cranky-clairvoyant · 3 months
Sugar Pouch Self Love Spell
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💌 Salt - cleansing, purification
💌 Sugar - sweetness, love, acceptance, joy
💌 Pink Rose Petals - gratitude, admiration, joy
💌 Red Rose Petals - love, affection, courage
💌 Lavender - love, peace, cleansing, purification
💌 Chamomile - love, healing, peace, happiness
💌 Mint - healing, love, protection
💌 White Sealable Pouch
💌 Pen
💌 Pink strip of Paper
💌 Heart Charm
💌 Affirmation
Drink some water, put on your favorite outfit, play your favorite song, do something that makes you feel confident and refreshed!
Gently layer or sprinkle in all herbs, flowers, and spices into the pouch, remember to be generous with the sugar!
On the strip of paper, write down an affirmation that you really resonate with or an affirmation that you want to manifest. Fold it up and place inside of your pouch.
With the Heart Charm, enchant it with positivity and love. This will help keep your pouch radiating with warmth whenever you may need it!
Recite the following
I am full of love and worthy of happiness.
I am wanted and I am honored.
I am supported and comforted in my own being.
I love myself, and I am so happy to be alive.
Seal your pouch and place in an area that's surrounded by things that you love!
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cranky-clairvoyant · 3 months
DAMNATIO MEMORIAE: A curse to condemn someone's memory.
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With that in mind; would you like to wipe the floor clean with someone who did you dirty? Has that person in question gone unpunished for long enough? Have their sins not caught up with them yet? Then this is the curse for you!
What you need:
-A peice of paper or stickynote
-A pencil
-A lighter
-A small metal/ceramic bowl
-Any crystals that represent justice, karma, and wrath. (Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Pyrite, Sodalite, Ruby, Tiger's Eye)
-Any other person(s) affected by the target (optional)
How to execute the spell:
First, draw this sigil on the paper/stickynote. Then write the full name of the target on the other side. You may anoint the paper with any essential oils or spit on the sigil if you so wish.
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Second, take all materials to a place to safely light the sigil on fire. Hold the sigil in your hands as if you were in front of a stage with a script. You must list off all wrongdoings of this target with the following script: "For (wrongdoings), the people say: Damnatio Memoriae!" Allow yourself to feel angry as you list off the wrong doings of the target.
(If you have at least two people with you for this ritual, all they must do is repeat back "Damnatio Memoriae!"
EX: "For the times you have stolen something from me, the people say: Damnatio Memoriae!" "Damnatio Memoriae!")
After you have exsausted everything the target has done, suround the bowl with your crystals of choice, and burn the sigil within the bowl. As it burns, verbaly list ideal punishments for the target. (May they lose their job, may their partner break up with them, may they become bankrupt, ect.)
Once the sigil is reduced to ash, toss the ashes into the air.
lastly, clean the bowl, return the crystals, and do further clensing and protection.
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cranky-clairvoyant · 3 months
hexxing / cursing / jinxing / banishing ingredients.
(anything can be used with the right intent, these are just my favorites, and what i use them with the intent of .) ☆
dead crickets (crickets are often loud in life and disturb sleep, dead crickets to send auditory hallucinations.)
gone bad lavender (bad dreams, nightmares, issues falling/staying asleep.)
dragons blood incense/smoke (chaos, destruction, sometimes physical illness.)
cigarette butts (i like to imagine the smoke getting stuck in their lungs, physical illness.)
dead wasps/wasp nest (getting someone where it hurts, unexpected loss and or pain.)
rotten chili pepper (regular chili pepper works too, but i find that rotten gives the victim an extra "kick" )
vinegar/a sour wine (sending their sour/bitter energy back at them.)
mistletoe (loneliness, BUTTTT can be used for one hell of a forced love spell on someone you hate- make someone they hate OBSESSED with them.)
broken glass (breaking them down, causing pain.)
animal bones (extreme illness, physical harm.)
cemetery dirt (bonus points if its from a graveyard an ancestor is buried in.. ancestors can be SO helpful.)
blood (obviously be careful, blood magick is definitely not beginner friendly, but this can send the jinx/curse/hex, whatever after their bloodline.)
razor blades (pain, difficulty.)
broken egg shells (break them down yourself, put all your aggression into it, imagine you're destroying their trust, i use this for paranoia.)
a picture of your victim, a piece of paper with their name/birthday (bonus points for hometown.)
thorns (trouble in romance, arguing.)
tiger lily (sickness, confusion, lethargy.)
*gentle reminder,
a JINX is an inconvenience.
a HEX is bad luck/illnesss.
a CURSE is direct harm.
blessed be! ★
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cranky-clairvoyant · 3 months
Hi! Could you give tips on creating a decoy (for protection purposes)?
Rule 0: Your decoy will be destroyed. If not by taking strikes meant for you, then by you when its time to move on. It is imperative that what you use for/on your decoy is environmentally safe and is disposed of in a way that does not poison the land and waters around it. So if you must use plastics, don’t bury them! Recycle them preferably, proper landfill trash if nothing else. (Or try not to use plastics unless necessary.) Consider how to incorporate the disposal methods into the working.
In all these suggestions, the actual working steps involved is left up to the reader to work out. One size does not fit all. Customize to your satisfaction.
What is your decoy? Stone? Paper craft? An unglazed clay jar? A glazed ceramic jar? Or even a glass jar? All these items are going to be disposed of in different ways, so keep that in mind as you start making the thing smell more you than you.
Speaking of smell, then a very light perfuming, or a smidge of your favorite antiperspirant/deodorant, or a drop of scented soap/gel can be used to make the decoy more you than you. You don’t have to complete douse the thing, just let it share your scent.
Do you smoke? Blow smoke over the decoy. Do you tend to get ashes on yourself? Rub a bit onto the decoy. Do you smell like cinnamon and nutmeg because of your job? Yup. Add that too. Whatever you smell like, give the decoy the same scent. If your decoy can withstand it, rub some body odor on it. (But, be safe. It doesn’t belong there, there, or over there unless it was made for such purposes. Don’t risk an infection trying to set this up.)
Use makeup? Draw on the decoy. Use runes, sigils, and/or personal markings? Get to it. Avoid the use of paints, or large quantities of ink if possible. Especially if you are going to dispose of the decoy by burial or waterway.
Carry the decoy (or the objects you’re placing in jars) for a few days so it can pick up various “energetic” associations connected with you. Why the quote marks? Because what one person would call energetic, another would call astral, and another would call soul-contamination, and I can’t keep up with all these new fangled terms so I’m just going to throw one out there and keep going.
Give it a good rub every now and then. Make some gesture and/or statement that reinforces that the decoy is associated with you. But don’t think of it as a pet (rock). This sucker is going to take an arrow to the knee for you. No emotional attachments!
I’d give it about three days of steady dunking in your personal aura before I would consider it ready for deployment. Where you place your decoy is dependent on what you’re trying to avoid, and why. If it’s decent looking enough, you can have it out in plain sight. Which makes it easy to check for signs of strikes, or if it is time to dispose of it.
If you are worried about something coming through the mirror, place the decoy in front of it. Doorway? Knick-knack table next to it. Property boundary? Marked stones can be buried there. Still don’t trust that spirit board and/or tarot deck despite all that has been reblogged about the topic of mass-produced cardboard? Plop that decoy right on top of it.
How many decoys to use, and where to place them in relation to you is something that you will have to answer for yourself. A good way to figure it out is to pretend you have an evil twin from another dimension that wants to replace you. How would they attack you. There are your decoy points.
Check your decoy often. If it is showing signs of degrading, breaking, discoloration, unusual odors, or movements that can not be accounted for, then it’s time to let it go.
Break the connection between the decoy and you before disposing, if desired. Rock? Douse it with water. Paper? Burn it or soak it in water. Glass jar or glazed ceramic jar? Fill it with water. (If already filled with liquid, pour out that liquid in a safe and responsible manner, then fill the jar again.) Unglazed clay or other porous container? Dunk it in a bucket of water.
(I’m quite fond of clean water as a cleansing and neutralizing tool, if you haven’t noticed. If your worldview varies, use what is appropriate for you. Just don’t burn down the garage, okay. Be safe.)
If you are reusing the jars, give them a good scrub out with salt and/or water. Rocks can be buried, or thrown in waterways if they won’t bring any problems to the receiving waterway. Paper can be recycled, or thrown away responsibly. But don’t contaminate watersheds with diluted paints, or use liquids that will harm the wildlife when they come to investigate it. Be responsible.
Emergency decoys: Spit on it.
Let’s say you walked into the wrong neighborhood, and the local spirits are not too happy about it. They’re on your ass and won’t let you leave without a fight. You’re trying to get away, but the damn darts keep coming.
Pick up a handful of pebbles or small rocks and spit on them. Throw them in various directions behind and to the side of your direction of travel. Then cover your head and depart with quickness.
This has been my emergency “why can’t Stealth be real” procedure and so far it’s worked for me. As long as the spit on the rocks are wet and undiluted, the decoy is effective. Once the spit dries out, I’m now the brightest blip on the radar again.
In other words, this does not work in the desert nor in pouring rain. I also have found this out the hard way.
Blood? No. I want to strongly advise to never use blood for a decoy, but I can not back up that advice with anything other than personal observations and an acknowledgement that it really comes down to how the working person views blood in the first place. But personally, I would never use blood for a decoy unless I was 1,850% sure that I would have complete control over that decoy at all times and that I would be the one to destroy it. And by destroy, I mean pulverize/burn that shit to nothing.
If you have read this far, keep in mind that this is all based on personal experiences and “Oh Shit!” circumstances. I am not a teacher. Not an expert. Have read no books on the subject that I would consider better than what I have found on the Internet. I can not tailor a specialized plan for you, because I do not know you, your circumstances, or what you are trying to dodge. It would take much more than a few asks/responses to sort that out.
If someone is out to get you and they have physical access to you, then these decoys are going to do jacque shitte at best, and at worst can be used against you.
Defend yourself, using whatever means are available to you. Don’t be afraid to think outside your paradigm(s).
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cranky-clairvoyant · 3 months
Blood Rain Curse Jar [REVISED]
This is a revisions of last year’s spell, which can be read here.
What You’ll Need:
1 black candle
1 small or medium jar
1 taglock per target
a marker in black, white, or silver ink
rain/storm water
red paper flakes, chili powder, or any other dried/powdered hot pepper you have on hand
Tabasco or other liquid hot sauce
optional: a piece of paper
Note: Your taglock can be anything - a photograph of the target(s), a slip of paper with their name(s) on it, a piece of their hair, or something small that belongs to them. If you have multiple targets, I suggest trying to get a picture of them all together, making sure to cut out anyone you don’t intend to harm. If you write each target’s name down, use a different slip of paper for each target. When I performed this spell, I attached it to a sigil that I placed somewhere the targets spent a lot of time.
Warning: This spell makes noise depending on the mix of ingredients you have.
Performing the Spell:
Prepare your work space, making sure the candle is safely secured, and then turn out the lights. Light the candle and spend a moment staring at the flame. Meditate on the ways this person or people have harmed you, take some time to re-experience your feelings about their actions. Use this space to ensure that this curse is truly necessary and you’re committed to it.
Take your taglock(s) and with your marker:
for photographs: draw an eye around each face
for written names: draw an eye at the end of each name
for objects: draw an eye on the paper and wrap it around the taglock
for sigils: incorporate an eye into the sigil’s design
While you draw the eye say/think:
“May this eye see all that you have done. May it look into your very core and know your true self. May it understand your motives, may it know your intentions, may it ride your execution, may it fester in your actions. From the pool of suffering you cause may it grow knotted vines and terrible fates. May it trip you, may it stab you, may it choke and hinder you. May it bind you to yourself.”
Place the taglock in the jar and fill the jar with the ingredients in the order they’re listed above. Use as much or as little of each as you can spare, leaving a bit of room at the top of the jar.
Cap the jar and very carefully seal with the black wax. If you want to be the judge of when the curse ends, you can skip the following part and go directly to the end.
But if you’d like the curse to monitor itself, letting the curse decide if it should pull back or get stronger, then while you pour the wax say/think:
“May this eye see your sorrow, may it know your guilt, may it feel your regret, may it understand your understanding, may it ride through your change, may it whither in your growth. In the face of your rebirth may it shrink and die, may it dissolve with your spark of light. And should that spark flicker out, should you raise a hand again despite, may it rebound double fold and sink in deeper than before.”
State any other terms you’d like and then shake the jar a few times to make sure it’s mixed and the taglock is soaked.
Snuff the candle and place the jar somewhere convenient to you but still out of the way. Whenever you want, give the jar another shake to strengthen the curse.
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cranky-clairvoyant · 3 months
Supernatural Soul Eater Curse
Basically, the idea is to ‘eat someone’s soul’! kinda like a Dementor’s Kiss.
This is the curse to really fuck someone’s shit up.
IMPORTANT WARNING: I have changed the lyrics to the song to make it ‘safer’. It causes the target’s happiness to drain away from them in this form. Using the original song could be considered a DEATH CURSE. You have been warned.
What you need: A bowl of ice or ice water, a small piece of quartz or amethyst, a poppet, a shotglass of water, scissors, needle, thread, 1 silver item, 1 gold item, 1 ‘money’ (crumpled bill, loose change (Don’t worry it’s not getting burned or whatever)), 1 ‘structure’- this means like… Build a tower out of Legos or stack some books or something. You’re going to knock it over, so don’t make it fragile!!
1. Make your poppet. Sew the piece of quartz/amethyst into it’s heart/chest area. This is now your target’s soul.
2. Take a minute and soak your hands in ice or ice water. BE CAREFUL your hands don’t go numb! We’re chilling them, not freezing them.
3. Begin the song. Put utter contempt and icy rage into it. ~Oh, Death… Oh, Death… I won’t spare you over another year! Well, what is this that you can’t see? Ice cold hands taking hold of thee!~
4. As you say ‘ice cold hands’, grab the poppet. Do not be gentle! Take the scissors and open it’s chest, where the crystal is.
5. Continue singing. ~When joy is gone and sorrows take hold Who will have mercy on your soul?~
6. Fun part! The next line is ‘no wealth no ruin no silver no gold’. As you sing it, toss the money behind you, then strike your structure down, then toss your silver and gold items behind you. (In that order)
7. After that, ~Nothing satisfies me like your soul!~  Rip the crystal heart out!
8.1 Now we are going to make crystal water. Amethyst and quartz are both safe- if you are using another stone for whatever reason, CHECK TO MAKE SURE IT IS NON TOXIC.
8.2- Drop the non toxic stone in the shot glass of water, and prepare to finish the song.  ~Oh, Death! Well, I am Death, none can excel! I’ll cast you into the fires of Hell! Oh, Death! Oh, Death!~
9. Remove the crystal and take the shot. Slam the glass on the table and say the last verse:  ~My name is Death, and the end is here!~
10. Burn the poppet in the fires of hell! (Use fire safely guys)
Alternatively, you could drown it in sorrows, cut it to pieces with knives/razors, what have you.
Congratulations, you just ate a delicious soul! That asshole is going to seriously regret pissing you off. May the ‘verse have mercy on their soul, because you certainly won’t!!
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cranky-clairvoyant · 3 months
If you've been on my blog long enough you know I'm pro hex, pro curse what have you.
Sometimes though...you don't want to go the whole nine regarding curses and shit. Sometimes what you have in your arsenal does not justify the transgression. Sometimes you want something other than hoping the next time the asshole you don't like has to shit they're stuck in traffic.
Nah nah nah, too cliche.
Allow me to give you some ideas as I am the duchess of petty.
Give them an itch that a scratch can never satisfy
Bring forth a pimple that always comes back no matter how it's popped or cleansed.
Conjure the agony of the person who angered you by blessing all of their crushes to find meaningful relationships elsewhere.
Plague them with an itch in the asshole. Just enough to be noticeable and unpleasant.
Curse them with finding rocks or sticky barbs of flora on their feet.
May glitches plague your games.
Infect them with insomnia.
Fuck up one shoe of their favorite pair just so getting rid of them is extra annoying.
Make the backs of their earrings disappear with your hex.
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cranky-clairvoyant · 3 months
Some witches want to be whimsical and heal people and be creative with good spells.
Some witches want to be haunting and dark and obscure and be ready to strike when evil is afoot.
Some witches are both, some witches are none. Some witches want power, some others want balance.
You are valid in your craft.
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cranky-clairvoyant · 3 months
Help! Someone is praying against me, what do I do???
everyone has some ain’t shit person in they life who wants to see them fail, even if it’s subconcious. a jealous friend, an entitled coworker, or ya shady ass aunty who can’t mind her damn business, we all have someone working against us
most curses amount to this, so before you start freakin’ out that some powerful rootworker or witch is mad at you, i have some tips to help you out
First notice the signs
do ya ears ring? itch? feel hot? is ya eye twitchin? do you keep havin dreams with a person who you not all that close to? did you get really hype for some good news and then it crumbled? even when it seemed like a for sure thing? then someone is prolly working against you
Figure out who it is
this can be difficult. narrow down the most likely aint shit people in ya life, pay attention to ya dreams, ask the house spirits and ancestors, or do a little divination. get a grasp of their energy.
but frfr get outcha Florida Water, double the salt, light all the herbs on fire, clean and cleanse your home, car, and any spaces you heavily occupy. cleanse and get rid of items connected to the person. take a long cleansing bath.
do a banishing spell, write the names of the people down and set them on fire, get the black salt out and sweep it out the door. banish their energy that is currently being directed at you. cleansing only gets rid of what is there currently.
remember, if you don’t bind them, the person will just keep sending those prayers and soft curses your way. silence them.
Prevention/Preemptive Strike
there are many ways to just eliminate the casual curses and prayers against you.
Protection charms
Reflecting spells (real mirrors are good for this)
Washing your doors
Protective and charged crystals
now go forth and handle that messy bitter bitch who’s tryna fuck up ya life 👌🏽
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cranky-clairvoyant · 3 months
2024 Witches' Calendar
For all my witches out there, here's a handy list of the 2024 dates for the solstices, quarter days, full and new moons, and special events. I've listed my sources at the bottom.
Dates and times for all events are calculated for Eastern Standard Time, USA, Northern Hemisphere. Adjust for your location as needed and check the DarkSky Placefinder to see what special events will be visible in your area. Enjoy!
Solstices, Harvests, and Quarter Days
February 1-2 - Imbolc / Candlemas
March 19 - Spring Equinox / Ostara
April 30-May 1 - Beltane / May Day
June 20 - Summer Solstice / Midsummer / Litha
August 1 - Lughnasadh / Lammas / Summer Harvest
September 22 - Autumn Equinox / Mabon / Fall Harvest
October 31 - Samhain / Halloween / Final Harvest
December 21 - Winter Solstice / Yule
Full Moons
January 25 - Wolf Moon ♌
February 24 - Snow Moon ♍
March 25 - Worm Moon ♎
April 23 - Pink Moon ♏
May 23 - Flower Moon ♐
June 21 - Strawberry Moon ♑
July 21 - Thunder Moon (aka Buck Moon) ♑
August 19 - Sturgeon Moon* ♒
September 17 - Harvest Moon* ♓
October 17 - Hunter's Moon (aka Blood Moon)* ♈
November 15 - Frost Moon (or Beaver Moon)* ♉
December 15 - Cold Moon (Black Moon) ♊
*- Supermoon
Fun Fact: The title of Harvest Moon is given to either the September or October full moon, whichever falls closest to the autumn equinox. Once again this year, that month will be September.
New Moons
January 11 ♑
February 9 ♒
March 10 ♓
April 8 ♈
May 7 ♉
June 6 ♊
July 5 ♋
August 4 ♌
September 2 ♍
October 2 ♎
November 1 ♏
December 1 ♐
December 30 (black moon) ♑
Special Celestial Events
January 3-4 - Quadrantids meteor shower peak
March 25 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
April 8 - Total solar eclipse
April 22-23 - Lyrids meteor shower peak
May 6-7 - Eta Aquarids meteor shower peak
August 11-13 - Perseids meteor shower peak
August 19 - Sturgeon Supermoon / Seasonal Blue Moon
September 17 - Harvest Supermoon / Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
October 2 - "Ring of Fire" solar eclipse
October 17 - Hunter's Supermoon
October 21-22 - Orionids meteor shower peak
November 15 - Frost Supermoon
November 16-17 - Leonids meteor shower peak
December 13-14 - Geminids meteor shower peak
December 30 - Black Moon
(Check the DarkSky Placefinder to see what will be visible in your area!)
Mercury Retrogrades (in case you need them)
April 1 - April 24
August 4 - August 27
November 25 - December 15
Happy Witching!
Bree's Lunar Calendar Series
Bree's Secular Celebrations Series
Moon Info - Full Moon Dates for 2024
Calendar-12 - 2024 Moon Phases
Full Moonology - 2024 Full Moon Calendar
AstroStyle - All the 2024 Full Moons
Your Zodiac Sign - Astrology Calendar 2024
Old Farmer's Almanac - Mercury Retrograde Dates 2023-2024
Lonely Planet - Best Star-gazing Events of 2024
Sea and Sky - Astronomy Calendar of Celestial Events 2024
DarkSky International - Dark Sky Placefinder for Stargazing
Pagan Grimoire - Wheel of the Year: The 8 Festivals in the Wiccan Calendar (2024 Edition)
If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊
EDIT: Mercury is stationed direct on Jan 1st, 2024. The source I used which stated it was in retrograde until the 18th had a typo.
EDIT: Fixed the zodiac signs for the full moons using a new source.
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cranky-clairvoyant · 3 months
My favorite simple wards to guard the home
Hanging rosemary above the doorstep, and/or above doors of the house for protection.
Sprinkling a line of dried red pepper on a windowsill, to counter a curse.
Placing a mix of dried & ground eggshells and black pepper in every corner of a room to keep out unwanted spirits.
Placing a decoration representing a witch in the kitchen, to keep away illness and to favor health.
Crafting an effigie (no matter how crude!) and make it into the guardian of your home by charging it with your intent of protection and placing it near the front door.
Crafting small witch ladders to hang around the house.
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cranky-clairvoyant · 4 months
Wrath’s Charm for Self-Love and Cosmic Love
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Goal: Enchant an item to give you a nudge to remind you that you are loved and to love yourself.
Items Needed: Item to enchant and yourself.
Instructions: Take the item in your hand and hold it in direct sunlight for a minute or two. Let the rays flow over it and around it, as if coating the item in the loving light. After you have held it there, bring the item to your chest over your heart and recite this:
Warmed with the love all around me, Held in the palm of my hand, over my heart. Let me be reminded of all the love I have, let me be reminded of all the love I am given. When I touch this item, let it flow through me; The love I have for myself and the love from others.
Now the item is ready for wearing or keeping close at hand. Recharge it monthly if you feel it loses it’s effect.
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cranky-clairvoyant · 4 months
Self Care Magic
✨Drinking iced raspberry tea infused with rose petals, or a pumpkin spice latte for the cinnamon allspice and clove but also just because you really like it
✨Power songs played during the morning commute and singing as loud as you can without worrying about other drivers seeing you, getting yourself fired up for the day
✨Banishing spells cast on toxic lovers and friends, because even though it hurts to let them go it also feels freeing as hell
✨Self cleansing rituals that make you feel recharged, whether it be fancy ritual baths, or that good smelling face wash that you use every morning
✨Wrapping yourself in the love of friends and family deity when you’re not feeling up to it yourself, they will love you no matter what so relying on them is okay and good
✨Going to a secret spot to be alone, or to watch the world go by and just be still, from a secret pond miles into the forest, to the quiet spot by the window in your favorite cafe
✨Protection spells cast before going out drinking and dancing to keep off the creeps and their unwanted advances, because you just wanna dance and that’s the last thing you need
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cranky-clairvoyant · 4 months
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To Move On Sigil
It takes a lot of courage to let go of things that hurt us. But when we finally do - we are free. Kiran Shaikh.
Requested by @madamesg
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cranky-clairvoyant · 5 months
I am TELLING YOU if you have spent months, years, around the same trees, land, etc., they WILL recognize you and reach out to you or not mind if you reach out to them. You don’t need to know anything about them.
A tree in the forest behind my parents house I’ve never spoken to before reached out - I never would’ve expected it. I don’t know what kind of tree it is. But of course this tree knows me. This tree has known me since I was six.
Trust me. This land knows you. These plants know you. They want to speak with you.
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cranky-clairvoyant · 5 months
Things I do to worship Hathor as a Kemetic who likes mixing practices and being untraditional
Devote my skincare and makeup routine to her
Make spell jars for her
Read about her lore
As a dancer, I devote my dance practices to her
Do tarot to communicate with her
Tell her about my day
Draw pictures of her
Give her offerings of sacred foods, pictures of sacred animals or symbols, or beauty items (I currently have makeup and nail polish on her alter)
I also give her offerings that aren't traditional for Kemetics. I choose to give her offerings of things such as roses and pink things associated with modern love but not traditionally associated with Hathor
Offer her some of everything I eat and drink
Spend a lot of time reading about general Egyptian mythology
Ritual baths
Make playlists for her
Listen to Egyptian-inspired ambiance and music
I live in a rural area and see cows a lot, so I always give thanks to Hathor when I see a pasture of cows
Wear red and gold
Burn red and gold candles
Look at (online) art of Hathor and thank the artists
Make physical moodboards for her
Organize her alter
Listen, watch, or do things that make me feel beautiful and/or s-xy
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cranky-clairvoyant · 6 months
Personal prayers based on epithets 💛
Hermes 🐓 🪽 🐢
Praise to glorious Hermes. Champion of the games. Slayer of Argos. Keeper of the flocks. Sheep-tending shepherd. Ram-bearer and keen-sighted watcher.
Psychopompós, escort of departed souls. He of the gateway. Immortal guide and commander of mortals. Interpreter and translator. He of the roads.
Giver of joy and good things. Comrade of the feast. Glad-hearted luck-bringer. Heart's delight. He of the searchers. Famous, glorious, and splendid. Praise to bright Hermes, strong and mighty.
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