enchanting-jewel · 4 months
New Years Spell Jar
Manifest everything you want for the New Year!
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Gather all of your ingredients. You'll need an empty jar & an incense. I prefer Sandalwood for protection.
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A white candle to represent purity and protection.
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A coin to bring you luck and prosperity.
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You can write wishes/intentions on a piece of paper or bay leaves. If it's multiple, burn them first in your cauldron then add the ashes to the jar.
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Cinnamon to draw in money and protection.
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Depending on your intention, add salt. White is for purity and protection. Pink is for protection and relationships. Black is to banish negativity and protection.
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Black pepper is for banishing negativity and protection from evil.
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Basil is used for love, money, and protection. It will help you move forward in a positive manner despite perilous danger.
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Rosemary can be used for good health, improve memory, and love/lust.
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And lastly, lavender. Lavenders magical uses include love, protection, healing, sleep and peace.
Cleanse yourself and utensils. Don't forget the jar too. Use the incense smoke. Layer your ingredients into the jar thinking of and speaking your intention for each one out loud and imagining it as if it has already happened.
When you're done, put the top on and seal with the white candle wax. You can add twine and a charm to represent what you'd like for your new year.
I like to say a chant or prayer while I do this. A good one for this would be:
Blessed tidings of good cheer
as we see the end of another year
may the new year bring me joy
may the new year bring me hope
may the new year bring me peace
may the new year bring good health
and maybe a little wealth
with love and light ever after
please don't forget the laughter
with harm to none nor return unto me
as i will it so shall it be.
It all depends on your intention.
Here are a few other things you can add to your new years jar:
Egg shells - strength, rose - happiness, all spice - energy, mint - safety, thyme - courage, lemon balm - friendship, holly - protection, vervain - health, coves - luck and sage - cleansing. You can add anything that pertains to your intention/wishes.
Good luck witches and happy new year to all!
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enchanting-jewel · 4 months
Pine cone wish spell
Items needed:
Pine cone, cinnamon, small pieces of paper, candle
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1.) write your wishes on the pieces of paper.
2.) roll them up and stick one end in the wax and insert it into the pine cone.
3.) pour the rest of the wax on the pine cone and sprinkle cinnamon on top. Let dry.
4.) on New Year’s Eve burn in your fire to release your wishes into the universe.
*the photo features glitter added to the pinecone. You can add glitter or anything else you’d like.
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enchanting-jewel · 6 months
How long have you been doing spells if it's ok for me to ask
Yea it’s ok to ask… 6 years.
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enchanting-jewel · 9 months
Super Easy Money Bowl Tutorial:
You are welcome to swap out some of the ingredients with anything else you feel is money or abundance attracting or calls to you. A few suggestions are:
Alfalfa… quick witch tip: store some in your cabinet so you never go hungry!
Basil… if you’re trying to attract money for your business
Blackberry… leaves and berries attract wealth
Blue violet… for good fortune
Buckeye… good luck and attracts money and wealth
Clover… luck and attracting money
Comfrey… use the root for money
Dill… money and luck
High John… obtaining success, to win at gambling, luck and money
Irish Moss… luck herb, gamblers herb and ensures a steady flow of money
Jasmine… draws wealth and money
Jezebel root… money and achievement
Job’s tears… attracts luck, wishes and money
Lo John… money, success and luck
Mandrake… prosperity
Mint… draws in customers into a business, brings wealth and prosperity if you rub it on money
Nutmeg… attracts prosperity, brings luck, and money
Oak moss… luck and money
Oat straw… draws in money
Patchouli… draws in money
Peony… good luck, good fortune prosperity and business success
Periwinkle..: attract money
Red clover… money
Rice… attracts money
Star Anise… brings luck
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Some crystals you can add are:
Green Jade
Clear quartz
Tigers eye
Rutilated quartz
Moss Agate
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And as mentioned in the video, you don’t have to use real money until you acquire some. You can use play money or coins. Just replenish whenever you obtain money and constantly feed your bowl.
Add anything else that resonates with you and obtaining your goal for this bowl. Instead of salt on the bottom, you can replace with rice. You don’t have to sprinkle cinnamon, you can use the sticks just the same.
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I hope this inspires you to make your own bowl and you receive all the blessings you deserve. If you have questions or if I left something out, please let me know!
Love and light witches! Follow for witchy vibes full of spells, tips, and loads of information!
Oh and this is literally my first voice over EVERRRRR so please be easy on me I was trying to speak clearly and I was nervous bc I hate my voice. Haha
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enchanting-jewel · 9 months
I’m just gonna leave this here…
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enchanting-jewel · 9 months
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Lilith is the Goddess of:
Inner strength
Spiritual initiation
The night
The evening star
Lilith is said to to be Adams first wife before Eve and was exiled due to her independence and her ways of thinking.
Modern day has taught most to fear her, but her intents are pure. She tells us to take back our power. She calls to us to stand in our truth, embracing our dark and light equally.
She tells us to stop playing small and being afraid of burning too passionately for worry of being misunderstood in the eyes of others. Our fire is not for them she tells us, it is for us!
Lilith represents the dark sexual raw parts of us that are instinctual and ugly. Things we don’t like to acknowledge, but they are as much apart of our being as anything else.
She is a rebel, an exile, a survivor, and she’s not afraid to get what she wants. Despite the negativity that surrounds her in astrology, she’s within each and every one of us and she’s not a source of evil but of power. Embrace your Lilith and you embrace yourself.
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Some symbols that represent her are:
Dark Moon
Lilith’s glyph
Some offerings for this deity are:
Incense- sandalwood, rose, mugwort, myrrh, or dragon’s blood
Red, black or purple candles
Images of owls, snakes, bats, cats, and spiders
Crystals- black obsidian, carnelian, red Jasper and garnet
Fruit- apples, grapes, berries and fig
Wine, root beer, rum, liquor and tea
Moon water or storm water
Prayer to Lilith
“Lilith, I invoke you, I adore you, I desire you, Lilith, goddess of darkness, illuminate my temple in black light, Lilith, kindle me in excitement of the flesh under the domain of the mind, Lilith, great mother, sister, lover, give me the cup of knowledge, Lilith, I am drunk from your breasts, I take hold of your majesty, Lilith, timeless abyss, you destroy my fears revealing the secret knowledge, Lilith, unleash your legions against my enemies, Lilith, consume me in your embrace, in the swirly starring horizon.”
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enchanting-jewel · 9 months
Sun and moonlight- just like cleansing you can set an item out in the sun or moonlight to soak up that energy.
Crystals- crystals that have been charged and cleansed can be used to charge other items.
Elements- use the power of the elements to charge items metaphorically or literally.
Visualization- picture your energy or intention flowing into your item and filling it with power.
Herbs- charge an item with corresponding herbs by passing them through the herb smoke, annointing with herbal oils, etc.
Sound- use singing bowls, bells, corresponding music to fill an item or space with energy.
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enchanting-jewel · 9 months
Breaking a bad habit…
4 crystals to keep close by when you’re trying to break a bad habit
Carnelian- lifts depression, radiates positivity, restores sleep cycles.
Amethyst- brings balance, helps block cravings and quiets racing thoughts.
Hematite- removes negativity, balances your mind, and lowers stress and anxiety.
Snowflake Obsidian- purifies and strengthens your mind, and helps eliminate bad habits.
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Make sure you are taking steps to work towards breaking the habit. Give each crystal an intention and affirmation and stay positive and confident.
Good luck!
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enchanting-jewel · 9 months
Persephone- Queen of the Underworld, Goddess of Spring
Persephone is an Ancient Greek Goddess with a complex duality that positions her both as Maiden of Spring and the Queen of the Underworld. She is paired with Hades, the Ruler of the Underworld.
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Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. She emerges from the Underworld at Springtime and leaves the Earth when it is Autumn.
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Some symbols that represent Persephone are Pomegranates, torch, springtime flowers, grains, bones, bats and an iron crown.
Persephone loves to be worshipped and have an altar dedicated to her. Somethings you can put out for offerings would be flower crowns, Autumn leaves, bat shaped items, jewelry, fruit cakes, honey, red or white candles, or have a garden dedicated to her.
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Persephone teaches that power comes from within even if outside forces try to reach you.
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Prayer to Persephone:
“Daughter of Zeus, source of life
Demeter’s only child, Hades honored wife
Come infernal queen, accept my offering
For much honor I give you for you and your King
Half the year under the Earth you dwell
Giving warmth and greenery their death knell
Your return causes the land to bloom in delight
To mortals you are a most welcome site
Return to your husband at harvest end
To hopeful mortals you judge and mend
Holy One, Knowing One, Exactor of Justice
Mother of furies and doomed Zagreus
Play mate of nymphs beloved and bright
Almighty horned of bounteous might
Oh blessed Goddess fill my belly with fruit
My life with good health, my pocket with loot
When it is time to meet you down below
I hope it is to Elysium I go
There to find rest, friends and family
To hail and honor Hades and Persephone.”
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enchanting-jewel · 10 months
Selene- Personification of the Moon 🌙
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Selene is said to be the personification of the Moon. Especially the crescent moon which is one of her symbols. This association also makes her apart of the triple Goddess. Selene rides a chariot pulled by milky white horses across the nights sky.
Selene is daughter to Titans Hyperion and Theia and sister to Sun God Helios and Eos the Goddess of the dawn.
She had a number of lovers, falling most famously for a mortal Endymion. She couldn’t bare to see him turn old and so a spell was cast on Endymion placing him in a deep slumber with everlasting youth. This didn’t prevent the Goddess from visiting him and having 50 of his children. (This number represents the number of lunar months between each Olympiad)
Selene has a daughter with Zeus after an affair named Pandeia.
Her weakness is abandonment and is unable to stay faithful to men or Gods.
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Some offerings for Selene would include:
Moon water
And any moon symbolism
Her powers consists of transporting the Moon, intuition, control of dreams and the feminine cycle.
Her symbols include:
Triple moon Goddess
The suit of cups
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Prayer to Selene:
“Hail Selene, Queen of the night
My heart is with thee
Blessed are thou
Among the stars
And blessed is thy face
Forever changing
Holy Luna, light upon my path
May I walk in beauty in your silver light
Be with me now and forever
Blessed be!”
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enchanting-jewel · 10 months
Skeet 😍
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Scream (1996) //  “ Billy Loomis ”
Dir. Wes Craven
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enchanting-jewel · 10 months
There is so much to say about Hekate so I will keep this short and sweet! Hekate is the Queen of the Witches! She is the Goddess of crossroads, witches, necromancy, moon and is a guardian to the underworld and guide to lost souls.
She is often depicted as a triple Goddess, holding a lantern or triple torch and was honored at crossroads, entry-points into cities and at thresholds to sanctuaries. She is often seen with 3 heads or 3 bodies with 3 heads due to her ability to see past, present and future.
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Hekate is the Goddess that resides in liminal space. She can easily traverse through the realms of the underworld and physical world.
When should you work with her? When you see yourself at a crossroads and need help choosing a path. Or when you are truly ready to embrace your power.
Some symbols that represent Hekate are:
Triple moon goddess
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Dogs (companionship)
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Key to the underworld
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Labyrinth Serpent
Because she is the Queen of the Witches, Hekate loves to have her own altar space in a witches home. You can add anything representing the above symbols, the colors black and red, a cauldron, broom, stars and moons.
You can also give offerings for her. She prefers lavender, pomegranates, eggs, honey, breads, dishes with garlic and sweets. She loves candle flame and incense!
Prayer to Hekate
“When I doubt,
Show me my strength;
When I am wrong,
Show me the right path.
Light the crossroads before me,
So that I may see my way;
Queen of Transitions,
Guardian of doorways;
Hekate bless my journeys,
Through dark and dawn,
Day and dusk.
Help me to bring to balance
The force within myself
Light and dark;
Above and below.
As a coin cannot only have one side,
I am not whole,
One without the other.”
You’re welcome to share any info I have left out or any prayers or spells!
Follow for more witch tips and spells!
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enchanting-jewel · 10 months
Casting Instructions for 'Spell to Banish Jealousy'
What you will need:
A candle in your favorite color
A green candle
A small knife
Cinnamon joss sticks
Cinnamon essential oil
Hyssop - the herb
The timing of this spell should also be considered as it forms part of the ingredients. Perform the spell during the dark moon.
1. Have a purifying hyssop bath to wash away negativity, then cast a magick circle.
Starting in the east, walk around the room clockwise with a cinnamon joss stick in your right hand. Visualize a blue sphere surrounding your home.
2. Step into the circle. Using the knife, etch your name on the candle chosen to represent yourself, and the jealous person's name on the green candle. Start so the name begins nearest the wick and goes down the candle. It’s ok if you don’t know their name, just wrote ‘enemy mine’.
3.Anoint your candle with cinnamon oil. Light it saying:
''It is my will to banish jealousy from my life.''
Now anoint the green candle and say:
''This candle represents a jealous person who will trouble me no more.''
4. Light the green candle and move it out of the room towards the front door, saying:
''I banish envy out of the door. May your spirit grow past petty spite, to fill your soul with love and light.''
Allow the candle to burn down to the wick.
5. Bind your spell by imagining a blue ribbon of energy and tie a knot with this around your candle, saying:
''I call on Earth to bind this spell, Air to speed its travel well, Fire bring spirit from above, Water fill this spell with love. This spell bound around shall be, to cause no harm nor return on me. As I do will So Mote It Be.''
6. Thank the elements, saying:
''Earth, Water, Fire, Air, leave this circle to my care. Go with my thanks and with my love.''
Now walk around the room counterclockwise with a cinnamon joss stick, seeing the blue circle of flames fading away.
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enchanting-jewel · 10 months
People: “it’s still only Jul-
Me: 🖤🎃🍂🕷🔮🕸🌙👁🦇🔪👣⚰️💀🖤🕷🎃🍂🕸🌙👁🦇🕷💀🖤🎃🎃🎃🖤🕷🕸⚰️🦇👁🖤💀🕸🌙🍂⚰️⚰️⚰️🔮🍂🍂🍂🔮🔮🎃🖤🖤🕸💀👁🔪👣💀🖤🍂🎃 🕸💀👁🔪💀🖤🍂🎃🔮🕸🌙👁🦇🕷💀⚰️🖤🕷🖤🕸🔮🕸🌙🦇🕷🎃👣💀🍂🖤💀🕷🕷🌙🌙🎃🍂👣🍂🕸🌙👁🎃🎃🦇🎃💀🔮
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enchanting-jewel · 10 months
Self-Love Mini Spell
You will need:
Rose quartz
Pink candle
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Self-love doesn’t come very easily to some of us. But loving yourself is the stepping stone to a successful relationship. It motivates us to practice positive behavior. Self-love is not falling into self-hatred or shame when we mess up. If you are doubting yourself and need a little self-love boost, try this little spell daily until you truly love yourself inside and out.
Light your pink candle and hold the rose quartz in your dominant hand. Say out loud while looking in the mirror:
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“I love myself fully and unconditionally. I treat myself with love and respect. I make positive choices for myself. As I will it so mote it be.”
Focus on how you feel and will feel when you obtain self-love. Imagine all the positive choices that lie ahead and picture yourself choosing happiness and positivity. When you are done, blow out your candle.
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Good luck, don’t forget you’re beautiful inside and out!
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enchanting-jewel · 10 months
Morning spell to start your day…
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“Bring more magic to my day, take all my cares away.
Make me sparkly, make me bright… fill my day with love and light.
Beauty and love reveal to me, luck and joy make me feel free.
Surprise, success and harmony I welcome thee to surround me.
This is my will so shall it be”
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enchanting-jewel · 10 months
Cord Cutting Ritual
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You will need:
2 candles🕯️ (you can choose a color to represent you and a different color to represent the other person or two white candles)
Pin or something sharp📌
Twine 🧵
Bowl of salt🧂 (you can use black salt)
Herbs & Crystals to strengthen your spell
Candle holders
Read everything before beginning!
Declutter your area and make sure nothing is in the way of your space.
Cleanse your space.
Begin by using the pin or something sharp to inscribe your name in one of the candles and the other persons name you wish to cut ties with on the other candle.
Place your candles in the bowl of salt so they are upright and steady. You can use candle holders as well and put a circle of salt around the two candles.
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Next, tie the twine around the two candles connecting them with the knot in the center.
Light the two candles and await the string burning.
In the meantime you must focus on the cords being severed. Visualize your energy being returned to you and breaking the connection to this person.
You can also recite a little chant like:
“I release this energy & ties that bind,
Which connects your life to mine.
I cut cords for my greater good,
And I set myself free as I know I should.
With harm to none nor return unto me,
As I will it so mote it be.”
Wait until the candles have burned out completely. Dispose of the wax and salt however you normally would. Wash your hands and the spell is now complete.
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A few tips:
You can have Black Kyanite close by for grounding energy or Black Obsidian to absorb all the negative energies.
A few herbs that you can add to the salt or all around your little area are Agrimony to banish negativity, Roses for luck, Hyssop for purification, Mugwort for strength and Lavender for peace.
Please practice safety. Have a fire extinguisher close by just in case. Make sure it is well ventilated and you have enough space for this ritual.
Wishing you love and light in all things you do,
Enchanting Jewel
Follow me for witchy tips and spells!
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