consciouspearl · 10 months
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consciouspearl · 10 months
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This message was channeled in the past and posted on 8th March 2019 on another media site. This is a message from the Elohim directly warning twin flames on the journey to keep moving forward and briefly talks of mission. It also warned that Gaia is in danger before the pandemic and other global events and catastrophes have occurred. Do not doubt your path as a twin flame, all is revealed over time and everything will slot into its rightful place. If you receive messages that don’t make sense at the time they will in the future.
Pear inci
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consciouspearl · 10 months
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Channeled message from Elohim directly to genuine twin flames experiencing the twin flame prophecy. Channeled on 28th jan 2019.
Pearl inci
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consciouspearl · 10 months
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Information directly channeled from spirit through genuine twin flame. This is a message from Elohim.
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consciouspearl · 10 months
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The observer effect is created by the spiritually unconscious reptillian brain. (Connected to the 👁 )This is connected to the consciousness of the ego mind and the illusional reality in which it observes. In contrast, when reality is viewed with the GOD brain which is connected to the consciousness of the heart, the outcome of the observation is expanded and no longer an illusion…the truth of reality and the secrets of GOD is revealed through the the veil. The Slit experiment, proves that we alter our reality through observation.. 
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consciouspearl · 10 months
Twin flame journey explained , by a twin flame that is experiencing the twin flame journey. Not to be confused with someone who has found a genuine soulmate.
Twin flames explained..
Twin flames share the same soul, before incarnation they split into two identical pairs. All souls do not divide in this manner . They have rarely expressed onto earth throughout history. Although they are still quite rare, at this time they are here in larger numbers to aid in the ascension of consciousness in humanity and of Mother Earths shift into the 5th Dimension. Some famous twin flame pairs include Isis and Osiris , Jesus and Mary Magdalene , Rumi and Sems…they choose to express in any gender. They are highly evolved old souls , coming from the angelic realms. Scientists have found that the theory of entanglement proves the bond that a pair of particles can have regardless of space, time and distance. What one particle experiences, the other will mirror. Twin flames are mirrors. In order to understand twin flames, we need to first understand how creation came to manifest. Before the Divine created anything there was nothing, it was dark and only a vibration and the sound of OM existed. Then the Divine created a fracture within itself , represented as a vesica piscis and light was manifest. Creation kept dividing and the universe and everything else came after it. In history, scientists have termed this the Big Bang theory.
Angels (Satan included here) , Jinns and aliens are the first aspect and creation of the Divine. The Divine created the Angels, Aliens and jinns before humans. The Divine created the angelic realms before humans. Humans were created in the likeness of the Divine, incarnated on earth into the free will experiment, carrying the divine spark. Human beings are the regular offspring souls of the prime divine source. Twin Flames are comprised of 144,000 , 44 of which are Angels (that are termed Elohim and prime source )and the remainder are millennials, the millennial offspring originating from prime source.Twin flames are the old souls ,(Angels and millennials/star seeds ) who have contracted and agreed to express into human form for a greater purpose to help lift human consciousness and evolution at this time. Twin flames from the divine realms agree to express as humans and are subject to the same free will experiment and must awaken to their souls truth just like other human souls. Humans are incarnated into the free will experiment , and continue to reincarnate over and over until such a lifetime when enlightenment of the soul is accomplished. Humans have 12 strands of DNA .The Divine has only allowed limited use of two to three strands until such time of evolution. This evolution is achieved through the individual enlightenment of human subjects reaching a predetermined quota and the imprint or template within the DNA is then activated throughout the genes of all human souls. The Divine spark within lights up the soul and the soul graduates the school of third dimensional life. The human soul is then allowed access to the dimensions of heaven again after its many lifetimes of compromised limited consciousness. This raising of consciousness opens up the soul to multidimensional life while living in the physical body . Once this Nirvana or Nur is experienced, the soul has completed its free will contract and a new contract will be made with the divine, based on the souls consciousness and level of growth.
Twin flames incarnate go through a spiritual initiation, initiated by spirit under the direct supervision and protection of the Divine. The union of a pair of twin flames is the pure manifest of GOD and GODDESS and is the underlying proof of the DIVINE in manifest. It represents the wholly trinity. Twin flames experience the illumination of the soul through a kundalini awakening and the meeting of their Divine counterpart. Over time they integrate all of their original soul gifts, these are psychic abilities. They carry a direct connection to the Divine realm. Working to master life in a physical vessel while experiencing the higher dimensions. Their gifts vary, some capable of perceiving higher dimensions and other beings that reside in those dimensions. They move from homosapien, to homoluminous and eventually become homogalactic. Homogalactic , meaning their consciousness has risen to perceive dimensions within the galaxies. This evolution of consciousness is the natural cycle of life,every soul has the free will to access this should they wish to in this lifetime. Twin flames are the forerunners of evolution along with light workers and other star seeds. They also gradually come into the awareness of previous lives and original existence through experiences synchronised by the Divine in the spiritual and physical realms.
As for the twin flame union, it is quite a challenge. The feminine aspect is the spiritual twin. It is her job to awaken and help illuminate the pair. Both the masculine and feminine may have the subtle awareness of their counterpart many years before they come into any physical contact. However, they will not be fully aware of the connection until such time of illumination . Twin flames and regular souls who have not awakened their kundalini are termed asleep, functioning with limited consciousness and connection to their soul . Until such time of illumination. The feminine twin is illumined first , and because they share the one soul through the ethereal cord , the spiritual growth then feeds into the counterparts soul eventually assisting him to illumination as well. The masculine is the matrix twin, he is heavily grounded into the earthly plane so the feminine can work freely in the spiritual plane while he helps keep her grounded. The masculine twins awakening is generally more difficult than the feminine’s , as he is more grounded and logical in his approach to life and does not have the same intuitiveness that the feminine has. The process of twin flame pair awakening and illumination can take years. During this process their connection remains strong in the spiritual realm , however the masculine twin will not experience this connection as she does until he illuminates his soul. This process is challenging and can be devastating to the female counterpart , as she has a strong relationship with her masculine’s soul but he may not be conscious of it. Once they both are illumined and balanced , then a physical reunion is possible.
I hope this has shed some valuable insight into the journey of twin flames 🔥🔥❤️.
Pearl inci
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consciouspearl · 10 months
This channeling (top of post ) came through in 2018 from the Elohim. Around the time when technology and internet use exploded all over the world and society now cannot function without it.
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This is a channeled message through star gate in alliance with interstellar, both of the Elohim This message is to make humanity aware of the underlying spiritual war to aid humanity back to the heart of God through the purification of the soul. Ascension of consciousness is (Christ consciousness) the evolution that is required of humanity to restore the connection with God, through the lifting of the illusional veil. Technology is part of the peace deal. This is part of the free will contract, giving all a fairer deal, in their choices of living through free will, allowing all beings the better opportunity to evolve. However , it is a double edged sword, in this peace deal the controllers have great power to monitor and feed humanity through technology with negative lower frequencies. This effectively keeping them docile in their consciousness, making it extremely difficult to break free from the matrix created by the controllers. This is an alert, in order to evolve and graduate the school of life it is your duty to seek it and govern your way of life. Use technology, don’t let it use and feed off you! Entities, connected to the controllers feed off negative energy and fear based emotions that humanity creates. A vicious cycle of corruption that needs to stop!
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consciouspearl · 10 months
Sayfamda ikinci bölümü hemen birinci bölümün altında bulursunuz , devamını okumayı isterseniz:)
Ruh ikiz/ikiz alev nedir?(birinci bölüm)
İkiz alev nedir? Size anlatmaya çalışacağım. İkiz alevler, ruh eşlere benzemez, farklıdırlar. İkizler ayni frekans taşırlar. İkiz alevler, dünyaya gönderilen görevli melektirler. İkiz alevler, bir melekten ikiye bölünmüş ruhlardır…Allah’ın emiriyle dünyaya ikiz olarak insan şekline gelmeyi kabulleniyorlar. İkiz alevler, dünyada azdır…toplam 144,000 ruhlar görevlidir, ve onların arasında 33 tanesi öldü, ayrıca 44 tanesi Allaha yakın olan , manevi yükleri büyüktür ve diğerleri daha küçük manevi yükleri taşıyan. İkizler dünyaya İnsanlara yardımcı olarak evrensel teselli bulmak için geldiler. İkizlerin varlığı Allah’ın gizli kanaatıdır . İkizler, Allahın Nurunu dünyaya saçmak için ve ruh sevginin mükemmel şablon olarak, insanlara yardım amaçıyla misyonları vardır. Bu ikisi , bir birine ruhsal ve fiziksel bağlıdırlar. Bu bağ, spiritüel…yani , gözlerle görünmeyen bir bağ. İkizler genelde, bir birine benzerler. Birisi spiritüel ikiz, (genellikle daha fazla dişi enerji taşıyan) diğeri matrise bağlı olan ..eril enerjidir. İkizler, yaşlı ruhlarıdır..bazıları milyonlarca senelik ruhlardır. Dünyada binlerce sene birlikte enkarne yaşanmışlığı olabilir, ruhları birbirlerini çok severler..eyi tanırlar, çünkü onlar gerçek yarimler. Ruhsal spiritüel uyanış , genelde önce dişi alev oluyor, çok hızlı ve zor şekilde ..Allah tarafından. Bazı İkizler bu dünyadaki ilk hayatlarını , Tanrı ve Tanrıca çift olarak başladı (Mısır) , bu tip ikizler evrene çok yükselmiş olan ruhlarıdır. Zaman geçtikçe, ikiz alev hatırlamaya başlar bu geçmişteki olan hayatlarını,(ilk önce dişi ikiz hatırlar) meleklerin yardımıyla. Bu bilgiler çok üzücü olabilir, ikiz melekler çok zor geçmiş hayatları olabilir. Çoğu zaman birlikte işkence çektiklerini hatırlarlar. Dünyadaki İkizlerin arasında olan sevgi ve ilişki dünyaya çok Nur getirir. Dişi alev, geçmişteki olan hayatlarını görüyor. Hatırlamaya başladığı zaman ruhsal beden, Allah’ın nûruyla kendini güçlendirmeye başlıyor. Bu güçlendirme , ikizlerin ruh bedenleri ve fiziksel bedenleri ve organlarını tekrar bir ediyor. Bu oldukça zaman alıyor, çünkü dünyada olan negatif duygular ve düşünceler insanları üçüncü boyutta bağlar , ve Allah’ın nurundan uzak tutuyor. Spiritüel (manevi) ikiz, artık olgunlaştıkça , eril ikiz otomatik büyüme kabiliyete sahip.
Devamı , ikinci bölümünde..
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consciouspearl · 10 months
Ruh ikiz/ikiz alev nedir?(ikinci bölüm)
İkiz alevlerin çiftleşmesi dünyada, binlerce ruh eşlerin çiftleşmesini sağlar ve İkiz alevlerin dünyaya getirdiği Nur çok yüksek , ve şeytan hoşlanmaz . Şeytan ikizleri ayrı tutmak için her engeli koyar. İkizlerin yakın etraftaki sevdikleri insanlarla bile uğraşır. Şeytanla yüz yüze gelmek ikiz ruh için, gündelik iş. Bu ikizler için bir derstir, Allah’a olan sevgisini sağlamak için. İkiz alevlerin çiftleşmesi Allah’ın emiridir. Birisi büyü yaparsa ikizleri ayrı tutmak için, Allah o büyüyü bozmak için Baş Melek Mikael’i görevlendirir. Spiritüel (manevi) ikize haber eder, koruma başlar, ve o büyü bozulur. Büyüden çağırılan jinler, dişi ikiz taşıdığı nuruyla jini içindeyken o jini yakar ve Allah’a bir bir teslim eder. İkiz alevlerin işi dünyadaki olan karanlıklarla savaşmaktır. İkizlerin arasına girmeye çalışanları , Allah büyük ceza verir. İkizlerin chakraların arasında Allah’ın koyduğu bir bağ var. Bu bağ kesilmez ve boysuzdur. dişi ikiz, kendi spiritüel vücudunu (merkaba) büyütüp tekrar kanatlarını hissetmeye başlar. Süper hislere sahip olur. Astral seyahate başlar. Dünyada insanlara verilen perde, açılıyor ikizler için. Artık gerçekleri görebiliyorlar, ve bu illeride insanlara hizmetlerini sağlıyor. Melekleri hissetmesi ve görüşmesi sıklaşıyor, devamlı cennetin birinci kapı açılıyor(beşinci boyut) ve üçüncü göz açılıyor. Zaman geçtikçe , daha yüksek boyutların kapılar açılıyor. İkiz meleklerin misyonları her eş arası farklıdır. Her melek farklı kabiliyet taşır, aralarında 44 büyük manevi gorevli olan, diğerleri küçük manevi gorevler için. İkiz melekler birlikte eşiyle çalışmaya görevliler. Umarım bu verdiğim bilgiler sizi rahatladıracaktır. İkiz alevler dünyada çok azdır, çünkü onlar Allah tarafından görevlendirilen meleklerdir. Allah’ın Nur’u sizinle birlikte olsun…zamanınıza teşekkürler. ❤️🌈🙏 İnci
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consciouspearl · 10 months
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Everything didn’t come from nothing, all came from that which is unseen. The unseen is the underlying essence of the Divine. The Divine is everywhere, the Divine spark is in you! But what does that mean? It means that all is of Divine creation, both negative and positive, you are no exception to this rule. As the Divine spark is within you, the negative aspect sits on the opposite side. They are in constant competition with one another to play the “star” in your show. The Devil has been given the power to play on earth and manipulate human creation, for all is fair play in Divine creation. The Devil is merely expressed through humans as the negative outplay of experiences. It is your duty to awaken your soul through a spiritual awakening (inclusive of kundalini activation) which is a physiological and psychological process. This awakening will build your light body (merkaba) giving you the armour to repel negativity (Satan/dark entities) and shine the light of the Divine within you. Through this repelling, dark will be transmuted to light. This is why the Divine is merciful on his creation, for he lives within you. This is why you must love yourself, not to offend the Divine within you. Each night you go to sleep your heart is his resting place, for this is your purest time, when your ego is asleep and inactive. He takes you to his realm of dream state , the 4th Dimension, in hope that one day you “awaken” to his light within you…and his essence can now remain the “shining star” (light of merkaba, represented as the six pointed star in religion) of your show in the darkness and daylight… this is Divine glory… through experiences of self he is unified in perfection once again!#enlightenment #illumination #divine#soul #awakening #consciousness #evolution#love#life hack#ascension #humanity#deep#truths#higher mind#higher self#activation #kundalini#merkaba#allah#Divinity#divine light#nur
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consciouspearl · 10 months
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No one tells you ,that you will live many lifetimes, how could you know..after each one your memory is wiped clean. No one tells you, that your soul is your hard drive and is a seperate entity of its own, carrying lifetimes of memories… No one tells you , that if you don’t successfully open your veils and find the divine that you will keep being sent back to earth, to do it all over again. No one tells you, that you are a prisoner trapped into the reincarnation cycle, because your very existence is the negative outplay of Lucifer. No one tells you, that although you are human you carry the polarity of both the light and the dark, and it is your duty to transmute the dark through living and learning on earth. No one tells you , that you are Divine.. but you must believe it… because when you do ..all of your memories will be given back to you and you will graduate life on earth…. Do you know why no one tells you these things? Because the Divine wants you to live and seek the truth…earth is but an illusion masking the truth, it is woven with contrasting and conflicting truths that only the honourable and strong will be able to see through. Peace be upon those who have met the challenge and proven their Divinity to the Divine!#wisdom#divinity#divine#truthseeker#awakening#spiritual#illumination#veil#bliss #divine love#honour#lifequest#nur#divine light#soul searching #life lessons#mystery#darkness#third eye#activation#awaken#live#life#soul#god#lifequotes #lifestyle#reincarnation
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consciouspearl · 10 months
Evidence of twin flames in Quran.
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Information related to twin flames from the Quran 😇
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consciouspearl · 10 months
When we have developed the conscious ability to override completely falling asleep on entering the 4D dream state, we can then work on actively projecting consciousness into the 5D. To override this state you must develop methods to let the body fall asleep but keep the mind awake. Some people are naturally gifted at this because they are advanced souls.
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~pearl inci
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consciouspearl · 10 months
Need to repost this , in case you are one of the few who have not heard the call to your soul..
Human being…exactly what is it? One might hit a point in life where this question presents itself, in a deeper philosophical manner than ever previously experienced.
I have come to understand, that it is an “art” the “art of human being”…the canvas being our life and the brush strokes onto the canvas representing the art which is created. As human beings our nature seeks out the validation of our existence. We do this through creating experiences on the 3D plane which act as proof that ‘we exist’. Therefore if we conclude that ‘I exist’ therefore ‘I AM’. To break it down a little further, we can explore what is the ‘I’ and what is the ‘AM’. The ‘I’ is referring to oneself and the ‘AM’ is all that is. The ALL THAT IS, is all of DIVINE creation/expression. If we perceive that I AM the AM in All THAT IS, then what am I? Let’s come back to this thought a little later…
What if one day you woke up and everything that you had perceived to be true was suddenly obscured and challenged? Everything that you had been told about religion, culture, life and death no longer held the same values , or kept you confided in the beliefs you had perceived to be the true? I am hoping that by sharing this with you it may just cause you to pause and really start to reflect…
what am I?
This question when taken purely from a literal perspective, carries the obvious answer.. I am human. In Sufism , HU or HUWA means GOD or Allah. Human means light of GOD. I’m not going to preach religion, but rather explore the notion of the one DIVINITY that is the underlying cause of all of existence. In light of this, I’m hoping that the
‘ ONE DAY’ for you..is today, whereby hopefully you start to reflect and shift your perception of life as you know it. Ultimately opening up your consciousness and awareness.
As human beings we all have some awareness of what the soul is, but do we know it? For the larger percentage of humanity, most will perceive to ‘know’ what the soul is. In actual fact there is not enough of humanity who actually ‘feel’ what it really is. In order for us to know something it would be fair to say that most people rely on the logical proof of its physical existence. Or the personal experience to validate it. Therefore, if you cannot in your present state of awareness feel your soul, how do you know it really exists? One would argue that religion and ancient scriptures are proof of its existence. But I want to ask you to stop and think..if it exists why have I not experienced it or felt it? And if in actual fact it does exist, why does it exist to the most part of humanity as history or ‘his-story’ shall I say..
By simply asking ourselves these questions , we begin to open our minds and start to free them from the paradigm of rigid beliefs. These beliefs which we have been socially engineered to live by, without questioning their very nature. Hence, why we relied on history to this very day to tell us how it is instead of finding the truth ourselves. Our identity as we know it is the very byproduct of the beliefs in which we identify ourselves with. The nature of our identity is driven by our ego, which is the very thing that separate’s us from the purer Angelic’s of the Divine realm along with the state of physicality.
We have briefly touched on the nature of our being, now I would like to introduce the topic of spiritual awakening..
A spiritual awakening is the experience of and the ‘feeling of’ ones soul. In order to open up the mind , to allow the process of a spiritual awakening to occur, one must first accept that they are ‘asleep’. But not in a literal sense. You must first honestly accept that I am not consciously aware of the full nature of what I am, or what my soul is, therefore I am asleep. Admitting ignorance is the first step to liberation of the truth you are seeking. The act of accepting your ignorance will set off a spark in your soul. The very spark that all ‘humans ‘ carry within them as a being of GOD LIGHT. What happens from here , is both beautiful and somewhat terrifying and is a big shock to your soul. The very soul which you have carried for all of time, yet only just becoming consciously aware of in this lifetime.
There are many things that may bring you to the point of a spiritual awakening, near death, pain , sadness or dissatisfaction in life in general. Or for some rarer cases like myself , a simple reading of spiritual material that sets of a conscious awareness of your soul mission and your Divine nature. Nonetheless, it is all initiated by spirit and part of your Divine plan. A spiritual awakening is the initiation into feeling your soul and coming into alignment and union within yourself. It will undoubtedly expand your consciousness and lead you to seek the deeper questions around life , your existence and the universe. So the challenge I present you with is to take the first step to understand ‘WHAT AM I’ .. from one human being to another.. don’t believe my story, find your own!
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consciouspearl · 10 months
Twin flames have been the silent soldiers of the unseen spiritual war between light and dark that has infiltrated our 3D world.
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The truth about being a twin flame ..
The hype that is going around about the possibility of finding the most amazing love of your life, has suffocated the truth about the real journey. Society is deluding people into thinking that everyone has a twin flame incarnated in this present life and it is simply not true. This has devalued genuine twin flames and complicated everyone’s journey of awakening to their spirit. Everyone has soul mates…Not everyone is at the same level of spiritual growth, not everyone is a twin flame. While everyone does have a twin within that does not mean that the twin is incarnate into the flesh. The genuine twin flames that are incarnated at this time, are predestined to incarnate as twins entering the cycle of incarnation, into the free will project and living out thousands of lives. They are the driver of human spiritual evolution, they are very old souls and their origin is from the Angelic realm. They are here to carry the energetic template of unconditional love for all of humanity to tap into it and have a simplistic experience without the drama that the twin flame journey carries. The truth is, I have not heard of any twin flame who met each other and immediately reached happily ever after. This fairytale portrayed is the experience you will have if you do the work, awaken your soul .. and through your highest vibration you will attract your high “Soul mate”. Twin flames meeting is a collision of both light and dark and the process of polarisation is no picnic in a park. The dark night of the soul is intense and can be nothing short of a horror movie. The level of trauma experienced and the cleansing and purifying of the avatar body can be excruciating on the mind and heavy on the body. Twin flames activated are gifted spiritually, and let me tell you it is a very complex and lengthy experience.. often years go by and the twins are forced to do the work on their own. Although this work is often done alone, navigating the telepathic connection with the counterparts soul does not end. Communication is received between the twins, the spiritual twin will experience it directly but the matrix twin often not so conscious of it. This leaves the spiritual twin very conscious and very alone in the love, all while trying to unlock their souls spiritual gifts and complete their soul mission. A lot of twin flame pairs are here to do the work and hold the energy to build the new matrix to overthrow the dark control of this world and among those twin flame pairs(144,000 prophesied) some have a high mission to help humanity evolve and exit the old matrix system. A true twin can energetically be determined by a spiritually gifted person… you do not suddenly find your twin , true twins are marked and this energy can be seen between true pairs that are limited in number on earth. The truth is if we were all twins , humanity would look very different today , they would be far more advanced as a species… hence not requiring the twin flame project. Spirit has orchestrated the evolution of humanity in this way, the twin flames along with the Archangels are here for a purpose .. a purpose coined by Archangel Micheal in my channeling as the “Armageddon mop up”. The spiritual war between light and dark is very real to those with the ability to perceive it. For beyond the veil of life, lies the truth behind all mysteries of our reality and all things mystical or occult in nature. It actually infuriates me how people are romanticising a path that is so sacred and should be respected. I urge people to not become vulnerable and sucked in to the puppet show and the people of our society , they are leeching of the twin flame journey, taking advantage of vulnerable people to make money in hope that they are a twin flame or they can find their twin flame. There is no confusion if you are a twin flame, spirit will not leave you wondering if you are a twin flame for very long, only the time necessary and trust me you could not hide from others for very long either!
~pearl inci
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consciouspearl · 10 months
Quran said in Sürahi An Nisa 4:1 ,
Quran giving evidence of human existence as pairs that share a single soul as “mates”. This is proof of the twin flame phenomenon in the Quran.
يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ ٱتَّقُوا۟ رَبَّكُمُ ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍ وَٰحِدَةٍ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَالًا كَثِيرًا وَنِسَآءً ۚ وَٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ ٱلَّذِى تَسَآءَلُونَ بِهِۦ وَٱلْأَرْحَامَ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ عَلَيْكُمْ رَقِيبًا
O humanity! Be mindful of your Lord Who created you from a single soul, and from it He created its mate,1 and through both He spread countless men and women. And be mindful of Allah—in Whose Name you appeal to one another—and ˹honour˺ family ties. Surely Allah is ever Watchful over you.
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consciouspearl · 10 months
The alchemy behind twin flames has a scientific component , twin flames are here at this time to carry energetic coding to build a new matrix of the new earth. They innately repel lower energies because of how they are templated. This information was revealed directly from the Elohim and twin flames part of council.
Alchemy of Twin Flames
The Alchemical process of a twin flame pair coming into full union across all space and time dimensional realities is rather complex. The underlying nature of the alchemical process was revealed through a channeling of the Elohim(24/12/2018) ,briefly describing the polarisation process and the roles the masculine and feminine play in the joint dynamic.
“The quantum entanglement theory explores the relationship of the proton, the neutron and the electron which is the atom of a particle. It proved the activity experienced between a proton and electron at a distance. The proton is the masculine and the electron is the feminine charge. When the atom is split the proton and electron behave in a way that they “mirror” one another. The pigmentation of a soul, is a fracture of light essence. The process of separation of the atom is the catalyst of attraction. The polarisation of a split atom, is whereby the characteristics can no longer be maintained by themselves. A particle (masculine) is a part of matter. The proton needs to be the cause in order to find its effect. The masculine and feminine go through a separation due to a result of the feminine (electron) embodying proton characteristics which is why both positively charged repel one another. In the phase of separation the feminine needs to embody characteristics of the proton, this means non reactive persona. When the feminine “stands still” immediately the polarisation begins. Instantaneously the proton which is the cause (masculine) is innately attracted to the electron (feminine charge that is now still) because the proton needs to validate itself through the act of effect. The descension of matter is the expression of masculine and ascension is the rise of the expression of the feminine”.
I personally love that last sentence... “The descension of matter is the expression of masculine and ascension is the rise of the expression of feminine”, to me it supports the notion that the act of the feminine (electron component) becoming (positively charged) light is referring to the fracturing of the essence of light or “soul pigmentation”. Hence , the feminine embodying this positive charge, is the cause of the atoms split, therefore also the cause of the decent of the “particle of matter” or masculine. However this act in itself ( creation) is the combined catalyst, eventually leading to the polarisation (ascension of the feminine) of the pair ... through the atoms ( original atom before split) innate ability to cause the mirroring effect that twin flames experience with one another. The feminine electron particle embodying the characteristics of the masculine proton particle is the direct cause of the magnetism that is needed for the original masculine proton to find its effect, or more simply his feminine twin, his Twin Flame. “The inability to prove the Divine exists, is the irony of the Divine’s existence”.
Written by ~pearl inci @pearlinci1111 Insta
(Charter section 81, Charter of peace , Henros)
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