dfernandez6 · 3 years
Blog 4
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Chapter 10
Chapter 10 was about social media and the positive and negatives it has on us as a society. It talks about the positives of social media in that it helps us keep in contact with anyone we want at any time at all. It mostly talks about the negative obsession we as a society have over these types of social media. We care more about hearts and likes than actually genuine compliments we hear in real life. The most important part of the chapter was when depression and anxiety can be associated with social media because the lack of likes to the extent they want it can correlate with people thinking they don't like that person which can be very toxic and dangerous.
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Chapter 11
Chapter 11 was about public relations and what it is and why it's even important. Public relations is every business and company's representatives for any new product that comes out or more importantly any controversies that company may face. Any lawsuits or bad press in any way is the public relations job to either fix the situation or make the situation not as bad to the public. They will talk to the public on the behalf of the company to answer any press question any sort of news outlet might have for that company. There's also public relations for celebrities, athletes and political figures for when they go through their own controversies, but unlike a company those people can choose to not listen to them and hurt their public image.
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Chapter 12
Chapter 12 was about advertisements and the history behind the advertisements. Advertisements have been around for as long as modern products have been around with them. From billboards to the morning paper companies have always had an ear on the public on which products to buy. There has even been advertisements for joining wars like WW2 and the propaganda posters people would see to join the war. Today's media has made advertisements stupid easy. Any app you have for free is paid for by advertisements and will have some sort of affect on you when you see it long enough. Even though I hate when I see half the ads I see I still remember them very vividly and it's usually the first product I would think about if I need to buy that product. It also helps the actual business when the put ad free option for a small price and lots of people will buy it just so they won't have to see annoying ads which in return makes the company extra money.
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Chapter 13
Chapter 13 was about mass communications and everything about it. Technology and media has most definitely increased the mass communication theory and the learning of it. Before the digital media society had to use radio or emergency broadcasts to get messages across as of now it's only a matter of seconds. It also has changed people and the deception of people. It's now will this person follow me on social media rather than let me get to know this person. Relationships are the prime example of this. If someone finds someone else attractive they will just text them and try to get their social media rather than going up to them and talking to them face to face. People are also bolder and meaner online because if you don't show your true identity you can be mean and say whoever you want to anyone you want which causes online bullying.
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dfernandez6 · 3 years
Blog 3
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Chapter 6
Chapter 6 was about film, one of my personal favorite types of media that we have covered so far. This chapter talks about the starting of the film itself and the consistent progress that films and big production have tried to do. One major thing I learned in this chapter like any other form of media, the big goal of a film is to make a profit out of it. Even with that said many people that work on sets for the films do actually love what they do which makes a big significance when it comes to the film itself. Also a lot of planning and process making has to go into a film. Films are not made in a day like some people might think. These are major projects that take time, effort and a lot of money. Despite the movie being a favorite of mine or a boring 2 hours for me I can still appreciate the work that's put into a movie or film.
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Chapter 7
Chapter 7 was about Radio and recordings itself. I have mixed feelings on this one because I can appreciate radio as the past time it once was to have the modified version I like now, but have a hard time when I’m driving to just listen to whatever the radio puts on. This chapter talks about the history of the radio and how crucially important it was to hear the biggest news in politics all the way for it being the way to hear the new best songs. With digital media being so advanced now we as the consumer can now decide how we want the radio to put on for us. For example we have endless music and podcasts we can listen to without having the radio pick what we can listen to and if you decide to pay for it there can be unlimited music and podcasts for the ears to listen to.
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Chapter 8
Chapter 8 was about television and the important past that it has for today. It talks about old gadgets that we would need like VHS and DVD players and how we have now advanced. I have always had mixed feelings about television. On hand I understand its importance for our technology to improve. On the other hand I can't stand the fact that people really used to pay for overpriced shows with no options of choosing what they want to watch with consistent advertisements in the middle of the shows.
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dfernandez6 · 3 years
Blog 2
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Chapter 3
Chapter 3 was about Books itself and the history of books. Inventions in the 18th and 19th century helped make books popular as they became. Some inventions were the improvements of printing and the introduction to dime novels really helped make books a pleasurable pastime. Throughout time companies or organizations have tried to censor certain authors about certain subjects, but throughout time authors have written pieces about society and issues within society. 
The internet has taken a huge pole on how books are now consumed. Now ebooks and social media outlets are the new way for a reader to consume information. Also most books are now just collecting dust because of how convenient it is to read online. 
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I personally thought that this chapter was alright because of the fact that it was dedicated to books. I still found interesting information that will help throughout the unit, but I just personally wasn't a big fan of this chapter.
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Chapter 4
Chapter 4 was about newspapers and the history of the newspaper. Newspapers have been around since the 1690’s and have told people about local and global news. Newspapers have almost every type of category a casual reader would want to read about. Newspapers are now starting to become extinct because of the fact that the internet has taken over the casual readers news aspect. 
With the internet being a click of a button and not needing to read anything that’s not important to the reader the newspapers are currently forced to put their content online making them not what they used to be and what made them special to older readers. 
Overall this chapter is interesting to me because I’m a part of the weird era where Newspapers still exist, but I know for a fact that it won’t be used forever. Just like Blockbuster or VHS tapes the Newspaper will just become one of those antiques of the past. Even though there will be readers that will always enjoy the pages of the newspaper, but won't be the majority causing newspapers to be a thing of the past.
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Chapter 5
Chapter 5 was about Magazines and the history of the Magazines. Magazines were used as a way to distract soldiers from the wars. Television changed how magazines were interrupted and became a huge social blast of top current media, songs and inside tips in celebrities. 
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Basically it was the internet before the internet. Magazines had a huge success because it was related to pop culture and how everyone needed to see the latest magazine that was out. Magazines however have adapted better than other sorts of non media content. 
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Magazines have changed themselves to articles that are advertised on various websites and are still the same content just on the web instead of magazine books. Magazines are not as popular as they used to be, but some people still use magazine covers as decoration. Overall I have similar if not exact reactions for the magazine chapter as I did for the newspaper chapter.  
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dfernandez6 · 3 years
Blog one
Chapter 1
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Chapter 1 talked about Communication, Mass communication, Mass Media and culture. Communication means to share some sort of media. Mass Communication is to share meaning between the media and the audience. Mass Media is technology that goes out to a large number of people. Culture is what brings the world meaning, while also uniting people. These relationships cause storytellers, while we debate about cultural meaning. I thought overall that this was a good starting chapter to introduce me to the world of mass communication. I like the ideas that Mass Communication is not the same as Communication. I also liked the idea of Culture and how we connect as people and they can do big to little things to have conversations with each other. This most definitely applies to my everyday life because of how frequently and almost daily I use technology. I wasn't confused with anything in the chapter and was more really surprised on how more complicated Mass communication is than what I first thought.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 was about how content producers are still finding ways to make as much content for audiences. Traditional media like TV is going tremendously down, while Technology itself is at an all time high. Digitization is in nearly all information with the uses of speed, memory and power. Content providers can become individuals that offer top digital services for low prices. Messages can now be very individual while also being as public or private as you want it. Feedback is at an all time powerful because no matter how big or small the audience is there responses are everything that help a starter up business or destroy a business in a matter of a couple reviews. I liked this chapter because it got to discuss how technology is always trying to one up itself that it’s even made some of other technology go almost or completely to the extent like Blockbuster or Cable TV. I’ll definitively use the part of the chapter that talks about reviews and how important they are because in the past it would have to take a lot for a company or business to change old bad habits, but now with the help of the internet companies and business have no other choices, but to comply with customers demands giving the best of both worlds to both the the consumer of the product and the seller of the product.
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