drabblicious · 3 years
Kuroo/Tsukishima, Haikyuu! More than five years ago I got an anonymous prompt that went as follows: kuroo confesses to tsukishima, who firmly believes it was a bad joke/prank until yamaguchi (who heard from shouyou who heard from kenma) convinces him he might be wrong Recently I’ve been getting into Haikyuu again and was rereading old fics, and found this honest to god finished prompt fill in my drafts, only missing a final spellcheck. It’s random and very crack, so if you enjoy that: here you go. A random revival of a blog that’s been dead and buried for 3 years :’)
It's just a coincidence that they are seeing each other now.
Tetsurou had had no idea that Tsukishima has family in Tokyo, and would never have dreamt that Tsukki would reach out to him – of all people! - just because he's in town and has nothing better to do. Sure, they had been chatting a lot lately and Tetsurou can't even try to pretend he's not head over heals for the kid so yeah, of course he pretty much wants to see him always. Nobody that understands the situation would be surprised at how he drops everything and rushes to meet the tall bespectacled blond that snatched his heart.
But no, he really hadn't planned to confess. And yet here they are, at the metro station, Tetsurou about to step back on the train so he can go back home while Tsukishima returns to his uncle's (or whatever) to meet up with his parents, and the words just kind of tumble out of his mouth. “Tsukki I really like you please go out with me.”
The blond's eyes grow comically large, his skin seems to go half a tint paler than usual, and if Tetsurou didn't know better he'd swear he sees the curls on his head stand on end. Those are probably not good signs, are they?
But then the high schooler grows red in the face and he bursts out in laughter. It's loud and... genuine? Tetsurou would dare to think so. There are even tears in his eyes, he isn't wiping at air, no, no those are actual tears of laughter he is flicking away...
Is that.. good or bad? ... what's going on?
“Kuroo-san, you're hilarious.” His Tsukki manages to say after a few minutes of uncontrolled joy and isn't Tsukishima supposed to be the one awkward and self-aware in public? Why is it Tetsurou suddenly feels goosebumps and like the entire world is staring at them? “Like that would ever happen- seriously, us going out, what a joke. You could have made a fortune in comedy.”
So what if Tetsurou's blood kind of freezes in his veins? So what if his heart is all like “lol ok I'm out toodles”? So what if he feels like the ground just disappeared under his feet and he should be plummeting into hell but he's kind of floating on air because it's so rare to see his crush smiling this big and defenceless with shiny eyes and blushing cheeks, saying his mean words without any of the usual bite behind them?
He has absolutely no idea where he gets the strength from to lift an arm to rub at his neck and smile bashfully. “I am, ain't I? What a ridiculous idea, hahahaha!”
A little shiver passes through him as Tsukki grins and whacks him playfully on the shoulder, before turning away and waving goodbye. “Go catch your train, you dork. See you.”
As if on autopilot Tetsurou smirks back and replies something hopefully witty- he can't remember, not really- and wishes his slayer a safe trip back home.
He almost sits down on top of an old lady when the metro pulls in, and spends a good five minutes apologizing to her,  before finally offering to help carry her things when she gets out two stops before his.
He gets home late and isn't any clearer on his feelings. He confessed, he got rejected so hard his crush didn't even consider it- the very idea made the snarky kid laugh out loud. And yet he is more smitten than ever because Tsukki is beautiful and fantastic and Tetsurou is so so so so very fucked for life.
Naturally, as always happens when Tetsurou can't make sense of things – which really happens less often than certain tall, blond and handsome's like to imply – he calls the one person he can always trust to make sense of things.
“Kenmaaaa, help me, I am ridiculously in love and just got my heart broken but it just made me more in love! What do I doooooo?”
“Stop being a masochist.” “I am not!” “Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.” “Am n–
A long-suffering sigh of relief slips from Kenma's lips when he can finally hang up after listening to Kuro whine for a good dungeon run and a half. His friend should learn better timing for his mini breakdowns. It's great that somebody came up with hands free calls, so he can indulge him without having to pause – blasphemous! - his game, but he really can't focus on it completely while sorting out his best friend’s love life.
Why does he even call him at these times? Like Kenma knows anything at all about relationships. He's never even had anybody confess to him. Not that he thinks he is missing out, oh no. Volleyball is more than enough distraction from his games, don't need anything else dragging him away from important business.
But he finally confessed huh, and impulsively too. It ended up in disaster, sure, but it's probably best this way. Kenma is pretty sure if Kuro had thought it through and planned things out he'd have gone and done something ridiculous like visiting Tsukishima in a suit with a bouquet of red roses or something similar that would not only make him look ridiculous, but also tarnish Nekoma's reputation by association.
Not that Kenma cares all that much, but he is still actively part of said Nekoma High School. And of course he has to look out for his best friend's interest. Sooner or later the dork would have realized what he'd done and hate himself for it.
Yeah, all in all this result isn't bad. It's no high score, Kuro didn't even beat the game, but at least he didn't allow an army of bugs to ruin it for everybody else too. Kenma would not have been able to live with the disgrace though, if it were a game, but that's him, and he's really not involved.
His phone chimes and Kenma offers it not but a quick glance-- no wait the light is yellow! He presses the pause button quickly and most certainly doesn't launch himself at the phone. No no, he just casually makes a grab for it. As fast as he can. Casually.
From: Shouyou; To: K.Kenma; Subject: Re: Diablo
Cookie baking success! Natsu made ponies but look, I managed to make two volleyballs!!!
<picture attached>
The photo is blurry and under lit, but Kenma can still somewhat recognize two roundish shapes decorated with lines on it in patterns that did perfectly somewhat maybe resemble volleyballs? He... guesses? The other cookies, slipping off the edge of the frame, are equally shapeless and covered with colourful sprinkles. Ponies, obviously.
From: K.Kenma; To: Shouyou; Subject: Baking;
Look tasty.
Carefully he drops the phone into his lap and cautiously presses play again. His eyes most certainly don't flick down to the device every few kills. At some point he just wants to, you know, randomly pause the game again to check it. It's not frantic or anything the moment he notices the yellow light again.
From: Shouyou; To: K.Kenma; Subject: Re: Baking;
Thanks!! The smoke alarm didn't go off a single time! I'm getting good at this! :DDDDD
Have you finished your runs yet?? Wanna battle??
From: K.Kenma; To: Shouyou; Subject: Distractions
Not yet. Kuro called and kept distracting me.
From: Shouyou; To: K.Kenma; Subject: Re: Distractions
Oh???? Why why why? Somethign about volleyball???
From: K.Kenma; To: Shouyou; Subject: Re: Re: Distractions
No, seems he confessed to Tsukishima and was rejected
From: Shouyou; To: K.Kenma; Subject: Re: Re: Re: Distractions
KUROO-SAN LIKES TSUKISHIMA?? wow didnt think he'd have such bad taste but auwww, that sucks! Tsukishima is a dumbass. SO: BATTLE y/y?? :D
From: K.Kenma; To: Shouyou; Subject: Battle
10 minutes
It doesn't happen often that Shouyou  is satisfied with the amount of spikes he hits during practise, but today is one of those days! … mostly. Or maybe not. No, not at all actually, he wants at least 5 more. Maybe 10. Probably 20. Ugh, why does practise have to come to an end anyway???
So maybe he's kind of sulking in the locker rooms while he's changing at a snails pace because Kageyama had to be home early because it was somebodies birthday or something and Shouyou failed to convince anybody else to stay with him and even if he did, they aren't Kageyama's tosses! He wants those, they are just the best and why should he have to settle with somebody that isn't even a setter? Ah who is he kidding, if he could teach a dog to throw him spike able sets he'd already be overjoyed.
But Natsu is allergic so that is never gonna happen.
Sigh. Life can really suck sometimes. Also he ate all the cookies yesterday so he can't even drown his post-practise depression in them when he gets home. Boooo...
“Ah, Hinata? You're still here?”
He perks up at the call of his name, wondering if maybe just maybe somebody changed their mind and wants to help him hit at least another 50 spikes. Maybe he doesn't need a dog after all: he's got the puppy eyes mastered in any case.
It's Yamaguchi, and he seems a little overwhelmed by the eager way his teammate turns on him, but the apologetic smile that comes onto his face quickly makes Shouyou deflate. “Sorry, I just think I dropped my keys here somewhere...” And it says something that he doesn't need to ask what it is that Shouyou wants. Something about his possession of a short-term memory, because the sunshine menace tried asking everybody, at least three times, to stay with him just five more minutes! It took an angry Ennoshita to even get him to the changing room.
“Fine,” Shouyou pouts, unabashed, “I'll help you look”.
And look they do, for quite a while even, because it turns out the keys ended up, god knows how, under a single lost dirty sock that they don't know who it belong to and both kind of noticed but did they utter best to ignore on their search. Touching somebody else's dirty laundry is not on the list of things Shouyou enjoys either.
On their merry way off the school campus, Shouyou forever sulking like it's the end of the world, Yamaguchi does his best to cheer the tiny middle blocker up, the good soul that he is.
“I'm sure Ennoshita-san will allow you to practice more next week! And this weekend we have a practice match too, so you can't overdo it.” “I knowwww... ” Comes the groaning answer, all pain and eternal suffering, because life without volleyball is hard. “But I wanna play more nowwwww...” “Nothing to do about that...” The poor freckled angel scratches his neck and stares at the quickly darkening sky, at a complete loss for how to get the little decoy to stop acting like a five year old. “In only a month there's the training camp. You'll get to play until you get sick then.” “I would never get sick of volleyball!” And wow yeah what blasphemous thing Yamaguchi's just uttered! Shouyou's ridiculously shocked. How could somebody suggest, even vaguely imply he could ever get sick from volleyball? Like? No?? Never??
It makes the taller boy grin, and he seems to hesitate for a second before ruffling Hinata's hair.
Man, training camp. Shouyou can't wait! “Uwaaa, I wanna play Kenma...”
“It's gonna be strange, all their third years gone. Tsukki will be lonely.” Yamaguchi grins to himself, the bashfully offended image of his best friend's reaction to those words clear in his mind's eye.
Shouyou's face scrunches up in thought at that. “Yeah, maybe it's actually stranger that Tsukishima said no than that Kuroo-san confessed, huh. Oh well!” Suddenly his side is empty and Shouyou swirls on his feet to see his companion stiff as a stick with big blown eyes like an... like an... what are those walking stick things called again? The bugs? Ah, nevermind, he can look it up at home later. But yeah, Yamaguchi totally looks like one of those and it's kinda funny, it really fits him! “What did you say? Kuroo-san confessed?” “Tsukishima didn't tell you? Kenma complained to me about Kuroo's complaining so he must've been reaaaaally annoying. Kenma doesn't tend to complain much about Kuroo.” He scrunches his nose because no no, that's not exactly right either. Ah, of course. “Unless he's trying to get him to leave the house. Kenma's weird like that.” “Wait wait back up-- really?? When did this happen?”
Like Shouyou remembers? Or cares? Did he even ask? Eh, whatever. “I dunno. This weekend I guess?”
How many weeks until the training camp exactly? Five or six, he thinks, but he isn't sure. Maybe he should make a countdown calendar for the training camp? Auwww, he's gonna miss the cool big school senpai though. No no, next year he will be the cool senpai! Well, he is already a senpai, but he need to be a top spiker senpai! Or a pro blocker! Else it really doesn't count!
“I had no idea. I thought he liked him too...” “Huh?” “Tsukki.” “Oh yeah.” There's a short silence, before he can't contain it anymore and groans loudly: “I wanna plaaaaaaaaaaaayy!!”
*** His eyes are glued to his Tsukki's back for only about a day and a half before said Tsukki sneers at him like a huge angry kitten, hair bristling in frustration. “What the hell is your problem?”
“Sorry, Tsukki,” Tadashi says automatically, while he's actually not sorry at all. Well, maybe a little sorry. Just a itsy bitsy tiny bit. The bit of “sorry” is hiding behind an overwhelming wall of “wut” and “why” and head-scratching “I don't get it”s.
“Well don't be sorry, just stop staring! You're creeping me out.”
Tadashi smiles. Tsukki is such a big softy, all blond fluff and cute little pouts. It reminds Tadashi strongly of the triceratops from that shows with the baby dinosaurs? What's the movie called again? “I was thinking about that movie with the baby dinosaurs, what's it called again--” “The Land before Time. And there are 14 movies, actually.” “Right!” Right, that. Tsukki reminds him of the triceratops from The Land before Time. All cute and soft but trying to be badass. Tsukki claims his favourite is the T-rex though, but nobody really believes him. Tsukki is too cute to be compared to a big lumpy brute like that.
“That's not actually why you were staring at me, right?” Tsukki asks, face in skeptic mode. “Ah, no, sorry.” He is so transparent though. He tries to hard to not care, but he cares so much. It's a truth his Tsukki loathes to accept. Maybe he loathes it more than Tadashi thinks, and that could be a reason for him to reject Kuroo, maybe? Getting puffy and No-I don't-care-why-should-I-care-what-did-you-have-for-lunch-today and such. Yamaguchi wants to ask, but he's not sure how to.
“Well? Why are you staring at me then?!” “Oh, sorry. Uhmm...” Should he do it? Tadashi isn't sure if Tsukki will manage to deal with the resulting awkwardness. Talking feelings is a big bada no for his friend, after all. He doesn't want to spook him, have him scuttle off all huffy and puffy. Huh, could he be-- nah, Tsukki is for sure slytherin. Now at least. Maybe back in the day, before the stuff with his brother-- “Out with it already!” Tsukki growls, and yeah, at this point he best just say it, because his friend's patience is short by nature, and it's not like he wants to make him run all out now. There's still the afternoon and practise to survive.
“I was just wondering... uhmm... why you rejected Kuroo-san?”
Tsukki's eyes slowly blink behind his glasses. “What? I didn't-- where did you even hear that?” Tadashi feels himself perk up completely. “Oh! So you're dating?” “What? No, what the hell, Yamaguchi?? He didn't confess, why would you think that?” “It's just, Hinata said that—” He deflates.
“Tch, why would you listen to shrimpy about anything. I thought you were smarter than that.” There's a practised shine on Tsukki's glasses that reflects his disdain perfectly.
“Well, what happened then?” Tsukki squirms uneasily, trying to hide it but clearly not entirely comfortable with the direction of the conversation. “I told you how I was in Tokyo last weekend. We just met up while I was there.” “And he didn't confess?” Tadashi frowns, wondering why Kozume of all people would have it wrong. Or perhaps Hinata's relay was less trustworthy than he'd though? It'd sounded genuine... “Of course not! I mean, he made a... joke... about... it...” Tsukki is staring at a spot in the distance, unseeing. There's a short silence, Tsukki staring into nothing and Tadashi stuck between excitement and disappointment. Then Tsukki shakes his head. “This doesn't make any sense. Why would Hinata know about that anyway?” “He said Kozume told him that Kuroo'd been complaining about it... wow that's a lot of inbetweens, huh?” But Tsukki isn't listening. His eyes are huge behind the black frames of his glasses and blood is slowly turning his whole face red. He seems frozen.
Tadashi smiles indulgently. “You didn't realize, huh?” Tsukki shakes his head minutely, eyes blank and unseeing. His grin grows. “And you wouldn't have rejected him, had you known?”
Tsukki only swallows.
The dial tone is screaming in his ear, the silence around him feeling oppressive and imprisoning. Oh gods, he's actually doing this isn't he? Fuck, why, why why why, fuckkk... “Hey!” Kuroo picks up the call and Kei has a moment to ignore the tightening of his stomach and the desertion of all the air from his lungs at the sound of his voice. Shit.
“Hi.” He can't wait, he has to launch into it or he'll never manage to get this out. “So our friends have been playing telephone, and Yamaguchi told me something Hinata told him that Kozume told him that apparently you said to me that I uh--- didn't think to take seriously but apparently should have and now I'm not sure if I missed my chance or what is going on anymore?” Kei breathes in deeply to gather his breath again, and there's silence through the phone. His heart is about to stop when he hears one of his favourite sounds. Kuroo chuckles, and gives a breathy “what” into the phone. And that's great and all but Kei really doesn't want to have to explain again or say the words for that matter because what if he's wrong? That'd be embarrassing and he wants nothing to do with it, nope.
“I'm confused here, what's going on, Tsukki?” Kei groans. Please, Kuroo, you're a smart guy, figure it out, pleaseeee... “Tsukki?” He asks again, and then silence drags out. Somewhere a coin drops. “Wait, is this about... uhm... the thing I said at the station... last time?”
“Yes.” Kei grits out. “And you're afraid you--” Kuroo swallows on the other end of the line, still uncertain. “Uh... missed your chance, or something? Did I... get that right?” Tsukishima nods and says nothing, doesn't give a rats ass if a nod doesn't communicate over the telephone.
“So if I were to ask you again...” He can hear the grin slowly forming on Kuroo's face, can perfectly imagine the slow relaxing of his posture. “I might get a... different reply?”
Kei grits his teeth, tries not to be charmed by this asshole and his teasing. “Hm.” He shrugs, still tense. “Tsukki...” Kuroo drawls, and Kei wants to crawl through the line and be with him and when the hell did that happen? “Kuroo-san?” He answers, trying to sound as terse and distant as he can, failing spectacularly. “You doing anything next weekend?”
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drabblicious · 6 years
me: I feel like writing
docs: OK you wanna work on, that wolfstar fic that's almost finished? Or any of the three other HP fics?
me: hmmmm
docs: How about that big ass Klance fic? Or the Todobaku one that's about half done?
me: hmmmm
docs: well you have like 6 half finished old Haikyuu fics too, and this ancient prompt fill that's almost don-
me: I'm gonna start something new c:
docs: fucks sake
0 notes
drabblicious · 6 years
Todoroki Shouto/Suffering, Boku no Hero Academia I respect how strong this kid is and how he manages to resist his father’s influence, and I know doesn’t seem to be quite this bad but. Ya know. Sometimes you just need to write about somebody being seriously fucked up and crumbling into little pieces. Warnings for: Violence, Endeavour, Open End (Not Happy)
After the sports festival Todoroki comes home with a head messed up. He closes himself in his room and refuses to come out on any terms not his own, be it for dinner or be it for training. His father is surprisingly lenient about it, and Shouto doesn't doubt it's because he imagines things to be taking a turn in his favour. 
But Endeavour’s patience only lasts so long, and in the weekend Shouto’s door is the one to suffer the consequences. It lays in a pile of ash between two walls, an angry figure looming over it.
“Tonight you train.” he says, and Shouto merely shakes his head.
“I need to think.” he replies, but it falls on deaf ears.
His dad's shadow slides into his room and now Todoroki tenses. It's rare for his father to enter his domain, and it has never been a sign of good things to come. Sure enough a palm finds his cheek and his chair rolls backwards from the force. A copper taste fills his mouth, his teeth tearing into the flesh of his cheek. Todoroki will not give in. 
He stands; decided, steadfast, immobile. His father grins, and cold dread slips from his memories into his very soul. His father only grins at him like that when he's certain, when he will stop at nothing to get his will, no crying son or wailing wife or public scrutiny. It's one of the few things that Shouto wouldn't like to acknowledge, but do still frighten him.
“You don't have to come downstairs. We can train right here if you prefer.” The man towers over the boy, makes him small and powerless and weak. He raises his fist, bursting into flame, making his intent clear as day. Todoroki closes his eyes. If he fights back, he loses. If he doesn't fight, he loses still. 
The punch doesn't catch him off guard but still has him skidding over the floor until his head meets the wall. It hurts, but it's nothing new. He takes a deep breath. It doesn't matter if he wins of loses, he tells himself.
“Tonight is going to be a lesson in humility.” Endeavour says. 
Shouto knows that all he needs to do is not break.
It takes his father the whole night, and there's not much left of their manor’s second floor by the time it comes to an end. What hasn't been scorched in hate has been drenched in melted hopes and dreams, and there are blood splatters everywhere. 
Shouto can barely breath, feels like his lungs have swollen shut like his eyes or maybe bruised to dysfunction like his limbs. The only thing keeping him upright is his father's hand on his collar, raising him off the ground.
“Use your power.” He orders for the millionth time, now to a backdrop of sunrise instead of stars. Shouto isn't sure if he could do as he’s ordered, even if he wanted to. And he doesn't want to, he really doesn't, but he's tired, so tired, and he hurts, everything hurts, breathing hurts, blinking hurts, living hurts. 
He can't break, he tells himself, but it's been clear for a couple of hours now that it might be little more than a matter of time. There is hope still, but it's faint. If his sister shows up she may put an end to this. She may take him into her arms, an awkward and painful embrace, but it'll be like a healing gift because the pain will stop increasing and just the idea of levelling his misery sounds like heaven right now.
The hand holding him up let's him go, but before he can crumble to the floor there's an impact on his stomach and he rolls back without resistance. He doesn't have it in him anymore. He's about to fall asleep where he lays like a discarded doll. 
“What are you waiting for? Use it!” echoes somewhere in the world, Todoroki knows it's for him but there is little he can do. 
He tries to catch his breath to the backdrop of approaching footsteps, shivers as he manages to call upon a thin veil of ice to cover his most painful bruises. He doesn't have much more to give. He needs help. 
He doesn't know if he says something out loud, or if his thoughts are just so predictable, but somehow it seems he telegraphs his thinking. 
“Don't tell me you're waiting for Fuyumi to show up? She's off with her new boyfriend for the weekend, surely you remember?” 
He doesn't, he doesn't remember at all but something tells him it's not a lie, something in the depths of his rattling brain agrees. A moan escapes him that he cannot stop, and he feels, for as far as he can feel anything besides the all consuming pain, utterly pathetic. 
“Is this what you've become? Some victim waiting to be saved?” It takes Shouto a moment to realise those are spoken words, falling from his dad's lips, not whispered by his own thoughts. “You want to be a hero, you say you don't need me, and here you lay, crying and hoping for your sister to come save you? You're no hero.You're nothing.” No, no, this is his dad talking, trying to get into his head, this isn't true, he's just trying to... “I can make you into something, Shouto. If you just let me, I will make you great. This can all stop, we can work together. Just use your fire.”
Somewhere in the back of his mind Shouto realises two things at once. 
First, that the words may be his father's, but they may as well come from his own mind, for that same voice that told him his sister won't come for him is now telling him that Endeavour is right. No good hero needs saving as often as he does. Right now, Shouto is nothing. 
Secondly, he's crying, and he's powerless to stop himself. This is when he knows he's lost it all. His father broke him, and it wasn't the punches or the burns or the sleepless night. It's words. Words that feel too true to deny. Shouto is pathetic, and as he's hauled to his feet once more he shoves a smouldering hand into the man's face. He can feel the blossoming grin on the man face. The few tiny flames that he managed to conjure survive the impact only to melt together with Endeavour’s own fire and it's the end of him. 
He will never be more than a few wisps lead astray. 
He will always return here, because he is not and never had been, anything more than a weak replica of his father.
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drabblicious · 7 years
Kuroo/Tsukishima, Haikyuu! Finally, this is finished. Remind me to never attempt a multi-chaptered fic again, kplzthx.
Despite everything, Kei feels calm. He's drowsy as he turns towards his right, presses his face into Kuroo's arm, and dozes off.
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drabblicious · 7 years
Hello! Are your fics abandoned? I especially care about Invictus, it's too awesome not to have an epilogue. *cries hard*
Hi! Thanks for the ask- and for reading and enjoying!So… Invictus is not abandoned, no. I still very much want to write it an epilogue, and I’ve got a start but it’s not been flowing. At all. Which I know doesn’t sound too encouraging after 6 months of inactivity. Huh……Nope, I still refuse to abandon it. Sorry to keep you waiting, I can only hope you’ll still care by the time I manage to wrap it up, haha :’D*shame*
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drabblicious · 7 years
Everytime I read some BL manga character saying “Of course I wanna do it, I’m a healthy teenage boy!” I get more desperate to write a fic about an ace character getting seriously fucked up by this kinda shit.
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drabblicious · 8 years
Kuroo/Tsukishima, Haikyuu! Guess who is still alive? More or less? Just not writing or drawing or doing anything productive? That’s right it’s me! Here, have a possibly temporary end to this fic!
“Ah- I-- I miss you!” He sobs.
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drabblicious · 8 years
Haikyuu!, Kuroo/Bokuto/Akaashi/Kenma and Tsukki too but not yet For hq winter holiday exchange. I learned that poli isn’t easy to write- but enjoyable! So yeah, I am eager to find the time to continue this!
Kozume fidgets a little, eyes cast away, but his voice comes out strong, though a little strained. “I told him he could like more than one person at the same time, but he doesn't believe me.”
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drabblicious · 8 years
Um just wanna say i really really love Invictus, and I wish you a great holiday!! hides
omg SO SWEET!! thank you soooo much!!! I wish you a great holiday too anon! And hopefully I’ll have a lil something for you invictus fans (omfg I can’t believe that’s a thing x’D) this sunday…
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drabblicious · 8 years
A lil’ chat
Tsukishima/Kuroo, Haikyuu I was gonna fill a prompt but then I ended up doing this. I have no idea what it is. Warning for me being weird about writing, haha.
If I really had to say something about it, I wouldn't quite say we are close though. We are friendly, sure, Kuroo is good senpai and all, great middle blocker etc etc. If we talk? Yeah, sure we do. I mean, we goddamn better after he nagged me as much as he did to get my number and email address. What about? Hmmm, a lot of different stuff I guess. Volleyball, of course- he loves nagging me about whether we are gonna make nationals or not. Tch. We'll make it work, somehow. Karasuno has it's own geniuses after all. Me? Well, I'm not gonna roll over and let them walk all over us. As if. Puh.
You're really going on a tangent here though, you do realize that right? I'd call you a dumbass, but I don't want to sound like royalty.
Why are you asking about Kuroo anyway? Yeah, we get along, we talk, we know each other. No, of course we don't meet up- it's not like Tokyo is around the corner. Why would we go through that much trouble? Tch, seriously. Kuroo? He did suggest it once. I told him if he had nothing better to do he should get some studying in. Can you believe it, his grades actually dropped because he wouldn't quit the club. How is a person like him even allowed to be captain? Seriously.
What? No, I don't care-- if he wants to slack and fail to get into university it's his own pathetic little life he is fucking up-- No, I told you, I don't care, I'm not concerned! St-stop making that face! Wow okay this conversation is over-- OVER I TELL YOU! Stop grinning like that! I am not blushing! Maybe you need to get your eyes checked, why would I- this again, really? I don't like him! Stop it!
Fine, so maybe I do care a little bit and maybe I don't hate him. I never said I did though! But just because I don't hate him doesn't mean I have to-- you know-- like-- like him. That's so unrelated! I mean, we are friends, we get along, we talk, we have fun together, he's nice and all!... oh gods I like him don't I?! No no no this can't be--
So... I'm in love with that stupid Nekoma bastard. Oh my fucking god I can't believe I just said that, stop fucking LAUGHING- it's not funny! Shit shit shit, what the hell am I gonna do?
Fuck, I wanna see him.
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drabblicious · 8 years
invictus is the most ic tsukishima i have ever read
what. This. This praise is too high?!?! I don’t think I can accept it?! And yet I am so grateful somebody even thought this?? Damn... Thank you so much!!!! :’D
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drabblicious · 8 years
I was just listening to Gwen Stefani's Used to Love You and oh my god I was thinking about your fic, Invictus It's so sad. You're and amazing writer!
I had to look it up, but huh, that’s actually quite appropriate! Imagine that coming on in the train or so as Kuroo makes his way back home and him being all like “wow, fuck you too, radio ;_;”!! Hehehe xDThanks for the message, and I’m glad you’re enjoying it! c:
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drabblicious · 8 years
Kuroo/Tsukishima, Haikyuu! Talking about Invictus...
It's probably about time for him to accept it isn't just about company, about some random friendship. It's about Kuroo's. The friends he and Kuroo were.
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drabblicious · 8 years
Hi dear I read you Invictus fic and I'm totally I love with it... I was wondering hoping is not a bother when is going to be the next update?? Thank you
Thanks for the ask, it’s not a bother at all! I’m glad you’re liking the fic! Justttt... wait for ittttttttt.... waaaaaaaaaiiitttt.... almoooooooosttttt~ owo
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drabblicious · 9 years
Kuroo/Tsukishima, Haikyuu! The chapter in which I once again prove I must always make Kuroo suffer. 
"I'm acting normal."
"You're not normally an asshole."
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drabblicious · 9 years
cinnamonrollwannabe said: can I request Miyusawa + 3 for the kiss meme pls eue
Miyuki/Sawamura, Daiya no Ace Kiss meme: 3.  Drunk/sloppy kiss This didn’t wanna be written and it’s a mess, sorry :/
It had been long, too long, far too long since this team last was together. This team, these boys- young men now really- who had gone so far, shone on the brightest of stages, won it all! Together they had conquered the nation with courage, will, determination and boundless skill and potential.
Right now they were all considerably intoxicated though, so really, I'm not sure why I'm glorifying them this much. Look at these silly kids- mere kids, really- getting drunk at a club on a wednesday night. Half of them have classes tomorrow too, but I doubt any of them will go. Maybe Nabe, if you're lucky Kanemaru. They are the ones taking their classes most seriously, after all. But most of them aren't even thinking, too high on the reunion, the fact they managed to get everyone together, even if it was in the middle of a normal working week on a day of no importance. Each other's presence is giving it value. 
Their eyes shine and glister and their bodies move together to the beat, lips stretched wide over white teeth and fingers wrapped around beer bottles- wishing they were bats, every single one of them. Well. Maybe not all of them. Some prefer to dream about balls and mitts, and a select few seems to be enjoying what they have their hands on now more than they know what to do with. Miyuki Kazuya and Sawamura Eijun's hands keep finding each other, automatically, without thought, reaching and grasping and pulling close. Casual things, really, nothing dramatic; just a playful shake or a call of attention or leaning into the other because their feet wont hold steady and their hearts wont be still unless they do.
It happens so casually too, in the middle of the jokes and banter, nudges and hair ruffles, that suddenly their lips are on each other. They clash, pretty much, knees bumping and arms in the way before they realize what is going on and wrap around the other, no hesitation. They lips spread without a thought, and there's more teeth and tongue and drool than there should really be, hitting together and delving deep into each other and slowly sliding to their chins. It's not a pretty sight, because it's not a pretty kiss, because it's not what they care about. All their care is the closeness and the way they fit together and the heat in their stomach and the slight buzz in their heads that tell them, Hey, why not?
When they break apart they are both out of breath, more than they were at the end of their last game, foreheads leaning close together. Eijun is smiling sheepishly, thrown off by how awesome and simple that was, how easy things fell into place. Kazuya stares at Eijun, the trail of saliva he has yet to wipe off his chin, the red lips and red flush and the gold in his eyes and heart. 
Shit, he slurs, I’st realized I’ve always want’d to do that.
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drabblicious · 9 years
Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (。≍ฺ‿ฺ≍ฺ)That’s so nice of you anon!! Thank you, I’m so happy you’re liking invictus and want to read my other silly drabbles and just like my writing AHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MESSAGING ME ヽ(;▽;)ノ
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