coffeewithariadne · 4 months
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Is it weird that I just miss posting aesthetically pleasing pictures of my cards lol // Instagram used to feel like such a different landscape even just a few years ago. I've been craving a return to my writing practices, and to a regular way of sharing my reflections, but creating content feels like a many-headed monster lately - so much noise and distraction coming from all sides. The systems I've built for myself to establish regular creating & publishing are shaky in this new world. & the things I have to say feel like they matter less and less. But as always, I am continually compelled to express and create, and I think part of the journey is learning to trust that there's a purpose to that. Maybe not one I can immediately see the results of, or one that looks the exact shape of my expectations. But regardless, a purpose arisen from the sheer love of doing a thing - which makes it more than good enough to keep going.
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coffeewithariadne · 8 months
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postcards from the labyrinth • no. 002
Two years ago I started a photography/design/poetry/? project titled "postcards from the labyrinth" that then morphed into something I was experimenting with for #The100DayProject this year, which then morphed back into the original expression of Postcards. And I realized it was something that belonged more to this space of contemplation and reflection than to my visual art space (@agatheringofshapes, for those curious). Anywho, here we are. Onward.
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coffeewithariadne · 9 months
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“One must stop searching for ‘the right answer’. It cannot be found, and ultimately it is not important. Time, surrender, and humor are your only allies.”
The #TWUArchetypes deck by @the_wild_unknown is one of my very favorites. 🖤
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coffeewithariadne · 1 year
The Work of Standing Still
“Let me keep my mind on what matters, which is my work,
which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished.” —Mary Oliver
And what is my work? I think it is movement, but maybe movement and pause in equal gestures.
Whole weeks of stillness sometimes, long nights of the inward folding — but only to be moving once again
smoothly, with unhurried laughter in the rhythm of it, with unparalleled delight and purpose, rapture in the daylight, dancer in the waves of morning rays.
Moving, always moving, I don’t seem to have an appetite for settling —
movement is effortless, the stuff I am made of; it is, after all, the standing still that feels    like work.
And this is why I must continue to do it.
   In the end, the reward for stillness    is always
   movement. Grace and power and the ripple of the body doing what it arrived to do, but only with such fervor
after learning of the silence.
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coffeewithariadne · 1 year
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You are watered by the storms you’ve weathered. You are lifted by the winds and you dance. You sing. You journey and return. You are pulsing, a complex system intertwining, yet a still and simple thing of nature. You are many things and many ways at many times and many places, and always through it all you are witness. There is nothing more precious you can be than that which you are.
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coffeewithariadne · 1 year
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i’ve been pulling this card (the sun) so often. it’s fitting for the arrival of spring and all the sparks of renewal that come with it. but it’s also coming through in a different way than the typical strong archetype that brings ultimate clarity & truth & joy. it’s something a little more subtle - like when the weather is warming up but there’s still a slightly chilly breeze in the air. we shed layers to bask in the rising warmth - but not all at once. layer by layer. preparing for the fullness of new life blossoming into being. awakening to something different about to unfold. something better than the last iteration in some way. something bright & promising & foundational. something sustainable that we might not quite be used to, but that we are willing to grow into over time because we sense its longevity & potential for expansion into a brighter, bolder aliveness.
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coffeewithariadne · 1 year
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a tanka from 2019. patience — that word keeps following me around lately. it has never really been my strong suit. trying to shift my relationship to it for good… though i get impatient with that process, too. 🫠
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coffeewithariadne · 2 years
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Trust the process. A forever mantra.
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coffeewithariadne · 2 years
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I find it appropriate that the last post I made had The Hermit in it and that’s 500% where I’ve been the past few months. I went quiet on social media and took an unintentional hiatus from my creative and spiritual practices. It wasn’t what I meant to do, and it wasn’t really what I entirely *wanted* to do either, but it seemed needed. And now I think I will try to re-emerge. Try to re-prioritize the things that fill my soul. We’ll see.
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coffeewithariadne · 2 years
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this is basically a self-portrait.
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coffeewithariadne · 2 years
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rebel against the miserable remain uncured of truth
This card about success & triumph has been following me around lately. It feels like more of a direction than a state of being. Like a "keep going, you'll see".
I like the phrase "uncured of truth". This is the victory: to refuse to give up hope, love, beauty.
Six of Wands | arcana poiesis: a slow-build poetry/tarot project
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coffeewithariadne · 3 years
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I am the truth unwittingly dissipated
Ace of Swords | arcana poiesis: a slow-build poetry/tarot project
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coffeewithariadne · 3 years
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Working on a slow-build poetry/tarot project.
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coffeewithariadne · 3 years
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just ═ start ═ somewhere
I keep wanting to share more of my tarot practice but holding back because I don’t have a clear enough idea about how to do it. I have many side projects going on, lots on my plate at work, and friends & family to connect with. Part of me thinks it’s a waste of precious time to post about tarot when I could be making progress on other, bigger goals. A lot of the time I don’t even have anything in particular to say about the cards. Quite often they are simply objects of meditation for me: I contemplate them, I read the guidebook passages, I admire the artwork, I move on with my day. The ritual itself is a daily anchor for me, even if it doesn’t produce any outward results. But something is telling me to just show up to the sharing process (again) and see what happens. So here I am, doing the thing. I don’t know how far I’ll get, but writing this, right here, today, is far enough.
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coffeewithariadne · 3 years
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coffeewithariadne · 3 years
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coffeewithariadne · 3 years
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