commanderlurker · 1 year
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commanderlurker · 1 year
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commanderlurker · 1 year
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commanderlurker · 1 year
“This is a first not only in New Zealand, ladies and gentlemen, but also in the world. This is a historic moment,” she said in her maiden speech.
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commanderlurker · 1 year
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commanderlurker · 1 year
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commanderlurker · 1 year
Hey, if you're a minor and you're following my blog, I just need you to be aware:
You have been on this earth for fewer years than my cat has.
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She turns 20 this week, everyone please say happy birthday 🥳💖
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commanderlurker · 1 year
Obligatory sharing of New Zealand content.
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commanderlurker · 1 year
I know I barely post anything these days, and I haven't written any fic for any of my fandoms for yonks, but that doesn't mean my favs have packed up and moved out of my brain.
I can be driving along minding my own business when a banger like Supermassive Black Hole comes on and bam, my heart lurches and I think, Theron Shan.
I thought I was a fool for no one Oh baby, I'm a fool for you
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commanderlurker · 1 year
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Hello friends!
Coming march will be stressfull for me since i was pretty sick the past two weeks and i will get less money from my day job.
So i am opening a few commission slots :)
If you have question dont be shy to message me! (mistressfrosch [at] gmail.com)
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commanderlurker · 1 year
fanfic writers: if you were shown nothing but the title of one of your own fics, do you think you would be able to remember which one it is
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commanderlurker · 1 year
So, I don't watch many movies, but I do see the gif sets that pass my way here on www.tumblr.com, and that's basically the same thing. Which is why I can go YEARS seeing gifs about, say, Twilight, then when I, for reasons known only to the algorithm gods, watch an interview with Robert Pattinson, I get hit in the fuckin face with an English accent. How long has he been English for?
I watched American Hustle the other night. Great movie. Went digging for more Christian Bale content. GUESS WHAT. THAT FUCKER IS FROM WALES.
Other wtb (what the british) moments:
Idris Elba??? I saw one episode of The Wire eons ago, then thought I was having a stroke when I watched an interview with him and he had the most accent.
Henry Cavill??? Don't think I've watched a single thing that he's been in but I thought I knew who he was but apparently I do not.
Tom Holland?? Saw one Spider-Man movie. Hated it. That's not his fault. Prefer the other Tom Holland. The historian one.
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commanderlurker · 1 year
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It was all so strange and so surreal That a ghost should be so practical
Keep reading
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commanderlurker · 1 year
Fluffy February Day 15: Reward
Fandom: SWTOR
Time:  Between Balmorra and Hoth, Smuggler Chapter 2
Pairing:  Darmas Pollaran/Smuggler
Words: 1200
High risk, high reward was the very business of smuggling.  
Depending on how one approached life, that could apply to a lot of things.
…it had never been all bad with Darmas Pollaran.  
Eva didn’t think he had expected to see her again after she got her ship back.  He’d sent a polite letter when he heard the news.
That’s the way one-night stands were supposed to go.  
Sometime in between errands for Risha, Eva found time to lightskip over to Coruscant and sign up for the pazaak tournament.  She was already good   That was the first time Eva Corolastor had crashed Darmas’s table and beat him at pazaak.  How dare she.
He’d seemed honestly surprised when she hung around after the final call, as if she was waiting for him – which she was.  “I don’t quite understand, Captain.”
“I think you do.”
He was still gasping for breath, awestruck, as she said goodbye, walking out his apartment door.
It was an exit that was worthy of a holofilm.
“Don’t let Corso see you” was Risha’s only comment, not evening looking up from her magazine as Eva snuck into her own ship at an obscene hour.
The girls did watch out for each other; Risha always waited for her captain in slink in.
And Darmas watched out for them, after their first visit to Port Nowhere went really, really wrong, between Rogun and the Voidwolf both manifesting.  
Akaavi had joined the little cadre after Balmorra, where she was suitably impressed with Eva’s audacity and equally appalled by her breaking of a contract.  
“Empire lost them, like the Pub wanted,” Eva had reminded her.  “I just happened to have a better offer on tap.”  
Then Darmas had called a few minutes ago, looking surprisingly professional.  “Captain.  Senator Dodonna asked me to call you for a progress report.  She seems to have trouble getting through to you.”
Eva wore an obnoxious grin but said nothing.
“The Republic is hearing plenty about a missing Imperial munitions shipment, but nothing has turned up at Palliser Station.”  
“And it won’t.  It should be arriving at Port Nowhere any moment now.”  Eva crossed her arms.  “If Dodonna asks, I’ll tell her you dared me to steal it.”
Darmas laughed, briefly, all too pleased with her.  “A woman after my heart.”  He shuffled a datapad, probably firing a message off to Dodonna.  “Well, if the Nebula protypes somehow turn up here, you don’t have to worry about them finding good…and rich … new homes.”
“I even have a few very interested parties right here on Balmorra,” Eva told him.  “Try a guy named Numen Brock.  He’d offer up a lot to save his planet – at least more than the Republic would.”
Darmas nodded.  “Duly noted.  We’ll be in touch.  Now, Dodonna wants you to go to Hoth next.  Some frozen ice chunk off on the Outer Rim.  I don’t know the full situation – something about a pirate superweapon of all things.  She’s waiting on some intel before we act on it, so take the R&R in good health, Captain.”
“Aye, aye.”  Eva waved him off as he cut the comm.
“So, six months of … this?” Risha asked casually as she watched Eva walk toward the cockpit.  
“…I think I’m tired of ‘this,’” Eva said.
A few minutes after she disappeared down the hallway, the engines of Virtue’s Thief roared to life and Akaavi nearly tumbled to the floor at the sharp jolt.
“She has an idea in her head.  You will get used to it.”  Bowdaar finally stuck his head out of the galley.  “Caf?”
Port Nowhere radar had picked up on the Nebula prototypes, arriving as Eva had promised.  It was far more than a moment, but it was still timely.  Darmas went out to the skywalk that overlooked the main hangar bays that would carefully receive the munitions.  He wanted to see this himself.
As they were towed in, one by one, a small fortune in credits each, Darmas thought about her.  Eva Corolastor was bolder than any operative he’d dealt with previously.  And she was good.  She didn’t get caught.  Darmas had monitored her signals from Balmorra, and she’d even masked her signal to make it appear that she had sent it off to Palliser, not here.  
Darmas was happy she’d thrown her lot in with him; he might have to kill her otherwise.  Eva was dangerous.
And his mind still hung on that thought as the opposite end of the skywalk opened.  A ship had docked there, quickly; he hadn’t been warned that his private viewing of the Nebulas would be interrupted.  Cross words almost slipped out, telling the person to move along –
Stars, she was dangerous. He couldn’t predict her.
Eva was here.
Her first return visit to the Dealer’s Den had left him reeling.  She had dictated the terms of engagement, right to the point she left him behind, still trying to reassemble his brain cells.
He hadn’t let that happen again.  He knew how to reassert control over the situation – or at least hold his own. That was part of the plan.
Not everything was.
This wasn’t.
They regarded each other: he in the middle of the skywalk, lights illuminating him; she in the shadows, the airlock shut behind her, dark eyes gleaming.  
She spoke first.  “Got a question.”
He gave her a slow nod, watching her the entire time.
“Is it just Port Nowhere that’s a safe harbor?”
Of course, she would. She was bold and brave.  When she wasn’t playing the role of the smuggler captain, Eva could out-burn a field of stars; in everything she did, she took no half measures, no stale approaches.
Darmas’s mother had raised him well, probably better than he deserved.  “This… may not end well.  For either of us.  The business. The age.”
Well, Eva deserved at least that, so perhaps his mother’s pains hadn’t been in vain after all.
Her smart tongue replied, “High risk, high reward – isn’t that what you said to me?”
“I don’t recall.  It certainly sounds like me.”  
She stepped into the light, ironically, in order to reach him.  
Darmas felt as if he was burning alive.  Maybe it was a preview of hellfire.  Maybe it was because she was intense.  Or maybe because he was like a moth.  Or worse yet –
Hungry mouths found each other, and he had a hand in her hair as he managed to roughly push her up against the skywalk’s transparisteel wall… so he could see the Nebulas come in and have her at the same time.  
There was nothing else like her in the galaxy.  He was sure of it.  
Suddenly, she twisted him around so he hit the transparisteel.  She was so pleased with herself as she said, “I want to see them, too.”
Darmas gave her a feral grin as he used his strength to shove her right side into the viewport, a soft thump as her jacket made contact.  “Fair enough?” he asked as he rolled to his left.
“For now.”
@fluffyfebruary @ayresis @starlightcleric @ermingarden @bluephoenix1347
@commanderlurker - behold, our favorite bastard.
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commanderlurker · 1 year
January was a tough year but we made it
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commanderlurker · 1 year
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Left Behind Masterpost
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commanderlurker · 1 year
It's bonkers that I can say goodbye to a friend at Auckland Airport, go home, go to bed, sleep for a solid 8 hours, wake up, have breakfast, and their plane still hasn't reached the US west coast.
The Pacific Ocean. She is Large.
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