask Yaz, Ryan, and Graham to stay with her. Not forever, just for a time. They were a good band of companions. They were dependable, strong, and had a lot to learn about the Universe.
Besides, it wouldn't do her much good to be alone again.
Rose had never wanted her to be alone.
None of her companions had ever wanted her to be alone.
She yawned aloud, gaining the attention of a passing child. She smiled at it, a boy, and waved. The boy waved back.
Maybe she needed to get some rest. The Universe didn't need saving today.
So, the Doctor returned to her Tardis, she wandered down the hall, past familiar doors that she knew her old companions had inhabited once upon a time and made her way into her room. Pictures were plastered on this faces' wall. Memories that she could bear once again.
She smiled, slipped into her pajamas, and slid under her pink sheets.
Maybe one day she would see them again.
Maybe one day, she would see her again.
And just like that, the Universe's favorite timeless child went to rest.
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captainbrieontoast · 4 years
Kpop Masterlist
I get really anxious about weird things and I don’t like posting stories for other fandoms on my main account so each link will in fact take you to blogs that are run by me, rest assured
More Coming at Some Point I’m Sure
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captainbrieontoast · 4 years
The Ultimate Masterlist
Doctor Who
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captainbrieontoast · 5 years
Can you do a sexy Destiel one? Please!
Holy crap I just saw this, do you still want me to do one? I totally can!
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captainbrieontoast · 5 years
Part 2 of the Tsudere Seventeen Series
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When you first met Wonwoo it was while he was running at the local park. You guys were pretty far from one another and he couldn’t keep his eyes off of your dog. So logically you just assumed he really wanted to meet it because why else would he be staring at it like that.
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captainbrieontoast · 5 years
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captainbrieontoast · 5 years
So my laptop broke and when I want write or anything to do it on a key board other then my tiny tablet one I have to go to the school computer lab, and can I just express how embarrassing it is to have to pause in my (mind you) very loud typing in order to google different variations of “does woozi like sweets?” “woozi’s favorite snacks” “things woozi likes to eat” and watching video compilations of the woozi eating and being sleepy just for research for this dumb fic I’m writing I hate myself, I have seen many people looking my way, there is a guy directly behind my and I know he is judging, I know he is
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captainbrieontoast · 5 years
When fellow classmate Choi Seungcheol (S.coups) stops showing up with lunches at school you don’t ask him why. You don’t bother him about it like the others. You don’t even comment on his lack of a meal.
Likewise, when you start sitting next to Seungcheol at lunch with an extra packed lunch Seungcheol eats it without much of a question at all.
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