dangerbitch45 · 1 year
We as a society need to start treating people who don’t tell their casual sexual partners about their romantic feelings worse because it’s also a form of dishonesty to hide that and expect your partner to conform to how they feel about you like you need to communicate about that shit it’s not going to be a slow burn thing will they won’t they fantasy all the time.
And on top of that I think we can’t keep getting upset about hook up culture inherently because the limits of viewing monogamous exclusive sex = romance relationships always feels super super Christian nuclear family vibes to me and it also kinda feels a little homophobic to me in a way I can’t explain but I’m just over it lol
Basically just communicate with your partners people it’s not that hard and if it IS hard for you then you probably shouldn’t be hooking up with that person anyway because it might just be you and that person have problems communicating. And if you feel a compulsion to conform to a partners ideals like you’re not down for casual sex or hook ups that’s fine just DONT TELL YOUR PARTNER YOU ARE!!!!!! Because that isn’t fair to them lol
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