Dissication cultuer is don't ask me to explain what I did or what happened, like maybe one day but I gotta convince myself I'm real
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Dissociation Culture is the problem being disconnected from your own body for years and years on end due to any number of reasons is that when you start reconnecting you feel hyper connected and it's an over correction and you can't bare even tiny discomforts and plans going wrong
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dissociation culture is saying you’re sick but really you keep having half-day long dissociative episodes that are so bad you can’t do anything or remember any of them
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dissociation culture is not knowing if you’re starting/having a worse dissociative episode or having a rare moment of little to no dissociation for a few seconds
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Dissociation culture is feeling like youre really drunk or high even though you haven't done any substances recently
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Dissasociation culture is already knowing your on the aspec spectrum but also know your not fully ace but the lack of connection to my own body isn't letting me know exactly WHAT I got goin on
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Dissasociation + Autism culture is having them pair in the worst of ways and suddenly the root of your being is entirely based at the back of my abdomen for some reason and if anything including clothes touch it I feel like I'll really loose myself that time
EDIT pretend I put this in the queue 😔 my internet is being fucky
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dissociation culture is sitting on one spot and not be able to move for hours, feeling so disconnected from yourself and everything that you can’t even talk or move.
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Dissociation culture is, waking up so confused.
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Dissociation culture is, I split and someone takes the action I’m not the one in control anymore.
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Dissociation Culture, not knowing if you are real or not and not knowing if things around you were real such people, objects and animals etc.
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Dissociation culture is, always questioning yourself and everything around you. am i even real? I don’t feel myself i’m not here I don’t feel my body! there is someone controlling me over things, someone is taking control! someone is inside me. I don’t remember half the things i did or said. questioning over and over did i really did that or it didn’t even existed?
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Dissociation Culture is, not knowing what was real and what wasn’t. getting so confused about things if they were real or not and if they really did happened or not. also getting confused about dreams and reality. having no grip over reality and unreality.
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dissociation culture is forgetting what you did even 5mins ago as if you never even existed, forgetting wat you did an hour ago, 5 hours ago, forgetting days and weeks and looking at the date or time and being surprised
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(Tw Romance) Dissociation culture is getting lost in your meladaptive romantic day dreams instead of just doing the romance being pitched to you, that you do want.
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Disassociation culture is needing constant stimulus and distraction in order to not just randomly dismantle and break.
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dissociation culture is i haven't really been here for months
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