choco-exe · 2 years
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rest in peace, my king
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choco-exe · 3 years
oh my god my shoulder is killing me today
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choco-exe · 3 years
ok while i write the second part of the series i have yet to name i bless you with an idea i came up with when i injured myself while playing volleyball
fixing you up with technoblade (c!technoblade x reader)
word count: 905
trigger warning: injuries (no blood or detailed descriptions)
The door to the cottage creaked open. You quietly stepped into the house, closing it with as little sound as possible, and let out a silent groan as streaks of pain shot up the left side of your back and stopping at your shoulder.
You had just gotten back after a scrimmage with Quackity and Sam — and it wasn't just friendly rivalry. Why they were traveling together, you and the rest of the world would never know; you thought Sam was a workaholic who wouldn't leave the prison if his life depended on it, but there he was, standing next to a man you hardly recognized. As soon as they saw you, they immediately launched an attack, knowing you were Technoblade's Achilles' heel. Even though you had complained about Techno's harsh training he had put you through, you were honestly grateful that he taught you how to battle — if he hadn't, you most certainly would have lost a canon life.
Making sure your footsteps were light enough for the floor to hardly creak at your weight, you started to make your way to the potion stash; you knew Phil always kept spare healing potions in there, no matter what, and you were hoping to heal yourself up before your lover realized—
"Y/N." A hand clamping down on your left shoulder made you grit your teeth in pain, although no sound escaped your lips as you turned your head to sheepishly grin at the hybrid.
"I'm back, Techno." You spun around and hugged him, burying your face into his chest and breathing in his scent, carefully hiding your expression of pain.
A puff of breath fluttered strands of your hair, and you felt a hand patting your head awkwardly. "You.." Techno trailed off, and you let out a slight smile — laced with pain, might I add — as you knew he was flustered at the physical touch. He cleared his throat and began again. "You're late. You said sunset, and it's almost midnight."
You took a deep breath and looked up, poking Techno in between his eyebrows. "You worry too much, Techno; I'm fine, see?" You let go of him and spun around. "Perfectly healthy."
"You're my significant other; a lot of people are out to get you." He countered. "I have to worry. What are you doing near the potions." It wasn't a question.
You scratched your head, desperately thinking of excuses. "Just returning the spare ones I have on me."
He raised his eyebrows. "Show me your back."
"I'm fine." You were quick to push down his request; after all, you were an adult, and you could treat your injuries by yourself. "Like I said, I'm perfectly healthy, and I'm also tired from traveling, so I think I'll just go to bed—"
Before you knew what was happening, Techno had cleared the gap between you and him with one long stride and spun you around, poking your shoulder to test his theory. Your hands clenched by your sides as your pain receptors signaled your brain that the touch hurt like hell, but you shoved down the feeling of aches and looked back up. "See? Perfectly fine!"
"Your hands say otherwise." Taking your clenched fist into his own hand, Techno pulled (more like dragged) you to the bedroom. You silently cussed at how perceptive he was as he let go of your hand and pointed at the bed.
"Sit. Face your back to me."
You sighed and obeyed. Sitting crossed-legged, you heard his nimble footsteps pitter-patter all over the floor, before you sunk down slightly with a new additional weight on the mattress.
"This'll be cold." Techno warned you, lifting your shirt. You heard him muttering under his breath at the obvious bump forming on the left side of your body, but you had no time to decipher what he was saying when you felt icy cold liquid dripping down your back.
You let out a small yelp and was about to move, when a strong arm was wrapped around your waist. "Don't move; it'll be less effective."
With the small space separating the both of you, you sat perfectly still as Techno applied bandages to your shoulder, mostly because you weren't used to him initiating physical touch. A pat on your head was your signal that you were all bandaged up, and you turned a full 180° to stare up at your boyfriend.
"Who did it."
There. There it was; the question you were dreading. The reason why you hid your injury.. well, one of the reasons, at least.
You gave him a genuine smile. "It doesn't matter now that you bandaged me up."
In order to prevent him from demanding more answers out of you, you settled yourself in between his legs, knowing the voices in his head would be going crazy over how close you two were. A cheap shot, maybe, but you really didn't want to be interrogated in the middle of the night.
Nestling into the warmth of his chest, you, again, looked up and kissed his jawline, making his already-flushed ears turn into a gorgeous pink that matched his hair.
"Thank you for patching me up."
His mouth repeatedly opened and closed. You quietly giggled and closed your eyes, feeling content with sleeping in an upright position.
"Goodnight, Techno."
As you drifted into a deep slumber, you felt a hand caressing your cheek, and you subconsciously rub into it.
"Until tomorrow, my love."
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choco-exe · 3 years
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mcyt masterlist
haikyuu masterlist
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choco-exe · 3 years
new series ayo? 👀 we'll see how long my motivation lasts haha :'D not sure if i want this to be romantic or not, too.. so many possibilities this story can take
Prologue - The Journey Ends.. or Starts?
trigger warnings: mentions of blood, corpses, and generally anything that has to do with a battle
Sword clattering soundlessly to the ground, you stood there in silence, not noticing the cold enveloping you. Chills wracked your body — not from the icy wind pelting at your figure, but from the view you had — as you held your hand to you mouth at the sight you beheld—
Dozens of bodies littered the terrain, looking as though the massacre never stopped going— and yet it did. The contrast from the stark white snow to the maroon red blood had almost made you go sick, and yet you kept on looking.
In the center of the mass murder, a.. living being, so to speak, was standing with their back faced to you, seemingly lost in thought. You couldn't tell what species they were; all you knew was that they were a hybrid of some sorts, judging by the pointed ears, they were tall, probably over six feet, and they had long, pink hair, braided neatly, with loose strands accentuating their red cape adorning their shoulders.
A bit sick to your stomach from all the gore you came upon, you decided to leave the area. Sparing one more glance at the corpses littered across the landscape, you hastily picked up your sword and spun around, letting out a loose breath as you did so— a fatal mistake. Taking all of one step, you hear the sound of boots thudding across bones and melted snow, and you only had time to spin around and lift your sword when you were slammed head-first in the ground with a blade to your throat, your weapon thrown out of your grip and into the snow beside you. Letting out a silent grunt, you grimace at the pain of the fall— only to feel hot breath on your upper lip.
"Give me one reason I should let you walk away." Your eyes dart up from the monotonous voice, and your breath hitched. No more than a few inches away from your face, your focus was on the male's gorgeous ruby eyes. They lured you inside them, beckoning you deeper and deeper into an abyss of darkness, one you wished would always last, as a fresh wave of chills scoured your body—
"Death it is." The voice snapped you back to reality, and as you vaguely saw the glint of a blade ready to strike down, you realized what was about to happen.
"Wait, wait!" You yelped in a panicked frenzy, struggling to move, although you were unsuccessful; the stranger had you pinned down in a way so you couldn't escape. "I need to find Phil— Philza Minecraft! He— I—"
As your mind scrambled to string words into a sentence, you missed the way the male's orbs darkened. He pressed the flat part of his sword onto your throat, the edge drawing blood from under your chin.
"What do you need of this 'Philza Minecraft?'"
You blinked at the question, the unfamiliar feeling of warm blood dripping down your neck making you hesitate. "I came to re.. return the favor I owe him." You managed to get out.
The stranger didn't lighten the grip he had on his blade. "And what do you have to gain from it?"
"..nothing?" The question he asked you threw you off. "I just hate the thought of being indebt to someone I hardly know."
The silence that had picked up after you said your part seemed to make everything still— the wind stopped howling, the snow had halted its fall, and animate objects decided it would be a good time to stay still. You wondered if this was the end for you, as the male had been quiet for awhile, when he suddenly stood up. He spun on his heel and started walking through the field of corpses, not sparing even a glance your way as he said, "if you want to find him, then I suggest you keep up."
Your legs comprehended what he had said before your mind did; in the blink of an eye, you were no longer in your position on the floor— instead, you were struggling to keep up with the tall stranger. Droplets of blood splattered onto the already blood-soaked snow, but you barely acknowledged it. The only thing on your mind was finding Philza, and you sure as hell are going to endure almost anything to get your goal— even following a person who was about to take one of your canon lives moments ago.
"I don't think we had proper introductions." You said after awhile, trying to start up a conversation, as the silence was starting to feel suffocating. "I'm Y/N, what about you?"
He took a couple long strides, much to your dismay, before responding.
"You have not earned the right to know."
A frown etched upon your snow-covered face. "And what makes it so special to need requirements to know?"
The male tossed his braid over his shoulder. "A lot of people have placed bounties on my head, that's what."
As you opened your mouth to question what the hell he did to be wanted, he stopped abruptly in his tracks, causing you to crash right into his back.
"What's the big—" You started to say, rubbing your nose, before your words got caught in your throat.
For the first time, the hybrid turned his head to look at you, although it was barely more than a glance.
"This is who you wanted to see, correct?"
Standing in front of you was a blonde man, with wings that you were oh-so-familiar with tucked under a rather shabby-looking cloak, only letting the tips be visible. He was weathered with age, although he still had that youthful twinkle in his eyes that you saw the first time you met him, and he was staring right at you, surprise and suspicion etched in his features.
"Who did you bring back, Techno?" He asked, confused.
Confusion mixed into the shock that you were feeling, along with a pinch of satisfaction when you heard Philza call the hybrid by his actual name. Did he not remember you? Was this actually the Phil you knew? Questions circled in your head. Didn't he tell you he never forgets who he met, even if it were years from then?
"..you don't know them?" You knew you weren't the only one confused when you heard the stranger's — Techno's — voice. Your emotion quickly morphed into alertness when he slowly turned his whole body around.
"I thought you said you'd never forget anyone you meet, Philza Minecraft." You were careful to not call him by his nickname, fearing it would only upset him if he legitimately didn't remember you.
Phil tilted his head, as a crow would when confused. "I.. I have said that, yes." He confirmed. "But the only person I said that to was.." As he drifted off with his words, his skin drained of color.
"Phil?" Techno said, noting how he stopped talking, although he never took his eyes off you.
"You- you said it to me, Philza." You took a step forward. "Y/N. You said it to Y/N."
Techno narrowed his eyes at your movement, but before he could do anything, a trembling hand landed upon his shoulder. He turned to look at Phil's pale face with his eyebrow raised, only to be met with his friend looking.. scared. Confused.
"Y/N.." The winged man started. "You.. you died."
Your eyebrows rose high. "I beg your pardon?"
"Your final life. You sacrificed it. To save me."
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choco-exe · 3 years
from your inconsistent bisexual ;)
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choco-exe · 3 years
trigger warning: descriptions of depression, one section of isolation(?) i'm not sure what to call it
in the whole entirety of your life, you've never felt so alone.
gone were the days where you stayed up past midnight just to say happy new year. no, it's a regular occurrence to be awake well past four in the morning now.
gone were the days where the only worry you had was figuring out what you wanted to dress up as for halloween. no, you were almost always wearing a mask now; a mask of emotions— of happiness, sadness, anger, jealousy, any type of emotion.
gone were the days where you cried because you scraped your knee. no, you've spent so long crying yourself to sleep, when no one else could disturb you, your tears have all dried up, and all you feel is the numbness of what once was feeling.
gone were the days where the bitter feelings of disappointment rolled off your aura when you found out you got a bad grade on a test. no, your grades have took a turn for the worst; no more shiny A's for your parents to be proud of— instead, there were only the red replacements.
no one can understand you. everyone left. it's just your thoughts keeping you company now.
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choco-exe · 3 years
I feel dumb for reblogging all these :P
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choco-exe · 3 years
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choco-exe · 3 years
it's my birthday!
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choco-exe · 3 years
i second this
Ranboo bestie I cannot-
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choco-exe · 3 years
warning: the following post contains writing by a dramatic, sleep-deprived simp who has dedicated her life to block game. proceed with caution.
hiya! it's been awhile, hasn't it?
first off, are you doing alright? have you hydrated yourself today? treated yourself to a meal? if not, you deserve it! take care of yourself, alright?
but, since i'm sure you're getting tired of my questions, i'll get straight to the point.
you may have noticed i've been inactive over the past few months. the reason? i would like to say writer's block has me in it's grasp, but alas, that isn't the case.
i have been delving into the world of minecraft youtubers/streamers, and have picked up on the game myself. this initially started the downfall of my writing.
i began becoming more invested each and every day, neglecting to do anything else - writing being no exception. minutes turned into hours, hours into days, days into weeks; my motivation to write was incredibly overpowered by my longing for minecraft.
safe to say that.. well, my days of anime were nearly over.
what's the point of this post? i've realized that i've lost most of my interest in haikyuu. don't get me wrong; i still read works from many writers, and i love the show all the same, but it hasn't peaked my interest like it's used to.
so i need to ask this question:
are you willing to stay and watch my journey of converting into a multifandom account?
is this a stupid thing to ask? probably, but i want to know your thoughts about this. if you request, i will write for haikyuu, but as of this time period, my motivation skyrockets when i think about writing for mcyt.
if not, then thank you for sticking with me until now. i bid my farewell to you, and hope for the best.
if yes, then.. i'd be glad to share my experience with you as i go through this stage of my life.
whatever your decision may be, i would like to thank you for taking the time for reading this whole thing. it's.. so, so meaningful to me.
with all my love,
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choco-exe · 3 years
"fuck you my child is fine" your child writes found family comfort fics after they have a fight with you
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choco-exe · 3 years
seeing you sitting on his doorstep, drenched from the storm with dried tears staining your cheeks and splotches of red adorning your face, was not what tsukishima was expecting to find at 2:48 am. when he knew your family situation wasn't the best, he didn't think that it was so bad that you would walk to his house during a typhoon to escape the tension. he was quick to shove you inside, and when you had showered and changed into one of his hoodies, he held you close as a fresh wave of sobs wracked your body. you told him all about your toxic relationship with your parents - how they shut your dreams down as soon as you created them, arguments that last weeks on end, everything you love being taken away from you. he listened to your rants, and when you dozed off into a deep sleep, he brushed his fingertips over the puffiness of your eyes. he was going to have a talk with your parents, and it would leave a lasting impact for as long as he needed it to be.
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just a little drabble to let out some emotions :D
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choco-exe · 3 years
how to blush-
Anonymously make me blush.
….oh good christ I’m going to regret this.
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choco-exe · 3 years
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choco-exe · 3 years
falling in the rabbit hole of love
haikyuu x reader [valentines special]
a/n: this story has no specific guy, so choose anyone you desire to be “him”!
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Since when did he start noticing you?
Last year?
This Christmas?
It doesn’t matter in the end; his heart beats faster whenever you’re around, and he thought it was normal.
Gods, how stupid could he be? Maybe hanging around the chaotic fools- hell, hanging around you -made him this way.
He’d no clue how you attracted him. You were imperfect- falling asleep in the middle of lectures, tripping over nothing, being a ball magnet (and it has resulted in multiple hits to the head; he had no clue how you haven’t suffer from a concussion) -and yet.. 
You’re the light in his dark. The voice to cheer him on when nobody else would.
Was that why his brain malfunctions as he talks to you? Why anger bubbles when he sees you being flirted with?
These emotions swirling inside him were foreign; unfamiliar. For all of his life, he’s never fell for someone harder than he’s fallen for you. It doesn’t make sense in the slightest- how do you get his mind so worked up?
The way you’re smiling at him tore his heart into two. He knew that smile; he’s seen multiple times from his friends. It was a smile of sadness; acceptance, believing that you’d be rejected. Knowing that you’ll be rejected.
You were a fool- no, he was. For making you believe you didn’t have a chance. That he was uninterested with your feelings. Honestly, he couldn’t blame you; you’ve witnessed how he pushed away every single person who harnessed feelings for him. But, like he stated, you were a fool. His fool.
“Well?” You asked slowly, softly. “Reject me.” No. “Tell me what you’ve told to countless others- how you’re not looking for love, that you’re committed to volleyball, and I’m too..” Your voice began to crack. This isn’t what I intended. "I’m too nice for you. Good for you. Please..” Another crack. Another pause. “Let me face the reality. So that my feelings can be put to rest.” I would never tell you that, Y/N. “And maybe- maybe, I’ll finally get over you, once and for all.”
His already broken heart burst to a million pieces. The way you were so convinced that he would turn you down was too much.
He opened his mouth.
You took a deep breath and braced yourself for the worst.
“I’m glad you feel the same way, Y/N.”
A blink.
Two blinks.
“Say that again?” Your quivering voice hit his ears, loud and clear.
A coy smile played on his lips. “You heard me loud and clear. The love you have for me.. I return it wholeheartedly.”
The sob urging out your mouth was not what he expected. As he took a step to comfort you, you held out your hand as the other hurriedly wiped away your tears. “You’re not lying, are you? To make me feel better?” Despite your shaking figure, your voice remained steady. Melodic, even.
“As truthful as I’ll ever be.” He placed a hand on your cheek and gently wiped another leaking tear trailing down your face. “So let’s go our special spot, yeah? For a bit more privacy; the back of the gym isn’t exactly a romantic place, either.”
You laughed as you leaned into his touch, placing your hand over his. “Okay. I’d like that.”
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