do-you-fart · 19 days
"Take my challenge and put this philosophy to the test. If it does not work you should not use it as a comforter. If it is not true, you must completely discard it. I know it is true. You will not know it until you try either to prove or disprove it. Too many of us have joined "isms" and we are afraid to put them to the test because we feel we might fail; and, then, where are we? Not really wanting to know the truth concerning it, we hesitate to be bold enough to put it to the test. You say, "I know it would work in some other way. I do not want to really test it. While I have not yet disproved it, I can still be comforted by it." - Neville Goddard, Thinking Fourth Dimensionally
in this passage, Neville urges all of us to put the law to the test. often times, when we try to apply the law, we do it halfheartedly. we are lukewarm, something Neville warned against. we are double-minded - choosing to trust and then doubt the next moment. but here, and in many of his works, Neville says to test it. but fully test it. for a period of time, go all in and be faithful to it. see what happens. but, if you choose to be lukewarm, you will continue living your life as it is right now - not getting what you desire yet not being able to let go of the law. don't delay it any longer, choose faith.
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do-you-fart · 19 days
Hi Maya I was one of your first anons back in March and I manifested my dream life. i just wanted to share some things that helped me, and hope we can all pass some knowledge so we all get our desires life. I did, you did, and everyone reading this can and will so let’s all try to help out by sharing a little of our journey. I’ll never create a blog because tumblr is a mess, so I’ll just share them here bc I trust you as a creator and I hope you agree with what I’m saying. Even if you don’t these are my assumptions and my truth
il get into my methods in one second but users of tumblr there are only 4 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE LAW (Inspired heavily by you bc I used your blog religiously) I will say you’re kind of too nice and I wish I had someone to yell at me like this, and tell me to stop being a victim!!! So if it sounds aggressive it’s because it is in the best loving way possible.OKAY SO.
★you need to understand that you want to fulfill yourself in imagination because you don’t care about the desires only how you feel about it. Bare with me it sounds stupid I know. But I don’t care about men or how they feel about me. I just want to feel worshiped and love, and I could fulfill that in my imagination. I don’t care about money??? It’s fucking paper !!! I just want to feel secure and financially free and want the feeling of buying my favorite clothes without looking at the tag. I GOT THE SAME FEELING FROM PINTREST EVEN WHEN I WAS POOR GODDAMNIT. I didn’t care about getting all As in school when I’ve always believed school is not a representation of intelligence. I wanted to feel recognized adored and respected which I had to feel for myself in my mind before it projected. I don’t care about looking skinny, I just wanted to feel snatched, I wanted to be envied, and feel pretty. And in my mind everyone wanted to be me even when I was ugly and fat. BUT I DIDNT FEEL FAT. Even with no change in the 3D I had my desires. This applies to all your desires, and you really need to understand that.
★you can affirm,visualize, understand states, understand non dualism, use the Bible or Torah m, wall twerk and say “I AM THAT BITXH,” use sats YADADAA . No one cares it doesn’t matter. you don’t have to feel anything or, even believe in wth you’re doing. As long as you think that having it in imagination means it’s yours that’s all that matter. I’ve read so many teachers, Neville, Abraham, Abdullah, Edward art, paid coaches, and they all do different things but say the same thing. FAITH IS KEY. That’s all that matters. Don’t let anyone you otherwise or tell you what you have to do. All teachers were once students, all success stories were once struggled failures, all masters were once lost okay. You are god so have some faith in yourself.
★YOU ARE GOD. You know what a god is, you know how a god works, you know god can do anything with a snap of a finger, kill anyone with a thought, look anyway it wants, have anything everything and create whatever. You are an omnipotent loving creator so create and give yourself everything.
★you can’t over consume, you can think from lack of whatever, and doubt can’t hinder you unless you think it does. Having a desire does not mean you’re lacking or else having the wanting for it would mean that too no? When creators say that I want to slam my head against the wall. Even now I have all my desires and I still think about them constantly. Thinking of new clothes to buy with MY WEALTH, I think of new food to eat that won’t even affect my SNATCHED BODY, i find new places to try and explore bc MY SOCIAL CIRCLE IS HUGE AND IM SO LOVED, I think of new makeup up to try to enhance my GORGEOUS PRINCESS FACE. I think of it in the same way from when I didn’t have my desired (I always had them in imagination but you know what I mean.) so there is no thinking from lack, or else you’re always lacking it lmfao the fuck. Anyways I doubted my abilities up until I manifested my dream life. I was okay with it in imagination and whether it reflected or not it was my escape I was content with. DID YOU SEE THAT. I had doubts up until the very end, and it doesn’t mean shit unless you think it does. Just affirm having doubts and obsessions only speed up your results. That’s really all it is.
Now to my story if anyone cares. I won’t make a blog for reason number 2 and 3 listed above. That’s all you need but if you want more info for curiosity go for it. I know I was curious and that didn’t stop me from getting my dream life. Anyways I have the same story as about everyone else here. My life sucked, I found the law, and it worked! HOORAY!!! But how did I do it???? Easy peasy, in a couple of steps.
☞ I tattooed my four rules above in my mind. When fear and doubt emerged I sunk that shit like the titanic and went with my laws that I created. It’s literally called the law of assumption like come on, stop fighting with yourself when you assume and create reality.
☞I ignored anything that I didn’t agree with. Sometimes I’d get so mad and be like WHAT NO WHY WOULD THAT BLOGGER OR COACH OR ANON or whoever say that?? But am I dumb ??? each of us have our own reality our own bubbles. The fact that it works for them and not for me started to only motivate me more. It doesn’t work bc I assume sooo
 sooo why not just assume the opposite and focus on my rules like they did. The law is always in effect and working. Either it’s in your favor or it’s not. It’s up to you
☞I used affirmations bc repetition is the only thing that works for my logical brain. Anything can change with repetition. It’s basic science. So in the morning and night time I would affirm. ONCE. Repetition meant for me doing it everyday and not wanting. The rest of my day was lived in my imaginations. And the affirmation was to remind me in my vulnerable state that I already have my desires. That’s why my affirmation was “I have my desires no matter what, and everything I do brings them to me faster than the speed of light” it was kind of funny and made me chuckle but I accepted it as facts. Look guys

☞I didn’t repress myself. If I cried or yelled or told myself “FUCK YOU” it wasn’t me tf. It was the devil or something. Be like those Christian fuckers who when their child comes out as gay
it’s the devil within them or whatever. I would talk to myself, yell when doubt emerged and when my thoughts weren’t the ones I wanted. It wasn’t fucking me so get the fuck out I have my desires so who tf are you ??? It will feel weird but you’ll get used to it trust me. If you’re uncomfortable it’s working. Getting rid of bad habits and your comfort in dwelling in bad thoughts is uncomfortable but it’s worth it.
I manifested my dream life back in March. I LITERALLY WOKE WITH MY DREAM LIFE. A complete 180. I won’t talk about my past life bc I completely revised it and I’m the only one who remembers so for the most part it feels like a long nightmare that has past. I’ll just talk about what I changed instead because that’s the stuff we all want to hear. Anyways I’ll just post some of my list here.
♄ my life feels like the song rich kids by freak ocean
♄I’m a pretty spoiled princess who gets everything I want but I’m still kind
♄I revised my entire family from looks to personality to zodiac to religion and etc. i rewrote my story which included my family
♄I have natural admired intelligent
♄my family has a net worth of 500 million dollars, and my entire family stems from old money. (Think aristocrats not slave or colonization money)
♄I can play many instruments and speak many languages
♄ I am 5’2, 100 pounds, I have natural stunning vixen beauty, and the most desires body in the world. I’m the beauty standard and people either want to be me or date me. I am naturally skinny and have no worries about my weight, I have clear skin that only gets clearer with my skincare routine, and I have my desired personality where I’m kind but also don’t put up with any shit from anyone because I know I’m that bitch. I also have great style and embody a princess !
♄my life is a combination of my favorite watpadd stories, Gilmore girls, gossip girl, and mean girls.
♄ too many people pursue me I have too many options
♄I have a perfect school life, social life, family life, friend life, and people always wonder what I did to be “so lucky it’s unfair”
♄my family has multiple mansions in America, monoco,Australia, france, and China.
♄I’m a daddies and mommies money girl
♄everyone’s purpose it to make my life easier and make me happier
♄I’m spoiled and privileged in every aspect of my life
♄I’m a master shifter, and manifester
♄I revised my age to 14. I was 18 and graduating but I wanted to redo high school how I had envisioned it all my life
♄I have a “cool mom” people are always jealous how lucky I am
♄I have my main estate in Hollywood hills with my family that’s in a gated, gorgeous, gate kept neighborhood. It is 30,000 sq feet with my dreams decor, dream cars, dream pets, dream house help, dream room with all my stuff saved on Pinterest including decor, furniture, clothes, shoes, makeup and skincare.
♄everything good in my life I have manifested and it’s too much to list. THERES NOT REASON FEAR OR WAIT. Do what you want and assume it still works and it will.
You honestly said it better than I could have. Literally every single one of these points are so valid :)!! I’m glad you think I inspired you love but all I did was allow you recognize your own godly abilities. I’m very proud of you, and have fun girl đŸ„č❀
Also. “All teachers were once students, all success stories were once struggled failures, all masters were once lost okay. You are god so have some faith in yourself.” This one million times !!!!! Invest your faith into yourself more than anyone else and you’ll see how fast your reality conforms. I also adore your point about the state of lacking bc I never believed in that. If wanting your desires insinuates it’s not yours, we would have no thoughts since that’s where it all originates from. In fact Edward explains it pretty well.
When Edward looks at lack, he sees it as being something that is only brought about by the individual. He believes that your own actions, thoughts, and attitudes will bring about an artificial scarcity of resources. Edward says that this artificial lack of resources is not actually real—it exists only in our minds, as we focus on the things that we don’t have rather than the things that are available to us.
He believes that true lack only exists when someone has no access to resources—whether those resources be financial, physical, mental, or emotional. When someone has access to resources but they squander them or don’t use them to their advantage, it isn’t a lack of resources that is at fault—it is the individual’s personal choices and attitudes that create the feeling of lack. Same way we see attractive people feel ugly though they have women or men chasing them, modeling opportunities, and experience many examples of pretty privilege lol. You’re a hot girl.. you’re just not using it to your advantage, same way you have everything in imagination and access to anything yet
 nothing bc of your own perceptions. That’s not lack. Simply inappropriate usage of recourse. A waste for better use of words.
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do-you-fart · 26 days
Heyyyy girl!! How u doin' ok this is crazyyy like ALOOOT,I'm ON CLOUD 9!!! After you uploaded your last post it was such a motivation for me,I first time in my life got serious😌,which I never was and I persisted for life like heck I flipped every dang thought,did 5 hour saturation and did the list method that's been trending in X,and omgosh I had like 10 things on my list half of them manifested I just 4 days😭😭. So I wrote that I'll get chicken and smoked pork stew(a delicacy in our tribe) and I had it 3 days straight for dinner and we've been eating chicken everyday for dinner(I'm a picky eater so it's like heaven),my family accepted me after i came out,I gained 4kg in one day😭,my dandruff problem have reduced and I've been feeling less constipated,also manifested money for my grandma's chemotherapy,along with that we won a lottery and my father is gonna start a business with it😭😭,so on. I'm so thankful for your post,I wish I persisted sooner maybe I would've been enjoying a trip in Bali😌it's going next on my list.
Also can be your gayfairy anonđŸ§šđŸ»â€â™‚ïž
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do-you-fart · 1 month
You are actually the experience so NOTHING can be above you, too good for you or out of your reach if it's something that's made up of what you're made up of
There is no separation between you and what you want
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do-you-fart · 1 month
Success story
Hello dear,it's me it's been we have already chat before i dmed you,and I'm so happy to tell you I have entered the void through lucid dream.
I have finally manifested a great life for me and my sons also didn't wanted to trauma dump on you until and unless i manifest my dream. So,I'm a lady in my late 20s,and after my husband died and I start having financial crisis,my teaching career wasn't going great and i end up loosing my job,everything was getting worse for me,there was a point when I thought to give my twins for adoption and my pet shih tzu to some dog adoption center because I just couldn't provide them enough,we were living in our car but I didn't give up.
So,I took your advice and start saturating non stop for 3 days straight,I think would've entered on the first day but I kept going back in my old mindset,but I persisted first day was hard to saturate all day,eventhough you recommended me to affirm for an hour,I still affirmed from the moment I woke up,till I fell asleep,I read through Taylor's tweets and some other loa accounts tweet and it motivated me to affirm for more then 5 hours,and I also watched a video by Rita Kaminski where she was telling to robotically affirm as we fall asleep and I did exactly that. But my sons and pet played a huge role and you too.
I have manifested being a model,earning upto 2000k a month,moved from Turkey to America and a living husband,I also got to provide better treatment for my dog's health and good schooling for my sons,and i have aldo changed my religion maybe controversial but it just felt like I didn't have much freedom.
And as for affirming i just affirmed "I'm a lucid dreamer,I can control my dreams" that's it.
I'm gonna delete this app for forever thanks alot,I must say affirming and saturating will be my favorite now.
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ANOTHER SUCCESS STORYYYYđŸ« I'm so happy for you,you are truly an inspiration for all those who think their circumstances matters,and you not telling me your struggle touch my heart💓,I could tell you were depress when we first texted abd I'm so happy you persisted through your hard circumstances I'm happy you could give your son's and dog the better life they deserve.
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do-you-fart · 3 months
you have created an ego and then you have created the experience of failing. WHY?
"but how did i create it?"
BECAUSE you are too busy trying to change a world that does not exist instead of realising that the world is NOT separate from you.
"well if it's not separate then why is it projecting what 'i' dont want?"
because thats what you are aware of! you are too scared to let go of an 'undesirable' illusion and be aware of what you want to experience. the world is not separate from Self because it IS Self and You have imposed on YourSelf limitations. imagine limiting a 'GOD'. imagine limiting that which is formless. it is a bit silly, right?
stop resisting success. allow it to occur. stop expecting failure.
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do-you-fart · 3 months
Rebel against your slavery to your mind, see your bonds as self-created and break the chains of attachment and revulsion. Keep in mind your goal of freedom, until it dawns on you that you are already free, that freedom is not something in the distant future to be earned with painful efforts, but perennially one's own, to be used! Liberation is not an acquisition but a matter of courage, the courage to believe that you are free already and to act on it.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj
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do-you-fart · 4 months
You're not meant to change the objective reality, that's not your job.
Your job is to change yourself, your thoughts and your feelings. Your desires will follow and the 'how', as you know, is none of our concern
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do-you-fart · 4 months
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do-you-fart · 4 months
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do-you-fart · 4 months
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do-you-fart · 4 months
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do-you-fart · 5 months
Tumblr loa is like "I manifested 1 million being deposited every second, a 30 trillion dollar house, ability to time travel and supernatural powers overnight."
But Twitter loa is like "omg yay my SP texted me hi" -_-
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do-you-fart · 5 months
Omg after your little rant to anon about magical things I can FINALLY share my success story that i’ve been keeping undercover because everyone would call me limiting.
Okay so i’ve been in the community and states for a little over 2 years now and fell into the trap of “you can manifest waking up a new person with a new life and lifestyle” thing and I did EVERYTHING including studying and applying sources like neville and edward (he was on reddit mainly back then) and I genuinely grasped everything and even helped a lot of people! I knew the law well and applied daily to “wake up” in a new life but guess what (oh so surprisingly) it didn’t happen. each day i would open my eyes and it would be my old life :(
I decided enough was enough and i gave up on the idea of magically waking up elsewhere and INSTEAD DECIDED TO ASSUME THE PERSON WHO ALREADY IS LIVING THEIR IDEAL LIFE and all the cute things in it! I decided that the how didn’t matter because if I had that life for years I wouldn’t care how it cale about. And you know what happened NOT EVEN A WEEK after I gave up on trying to “wake up” in it?? I STARTING GETTING THE THINGS I WANTED IN THE 3D. I WAS WALKING THE BRIDGE and within like 3ish weeks I was FULLY in my “ideal” life (3 weeks is NOTHING compared to the years i wasted).
I got a new house that was EXACTLY the one I wanted, I got gifted my dream car (no one knew i wanted it) , my sp wanted to get back together with me (now we are talking about engagement because we both still in uni), my “gym routine” started “working” (i had been working out for years with no change and now i saw the exact results i wanted in a healthy way), and i “won” free plastic surgery for a nosejob (i wanted to change my nose shape)
thank you for sharing anon! so proud of you for manifesting all that :) proof that letting go of the how does wonders!
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do-you-fart · 5 months
thank you, your order has been placed
★ its yours the second you choose it
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you order juicy couture pants and bags online. it says its coming in 3-5 business days. u chose/decided you have the juicy couture items by ordering it, therefore you know its already yours. so naturally, you think about how good the pants will fit you and imagine how the bag will complement your sexy fits. you are now in the state of the wish fulfilled. you want something -> imagine it + know its true.
okay so you already ordered the sexy clothes and you got confirmation from the “thank you, your order has been placed” which you saw after you paid for it online. so its now a fact that its coming. theres no reason to wonder “when is it coming” because its already done. when you are imagining how sexy you will look with the items you just bought, you are aware that its yours in the now. theres no question that its already yours.
you ordered (decided) the clothes -> you know its coming / you have it already (its done)
after you ordered it, will you start thinking “what if it doesnt come” and feel stressed because of fear? no. but it doesnt matter if you do have those thoughts or feelings because its inevitable that you will get it since you already pressed confirm when you ordered aka you decided its yours. once you decide on a desire in imagination, its set in stone and nothing in the 3d can change that (unless you allow it to).
1. choose your desire via any method or simple decision in imagination
once you have a desire, immediately give it to yourself in imagination. visualize it or affirm or script or whatever. remember you have the ability to choose because you are the only source of power in this reality
2. be the one who already has it in imagination
know that once you decide or affirm or visualize that its yours, it is yours. stay true to imagination & "trust the unseen". trust the law. know its done and that you already experienced it because imagining = experiencing
3. persist regardless of the 3d
anytime you think of it again, remember that you are the operant power aka imagination, which molds the 3d. this is why assuming it is in the 3d doesnt do shit because you should be assuming its in imagination while leaving the 3d alone since it will always change to match who you are being in imagination
always. persist in the assumption that its done, because it literally is. like online ordering, you know its coming/you know its yours even without physical evidence. you never needed physical evidence especially since imagination is what produces the physical evidence in the first place.
kisses, etherealkissed
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do-you-fart · 5 months
☆ masterlist ☆
☆ = my favorites
đ–Šč posts
everything is a illusion
i dont wait, i dont desire, i dont want, i dont wish, i only am
imagine it = its done
i love how i already have all my desires
☆ why check for results in the 3d when you know imagination is the only true reality?
☆ the whole point of law of assumption is that you already have it
my law of assumption checklist
☆ assumption meaning + be the proof
thank you, your order has been placed
its persist as you see it, not persist until you see it
applying the law while experiencing the 3d
đ–Šč mini rants
the 3d version of you is not real
have fun in limitless imagination
why circumstances seem so annoying
đ–Šč asks
“i still feel anxious”
“how do i convince myself?”
“triggering circumstances”
“i have negative thoughts but ik i have desire in the 4d”
“ego gets distracted by the 3d”
“fulfillment tips”
“inconsistent movement”
“keep searching for more info + feeling demotivated”
đ–Šč success stories
“treating my cyst away”
đ–Šč challenges
coming soon
xoxo, jani
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do-you-fart · 6 months
When I say that this journey is real, and our struggles are not in vain, I am shouting it from the rooftops. A month ago, I woke up with my dream life. Obsessed with the "void state", I woke up one day being the same person but with an entirely new life. All because I chose it.
Your efforts aren't going unnoticed. The universe is always on your side. You are the universe. It's been a month, and I still feel overwhelmed with joy and wonder every single day.
I was once poor and battling depression, a reality many can relate to. But we found the law because we knew we deserved more. You can be ordinary, flawed, even unkind, but you can choose to transform and have it all. And I did just that. My parents, who were illegal immigrants working underpaid jobs, are now wealthy and respected figures. My last name alone garners recognition, and I am a socialite earning money just by being me.
I used to live in an attic infested with cockroaches. Now, I reside in a four-story mansion, complete with exotic cars, house help, cooks, drivers - all treated and compensated fairly. We also own three other houses across the United States.
I was once insecure, severely underweight, and bullied. Today, not only am I stunningly beautiful, but I am also praised for my fashion sense. I was once a dull person, but now I am radiant with positivity.
I attended an underfunded school where I was bullied, and teachers lacked resources to intervene. Now, I study at a prestigious private school that assures my entry into an Ivy League university. Finally, I am respected and appreciated.
I was lonely and uninteresting. Now, I am vibrant with a close-knit group of friends and a man who seems straight out of a Wattpad story. He's perfect, and he's mine.
This transformation happened overnight. And I've been on this journey since 2020. But how??? I surrendered to my imagination!
The void was overwhelming, but now I can easily navigate it. I was tired of giving my power away. So, I gave in to myself, to my dreams. I knew I deserved it. Even if I didn't believe it at times, I made the choice. If you desire something, it's already yours. It's done.
I didn't have a list or anything of my desires, just a vision of happiness. I didn't know what it looked like, but I knew how it felt. Now, I embody that feeling every day. My life is a series of plot twists. It's not perfect, but my worst days now are what I once prayed for. That old life? POOF It's gone. All I have is now, and I'm living it to the fullest.
My advice?
Stop seeking proof. If you're looking for proof, you'll never manifest your dreams because the only thing that needs to change is self. Doubt is a reflection of your disbelief in yourself. When I surrendered to my imagination, it didn't matter who was lying or telling the truth, because I had my truth. The burden of proof lies within you. It's called the law of assumption. You might harbor some doubt, but you must have faith like the devout. They believe without proof. You can too! We all can! Believe in yourself, and the universe will conspire in your favor!!!!
I agree! Your words resonated with me a lot. Faith, particularly self-faith, is such an important tool in shaping our realities. The ability to trust ourselves, our desires, and our potential is essential in manifesting our dream life, and it’s only so beautiful to slowly see yourself give yourself all your trust when you’ve never even liked yourself.
You're spot on about the issue of seeking confirmation from others. It's an unnecessary hurdle that we give ourselves but it’s human nature. Our truths and dreams should not be validated by anyone else but us. As you said, why should it matter if someone lied or told the truth? We are the creators of our own lives and thus, the only validation we need comes from within.
And I wholeheartedly agree with your point about deservingness. We don't have to earn our desires or prove ourselves worthy of them. If we want something, that desire alone makes us deserving of it.
More importantly I am very proud and happy for you !!!! You’re a testament of what our own imagination can do for us and I hope you only keep getting happier and happier <3!!!!
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