elementric · 3 years
Sometimes when we wonder how we can create a better world - magic comes around the corner. I tried it by myself and it works, a donation circle we all waited for. To help ourselves out of the dramas and come closer to our goals or even to financial freedom.
Everybody receives, everybody matters!
TheFundBuddy.com is an angel-sent solution - to get out of the darkness and follow the light.
- The donation circle works like this: You pay $10 in the donation and you receive $20 back. They are super legit and you can check them out as well on Instagram. -
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elementric · 3 years
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Are you ready to change your life?
You can just book for $5 on my Fiverr - 100 Affirmations to attract whatever you wish..
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elementric · 3 years
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How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Attract Money And Wealth
Was one of the main things that drew you to the Law of Attraction the idea that you could attract money? If this is the case, you are not alone. Almost everyone wants to know how to use the Law of Attraction to attract more money. However, you may have discovered that money-attracting techniques are more complicated than you anticipated. Alternatively, you may believe you’ve been doing everything correctly, but you still haven’t figured out how to use the Law of Attraction to get money.
If you want to learn how to create wealth quickly, you must first master six simple exercises. We’ll go through these exercises in more detail below, as well as how to manifest wealth fast and efficiently by using targeted meditations to attract wealth. Finally, we’ll dig at the best money affirmations. You’ll be able to manifest something in the blink of an eye before you know it!
6 Exercises to Naturally Attract Money and Wealth
According to experts, you can manifest something in 7 days. If the method hasn’t been as easy for you, you might be tempted to drop the Law of Attraction work.
It is, however, completely possible to manifest money! What you have to do is learn the proper techniques. Furthermore, even though abundance isn’t your primary manifestation target, attracting more cash into your life would undoubtedly help you.
If you want to wow your dream lover, launch a new company, wander the globe, or boost your morale, a little extra cash can’t hurt. In many of the best Law of Attraction money tales, financial prosperity serves as a springboard to a cascade of other types of success.
Step 1: Concentrate on Abundance.
This exercise, which is always at the top of the list of Law of Attraction money tips, is based on the central Law of Attraction principle that you draw more of what you focus on.
So, if you spend more time reflecting on your abundance, more will come your way. There are several approaches that can be taken. As an example:
Keep a diary and make a habit of writing down 1-5 items you’re grateful for every day. Close your eyes for 3-5 minutes, focusing on your deepest feelings of appreciation for the riches of your life.
Step 2: Attract Money by Changing the Script
When it comes to attracting abundance, the inner opponent will always remind you that you can’t. It can also convince you that you don’t deserve to be rich at times.
When you have a bad feeling like this, automatically turn it around and think on the opposite. For eg, if you are concerned that “I don’t think I’ll ever be good enough to make money,” remind yourself firmly, “Someone can be successful enough to make massive quantities of money.”
Using a thought-stopping tactic, such as repeating the word “Stop” aloud or picturing a red stop sign, if possible.
Step 3: Attract Money and Spend in Line with Your Values
Another effective way to attract investment is to ensure that you invest your money on things that are really important to you. When you behave in accordance with your ideals, you get a lot of money satisfaction from your spending and build a much more productive relationship with money. And when you have a good, caring attitude about wealth, you can draw more money right away!
And if you’re not sure what you value, try these exercises:
Make a list of the five most significant events of your life.
Make a list of 5 words that describe each.
Consider what similar trends surface. These are the most important qualities.
Step 4: Face the Facts to Attract Money
Manifesting riches is more than simply associating capital with prosperity. It also entails assessing the financial condition and behaving accordingly. So, be truthful about yourself. Examine the whole financial situation, including your loans. If you need assistance, do not be afraid to ask for it. Friends, colleagues, and financial advisors will all assist you in developing a strategy to change your condition.
It’s cool if you don’t have a lot of money today. Remind yourself that getting to where you want to go requires engaging with the reality about where you are right now.
Step 5: Smell Money to Attract Money
Though it may seem weird at first, connecting with the scent of money will help you use the Law of Attraction for money and riches. You are aligning the vibration with privilege and plenty as you do this. Imagine yourself as possessing all of the wealth you require as you do this. Don’t care on whether you like money or how much more you wish you had. Allow your brain to think that you are fully abundant right now.
This is a simple and short workout. However, if practiced often, it will help to reset old pessimistic attitudes about money that are holding you down.
Step 6: Overcome The Fear of Success
Often people unintentionally sabotage themselves. So, on some stage, you might be afraid of what would happen if you attract wealth!
Make a list of all the causes you may be afraid of becoming wealthy. For instance, you might write, “What if people just use me for my wealth?” or “What if I’m not comfortable even though I’m wealthy?” Consider the source of each of your fears. Did you get this message from someone in your past? Is it a product of the social environment? Take note of the source. Finally, write a response to each concern. For eg, “no matter how wealthy I am, I will always be able to tell true friends from false friends.”
How to Use Meditation for Wealth
Maybe you’re actually meditating, or maybe you’re curious about doing it for the first time. Regardless, everyone can practice guided meditation to attract money.
It’s a fantastic way to tune your mind into the realities of your abundance, provoking optimistic feelings about money, and painting a more vivid image of what it’ll be like to achieve your dream.
Meditation also has a slew of other clinically validated effects, including stress reduction, greater empathy, reduced blood pressure, and improved mental stability.
You cannot manifest large amounts of money instantly, but you can establish the conditions for prosperity almost immediately. We’ll walk you through a method.
Step by step, I’ll walk you through a simple money meditation.Consider the following to be a “attract money now” meditation:
Money meditations, which can be done before going to bed so that the messages can be easily -incorporated into your subconscious, start by having a cozy, peaceful spot where you won’t be interrupted. Sit cross-legged or in a chair with the feet on the floor.
Take 5 deep breaths, each time inhaling and exhaling to a count of ten. Release the pain in your body when you do this. Start at the top of your head and work your way down to your spine, shoulders, hips, knees, and feet. Imagine your body warming up and filling with a soft, golden light when you’re fully comfortable.
Imagine money pouring down on you in a few minutes. Consider how much money it might add up to. Consider how it will fill your space and the rooms of your neighbours. There is more than enough for everybody
Allow yourself to be happy and content. Slowly open your eyes after a few more minutes of soaking in this bliss. If you’ve gotten used to this attract money therapy, you can start doing it two or three times a day, not just before bed.
How To Use Money Affirmations:
Affirmations will make us view our relationship with money in a more positive way, allowing us to attract more of it.
For example you can use:
“I am prepared, eager, and delighted to receive money.”
“I am letting go of all negative money convictions I have.”
In addition to saying it in your morning ritual, you will want to say it before any financial activities. You might, for example, tell your affirmations before going to a meeting where you could be awarded money to start a company.
Stay Positive; Stay Happy; Peace and Love shall surround you at all times!
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elementric · 3 years
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Everything in life is connected, are you able to open your eyes and look beyond? 
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elementric · 3 years
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Love yourself, a little bit more <3 
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elementric · 3 years
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You only can love yourself like nobody else, so why aren’t you doing it already? 
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elementric · 3 years
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The 7 Spiritual Laws: How to live in Harmony with the Universe.
Just as there are physical laws for example the law of gravity, there are also laws that influence us mentally and especially emotionally while having an effect on our lives: the 7 spiritual laws of the universe.
These laws are also called the Hermetic or Subtle Laws. It is the laws according to twitch the universe works and since we are part of the universe, these laws also work for us. If we want to or not. They are like an inner guide who will help you to find your center again and to be aware that there is always and at all times a divine power that guides you and that you carry within yourself.
It has helped me to understand and learn, it supported me to create order within myself, and enabled me to act in harmony with the universe and create life according to my vision and my wishes.
The 7 Hermetic Laws are based on simple fundamentals:
All that is energy, your thoughts as well as your body. Because of the different densities, we just perceive this energy differently. The law of the universe exists and always, works at any time of the day or night. It doesn’t matter whether we act in harmony with them or not. However, we quickly sense when something is out of balance.
The laws run in parallel. If we ignore on law, we ignore everyone else.
It is the universal force that works behind everything and maintains the universal order. We cannot change anything in these laws or override them. The only question is to what extent we are aware that they exist and to what extent we shape our lives in accordance with these laws.
As long as we do not accept the 7 Laws, something always happens that we do not understand and for which we look for the cause on the outside or think that we are powerless.
But when we consciously create harmony with this universal force, incredible magic unfolds in our lives. The more you start to act according to these laws, the easier your life becomes because you recognize connections way quicker and manifest the things that you really want in your life way faster..
I have started to observe deeper in myself and in my circle of friends that we have completely different attitudes towards life when we act according to the 7 universal laws.
Because then we no longer fight against anything, but suddenly trust and flow.
The 7 spiritual laws of the universe
All 7 laws at a glance:
Law of Spirituality
Law of Correspondence
Law of Vibration
Law of Polarity
Law of Rhythm
Law of Cause & Effect
Law of Sex
1. The law of spirituality
The first universal law says that everything is spirituality or consciousness. Everything you see around you was initially thought (i.e consciousness) as subtle energy until it became a visible result as gross energy.
You determine your life through your inner attitude of mind. Every thought, positive or negative, creates your reality. Many people change their external circumstances if they are not satisfied with their life for example new partner, new apartment, new job. But this way you will always come to the same starting point. If you want to change something in your life you first have to become that in your inner world, i.e. in the level of consciousness.
Specific application to act in accordance with this law:
Your inner world creates your outer world, become and create what you desire inside to manifest outside.
2. The law of correspondence
The law of correspondence is also often referred to as the law of attraction. This law is about: same always attracts the same. As Inside, so outside: as outside, so inside. What you give your receive again.
Your inner life is reflected in the outer experience, and these outer experiences will in turn reinforce your beliefs within. If you are angry inside or full of fear, you will also perceive more anger and fear on the outside and thereby reinforce these feelings in you again. Of course, it is also the other way around: If it is your deep inner conviction that you are happy and fulfilled, you change your focus, magnetically attract happiness and abundance and become even happier and more fuliflled.
Specific application to act in accordance with this law:
Be in yourself what you wish for on the outside. For example, if you want to have more joy and abundance in your life, be more joy and abundance.
3. The law of vibration
Everything in this universe is energy and in constant motion. Energy always moves at a certain frequency of oscillation. If you feel fear, anger, or shame, you are in a lower vibration. As soon as you feel love, joy, and gratitude, you will be able to perceive a higher vibration. You can perceive the difference through the lightness or the heaviness that you feel depending on your emotional state.
Depending on whether you are on the vibration of abundance or lack and send this energy outwards, you will attract and receive this vibration. If you think to yourself “I want to have more money / another job / …”, you are vibrating in the frequency of lack. However, when you are within yourself in deep gratitude and joy that what you want is already there, you vibrate on the frequency of abundance.
This law will also help you realize that you cannot hold on to your past or expectations. Everything is in constant motion and therefore also in constant change. Don’t waste your strength holding onto something; let go of it. Surrender to the flow of life.
Specific application to act in accordance with this law:
Take the inner attitude that what you want is already there. So you vibrate on this frequency of abundance instead of lack.
4. The law of polarity
The law of polarity says that everything has two poles. Seen universally, these poles are not differences, but merely states of one and the same thing. One and the same thing has two levels of vibration. There is no “or”, but always an “and”. Means: Everything is already there!
Money – poor and rich
Physical well-being – sick and healthy
Feelings – hate and love
If you are poor, sick, or in hate, you already have wealth, health, and love at the same time. You can consciously choose which pole you want to move to through your consciousness, your thoughts, and feelings.
Specific application to act in accordance with this law:
Realize that you can always wander between the poles. If you want to go to the other pole, adjust your vibration.
5. The law of rhythm
Everything in this universe has a certain rhythm: day and night, inhaling and exhaling, being born, living, dying, and being reborn. The law of rhythm gives us the understanding that everything in our lives and in the universe always moves in a natural cycle. The 5th law connects the 3rd law of oscillation with the 4th law of polarity. Energies always move rhythmically between connected opposites.
Be confident that after a low or a crisis there will always be a high. Allow yourself breaks after you’ve worked hard. Give your body and mind plenty of sleep after you’ve been awake for a long time and have exhausted yourself.
This law also shows us so beautifully that everything is in constant motion and change and that there is no point in holding on to something.
Specific application to act in accordance with this law:
It is needed for your life that you move in the rhythm of life.
It is very important to me that you do not compare or adapt yourself to the rhythm of others, but that you understand that your life has its own rhythm because you have your own universe within you.
6. The law of cause & effect
The 6th universal law says that …
every cause has an effect,
there is no effect without there being a cause and
no effect remains without there being a cause for it.
If there is an effect in your life that you are dissatisfied with, you can trace back the cause of it. In this way, you know what you have to change at the causal level in order to achieve the desired effect.
You can also think of this law as seed and harvest. Through this law, you can see very clearly that you are the creator of your life. So take responsibility and see exactly what you want to harvest.
Specific application to act in accordance with this law:
Acknowledge yourself as the creator of your life and think about the cause it takes to experience a certain effect.
7. The law of sex
The law of gender makes it clear that everything in this universe has both male energy and female energy. This principle does not refer to sexuality or physical gender, but to the archetypal characteristics of the sexes.
The male energy stands above all for understanding, doing, goal-oriented, focus, control. The female energy stands for intuition, receiving, process-oriented, creativity, trust.
Both genders are equal and need to be in harmony or balance so that something can develop completely.
Specific application to act in accordance with this law:
Integrate both the male and female energy in you, because only in this way can you come into your full creative power and create the life you want to live for yourself.
Your outer universe is always a reflection of your inner universe.
Exercise: Connect with the power of the universe
If you want to connect more with the laws and create your life in harmony with them, I have an exercise for you here. It helps you to become aware of the extent to which you are currently using the power of the universe and how you can bring it even more into your life.
How do you live in accordance with this law?
In which areas of life and situations can you connect even more to this law?
What are 3 steps you can take to act even more in accordance with this law?
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elementric · 3 years
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One question I asked myself over and over again was: Why does the law of attraction just doesn’t work for me? It’s actually a very exciting question when I look back, but there was a realisation that totally changed my life back then: The law of attraction works always, I just have to understand how to use it correctly! So how can you apply the correct way, you may be asking you now? Ok, let’s get down to the bass tracks, many and maybe as well you believe that they just have to think hard enough about their wishes and then they will come true. Too simple but it isn’t quite like that. So let me tell you now how you can use it for yourself so that it really works and you can create a happy, fulfilled and successful life with a lot of joy and ease.
What exactly is the law of attraction?
The “law of attraction” is now often used like a headline in personal and spiritual development. But let’s be honest, there is so much more to it than that! Just as there are physical laws, like the relativity theory, there are also universal laws. The law of attraction is one of the seven universal laws and is sometimes referred to as the law of correspondence. This law says that like always attracts like (I attract what I think, I attract what I am). Means: What you give or send, you also receive again. It is so magical when we understand how this law really works and internalise it, because then we can activate our creative power and really manifest and create in our lives what we really want.
Secret No. 1
You can’t outsmart the law of attraction.
When it comes to manifesting, we often feel that things just don’t come our way, and when they do it is not the way we’d like them to. We then think that the universe and its laws may be pausing, that they are not working for us, or that we have somehow overruled them.
The law of attraction exists at any time of the day or night, as do the other universal laws. It is like a kind of force of nature that we cannot change or twist, nor can we trick or manipulate. The law of attraction always affects our lives, regardless of whether we are consciously action in harmony with it or not. By the way, if you want to learn more about the 07 Spiritual Laws, you can check out my next blog article to it –  The 07 Spiritual Laws of the Universe.
Tip: Ask yourself to what extent you are aware of the universal laws and learn how you can shape your life together with them.
Secret No. 02
As Inside, So Outside, As Outside, So Inside.
You don’t see the world as it is, but as you are. Means: Your outer world is always a mirror of your inner world.
If you feel anxious and in fear inside, you will also perceive the same outside. These experiences then confirm and reinforce the lack and fear within. The law of attraction naturally also goes in the positive direction: If you have joy and love in you, you will also see joy and love in your outer world and feel even more of it.
The moment you change inside, the world around you changes too.
Tips: Turn your gaze from the outside in and discover your inner world. What would your inner world have to look like so that you can create your desires in the outer world?
Secret No. 3
The law of attraction always matches what you believe.
The reason so many people think that the law of attraction doesn’t work for them is that they are only working with it on a shallow level.
The law of attraction always matches what you believe on a deeper level and what you are convinced of. Because what you are convinced of is what you feel and what you feel is the energy that you send outside, and also receive again.
Most people’s inner convictions and beliefs, however, are not geared towards what they would like to have. For example, if you manifest your dream job or dream salary but you are convinced inside that you are not qualified enough, you will not attract it into your life. If you want a smooth and fulfilling relationship, but your deep inner belief is that you are not lovable or worthy enough, then you will not meet your soulmate either.
Our beliefs are the thoughts that we have about ourselves and the world and of which we are so convinced that we no longer even know that we have them because they are already so much our reality and even our identity. That’s the reason and so important for the manifestation in the first step that you become aware of what you actually believe in and free yourself from negative beliefs.
Also, it is very important to understand that no matter what you think you attract, sometimes later sometimes earlier. Give your wish out, and stop thinking about it, let the universe do the rest!
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elementric · 4 years
Today, unique you.
Today I guess its time to talk about yourself first before you talk about anybody else, realize the beauty within you, and the power which is in you. I hope you can move to the mirror and see who you are. Do you know yourself? Did you meet yourself already? Or are you too busy to meet everybody else before you. Please walk to the mirror and look at you and find yourself within, try to analyze who you are and find the beauty within you. Because the creator of all creations has ensured that everybody is perfect the way they are, but maybe you are tired because you don’t live yet your true self, so now you are there not happy with your life because you are not happy how life worked out for you because you are too busy to live somebody else life instead of your own. But can you trust me? A stranger completely out of nowhere, telling you that you matter, you are beautiful and you are unique because this is the beauty of the life we are all unique, everybody is unique, because this is how we supposed to be. But you are tired, isn’t it? Please stop being tired and start waking up from the life which hurts you so bad, please don’t hurt you because all the pain you put in you is the pain which you feel deep inside, you don’t need to punish you and hurt yourself in order to feel better, you just need to start living you.  Might you want to kill yourself but why are you not killing the part inside you which is making you so sad, so drained so hurt? Why not standing up and starting to express your true self? Yes, you need to start living you! Your true self, allow yourself to express what needs to be expressed and live it. Whatever you want to be, be it, don’t hold back and move with the flow of love, the love which is inside you. Because first, you need to understand that, might the self hate you are experiencing is coming from a place where there been love; love can become hate and so hate can become love again, when you allow to forgive yourself for all the days and times you did not know better, forgive everyone who did now know better. Stop here and focus on yourself, because happiness lies within yourself only, and not in the next job, relationship, or country/city. Everything is within you, you just need to allow it to happen. Please forgive yourself today, because the world needs you, as we all don’t know how to live really plays might when you forgive yourself the universe will clear the path for you which is right now so foggy and cold because the universe needs you as you only, and once you try to be someone else the universe will ensure your path is hard enough in order to understand that you can only come further in life when you are living the true soul you are. Trust me, life is good when you allow it to be good, and once you meet yourself deep enough to live the self you are to become part of the universe and not part of the society.
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elementric · 4 years
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Elementric - Art 
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elementric · 4 years
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Love yourself first and then love everybody else, the importance is to meet yourself in the deepest depths of yourself in order to find the total peace you deserve to be in. 
Elementric - Mind
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elementric · 4 years
Today I speak about my twin flame journey with this beautiful soul I met at the Burn in South Afrika. I’m so thankful that I had the opportunity to meet him and fall in love with him. We shared a beautiful time together and I loved and love him still greatly. As I’m more than sure that my love for him will never leave but this time it is the purest love I ever felt. 
The universe had its plan and I separated from him, as the entire relationship and the entire journey was so taff on me and him. He tried to keep me happy and build up everything on lies in order to comfort me but all the trust is gone. So the moment I figured out, I left him. 
No, he did not cheat on me, so far what I believe, but I can ensure you once your partner cheats on you despite how far you will feel it. You should always trust your intuition. Anyway, it came to the point where I became very sick of the connection and had to break it off. So I moved on from him beautifully, and I hope he moved on too. 
Still we will share the same purpose in life, still, we will share a connection so deep it can’t be found twice. But overall as much I love him, I decided to leave him and let him pursue his life and so I pursue mine. Apart, I took the decision to work on myself and heal. Therefore, I just pray for him that he took the same step and I hope every time I cross his thoughts he shares a smile. 
Might you are questioning now, why do I left when this love been so deep, but I couldn’t cope with it anymore mentally and decided to attract my soulmate into my life in order to get the fairytale pink glitter farting unicorn love, I prefer. It is not selfish neither it is wrong. So I attracted this beautiful soulmate connection into reality and my boyfriend knows clearly about my twin flame journey and he knows that I will love my Twin Flame forever and there is nothing that can change it. But the love I still have left for my Twin is nothing like a romantic feeling it is a feeling of wanting that person to be safe and happy, a love which has nothing to do with desire. A love that is so pure is so unconditionally so clean. 
Love yourself greater than anything else you loved before.
Love you all, message me if you feel out of place.
 (Again I apologize for some grammatic mistakes) 
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elementric · 4 years
Elementric - Music 
So apart of thinking this could be the main track of Techno Wednesday, this piece deserves to be the Track of the month. So everything starts off with banging techno and then it has this unexpected trance turn, which blows my mind off every time I listen to it. Then it will just hit different! 
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elementric · 4 years
Elementric - Music
Now we set things on fire with this piece, I personally love love love Regal, he is such an incredible artist!! But he boomed everything out with this track. 
Ego Wars - give it a listen and close the eyes and let yourself guide through this hard story of turth. 
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elementric · 4 years
Elementric - Music 
Wednesday is here again and so I share the first track from VIPER DIVA, extremely uplifting and fun track. High sounds a good dance track, I feel. I love the combination of the extra ordinary base with kick magic in it. Somehow, Harry Potter found out how to do drugs and go out to underground raves. 
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elementric · 4 years
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Art disturbs you and comforts you. If you look closer, everything is art.
Elementric - Art
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elementric · 4 years
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Elementric - Mind 
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