cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
a/n & possible tw: my school of many others in california fell victim to the idiotic false calls for sh00t1ng threats that sent us into lockdown the other day, & i suppose somefing within me initiated the urge to post this snippet that has been hidden in the drafts since january. a yolo moment perhaps ( in ALL seriousness ). it wasnโ€™t really a joking matter and by no means would i like it to appear as if it was, or that i think it is.
( dynamic: ) โ€ฆ. victorian era au! matt murdock x gn! reader.
( pronouns & y/n never used, religious undertones/implications, all up to interpretation )
letters never sent. - m. murdock
summary: in which, matt writes up a neglected heap of journal entries turned letters, perched on the corner of his desk and awaiting proper destination to no avail - letters never sent.
It was a need that the doze of nighttime could not satisfy, that time could not mend, but only caused to swell. The need for you, for the way the encounter and company of your presence had become second nature. If hands could be sanctuaries, yours would be mine, I think. I pray that you might let your soul's surface be god's acre at which my body is laid to rest, that the broken come hither in awe at the way your light outshines mine and flickers with such a beam it outdoes a sore sight. So that those hands of yours that I speak so graciously of will never know depart from my own. Grant my soul tenter over yours, and take my hands in a seal of plight that I may secure it safe for the rest of my lingering days. That I may never drift asunder to the abyss of isolation I had known before you and wish never to gain recollection of. Take me, and without the slightest ounce of pricking hesitance, I will be yours.
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cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
near threw up when i saw this ?!-/:7)? passing out this is too true im so sick in shambles
Hey babe can I request a Regulus Black x vietnamese!reader hc where the reader basically shows him about their culture / food and all?๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€
contains: gender-neutral!reader, vietnamese!reader, swearing. iโ€™d say iโ€™m not the most cultured so if i got anything wrong, feel free to correct/educate me fellow viets.
masterlist - taglist
sorry this is kind of short
- I feel Regulus would enjoy the mid-autumn/moon cake festival and he would absolutely love it more after learning the story behind the whole celebration (which you can read here)
- Him asking you how to swear in Vietnamese. Many, many times.
โ€œHow do you say fuck?โ€
โ€œRegulus I am not going to teach you how to swear in Viet.โ€
โ€œWhy not?!โ€
- Inviting him to one of your cousins weddings and him getting lowkey excited to wear an รกo dร i (unisex traditional clothing consisting of a long gown/tunic with loose trousers made of silk or synthetics, linked here is a wedding version of the รกo dร i). Despite his excitement, he still claims you look the best, noting how the colour suits you and effortlessly beautiful you look in general.
โ€œI canโ€™t wait to do this with you at our wedding.โ€ He tells you with pure admiration as the tea ceremony begins. You try your best to ignore the heat rising in your cheeks as you return your attention to your cousin is helping their significant other pour tea for your older relatives.
- I think Regulus wouldnโ€™t be as adventurous when it came to his food but heโ€™d give viet food a try, especially after you asked him to be your plus one to your cousins wedding (who also wanted to know which foods he liked so that he wouldnโ€™t starve when the wedding day came).
- He strikes me as a guy who would enjoy chรจ thรกi [Vietnamese fruit cocktail(thereโ€™s no alcohol)] or chรจ ba mร u (three-colour/rainbow dessert). Iโ€™m craving chรจ now itโ€™s been so long
- Your aunties loving how well-mannered he is while your uncles just enjoy having another guy around lol. He wouldnโ€™t drink much in-front if your family but will accept a drink or two if offered just out of respect.
- Speaking of family, your parents quickly loving him after you introduce him and inviting him to all of the family gatherings. Itโ€™s grandmas birthday? Heโ€™s coming. Tแบฟt? Heโ€™s already there helping set everything up. Just another family gathering as an excuse for your uncles to drink? Heโ€™s there. Your family quickly gets used to his presence and are disappointed when he canโ€™t attend every once in awhile but do understand he has a family of his own.
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permanent taglist: @lucy-malfoy07 @tsukilover11 @sweetblueparadisebabyg @gryffindorgirl @annika0-o @rocketxgirl @debesteimanetje @vixxiann @nataliewalker93 @averyisbackinthetrashcan @killzandchillz
gen. hp taglist: @joyfullymulti @hehehehannahthings @water-vevo @yourmumsdirtysock @dreamyender @denkisclown @thepolywrites @drayshadow
regulus black taglist: @coldlilheart @angelsgrxzer @lilyblackx @pmissuluger @ellashelton1 @bberee @oh-my-ronron-mphfpc-fanfic-heart @spxncervibes @fxll-moons @quillsanddaydreams @lelapine @alexxavicry @ziggylovebot @notacluelessblonde00
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cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
fell to my knees
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synopsis!ย ooo. nineteen twenty-five au. ooo. new york city, in the midst of itsย โ€˜roaring twentiesโ€™ chapter, receivesย englishman, james potter, who comes to visit his estranged son, harry. however, his son has become acquainted with the likes of youย โ€” a twenty-something-year-old man, who comes from said old money and manages himself in a large, gothic mansion, which is house to the grandest parties ever thrown in the mad decade. james thinks youโ€™re a terrible influence and whilst trying to convince his son of this, he ends up trying to desperately believe it himself.ย 
pairings! ooo. dilf!james potter x male!reader, jegulus && jily mentions, male!reader x wandaย ( oc )ย mentions.ย 
series disclaimers, warnings! ooo. lying ass reader, language, jealousy, slowburn with dbf trope, bisexual reader, non-magic au, angst that becomes more evident as the chapters go onย  โ€ฆย ย will be updated as chapters are posted.ย ย ย 
word count! ooo. tbd.ย 
a. note! ooo. the gif โ€ฆ no one speak of it. it took long as hell and i nearly died because of it, so, pretend it fits <3 i dunno when iโ€™ll be updating BUT Iโ€™LL BE UPDATING. trust. also, sorry for the millionย โ€˜ooo.โ€™ shits i just think they make everything look so pretty, and, if you couldnโ€™t tell, this is somewhat inspired by the great gatsby. final note, the readers nickname is BUNNY, itโ€™s still y/n, donโ€™t worry, mates, itโ€™s just a cute little nickname. CHEERIO, LADS!ย 
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย .ใ€€ . โ€ข โ˜† . ยฐ .โ€ข ยฐ:. *โ‚Š ยฐ . โ˜†
โ†ณย  ย ( coming soon ! )ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ONE.ย โ€œ THE ENGLISHMAN! โ€ย ย 
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cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
the junkyard that is my masterlist.
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โžบ [ fandoms / characters ! ]
eternals, 2021 [ druig, makkari ] harry potter - marauders era, [ james potter ] mcu [ natasha romanov, pietro maximoff, peter parker ] daredevil 2018 [ matt murdock ] .
โžบ [ main stuff ! โ”โ” ] ( and in regards to requests . )
โžบ i donโ€™t write smut or lemons.
โžบ i donโ€™t write smut or lemons.
โžบ i will not write for any death eaters besides regulus (INCLUDING DRACO MALFOY), ikaris, loki, & cap.
โžบ i will not write for any death eaters besides regulus (INCLUDING DRACO MALFOY), ikaris, loki, & cap.
โžบ i will not write for any death eaters besides regulus (INCLUDING DRACO MALFOY), ikaris, loki, & cap.
โžบ i consider myself a fan of percy jackson, hunger games, maze runner, haikyuu, atla,divergent, star wars, seven deadly sins, & saiki k, but may not consider writing for any of the listed fandoms only up into the far off future, possibly unless requested.
[ timeline ! โ”โ” ]
โžบ this will depend on how occupied with school i am, especially around finals time - but it'll usually take 1-2 days for me to write and finish a request i accept and agree to write.
[ misc links ! โ”โ” ]
black lives matter, lgbtqia+ resources, & more !
mental health resources !
asian hate prevention petitions & resources !
please do not rewrite, redistribute, downright plagiarize, or translate any of my works ( i might consider allowing consent if you message me about it first ). reblogs are fine!
ยฉ cupidsscribeโ„ข 2022. All rights reserved.
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cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
โžต PAX VOBISCUM - pietro maximoff.
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โ™ฏ โ”€ pietro x gn! artist! reader. 22-10-4.
โ™ฏ โ”€ record store/nyc park tryst au in which pietro is newly unwed. ft. hurt, comfort, angst, & a bit of fluff. implied subsequent friends to lovers.
masterlist !
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Like arms enveloping you in warmth, the night welcomed you. A dulcet tune invoked a tranquil kind of happiness within you, the feeling of being light on your toes and at peace with your being.
My heart is in prison
The whole
Come close to me
I surrender
I surrender,
To you.
There wasn't a sight in the quaint vinyl shop that didn't trigger your interest or wasn't at least remotely interesting. You perused carefully among each record case, pausing and flipping through each one with cautious hands. The room was a picture of color and a flurry of strange patterns and designs plastered among the walls.
You hummed to yourself absentmindedly, and for a mere second, felt a notable sensation of eyes piercing through your neck before you whipped your body around. The pair of eyes shifted elsewhere, onto your hands that lingered on the cases, then back down.
A man, lean and flashing a pearly white smile, his button up tight around his arms under his overcoat, salt and pepper hair messy wisps framing his forehead. Peering over at you every now and then. A child, maybe six or seven standing before him. He leaned down to accommodate his height, hands on knees. The boy laughed in response, and you smiled subconsciously at the scene before you.
You made your way to the register, record in hand. Past the man, and finally taking respective place before the cashier. Placing the vinyl on the counter with gentle hands, inquisitively observing the pouring rain from outside the shop.
You felt the same pair of eyes again, this time not turning around. He peered over your shoulder.
"Nevermind by Nirvana," he flipped it over and scanned the tracklist. "Classic."
"A favorite of mine. Finally got it on vinyl," you said, attempting at conversation.
His smile turned somber.
"She liked that one," he pointed to a track on the list.
He did not elaborate. And before you could inquire, a ring and clink rang in the air.
You made a move to turn around, bag in hand, before hearing his footsteps before you, beyond the doors of the shop and gradually dwindling in the distance. You followed suit quickly, briskly opening up your umbrella from its confines.
"Wait up!" you called him from your spot under the shop awning. He must've been drenched from where he was standing, so you promptly jogged towards him, holding the umbrella above the two of you.
At that, he turned to face you, an expression of pleasant surprise scrawled on his face, and a small smile.
"Would you like to...go to the park with me?" He inquired, scratching the back of his head, goofy smile still gracing his features.
"That would be nice," you returned the smile, and the two of you ventured on. You never minded the rain all that much, nor the cold of the New York winter air.
It would be a lie to say you hadn't recognized him prior to your more recent encounter. You'd seen him at the park before, plenty of times. He sat at that same bench fairly distant from the lake. The view of it from that reference point was quite lovely, you had to admit. You'd quite of few self-drawn sketches of the landscape alone. He sat there nearly every day, the same time, merely looking over yonder at the prospects Central Park had to offer.
He plopped down on the seat as he always had, and you recollected a glimpse of the image you'd seen every day, of him here. Only this time, taking subtle note subconsciously, he'd not been wearing his ring. He was never without it. He patted the spot next to him, prompted you to sit. The rain had finally stopped. The lights of various park lamp posts illuminated the natural glow of his face.
"I ought to tell you, I leave tomorrow at twelve for a tour out of here. UN military personnel - Marine Corps."
Your jaw was left sightly ajar. "That's very admirable of you. And valiant. I wish you the best of luck."
He smiled gratefully at your well wishes. "My particular job is tending to victims of war and children in war-torn countries. Protecting civilians and such. I went through it, sort of. I think my parents would have wanted this for me. They're both gone."
"I'm so sorry." Perhaps, it was wrong of you to assume they'd been close. It was a loss, nonetheless, and you couldn't help but feel apologetic.
"It's alright." His somber smile made a grand return, and you couldn't help but silently plead its absence. Even still, you allowed the lingering of his sadness - though it pained you to see.
"I think they'd want it for you, too. Do you," your eyes couldn't help but momentarily linger on the absence of his ring and the impression it had left on his finger, "have anyone?"
He paused, for just a second.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude-"
"Don't be. It's just my sister and I. My wife couldn't manage my whole sad stick-in-the-mud sob story. She thought I was a difficult man."
You nodded, glad at least that he did not know the affliction of utter solitude.
An expression of having remembered something he'd forgotten had struck his face.
"I'm Pietro. Silly of me to have forgotten to say," he shook your hand firmly.
"Y/n," you reciprocated the shake, but with gentle caution as if to reassure him to be comfortable, that informality was alright.
"For better or for worse, Pietro. You deserve that. I'm so sorry about your circumstances."
He could only nod and look down at his hands.
"Thank you for that."
You shifted to your bag, removing a sheet of paper from within the pages of a sketchbook.
Gingerly, and with evident hesitance, you began to scrawl on the back of it.
To Serviceman Pietro.
It was an illustration of him on the park bench, gaze fixed on the lake before him. A couple sat on a rowboat upon the lake. He stayed fixated on it, looking almost longingly at the couple. His features were soft, ridden with the same warmth he'd possessed since you'd first seen him. You silently pleaded for him not to think you to be a creep.
"I'm sorry. I've seen you here before. And you make an excellent subject for illustration." You smiled and handed it to him. Your dedication involved laughter from him and a shake of his head - "Serviceman Pietro."
"I'm not sure what to say," he scanned over the drawing for a short while, admiration evident by the way he smiled. "Please, don't apologize. It's wonderful."
"I appreciate that."
He tucked the drawing safely in a file folder within his bag securely. He pointed towards two swans sitting atop the lake.
"Do you know what swans symbolize?"
Shaking your head, your allowed him to continue.
"Love, loyalty, beauty. Two swans symbolize soulmates." He grinned, seeming pleased by the devine ideology of it all.
"I think that's lovely," you whispered in reply.
He went on to tell you how to distinguish squirrels by their face fur color and how to differentiate trees by the grain patterns of the wood on their trunks.
Abruptly, his head dropped to your shoulder. You made a flustered move to look over at him. Appearing too peaceful for you to interrupt his slumber.
You recollected every attribute you could from the conversation and your encounters. More than you could tell by merely catching glances from your respective spot at the park and your inked depictions. You could easily envision the alluring Cerulean blue of his eyes in your sleep now if you wanted to, a captivating lovely shade that brought you warmth in spite of its cool tone. He was still a practical labyrinth you were attempting to make your way around, figure out - he intrigued you. He had an audacious essence to him, like remnants of unfulfilled dreams and an implied lawless behavior from adolescence that you could gather concealed by his restrained civil demeanor. His beauty was worthy of arrogance though it never made a big deal of itself. He was a humble man, kind and gentle. He was never too sure of himself, a flurry of yet to be determined emotion that he couldn't quite ponder. And selfless, you could see in the way he spoke of his sister. He enjoyed exercise and liked running, claiming to be quite fast. You showed no hesitance to believe him - you'd seen him place first in a 4k in Central Park a short while back. You didn't see that coming, even with a lean figure like his, not to imply you didn't have faith in him. He'd just never failed to amaze you. You took his hand in yours, with little hesitance, squeezing gently. You would take his pain in your own two palms if you could, make it merely chaff being carried away in the wind never to harm him again. Your own words rang in your ears.
"For better or for worse, Pietro. You deserve that."
Maybe he'd never been looking over at the couple in your pencil portrait. Maybe it was the swans.
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cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
psa. from now on, little to none of my fics will be gender specified
( practically all will be gn! reader) to be inclusive to all readers who identify as anything other than fem.
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cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
(drabble !)
pairing: alexei vronsky x gn! insecure! reader
themes: angst, fluff, slowburn perhaps ?
word count: 407
summary: after an unsuccessful viewing of one of your many self-directed films, vronsky attempts to console you.
(* modern au !*)
published: 14th of january, 2022
dted to a friend!
a/n: nothing written is potentially triggering or particular to self-image or reader's bodily insecurities. (*partially inspired by a request from a friend.*)
masterlist !
ใ€‹* ใ€‚ โ€ข หš หš ห› * ใ€‚ยฐ ใ€‚ โ€ข หšใ€Š
a connoisseur of the arts and innovator, you'd never sought any critique other than your own and you'd learned that profession in performing arts meant enduring and effacing brutal commentary left by those who didn't share the same eye as yours for unique and inconventional perspective.
you hadn't any reason to sulk as you'd mastered masking and never lingered on their words for longer than what a mere brush of your finger took, and you for sure wouldn't leave the project for dead; you were too passionate, too bold and persistent to give up now and never a quitter. but you couldn't help but admit it hurt this time. the decries of the audience from beyond the curtains mocked you. the light tread of pattered footsteps prompted you to leave, with the possibility of it being a judgemental straggler who snuck backstage to critique your work further.
but a familiar aroma pervaded your senses and drew you back from the weight of the crowd's word; your childhood best friend, vronsky. the insolent and cocky, loquacious and headache-inducing beauty in all his glory. only you knew how his words coursed from the expanse of his lips like poetry, and only you would ever know, because he loved you and his words were only yours to waste away.
"they speak blasphemy. and absurdity." he asserted matter-of-factly. he knew, more than anyone, and more than ever when you needed reassurance, and so he continued. "as the sensations linger before every atom disperses like vapor, after all the chaos subsides leaving only the wreckage, still you are there. only you remain, and only you are here to stay. you inhabit the unexploited corners of my brain and the crooks of my heart even when all else shatters. as constant as the pull of the moon towards the tides and the soft patter and fall of rain on pavement for hours. you are art, and so is your work, my love." he finished. you were brilliant to him and it was fascinating the way your mind worked; the way all the gears within it turned. and with that, he took your hand with relative reluctance moments after, bearing in mind the frigid sensation of it as he took it. the warmth of his would surely permeate your body with comfort, at least he'd hoped. and you wondered how hands could feel like home, but the answer was right within your palm, literally.
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cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
โžต ๐’“๐’†๐’…๐’†๐’Ž๐’‘๐’•๐’Š๐’๐’ - ๐’‘. ๐ฉ๐š๐ซ๐ค๐ž๐ซ ( DRABBLE )
pairing: peter parker x unspecified/maybe fem ? reader
themes: angst
word count: 158
a/n: i really hope this is decent for my first drabble ... :') the summary is so bad though, i'm sorry. also ! this will be my comeback in a month to celebrate the closing of finals this weekend and the beginning of winter break for me in america. :))
published: 16th of december, 2021
masterlist !
it's you peter saves from the fall as the statue of liberty collapses to the ground. the remorse and familiar deja vu of it all can't help but bubble up from beneath the surface when he'd convinced himself he was partially okay, and the lines are blurred between professionalism as spider-man and his own personal affairs and life as peter parker as his strength desperately supports your figure within his arms.
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you looked nothing like her. but suddenly everything like her, as you fell closer to your eventual demise. peter knew what to do, the instinctual habit of webbing never for a second crossed his mind as he made the jump towards you. you were dizzy, terrified and dazed as you reached for the hand of your peter, shunted aside by green goblin's glider. peter's arm extended further towards yours and your fingers interlaced as he caught you finally. you looked at him in shock but utter relief, not failing to notice tears rising to his eyes and an expression of dismay distraught on his face. you were ever so grateful and concerned for him.
"you okay?" you inquired genuinely.
hesitantly he nodded, attempting his best to push grief aside. but he missed her, god he missed her, and he didn't realize how much he needed this, how odd of a type of closure this was for him.
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cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
saw spiderman: no way home last night and i fear i will never recover. it was truly a cinematic masterpiece. it was beautiful; i laughed, cried, clapped, almost yelled. i will never forgive you marvel. i hate this movie all my homies hate this movie !!! if marvel ever sees this ... make amends and pay for my therapy.
0 notes
cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
took a bit of a hiatus, but i'm ready to write again if any of you have any requests <3
0 notes
cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
โžต ๐’…๐’Š๐’”๐’‘๐’†๐’“๐’”๐’‚๐’ - ๐๐ซ๐ฎ๐ข๐ 
pairing: druig x mortal fem! reader ( reader is referred to using she/her pronouns and is often feminized )
themes: angst, forbidden love, abandonment, pining, fluff in between
word count: 1,333
he was sure it was written in the prophecies for eternity to be spent with you, that the two of you were entwined by destiny; how unfortunately mistaken he was.
( prophecy and greek mythology incorporation au ! )
published: 20th of november, 2021
a/n: i hope this is okay as it's my first time writing an x fem! reader and i usually write x gn! readers :'))
masterlist !
The prophecies were utterly and atrociously mistaken, they had to be; he was sure of it. It was forbidden for Eternals and all civilians of Olympus alike to engage romantically with morals and the habitants of Earth. It was written by Arishem in the prophecies for Druig to fall in love with the daughter of Aphrodite, though not relevant to his heroship and contribution to the fall of the Deviants.
But rather, a gift for the Eternals for their good doing and accommodation granted by Arishem. The ability to fall in love. But even that had its boundaries in spite of their heroic acts, which just so happened to be the one and only contributing factor to the ruination and untethering of the strings that tied you two together; him and the love of his perpetuity.
He was unsure what the point of the entirety of this romance plot was, if it meant his lover being chosen for him. He was, quite frankly, sick of every aspect of his existence being predetermined for him - as much as he loved possessing the abilities needed to maintain peace on Earth and helping humans. His very assembly was destined as it was.
He figured it wasn't such a terrible plan the moment he laid eyes on you. He just knew, that you were a goddess with only half a glance before drinking in every gorgeous minutiae that you consisted of. He was sure it was fate that day, how could it merely be a serendipity to have found someone as perfectly flawed as you only hours after a successful mission in the very town he'd saved? Unsure of how to approach you after seeing you play along with ostracized children whose parents left briefly to shop at the nearby markets, he swiftly followed after you as you made your way to town square.
Every delighted giggle that left your lips as you pranced with friendly strangers to the town music was a symphony to his ears. He never considered himself a dancer but was willing to try with little hesitance as he made his way right before your feet, staring intently at you as if asking permission, only moments before taking your hands into his when you nodded. He was sloppy, unorderly and perplexed, but he felt liberated and jovial as the two of you danced, you still giggling and giving him pointers as he tripped every now and then.
"Alternate the movement of your feet with mine," you said, nodding at him and smiling reassuringly as he attempted.
"There you go! You're a natural, see!" You praised and clapped with celebratory intent briefly before placing your hands on his shoulders as he placed his on your hips sheepishly, attempting his best to keep up his confident facade.
"Thank you, miss. I do appreciate it, really. And who might my lovely guide be?" He inquired as you swayed together.
You laughed at his sly inquiry with an eyebrow raised as you detected playful allure concealed under. "Y/n!" you slightly shouted as the music increased.
He smiled, repeating your name inwardly in repition. Y/n, Y/n, Y/n.
"Druig to you, pleasant to meet your acquaintance," he replied. You gave a nod of acknowledgement.
At that, the music came to a slow and steady halt. As the pair of you observed around, you were flustered to see that you were the only two left dancing on the floor. The crowd of spectators cheered, hollered, and clapped at your performance as Druig took your hand in his once more, bowing at the crowd and thanking them with playful arrogance as you curtseyed politely after adjusting your lengthy tunic.
You saw each other at dawn in the square every night after that, talking for hours on end, stargazing, and doing whatever it was you found appealing to do as the blanket of stars fell over the two of you. You showed him around the town you called home and all the delights it had to offer.
The Eternals were aware of who you are, some believed you only to be a friend of Druig's, there was no obvious implications that you were lovers. Druig would never admit it, but displaying affection around others with you fazed him a bit. Some, like Sprite, were suspicious of the pair of you being smitten, but even if you were, they knew he wasn't foolish enough to get tangled up in the chaos that was romance with a mortal, or anyone other than whom Arishem had destined him to be with for that matter.
He'd found out you were mortal when in the middle of your more profound nightly conversations.
"I love living with my family, but I want more than anything to be independent, do something more for the rest of my life." You said, hands above your head as you laid sprawled on the ground next to him, gazing at the stars.
"Life?" He inquired as he turned his head to establish eye contact as you did the same.
"Yes? Is something the matter, dear?"
He lingered in the curious silence for a moment before shrugging it off and assuring you that nothing was the matter. Druig was a hero, you knew that much. But he was quite the enigma, constantly absent at abrupt and irregular times without explanation when an older woman called him - you believed Ajak to have assumed the role of mother towards Druig and understood that matters were grave whenever she urged him over. He was apologetic to leave you, but accepted and recognized the spontaneity of when duty called. You knew nothing of his immortality, however.
After that night, you met for a final time. Under the stars per usual, this time with ice cream in hand, the best in town from the parlor that stayed open latest at night.
"My darling Y/n, never cease to remember that I will love you despite whatever circumstances we are thrown under, do you understand?" He kissed your hand and squeezed it gently.
You were unsure where this all was coming from, slightly hesitant to respond and hesitant that he was in some sort of danger.
"Of course, Druig. I love you. Thank you for saving us. For saving me. My valiant warrior," you chuckled only a second before he pulled you in to kiss you as you smiled in between, noting how he hadn't joined in the laughter and looked quite grave, but later dismissing it. For once, you didn't want to allow your habit of overthinking to prevent you and Druig from being as happy as possible if it was simply nothing.
"I love you, too," he whispered in response. You both smiled as you gazed back up at the stars profoundly.
He practically fell apart upon realizing you were human, knowing the consequences. No one would stand for it, it wasn't written into destiny. Tears streamed down his face as he crumpled to the ground in defeat. He had lived centuries, and this was the happiest he'd ever been: with you. He would miss all the nights in your sweet company, becoming familiar with the tender heart he'd seen accompany lonesome children, your sweet smile, and the kindest of eyes he'd seen that you possessed. He would miss it all. He would miss you. The worst that could happen was Arishem unleashing some sort of wrath upon you, if he allowed the Emergence to almost happen, there was no doubt in his mind that he'd do something just as worse to you. And so he left, with ever so much hesitance, he left you, his mortal goddess, and the quaint and lovely town he'd met you in that love had blossomed with, with a vague and simple note addressed to you and no other apparent explanation.
My beautiful Y/n,
I'm so sorry, sincerely and with all the veracity that weighs my heart down. I will always love you, inevitably.
a/n: let's just pretend that ice cream was a thing in this very early century, okay ?
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cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
i'm begging y'all to send requests if you have any, please ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ it's been a struggle out here lately
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cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
โžต ๐’ƒ๐’Š๐’•๐’•๐’†๐’“๐’”๐’˜๐’†๐’†๐’• ๐’„๐’๐’Ž๐’‘๐’‚๐’๐’š - ๐๐ซ๐ฎ๐ข๐ 
druig x mortal gn! reader
themes: angst, long distance/longing, abandonment, fluff in between
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based on heat waves
by glass animals
and taylor swift's
all too well,
ten minute version โ”€
in which,
druig departs with you to a mission, promising his return as you will his arrival for a decade spent in utter woe and dismay.
published: 17th of november, 2021
masterlist !
It was one of those nights. When your mind ran race tracks around him, and you could never quite shake the thought until it left on its own. It came spontaneously, like a natural disaster waiting to happen - and all you could do was wait until he plagued your mind. Though sometimes, he was all you could think about. Maybe it was the universe insinuating callousness upon you, after all, it had been a decade, and your mind still appeared to have left a spot there for him, reserved. You just wanted to be free of his shackles.
You inserted the key into its hole in the car, revving the engine once before it spurted to life. You took a final glance at your home before taking off out of the driveway, window down allowing the wind to course through and blow at your hair.
There was something about the way the autumn leaves in a spectrum - or, kaleidoscope of colors, more like, fell with such grace and beauty that reminded you of Druig.
And he would tell you how he fell in love with the beauty of the world because he fell in love with you, with a world and people that had taken so much from him, his family, and from each other. You missed feeling like someone needed or even wanted you. You missed him.
And you'd fallen for his mischievous and playful demeanor, but more surprisingly, his cold exterior that he only ever broke down for you.
With ease and profound intent, you made your way past the old diner the two of you had gone for dates, both of you enjoying vanilla milkshakes (you could both agree that milk chocolate was heavily overrated and hated the flavor). Your fingers were interlaced with his, your head on his shoulder. It was usually chilly out where you lived, so his jacket was draped around your shoulders each time.
One time, an elderly woman and her husband ushered towards you, cooing at how adorable the two of you were, leaving you a blushing mess thanking them profusely, and Druig smirking and politely thanking them. The moment never left your mind, the love between you two was apparent to everyone you encountered.
Whenever the thick consistency lingered on your upper lip, Druig would wipe it away with the slow, gentle stroke of his thumb, or a chaste kiss through your stifled giggles.
You drove past the library, where you and him would visit every now and then late into the hours. He would read to you as you say next to him, head on shoulder, letting every soft spoken word lull you to sleep as he reluctantly woke you up with a few taps on the head to get ready to go home, and vice versa. He observed how passionately and intently you scoured the shelves for new finds and novels you've researched about prior.
He loved, loved, loved, the glint in your eye as you read and perused, with such intent. There were so many things he loved about you. He was sure this was where home was, in between the shelves with you and only you, exchanging smiles and sarcastic wit and commentary about your favorites in between. You both enjoyed Pride and Prejudice very heartily.
"I'm well enough acquainted with you, Miss Elizabeth, that I cannot alarm you even if I should wish it. I love you, most ardently." he finished with a smile as he looked over his shoulder to see you fast asleep only seconds after, shutting the book swiftly but quietly.
He whispered your name softly. "I hope I brought your favorite line a justice, Lovebug." He kissed your forehead and laid his head on yours, allowing you a few more moments of sleep before urging your awake. He made you his own each night you spent together.
You drove a beeline down to your favorite coffee shop, that you and Druig ran to from your house blocks down, hand in hand as the rain poured upon you, as Druig made miserable attempts to shield the both of you from the heavy droplets with his jacket holding it overhead as you both laughed hysterically, shivering.
Druig preferred all black coffee with no added sweeteners, while you settled for something cinnamon tasting most of the time, or strictly white hot chocolate. Sometimes the two of you engaged in the most random and profound of conversations, ranting on and on with passion as each of you spoke and respectfully listened to the other while the single, pining barista spectated from afar, wiping the counters rather aggressively.
Sometimes you just stared at each other, allowing to truly take one another in especially when the both of you had been particularly occupied with work that week and you figured this was what you needed. His presence was enough either way. And so you sat there, his large, warm hands gently squeezing your smaller ones, admiring his staggering and captivating gorgeous grey eyes as he gazed info yours, each of you sipping from your own mugs, sharing from time to time. That was all you needed, sheltered in the warmth of the cozy and bijou candlelit shop, the smell of wood and vanilla occluding your nose, all almost as comforting as him.
You glanced up for only a second at your rearview mirror and the photo above it of you and Druig at the ice skating rink nearby; your scarf worn on him and yours and his for the divine and innocent fun of it, and maybe that was all it took to bring you to your down point as tears pricked and fell from your eyes as you sniffled and sobbed.
He was sarcastic, he was insolent, he was audacious, and being with him made none but all the sense in the world, but he was yours.
You didn't understand why he left you; he had promised a few weeks, maybe a few months at most. Maybe you weren't enough, a mere mortal, maybe you did something wrong. All your promises and plans for the future had gone to dust, and so had the magic that was your romance and its beautiful, serene, innocence. It was hard for you to understand why he had to go when you needed him with such vigor you were sure that was enough to break you, but you knew this was what he had to do; what he was destined to, and it was utterly selfish to keep him here.
You were sure Arishem would have his way with Druig anyways if he didn't. Druig your love, always the hero, always embodying the fierce exigence to help the people of Earth. There were times before you realized you loved him and you were just best friends, if he would love the planet as he did if it wasn't in the books for him to protect it. But the answer was apparent by the way he looked at you.
You held back more sobs, talking in a shaky breath in your miserable attempt to compose yourself as you made your way back home.
You were a mess, hair out of place and tears still streaming down your dewey face.
And that was how he saw you again for the first time in ten years as you finally made out the identity of the figure in your driveway after lengthy scrutiny while pulling in as you stared in awe. Bringing the car back to its lifeless state as you slammed the door shut behind you.
"Lovebug...I missed you."
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cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
they're keeping me alive RN fr
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Here's a collection of tweets and comments and interview quotes to fill in the blanks of how Drukkari began and what the relationship means to those characters.
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cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
โžต ๐’Š๐’๐’„๐’†๐’”๐’”๐’‚๐’๐’•๐’๐’š ๐’š๐’๐’–๐’“๐’” - ๐ฆ๐š๐ค๐ค๐š๐ซ๐ข
makkari x eternal gn! reader
themes: angst, longing
"๐›๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ข ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ."
"๐ฅ๐ž๐ญ ๐ฆ๐ž ๐ ๐จ."
your love, always so daring, bold, and inquisitive, suggests an expedition to discover one of the many wonders she'd studied beyond just books, and who are you to object your beautiful, beautiful, makkari?
published: 14th of november, 2021
a/n: this sucks and i'm sorry in advance. i put disrespect on makkari's name with my bad writing fr :// i might rewrite this in the future
masterlist !
she was everything to you. there was no use In being the moon to her sun when she occupied both roles. she was a connoiseur of the arts with a lustful eye for all things beautiful, a jack of all trades, a sweetly sung melody and she herself was a finely and beautifully crafted piece, formed by the adept hands of a deity.
she did have a mischievious side however, that you loved just as well as every other element that made makkari... makkari.
but her partially reckless tendencies tended to cloud her judgement and bring about grave consequences.
when you got to her, she was left to her own devices and bedridden.
"my darling makkari, what had happened to you?" you took her hands in yours, pressing your heads, softly spoken.
she refused to respond. ajak looked to your warily and stone faced.
"y/n my dear. she's ill, but the case is not too drastic. you needn't worry. just keep her company," she sternly demanded.
you nodded and turned back to her as she gave you a small smile.
"do you remember those stories i told you about? of elysian plain?" makkari signed to you.
"i do, why do you ask, my love?"
"go, please. you know i have always wanted to. and help ajak find the necessary elixirs for her to heal my illness." at this point in time, you and the rest of the eternals were stationed in the middle east, whereas, the elysian plain was located in the western ocean. it would take days at least.
"i can't just leave you...there isn't anything accessible here? ajak told me to watch after you. and i want to."
"i'm afraid not. but it's okay. i will be fine." she gave your hand a gentle squeeze and a warm and reassuring smile.
and with that, you were on your way and ever so reluctantly, bags packed, already longing for makkari and your touch. her one request was not to open your lunch sack until you reached the plain - to which you obliged. being eternal meant being able to go exceedingly long periods of time consuming little to no food.
the days were long, the nights were longer. the spot you reserved next to her vacant, her hands absent, you had no choice to but to search for her in the stars.
you traveled by various means through the days, flight, foot, and whatever else you felt like, evenly distributing methods. you were practically there, at the edge of the western ocean, but seemed to hit a dead end, the map you'd been using for navigation leaving you perplexed at the sight. as you hitched further west, you decided to ask someone of a neighboring village to help you.
"excuse me, do you know how to get to the elysian plains from here?" you asked an elderly woman. her hair was greying, and wrinkles etched a majority of her face, her back was hunched and she was resigned to walking with a cane.
"oh my, dear..."
"what is it, ma'am?"
"what are you on about?" the woman was genuinely concerned, but little surprise was apparent on her face.
"i presume you don't know how then... it's alright. i'll ask someone else-"
"no no, i should tell you."
visibly confused, you silently stood as the woman started.
"it's been decades since anyone's attempted locating and exploring the elysian plains. it's not real, my dear. this is just as far as you can get before you hit the western ocean. many have searched, tried, and failed, left dismayed. where are you coming from? south, maybe not too far east?"
you couldn't answer, your tongue had turned dry as sandpaper and your mouth allowed no response escape whenever you attempted to speak. this simply couldn't be. makkari wouldn't have sent you here knowing it was all a myth. tears rose to your eyes, you were upset and oh so shocked, throwing your bag to the ground.
and as you did so, a paper made its way out, gently flapping due to the forceful motion. with little hesitance, you opened it up.
my dearest y/n,
it is with sheer agony that i inform you that i am leaving you. on night watch as you and the others were sleeping, i was attacked by a deviant. the wound and injury was grave. i didn't know how else to tell you or see me like this, taking my last breaths...i only hope that you will understand with little resentment towards me. i apologize sincerely, to have let our centuries and plans for eternity together to have gone to shreds. you are, and always will be, my one and only. even in the afterlife, my heart will weep for you. i love you, forever and always. i am yours, incessantly. please take care, live for me in the way i would've wanted for you. for me. please.
yours truly,
you weeped and sobbed, left whatever remaining energy you had to have it's way with the world as radiance left your palms and you struck the ground, mourning already for your lovely makkari.
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cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
so true
All of the Eternals: Oh no! How will we stop Ikaris :((( He's literally the strongest of all of us
Makkari: ๐Ÿคจ
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cupidsscribe ยท 2 years
๐’Ž๐’๐’“๐’‘๐’‰๐’Š๐’๐’† โ”€ ๐’‹. ๐ฉ๐จ๐ญ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ .ใƒป*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸ*:๏ฝฅโœง
james x gn! reader
themes: angst, slowburn perhaps, post hogwarts marauders era, divorced/single father james au, unrequited love ish, fluff ish but not really lol โ˜ฝเผ“๏ฝฅ*หšโบโ€งอ™
"๐’Š ๐’‡๐’‚๐’๐’ ๐’•๐’ ๐’‘๐’Š๐’†๐’„๐’†๐’” ๐’˜๐’‰๐’†๐’ ๐’Š'๐’Ž ๐’˜๐’Š๐’•๐’‰ ๐’š๐’๐’–."
how utterly inebriated they were, so drawn to his charismatic aura, they feared they'd spend eons awaiting his awake, entranced under his spell.
in which, a hospital/coma ridden james is convinced his lover is merely a romanticized figment of his dreams.
published: 13th of november, 2021
DEDICATED TO: @l-ikho don't hate me for this bae
masterlist !
it was the littlest of touches, the snippets of quivers and the bits and pieces you'd found of him that triggered miniscule jumps in your chest.
you'd spent almost five years, years hoping that your love would awake from his slumber, triggered by incantation blithed upon him by lord voldemort. the calendar had marked the 30th of october, just a day before the annual commemoration of his fall prevailed upon by the writhing hands of the desperado. each year around this time, your breath hitched as the days closed the distance between you and your incessant grief, like threatening footsteps pounding towards you.
you were more than aware that james wouldn't have wanted you to live this wretched excuse of a life, mourning every day like it was the first while he was only in this tranquil state, still alive and breathing though unconscious. but the world seemed to have built anvil on your spine since the beginning of his coma state, his best friend and a good friend of yours, sirius black, imprisoned allegedly for informing nemeses of james's whereabouts, and tending to his beautiful but currently fatherless boy, harry.
you were almost certain sirius was not at all associated with such a heinous betrayal against his best mate, and attended trials and meetings with the ministry demanding further investigation on the subject and attempting to free him, but it seemed no use, and you couldn't imagine the agony he'd been enduring there the last few years.
his situation with his former partner, lily, was complicated. for years during your time at hogwarts, you were sure she hated him, the blatant sputters of toerag, and insolent little git, made that much obvious to you - or so you thought. the establishment of their relationship was as abrupt as it was unexpected, as was their marriage and the conception of harry.
it was short lived, however, and they split for reasons that james had never specified, it had painted him too much to ever talk about. and though you'd loved him all your years, you made no move to seal the deal with him; you considered lily a friend of yours as she was one of james's, and it seemed downright inconsiderate to suggest when james was so utterly broken at the fall of their relationship.
but a night of seemingly only sweet nothings with sirius, peter, and remus ended in an unforseen drunk confession, it was quite sweet as it was discomposing for him to be blatantly reminded of and jeered towards by his friends the next morning as he awoke.
you'd spent a solid few months together before the night that had changed your lives. that day, you were out and about at the book store, perusing the aisles for a new poetry collection to read to harry and james that nightfall, only to come home to the beautiful victorian house you shared in shambles. you never read poetry since then, refraining in general and only ever read james short stories along his bedside.
you brought harry to visit most of the time as well, but the look on his infantile face agonized you, how young he was to practically have lost his father, too young to comprehend what exactly had happened to him. and harry, he was something of magic legend in the wizarding world, a true enigma to the community. it angered you how they gawked as they past him, ogling as if he was some display in a museum, nothing more than just a scar ridden boy.
you'd visited him everyday since then, in a suit or some sort of formal ritualistic clothing wearing cherry chapstick ( his favorite and yours ) for reasons quite silly, really. you'd dreamed of taking him out for dinner awaiting the day he awoke and his designated healer assured that he was in great health and ready to go.
snow had left its blanket on the ground outside, as the 31st of october finally arrived. there was something so raw and real in the air that day, it brought you back to the day five years prior, like an act of merciless and remorseless inflicted by the heavens above you.
you'd written him letters for every day you spent in solitude for him to read once he woke up, this one reading:
my dearest james,
five years ago, you lost your way from me, leaving me only to wish for your return. your valor protecting sweet harry has never faltered to set forth awe in me at the thought. he is ever so lucky to have you. you are a good hearted man, and you will never be forgotten.
yours sincerely,
you'd placed your hand on his and interlaced your fingers, scanning around the cold of the hospital room, reeking of hand sanitizer, and ivs and wires plugged to him every which way.
flower petals were littered along his beside, replaced each day with fresh ones. they were your favorites and his, the first he'd gotten you on your first date and how he established one of his many cheesy pet names for you, his beautiful flower.
you couldn't believe it sometimes, that this had been his life for the past few years. every plan you'd had together with harry put on hold, and his life dependent merely on the machinery and these wires.
his hands were an uncanny cold, the feeling brought you to the cycling revelation that he was practically gone each time you touched him. but he was your home when yours was reduced to ruins and you had close to nothing left. you missed it all, missed your dates cherry picking along with harry, the way he'd kiss your hands and lips and give you that stupid smirk that sparked so much passion within you, calling you his lovely, lovely y/n.
james's concept of time was lost somewhere in the void of his mind. he dreamed of art, of the beauty of everything so vivid, so real. oftentimes, they took place in the sistine chapel, with a beautiful individual painted upon the ceiling. it was the most distinct to him, the visual gave him a sense of security and safety. he could find them in the least expected of places however, in the nooks and crannies of a monet piece or the starry night over the rhรดne placed on the walls of all white rooms.
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he longed to find whoever they were, their elegant and enigmatic physique truly entranced him. they were always so close yet to far in his dreams, slipping away through his fingers whenever he'd advanced or extended his arm forwards towards them; so close, yet to far.
but he swore he could feel it, feel their hands wrap around his every now and then, just that gentle squeezing sensation that has spread like a rapid fire to his chest that he could never see. but this time, he swore, he was getting closer and closer, if only to be able to extend his arm a little further, for he couldn't move his legs-
with a gasp, he awoke, clutching what was nearest to him, which just so happened to be your arm. he couldn't comprehend any of it, who you were and why he was being showered with kisses by this peculiar outsider.
and after alerting his healer, you'd patiently waited alongside as she examined him, wanting nothing more than to rip him from under the stiff and uncomfortable hospital bedpan and take him home.
"mx. l/n. i'm sorry to inform you, especially this way after he only barely woke up. but he has developed severe amnesia. and it'll stay like this." she said apologetically, suggesting you spend some time alone together as she made her way out.
"you," he croaked quietly.
he was sure when he glanced at you through his half lidded eyes, that you were the person he'd seen in his dreams.
you were torn, to have felt that you'd lost james again only moments after he's found you.
you knew what you had to do, as he stares intently at you, with those brown eyes you missed for half a decade as he shut them once again.
this love that was airborne and contaminated the depths of your lungs and consumed all the remaining air left in the cadaver of your body, you couldn't take it anymore.
you couldn't love him like this, from afar, feeling as if your distance amounted to thousands of miles when you were right next to him.
the guilt ridden sensation stung inside your chest for years, your eyes filling with tears once again. everyday you wished you came home a little sooner. you wish it had been you instead. if he ever left the hospital and found love again, you knew it couldn't be with you. all the memories and all the scents, tastes, sensations, and visions you'd locked away of him to suppress the pain resurfaced in your mind.
you held his hand with such a strength, kissing everywhere you could; his forehead, cheeks, hands, and finally his lips, still cherry flavored. you could practically cry remembering the first time he'd kissed you, it was more magical than any enchantment you'd witnessed as a witch. the bravest man you knew looked so vulnerable before you.
you took a good look at him once again, tears threatening to leave your eyes as you left him, the light scent of flower petals and cherries and letter parchment, as he fell into slumber once more.
after that night, he never dreamed of the painting person again.
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