cptjazz · 3 years
Ahhhh shit man. So I just finished the Origin trilogy by Jennifer L. Armentrout and I just found out that it is in fact NOT a trilogy but has a fourth part.
And I can't. Because it will only release in 2023. And I was destroyed. The last cliffhanger. The plot twist. I won't spoil but damn did it hurt. Like really really hurt.
I was emotionally destroyed.
#JenniferLArmentrout #LuxSerie #OriginSerie #Luc #Evie/Nadia #thedarkeststar #theburningshadow #thebrightestnight
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cptjazz · 3 years
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Epiphany - Theofania - Fota
Επιφάνεια - Θεοφάνεια - Φώτα
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cptjazz · 3 years
Okayyy. So I just read A court of Frost and Starlight and I have to rant. I quitted Instaframm because of all the ranting done their and I hope you guys can forgive me. Let's start.
I absolutely loved Feyres Story and Rhy. I don't wanna know opinions about how Rhys acted wrong in someone's eyes and how he is a fake feminist. I don't see it that way and everyone should consider that you would act exactly the same way as he did to protect those you love. He has to live with his choices and he regrets a lot of what he had to do, but some people should get off their high horse and be honest and say yes, I would save a friend or someone I love over someone I don't know.
That about him.
I really wanted to discuss Nesta.
I don't mind spoilers so I read a lot about her before even beginning the Book. And I was ready to like her. But I was frequently disappointed with her. I just don't understand how she could treat Elain this one way and Feyre like complete trash. She acts like she doesn't care about anyone else but Elain. And yes. She went through some shot but as the oldest sibling it should have been her job to take care of her sisters. I am the oldest of 5 and I know if something should happen to my parents that none of them would have to suffer like Feyre did because of Nesta.
In the end of the 4 book we got the start of her POV Book and I was like.. Nesta. Of course no one wants you at a party. Because you don't care. Not care too much, like Feyre once said. I don't get that feeling. I was prepared to like her because everyone deserves love and from most posts I read about her, everyone was defending her and I thought she can't be that bad. But she is. I haven't read A court of Silver Flames yet, but I will. Because I read some posts about how her story wasn't one of healing and coming to love oneself. Like Feyres Story.
But than I think. Yes. It is not like Feyers Story because Feyre actually cared. She didn't act like a cold b*tch. She caref about both her sisters. She doesn't have as much to regret as Nesta. And Ndsta should regret a lot. I feel like the only thing she feels is hate for everyone and I just don't understand her, poor Cassian. I like him a lot and I totally shipped them, but now I feel like he deserves so much more.
Soooooo yes. Nesta probably won't have a story of healing. Because even before she became a Far she made so much mistakes. And I can't really see a way in which she could forgive herself. Or how she could learn to live with it.
She just doesn't really have a story besides making as much trouble and being a b*tch.
On the other hand I don't really see Elain becoming a villain. Before that happens Nesta will be a loving and caring person. I don't really like her with Az and I don't like her with Lucien. Lucien deserves better. He is like one of my favorites together with Jurian. I hope we get to see more of the band of exiles. I can see Lucien with Vassa, love her or even with Jurian and I just want them to be happy. But Elain. I don't know about her.... She is not a bad character and I think she just should stay alone and get time to heal and just F*CKING HAVE ONE CONVERSATION WITH LUCIEN to get over their shit. It's so frustrating and I hope he gets over her quickly. And with Az. They are both to sensible I thing and I don't really see a connection between those two. Like yes. He gave her his dagger and they make each other laugh but it's just seems so forced because Az still loves Mor. So it's a No. I have to be patient and see if he clicks more with Gwyn.
On another note I hope Tamlin can get a story, not a love story where he learns to control himself. I don't consider him a bad or evil person he just is like. Hmphhh. Not a good partner. Mad I want to see him grow out of it because we saw the first steps when he saved Rhys for Feyre and just wished her to be happy.
That's it. I am open for controlled and respectful arguments but please don't be crude.
And just one more thing. Amen and Varian are so cute. I want more of those two
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cptjazz · 3 years
Would you mind doing a meta about how Cami is a copy of Caroline and Enzo is not a copy of Klaus?
Well I think this is a somewhat interesting question to ask, but I don’t know that it’s really the right question. I certainly don’t think that Enzo is a copy of Klaus by any stretch of the imagination, however I don’t think Cami is a copy of Caroline either. Because, quite frankly, if Cami were actually a copy of Caroline then she presumably would have been much more positively received as a character. Caroline is a character who became so successful that she actually transitioned from a supporting character to a lead while Cami is about to be written out and the audience barely seems to notice let alone care, and if these characters bore even the slightest resemblance to each other I seriously doubt that would be the case. However, it’s painfully clear that Enzo succeeded in ways that Cami failed, and I think it’s incredibly easy to see why. 
So as I said before, I’m not really quite sure that you’re asking the right question, but I can’t say it’s any surprise that you’re asking this question. Because you’re right, Enzo isn’t a copy of Klaus. And Cami isn’t a copy of Caroline either, but what you and a lot of other people are very clearly picking up on with Cami is that she’s meant to fill the role in Klaus’ character development that Caroline once filled (or rather, she’s meant to fill the role that some of the writers seem to think Caroline played in Klaus’ development on TVD even though they’re hilariously, wildly off base). So in that sense, Cami is not a direct copy of Caroline, but more what Caroline might have been if you stripped everything that was Caroline about her and only kept the components of the character that related to Klaus and warped them so dramatically that it would somehow make sense if Caroline’s entire existence suddenly revolved around her relationship with Klaus. It’s actually kind of ironic, Cami is absolutely meant to be the new and improved Caroline and everyone can see it, but the character utterly and completely fails as a copy because she’s really only a collection of a few of Caroline’s traits that are so badly reinterpreted that they’re actually the complete opposite of Caroline’s true characteristics. 
It’s also not surprising that you would contrast this with something like Klaus and Enzo, because it really is the most obvious contrast the shows have. Much like with Cami and Caroline, the “bones” of Klaus and Enzo’s characters are meant to be pretty similar. But the characters are both actually characters, and their characterizations and development diverge to the point where the comparison between the two is almost as ridiculous as comparing Cami and Caroline, but it’s ridiculous for the exact opposite reason. Enzo is the morally questionable sassy outsider who alternates between being a friend and enemy to the MF gang, but literally EVERYTHING about the character besides that is completely different from Klaus. And more importantly, unlike Cami, Enzo is actually a fully formed and functioning character in his own right. 
And in that same vein, I feel the need to address the question that you didn’t ask but that I feel is implied (or at the very least, it’s a question many people have asked that is very deeply related to the question you did ask). While ships and shipping are certainly not everything, at this point it’s nearly impossible to discuss TVD or TO without discussing them because that is essentially what the shows consist of at this point. And, it’s no secret that certain fans have been criticized for being very pro-Carenzo while being very anti-Klamille, which is supposedly very unfair. However, something that has always irked the absolute shit out of me about this is that it not only doesn’t allow for any distinction between two ships, but it flat out ignores the fact that these two particular ships are as diametrically opposed as Cami and Enzo are as characters. 
For me, Carenzo is the best ship in the TVDverse since Klaroline. Enzo is a character that I found compelling literally from the first moment he appeared on screen, and obviously Caroline is one of my permanent faves. That alone would be enough to hold my interest in Carenzo, but I think that the show really took that relationship above and beyond what it could have been and made it into something genuinely special in it’s own right. I felt like Caroline’s interactions with Enzo were the first scenes since Klaus had left that actually allowed some insight into her character and given her some new development and dimension, and what made it a hundred times better is that it did the exact same thing for Enzo. There wasn’t even an overtly romantic tone to their interactions, and yet merely being in each other’s presence gave them new life as characters. And in that sense it felt like a real relationship, because it allowed them to grow and self-reflect in ways that we hadn’t seen for either character yet. But, while this was a relationship that enriched the characters it still didn’t define them. When I look at it this way it’s easy for me to see why Enzo and Carenzo succeeded so easily. Carenzo allowed the audience to see a glimpse of Enzo’s facets that we had never seen before, but he was still a fully formed character with other relationships, development, and a history that existed entirely independently of Caroline. Neither one of them was dependent on the other, they just made each other better.
And then there is Klamille. Cami was a character I was actually very much hoping to like, but to put it simply, she was introduced in the backdoor pilot of TO as the woman who was meant “get” Klaus unlike anyone else ever had and the character just never once moved beyond that (with the teensy exception of perhaps the few scenes she had with Davina and Josh in season one, which unsurprisingly were her most appealing scenes as a character ever, at least in my opinion). Cami was designed purely to give us “insight” into Klaus as a character, but that insight mainly seemed to consist of straight up explaining why Klaus was doing what he was doing (even if it made zero sense) in her dialog. There was no actual development of either character at all, Cami just told us what the writers couldn’t be bothered to actually write and nothing else. I mean really, think about it for a moment. It’s season 3, Cami is about to die, and what in god’s name do we even know about her as a character that doesn’t relate to Klaus somehow? LITERALLY every single thing that has ever been shared about this character was purely for the “edification” of Klaus, every anecdote Cami has ever shared and every tidbit of her life that we know about was somehow related to Klaus, but Cami as a character as well as Klamille as a relationship was written SO POORLY that their existence actually made Klaus even WORSE. They hammered away at the longing stares and teary eyed confessionals from the moment Klaus and Cami met, but their relationship was all bombastic romantic overtones with absolutely nothing behind it, which is the complete opposite of Carenzo. 
So, while you’re question wasn’t exactly an accurate one you absolutely hit the nail on the head in terms of the relationship all of these characters have with each other. Cami is 100% the shoddy Cliff’s notes version of Caroline, while Klaus and Enzo barely share anything in common aside from a great ass and an accent. And, given what a drastic contrast Cami and Enzo seem to be on every valuable metric of a character, it’s not surprise that the end result of the characters seems to be diametrically opposed as well. Cami is most likely about to be killed off with hardly any fanfare because the character has been such a one-dimensional train wreck, while Enzo, the character who was meant to die after a few episodes, was literally brought back from the dead because he was so well received. And while at this point I really can’t say I’m sorry to see Cami go, it is unfortunate to realize how easily she could have succeeded had the writers not made every single wrong choice with her character.
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cptjazz · 3 years
I need more Carenzo/Enzoline shippers (:
So please like/reblog this and I’ll follow you!
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