culturedsociety · 3 months
Charleston, SC
Photographs and Travel Blog by: Rebecca Muñoz
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culturedsociety · 3 months
Culture Talks with Ashley DiCicco
Welcome to the podcast with Ashley DiCicco, a dynamic force in the world of entrepreneurship, inspiring individuals to achieve greatness and unlock their true potential. With an unwavering determination and an insatiable hunger for success, Ashley has risen to become a global entrepreneur, leader, mentor, and sought-after speaker.
As a trailblazer in the field, Ashley has earned her place in the top 1% of industry leaders, consistently generating multiple 6-figure annual earnings. Her exceptional track record is a testament to her unparalleled expertise and innovative approach to network marketing.
With a team of over 20,000 people under her guidance, Ashley is not just a mentor, but a true leader who has dedicated herself to transforming the lives of others. Her successful Mentorship Series - Masterminding with Ashley DiCicco, has become a go-to resource for aspiring entrepreneurs and ambitious individuals looking to elevate their careers to new heights.
What sets Ashley apart is her deep-rooted commitment to empowering moms, encouraging them to find the perfect work-life balance without sacrificing their dreams. She firmly believes that every woman has the ability to create a thriving career while cherishing their family life, and she is passionate about helping moms unlock their full potential.
Through her captivating storytelling and transparent insights, Ashley shares her personal journey of triumphs and challenges, providing invaluable wisdom and strategies for achieving financial freedom. She emphasizes the importance of passive income and multiple streams of revenue, guiding listeners towards financial independence and a life of abundance.
Join Ashley DiCicco as she opens the door to a world of possibilities and shows you how to design your own life. Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and empowered as she shares her expertise and experiences to help you unleash your true potential and create a life of extraordinary success.
Connect with Ashley:
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Shining a glimmer of light,
Rebecca Muñoz Founder & Curator Cultured Society, LLC www.aculturedsociety.com Earnings Disclaimer: **Earning levels for Isagenix® Independent Associates that appear in this publication are examples and should not be construed as typical or average. Income level achievements are dependent upon the individual Associate’s business skills, personal ambition, time, commitment, activity and demographic factors. For average earnings, see the Isagenix Independent Associate Earnings Statement found at www.IsagenixEarnings.com Isagenix Millionaires are defined as Isagenix Associates who have cumulatively earned $1 million or more with Isagenix.
DSHEA Disclaimer The statements (appearing on this Web site) have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Isagenix products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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culturedsociety · 3 months
The Healing Power of Nature: How Ecotherapy Enhances Holistic Wellness
In a world filled with constant distractions and stress, it's easy to lose touch with our inner selves and neglect our well-being. However, amidst the chaos, there is a powerful remedy that can restore our balance and rejuvenate our minds, bodies, and souls. Welcome to the world of ecotherapy, where the healing power of nature takes center stage. In this article, we will explore how immersing ourselves in the natural world can enhance our holistic wellness and pave the way for a happier and healthier life.
Reconnecting with Our Roots:
As humans, we have an innate connection with nature. However, with the rise of urbanization and technology, we have become increasingly disconnected from the environment that sustains us. Ecotherapy aims to bridge this gap by encouraging individuals to reconnect with nature on a profound level. By spending time outdoors, whether it be in forests, parks, or gardens, we can tap into the therapeutic benefits that the natural world offers.
Reducing Stress and Anxiety:
Nature has a remarkable ability to calm our racing minds and soothe our anxious souls. Numerous studies have shown that spending time in green spaces can reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. The sights, sounds, and smells of nature have a profound impact on our nervous system, promoting relaxation and restoring inner peace. Whether it's a leisurely stroll in a park or a hike in the mountains, immersing ourselves in nature provides a much-needed respite from the demands of modern life.
Enhancing Physical Well-being:
Ecotherapy not only nurtures our mental and emotional well-being but also improves our physical health. Engaging in outdoor activities, such as hiking, gardening, earthing, or simply walking, increases our physical fitness, strengthens our immune system, and boosts our overall vitality. Breathing in fresh air rich with oxygen invigorates our lungs, while exposure to natural sunlight stimulates the production of vitamin D, essential for bone health and a strong immune system. Nature's healing touch extends far beyond our emotions, encompassing every aspect of our well-being.
"The grandest but most difficult goal to achieve in life is to still the mind. All magnificence and power comes from that."  -- Sri Avinash
Fostering Mindfulness and Presence:
One of the greatest gifts that nature bestows upon us is the ability to be fully present in the moment. In a world that often pulls us in a thousand different directions, ecotherapy offers a sanctuary where we can cultivate mindfulness and connect with the present moment. Whether we're observing the intricate beauty of a flower, listening to the soothing sound of a babbling brook, or feeling the earth beneath our feet, nature teaches us to slow down, savor the present, and embrace the wonders that surround us.
Promoting Environmental Stewardship:
Engaging in ecotherapy not only benefits our personal well-being but also encourages us to become stewards of the environment. As we develop a deeper appreciation for nature's healing power, we naturally feel compelled to protect and preserve it for future generations. Ecotherapy fosters a sense of environmental consciousness, inspiring us to make sustainable choices, reduce our ecological footprint, and become advocates for the natural world.
As we navigate the complexities of modern life, let us not forget the profound healing power that nature offers. Through ecotherapy, we can reconnect with our roots, reduce stress and anxiety, enhance our physical well-being, foster mindfulness, and become environmental stewards. So, step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and let nature work its magic. Embrace the transformative journey of ecotherapy and unlock the path to holistic wellness.
Shining a glimmer of light,
Rebecca Muñoz
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culturedsociety · 3 months
Discover the Enchanting Paradise of San Marcos La Laguna
Welcome to San Marcos La Laguna, a hidden gem nestled on the shores of Lake Atitlán. This whimsical hippie town offers a unique blend of spirituality, natural beauty, and cultural richness that will captivate your heart. Join us as we explore the charm and allure of this magical paradise.
Paradise for Spiritual Seekers:
San Marcos is renowned for its thriving wellness and yoga community. With an array of yoga retreats, meditation centers, and holistic massage clinics, it's a haven for those seeking relaxation and spiritual growth. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a beginner looking to dip your toes into the world of wellness, San Marcos offers a variety of classes and workshops to suit every level of experience. Embrace the tranquility and embark on a journey of self-discovery.
Immerse in Mayan Culture:
Beyond its spiritual offerings, San Marcos is a vibrant hub of Mayan culture. Experience the rich tapestry of traditions and customs as you explore the colorful markets and engage with the friendly locals. The bustling markets offer a feast for the senses, with vendors selling fresh produce and handmade crafts. Witness traditional ceremonies and embrace the cultural richness that permeates every corner of this enchanting town.
Outdoor Adventures:
For the adventure enthusiasts, San Marcos has plenty to offer. Lace up your hiking boots and embark on thrilling trails that lead to breathtaking viewpoints. Take a kayak and explore the crystal-clear waters of Lake Atitlán, or venture further to discover nearby waterfalls and volcanoes. The stunning natural beauty of the surrounding landscape will leave you in awe, providing endless opportunities to immerse yourself in nature and explore the great outdoors.
Culinary Delights:
Indulge in the vibrant plant-based cuisine that San Marcos is famous for. With a plethora of vegetarian and vegan restaurants to choose from, you'll discover a world of delicious and healthy meals made from locally sourced ingredients. Discover the flavors of Guatemala in a new and exciting way, and satisfy your taste buds with unique culinary creations.
San Marcos La Laguna is a paradise that seamlessly combines spirituality, natural beauty, cultural immersion, and culinary delights. Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and embrace the tranquility of this magical town. From spiritual retreats to outdoor adventures and vibrant markets, San Marcos offers something for everyone. Pack your bags, embark on an enchanting journey, and let the magic of San Marcos La Laguna capture your heart.
Shining a glimmer of light,
Rebecca Muñoz Writer & Photographer
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culturedsociety · 4 months
Mindfulness and Meditation: A Path to Inner Peace and Well-Being
In today's fast-paced world, finding inner peace and a sense of well-being can often seem like an elusive goal. We are constantly bombarded with distractions, stressors, and a never-ending to-do list. However, there is a powerful tool that can help us reconnect with ourselves and cultivate a sense of calm amidst the chaos: mindfulness and meditation. In this article, we will explore the concept of mindfulness and meditation and how it can lead us to inner peace and overall well-being.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the practice of intentionally paying attention to the present moment, without judgment. It involves bringing our awareness to our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the surrounding environment. By practicing mindfulness, we learn to fully experience each moment, rather than getting lost in worries about the past or anxieties about the future.
Benefits of Mindfulness:
1. Reduction of stress: Mindfulness allows us to observe our stressors with a non-reactive mindset, enabling us to respond more effectively to challenging situations. It helps us recognize and release tension, leading to a calmer state of being.
2. Improved mental well-being: Regular mindfulness practice has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. By cultivating a non-judgmental attitude towards our thoughts and emotions, we can develop a healthier relationship with our inner world and increase our overall happiness.
3. Enhanced focus and concentration: Mindfulness exercises train our minds to stay present, which in turn improves our ability to focus and concentrate on tasks. This heightened focus can lead to increased productivity and a greater sense of accomplishment.
What is Meditation?
Meditation is a practice that involves training the mind to achieve a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness. It typically involves finding a quiet and comfortable space, assuming a comfortable posture, and directing our attention to a specific point of focus, such as the breath, a mantra, or a visualization.
Benefits of Meditation:
1. Stress reduction: Meditation has been proven to activate the body's relaxation response, reducing the production of stress hormones. This promotes a state of calmness and tranquility, allowing us to navigate life's challenges with greater ease.
2. Emotional well-being: Regular meditation practice helps us develop emotional intelligence by cultivating self-awareness and compassion. It allows us to observe our emotions without getting overwhelmed by them, leading to greater emotional stability and well-being.
3. Improved physical health: Meditation has been linked to numerous physical health benefits, including lowered blood pressure, improved immune function, and reduced inflammation. It can also enhance sleep quality and reduce symptoms associated with chronic pain.
Incorporating Mindfulness and Meditation into Daily Life:
1. Start small: Begin with just a few minutes of mindfulness or meditation practice each day and gradually increase the duration. Consistency is more important than the length of each session.
2. Find what works for you: Experiment with different mindfulness techniques and meditation styles to discover what resonates with you. Whether it's mindful breathing, body scan meditation, or guided visualization, choose the practice that brings you the most peace and tranquility.
3. Create a sacred space: Designate a quiet and clutter-free area where you can practice mindfulness and meditation without distractions. Make it your sanctuary for self-reflection and rejuvenation.
Mindfulness and meditation offer a powerful pathway to inner peace and well-being in our modern lives. By cultivating present-moment awareness, we can reduce stress, improve mental and emotional well-being, and enhance our overall quality of life. So, take a moment each day to tune in, breathe, and reconnect with your inner self. Embrace the transformative potential of mindfulness and meditation, and embark on a journey to a calmer, more fulfilled life.
Shining a glimmer of light,
Rebecca Muñoz
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culturedsociety · 4 months
The Power of Holistic Wellness: A Guide to Nurturing Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
In our fast-paced and demanding world, it's easy to overlook the importance of nurturing our mind, body, and spirit. However, holistic wellness offers a comprehensive approach to health and well-being that can truly transform our lives. By integrating various practices and methods, holistic wellness aims to create harmony and balance within ourselves. In this article, we will explore holistic wellness's power and provide practical tips to nurture your mind, body, and spirit.
1. Nurturing the Mind:
Our mental well-being plays a crucial role in our overall health. To nurture our minds, we can engage in activities such as meditation, mindfulness, and positive affirmations. These practices help us cultivate self-awareness, reduce stress, and enhance our focus and clarity. Taking time for self-reflection and engaging in activities that bring us joy and relaxation can also contribute to a healthy mind.
2. Nurturing the Body:
Our bodies are the vessels through which we experience life, and caring for them is essential for holistic wellness. Prioritizing regular exercise, a balanced and nutritious diet, and sufficient rest are fundamental to maintaining physical health. Additionally, exploring alternative therapies such as acupuncture, massage, or yoga can promote relaxation, improve circulation, and enhance overall vitality.
3. Nurturing the Spirit:
Nurturing our spirit involves connecting with something greater than ourselves and finding meaning and purpose in life. This can be achieved through practices like meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature. Engaging in activities that bring us joy, such as pursuing hobbies or volunteering, can also nourish our spirit. Cultivating gratitude and practicing forgiveness are other powerful ways to foster spiritual well-being.
"Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit - the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe affects our state of well-being."  -- Greg Anderson
4. Integrating Holistic Practices:
While nurturing the mind, body, and spirit individually is beneficial, integrating holistic practices can amplify their impact. For example, engaging in mindful movement practices like yoga not only benefits the body but also calms the mind and connects us to our inner selves. Similarly, combining meditation with deep breathing exercises can promote both mental and physical relaxation.
5. Creating Balance and Harmony:
Holistic wellness emphasizes the importance of creating balance and harmony in all areas of life. This involves assessing and addressing the different aspects that contribute to our well-being, such as relationships, work-life balance, and self-care. By consciously evaluating and making adjustments in these areas, we can create a harmonious and fulfilling life.
Holistic wellness is a powerful approach to nurturing our mind, body, and spirit. By integrating various practices and methods, we can create a harmonious balance within ourselves, leading to enhanced well-being and a more fulfilled life. Remember, holistic wellness is a journey rather than a destination, so be patient and kind to yourself as you explore and incorporate these practices into your daily life. Embrace the power of holistic wellness, and watch as it transforms your life from the inside out.
Shining a glimmer of light,
Rebecca Muñoz
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culturedsociety · 2 years
Culture Talks with Londen Winters
Pastor Londen Winters is the founder of Londen Winters Ministries, Inc and has been in full time ministry since 1995. She has a degree in Mental Health Counseling and Drug Rehabilitation. She’s a teacher and preacher who’s a catalyst for helping, teaching, encouraging, enlightening, and motivating hurting women (as well as men and children) to heal what hurts mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually by using and applying the Word of God. Pastor Londen shares Godly principles that causes radical healing, transformation, and freedom within the people she is ministering to. You will often hear her saying that she cannot do anything without God doing it through her. She's always giving God the honor and glory for her beautiful ministry.
Connect with Pastor Londen Winters: email: [email protected] Phone line: 248.508.2048
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Shining all the light,
Rebecca Muñoz Curator & Founder Cultured Society
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culturedsociety · 2 years
Culture Talks with Jennifer Bouche
Jennifer Bouche is an adventurous free spirit, living the van life with her fiancé. Her passion is to help & inspire others to live healthier, happier lives. She began her yoga practice in 2008 and has been teaching yoga since 2014. She graduated from Arizona State University in 2015, where she earned her Bachelor’s degree studying Dietetics, Exercise & Wellness. Jennifer started her business, Health & Wellness Rituals in 2020, offering Nutritional Coaching, Yoga & Meditation sessions.
She was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes & Celiac Disease at a young age, she wants to use her personal experience & her education to help others transitioning to new diets & lifestyles. She enjoys spending time outdoors, traveling & boating with her fiancé, stargazing, cooking & eating nutritious, delicious food.
Recommended Literature: Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World by: Bob Goff The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book) by: Don Miguel Ruiz Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by: Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Connect with Jen: Instagram Website
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With Love,
Rebecca Muñoz Founder & Curator Cultured Society
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culturedsociety · 2 years
Culture Talks with Olomi The Artist
Olomi The Artist picked up a brush at the age of 4 and hasn’t placed it back down. His family migrated to Germany which exposed Habib Olomi to Architecture and Colors. He realized soon enough his gift as an artist and started using it to his benefit. He realized that people would always pay good attention to his creativeness so he started expressing his feelings and emotions through his Art. For the last 40 years Mr. Habib Olomi has reinvented himself as “Olomi The Artist” and he sure has impressed his new fans who are not just his family and friends but Art Lovers around the world. He has done paintings for celebrities from Hollywood to Bollywood. Madonna, The Marleys, Mr. Tom Hanks, Dr. Florance Harding, Dr. Hasan Kakar, the Noble family of Loy Khan Zaland Khan, and many many more. He has perfected his skills over many years of experience and his travels to countries like US, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, the Caribbean Islands, China, Afghanistan and last but not least…India (his favorite country). Olomi paints in different styles and mediums. He sculpts with wood, stone and mix media…meaning anything and everything he can get his hands on. Mr. Olomi or Olomi The Artist has astonished the world with his Arts and he is not done yet. His main goal is to leave the earth and the World of Art a much better place than initially he had received. He’s inspiring individuals not just with his art but loving personality as well. In his own words: “I wants to spread Love & Unity around the world through me & my Art.” Connect with Olomi The Artist: Website Bid on Elon Musk NFT
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With Love,
Rebecca Muñoz Founder & Curator Cultured Society
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culturedsociety · 2 years
Culture Talks with Jessica Mauderer
Jessica Mauderer was born in Kansas City, MO in 1981 and is the oldest of Alan and Louise Kihn’s three children. Her family lived in Belton, MO throughout her school age years. She began playing volleyball in middle school and loved the sport from the very start! Her college career began at Longview Community College where she accepted a two year scholarship and received her Associate Degree in Arts. She transferred and graduated from the University of Missouri in 2004 with her Bachelor’s in Finance/Banking. Her degree allowed her to pursue a corp career in the banking and financial services industry for 16 years.
She now teaches others how to experience more joy, love, and laughter by helping them transform their life mentally, physically, and financially. All while becoming ten feet tall and bulletproof. Letting nothing stand in the way to becoming the best version of you.
Connect with Jessica: Website Facebook Recommended Books: Love Life - Be Life - Share Life by Jessica Mauderer Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren The Magic by Rhonda Byrne
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With Love,
Rebecca Muñoz Founder & Curator Cultured Society
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culturedsociety · 2 years
Culture Talks with Dj Slot-A
Chicago-based music producer and DJ, Slot-A, first fell in love with making beats back in his high school multimedia class in 2000. Wanting to be around music as much as possible, he dual-enrolled at the local community college studying music production, and when he wasn’t in class, you could find him working at FYE thumbing through albums for production and songwriting credits.
Slot has since produced tracks for the likes of Add-2, Amanda Seales, Phat Kat and Skyzoo. You can experience Slot’s production range on Jamila Wood’s new album, “Legacy! Legacy!,” that was released in May of 2019.
As Slot-A has evolved from being a producer into a DJ, he’s opened for the likes of Ghostface Killah, Tech 9, Lunice, and spun for the legendary Rakim. Infusing everything from Hip Hop, Reggae, Funk, to Nu-Disco and Latin rhythms into his sets. Slot-A works endlessly to create all encompassing open-format sets. With influences like J Dilla, Kashif, Lee Scratch Perry, Dj Assault & The Neptunes, Slot’s sound brings a dance-floor oriented, but soulful, unique vibe.
As a staple in the vibrant Chicago nightlife scene, you can find Slot lighting up the dance floor from Fulton Market, Wicker Park, River North & a city near you.
Connect with DJ Slot-A: Twitter Twitch Blogspot Bandcamp Soundcloud
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With Love,
Rebecca Muñoz Founder, Cultured Society
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culturedsociety · 2 years
Culture Talks with Nina Wilson
Nina has always had a passion for helping people and truly believes it is what she is meant to do. This passion, paired with her own divine healing, has led her on a glorious journey receiving education in all areas of health and wellness. She currently maintains her license in Mental Health Counseling and Psychotherapy; trained in several therapeutic modalities including Functional Medicine for Mental Health, Yoga, and Integration Restoration Yoga Nidra. She is also a Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master. In 2020, she discovered a deep calling for Sacred Plant Medicine and Psychedelics. This study as vastly deepened her own growth process as well as allowed her to work with clients in different ways. She is steadfast in her calling to help guide people through their healing and evolution in various ways.
Connect with Nina: Website Instagram
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With Love,
Rebecca Muñoz Founder, Cultured Society
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culturedsociety · 2 years
Culture Talks with Coach Love
Lovenia “COACH LOVE” Barkley is a Certified Master Life Coach, author and speaker, who specializes in creating safe spaces for men to be enlightened, encouraged, empowered and elevated through their HEARTWORK journey.
Lovenia has such a compassionate heart for people which is why she purposefully became an entrepreneur. She is intentional in utilizing her phenomenal leadership and communication skills, while sharing her heart with the world. She has co-authored three books and has self published two books about HEARTWORK and healing for men. She believes we should all delve into self-love and the importance of healing our mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions.
Coach Love thoroughly enjoys collaborating with like individuals and also has philanthropy. She regularly participates in forums focused on mental health and self-love. Lovenia's mantra is "I AM LOVE" and she is steadfast in her mission to help others realize this truth for themselves and this too is why she believes "It takes more heart than talent" to truly thrive in our journey.
Connect with Lovenia “COACH LOVE” Barkley: Instagram
HEARTWORK The Self Love Trifecta
No Excuse Today” T-Shirt
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With Love,
Rebecca Muñoz Founder, Cultured Society
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culturedsociety · 2 years
Culture Talks with Constance Kostrevski
Constance Kostrevski has been taking photographs since the age of eight when she received her first camera from her grandmother. Photography was a family affair; her grandfather was a portrait photographer back in Macedonia. Fascinated by her family’s history and culture, Constance began by taking portraits of her grandmother after school, taking the time to choose her outfits and adjust the setting and lighting. She soon fell into the role of photographer and stylist.
It was her interest in fashion from styling these shoots that inspired her to study fashion merchandising and marketing, earning a BA from the Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago. In 2004 she was one of twelve amateur photographers chosen for a summer residency at The School of Visual Arts, New York.
Constance lived and worked in Chicago, finding inspiration in many places: her vibrant neighborhood of Pilsen, friends, travels, architecture, nature, and music. An adept portrait photographer, Constance's ability to connect with her subjects allows her to not only capture a portrait but also to tell a story. She has defined herself through the people she shoots, allowing her portraits to show that everyone has a story to share. During this time she built connections within the Chicago music scene, hosting the pioneering online music stream Cutz on Cuts, hosting and Djing with the boogie musters and curating Record Store Day 2015 at K Starke records, now Wild Prairie Vinyl & Vintage.
From 2015-2018 She ran an after school program in collaboration with The National Mexican Museum of Fine Art - Chicago, where she taught analogue photography to children aged 7-14. At the same time Constance's love of music developed, releasing records with Beyond Luck and DJ Moppy. As well as holding down residencies at Murasaki, Fox Bar and Booze Box all in Chicago. She has worked with many artists and musicians, including comedian Hannibal Buress on My Name Is Hannibal and Live From Chicago, musician Radius on his album Neighborhood Suicide, musician Moppy on his album The Seven Wonders of the Sea, as well as with musical group The Cool Kids which was included in the “Next 1000” issue for URB magazine. Her work has been featured in print and digital publications, including the Chicago Reader, Chicago magazine, i-D magazine, Time Out Chicago, URB Magazine, XLR8R, Pitchfork and Getty images.
In 2018, Constance relocated to London, UK where she continues to draw inspiration from her new city surroundings. From volunteering at Artbox London, a charity that offers art programs for adults with learning disabilities, to volunteering with the NHS. Her work continues to inspire the art of working and serving her community through her natural abilities to create.
Connect with Constance: Website Instagram Soundcloud
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With Love,
Rebecca Muñoz Founder, Cultured Society
Hello, World!
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culturedsociety · 2 years
Culture Talks with Rehna Mathews
Rehna Mathews has been on a journey to rediscover her true self. Her motto is ‘Get comfortable being uncomfortable’. She thrives on meeting new people, embracing new experiences and is always curious. As a result of removing the layers placed by society and honoring her true spirit, she is feeling more joy and fulfillment in her life.
2021 was a particularly wonderful year for Rehna. She collaborated with 10 other poets from different parts of the world to publish their first book ‘Beautiful People and Words – A Collection of Poems from Around the World’. This was her dream, and she was the driving force behind this project. Since then, the social media community ‘Beautiful People and Words’ was formed. They meet on clubhouse few times a week to share poetry and pour love into each other.
Rehna has an amazing daughter and a beautiful cat who inspire her every day.
Connect with Rehna: Instagram: Beautiful People and Words IG Facebook
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With Love,
Rebecca Muñoz Founder, Cultured Society
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culturedsociety · 2 years
Culture Talks with vincethealien
Originally born on Mars and sent to Earth, crash landing in Los Angeles to spread the gospel about his Universe, vincethealien is an intergalactic, harmony obsessed creature and his music is the record of his mission to find a people to share his journey of love and lust for life with.
Explore more of the vincethealien universe & become a part of the #AlienGang at www.vincethealien.space.
Connect with vincethealien: Youtube Instagram Soundcloud
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With Love,
Rebecca Muñoz Founder, Cultured Society
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culturedsociety · 2 years
Culture Talks with Maya Dove
Maya Dove was born and raised in Croatia, Europe and moved to Canada 7 years ago. Since childhood she had a gift of seeing and knowing things, but as Croatia is a Catholic country and her family was filled with atheist/skeptics. Her gifts were considered taboo and were laying dormant inside her.
Things shifted fast after her arrival to Canada where she developed her spiritual abilities and learned energy work from The School Of Light.org and Master Teacher Starlet Paradis. .Combining all of her life experiences and gifts, she created the Soul Communication work, where she connects to the soul of the person she is working with to channel. She then delivers information and energy most beneficial for whatever the person is looking to achieve or learn about.
Her focus is on making these gifts available for anyone who is open to fun new experiences as information she is channeling comes directly from the Soul Perspective and has the ability to override any limiting beliefs including those that can come from spiritual practices. Her vision is focused on world of true freedom , empowerment, flexibility, innovation and diversity as she believes life is here to be fun and exploratory adventure.
Connect with Maya: website
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With Love,
Rebecca Muñoz Founder, Cultured Society
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