chasingcomfort · 1 year
BHaha ouch I guess. Kinda sucks :/ I know I shouldn’t base my shit off of people on the internet but goddamn.
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chasingcomfort · 1 year
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chasingcomfort · 1 year
Hello are you still taking any requests at the time ? Also I didn't understand what you said you don't write tummy stuff
Hiya, it’s been a while and I’m honestly debating whether or not to close this account honestly, I feel so drained of enthusiasm but I also am emotionally attached to people I interact with here so it’s a hard decision to make. By tummy stuff I think I just generally mean like bloat and things like that? Hopefully that answers your question! - L
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chasingcomfort · 1 year
I don't know how active people are anymore, I apologise for going MIA, I've been rather mentally Ill these past several months and currently trying my best to push through to finish the rest of my requests and then I think I'm going to convert this account. Not quite sure yet to do what but I shall 100% inform more. I just don't have the same passion about writing sickfic as I once did, it hurts, this definitely isn't goodbye but yeah, it's starting to hit me that I'm not a kid anymore. I started this when I was 17 and now I'm almost 20... thank you all for sticking around, you've been so supportive and so talented, and i hope i can continue to make good content for you as soon as I'm ready <3
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chasingcomfort · 2 years
My motivation is really awful at the moment, I promise I will get around to my last few requests eventually, I've just been busy with schoolwork and also looking for jobs because moneyTM. Please bear with me, I've been hyper focusing on writing a Stranger things fix as well. Which I can share if people would be down for that.
Hi, just wanted to check in and let people know that I'm currently melting in my country right now, british heatwaves are awful, and also my mental health isn't doing too great so for the next few weeks I may not be so active, I also have plans to renovate my account to do more original content if people would be interested in that sort of thing! I'd be happy to take a usual request every so often but I'm finding it's not as challenging as I'd like it to be, and I really want to develop my writing further!
I hope everyone is doing okay! Remember to stay hydrated and wear sunscreen and make sure to do whatever you need to take care of your mental and physical health!
- ChasingComfort
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chasingcomfort · 2 years
Currently living out a real life sickfic situation, I suppose this is karma but god I hate throwing up, I'd forgotten what it was like
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chasingcomfort · 2 years
Hi, just wanted to check in and let people know that I'm currently melting in my country right now, british heatwaves are awful, and also my mental health isn't doing too great so for the next few weeks I may not be so active, I also have plans to renovate my account to do more original content if people would be interested in that sort of thing! I'd be happy to take a usual request every so often but I'm finding it's not as challenging as I'd like it to be, and I really want to develop my writing further!
I hope everyone is doing okay! Remember to stay hydrated and wear sunscreen and make sure to do whatever you need to take care of your mental and physical health!
- ChasingComfort
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chasingcomfort · 2 years
Heyyy so I was thinking about LUCY and got an idea! WHat if they go on a hike, and they get lost, and then one or maybe more of them get stomach sick? Maybe they got split up somehow, too, so their in pairs or on their own for a bit? I don't really care who gets sick so I'll leave that up to you! Thankyousomuch, you're literally my favorite writer so I'm really looking forward to reading what you come up with!
It's been too long, I apologise, life has been kicking my ass recently, but here it is! I hope it's okay.
WORDS: 1928
SICKIE: Gwangil
CARETAKERS: All other members
Gwangil hadn’t intended on falling asleep, but the exhaustion from the hike up to their current spot had caught up with him. He’d been exhausted from the get-go as a matter of fact, but he wasn’t going to admit that to his bandmates, who were also soaking up the sun that filtered between the high canopy of trees after weeks of intense schedules and being holed up in the studio working on music. It was nice to get outside and take in the environment. Like here, dancing rays of light spread dappled shadows across the clearing of deep green grasses and plants, and the air smelt sweetly of spring pollen. Gwangil leaned on the trunk of a particularly old looking tree a short way from the other three band members and closed his eyes, the most relaxed he’d felt in weeks. It was only meant to be a momentary appreciation of the natural music of the world, but the songs of distant birds and the soft but breezy warmth of the day’s weather, soon lulled the drummer to sleep, and in his defense, he was expecting one of the others to wake him when they planned to leave considering that he was often the sleepiest of the four, and not to completely abandon him. He didn’t think that they wouldn’t notice his absence for as long as they did. Clearly, he was wrong.
It was creeping onto midafternoon when the twenty-five-year-old awoke, the sun still shining high in the sky and Gwangil felt groggy from the nap he’d taken. It took him several minutes to gather his thoughts, as he stretched to remove the slight stiffness of the awkward position that he’d fallen asleep in. Once he had come to a degree of awareness, he stood and grabbed his rucksack. It was oddly quiet, aside from the expected sounds of the surrounding wildlife and the whisperings of the tree leaves as the gentle breeze washed through them. It was oddly quiet, because Gwangil found himself alone in the clearing. The question of where the others had gone, he hadn’t a clue, but his immediate thought was that it was most likely a variation of what was considered a joke, probably concocted by Yechan, who really didn’t act his age most of the time anyway, so it wasn’t as if the maknae was surprised… at first.
“Guys, I know you’re hiding,” Gwangil laughed lightly, taking a few steps forward and looking around, “I know what you’re like Yechan.”
There was no response and Gwangil frowned, calling out again. “Hyung?”
Again, no response.
Usually, Gwangil would have heard the suppressed snickering from Yechan by now, and as much as he strained his ears, all he could detect was the distant calls of birds above and around him. Gwangil checked his phone and tried to send out a message. No signal. The drummer tried not to stress to much, he could probably retrace the steps, besides, they were bound to notice him missing if they did in fact, somehow left without him. Hoping that theory was correct, he decided to wait around for them before attempting to retrace his steps.
“Guys where’s Gwangil?” Wonsang wondered aloud. The three – presumably four – had been descending the hiking trail for some time now, keen on returning home from the pleasurable yet tiresome day. Wonsang had noticed Gwangil had been especially quiet from the moment they got up that morning, and had vowed to keep an eye on him, but had clearly forgotten.
“What do you mean? He’s right- “Yechan swore loudly, startling a couple of birds from a nearby patch of bushes.
“I thought he was right behind us,” Sangyeop stated, perplexed.
“Well, he probably is now,” Wonsang replied, “What do we do?”
“Try calling him,” Sangyeop suggested.
“The signal is awful but okay,” Wonsang sighed, reaching into his back pocket to grab his phone. The other two waited expectantly whilst Wonsang found Gwangil’s number and called. The dial tone immediately failed, no signal.
“Great, what do we do now?” Yechan sighed.
“Well, Gwangil is a grown adult, I’m sure if we head back to the car, he’ll be close behind.” Sangyeop yawned. “I’m too tired to go chasing after him.”
“What if something’s happened to him though?” Yechan queried.
“I doubt it, if it were you, I’d probably be more inclined to worry hyung, but Gwangil is a smart guy, he’ll find his way.”
“Hey, are you calling me an idiot?” Yechan protested, elbowing Sangyeop playfully as they turned to continue their walk down the trail.
Wonsang remained silent, he wasn’t so sure of Gwangil’s condition, and only hoped that there would be better signal when they got to the car.
Minutes ticked by until Gwangil had waited an hour for the other three to return to no avail. His stomach was clenched from what Gwangil tried to put down to stress of the situation, but he knew it wasn’t the case, he was coming down with something, and he had been for the past couple of days, but he didn’t want to admit it to himself or the others.
The forest sounds were beginning to shift as the afternoon wore later and later, the sun beginning to set behind the trees. A chill swept through the branches, raising the hairs on the back of the drummer’s neck. It was of no use; they must have gone to wait by the car. Gwangil got to his feet and lifted his rucksack to put on his back, his vision swam a little, and Gwangil zipped up his jacket. Though spring was fast progressing to summer, rural nights in Korea could get chilly regardless of the season, and Gwangil was becoming all to0 aware of it. He shivered and began to trudge forward, trying to seek the path they had taken to reach the clearing, but Gwangil’s thoughts came slow, it was difficult to think whilst he felt so, unwell, he supposed was what he was feeling. Eventually, the drummer found the path, and began his descent down the trail.
Light began to disappear quickly now, as Gwangil trudged at as fast a pace as he dared, hearing the distant hoots and howls that began to set him on edge. As night advanced, he began to become all too aware of just how alone he was. If an animal were to attack him now, no one would know of it. His stomach lurched at the thought of his bandmates finding him maimed or poisoned by an animal’s venom, which almost forced him to stop in his tracks. He must not think like that, all he had to do was follow the path and he’d be back with his bandmates in no time.
The chilling breeze had settled down by this time, but Gwangil, regardless of his pace, couldn’t seem to stay warm, and yet he could feel sweat dampening the back of his t-shirt. He checked the time and swore under his breath, it was later than he realised, and he quickened his speed. He tried to focus on the crunch of the grassy path under his feet, which worked for a while, until a pang of discomfort in his midsection caused him to stop walking. He took a deep breath, trying only partially successfully to calm himself down. The looming dimness was making him dizzy and nauseous, or maybe that was just him, he couldn’t tell. “Just keep going you idiot,” the drummer told himself, and he obliged his own order.
“I thought you said that he’d be back with us by now?”
“I thought he would be! Don’t blame me I can’t magic him to get here faster!”
“But what if something’s happened to him? I swear to god Sangyeop if you- “
 “Can you two shut up? I’m going to go try and find him,” Wonsang hissed, “I’d be glad to get away from listening to you bicker pointlessly.”
The other two silenced awkwardly, though Yechan did still looked annoyed, but mostly worried for the youngest of the four, who still hadn’t come back. Wonsang sighed and stepped out of the car, peering into the trail to see if he could see the dim silhouette of an approaching figure, but could see nothing. “I’m going to go and see if I can find him.”
“You want us to come with?” Sangyeop asked.
“No, stay here, you’ll know when I’m back, I’ll flash my phone’s flashlight.” Upon agreement, Wonsang stepped out of the car and began to jog towards the trailhead.
At some point Gwangil must have tripped or fallen somehow, because one minute he’d been trudging along the path, the next he was leaning against the trunk of a tree on the edge of it. His stomach was swirling horribly, made worse by the fact that he hadn’t eaten for several hours. He grasped the tree to pull himself up, but he got too dizzy. His fears of his bandmates finding him dead from exposure entered his mind again as the clearly not lucid drummer tucked his knees closer to his chest to try and stop himself from shivering. He was so tired… maybe if he rested his eyes for a few minutes, he may just have to assume the others will find him themselves rather than he finds them. His headed nodded forward slightly, and he closed his eyes.
He awoke to a blinding light being shone into his face, squinting upwards, Gwangil saw the worried expression of Wonsang peering at him. “Gwangil, what happened? Are you hurt?” he queried.
Gwangil shook his head slowly. “Tired,” he stated, his utterances slurring together. Wonsang’s worry deepened, as he pressed the back of his hand to the youngest’s forehead. Hot probably, Gwangil had come to the realisation only a short while ago that he would develop a fever out here. From then his thoughts only became more muddled.
“Shit Gwangil, you’re burning up! Come on, let’s get you back to the car.” Wonsang helped Gwangil stumble to his feet, taking his rucksack and offering support. “Lean on me.”
By the time the two had returned, the other pair came rushing forward, noticing the drowsy state that the drummer was in.
“What happened?” Sangyeop urged.
“I think he’s sick – not from the trip, he’s been off since before we left this morning,” Wonsang sighed, “Let’s get him into the car before we- “
Wonsang was interrupted by a sudden wave of vomit being spat onto the ground by Gwangil. He’d barely registered that he was going to throw up initially, but now doubled over, coughing up another wave that quickly followed the first. Meanwhile, the three looked on, taken off guard by the turn of events.
Gwangil felt a hand on his spine, patting gently as one does when they’re comforting a sick friend, but he barely had any time to respond before he felt his mouth fill up with acidic stomach contents again. He coughed harshly, eyes pricking with tears and feeling overwhelmingly dizzy by the ordeal.
“It’s okay Gwangil, we’ve got you,” Wonsang said gently from beside him, “You think you’re able to get to the car now?”
Gwangil nodded, a breathy “Yeah” escaping his lips as he wiped his sleeve across his brow.
The three were oddly affectionate to Gwangil on the way back to the dorms, and as he leant his head on Wonsang’s shoulder, he regretted ever thinking that the rest of the band would ever intentionally leave him – or any of their members – behind.
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chasingcomfort · 2 years
I have taken a break from be a kpop stan to reconnect with my emo roots
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chasingcomfort · 2 years
I'm sorry for not being around lately, there's been so much happening in my life that I've barely had the chance to write, I'm hoping I can get back to it soon, once my exam season is done
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chasingcomfort · 2 years
It seems like a lot of sickfic writers and readers (including me!) are ace! I wonder if there is something about the genre that attracts us to it? Anyhow, I love your account! 🖤🤍💜
That's cool to know! And thank you so much.
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chasingcomfort · 2 years
Happy International Asexual Awareness Day fellow Aces
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chasingcomfort · 2 years
heyy i love ur fics so much! can you write an emeto fic about taeyong maybe during mv filming?? the caretakers are doyoung/johnny, thank u so much<3
Is this NCT or NCT 127? I lose track of them :')
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chasingcomfort · 2 years
hi!!! will you pls write an emeto one for p1harmony with soul as the sickie and theo and keeho comfort him and he like sleeps in keehos bed?
i missed you welcome back!
I am so sorry that it's taken me so long to write this, it's been a crappy few weeks but I hope you like it! I'm not super familiar or invested in P1harmony so some detail has been avoided but I hope it's okay anyway. I'm also formatting this on my laptop so the fic is under the cut this time :)
CARETAKERS: Keeho and Theo
WORDS: 1832
Soul took one look at his schedule that morning and sighed. It was wishful thinking that he had hoped for a lenient day, but of course, luck wasn’t on his side. The group had a jam-packed day full of promotions and such, and it was one of the few times Soul, formally Shota, questioned why he had decided this kind of life. It was more of a passing statement of annoyance than a genuine feeling. The seventeen-year-old was exhausted, his muscles ached from days of continuous use, and he was near constantly yawning. As usual, today was also an early rise, as the teenager shuffled into the kitchen, more exhausted and sorer than he had been yesterday. He slumped himself at the kitchen table and immediately put his head on his arms. A pounding headache was already beginning to make an appearance, and Shota sighed inwardly, but he couldn’t annoy his hyungs and Jongseob by being like this.
A hand softly shook his shoulder and he looked up, blearily at Keeho who chuckled at his obvious sleepiness. “Still not awake?”
Soul shook his head, rubbing his eyes and lethargically got breakfast. He had no energy to verbally reply and began to eat as his mind gradually came to his awake state. It was during this that something a little more worrying appeared. The first few bites of food were easy to get down, but it was very quickly that the rapper was immediately full up. His appetite was usually decent, but he could barely eat the bowl of light breakfast food that he usually would have no problem consuming. He stared down at the half-eaten meal, swirling his spoon around and around, trying to summon the energy and appetite to eat more, but the longer he looked at it, the grosser it began to appear to him, and before long he felt his stomach recoil at the sight of it. Checking to see if anyone was watching, Shota got up and scraped the remaining amount into the trash and left to prepare for the day.
The young idol had hoped that as the day progressed, he would feel better, but instead the complete opposite happened. He felt just as tired as he had that morning, if not more, but the focal point of concern was Shota’s stomach. As he jumped around, going through some particularly hard to nail moves with the rest of his group members, he felt the organ churn with the excess movement. He tried to get a hold of himself, draw his attention elsewhere but it was no use, as the sickening taste of nausea began to make him feel lightheaded. Sweat poured down the second youngest’s face and neck, and everything was so warm. He had to stop as otherwise he was sure he was going to fall. Noticing the younger stopping in his tracks, Theo turned to look at him. He was incredibly flushed, which made sense, but his expression didn’t look as if he was doing too well.
“Hey, Shota are you okay?” Theo gently touched the younger’s shoulder in concern as the rest turned to see what was going on.
Meanwhile, Soul himself was trying to focus on not throwing up. He’d be the first to admit he pushed himself a little more than he should at the best of times, it was kind of the norm within kpop groups unfortunately, but this didn’t feel like over exhaustion. His stomach continued to churn as if he’d not stopped dancing even though he had. It was awful, and Shota felt extremely guilty.
“Shota?” Keeho had now come over, worried at the dazed look in the seventeen-year old’s eyes.
“Hm?” Soul looked up, and Keeho frowned at the younger’s complexion. Though he was flushed from exhaustion, there was a less than lucid gaze in his eyes, and Keeho immediately went to put a hand to the dancer’s forehead, but Shota stopped him, with a forced laugh, pushing the leader’s hand away.
“Sorry hyung, zoned out for a moment,” Shota shook his head, “I didn’t sleep well last night, could I have a break for five minutes and then I’ll get back to work?”
Keeho remained for the most part, unconvinced, but he didn’t want to deny the younger a few minutes rest and nodded. Maybe he was imagining things, after all, it had been several busy few weeks and they were all tired and sore to a degree.
Shota made his way to the nearest restroom as nonchalantly as he could, very much aware that he’d not convinced Keeho that he was just tired, though he certainly was that. It wasn’t a total lie. Shota sighed as he entered the restroom and headed for the sink. After splashing a couple of handfuls of water onto his warmer than normal face, he surveyed himself in the mirror. The flush was beginning to drain from his face, and underneath Shota was significantly paler than usual. He wasn’t sure how he was going to explain that one, but he figured five minutes were up and filled with a renewed sense of resolve (albeit not much – he still felt nauseous) he returned to the dance practice room.
Everyone was preoccupied when Soul re-entered, but Shota watched Keeho, and Theo’s gaze momentarily fell on him. Kicking himself mentally, Shota forced his expression into a slightly more upbeat one, as the rest of them got back into position to run through the choreography again. As soon as he was sure no one was looking at him, Soul’s forced smile drained from his face, it was too exhausting to maintain.
The next half an hour was intense, Shota began to sweat anew, and his stomach took up to a cyclonical-like speed, much faster than before, and the young rapper was losing stamina. His heartbeat fast, and dizziness ensued. His muscles screamed at him to stop but he couldn’t stop, his brain was screaming in equal fervour to continue, and it was this miscommunication that caused the seventeen-year-old to trip over his own feet, his body being pulled in two directions of action at once, and he crashed to the floor. He didn’t faint, mind, he laid face up, breathing hard and fast whilst dizziness overtook him. It was a mere second before his view of the ceiling was obstructed by the other members crowding around.
“Are you alright?”
“Shota what’s wrong?”
“What happened?”
All these words passed through Shota, but he couldn’t respond to any of them, he felt too sick and too tired. A gentler tone cut in, right from beside Shota where Keeho was crouched, a concerned frown drawing his eyebrows close. “Shota, look at me?” Keeho requested, to which the collapsed teenager obliged, albeit dazedly.
This time the younger didn’t bother to attempt pushing Keeho’s hand away, as his hand found its place on Soul’s forehead. A deep sigh, not of surprise but of resignation, from Keeho followed. “You’re sick.”
“I’m sorry,” Soul answered weakly, and struggled into a sitting position.
“How long have you been feeling bad?” Jongseob asked, as he hadn’t even realised Shota had been out of character, he’d been too invested in practice.
“Since this morning I think,” Keeho answered for him, which Shota was grateful for as the nausea continued to rob him of his words. He nodded as affirmation.
“I thought I was just exhausted,” he spoke quietly, “I didn’t realise I had a fever.”
“That’s okay Shota, we know now. Time to take you back to get some rest.” Theo interjected.
Shota nodded but his expression soon darkened as his stomach took a turn for the worse.
“What’s wrong?” Keeho now did look surprised.
“I- uh, need- “Soul could barely speak as he fought back more than just words.
“What do you need?”
Shota couldn’t answer as he tried to get a grip on his tumultuous stomach. Theo seemed to catch on quick though and ran across the room to grab the bucket that had been left accidentally by the cleaners probably, but that thought wasn’t worth lingering on. Grateful for the luck of its presence, Theo shot back over to the group and placed the bucket in front of the second youngest, who hunched over it almost instantaneously as he began to vomit what mediocre portion he’d eaten at lunch. He coughed, and more came up. His stomach ached dully as he clutched at the bucket whilst Theo, wincing with sympathy, patted the poor boy on the back whilst Keeho spoke words of encouragement to him.
“Ugh,” Shota surfaced eventually, completely wiped out.
“You okay if we head back now?” Keeho asked which prompted Shota to try and stand up. “No, take your time, we’re in no rush.”
Shota sat again, feeling dizzy but for the moment his stomach was somewhat in check. Keeho said something to the others then, and eventually him and Theo managed to help the sick teenager back to the dorm.
“Let’s take him to my bed, it’ll be easy to keep an eye on him there,” Keeho suggested as they returned, Theo obliged wordlessly, and they guided the sick rapper to bed. He had no objections and fell into it immediately.
From then Shota lost track of time, he fell asleep for a good while, he knew that, but several hours later he awoke to his stomach lurching as if he’d been on a turbulent boat. The seventeen-year-old scrambled out of bed, got confused due to the night-time dimness in the room, and dazedly sought the bathroom. It was unfortunate timing that by the time he reached the bathroom he could hear the shower running, and last minute made a beeline for the kitchen sink. He was vaguely aware of Keeho and Theo looking up in surprise as he came rushing in, but his priority was to get to the sink, which fortunately he did.
Hunching over it, he spat bile into the sink, his stomach aching and nauseous, as Keeho and Theo immediately appeared at his side, rubbing his back and trying to soothe him as well as they could. Shota hadn’t been aware that he’d been crying during this ordeal, although then again, he was barely awake.
“You’re okay Shota,” Keeho reassured. “I guess Jongseob is still in the shower? Sorry, I told him it was safe as you were dead asleep.”
“S’fine,” Shota mumbled as he leaned further down as another gag clenched his throat and stomach in a grip that took his breath away. “To be fair I- “another interruption from his body prevented him from speaking any more.
“It’s alright, don’t speak, just get it all up,” Keeho patted his shoulder softly and checked the temperature of the young rapper. “Ah he’s warmer.”
“I’ll go get him a cloth or something to cool him down a bit,” Theo stated, “I’ll stay up with him tonight if need be.”
“Thanks,” Keeho replied, “I think it might be a long night ahead of us.”
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chasingcomfort · 2 years
I apologise for the absence, a lot has happened and I'm trying to sort my head out. Hopefully should have a new fic out soon though
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chasingcomfort · 2 years
would you write for treasure?
Of course, I am however, not familiar with them so I would have to do extra research on them, currently requests aren't open due to catching up with requests but once they are open I will be posting about it :)
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chasingcomfort · 2 years
Hey no rush but I was wondering if you could write a fic where Sangyeob from lucy gets stomach sick (emeto)? I know you wrote one about him before you only if you don't mind doing another! I was thinking maybe he's grocery shopping with one or more of the other members and throws up at the store or something?
Hi! Sorry it's been a long while, the past few weeks have been absolutely draining. I hope this is okay!
Words: 1314
Sickie: Sangyeop
Caretaker: Yechan
Why was it that every time he got sick it was from the minute he got up? Why couldn't it at least wait until he had all of the important stuff done? But then again Sangyeop knew that that would be asking for too much.
Waking up was difficult for Sangyeop that morning. He'd gone to bed feeling rough, but "rough" seemed to triple threefold overnight, because as he opened his eyes, a sharp on and off pain that had settled in his stomach the previous night, had morphed into a constant deep ache that had Sangyeop sighing. He was meant to be going out to buy groceries with Yechan later that day, but all he wanted to do was to go back to sleep and ignore the churning discomfort that was beginning to circulate in his stomach. The room was bright, and devoid of the other members, meaning that Sangyeop had already overslept, there was no need to check the time.
As if reading his mind, Yechan knocked on the door and didn't bother waiting for a reply before he barged in.
"You're still in bed? Sangyeop we're leaving to go grocery shopping in fifteen!' Yechan exclaimed and dashed back out. It seemed as if Yechan was also running a little late, and Sangyeop sighed reeling from Yechan'sloud voice, having no choice but to get up.
Normally, Sangyeop would have gone through the motions of his morning routine but with the way he was feeling, he couldn't care less about how disheveled he looked, all he wanted was to get shopping out of the way so that he could go back to bed and hopefully sleep off whatever was making him feel so rough. The singer pondered on this as the two drove to the shops, which only made time move slower.
It was admittedly true that Sangyeop had eaten something sketchy the previous day, but surely if it had been something he'd eaten it would have meant he felt this bad last night. Sangyeop sighed, his head hurt and he couldn't be bothered to make sense of his body, sometimes you got sick for the randomest reasons, he just hoped it wouldn't get any worse than this, at least not until they got back.
It did get worse. So bad in fact that Sangyeop would consistently look back on the memory and wince for weeks afterwards despite Yechan's attempts to convince him that those sorts of things happened all the time and that he really shouldn't have any shame in it.
What he exactly felt embarrassed about? Well…
The two had arrived at the store, Sangyeop looking disheveled and pale, Yechan was his usual talkative self and didn't notice the deteriorating condition of the younger band member. Luckily the store wasn't overly busy that day, but there was still a reasonable amount of people around, and Sangyeop felt even more nauseous at the thought of being around people when he was clearly not well. He double checked and triple checked that his mask was over his nose properly, and took a deep breath before following the elder out of the vehicle. 
The first half hour wasn't too bad, they were about halfway through the shopping list when things took a turn for the worst. A young kid, a middle schooler, came charging down the aisle, clearly messing about with his friends. Sangyeop meanwhile, had been focused on keeping ahold of his stomach contents, when the kid barraged past him, and Sangyeop felt a sharp pain of an elbow digging into his ribs. Normally it wouldn't have hurt, but since he stomach was already upset, the vocalist gasped and doubled over.
Yechan was by his side in seconds, "What happened?"
"Dumb kid…" Sangyeop breathed, trying to hold back the bile that filled his mouth. "Shit."
"It hurt that bad?" Yechan looked perplexed, "You usually have a fairly decent pain threshold Sangyeop."
"I…" Sangyeop swallowed, "Hyung I don't feel good."
"What do you mean?" Yechan examined the singer's face, "Oh jeez, you look like hell Sangyeop, why didn't you tell me you were sick?"
"Couldn't exactly get a word in edgeways…ahh Yechan I think I'm going to puke…"
An expression akin to panic set on Yechan's face. "Right now?" 
Sangyeop nodded urgently. The harder he tried to hold back the more his stomach hurt.
"Oh crap, uh…" Yechan looked around for a staff member, fortunately one was stood not too far away. Sangyeop grabbed at his waist as if that would anchor his stomach contents.
"Excuse me, is there any restrooms my friend could use?" Yechan asked the young woman stacking cereals onto the shelves.
"Oh, uh, they're staff only I'm afraid," she nodded apologetically. Yechan rubbed a hand through his hair, frustrated, and froze when he heard a strangled cough from behind him, followed by an ominous sound of liquid hitting ground.
Yechan turned to see Sangyeop crouched in on himself,  his mask hanging off one ear, looking too nauseous to be anything else.
"Could we maybe use the restrooms this once? I'm so sorry," Yechan turned back to the worker who looked a mix of concerned and grossed out. 
"Um sure, let me just go and…get someone," the worker rushed out of the aisle and Yechan checked on Sangyeop, placing a hand between his shoulders, which shuddered under his touch. 
"How are you doing?" Yechan asked gently, all too aware of people staring at the situation.
"I…not good," Sangyeop answered, voice wavering with emotion, his cheeks flushed red, whether from embarrassment or sickness Yechan couldn't tell, but it was probably both.
The worker returned with another member of staff who was very understanding, even going as far to recognise them as Lucy members, which was something they were still getting accustomed to, but Yechan had no time to dwell on it, and it clearly wasn't the first thought on Sangyeop's mind as he forced a hand over his mouth.
They sped into the toilets, where the worker asked if they could get them anything.
"I think we just might be here for a bit," Yechan smiled awkwardly as Sangyeop hunched over.
Yechan shut the door and patted Sangyeop on the back, who somehow felt even worse than he did ten minutes ago. He felt as if he'd done a full body workout, his muscles ached so much and all he felt like doing was curling up into a ball and hibernate for however long this sickness was going to last.
"Let me know when you're read- when you feel able to go home," Yechan corrected, as the younger continued to lean over the toilet, looking as nauseated as he did before. At least he'd stopped throwing up for now.
"I think we should go," Sangyeop flushed, the embarrassment settling in now he didn't feel quite so on the verge of puking.
"Take your time Yeop, I'm not rushing you," Yechan answered simply.
Sangyeop's eyes squeezed shut, trying to prevent his eyes from watering from tears that threatened to spill. "Please. I don't care if we have to pull over but can we go home?"
"Okay Sangyeop, please don't cry, I'll just pay and pack the groceries into the car and then I'll come get you okay?"
Sangyeop nodded without uttering a word as he felt too ashamed and exhausted to speak further and leant back onto the wall as Yechan disappeared. The vocalist had no recollection of nodding off but he awoke, about half an hour later, to Yechan gently shaking him.
"Hey bud, I'm done with the car, time to take you home," Yechan smiled sadly, the younger bandmate looked awful to say the least, it didn't appear he'd been sick since he'd left so they grabbed a grocery bag on the way out to be safe, Yechan had a funny feeling they were going to need it.
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