catatonic-writes · 2 years
Data/Reader || The Chain
Title: The Chain (Multichapter) Summary: You begin your service on the Enterprise, although you'd much rather be in your lab, creating the next generation of AI. However, you can't get around your duties, so you have to resign yourself to your time in space. On top of that, you try to keep your handicap a secret from others, even though Data notices it almost immediately - and offers his help. Relationship: Data x Reader Warnings: none
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You were nervous. Very nervous. 
For twenty minutes you had been standing at the gate to the Enterprise, your hands clenched in fists against your body and a lump in your throat. To serve on such a famous ship, that's what every Ensign wanted. Everyone wanted a piece of the cake when it came to service time on the flagship of the fleet.  Everyone, that is, except you. Just thinking about this huge ship, this to be your new home instead of your workshop... it made you sick to the stomach. So many people, so many expectations and perfection. A clockwork, into which you were shoved. Cold water that you were now supposed to swim in and not a lifeline in sight. 
You would give anything just to be able to go back to your lab where you felt comfortable. But instead, you shirked as long as you could from boarding the Enterprise and facing your duty. 
"Excuse me." To make matters worse, you were now being talked to! Reflexively, you pressed your lips together and turned to face the person who addressed you. The first thing you noticed was the gold uniform in front of you - the latest model at that. 
Operations. Male. Taller than you, so your gaze fell straight against his collarbone. 
"I noticed that you look sickly. To that end, you've been watching the gate to the ship, which is in a security zone so you are not a lost civilian, for several minutes. Breathing and pulse are elevated. Concludes: You are new aboard Enterprise and nervous on your first day." 
Golden pupils eyed you, waiting for a reaction to this prompt diagnosis of your situation. Your compressed lips rubbed together, you eyed the marks on his collar. Lieutenant Commander. Operations-gold. His skin was so pale, pure alabaster. You knew who he was. 
"The assumption is correct," you finally replied. "Commander Data, Sir." 
Data tilted his head slightly, in a quick, sharp motion. 
"You know me." An observation, not a question. And you nodded in affirmation. 
"I do, Sir. I've studied a lot of your files and reports. I'm Ensign Y/N." you introduced yourself and crossed your arms behind your back, pushing your back through so that you stood up straight. "I begin my mandatory time on the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D as of today." 
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
Heisenberg x Reader || Parasite Blues Chapter 04
Title: Parasite Blues - Chapter 04 Summary: Heisenberg has to get his junk from somewhere - that's where you come in. Your family has been supplying the four houses for generations and now it's your turn to run the business. It's a well-known fact that you shouldn't mix business with pleasure, but you ignore that completely, because who can resist the infamous Heisenberg? Relationship: Karl Heisenberg x Reader Warnings: - canon-typical violence, blood -
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"Holy shit." "Told ya, told ya!" Behind the thick fog in your head you heard voices, felt the presence of other people. You already couldn't get your eyes open, just focused on staying awake and breathing. You thought of a song that you inexplicably couldn't get out of your head. Did you really think about such nonsense when you were dying? Shouldn't your life rather flash before your eyes, or rather in your mind's eye?  "Where's the Alpha?" "I don't know. I had to get help, didn't I!" An annoyed groan, a presence above you, a light in the fog around you.  "You're right, you're right." you heard the voice and a hand slid under your neck, lifting your head a little. "Hey, beautiful. Still alive?"  You couldn't manage more than a weak nod, unsure if you were really still alive. Your hands and feet were cold, your skin surely pale from blood loss. Even your face felt cold, but it eased the pain of the splinters in your skin.  Someone patted your cheek and tried to bring your attention back to the here and now, but to no avail. You could not do more than breathe and exist, suspended in this state between life and death. This apathy probably made it easier, because at that moment you weren't even that scared anymore - soon it was over and everything was dark.  Just a little bit more, then it was over.
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
Heisenberg x Reader || Parasite Blues Chapter 02
Title: Parasite Blues - Chapter 02 Summary: Heisenberg has to get his junk from somewhere - that's where you come in. Your family has been supplying the four houses for generations and now it's your turn to run the business. It's a well-known fact that you shouldn't mix business with pleasure, but you ignore that completely, because who can resist the infamous Heisenberg? Relationship: Karl Heisenberg x Reader Words: 1.7k Warnings: - canon-typical violence -
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With a click, the last bracket snapped into place and your truck was now covered with a tarp. You had stored the vehicle in one of the empty warehouses, which were not free of holey roofs - but it was better than nothing.  "Thanks." you said to Heisenberg, who was leaning behind you at the entrance to the warehouse, smoking, as usual. Never in his life would he leave you alone on his property, not for a second would he let you out of his sight. After all, this was his sanctuary, his most valuable possession.  Or he just wanted to prevent you from helping yourself to his junk.  "I have enough free space." he replied dryly, eyeing you briefly, trying to find some clue that would give away your intentions. To his bitter disappointment, however, it was only you, with your dirty, worn-out shoes and the shirt with the holes in it. You had a backpack on your back filled with small necessities and that was all you needed. It was just for one night, nothing more.  "I'll be back in the morning," you said, walking past Heisenberg and pulling the hood of your jacket over your head. "After that, it's business as usual." "As usual?" "I'll deliver you junk and bodies, just like we've been doing for years," you replied, adjusting the backpack on your back. "Like it never happened, okay?" "Never happened." Heisenberg confirmed this to you and raised his hands to back up his honest intent. You didn't buy it, of course, not one bit - but you had a schedule to keep.  "Whatever.", you grumbled and walked to the main gate, which opened by itself for you. "Is the jetty still there?" "Even with a boat." you got as an answer and you turned to Heisenberg once more before you started your way to the village. Due to the absence of the stone bridge you had to take the detour by boat, through the winding rivers that surrounded the village. Everything in you resisted the thought of going back there. This place was contaminated by death and corruption, by disease and ignorance. It was a life you would love to leave behind. But the past caught up with you, sooner or later.  "So long," you said goodbye to Heisenberg, and he just nodded, watching you walk down the path to the river. Curiosity almost drove him out of his mind, for what did he have but his daily routine at the factory and the fun of getting on your nerves? What would happen if he simply followed you? Without evil ulterior motives, just to see what you were up to...?
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
Heisenberg x Reader || Parasite Blues Chapter 01
Title: Parasite Blues - Chapter 01 Summary: Heisenberg has to get his junk from somewhere - that's where you come in. Your family has been supplying the four houses for generations and now it's your turn to run the business. It's a well-known fact that you shouldn't mix business with pleasure, but you ignore that completely, because who can resist the infamous Heisenberg? Relationship: Karl Heisenberg x Reader Words: 1.8k Warnings: - canon-typical violence - AO3 Link
It was drizzling.  The weather was once again no reason for jumping for joy, but you had long gotten used to that. Of course, that didn't stop you from muttering quiet curses into your non-existent beard, like an old sailor who had already seen too much in his life.  "Your junk is really quite excellent again today." came from your truck and you ducked as the blade of an old circular saw flew right over you. "Hey, careful!" you complained, but actually - why even bother? Heisenberg didn't care anyway. This guy was really a strange fellow, but he loved to buy rare junk from you. It was a regular income, so why get upset about it? True, you had to make the pesky trip through the country lanes once a week, with your rust bucket of a truck, but it paid the bills that were already starting to pile up.
For more than two hundred years your family had lived in this part of the country and for more than a hundred years they had worked as providers and suppliers to the four houses. You knew the lords and ladies well, had practically grown up with them - until you finally left this backwater as a teenager to go to the big city. There were jobs, an education, and most importantly: no creepy mutants.  Everyone knew something wasn't right in that village, but only the heralds and purveyors of the four houses really knew. Things were going on in the houses there, in Dimitrescu Castle and in the Heisenbergs' factory, and you were glad when you could leave. And that only to come back twenty years later, like a kicked dog, miserable and a complete failure. Fortunately, you had been able to resume your impoverished family's business and so you were now a supplier again, a messenger, a servant. At least you were your own boss, you tried to tell yourself.
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
Heisenberg x Reader || Safe Haven Part 03
Title: Safe Haven Part 03 - Maybe Summary: Heisenberg learns the truth about you and your true nature. Relationship: Karl Heisenberg x Reader Words: 6k Warnings: - trauma, emotional hurt - Prompt/AU: Witch!Reader AO3 Link
Dimitrescu Castle was beautiful, but its aura was just poison for you. So many young women had perished here, dying to be made into wine by the imperious Alcina. Her three daughters were not one bit better, but inexperienced and wild - they would pose no danger to you. The lady herself was also very easily influenced and predictable. Once she had been very nice, you had even liked her - but time changed many things. Time changed people and souls and ate them away, until in the end they were only a shadow of their former selves.
So tragic.
"Good evening Alcina." The lady looked up from her wine glass and sucked in the air, causing her enormous rack to rise.  "How dare you intrude here, I will have you-" she hissed aggressively and you sighed, looking around her private chambers. It was all so pompous and stuffed to the top with expensive things... She filled her castle and the hole in her heart with gold and three homicidal daughters who had never known love. She tolerated her daughters as long as they behaved and obeyed her words. What would happen if they contradicted their mother?  "Save it." you interrupted her, looking up as she stood up and towered over you. Anger surrounded her like a shield, snootiness and arrogance were her lance. "I won't be staying long anyway. However, I have an urgent request to make of you." "A request?!" she hissed, and you saw the fangs growing stronger in her anger. "How dare you have the audacity, no-good herb girl, I should hang you by your ankles and bleed you out like a pig!"
Drama definitely ran in the family. You sighed.
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
Heisenberg x Reader || Safe Haven Part 02
Title: Safe Haven Part 02 - Devil Devil Summary: A misunderstanding sets Heisenberg against you, fueled, of course, by none other than his older sister. Relationship: Karl Heisenberg x Reader Words: 5k Warnings: - trauma, emotional hurt - Prompt/AU: Witch!Reader AO3 Link Only oh so rarely did Heisenberg leave his factory, his fortress of scrap and abstruseness. He felt at home among iron and steel, because there he was safe, there he always had the upper hand. But out here, in the village among the goats, the grain and the people - he felt out of place. A part that did not fit into the overall picture, too edgy and different.  The warm May sun, which warmed his back and filled the people with laughter and good humor, did not help. In the evening, the May Dance would be held, an annual celebration of Romanians, especially in the rural areas. He thought nothing of these things, but unfortunately Miranda had called him to join her. It was only a trifle, but it was enough to make him angry again. Why did she take him out of his factory when it was just a trifle? Miranda knew very well that he preferred to stay in his steel sanctuary! She did this on purpose, he just knew it. Angrily, he trudged along the sandy path of the village, the main street, if you could call it that. This lousy dump was really the worst, he thought bitterly and enjoyed the fact that the villagers went out of his way. Nobody wanted to have anything to do with Lord Heisenberg, there were terrible rumors going around, scary stories about his factory. Oh, if these idiots only knew!  "And if something is worrying you, let him come and get me." Heisenberg's ears perked up, he stopped as he heard a familiar voice. Was he hallucinating now? Impossible that you, of all people, were in that pigsty of a village!  "And remember, she's only allowed one bottle with herb infused milk a day." You stroked the baby's head lovingly and gave the mother a warm look. "It's okay, she'll be fine. I promise." Words of thanks fell from the young mother's lips at the entrance to the house and she hugged the little bundle even tighter. The sight of the young mother pissed Heisenberg off, but he pushed that aside, because - what the hell were you doing in the village?
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
Heisenberg x Reader || Safe Haven
Title: Safe Haven Summary: You live as a reclusive healer not too far from the village and may enjoy occasional visits from Heisenberg. The loudmouthed lord hides a lot of pain behind the facade of an engineer and fearsome antagonist. It's a good thing you have the right tool for the job. Relationship: Karl Heisenberg x Reader Words: 4.8k Warnings: - trauma, emotional hurt, drugs - Prompt/AU: Witch!Reader AO3 Link
"What do my tired eyes see? A ray brighter than the sun in June." You straightened up, looked up from your basket of blackberries. Of course, Heisenberg - who else could it be? No one else would dare to flirt with you so shamelessly. The dense thorn bushes that protected the path to your house in the mountains curved in the direction from which the voice came. Heisenberg, however, came up to you, strutting a bit as usual, and opened his arms - as if waiting for your rapturous cry. "It's you." Your unspectacular reaction seemed to irritate him a little, but that was simply due to his nature, to his nature which craved recognition and attention. He liked to pretend to be an entertainer, but that was easy to expose as a facade. And yet, you liked Heisenberg. He, too, had to suffer his pain, perhaps even more than some other people - one reason why he came back to see you every few years. The desire for redemption, for peace and a quiet minute. Oh, and that look he gave you every time; it was clear he thought the world of you.
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
Act your age - Sir Crocodile x Reader
Title: Act your age Summary: You really like Sir Crocodile and finally have the guts to show him.  Relationship: Sir Crocodile x Reader Warnings: - none - Prompt/AU: 120 words - 120 oneshots AO3 Link
"Right into the fight, head first, huh?" you turned to the man next to you and pulled the bandage a little tighter so that it couldn't slip. Crocodile growled under your not too gentle way of doctoring him, but he hadn't wanted it any other way! The proud pirate was only too happy to take on the remnants of Whitebeard's fleet, even though they were scattered throughout the New World. To your frustration, however, he was occasionally a bit too arrogant and got himself into trouble, which you were allowed to take the blame for by patching him up. Daz - the former Mr. 1 - had said goodbye to both of you yesterday, had gone ahead to explore the coming city and find out if there were any naval bases nearby that you should better avoid. So once again it was up to you, you had to patch up the annoyed Crocodile and teach him as nicely as possible that such misconceptions of his abilities were dangerous. Most of the time it was hard to get some criticism across to the much too proud man without him throwing a tantrum. And yet you had pulled yourself together to accompany him to the New World, even though your last encounter had been several years ago. "Too tight," he complained about the tight bandage you wrapped around his upper body. "It must be tight, otherwise it will slip right back down again," you replied. "It will loosen by itself, you'll see.” Crocodile reached into the inside pocket of his nearby coat and was about to light a cigar when you tore the piece out of his hand in indignation. "Hey-," he complained immediately, but you threw the cigar in a high arc over your shoulder and shook your head emphatically. "Until ten minutes ago you had a knife stuck between your ribs," you protested angrily. "And?" "And you're not going to smoke now," you said, but an annoyed look spoke volumes, and he was already reaching for the next cigar, not caring about your nagging. You leaned forward immediately and grabbed his wrist - only to get a cold, warning look from him.
"No," you said boldly and leaned forward a little more, so that your faces were directly opposite each other. "At least let me doctor the rest of you first, you're behaving like a stubborn child!" "Which one of us is the child here when you throw my cigars around," he replied briefly tied up, and a deep growl shook his chest, so that a pleasant shiver ran down your neck and made your skin tingle. You still held his arm with your hand, supported yourself on his leg with the second - after all, he was much taller than you and restricting his movements meant that you almost had to climb on top of him. A very daring pose, quite impudent of you to come so close to him and yet he didn't push you off him rudely, no. Quite the opposite: Crocodile came a few millimeters closer to your face and dark eyes looked at you calculatingly. Your gaze went over his face for a split second, the scar that was part of his image as well as the golden hook. If you thought about it carefully, he was a pretty arrogant show-off - then why did your knees became as soft as rubber in this position? You cleared your throat embarrassed and pulled yourself back again. You let go of his wrist and sat down again on the floor next to him, swallowing heavily against your dry mouth. You had always controlled yourself in his presence until now, because even though he was a few years older than you, this man was handsome! He was always careful to be well dressed, almost a bit posh, and his condescending manner could be mistaken for simple arrogance. But all his faults did not mean that he was unsightly, not at all! Too often you would catch yourself staring at him when he wasn't looking, looking at the collar of his shirt and the raw muscles that were hidden underneath. The black hair and the almost lascivious grin, always present and so damn tempting! "You really should behave more in accordance with your age," you scolded him, trying to cover up your embarrassment. "Pah, you’re the one to talk!" he immediately replied heatedly, but he wasn't as upset and indignant as he pretended to be. Well-behaved, he let you take his right arm and wrap a bandage around it, kept still and did not complain about your rough treatment. But he didn't want to look you in the eye and you wondered for a moment whether you had ever experienced Crocodile embarrassed before. "You're not 20 anymore," you said softly and stroked over the finished bandage on his forearm, keeping your fingers on the lines - but then continued on to his hand and looked at the skin affected by cuts. "You can't go into battle upside down anymore, so don't be so reckless." "Are you trying to say that I am old," he rumbled angrily, watching your hand as you stroked over the small wounds and sighed slightly, a little lost in thought. "No," you laughed and finally looked up at him, a smile at the corners of your mouth and a warm glint in your eyes. "But you should at least be a little more careful when fighting. Be a little more restrained, more judgmental and more of a strategist than a bully.” Your second hand enclosed his as well and you leaned forward a bit, bridged the small distance between you. Your lips touched his just for a moment and you felt an instant tension build up in his muscles, he was surprised by the kiss and didn't know how to react. Before he could do anything, you leaned back, stood up and stroked a single stray strand of his black hair back into place and sighed slightly. "Just be a little more careful." You turned away to put the bandages back in place, leaving Crocodile sitting on the floor speechless. He stroked his hair back and followed the movement of your hand, which a few seconds ago had confirmed what had happened. You had kissed him - why had you kissed him? Confused, he pulled his brows together and looked at you, opened his mouth to say something to you, but no words came out of his lips. He stood up, jerked briefly under his injuries and still quickly opened up to you, grabbed you by the shoulder and turned you around. With big eyes you looked at him, you really didn't expect him to run after you! "What was that supposed to be?" he asked harshly. "A kiss," you replied as calmly as possible, but you felt your cheeks getting a little warmer. Just don't blush now! "I know that," he replied immediately, the voice full of impatience and a little upset. "But why?" You shrugged your shoulders and looked evasively to the side. Yes, why? "It just felt right at that moment," you replied truthfully, watching his shoulders slump a little, as if he couldn't believe that was your serious answer. "You're behaving like a damn teenager," he finally said and crossed his arms in front of his chest. But all that elicited from you was a mocking laugh - it was easy for him to talk, he was completely upset over a little kiss! "If you think so," you whispered and pushed yourself past him, playfully driving your hand over his upper arm up to his shoulder. Under your touch, his muscles tensed again instantly, he swallowed and watched suspiciously as you gave him a meaningful look over his shoulder. "Then I will probably formulate my intentions a little more clearly in the future." Dark eyes watched you for a moment, then he tightened his shoulders and nodded. "There you go," he said emphatically, more or less skillfully overplaying his embarrassment with his arrogance. "Then you will finally behave like a grown woman."
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
Come-hither - Sasaki x Reader
Title: Come-hither Summary: Heavy flirting between you and the Tobi Roppo Relationship: Sasaki x Reader Warnings: - sexual content mention / not explicit - Prompt/AU: 120 words - 120 oneshots AO3 Link
There were many factories in Wano: they produced weapons, armor and other export goods. Kaido earned a lot of money with it, tons of money to describe it a little more closely. Whether the export of weapons was such a morally sound thing, you didn't think about that as much as possible. You had a job, you got your payment, accommodation and nobody messed with Kaido. Apart from the accidents at work - caused by the heavy machines - there was no risk. Fortunately, you didn't have to work in one of the factories on the main island. Your forge was located on Onigashima and you crafted only the finest selection of weapons and armor. You had already been forging metal for 30 years, since you were barely taller than the coffee table of your grandfather, who had apprenticed you. Your skills were second to none, which was one of the reasons why you often received visits from high-ranking officers. A new sword here, a fancy pistol there - you could forge anything that was considered a weapon. On this relaxed Sunday evening at the forge, you had plenty of time to yourself as you finished the final touches on your current assignment. It had been a rush job, came in the day before, and you were polishing the repaired sword to a shine when its owner walked in. "Ah, Sasaki." you greeted him without turning around. "Right on time as usual."   "Is it ready?", he only asked in return and you cradled your head. "To be honest, I'd rather have kept it here another day. I hate this rushing around and you know it." You looked up at him with a wry grin on your face, which he returned. You got along quite well, because Sasaki knew that if he wanted a good sword, he had to get in good with you. Normally he was not a person who ingratiated himself, but with you he was as tame as a lap kitten. Also he seemed to really like you, too. 
You stood up and handed him his broad sword, letting him scrutinize your work. He was pedantic, but luckily so were you. "Like it never broke," he remarked, impressed. You weren't quite sure how he had broken such a strong sword in the first place - but you had made it like new again. The blade shone in the glow of the fire beside you, and it really did look like brand new. "I'm impressed." "Of course you are," you replied, snorting softly. Of course he was! "Before I forget, I have something for you." Sasaki handed you a folder of papers. "For me? Oh, you shouldn't have~!" you purred at him, giving him an amused look on top of that. Sasaki was exactly your type of man: he was strong, a real stubborn guy and his rough, gruff manner was no problem for you - on the contrary, it suited your relentless honesty very well. All in all, you had been interested in Tobi Roppo for a long time. Curious, you took a direct look at the documents. They were plans for new shield walls and you liked the ideas at first sight. However, you would have to order the black steel first, so that you could start with it in four weeks at the earliest. "So... How badly do you need it?" you asked, tilting your head. You fervently hoped he could hear your highly suggestive remark. You were tired of this back and forth with flirting and jokes - it was time to speak plainly. Sasaki hesitated, because oh, he had understood your remark. He seemed to be weighing up whether it was wise to get involved with you. The loudmouthed master smith, legendarily rebellious and always had to have the last word. All this, however, seemed to speak for you, as he left his sword to his left and folded his arms in front of his chest. Was he really flexing his muscles to impress you? What a show-off! "That all depends on your available time." He leaned toward you a little. "And your flexibility." You almost couldn't help laughing - your flirtations were totally cheap, luckily no one else was in the forge this late. It would be just too embarrassing if anyone heard. But still, you were pleased to hear that the interest was probably mutual. You tugged a little at your dirty, sweaty tank top and gave Sasaki a definite look. "I'd have to work a lot of overtime, and in the heat here," you purred to him. "I think that calls for a bonus."
"Oh, you shall have your bonus." His voice was deep, it was more of a growl than anything else. You liked that, you wanted to hear more of it, to elicit more of those deep sounds from him. But that would have to wait, unfortunately. After a full day at the forge, you reeked of sweat, metal, and the ashes of the fire. You felt sticky, you were certainly sticky, and a hot shower was more than necessary. But before you could get any more disgusted with yourself, Sasaki had already grabbed you by the back of the neck with one hand and kissed you. You squeaked a little startled, because such a quick reaction to your lascivious offer you had really not expected. You didn't really know yet if his fangs were strange when kissing you or not, but it was most likely just a matter of habit, like so many things. But if he was already kissing you with so much vigor, what would it be like when he got really serious? The thought alone made your knees weak and you grabbed the collar of his coat for support. You pressed your lips against his, pressed your body against him, and if that wasn't a clear message, you didn't know what else was. But you still had in the back of your mind that you really wanted to shower first before this ended in what would probably be a long night. Even the thought of a night with Sasaki made your whole body tingle in pure anticipation and expectation. Still, you pulled away from his grasp and looked up at him. It took all of your willpower to step away, because you really wanted to continue this. "Okay, here's a suggestion: I'm going to go home and take a shower. After that, I'll bring some of my best sherry, which we'll drink together, and then - let's just see what happens." Blue eyes watched you for a moment and Sasaki grinned, swaying his head playfully in thought. He really could be an idiot, you thought fondly. Even the high-ranking officers had their endearing quirks, were actually very affable behind the appearance of their high position. "I guess I could get into that, yes." he agreed, and your grin grew so wide, you felt like a hormone-charged teenager on a first date. Your openly lustful invitation was accepted and you couldn't wait to continue this evening. You wanted to turn away, to freshen up as quickly as possible, but Sasaki intercepted you one more time. He grabbed your wrist, kissed you again, then let go of your lips to lick over the skin on your neck. You almost couldn't hold back the muffled moan in your throat, but you didn't want to make it that easy for him either. However, it was clear that just like you, he finally wanted to continue this evening. Your hand went into his hair, grabbed it and you pulled him away from you. He gave you a mixture of a growl and a low moan, a sound of raw lust, clearly but a sound you liked very much. Blue eyes met yours and his intentions were obvious: he would love to make you scream right now, to push you on the table with the tools and do all kinds of dirty things to you. When you thought about it more carefully, why not? You'd end up sweaty anyway, so...? "We could just shower together in the morning, too-" you suggested, your voice low and rough with lust. Sasaki didn't answer you, instead he grabbed you roughly by the waist and maneuvered you to the worktable - he seemed to have been waiting only for your consent for this. That was definitely answer enough.
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
Heal - King/Reader
Title: Heal Summary: As the doctor of the beast pirates, sometimes you have to tell your superior what to do.  Relationship: King x Reader Warnings: - none - Prompt/AU: 120 words - 120 oneshots AO3 Link
Humming softly to yourself, you sorted the small vials full of antibiotics into the cabinet, neatly arranging each vial. The glass clinked slightly as the door to your practice opened and you saw King behind you in the reflection of the glass door. You turned and smiled at him, even though he seemed extremely serious as usual. "Hello, King.", you greeted him kindly. Why was he with you? King was far too strong to be hurt in fights. Unless, of course, he had really had a run-in with Queen. But then it would be the fat All-Star with you rather than King. "Are you all right?" "I'm fine, yeah." he said immediately. You frowned, because his answer came a little too quickly, too rehearsed. Surely he came to you, the Beast Pirate doctor, for a reason? You raised your brows, expectantly, and he puffed a little. "I need your advice," he admitted, and you nodded. Once again you were right, oh, what a surprise. "Let's hear it." you urged him and he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. He seemed visibly uncomfortable about seeking you out. This then stimulated your curiosity after all and you waited patiently for his answer. "It's my wing. Left." He stretched the wing a little and you heard the soft rustle of feathers in motion. "It hurts." "Okay, I'll take a look then," you replied, and once again you were part human doctor, part veterinarian. When you were in medical school you never thought you'd be doctoring wings, hooves and tails. Well, as life was full of surprises... "Stretch it out all the way, please. And sit down, you're way too tall..." you beckoned him and King obeyed, glad you didn't ask stupid questions about his wing-anatomy. He sat down on the floor so you could examine the wing. The feathers under your fingertips were unexpectedly soft and you had to confess, touching the wings was on your list of things to do. King was very serious and strict, so you had never even dreamed of being able to palpate every inch of the wings.
"Stretch all the way out, please..." you asked him, completely absorbed in feeling the joints. Wordlessly, he did as you asked, spreading the wing all the way out until it almost reached the wall of the room. Your fingers ran through the feathers, carefully and also a little uncertainly. Did it hurt him when you lifted the feathers slightly? Was it uncomfortable for him? They felt so smooth, so soft and elegant. If you looked closely, there were slight color changes in the dark feathers, almost like a grain or pattern. It was only visible up close, and you had a hunch that you were one of the first to see it. "If I'm hurting you, just tell me," you tried to mask your uncertainty. "When does it usually hurt?" "When I stretch." He demonstrated the movement and you kept your hands on the joints as he did so. It all moved just great, but you felt the slight twitch in the muscles as he fully extended the wing. "Okay, thanks." You sighed and considered for a moment. It seemed to be an overused tendon, but it was hard to tell. King hardly ever came to you, so you didn't know if it happened often. "Have you been putting extra strain on your wings lately? I know you were just out with Master Kaido," you inquired. King growled in agreement and turned to you. "I did indeed have an unpleasant encounter and had to catch myself from a great height," he admitted. "Since then, the pulling on the left has been permanent. Worse when I stretch the wing." "I understand." You bent over and grabbed his shoulder. The heavy leather made it almost impossible to feel anything underneath. "The shoulder, too, then?" He shook his head and you ran your fingertips over the tendon at the top of the wing, tracing its course to the joint. "Hmm." you made thoughtfully. "You should definitely take it easy. I don't think there will be any permanent damage. Still, you really need to be careful with it." "Thanks." Encouragingly, you smiled at him again, but of course you didn't know whether he reciprocated. King was a strange contemporary, you thought to yourself quietly and secretly. Of course, pretty much all Beast Pirates were really weird, but he was... somehow unpredictable. Fortunately, he was very loyal to Kaido, you really didn't want such a strong fighter as King as an enemy! "A suggestion." You leaned down to him over his shoulder, propping your hands on his broad back. "You come to me once a day, I'll do some kind of physical therapy with you, just on the fly. It can't hurt to try." The all-star looked at you, seeming to weigh carefully whether it was necessary. You wanted to spend more time with him, because after all, there was something very attractive about that mysterious streak. And somewhere under all that leather, surely there had to be a nice guy hiding? "It all remains confidential, of course," you continued, as convincingly as possible. "Doctor-patient confidentiality." "You're the doctor." he finally agreed, but you knew he didn't really agree. He would be guaranteed not to show up and defy your order instead. The high-ranking officers of this pirate gang were really all the same - stubborn idiots.   "Okay, listen." You let go of him and walked around King, who was still sitting cross-legged on the floor of your practice. Even sitting down, he was as tall as you, it was just amazing. "King, I know you're, like, super important to our crew," you started and he snorted, crossing his arms in front of his chest expectantly. Okay, the opening was a little bumpy. "But I'm your attending physician right now. You're going to listen to me, and you're going to come here every day for at least a week. I'm going to make sure you're not in pain anymore and no one is going to know about this. Do you understand?" He blinked at you. It seemed unusual for him to be bossed around like that. You really took a lot of liberties to put him in his place like that - but for the health of your patients, you took risks. Even if you were going to mess it up with King forever! And also considering the fact that he could snap your neck with one hand like a toothpick. But he only snorted with a suppressed laugh and finally got up from your floor. Never before had you noticed even a hint of emotion from him, so you could do nothing but stare at him with wide eyes. "Understood." you got in reply, and he leaned down a little towards you. "I think it's clear that if you speak to me like that outside of this room - well, the whole thing would have very serious consequences. You know that, right?" You nodded, now very intimidated by him after all. The amused glint in his eyes was the only thing that indicated some amusement. Or was it murderousness? It was really hard to tell with him! "I know." you said boldly, puffing up your chest a little. "But in here, I'm the boss!" "Yeah, I can tell." King agreed, tilting his head slightly. "Fine, I'll follow your instructions. Same time tomorrow?" You nodded, whereupon he took his leave, leaving you with a pounding heart in your office. Well, from now on you had a date with King - every single day. Purely professional, of course.
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
Anguish - Marco x Reader
Title: Anguish Summary: Marco is sad, you kick his butt. Takes place after the revenge war between Whitebeard Pirates and Blackbeard. Relationship: Marco x Reader Warnings: - depression, drinking - Prompt/AU: 120 words - 120 oneshots AO3 Link
"Marco, it can't go on like this." How many times would you have to talk to him? When did he finally understand that this hiding game had to stop? "Marco, please." You put one hand on his shoulder, but he shook it off immediately. For a year now he had been getting calmer and calmer, he was almost lethargic. As calm as the former vice was, even for him it was no longer normal to talk so little - you were seriously worried about him. A little more than a year ago you had suffered the fatal defeat against Blackbeard. Since then, the commanders had scattered, some even lost contact. As usual, you had been close on the Phoenix's heels and had been able to locate him after only a few weeks. He had only had a few crew members with him and they entrenched themselves on a small, deserted island. The ruins of a village were to be found there, a destroyed country in which the remains of the Whitebeard pirates hid like cowards. First they lost their father, the captain and Ace on the same day - then this devastating defeat against Blackbeard, the traitor. An enormous burden lay on Marco's shoulders, but that was no reason to sink into this gloomy mood day after day. You were pirates, it had to go on! "We can't sit around here getting drunk any longer," you growled and sparkled at him angrily. "Marco! I am talking to you!" "And I can hear you just wonderfully." He lay in the shade of the setting sun, leaning against the wall of a ruined house with a bottle of rum in his hand. "But I'm trying to ignore you." Angrily you snorted and snatched the bottle from him, which he had almost completely emptied. "Marco..." You sat down next to him and pulled your legs up to your body, put your chin down on your knees. "I know it's hard..." "Don't pretend you know what's going on inside me," he interrupted you harshly. "You're taking a lot out of yourself." "Because I'm worried about you," you protested and leaned aside a little as he tried to grab the bottle in your hand. "You've been feeling sorry for yourself for months, instead of avenging them!" "We have tried, you can see what has come out of it," Marco rumbled annoyed. One could clearly see that he did not want to talk about the defeat of the retaliation war. Every time you tried to even remotely touch on the subject, he would get angry or just leave you standing. But you didn't want to give up hope either - after all, this was Marco the Phoenix! As former vice of Whitebeards it was his duty to continue the gang and when did Marco ever throw in the towel in defeat?
"You're getting on my nerves," he finally growled at you and gave up hunting for the bottle. He leaned back, his arms crossed behind his head and watched the sunset. Did he really want to ignore you now? What a childish behavior! "If you want these back, you should be a little nicer to me," you replied and took a sip of rum - damn, he drank the very strong liquor! The drink burned in your throat and you frowned in disgust. "What else should I fight for, huh?" he asked quietly and you turned to him. With closed eyes he sat there, motionless and thoughtful. "So more of my family can die? We have it pretty good here, believe me." "And what are you gonna do on this damn island? Grow pumpkins?" you replied sarcastically and slowly very irritated. Why did he want to hide? Why did he abandon his nakama? That was not his usual way, quite the contrary. Marco had always been there for his friends, no matter what. "Maybe," he said to your suggestion with the pumpkins, even if it was only pure defiance. It was like discussing with a teenager, terrible!
"You're a coward," you finally said, had enough of his stubbornness. You stood up and knocked the dirt off your pants, but you gave him a quick look. "I am disappointed in you." "Get in line, you're not alone." He sounded not only defiant, but sad as well. Of course he was upset about the events of the past two years, but it was time to get a grip and finally make the seas unsafe again! Whether he wanted to or not, you would not love a coward. As strong as your feelings for Marco were, he wasn't himself and alone he couldn't find his way out of this depression. In the past you rarely had the chance to be there for him, but now you could prove to him how much you really loved him. "Come on." You reached out your hand to him and your gaze softened a little. "You know very well I won't stop bitching." He opened his eyes, hesitated for a moment and seemed to weigh his options. If he turned you down, you would actually bitch until his ears bled. But if, against all expectations, he should accept your help - then it was time to seriously face the past and look ahead. It would be painful, but there was simply no other way. "If you finally stop lecturing me," he grumbled in a rough voice and grabbed your hand so that you could pull him up from the floor. For a moment you stood facing each other and your heart went up. He did not let go of your hand and you did not let go of his either. How you would love to tell him that you loved him! But it was not the right place and not the right time. There were more important things to do. "You know, I really do care about you..." you said with embarrassment. You could tell him that much, but not the whole truth. He snorted in amusement and then nodded, squeezing your hand gently "I know." he said and when you looked up to him like that you could melt away. How you would like to confess it to him, but it would be wrong to take advantage of his agony. He had been in pain for months, struggling with guilt and loss. It was inappropriate to use the word love now, because he certainly didn't have a mind for that at the moment. But still he held your hand, warm skin that touched your own. "I hate it when you kick my ass..." he sighed and rumpled your hair. Laughing, you ducked away, trying to escape the insidious attack. "I'd love to do it again!" you replied and for a moment your eyes met. You saw the pain behind it, something that would have been unthinkable two years ago. But you would help him rebuild the Whitebeard Pirates, even if they were scattered all over the place and hunted down by some notable pirates. Marco could trust you, you would always be there for the man you loved. And at some point, when everything had calmed down, you could finally confess it to him.
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
The House of Tasteful Men - Chapter 3
Title: The House of Tasteful Men Summary: You work for Black Maria as her accountant. The job is not spectacular, but you get to see Sasaki on a regular basis. Until finally you want more than the noncommittal flirtations. Relationship: Sasaki x Reader Warnings: - mention of sexual content - Chapter: Chapter 03 - Control AO3 Link
Next to you on the floor was Nara, with a bag of chips on her stomach, and she frowned at your story. "He tried to climb through your window?!" your best friend inquired, stuffing more chips into her mouth. Crumbs flew around and you knew you were guaranteed to have ant problems at some point. Why was Nara just so messy? "He tried to climb through my window!" you immediately confirmed, however, upset. "What kind of idiot does something like that!" "Sasaki, apparently..." muttered Nara, putting the bag aside. She sat up and propped herself on her arm to stare at you piercingly from the side. "Be honest: you liked it." "Of course I liked it!" you retorted, groaning in annoyance. "But he was drunk, so it doesn't count." "He's always drunk..." mumbled Nara and stood up, knocking the crumbs off her clothes. "Well, it'll work out. Somehow. Anyway, gotta go." "Already?" you asked, rolling from your back to your stomach. "I thought we were still eating lunch together?" "Nope, I have a lot of stuff to do for Maria today. I have to go to the flower capital and I want to be back before tonight," you got as a reply. You pulled the corners of your mouth down, because with that, your plan for the day was screwed. "So what do I do today?" you asked theatrically, but Nara wouldn't budge. "Go to the bathhouse," she suggested, shrugging her shoulders. "Treat yourself to something good today, now that you're suffering so much heartache." Nara had a point there, you thought to yourself, and said goodbye to your best friend with a wave. She left your room and you were left on the floor, pensive and with a stomach ache. The night before you had just thrown out the drunken Tobi Roppo and you were already suffering from your decision. You had already spent the whole morning crying to your girlfriend, but it didn't really help your mood. Maybe you really should go to the huge bathhouse, relax in the hot water of the springs there, and let it go for the day?
But before you could decide, Nara poked her head through the door once again. "Update: Maria wants you to pick up Queen's accounting." she said, "Like, right now." Annoyed, you groaned, but rose from the floor of your room. Why on this already horrible day, of all days, dammit! You wanted to go to the bathhouse, eat something good and unwind with all this terrible heartbreak! "Is Queen in Udon?" you asked Nara, who shook her head. "They're all at Master Kaido's castle today. You should hurry before Queen leaves again." And with that, she was gone from your room, leaving you grudgingly annoyed. The day promised to be another total disaster!
 The walk to the castle was fortunately not too long, you enjoyed the walk in the fresh air and greeted some acquaintances on the way. On the floor above the Live Floor, Queen was often to be found, especially when he came from a meeting with Kaido. You looked around, asked one of Apoo's people, but no one could help you. Queen really wasn't that easy to miss, you thought grumpily. "Hello, Y/N." Startled, you turned around when you heard a deep voice behind you. You immediately stood up straighter when you saw King behind you. The giant had his arms crossed in front of his chest and was looking down at you, seemingly impatient. In itself, it wasn't a crime that you were walking around - but King wasn't a big fan of dawdling and wasting time. "Hello King." you greeted him politely, tilting your head slightly. "You haven't seen Queen, have you? I need his accounting for the monthly statement." The All-Star snorted from behind his mask. "Shouldn't he have filed his paperwork days ago?" he inquired, and you rubbed the back of your neck. Yes, yes he should have. Pretty much everyone except King and Hawkins filed their accounts way too late or not at all, much to your chagrin. "I'm sure he just forgot." you defended your supervisor, though - out of sheer politeness. You would have loved to take a huge swing at Queen, but unfortunately that was out of the question. Instead, you ran forever after your documents and had actually already given up on him. There he was on Onigashima now, and yet he was nowhere to be found! "Is it like this every month?" asked King, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. Normally he seemed very threatening, but on this day he seemed quite relaxed. Could King even be relaxed? "That's not the point of paperwork, you know." "Oh, you know him..." you tried to wave him off. "He and the other Flying Six like to be a little lax about that-" "Not in the future, no." King interrupted, and you instantly fell silent. "There's a lot of money at stake here. Isn't it true that you manage half the assets anyway?" You nodded and he gave a thoughtful 'Hmm'. "I'll clear it with Kaido. Regardless, I hereby give you the authority to impose penalties and withhold funds," he said and you briefly choked on your own spit in shock. "I'm sure Kaido won't have any objections." "I-I, um- I'm not sure-!" you immediately stammered out, but he raised his hand, silencing you. You looked up at him, a little intimidated. The task he gave you just like that was really huge. You weren't sure you wanted such a big responsibility. "Don't worry, I know your work. Black Maria speaks highly of you." he said. "And I also know how conscientious and hard you work. I have complete confidence in you." He nodded at you, saying goodbye, and you stopped in the corridor, wondering what had just happened. You turned furtively and saw King turn to you once more - and then disappear around the next corner. Since when was the All-Star so nice to his subordinates? You shook your head, but your heart pounded at the power that was now yours to command. You could withhold funds at will, which had dire consequences for both Flying Six and All-Stars. No resources, no luxury goods... Nothing without money. So you had the Beast Pirates in the palm of your hand, completely and utterly. Well, except for the captain, of course. At the other end of the corridor you saw a tall figure, a striped suit - that could only be Queen, of course. "Hey, Queen!" you immediately shouted, walking towards him. Time to abuse your new power!
 "And King gave you complete free rein?" the chubby all-star inquired, and you nodded, folding your arms proudly in front of your chest. "Yes, he did. So I'd like to have your accounting records now so I can do the accounting." you said, and though Queen hesitated at first, he finally nodded in agreement. "The records are on my ship. I'll have them brought to Maria for you later." he said and you nodded, grateful that your new authority was directly acknowledged. Out of nowhere, X-Drake also appeared behind you, thrusting a pile of loose papers into your arms with an annoyed snort and pushing past you. "Apparently he ran into King, who must be trumpeting your new post. He sure seems to think a lot of you, doesn't he?" commented Queen, and after a brief goodbye, made off to send a messenger to Maria. It all happened so fast that you hardly knew what hit you. One minute you were the accountant for Black Maria, the next minute you were organizing the entire Beast Pirate fortune. What had you gotten yourself into?
 Drinking was only half the fun if Sasaki couldn't do it in your company. He watched boredly as his men received the new shipment of steel and took it away for further processing. His bottle of sake was still two-thirds full and he was in an extremely bad mood. The whole story with the ban went against his grain and on top of that Ulti was getting on his nerves. She was waiting for the supply ship to leave so that she could be the next to leave the island. The young woman was impatient, loud and all in all simply annoying. But she always knew the latest gossip, which actually interested Sasaki this time. There was a first time for everything, after all. "Have you turned in your accounts yet?" she asked Sasaki with a sidelong glance. "King promoted Black Maria's accountant, and now things are stricter with the paperwork." Irritated, Sasaki set down his bottle. "What do you mean?" he inquired. Ulti seemed surprised that he was interested in her small talk for once. She cradled her head to the side and gave her colleague a dismissive look. "King has arranged for her to withhold funds. She can impose penalties now, too. That kind of thing, tss." she replied. "Because none of us ever do our paperwork, you know. So annoying, really." Oh, Sasaki knew full well that the accounting wasn't the point. It wasn't about the fact that King had oh-so-much faith in you - even though that was completely justified, because you were the master of numbers. Anger bubbled in Sasaki's stomach and he remained silent, thinking about it for a moment. He knew very well that King was very fond of you. One of many reasons why he couldn't stand the All-Star. But that King was now using his power to make an impression on you? That really made Sasaki angry. "You do the rest here.", he growled to Ulti and pulled his cap a little deeper into his face. "Where are you going?" the young woman asked, but Sasaki just waved it off. Now he was irritated not only by Maria's prohibition against him, but also by King's unequivocal advances. Had the remaining members of the Beast Pirates all conspired against him? He had to intervene or this was going to get out of hand! "Turn in my accounts." he growled over his shoulder to Ulti, and made his way to the 'Woman Trouble'.
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
Dreams - Ben x Reader
Title: Dreams Summary: You have a great night with Ben although you almost tell him too much about your feelings for him.  Relationship: Ben x Reader Warnings: - implied sexual content - Prompt/AU: 120 words - 120 oneshots AO3 Link
It was already late at night and you'd be asleep by now, but someone stopped you. You watched the glow of the cigarette in the darkness and pulled the blanket a little closer to your body. "You shouldn't smoke in my bed." you scolded Ben and took the cigarette out of the corner of his mouth. "Sorry, sweetheart." you heard the deep, rough voice next to you. Smiling, you leaned forward and kissed the vice of the Red Hair Pirates, who once again spent a night in your bed. It was lucky that you yourself were vice of a renowned crew, because you had your own little cabin with a lockable door. By chance, your ship ran into the Red Force, the huge vehicle of Shanks. Real friendships among pirates were more than rare, but your captain and Shanks kept a certain neutrality, so the two crews could party together for an evening. On a quiet island, large bonfires were lit, there was singing and dancing, drinking and eating. In all the hustle and bustle, you had been able to sneak away with Shanks' vice, a pleasure you hadn't had for some time. Too rarely did your crews meet, too rarely did you have the pleasure of inviting Ben to your bed. No relationships within the crew - a golden rule of the pirates - but nobody forbade you crew overlapping fun, did they? "Where do you sail to next?", you asked Ben quietly and put your head on his chest. "You know very well that I can't tell you that." you got in reply. He was right, why did you even ask? Such information could not be told outside the crew, but you often longed for him and wanted to see him again as soon as possible. This thing had been going on between you and Ben for ages, years and years. Your life as pirates did not allow for deep feelings, but that did not mean that you didn't have any feelings for him. "Are you tired?" he asked you, and his hand got lost in your hair, playing with a strand of hair. You shook your head, listening to the celebration of the two pirate crews on the shore of the island. You wanted to enjoy every minute with Ben, too soon your paths would part again.
"Tell me a story." you asked him and he laughed softly. The rough noise gave you pleasant goose bumps on your back and you snuggled up a little closer to him. "What do you want me to tell you?", he asked. "You already know all the good stories." "Then tell me something about yourself." He was silent, seemed to be brooding. Ben was a reserved man and you didn't know much about him. Useless little things, yes. But you would like to know more about the man himself - his past or his dreams. "Okay, here's a suggestion." You sat up lightly and tilted your head. "I'll tell you something about myself, and you tell me something about yourself in return." "Barter." he said and reached for his cigarettes again. You didn't scold him this time, that was Ben, always smoking. You hardly ever saw him without a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, so you let him go. "As a sign of my good faith, I'll start too." you said. "I have two sisters and a brother." Benn sighed slightly, but then nodded in agreement. "Only child," he said. "When did you became a pirate?" "I was just a young 19 years old. And you?" "I was barely 16." he said. You raised your eyebrows and gave Ben a smile. So he had been at sea for over 20 years? You could tell he had, as serene and calm as he was. Ben always kept his cool and you never saw him go off the deep end. The only emotions you could see in him were probably when he was amused by Shanks' nonsense or when he was with you. Typical Ben, his face was always stony. "Your childhood dream?", you asked with a smug smile. Did something like fireman come along now? "Well, that's really very personal." Ben replied and looked at you out of the corner of his eye. "Is there anything in particular you want to get at?" "Just curious." You leaned forward a little and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "Do you mind if I get to know you?" "We've known each other for over ten years, what else do you want to get to know?" You sighed deeply - he evaded so often when you asked him about personal things. Was it too much to ask if he had wanted to become a fireman or a veterinarian as a child? "I wanted to join the Navy." he finally said and blew the smoke of his cigarette in the air. Your attention was caught, because you definitely hadn't expected that. So the legendary pirate Ben Beckman wanted to become a soldier as a child? "Your dream was to join the Navy - you're kidding me." you said. "Not for too long though." Ben then clarified. "The Navy's an uptight bunch of bureaucrats. It's no fun." Laughing, you agreed with him and ran your hand across his chest. To feel his skin under your fingers was an indescribably good feeling and soon he would set sail again and the Red Force would leave this island. Then again it took months, if not years until you saw him again! Months and years you spent alone in your bed. Only a few more hours until he left you and you both should enjoy this time. "What about you?" "Huh?" Your thoughts returned to the here and now and you looked up at him. "Your dream. Barter, remember?" You nodded, weighing your answers. Being a pirate had always been your dream, a dream that you lived - but it had changed a little since then. Everything you wished for lay next to you at that moment and would be gone in the morning. It would be wiser to lie, to hide the truth from him and leave it at that. It was better if Ben didn't know about your feelings, even if he could probably guess. "I always wanted to be a pirate." you finally said. "And now I'm a vice - well, what do you know..." "But that's not all, is it?" You felt a knowing look on your face and you rolled your eyes. Gotcha! "My other dream is garbage." you mumbled embarrassed and pulled him into a hug "I'll tell you next time." "I have a hunch." you heard his raspy voice close to your ear. He took the cigarette and threw it out of the open porthole, kissed you shortly after. Your hand went into the gray hair - damn, that he had really turned gray already - and you sighed softly. Warm hands that ran across your waist and only stopped at your thighs almost drove you crazy. The man just knew what you needed and he was more than willing to give it to you. "You know, they'll all be asleep soon." you muttered against Ben's lips. "That means we've only got twelve hours tops to ourselves while they sober up." You looked into two gray eyes that were staring at you extensively. "Should be enough."
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
Precious Treasure - Shanks x Reader
Title: Precious Treasure Summary: You’re an accountant for all sorts of criminals and one very special pirate comes to visit you that day.  Relationship: Shanks x Reader Warnings: - none - Prompt/AU: 120 words - 120 oneshots AO3 Link
"The infamous Shanks." you said with a broad grin and leaned back in your chair. "I never thought I'd see you old rascal again." "Good to see you." said the Yonko, and sat down opposite you in another chair. Your office was dark and small, crammed with all kinds of cupboards to store your accounts. Three members of the Red Hair Pirates had gathered in this small room, with a large chest in tow with what appeared to be very heavy contents. Your reputation as an accountant preceded you, but probably mainly because of your ability to launder money and that you could convert goods into money. Many pirates came to see you, but only very few could afford your discretion. "Hello Ben, Hello Yasopp." you greeted his two companions and they nodded to you nicely. Even then you got along well with the Red Hair pirates when you were young and new in the business and when Shanks still had both arms. "Where did you leave Lucky?" The fat sergeant of Shanks was missing, otherwise he was always with his captain. "Are you crazy?" Shanks answered and laughed. "So we have to cuddle here even more? You really need a bigger office!" "It serves its purpose." Your gaze wandered to the chest Ben was sitting on and you gave the redhead an interested look. "So what do you got for me?" "You know the old stories with the treasure maps and the big red 'X' on the island, don't you?" Shanks told Shanks and Yasopp rolled his eyes in the background. You raised your hands defensively, you could guess the rest of the story. "He really trusted a cheap map with an 'X' on it," you turned to Ben, who shrugged and nodded his shoulders. "You know the captain, he's easy to get excited." said the vice, and Yasopp began to laugh in the background.
"Hey!," Shanks complained immediately, but that's the way it was with the Red Hair pirates. You smiled and pulled out a small list from one of the cupboards. "Let's see what you've got." It was a remarkable yield: many kilos of gold coins, jewels as big as the palm of your hand and even a richly decorated tiara was in the chest. You noted down the entire contents of the chest and calculated the approximate value in your head. A good amount of berry came together and you already had a buyer in mind for the jewels. With this precious treasure a lot of interest would be paid for you. "You'll get me through the next two months with this." you whispered contentedly and finally handed Shanks the estimate. "And there's plenty in it for you too." He took the list from you and skimmed it. "You can get more out of it, come on." said the redhead and handed you the paper back. You raised your eyebrows, surprised by his demand. A quick glance at Ben and Yasopp that was definite and they left your office. You conducted the negotiations only with the captain, even his vice had no business here. "Something to drink?", you asked and reached under your desk. A bottle of whiskey appeared, with two glasses to go with it. "Always." the redhead agreed and accepted the filled glass with the hint of a smile. "And yet I want more for the gold." You stood up, waved the glass of whiskey in your hand for a moment, and then walked around the desk. You'd known the Red Shanks for years, since you were young. Your first encounter with the Yonko was shortly after Roger's death. At that time you had started your first job as an accountant in Loguetown and witnessed the execution of the notorious pirate. Shanks had formed his own crew very soon after, together with Ben Beckman. You had appreciated their first loot back then and that was your first job as a buyer's agent. So it was actually thanks to Shanks that you were now a popular name among the pirates. "You'll only get more money if I waive the interest." you said, "The value is fixed, and even if I already knew a buyer, why should I waive my share?" Your tone was challenging, suggestive and more than obvious. Even then it had been an occasional pleasure between the two of you, a casual thing. It was nice, though. "Remember Whiskey Peak?" you asked and took a sip. "Two bottles of port and that little room over the bar." Shanks laughed rough, nodded as he thought about that night over 15 years ago. "We were pretty drunk." he said amused. "You waived your interest then." "Then you know how you can make up for my loss this time too." you purred and sat down on the corner of your desk. "I'm sure you've been on the road a long time. Without shore leave." His hand placed the glass of whiskey on the tabletop and then drove over the wood all the way to you. With a mischievous smile you watched him, but had not the slightest intention of avoiding his touch. Too tempting was the beautiful pirate, with that fiery red hair and open shirt. The scars on his face looked good on him, but you felt sorry for his arm. You knew that he did not regret his loss, and yet it took some getting used to at first. He had sacrificed his arm to the future, he always sounded. Typical Shanks, he was as mysterious as he was handsome. "My crew will be wondering where I am." it came from him and you shook your head. "Come on, as if they don't know what we've been doing every few years." you tried to convince him and stroked your leg along his. "I can't give up my interest and physical affection." "Since when did you get so brash?" Shanks looked at you with a curious look and you realized that this was not going to work out today. You could seldom persuade the redhead to do anything, and you usually had to bend to his will. Begging was of no use, seduction did not work for him either, and whether you got sugar depended entirely on his mood. You had already done so much for him, had so often found him a buyer for the treasures - couldn't you expect a little bit of attention? "Come on, don't be so stubborn." you grumbled and emptied your glass in one last breath. "We haven't seen each other for ages." Shanks shook his head and drank up too, whereupon he stood up and leaned down towards you. A short, fleeting kiss touched your lips and your hand buried itself in red hair. It was a drop on the hot stone, but that was all you would get from the Yonko that day. "You'll get your interest, sweetheart." said Shanks, and broke away from you, "Who knows, maybe I'll find another precious treasure soon?"
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
Moonlight - Sabo x Reader
Title: Moonlight Summary: You and Sabo have to hide and he warms you up. Romance ensues. Relationship: Sabo x Reader Warnings: - none - Prompt/AU: 120 words - 120 oneshots AO3 Link
Out of the corner of your eye you gave Sabo an angry look, your rifle at the ready and your mood at an all time low. Head over heels he had once again thrown himself into the mission and who was left behind? Correct: You. Your task was simple: Destroy the arsenal of a naval base, which was located on a small island, in order to temporarily interrupt the supply of ammunition and armament and thus weaken the navy. Simple mission, difficult execution. It should be a secret mission, you should destroy the arsenal undetected and then come back to the base. Koala had warned you about Sabo's thirst for action, but you didn't think it was really that bad working with him. "Why the hell couldn't you just stay in the shadows?" you muttered and looked through the scope on your rifle once more to keep track of all the hustle and bustle of the Marines. They had discovered Sabo after he had simply blown up the huge hall with the help of his new devil fruit powers. He had only been back at the base for two days, came to this mission as your backup - and screwed it up!
"That way it went much faster." he defended himself, but looked down a little worried to the Navy camp. You had found refuge from the hustle and bustle in the camp, high up in one of the huge trees in the forest. Involuntarily you had to think of the trees on the Sabaody Archipelago, these unbelievably high mangroves - but this forest was not cut down with shimmering soap bubbles. Only the calls of the soldiers came up to you and the glow of the blazing fire was bright in this dark night. Only at dawn your ride would dock at the other end of the island, so now you had to do everything to avoid being discovered until it was time to leave. "If you had stuck to my plan, everything would be much more relaxed now. It would have gone smoothly." you rumbled impatiently. "Just running into the camp and let everything go up in flames, you're out of your mind, Sabo!" "Hey, I'm still your commander." he interjected, but you only laughed at his title. Sabo was Dragon's favorite and strong too - but as Koala always said, he also was an idiot. "Commander or not, we're stuck in a tree because of you." you silenced him and sighed. It was cold and your thin coat was not suitable to hide so high up: The wind whistled around your ears and made you shiver. Your fingers were already numb from the cold, but you both had no choice but to persevere in the treetop. Sabo could make fire through his devilish powers, but the light would betray your whereabouts instantly. He didn't seem to mind the cold, after all the fire warmed him from the inside. You looked up to the sky, it was clear and the stars sparkled down on you gloatingly. What would you give for a blanket or at least some tea! Instead, you tightened the thin fabric of your coat and buried your nose in the collar. Your breath whirled up small clouds that quickly dispersed in the darkness, making you realize that it had to be almost zero degrees. "Come here." Sabo grabbed your coat by the back and pulled you towards him. You were terrified, almost dropped your rifle and squealed softly when your back hit his chest. Two arms wrapped around your upper body, pressing you tightly against your commander. With a dry mouth you looked up, looked into two cheerfully sparkling eyes. He was always in such a good mood, it was really contagious! "Sabo...", you muttered embarrassed and tried to free yourself from his grip. "Let go, you can't do that!" His arms were too strong, after you sat up you were promptly pulled back to his chest. Your ears were red with embarrassment and you did not know how to react. Was it just to keep warm, had he noticed you shaking like a leaf? Or was there more to it in the end? "But you're freezing." he said and looked down at you reproachfully. "Why do you even wear such a thin jacket?" Did he scold you now? It should be the other way around! "If you hadn't blown up the camp, we wouldn't be sitting in this cursed treetop in this triple cursed wind." you replied angrily. He shrugged his shoulders, as always unimpressed by any complications. "But look at the sky, isn't it wonderful?" he said and looked up. It was really beautiful - the full moon, already waning again, cast light on you in this bright, clear night, bathed everything in a silvery shimmer. "If I hadn't set fire to the camp, we wouldn't be able to enjoy this." He was right about that, and without this predicament you probably wouldn't have found yourself in his arms either, as you did now. His right hand had ventured further down from your upper arm, sliding inch by inch lower, up to your waist. You were haunted by the feeling that there was more behind it than just a favor among friends. You looked up from the corner of your eye at the blond and pulled your brows together. Could it be that this was all a plan of his? Could it be that he had deliberately torched the armory so that you two would have to find a good hiding place by morning and some togetherness was the result? "It was all intentional, wasn't it?" you expressed your suspicion and examined him briefly. His reaction was prompt, his caught and guilty look swerved to the side and he immediately shook his head, "Intentionally, what?" he asked. "I don't know what you mean." "Oh, so it was!!", you slapped him against the shoulder, but you didn't want to get out of his warm embrace either. "What if I catch cold because of your great idea?" "I don't know what you mean." he insisted on his innocence and you felt yourself being pulled even closer to him. "But I'll make sure you don't catch a cold." You said nothing more about it, but he looked so guilty that you were probably right. Sabo could be so devious, it always surprised you. No wonder he was Dragon's right-hand man. He was strong, compassionate, and pretty smart, too. But the fact that he betrayed you and put you in danger just to get at you - that just stirred up your anger. You grabbed your rifle firmly with both hands, reached out and rammed the handle into his stomach. He groaned, surprised by this attack. "Hey!", he complained immediately and held his aching stomach. "What was that all about?!" "Never lie to me again - or endanger the mission. That's highly unprofessional." you growled at him, but leaned your head against his shoulder and sighed deeply. At least you were no longer cold. "How long until sunrise?" Sabo asked and you rummaged in the pocket of your coat for your watch. "Just under three hours." you said and lolling a little in one arm. "Then I'll have to keep you warm in any case..." you heard close to your ear and an amused snort you couldn't help but snort. In the light of the moon, you watched the soldiers in the camp who put out the fire and sent out the first search parties to search the forest for you and capture you. They would never find you, so well hidden in the treetops and tightly wrapped around you. So the mission was not such a failure after all.
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
The Fool - Zoro x Reader
Title: The Fool Summary: After a drunk, passionate night with the swordsman it’s time to talk about an unpleasant thing - feelings. Relationship: Zoro x Reader Warnings: - mention of sexual content - Prompt/AU: 120 words - 120 oneshots AO3 Link
"Still awake?", you asked mischievously and dropped onto the wood next to Zoro. It was the fourth night in a row that he had been given the night shift in the crow's nest - he really shouldn't mess with Nami! "Very funny, really." the swordsman rumbled sullenly. Although Zoro was only too happy to take on the task of the lookout - since that was his training room after all - four nights in a row was tough. "You need a shower." you turned up your nose as you moved a bit closer and handed him an apple from the galley. Sanji didn't like it when you secretly went to the supplies and plundered the fruit. Fortunately it was almost three o'clock in the morning and he was already fast asleep. "I was training." you got in reply. "I can't shower on guard duty." "True." you admitted and bit heartily into the red, juicy fruit. It was a deliciously sweet apple, just the way you liked it. Zoro also ate his nightly snack while you two stared out at the black open sea. It was a very calm night, hardly any wind was blowing around the sails of Sunny and the ship itself was dead quiet. That was probably the best thing about Zoro: he wasn't too talkative. Luffy, Chopper and Usopp were already making enough noise throughout the day, so you welcomed some peace in your chaotic everyday life very much. And since Zoro was definitely the calmest of the pirates - besides Robin - you got along wonderfully. Maybe even a little too wonderful, considering the incident two weeks ago.
First of all, it should be said that relationships under Nakama were not forbidden, just not very welcome. Feelings usually only caused problems in battles, but it was actually a little different with the straw hats. This gang was more of a family, except for Sanji, who danced around Nami and Robin like a love-crazed teenager. And that you were with Zoro of all people... Well, you had made good use of your time together as sentries in the night. Since then it's been a little strange between you two. It wasn't a broken relationship, but you already knew about the difficult circumstances of the situation. What would Luffy say if it came out? After all, the captain had the last word on such things. And what would Nami think about it - the scolding would be horrible. "Are we going to talk about it?", you asked hesitantly and continued gnawing on your apple. "Why should we." That was not a question, but a statement. He didn't want to talk about it - that was too bad, because you did. "About the other day." you went on and looked up at one of the twinkling stars above you. "The kiss. The sex." Now Zoro became visibly uncomfortable in his skin as he avoided your gaze and threw the last remnant of the apple core into the sea. He didn't answer you at first, but then he thought of something better when he had sorted his thoughts a bit. That's okay, you thought. We have time. The night is still young. "We were drunk. Like, really drunk." Zoro finally said. He wasn't wrong about that, after a wild party with lots of alcohol you had your very own party. Of course, the beer had loosened your spirits, only intensified the temptations that had always been there and finally a voice had rumbled in your heads: Why not? And now you were here, together and yet not actually together. Two weeks later with sad faces and regrets in your hearts. Which of you two was the bigger fool? You, because you had just kissed Zoro - or he, because he had gone for it? It's hard to say which of you two was more guilty of all this. More important was how things would go on now. "I don't really regret it." you said quietly and you too threw the apple's remains overboard. "I am only unhappy about the circumstances under which it happened." "What do you mean by that?" "We were drunk." you gestured impatiently with your hand. Didn't he understand at all what you meant? "I had imagined it to be without alcohol. Sober." "Imagined?", the swordsman caught you and looked at you sideways. "So this was planned?" Oh, shit. "Not planned." you mumbled evasively. "More like... ...wanted. Or hoped for." "Wait, wait." Now Zoro turned to you. "So you really think there's something behind this, not just a physical attraction?" "Perhaps." you returned, evasively again, avoiding looking directly at him. This conversation quickly became quite embarrassing as you wanted to keep your feelings out of it. Of course you liked Zoro and of course you wanted physical contact. Nobody could have guessed that this would end in a passionate night in the lookout! He sighed, a little resigned. Rarely did you see him depressed, but at this moment he didn't seem to be happy about your statement. "It's not possible." he finally said and his serious look gave you goose bumps. "You know that as well as I do. As tempting as it may be, it will only bring us trouble." "Hmm, I thought you'd say something like that," you replied with some light sadness in your voice. Hope died last but now it was officially dead. "We really are idiots." you muttered to the starry sky. "To do something this stupid..." "I wouldn't call it stupid." You felt a warm shoulder on yours as Zoro moved a little closer and the two of you finally stared out to sea together with that tiny physical contact. "Wrong time, wrong place. That's all." "Will there ever be a right time and place?" you asked, leaning your head on his shoulder. He didn't avoid your touch, just put on a wry grin and sighed again. "Who knows, once Luffy has become pirate king we might have some free time on our hands, y'know?" Zoro replied with an amused undertone and you felt a short twitch in the muscle of his arm. You knew what he was thinking but didn't dare. So you grabbed his wrist, pulled his arm over your shoulder and took a deep breath. You had never experienced such a pleasant, tingling warmth before - but the vice was absolutely right. There was no room for a relationship, no room for romantic feelings in this crew. But maybe the opportunity arose at some point, who knew? Until then, you two idiots would have to leave it on a wonderful night together. A nice memory that connected the two of you - just you two idiots. "You really need a shower." "Ugh, I know."
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catatonic-writes · 3 years
The House of Tasteful Men - Chapter 02
Title: The House of Tasteful Men Summary: You work for Black Maria as her accountant. The job is not spectacular, but you get to see Sasaki on a regular basis. Until finally you want more than the noncommittal flirtations. Relationship: Sasaki x Reader Warnings: - mention of sexual content - Chapter: Chapter 02 - Please don’t come around AO3 Link
"What do you mean 'she's busy'! Are you kidding me!!!" You could hear Sasaki's voice all the way up to the second floor, where you were dutifully hitting the books and bitterly regretting your great plan. But things had been set in motion by you and there was no turning back now. Black Maria just explained to your crush that you would no longer work as his favorite. That you were forbidden to sit with the guests and spend your time with them. Business professionalism she evasively called it and she couldn't afford to mix accounting and service too much. This was, of course, utter nonsense, but it was enough for the moment. You covered your ears and tried to concentrate on your work. Sasaki's obvious anger made your stomach hurt, but the plan was set and you had to get through it now. Besides; if you backed out now, Maria would literally eat you alive. With a shudder, you broke away from that disgusting notion and continued to write down the receipts.
"I know you like her, but that's no reason to tear my house apart." Black Maria hissed, glaring angrily at Sasaki. However, he only growled aggressively and threw another of the empty sake bottles carelessly against the wall. Maria emitted a warning growl of her own and took a step toward him. She often had the patience of an angel with her guests - but not when they were tearing up the brothel. "Either you stop this shit or I'll throw you out myself!" she threatened, blowing the smoke from her pipe into the room. "And that's going to be very, very unpleasant for you." Sasaki hesitated, weighing the consequences. Maria wasn't as strong as him, but unlike her, he was drunk and angry. The temptation to tear her place apart was strong - but he knew it was stupid. "We're not done here." he finally growled, giving her a disdainful look. "Oh, yes we are.", Black Maria replied coolly, not moving an inch until Sasaki had left the brothel through the front gate. "What the hell was that all about?" asked Who's Who, who seemed to be having an excellent time. He lit a cigarette and looked up at Maria out of the corner of his eye. "Come on, Miss Maria - what's going on?" "My esteemed accountant is having a go at that blithering idiot there." She nodded her head toward the main entrance through which Sasaki had just disappeared. "I'll be kind enough to help out a bit. She's doing a good job, so I took pity on her." Who's Who snorted, half laughing, and nodded in agreement. "Too kind of you, Maria. Gonna be fun to watch." At that, Maria had to suppress an amused chuckle as well, because Who's Who was right: the whole thing promised to be a heck of a lot of fun for the audience.
With a loud crash, Sasaki slammed the door to his house behind him. The wooden walls shook under the force and the empty bottles on the table clinked ominously. For a moment he listened in on the ensuing oppressive silence, but then growled angrily. "Fuck!" he hissed, pulling his coat off his shoulders. He tossed his coat and hat onto the table in the living room as he passed, and opened the sliding door to the backyard to settle on the small porch. The Tobi Roppo had a choice of lodging near the 'Woman Trouble' or right on the Live Floor. But since that idiot Apoo often hung around there and Sasaki preferred to keep you from working, he had chosen a house near the Woman Trouble. The garden was small, but partially covered with wysteria, which had been planted to decorate the brothel. The blue blossoms stirred slightly in the breeze, yet it was just a gentle breeze on this pleasant summer night. From the veranda he even had a view of the brothel, which made him wonder directly. Who did Maria think she was! Denied him contact with you, rejected him - him! - and turned him away. If she wasn't careful, he'd tear her whole fucking place apart! Sasaki clenched his jaws and thought about the evening. The fresh air had driven most of the alcohol from his mind, and he could think much more clearly now. Why did Black Maria bump him in the head like that? Had he done anything to upset her on his last visit? Everything was as usual, except for the fact that you had been acting strangely for the last week. You had almost run away, so obviously that even Who's Who had asked what was wrong with you. That evening Sasaki didn't think anything of it, you just liked to live out your lovable idiosyncrasies. He liked that very much about you. Still, something felt off. Or were you in trouble with Maria? Maybe she had grounded you? Maria was unpredictable when she got angry, so something like that could happen. The tall woman was extremely patient and kind for a pirate, but even she could lose her temper. She had never done anything like that before, so it irritated him all the more. As much as he pondered it, he kept coming to the conclusion that Maria had placed you under arrest. What other reason would there be to keep you away from him? He was good to you, he only ever wanted your company when he was out with Who's Who. There was no better feeling than having you next to him at the end of the evening, snuggling close and feeling the warmth of your body against his skin. Longingly, Sasaki snorted - that probably wouldn't happen again too soon. Maria's protective instinct was very strong, to everyone's surprise. She had taken you in, fed you through, and had given you a good job. You were so gifted with numbers, so dazzlingly good at organization and at running a business. His job was to defend and carry out Kaido's orders. He was brute force and violence, could be an insurmountable wall with his devil fruit powers to boot. He simply did not have the patience for such subtleties as in your profession. He admired you for your finesse and beauty, a combination that was truly rare. He was surprised by his own anger. He rarely lost control of himself, and it made Sasaki think that your mere presence had such an impact on him. Of course he found you stunning, but did it perhaps go beyond a simple crush if you could influence him so easily? Just thinking about spending the evening with you now, hot anger rose in his throat like magma. It seethed inside him until he finally cursed again and decided to go to bed. Nothing would come of this evening, the day was a complete failure. On the other hand, there was still a bottle of sake on the table, which had just been opened...
Around 4 in the morning, you yawned silently, but finally came to the end with the last of the receipts from the kitchen. You closed the big black book and pushed it away from you. There was still loud partying in the great hall, but you had gotten used to that. The background noise was muffled, but audible in your room. Your sleep rhythm was by now completely designed for long nights, so you always slept until noon or even afternoon. It wasn't until early evening that the first guests were received, so there was no reason to get up early unless you were part of the kitchen or cleaning staff. Still, you were getting tired, even though your head kept rattling. You had heard Sasaki say how angry he was about Marias's ban, and it gnawed at you. Was he never coming back now? Would you really never see him again, as angry as he had left? Fear clutched your heart and you wished with all your might to be able to spend the evening with him. You wanted to test him, explore the limits and know where he drew the line. Did Sasaki just want a casual bedtime? It wouldn't surprise you if you were being really honest with yourself. But the small germ of hope dared you to think of more. Deeply lost in your own thoughts, you chewed your lower lip until it bled. You cursed out all the more startled when a rock flew straight through your open window and hit your closet. "What the hell-!" you immediately hissed and ran to the window. "Who the hell is throwing rocks into my room? What the fuck, man!" You leaned out the window, only to narrow your eyes. It was so dark, but in the garden behind the house there was actually... Wait, was that - Sasaki? "What are you doing here?!" you shouted, as quietly as you could while still letting him hear you. "You know perfectly well-!" You got no reply, but had to watch in disbelief as he climbed up the richly decorated wall of the house. You were impressed that he was so skilled at climbing - you hadn't expected that. "Get out of here, or we'll both get in trouble! Well, especially me!" you tried to dissuade him from his plan, but to no avail. You could smell the liquor before he even reached your window. Sasaki was clearly drunk as a skunk. Briefly, you worried about what would happen if he fell, but with his thick skull, surely he wouldn't mind. "Hey, Y/N." He finally appeared in front of your open window and you looked down at the complete idiot who actually climbed up the house to see you - after not even 3 hours of being banned. The whole thing seemed to work quite well, you thought cheerfully to yourself. But step by step, you reminded yourself at the same time. It was Friday night, Sasaki was drunk and just seemed to want to get his way. You really couldn't be convinced that easily... "I said no." you replied, tapping his forehead. Immediately he wanted to retort something, but you didn't even want to hear the drunken ramblings. "Get lost, Sasaki. Do you really think it would be that easy?" He frowned questioningly, but you closed your window and drew the curtains, giving him a clear rebuff. Puzzled, he stared at the fabric of the curtains, wondering what the hell was going on. Of course, your heart was pounding up to your neck, you even melted inside that he seemed to have such a longing for you. But you still didn't quite buy it, you had to grudgingly admit to yourself. Just because he didn't get his way for once, you wouldn't immediately fold!
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