dihzhoe · 3 years
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Which of these wholesome Memes are your Favourite? :) 
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dihzhoe · 3 years
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dihzhoe · 4 years
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dihzhoe · 4 years
No, I’m not mad at you anymore. I just don’t care. I liked you a lot and I thought that since you wanted to stay with me for months it meant you liked me too. But I guess you were just using me, and that part still hurts. Because I wanted to go on trips with you, I wanted you to come to game nights with my family, I wanted to live with you one day just the two of us, and I wanted to adopt a dog with you like we talked about, and I actually believed those things would happen. But then you threw everything away and didn’t even try to get it back. I gave you a chance to put everything behind us and go back to normal and you turned it down. I gave you a choice and you didn’t choose me, what was I supposed to do? I have to have a little more self-respect than that.
So I’m sorry if you thought the amount of loyalty I expected was too much and I’m sorry if you thought the level of honesty I felt I deserved was too high, but that just means we were on different pages and it was never going to work out anyway. I wanted more than you could give to me so we were just wasting each other’s time. So no, I’m not mad at you anymore, but I’m not accepting your apology either. And no, I don’t need an explanation from you, because I have no reason to believe anything you’ve ever said and I’m not going to start now. The only thing I still want to know is her name.
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dihzhoe · 4 years
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dihzhoe · 6 years
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The Game Of Thrones women Meets Fairytale women series!
Arya Stark: Little Red Riding Hood Yara Greyjoy: Gretel Sansa Stark: The Little Mermaid Olenna Tyrell: Baba Yaga Daenerys Targaryen: Cinderella Margery Tyrell: Aurora Brienne of Tarth: Merida Ellaria Sand: The Evil Queen Cersei Lannister: Maleficent
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dihzhoe · 6 years
Diary Entries of the Moon Signs
Aries: No matter what I do, I can’t control the way I feel and I can’t stop myself from expressing it. I act like I don’t care what comes out of my mouth, but I do deep down. And that’s why I get so angry, that’s why I blow things out of proportion and jump to conclusions. I feel too much and I feel nothing all at once.  Taurus: I just want to feel safe and comfortable. That’s all. I don’t want to change my habits! I refuse to.  Why can’t people understand that? Why do they have to make fun of my ‘weird’ habits and indulgent activities? I just want to be able to enjoy myself. Gemini: My mind is constant chaos, never shutting down. It doesn’t matter if I’m dreaming or awake. It doesn’t matter if I’m content or anxious. Away it races and I wish I could make it stop. I wish I could allow myself to really feel for more than a moment. But the moment I start feeling, it’s so overwhelming that I can’t help but breakdown. I feel like two different people sometimes.. Cancer: I can’t bring myself to be stable in my feelings. There’s so much beauty yet so much pain in having such intense emotions. I can love deeply and I can hate even deeper. My feelings are nothing to mess with because I’m not afraid to lash out but at the same time, I wish I wasn’t so vulnerable. Some people don’t deserve my sympathy, yet I keep giving. Leo: For some reason, I just don’t feel complete unless I’m given praise and attention. Sometimes, I don’t even care if it’s bad attention, so long as all eyes are on me. If I don’t get my way, I just lose all control and get so dramatic that it’s almost like I’m in a play. I just want people to listen to me, to watch me, to like me.. Virgo: Hmm, where do I begin? People say that I’m analytical and clever, but I just can’t figure myself out and I can’t bare for anyone else to do it for me. I guard my emotions so well, I don’t express them. You’ll never catch me in tears and if for some reason you do, you can bet you’ll be crying, too. Libra: I just don’t feel complete unless I’m with someone. Is this why I end up with all the wrong people? I want so badly to be with someone who can make me feel beautiful, someone I can depend on to keep the peace and have in depth conversations with me but I guess I’m too obsessed with romance to wait around for the right one. It leaves me feeling so empty and so lost. But I don’t really know.. I just feel like such a burden. Scorpio: I understand others more than I understand myself.. In fact, I don’t understand myself at all. My emotions are too intense for me to focus on my mind. I have to maintain my feelings to function or I will completely lose it. I’ve definitely never felt normal and judging by the reactions others give me, I’ve definitely never been normal. Sagittarius: I’m constantly running from my feelings but I embrace my thoughts and express them with an open mind. I mean, I definitely do feel but they come on so passionately that the more negative emotions can make me become destructive and careless. When I’m at my worst, I’m fearless. I won’t be afraid to hurt myself as well as others. And that scares me. Capricorn: It’s just all too much but I don’t want to explain how I feel. I don’t want anyone to look at me as weak or a burden. I know I can be snappy, ruthless, and overbearing but I can’t help it. I have to be able to control everything in my life to feel content. If I’m having a bad day, everyone around me has to have one too.. Aquarius: I just want to be free. Let me feel as I please even if it’s just a little. Let me think all I want, even if I think too much. I will never be the person everyone wants me to be and that’s what I love most about myself but it’s also what I hate most about myself. I know I can be unpredictable but that’s what makes me unique. I just want to be myself. Pisces: My fantasy world is where I find solace, though I know deep down it’s my downfall. When I’m sad, I’m depressed. When I’m angry, I’m furious. When I’m happy, I’m ecstatic. I’m so in touch with my feelings, that I think I feel more than others do. Some people think I’m too nice and too sensitive. I know this to be true. I know I give too much of myself and my time to the wrong people sometimes.. I can’t help that I see what I want to see. It’s how I feel comfortable in a world of chaos. *full birth chart readings for $5 / message me if interested / paypal payments only*
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dihzhoe · 6 years
“1. She isn’t naturally shy, but she tends to be shy initially because being forthcoming hasn’t always worked in the past. When she starts to behave around you the way she acts around her closest friends, she’s letting you in emotionally. 2. She might not reach out to make plans, because she doesn’t want to be shut down or rejected, especially early on. Instead, she’ll respond by making sure you know how much she appreciates you taking initiative, and will be open to trying new things when you propose them. 3. She stopped herself from just blowing you off. She’s trying. Trying to believe that you aren’t just anyone. Trying to believe your first move won’t be to hurt her. 4. She wants to love blindly, but she can’t because before you met her, she learned exactly what can happen when you wholeheartedly put all your faith in one person: They can leave. But her belief in that big, unattainable love exists and if she’s giving you a chance it means you have qualities she thinks could fit with hers. She wouldn’t bother otherwise. 5. She’ll ask you too many questions. It’s partially because she wants to get to know you and partially a defense mechanism – if you’re talking about yourself it saves her talking about her own life, which she’s not sure she’s ready for yet. 6. She will be overly protective of her family life. When someone has difficulty trusting, remember that it might not be the result of an ex. It could be her family life that left her with fear of abandonment, which is often revealed if that’s a subject she strays from. 7. She’ll find excuses to touch you because she associates touch with comfort and wants you to feel at ease with her. Women with trust issues will go above and beyond to make you feel secure, because they don’t want to make anyone feel insecurities they’ve dealt with. 8. She’ll make sure you know her identifying qualities by showing you what she likes outside the realm of romance and dating. While she might not be ready to talk about old relationships, she’ll want to show your more of herself than just restaurant preferences and affinity for certain movies, or dessert. 9. She’ll consider making plans with you in the future – but not too far in advance. If she’s really interested, she’ll say yes to concert tickets, or an event a few weeks or a month down the road. But if it’s still new, making plans 6 months from now is too much. Don’t invite her to your brother’s wedding just yet. 10. She’ll talk about the future in generalizations – not so she doesn’t freak you out, so she doesn’t freak herself out. 11. If she calls you out on something that bothered her, she’s beginning to trust you. She’d typically brush it off, ignore it, or phase you out if you did something to upset her. But if she’s willing to explain how you made her feel in a specific instance, she thinks you’re worth keeping around. 12. If she doesn’t demand commitment from you right away, it doesn’t mean she’s not interested in that eventually. She takes commitment seriously and doesn’t want to rush. Fear of rejection means biding your time before putting yourself in a vulnerable position. 13. She’ll be over protective of you around her friends, even before you realize she cared about you. She knows how it feels to have someone else not stick up for her, and doesn’t ever want you to feel that way. 14. The more she likes you, the higher her expectations will be. (But if she sees how hard you try, she’s also more apt to be forgiving.) 15. She will appear to not need you and it’s through no fault of your own. She doesn’t want to appear to rely on anyone but herself because people who are hesitant to trust don’t want to openly admit that they need anyone else to be happy. 16. You’ll know she’s going for longevity if she opens up to you about why she has trouble trusting people in the first place. She won’t lay it out for you, but she’ll give you pieces from her past relationships, or share a small bit of the story about who hurt her. She’ll want you to understand where she’s coming from, and she’ll want to understand anything that hurt you too.”
— Maya Kachroo- Levine, 16 Ways Women Who Have Difficulty Trusting Show They Care About You 
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dihzhoe · 6 years
“you have this hole in your heart that you’re attempting to fill with another person but the thing you fail to realize is that you go for men who treat you the way you treat yourself and that’s why you end up so hurt. you abuse yourself and see yourself as less than. so naturally, you go for guys who treat you the same way as you treat yourself because that’s what you think you deserve. broken people attract more brokenness. that’s why when you see yourself as nothing, the creeps and bad guys are so attracted to you. because they’re bullies and insecure themselves and project it onto you because they know you’re vulnerable and hurting so that you’ll take it. and because youre a ‘martyr’ you accept this and you convince yourself that they need saving and worshiping and loving when really they deserve nothing to do with you. it’s not to say that you’re better than them, it’s simply just facts. you, and your heart, deserve better than scum. so remove them. that’s why when good people love you, you can’t accept it. because you don’t think you deserve it. all of these parts in you are fighting to take control. rage. sadness. grief. they’re all consuming you, and filling you so much that they kicked you out. you are not ‘self’. self is wholesomeness, love, kindness, and acceptance to yourself and your life. but all your pain and parts have removed it. and that’s why i’m here. im here to temporarily be your ‘self’ until you gain back control of it. and your problem is that you try and compensate for losing your ‘self’ by having a guy, a douchebag guy, become your ‘self’ and that’s why you hurt. only you can run yourself and be your ‘self’ and douche bag guys who convince you that you can make them whole don’t deserve you.”
— advice from my therapist that I cant stop thinking about
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dihzhoe · 6 years
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dihzhoe · 7 years
Most of the time we make decisions about people based on appearances rather than taking the time to find out the truth. I wish I knew why. I suspect it’s out of fear.
(via deadsensescompany)
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dihzhoe · 7 years
Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.
Bob Marley (via wordsnquotes)
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dihzhoe · 7 years
He said he loved me, but he never did He says he loves her, and he really does He kissed my lips and said I’m the only one Now he kisses her, guess he found the one He talked about our marriage like we were meant to be He’ll be standing at the alter, but not with me Every dream he dreamt, was only dreamt with me But dreams are only dreams, she’s his reality
Richa Gill (@RiichaG_)
Clear your mind here
(via hplyrikz)
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dihzhoe · 7 years
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dihzhoe · 7 years
Allow yourself to trust and believe again. Don’t let bad or painful memories destroy the future you could have, or the person you could be.
onlinecounsellingcollege.com (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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dihzhoe · 7 years
It’s that thing when you’re with someone and you love them and they know it and they love you and you know it but it’s a party and you’re both talking to other people and you’re laughing and shining and you look across the room and catch each other’s eyes. But not because you’re possessive, or it’s precisely sexual, but because that is your person in this life and it’s funny and sad but only because this life will end and it’s this secret world that exists right there. In public. Unnoticed. That no one else knows about. It’s sort of like how they say that other dimensions exist all around us but we don’t have the ability to perceive them. That’s what I want out of a relationship. Or just life, I guess.
Frances Ha (2012), Dir. Noah Baumbach (via wnq-movies)
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dihzhoe · 7 years
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