emmainflow · 4 years
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Drop the idea that you can’t have what you want being you. That is the biggest thing that stops things flowing. ‘I’m doing it wrong’ ‘I’m not good enough’ ‘I’m messing up’ Lies. You can have your desire, right now. You deserve incredible love, now. You can earn thousands every day, now. Every bit of it is available to you. Stop looking for a magical formula. Stop looking at what others are doing and telling yourself that you’ll never be enough. You are enough. You know the way. You have all of the answers. And you can have every single thing you want being you. <3 Ready to have it? I have 3 spaces open in my new 1:1 package. This is for those who are ready to take their life to the next level. Who are ready to have unbelievable love being themselves OR to triple their income within months. This is about having your desires being YOU. Send me a message to find out more.
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emmainflow · 4 years
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Sometimes I get really overwhelmed 🙈 Yesterday I got a call asking me whether I’d like to take an online yoga class today. I love yoga and teach it every week but this felt different. Teaching yoga live to hundreds of people whilst knowing that thousands would watch the replay sounded terrifying. Teaching yoga is so personal to me that being so open and visible in this way felt very uncomfortable. It’s funny considering I don’t find teaching online about manifestation, relationships or business at all confronting.. but this is a different ball game. Every part of me wanted to run and hide. My mind was working overtime - What if you muck up? What will people think? What if other teachers watch and think it’s useless? What if my sequence sucks? What if I fail? What if I make a fool of myself? But despite all the fear, I said yes. Afterwards I cried to Ben because I was so overwhelmed. 🙈 I started getting really anxious and stressed. I dreamt about this all night. So why did I say yes? Because my fear isn’t real and it is only coming up to allow me to revisit an old pattern or belief that is no longer serving me. When I took the time to sit with myself and really see what felt uncomfortable, I understood why I felt so overwhelmed. The stories that were coming up were - I need to teach this class perfectly in order to be good enough. I am not the best at yoga and there are people better than me so the people watching might be disappointed. I sat with the stories. I heard all the worries. I let my fear talk and have it’s say. And then gently, with kindness, I came back to the truth. Right now, people want to move their bodies. The yoga I teach isn’t about me - it’s about those that I am serving. I love teaching yoga and have many regular people who love my classes. I know enough right now to make an impact to those who will watch the class. I am proud of who I am and of what I teach and I value it regardless of how others see me. Yoga isn’t about perfection, it’s simply about moving in a way that feels good. I love giving myself permission to move however I desire, and I love doing that with other people. I can’t wait to connect with many people I know who will watch the class and guide them through this sequence! And suddenly? I felt excited. I felt inspired. I felt energised. I felt amazing because I had connected back to who I really am. I’m only human, I get scared now and then just like you. I’m no where near perfect. I don’t always have my shit together. Every new level or experience felt terrifying before I began. But the reason that my life is where it is right now? I took action based on truth rather than fear. I said yes. I stepped forward even when I felt resistance and doubt. It is normal to have fear come up now and then, especially when you’re being called to step forward and be who you really are. But in those moments you can choose to run away. You can choose to say no and not move forward. Or you can see it for what it is, and follow your soul. The path to reaching your full potential won’t always feel comfortable. But if you’re willing to follow your gut regardless of fear, you’ll always get where you want to go. It is time to step forward and rise. To listen to your fears and doubts and remind them who is boss. To take action when you don’t feel fully ready. Will you join me? Love always, Em
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emmainflow · 4 years
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Whatever you desire to have is available to you. When you believe that something is yours, it is. Nothing is being kept away from you because you’re not good enough. If things aren’t flowing it’s nothing to do with your worth, only your beliefs. ✨
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emmainflow · 4 years
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Everything is lined up and ready for you All that you desire is standing in the wings, ready to arrive in your experience. As soon as you ask, your desire is available. As soon as you can identify wanting it in your thoughts, it is there. The making it happen is already done (by the universe) - it was never your work to force things into being. Your work isn’t to make it happen. Your work is to align with the frequency of having it. Your every thought affects your vibration. And that is all that effects your vibration. Nothing else controls what you vibrate or the frequency that you tap into. Unless you put your awareness on something else and allow it to influence your emotions. When you don’t believe something is available for you, it can’t be in your experience. When you worry about how much abundance or love there is, and you live in a space of limitation and comparison, you cut off your access to everything you desire. Restriction and contraction don’t have to be your reality. That might be the energy you are currently tapped into, but that can change in a moment. When you remember that everything is available In any moment For you to access and tap into That you can have it as soon as you allow it And that the only thing you are competing with is your mind… You get to work on what really matters. As soon as you believe that something is yours, it is yours. That, and only that, is your work.
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emmainflow · 4 years
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Last month I earned more income than a year at my old full time job. One day in that month I earned more than 5 months as a teacher. I used to really stress about money. I used to worry about if I’d ever have enough. I used to save it like crazy, scared I would run out. Now the idea of spending it excites me. Taking care of the people I love and making their life easier inspires me. Loving on my clients and showing them how amazing they are brings me so much joy. I didn’t use to feel this way about money. Yet I’ve realised that this is how we are meant to feel. You are meant to feel supported. You are meant to feel free. You are meant to feel purposeful. You are meant to feel taken care of. You are meant to be able to give and give and give and love on those around you. You are here to thrive when it comes to money. You are here to have all that you desire. If you’re ready to expand your business, change money forever and step fully into the life of your dreams, my 3 month 1:1 is for you. 3 months to transform your life, to strip back your limitations and to create the business you’ve always wanted 🥰 Send me a message to find out more.
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emmainflow · 4 years
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Your knowing of your enoughness has to be greater than what is currently going on in your life. Nothing is permanent. Nothing is for sure. Everything in your life can change within hours. People can leave. Jobs can fall apart. Houses can fall down. Things can break. In any moment. Feeling sadness and grief in those times is normal and natural. However the difference between being grounded and calm in the storms, and being shaken and stirred, is what is sitting inside. To be okay, to feel safe, to feel grounded and calm no matter what happens, you need to be connected to who you really are. To be strong in your worthiness, your enoughness and your knowing that things are working out for you. To be able to disconnect from the illusion of tragedy and destruction, and connect in to purpose and truth. There are going to be times when you feel broken down and all over the place. When you are surrounded by doubt and don’t know what to do, and that is okay. But no matter what happens, no matter how tough things seem, you always have access to guidance and truth. You ALWAYS have access to your inner knowing. To your inner guidance. To God/universe/source/higher self.. who always ALWAYS know that things are working out and that you’re going to be okay. If your happiness or safety depends on external factors always working out and being easy, life is always going to be a battle for you. However - if you are able to access certainty and truth inside you in any moment, things won’t ever knock you down for long. You’ve always got every single thing you need. And the moment you realise it is the moment your life will reflect it. <3 I have spaces open right now in my 1:1 mentorship program. This is an intensive program where your life begins to shift before your eyes. Over the 3 months together you will watch your business expand before your eyes, making more money and having more of an impact by being fully you. This is for those who are ready for more. Who are ready to step into their power and get insane results. Investment = 5K (payment plans available). Send me a message with questions or to secure your space.
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emmainflow · 4 years
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You know. 😘✨
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emmainflow · 4 years
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You always just know what is right for you. So often I see people getting really caught up trying to do something that they really don’t want to do… Trying to figure out the perfect way to attract somebody into their life by doing all the things or trying to say the right thing or be the right thing or wear the right thing. Trying to attract clients by doing lots and lots of free calls or offering things that they think they SHOULD offer based on what they believe people might potentially be interested in. And you know, they definitely have reasons for doing what they are doing, and they are happy to explain why they are doing things a certain way. Often it sounds like this - This is what my old coach told me to do. This is what a feminine women is meant to do. This is what I see other people doing. This is what I did in the past and it worked so it has to work now. And the problem with this, is the desire to do the thing is based on the limiting belief that something needs to be DONE that is different from them just being their true selves in order to create a result. Which simply isn’t true. You are able to create what you want, doing what you feel called to do, whenever you desire to have it. There is no secret formula. There is no need to do what you know isn’t right for you. In fact, doing what isn’t right for you is an easy way to push what you want away from you. Do you really think you’ll allow yourself to have business success doing it in a way that you hate? Do you really think you’ll attract in the love of your life by being somebody who isn’t you? Doesn’t make much sense does it? So let’s cut that out. You always always always always know what is right for you. (this is one of the reasons that I have never created a sales page or don’t spend years writing out what is involved in my offers as I KNOW my soulmate clients listen to their gut and follow that knowing without needing to know every. single. thing about the program).. Anyway. You always know. Sure you might SAY that you’re unsure or lost and confused.. but what that really means is ‘I know what I want to do and feel called to do but I’m telling myself not to do it because somebody else is doing/saying/thinking otherwise or I’m in fear so I’m just not doing it” Which isn’t the same as not knowing what to do. You always know what is right for you. You always know where you are being called. You always know what action feels aligned to take. You always know who you really are, what you need and how you want to show up in the world. You always know the way. Always. So rather than looking outside and trying to figure out what somebody is doing… come back inside. What is your next step? What do you know you’re being called to do? You have the answers that you’re looking for. Release fear and doubt and go. If you’re looking for support to go deeper, make more money and create the love you desire, I currently have spaces open in my 1:1 program. Send me a message to find out more info or to book in a time to chat.
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emmainflow · 4 years
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In every moment you are creating either what you want or what you don't.
It's time to love yourself on another level and create the relationship you've always wanted. ✨
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emmainflow · 4 years
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I’m really shitty at being a feminine girl in my relationship. I am super independent. I love to speak my truth. I love to say how I’m feeling and ask for what I want. I ask him to go on dates. I am totally over the top telling him how much I care about him (seriously you should hear me 🙄). I don’t hold back. I don’t act like I don’t care. I don’t pretend to be unavailable. I don’t wait to text him back. I don’t act mysterious. I don’t pretend to have plans when I don’t. I’m super open. I don’t pretend things are okay when they aren’t. I don’t lean back. I lean forward aaaall of the time. I care for him aaall of the time. I buy him gifts. I love him all the time. And my man totally loves he. He respects me. He takes care of me. He supports me. He values me. He opens up to me. He appreciates me. He loves everything about me. He thinks he is super lucky. He listens to me. He provides for me. You don’t have to be a certain way to get love. You don’t have to be somebody you aren’t. You don’t have to lean back and play hard to get. You don’t have to cut off who you naturally are. Stop the games and trying to figure out how to be good enough to get the love you desire. Be you. You being you is all you need to be.
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emmainflow · 4 years
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The universe won’t let you be inauthentic. It won’t give you everything that you desire when you’re not being true to yourself. Why? Because you don’t really want it. The universe won’t allow you to succeed in your business selling what you don’t want. It won’t send you the clients and the success and the fulfilment when you’re doing what you don’t want to do in a way that goes against who you are. The universe won’t allow you to have the love of your life when you’re not being fully yourself. It won’t send you the perfect person for you when you’re hiding, afraid to be seen and not being fully you. Nobody and nothing outside of you has the answer to how you are meant to show up in the world except you. You know who you are. You know what feels right. You know what feels wrong. And yet somewhere along the path you put that knowing aside. You started watching how others told you to show up. You saw how they behaved. You compared yourself to them and decided that you weren’t good enough. You sat back as you were crippled with fear. You decided you were unworthy. That your guidance wasn’t enough. That YOU weren’t enough. And frankly - that is so far from the truth. You are worthy of having everything that you desire. You are worthy of the most amazing relationship with your person. You are ready to change the lives of so many simply by being you. The path isn’t outside of you. There is no need to change who you are. The path is going straight to who you are, by removing all the fear, doubt and worry that makes you hold back from being her. She is enough. You are enough. Your authentic self will always lead you exactly where you want to go. You just need the faith to go there. I promise you’ll never look back. Love always, Em
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emmainflow · 4 years
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When you are in a space of resistance you don’t need to freak out or feel like you have failed. You just need to redirect your energy slightly. When things aren’t flowing it’s not because you have done anything wrong. Your focus is just slightly off. Reconnect to your vision, your truth, to who you really are and the resistance will naturally fade. Allowing your desire just takes the slightest shift in focus ✨
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emmainflow · 4 years
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When you’re aligned with what you want, and you know it is coming in, you are not running around worrying about trust. You aren’t questioning yourself in every moment. You aren’t wondering if you’re worthy or ready yet. When you’re aligned - you just know. You know that it’s sorted. You know that it’s done. You know that it’s natural for things to unfold. If you’re not in the space, it’s not the time to walk away saying that you’re choosing to surrender and ‘trust the universe’. The universe gives you a match to the energy that you’re putting out. Things won’t unfold if you’re not aligned to them unfolding. Align your energy. Release your resistance to it coming. Know that it’s done. Then go and enjoy your life. Trust isn’t a way to avoid the responsibility of lining up your energy. It is the easiest, next logical step when everything is about to unfold.
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emmainflow · 4 years
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You get to choose how hard life has to be 💪🏽 You know.. I used to believe that love was unavailable. That because my dad left when I was young it would be so hard to get a man to stay around. That I would have to always say the right thing and act my best otherwise he’d leave. That I had to be the perfect person and not be too much or too weird or too fat or too different. And men did as I asked them to. They didn’t stay around. They came and went. They were interested and then they weren’t. I was walking on a tight rope trying to be who they wanted me to be before falling off as I just couldn’t maintain the act. I thought love was hard so love was super hard. I was so hurt as I assumed all my hard work and little results meant that I was clearly super unworthy and I didn’t deserve love. You can imagine where that belief got me 🙈 Anyway, it didn’t work out. Love became harder. Nothing worked. Because I was choosing for it not to work. I chose to believe that it was hard and the universe reflected my energy. Then one day? I got sick of it being hard. I decided that I was already good enough. That my man would love me. He would want me, he would support me, he would value me, he would be there and stay forever and ever. He would be unconditionally in love with me and things would work out like magic. Sure, after deciding that I was tempted to fall back into old patterns. I met a man instantly who was soo close to being right. He ticked so many of those boxes, except he didn’t fully accept me for who I was as he thought I was a bit weird. Which was simply a reflection of my own belief that I was too weird to be fully accepted, by the way. #fullresponsibility And so I decided to walk away, cementing that I DID accept myself fully and would only hold space for the man who accepted me also and loved me for all that I was. I kissed Ben the same day that I decided to walk away. Because you get what you believe. You get what you choose. You get what you decided to have. No matter what. Everything is a reflection. And when you’re committed to having what you want, nothing can stop you. Are you choosing for things to be easy or hard? What beliefs do you need to let go of to allow what you desire to flow? Love always, Em
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emmainflow · 4 years
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Truth time: Your results have almost nothing to with what is going on outside of you. They have everything to do with what is going on inside. So many women come to me because they feel like they are doing ‘all of the things’ and nothing is working in their business. They have been pushing and pushing, jumping from funnels to ads, to webinars, to groups.. trying to make things work. They feel defeated, exhausted and sick of it.. and they ask for my help. And it breaks my heart because they are running their business holding on to one limiting idea: Somebody outside of them has all of the answers. This is simply incorrect. When things aren’t working out, it’s not the time to jump onto the next strategy. Pause, come back inside, and listen to your heart. If I gave myself full permission, what would I stop doing? What do I know I’m being called to do? Where am I acting from a place of not believing in what I am doing? How can I connect deeper into my purpose and intention here? You. know. the. way.
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emmainflow · 4 years
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Life is a freaking game. Every day you wake up and you choose what character you want to play. And every day the world bends over backwards to fit into the story that you have created of how that day is going to go. So when you wake up and decide to make thousands of dollars? The world listens and people line up to pay you. When you wake up and decide men always hurt you? Men block your number. When you wake up and decide your business is failing and nobody wants to pay you? People avoid you all day long. When you wake up and decide that love is easy for you? Men are all over you. Nothing happens by accident. People aren’t doing anything to hurt you. They are just playing the role that you decided they would in your life. Every single day you can choose to rewrite the script and create a different reality. There is absolutely no reason your life can’t be absolutely wonderful, everyday.
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emmainflow · 4 years
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Are you prepared to not be limited by your limiting thoughts..? Your limiting beliefs are things you choose in to to stop you embracing your power. You choose that you aren’t ready. You choose that you aren’t good enough. You choose that this isn’t going to work. You choose that things never work for you. And then you go out and create what you’ve chosen, because that’s how it works. And sometimes, living in a space of limitation and pausing is what is needed. To ground. To come back within. To reassess. But most of the time? It’s not doing you any favours. And it’s not the truth of who you are. What if you recognise that your limited thoughts were just a way of life you were choosing? That you could choose to remember who you are, to tap into your truth and your power at any moment? What if you listened to the part of you that is saying you’re ready? If you listened to the voice that said you’ve got this? If you went out everyday and chose to create magic? That’s always available for you, too. When you choose to be limitless your life will reflect it.
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