cudanstudies · 2 years
Dear scientists,
Please, for the love of God, please, make your papers more understandable.
Fuck you
A college student on the verge of tears
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cudanstudies · 2 years
i cant decide what my favorite part of our chem lab safety video is (its 35 minutes and they play it on the first day of literally every chemistry lab ive ever taken since high school)
like okay so youve got the part where they stab themselves with a broken pipette and then start shoving it further into their flesh:
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or the part where the poor kid has to strip because he spilled dangerous chemicals all over himself and his lab partner just stands there and watches him naked under the lab shower:
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or when they set a mannequin on fire and someone off screen awkwardly rolls it on the ground to demonstrate stop, drop, and roll: 
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cudanstudies · 2 years
inside your body is PITCH BLACK your cells do all of that in the DARK
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cudanstudies · 2 years
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fiction is my addiction, and since it’s almost the summer, i thought i’d share some ways to get free ebooks or save some money to get more books so you could have something to get lost in over the summer. while this list has a lot of ya resources, there’s still something at the end if you’re looking for something more academic
free ebooks:
project gutenberg is always worth mentioning, because come on, it has 50,000 books in its collection. that’s a lot of books, and you can always catch up on the grimm’s fairy tales
riveted lit is run by the publisher simon and schuster, and they put books up that you can read for a limited time. if you’re looking for something more ya, this is a great place to start
bookbub has more discounted ebooks than free ones, but let’s care about the free ones. you get a daily email with a bunch of discounted or free books
free audiobooks:
sync is my absolute favorite thing. it gives away two free audiobooks, one clasic and one more contemporary, every week over the course of the summer. it starts on may 5 for 2016, and there’s an amazing lineup for anyone who loves to read young adult like i do (they’re going to have i’ll give you the sun, boy meets boy, and on the jellicoe road) and there’s even a nelson mandela’s history on week 12. it’s all free anyway, so why not?
audible allows you to get two free audiobooks in your trial, and if you always wanted to hear a celebrity narrate that classic you never wanted to pick up, you can find something to fulfill that. also, yeah, you read that right. you can get two free. most other sites only say that you can get one, but nope, you should get two. 
hey, it’s project gutenberg again. not only do they have audiobooks, but they have audiobooks in other languages such as chinese, korean, spanish, and many more. if you wanted to test your comprehension of a foreign language in a new way, well, there you go
cheap books:
the book depository and wordery have free worldwide shipping for all you international people looking for that amazing book that your bookstore refuses to stock
if you live in the uk, the book people has some really amazing deals 
if you live in the us, there’s book outlet. the prices are phenomenal and i want to cry because they don’t ship cheaply to me
saving money
if you buy something using ebates, you can get a rebate. buying something from book outlet? get a 10% rebate while you’re at it. it even has rebates for university bookstores like the stanford university bookstore. also, for your first time, you can get $10 back along with the original rebate. plus, it’s awesome how it’s for more than just books, because you can get a rebate for clothing stores or ebay. you can look at the full list of stores here.
if you have any questions, you could always drop by and ask. i hope these help you to get something to read!
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cudanstudies · 2 years
It's funny how I, who was always very vocal about how i DIDN'T LIKE MEMORIZING STUFF, ended up studying medicine, one of the careers where you have tl memorize a TON OF STUFF.
Truly ironic.
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cudanstudies · 2 years
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lab days.
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cudanstudies · 2 years
Effective highlighting 💡
If you have more than 1 color of highlighter, choose meanings for each color. Use colors to differentiate between pieces of information. For example, dates highlight with green, extra information with pink. But don’t use a lot of colors, because you can lose your attention when you will review information.
Write questions you want to understand after reading. Look at the text, note where you can already find answers. After that read the first paragraph carefully and only if you find useful information you can highlight it. If you highlight from the start, you may not be sure of the paragraph's purpose and how to best capture that purpose or idea with your highlighter. Ask yourself, what were the important ideas? What was talked about in class? What might be on the test?
Don’t highlight a whole sentence, only keywords. You may get a better sense of the main idea of a paragraph if you highlight a string of words (excluding extraneous information) that lets you glean the main idea at a glance.
After reading check your questions. Do you find all answers in the book or do you need to read more?
I advise you to use erasable highlighters if you just start highlighting. Write questions or summaries in the margin, bottom of the page, or sticky note.
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cudanstudies · 2 years
biologists will be like this is a very simplified diagram of a mammalian cell
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chemists will be like this is a molecule
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cudanstudies · 2 years
ten things i noticed during my first month at university:
—🪐 no one cares if you have the prettiest notes or the fanciest pens and notebooks. only people into stationary will ask, but most students just type their notes and go on with life
—📖 no one has it all together - absolutely no one. that includes your professors, they’re struggling with something in their lives just as you are! don’t compare yourself to what people show of themselves, it’s not the entire truth of what they’re living.
—🥀 it’s not easy to make friends from different courses if your university separates faculties in buildings, especially if they’re not close to each other. you have to attend social events to get to know different kinds of people. for me, that’s a little tough but i’ve learned that it’s important to get out of your comfort zone.
—🌞 it’s hard to hold yourself accountable when living by yourself. not just in your studies but also daily tasks, such as cleaning, cooking, etc.
—🧠 skipping lectures is too easy, specially if they’re live streamed or recorded. it’s also a vicious cycle for me bc of my depression… but yeah, i don’t recommend unless it works for you better that way.
—🧸 no one knows you - that’s right, no one knows if you’re the “nerdy” dude or the “quirky” student. this isn’t high school, most people won’t know you and won’t have ever hear about you if you’re not studying at a super small university or commit a huge crime lol
—🍒 on this note, you’re free to be whoever you are and/or want to be. there are people similar to you and so different from you that you’ll meet and love or realize they aren’t worth your time. you’ll learn to value your friendships and realize that if you don’t make an effort, you’ll have a hard time keeping friends because your schedules don’t match or they work after school, etc.
—🎓 it’s not impossible and it’s not a competition. no one will care how much you got on a quiz and having the very best grades doesn’t mean anything if you’re not willing to work for your future outside of academic achievements.
—📝 some days you’ll wonder if you’re going on the right path, but the thing is… there isn’t a wrong way or anything like that. you’re on your own journey and if you feel like you’re not where you’re supposed to be, re-evaluate your choices and your personal goals. don’t pressure yourself to be where society and other people tell you to go.
—🌻 it’s okay to make mistakes. actually, it’s important to make mistakes - that’s how you grow and learn more about yourself and the world. don’t worry too much about having everything figured out, just live day by day and appreciate what you have right now <3
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cudanstudies · 2 years
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Today's accomplishments:
- went to driving class at 7:30 am
- took some nice pictures for Instagram w my best friend
- washed my hair
- took a nap
- went to a friend's apartment to play badminton
- post which I took a shower
- locked all doors
I'm kind of confused about things rn but I'm just going to wait for it to sort itself. I'm so glad to have my best friend ajshdjrjuebfh
Tomorrow we're going to hang out with some friends, and I'll be taking the bus for the first time in a year! I'm really looking forward to it.
Love, Sam
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cudanstudies · 2 years
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October 26, 2021
Took my second anatomy exam last Tuesday, took a trip to Portland + Boston, and now I have a muscle practical tomorrow.
One day, I’ll go on a vacation again where I don’t have to study because I’m ✨tired✨
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cudanstudies · 3 years
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my masterpost | my studygram | ask me anything
[click images for high quality]
[transcript under the cut]
Other advice posts that may be of interest:
All About Procrastination
How To Study When You Really Don’t Want To
Common Study Mistakes
7 Strategies to Improve Concentration
How To Make Your Notes Aesthetic
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cudanstudies · 3 years
Sends my prof an email with a dumbass question then turns off email notifications on my phone until I'm strong enough to handle the embarrassment and look at the answer
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cudanstudies · 3 years
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I studied geography today. I also talked to a few of my friends after a very long time, so that was nice 😌. I was craving pizza today but luckily I did not give in to it.
Take care friends.💕🥰
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cudanstudies · 3 years
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It’s almost September. Let’s panic together. 😌
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cudanstudies · 3 years
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Your "thing"
Pick a url! It can be anything academic of even non-academic related, though most studyblr urls I know have some form of relation to schooling and/or studying. If you're feeling stuck here's a url idea generator!
Pick a theme if you want! This is how your blog shows up on desktop mode. You can get them from tumblr's theme garden or @theme-hunter
More guides by others: 1 | 2 | 3
Introducing Yourself
Add as much or as little as you like to your intro! Here are some stuff I've commonly seen added to studyblr introductions:
Nickname and pronouns
Area of study/interest
Reason you joined studyblr
Kinds of posts you'll have on your studyblr
Studyblrs that inspired/motivated you/you'd recommend to others
A tracked tag, if you have one, and a tag for original posts if you have one
Some Studyblr Post Ideas
Daily study life posts - can be to-do lists, accomplishments, thoughts of the day, and maybe a picture or two (notes, desk views, screenshots, bullet journals, etc) from your day.
Study Tips - can be listed out as text, done through infographics, or through slideshows of multiple images!
Masterposts - can have as much or as few links
Study methods
Academic Aesthetic moodboards (just be sure that the images you're using are free to use!)
Study challenge entries
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The tagging system
Some studyblrs track tags so they can reblog and boost posts tagged as such! This is a great way to grow your blog on both ends and get interaction.
- Some formats of tracked tags I've noticed are the url of the studyblr itself (like #myhoneststudyblr or #voyagenotes), #hey/look[name of studyblr] (like #heyrei or #looktoki, and something else entirely! (like #lattesforlaura or #tranquilstudybuddies)
- Here's a database of tracked tags by @myhoneststudyblr if you're looking for some tags to use, you can also send an ask to get added.
Sometimes posts with links to sites outside of tumblr (e.g. youtube, reddit) don't show up in the tags, so make sure your links are tumblr links, or @ other studyblrs who track tags in order to get them seen if you really have to include links to other sites.
Common tags on studyblr you can also tag your posts as fitting: #studyblr, #studyspo, #langblr (for language learners), #medblr (for med students), #bujo (bullet journalling), #dark academia, #light academia
Formatting your Posts
Having Aesthetic™ posts isn't a requirement for running a studyblr, but if you'd like some resources and tips on how to format your posts you can find them below:
If you want resources for making graphics, formatting pictures, dividers, etc. I have a post right here!
It's not required but I encourage you to add alt text and/or image descriptions to your posts in order to make them accessible to people with low vision/are blind, and people with slow internet connections. Here's a handy reference on how to write them!
Here's a masterpost of apps you can use to take your studyblr photos, and heres a post with how to make them look Aesthetic™ (using snapseed)
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"Growing" Your Studyblr
Join study challenges if you want! Some popular ones are the 100/50/30 days of (mild) productivity and seasonal challenges. Keep an eye out on the studyblr challenge tag, since people may post their own challenges and challenge entries on there.
Participate in tag games if you want. Some examples of this are picrew tags, playlist tags, and about me tags, where someone tags you in a post and you reblog with your own response!
Note that you're not obligated to do every tag game you're tagged in since it may be overwhelming lmao (trust me I've left a lot of tag games in my drafts for like months ashdndn)
You can also reblog one of those "ask games" posts with thematic ask ideas. Turn asks on to some degree, and answer asks in your own time. Also this is optional but please also leave an ask to the blog you reblogged the ask game from lmao
Reblog stuff!!!! And leave a nice comment in the replies/a reblog/tags if you like. It helps the original poster get seen more and helps you with getting content on your blog. You can have a separate "reblogged" tag for things you reblog if you want to keep your blog organized.
On Reposting
Don't be That Person and repost someone else's pictures because they look pretty.
If you really want to repost something as an aesthetic inspiration post on your own blog, find the original poster and ask them if it's okay to repost their thing, and repost only if they say yes, and credit and link to them in your post.
If you can't find the original poster because you found it on pinterest or something, don't repost it. And if the pinterest links back to tumblr, reblog the post instead of reposting.
And on the other end, here's how to find if a photo on a tumblr blog is a repost, another one. If you find a repost, please let the original poster know that their content has been stolen, and tell the reposter to credit properly/take down the post.
And on your end, here's how to disable copy + paste and right click on your blog if you don't want people copying your posts, writing, etc
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cudanstudies · 3 years
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September 19, 2021
Decluttered my desk, watered my plants, made room for the textbook, and finally got around to do some serious studying for my Russian exam (which is due thursday!). Thinking about doing another 30 days of productivity challenge, just to keep the vibe going and kick off the start of the academic year in the right way - I'll just leave it in the tags for now. Hope you all had a nice day!
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