chloemarigold · 2 years
To all my fellow witches, losing interest in your craft due to depression doesn't make you a bad witch. You are not a bad witch if mental disorders keep you from practicing daily. Practicing daily isn't even an official rule or requirement. So tell your anxious brain to calm down, it is doing fine. You are doing fine. You are not worse than other witches if you feel an aversion to it bc depression is making you hate what you like.
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chloemarigold · 3 years
What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Norse Gods and they’ve become the largest Pagan group in the world.
I can’t stand them.
the worst thing about Norse paganism / heathenry is the sheer amount of nazis that claim to practice Norse religion. I do not believe they are true practitioners.
JOS are notorious for preying on children and young people, people with vulnerable minds that are more susceptible to manipulation and abuse. they’re literally a cult.
They are not the ‘largest pagan group in the world’ because JOS are nazi cultists, not pagans.
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chloemarigold · 3 years
Moss Agate Tower with a HUGE Druze 😍✨
I never post on witchblr anymore but I just wanted to share this beauty that arrived the other day 🤍
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chloemarigold · 3 years
tarot tip
🎱 feeling emotionally overwhelmed? pick up your deck without shuffling, find your ace of cups and take out the card that was in front of it, this card will help you identify your roadblocks; now with your ace of cups laid out, shuffle your deck and pull the top card, this card can help guide you through the turmoils you’re experiencing
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chloemarigold · 3 years
Lots of people are interested in Lilith, and understandably so: she’s fascinating! Unfortunately this interest often leads to a lot of cultural appropriation, misinformation, and even antisemitism, so here’s a quick (ok… medium) rundown of everybody’s favorite mythological femme fatale:
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The most central and most popular story of Lilith comes from a midrash, a Jewish Rabbinical text designed to fill holes/answer questions within Jewish teachings. Lilith was the world’s first woman, created alongside Adam from the same clay. Adam insisted that Lilith must “lie beneath him” (either literally during sex or figuratively through general submissiveness, depending on your translation/interpretation) but Lilith refused, asserting they were equals. When both sides refused to relent, Lilith spoke a sacred name of Gd and took flight, choosing to leave the Garden of Eden completely rather than stay and be subjugated by Adam. Here her role shifts to something traditionally more “villainous:” she becomes the mother of demons, corrupted seductress of human men, consort to Samael, and an explanation for infant mortality. Sometimes “big” Lilith (Demon Queen, demon mother) and “little” Lilith (succubus, baby killer) are separated as two different sheydim, but usually she’s treated as just one singular figure. 
It’s easy to see why a figure like this would scare the shit out of a patriarchal society. Lilith was considered a threat to Jewish survival, killing babies, corrupting the women and emasculating the men. Her image scared people of all genders into submission. However, Lilith’s image has undergone a feminist shift in recent decades. While many Jewish communities to this day still perceive her as a totally evil active threat, she can also represent a more nuanced look at what Jewish femininity means, how a patriarchal society pushes and twists the narratives of Jewish women, standing up for ourselves even if we’re viewed as monstrous, and even bodily autonomy, sexual freedom, and abortion rights.
One thing to clear up right away- traditionally, Lilith is NOT a goddess. She is a sheyd, or a Jewish demon. While she often gets absorbed into the Wiccan goddess archetypes and conflated with other entities who ARE considered deities in their respective religions, Lilith was never considered a goddess herself in Jewish tradition. You will sometimes hear the claim that she was a Sumerian goddess that Judaism “stole” and demonized (we’ll come back to this) but the credibility of this take is….dubious, at best. Likely the class of Sumerians called the lilit/u helped influence her depictions, but there’s no evidence to suggest a singular Sumerian goddess figure named Lilith. Her stories come from texts exclusive to Judaism that are not shared with other Abrahamic religions. Her  
The fetishization of Judaism (and Lilith in particular) within ceremonial occultism and a new wave of New Age, goddess-focused spirituality created a perfect storm for Lilith to be picked up and flown away with. As you can imagine, Lilith is a deeply complicated figure, and most of those conversations are internal ones within the context of Judaism. Most of the time, Lilith gets reduced to nothing but a spooky sexy #BossBabe bone-thin white woman with absolutely zero nuance or self awareness. She’s the occult world’s imaginary goth girlfriend. She is declawed, forced into goddess archetypes she was never made for, nonchalantly twisted into whatever entity goyim want her to be, then passed along with ahistorical misinformation about her origins. 
This content then floods the market, making it extraordinarily difficult for Jewish people to find accurate, reliable information about figures from their own culture.
Even better, sometimes people will take the idea that Judaism “stole” Lilith to perpetuate antisemitism, talking about how Jews were/are “rabid monotheists” (a genuine quote I heard once,) how we must all just be so sexist and terrible, The Jews™ ruined Paganism, etc.
There’s definitely nothing wrong with learning ABOUT Lilith, recognizing her or believing in her, but if you want to work with her consider more open, respectful alternatives. She often gets conflated with Ishtar, Hekate, the Morrigan, Nyx. Maybe you’re a spirit worker and can look into succubi or the Sumerian liilitu. Look at WHY she interests you; have you been taken in by the goyiche allure of a declawed goth #BossBabe? Can you simply take inspiration from her stories and use it to reflect on yourself/think about it without worshipping her? If you HAVE to work with SPECIFICALLY her, why? Are you willing to go through the proper channels and convert?
As always, please feel free to ask me any questions and I’ll do what I can to help! 
Podcast: Throwing Sheyd, better living through Jewish demonology 
Article: Origins of Lilith: Jewish or Not? by the wonderful @jewitchry
Article: Who is Lilith? (And Everything Else You’ve Ever Wanted to Ask About Lilith) by the wonderful @spiritroots
Book: Which Lilith?: Feminist Writers Re-Create the World’s First Woman (edited by Enid Dame
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chloemarigold · 3 years
Scottish Witchcraft - Books
There is a god awful book out there claiming to be about Scottish witchcraft, and …it just really… isn’t. 
I had a feeling I’d be disappointed when I read it, but I held out some hope that the author would have some Scottish folk magic in there, or at least a bit about rowan berry necklaces, or rowan and red thread. Alas no. I’m not going to mention the author or book title, but I’m sure you can figure it out on your own. 
I hate to deride books as I know a lot of work goes into writing them. But sadly the research did not go into this one. It was more part memoir, and a do whatever the fuck you what kind of attitude and call it Scottish witchcraft, with a splash of highland romanticism. Ugh. It’s a far cry from Scottish witchcraft and folk magic; as bad as Buckland’s book on the subject. I know it’s petty but it makes me annoyed that this book is masquerading as something it’s not, and people will buy it and read it and not know any better. 
Anyone looking to learn about Scottish witchcraft please read up on the Scottish witchcraft trials (there’s a fantastic site called the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft to get you started), the myths and folklore of Scotland, the Carmina Gadelica, The Gaelic Otherword, The Silver Bough (F. Marian McNeil), Cunning folk and Familiar Spirits (Emma Wilby), The Visions of Isobel Gowdie (Wilby) and other books like it. Read their suggested reading lists too. 
Michael Howard wrote a great book about Scottish Witchcraft but it’s not cheap to get it from the publisher (the shipping cost more than the book). Maybe ask your local library to order it if possible?
Now Scottish witchcraft as a practice per se, can be difficult to define. We have the records from the witch trials, which are accounts from the authorities responsible for arresting and usually sentencing ‘witches’ to death. The accused may or may not have been witches. So it’s hard to define what is genuine witchcraft and what isn’t. What the records will tell you, is what people believed  witchcraft to be during that time period and that in itself is useful. 
I know it’s annoying having to do research, and it would be a lot nicer if there was one big book that told you all you wanted to know on the subject. That book may never come, but if you care enough about the subject you will start to enjoy your research and develop your own practice from it. 
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chloemarigold · 3 years
My dreams are attainable and I will reach them. My dreams are attainable and I will reach them. My dreams are attainable and I will reach them. My dreams are attainable and I will reach them. My dreams are attainable and I will reach them. My dreams are attainable and I will reach them. My dreams are attainable and I will reach them. My dreams are attainable and I will reach them.
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chloemarigold · 3 years
Healing Witchcraft Guide🌼⚕
🌼Altar items/ symbols: salves, tictures, oils, honey, Himalayan salt lamp, lunar symbolism (mental healing), solar symbolism (physical healing), salts, teas, medication, cannabis, essential oil diffuser or humidifier, mermaid symbolism, snake symbolism, elephant symbolism, fresh flowers
🌼Herbs/plants: chamomile, lavender, aloe, passionflower, lemon, rose, lemon balm, calendula, oak, echinacea, apple, potatoe, cinnamon, cornflower, comfrey, milk thistle, thyme, basil, garlic, pine, lime, eucalyptus, rosemary, cannabis, elderflower, peppermint, ginger
🌼Stones: (any soft or round stones) bloodstone, agate, selenite, rose quartz, red jasper, garnet, jade, amethyst, pearl, moonstone, adventurine, hematite, amber
🌼Colors: blue, red, pink, lavender, green
🌼Deities: Eir, Brigid, Hygeia, Epione, Asclepius, Apollo, Toth, Gaia, Artemis, most solar goddesses
🌼Essential oils/ incense: lavender, mint, lemon, orange, eucalyptus, tea tree, pine, bay, frankincense, sandalwood, dragons blood
🌼Elements: all (water and fire especially)
🌼Time: full moon, Monday, Sunday, sunrise
Healing masterpost (not mine)
Healing tea recipes
Healing deity guide pt. 1 (not mine)
Healing witch ideas
-infuse ice cubes with herbs or essential oils for ice packs
-make homemade healing salves, tinctures, and oils
- make some healing tea mixes and give them as gifts when someone you know isn’t well or save then for when you’re under the weather
-take a healing bath with fresh mint leaves, lavender, and rosemary
-practice physical empathy (If you’re comfortable with it)
- make a personal healing list! Healing is a very individual thing (e.g. some people think chamomile is healing while others may be allergic to it, so for them, chamomile probably wouldn’t be a healing correspondence)
-healing correspondes with all elements, and each person has an element that heals them over others. Some people associate healing mostly with fire (to kill of diseases, protection from illness), and water (cleansing from illness, soothing pain, healing in general)
to heal with fire, light a blue/lavender/red candle or use a heat pack
to heal with water, hydrate yourself, take baths, use ice packs
to heal with air, do some deep breathing, art therapy, or aromatherapy
To heal with earth, use healing herbs and plants, use crystals, make teas
- you may find oracle decks to be more helpful in healing witchcraft than tarot
-enchant first aid items like bandaids for fast healing
-take care of yourself, always. Sometimes you need to heal yourself first
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chloemarigold · 3 years
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The perfect pairing 🌙✨
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chloemarigold · 3 years
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situation • action • outcome
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chloemarigold · 3 years
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Stunning Labradorite Flash 💜
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chloemarigold · 3 years
Imbolc Resource Masterpost
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A collection of categorized links for your Imbolc needs! What is Imbolc? [X] Imbolc is celebrated between January 31st to February 2nd (July 31st to August 2nd in the S. Hemisphere) and is also called: Brigid, Brigid’s day or Candlemas.
The Basics:
Activities, foods, crafts and more!
Imbolc correspondences 
Imbolc practices
Things to do on Imbolc
Low energy Imbolc ideas
Imbolc for secular witches
Imbolc for closeted witches
Imbolc Crafts:
Ice bowls
Brigid cross / Paper edition
Corn husk doll
Imbolc Recipes:
Lavender faery wine (alcohol free)
Milk tea for Imbolc
Lamb stew
Imbolc poppyseed tea bread
Honey cake
Imbolc Spells:
Imbolc ritual / Imbolc candle ritual
Imbolc spell jar
Sun spell
Imbolc cleansing chant
Spring glamour shower spell
Imbolc ritual bath / Imbolc lushcraft
Imbolc Tarot Spreads:
Melt the frost spread (3 card)
Imbolc spread (4 card)
The message spread (4 card)
Imbolc tarot spread (6 card)
Imbolc spread (6 card)
Imbolc altar decorations
Imbolc sigil
Imbolc playlist
Imbolc oil / Brigid’s oil / Imbolc oil
Imbolc incense 
Imbolc basil lime sugar scrub
Other resource post
Updated January of 2021. Please inform me of broken links via askbox!
Imbolc / Ostara / Beltane / Litha / Lammas / Mabon / Samhain / Yule / Bedridden ideas
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chloemarigold · 3 years
miracles in february. wealth in february. love in february. comfort in february. laughter in february. bliss in february. success in february. friendship in february. beauty in february. joy in february. harmony in february. blessings in february. balance in february. soul in february.
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chloemarigold · 3 years
Just a reminder: Heathenry does have a term for smoke-cleansing. Recaning. To recan. (Or reocan, in Old West Saxon.) This is cleansing via smoke, whether through incense or a bundle of herbs put together for a particular type of cleansing. Juniper and mugwort are both favorites for this. In case you’re wondering how to pronounce it, it sounds like reekening. The word “reeks” is actually derived from it, signifying a potent smell. For Old Norse fans, this seems to be related to the work reykr. In case you were wondering, Reykjavik in Iceland translates to “Smoky Bay”.
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chloemarigold · 3 years
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chloemarigold · 3 years
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New crystals came on Monday 🤍 Radiating good vibes- I feel so calm when I hold them~
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chloemarigold · 3 years
i think it’s really important for abled leftists to be conscious of how they frame issues that specifically affect chronically ill and disabled folks. i’m not gonna get into like, how a lot of leftist utopia fantasies see “eradicating disability” as a good thing because others have already talked about that better than i can, but i mean more like with things like how pollution is the fault of corporations, not individuals, and individual lifestyle changes aren’t enough to reverse climate damage or prevent climate disaster.
idk i’m just thinking about how the campus i’ve been working at this summer has signs by every elevator about how you should take the stairs to conserve electricity, and signs by the drink machines with photos of sea turtles that say how they don’t offer plastic straws because of ocean pollution, and how i’ve been repeating to myself all summer you are not just a drain on the earth’s resources, you deserve to exist, and how fucking angry that makes me.
and i know a lot of leftists point out how those kind of things aren’t much better than platitudes when we should be focusing on action against the fossil fuel industry, but i feel like a lot of conversations about that just totally ignore how environmental guilt is absolutely crushing so many disabled people’s spirits and sense of worth in an already ableist society.
i guess i just wanna say that like, if you ate off of a styrofoam plate today because you didn’t have the energy to wash dishes, i’m so glad you ate. if you threw recyclables in the trash because the recycling bin is on the other side of the building and you couldn’t walk far enough to make two trips, i’m so proud of you for keeping your space clean. if you needed to use a plastic straw today, i’m so, so sorry for all the bullshit that’s been directed your way lately, and i’m so proud of you for enduring it.
if you use non-reusable diapers, if your medication requires a lot of packaging, if devices you need to stay alive are single-use, if your assistive devices use a lot of electricity, if you can’t take public transportation, i’m so glad you’re here, i’m so sorry this world wasn’t built for us, i’m so sorry we’ve been made into a scapegoat for corporate greed, i’m so sorry that most days it feels like no one is defending us.
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