endeavouring-erudite · 10 months
hey. don’t cry. crush four cloves of garlic into a pot with a dollop of olive oil and stir until golden then add one can of crushed tomatoes a bit of balsamic vinegar half a tablespoon of brown sugar and stir for a few minutes adding a handful of fresh spinach until wilted and mix in half a cup of grated parmesan cheese and pasta of your choice ok?
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Just putting this here where I won’t lose it…
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An abbreviated guide to the study of continental philosophy
 Continental philosophy can be unfriendly to the newcomer. Before reading something it’s hard to have an idea of what you need to know beforehand and to what extent. Well, not anymore. I have single handedly cracked continental philosophy so you don’t have to waste your time.
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(F): Familiarity, a couple of surveys or monographs are enough.
(G): Good understanding, some specialized secondary sources plus some important selections of the primary sources are needed. 
(E): Excellent understanding, a great deal of primary sources with the aid of studies and commentaries.
General Background: some texts on the history of modern philosophy  (1500 -1900 ca.)
To be chosen depending on your interests and level:  * A. W. Moore - The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics (easy) * Benett - Learning from Six Philosophers * Bowie -  Schelling and Modern European Philosophy * Dicker - Hume’s Metaphysics and Epistemology * Baillie - Hume on Morality  * Bennett - Learning from Six Philosophers * Bennett -  Kant’s Analytic * Bennett - Kant’s Dialectic * Longuenesse - Kant and the Capacity to Judge  * Rachel - Elements of Moral Philosophy  * Beiser - Hegel * Taylor - Hegel * Houlgate - An Introduction to Hegel * Pinkard - German Philosophy 1760-1860 * Beiser -  German Idealism: The Struggle against Subjectivism, 1781–1801  * Wood - Fichte * Sinclair - Bergson * Safranski - Nietzsche * Malpass (eds) - The History of Philosophical and Formal Logic
Classical Phenomenology 
Previous requirements: History of modern philosophy (F), British empiricism (G), Kant (G), History of formal logic (F). 
Focus: Husserl
Also: Scheler. 
Suggested readings to begin: *** Introductory / Context: Bell - Husserl Sokolowski  - Introduction to Phenomenology Zahavi - Phenomenology Zahavi - Husserl’s Phenomenology Spiegelberg - The Phenomenological movement (v1) *** Primary: Welton (ed) - The Essential Husserl Husserl - Logical Investigations Husserl - Ideas Husserl - The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology *** Secondary Zahavi - Husserl’s Legacy Derrida - Edmund Husserl’s “Origin of Geometry” Derrida - Speech and Phenomena Smith & Smith (eds) - The Cambridge Companion to Husserl Ingarden - On the Motives which led Husserl to Transcendental Idealism
Late Phenomenology
Previous requirements: classical phenomenology (E),  Hegel (F), ancient philosophy (F), christian/jewish theology (F).
Focus: Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty.
Also:  Stein, Levinas, Arendt.
Suggested readings to begin: *** Introductory / Context: Gelven - Heidegger’s Being and Time Moran - Introduction to Phenomenology Spiegelberg - The Phenomenological movement (v2) Carman - Merleau Ponty.  *** Primary:  Heidegger - Being and Time,  Krell (ed) - Heidegger: Basic Writings,   Moran & Mooney (eds) - The Phenomenology Reader,  Baldwin (ed) - Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Basic Writings *** Secondary:  Lafont - Heidegger, Language, and World-Disclosure,  Mitchell - The Fourfold: Reading the Late Heidegger,  Derrida - Heidegger: The Question of Being and History Gadamer - Heidegger’s Ways Guignon - Heidegger and the Problem of Knowledge Calle-Gruber (ed) - Heidegger, Philosophy, and Politics: The Heidelberg Conference Lacoue-Labarthes - Heidegger, art, and politics
Kyoto School 
Previous requirements: Kant (G), Hegel (G), late phenomenology (G), zen buddhist philosophy (E). 
Focus: Nishida
Also: Nishitani, Tanabe. 
Suggested readings to begin: *** Introductory / Context: Heisig - Philosophers of Nothingness, Yusa - Zen and Philosophy: An Intellectual Biography of Nishida Kitarō Kasulis - Engaging Japanese Philosophy: A Short History, Wright - Philosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism Carter - Nothingness Beyond God: *** Primary: Franck & Staumbaugh (eds) - The Buddha Eye: An Anthology of the Kyoto School and Its Contemporaries, Nishida - An Inquiry into the Good. *** Secondary Nishitani - Nishida Kitarō Wargo - The Logic of Nothingness
Previous requirements: late phenomenology (F), Kierkegaard (F), feeling angst (E).
Focus: Sartre
Also: Camus, Beauvoir. 
Suggested readings to begin: *** Introductory / Context: Solomon - From Rationalism to Existentialism, Hannay - Kierkegaard, Sartre - Existentialism Is a Humanism. *** Primary: Marino - Basic Writings of Existentialism, Sartre - Being and Nothingness. *** Secondary: Solomon - Dark Feelings, Grim Thoughts Crowell - The Cambridge Companion to Existentialism, Taylor - The Ethics of Authenticity.  Flynn - Sartre: A Philosophical Biography  Stewart (ed) - The Debate Between Sartre and Merleau-Ponty
Phenomenological Hermeneutics
[under construction] Previous requirements: late phenomenology (G), ancient philosophy (G)
Focus: Gadamer, Ricoeur.
Also: Jauss, Vattimo. Suggested readings to begin:
Western Marxism/ Structural Marxism /Frankfurt School
Previous requirements: classical sociology (F), psychoanalysis (F), Kant (G), Hegel (G), Aesthetics (F), Marx’s sociology/philosophy (E), Marx’s economic thought (F).
Focus:, Adorno, Althusser.
Also: Lukács, Kosch, Benjamin, Horkheimer, Marcuse, Habermas (early), Offe.
Suggested readings to begin: *** Introductory / Context: Wood - Karl Marx, Kojeve - Introduction to the Reading of Hegel Gordon - Philosophy of the Arts, Lear - Freud  O’Connor - Adorno Held - Introduction to Critical Theory,  Ferris - The Cambridge Introduction to Walter Benjamin. Ferreter - Louis Althusser *** Primary:  Lukacs - History and Class Consciousness Korsch - Marxism and Philosophy  Adorno & Horkheimer - Dialectic of Enlightenment,  Horkheimer - Critical Theory Adorno - Aesthetic Theory Adorno - Negative Dialectics,  Horkheimer - Eclipse of Reason Habermas - Science and Technology as Ideology Jameson (ed) - Aesthetics and Politics. Althusser & Balibar (eds) - Reading Capital  Althusser - Ideological States Apparatuses *** Secondary:  Honneth - Pathologies of Reason: On the Legacy of Critical Theory,  Lunn - Marxism and Modernism,  Kolakowski - Main Currents of Marxism Castoriadis - On the Content of Socialism
Previous requirements:  late modern philosophy (G), structuralism (F), late phenomenology (G), Freud (G), Lacan (F/G), Western Marxism (F), ancient philosophy (F/G).
Focus:  Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze. 
Also: Kristeva, Barthes, Butler, Nancy, Cixous, Irigaray. 
Suggested readings to begin: *** Introductory / Context:  Chandler - Semiotics: The Basics, Badcock - Structuralism and Social Theory Hawkes - Structuralism and Semiotics Homer - Lacan Jameson - The Prison-House of Language Colebrook - Gilles Deleuze Norris - Deconstruction Mills - Michel Foucault Shields - Ancient Philosophy Hadot - What is Ancient Philosophy? *** Primary:  Deleuze & Guattari -Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Deleuze & Guattari - What is Philosophy? Deleuze - Difference and Repetition. Foucault - The Order of Things, Foucault - The Archeology of Knowledge, Foucault - Power/Knowledge Derrida - Of Grammatology, Derrida - Writing and Difference Derrida - Speech and Phenomena, Derrida -  Margins of Philosophy, *** Secondary: Dreyfus & Rabinow - Michel Foucault Fraser - Unruly Practices Norris - Against Relativism Holland - Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus Patton (ed) - Deleuze: A Critical Reader Habermas - The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity
Contemporary Post-Marxism / Non-Marxism
[under construction] Previous requirements: post-structuralism (G), western marxism (F), late phenomenology (F), Hegel (G), Marx’s sociology/philosophy (G), Lacan (G). 
Focus: Badiou,  Mouffe & Laclau, Agamben, Ranciere, Laurelle. 
Also:  Zizek Laclau & Moouffe - Hegemony and Socialist Strategy
New / Speculative  Realism
[under construction]
Previous requirements: classical phenomenology (F), philosophy of science (F), late phenomenology (G), post-structuralism (F), Deleuze (G), modern philosophy (F), German Idealism (G), Actor-Network-Theory (F), contemporary post-marxism (F), analytic metaphysics (F). 
Focus: Meillasoux, Harman, Ferraris, Gabriel. Also: DeLanda, Shaviro, Brassier, Grant, Thacker. Suggested readings to begin: *** Introductory / Context: :  - Ferraris - Introduction to New Realism - Sparrow - The End of Phenomenology: Metaphysics and the New Realism - Harman - Speculative Realism - Gabriel -Why the World Does Not Exist - Latour - Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory *** Primary:   Brassier -Nihil Unbound Ferraris - Manifesto of New Realism Harman  - Object-Oriented Ontology: A New Theory of Everything Harman - The Quadruple Object Gabriel - Fields of Sense: A New Realist Ontology Grant - Philosophies of Nature after Schelling Meillasoux - After Finitude *** Secondary: Bryant, Harman (eds) - The Speculative Turn DeLanda & Harman - The Rise of Realism Shaviro - The Universe of Things: On Speculative Realism Harman - Quentin Meillassoux: Philosophy in the Making
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I believe in free education, one that’s available to everyone; no matter their race, gender, age, wealth, etc… This masterpost was created for every knowledge hungry individual out there. I hope it will serve you well. Enjoy!
FREE ONLINE COURSES (here are listed websites that provide huge variety of courses)
Khan Academy
Academic Earth
Stanford Online
MIT Open Courseware
Open Yale Courses
BBC Learning
Carnegie Mellon University OLI
University of Reddit
IDEAS, INSPIRATION & NEWS (websites which deliver educational content meant to entertain you and stimulate your brain)
Big Think 
BBC Future
Seriously Amazing
How Stuff Works
Discovery News
National Geographic
Science News
Popular Science
YouTube Edu
DIY & HOW-TO’S (Don’t know how to do that? Want to learn how to do it yourself? Here are some great websites.)
Wonder How To
Do it yourself
OpenStax CNX
Open Textbooks
Textbook Revolution
E-books Directory
Books Should Be Free
Classic Reader
Read Print
Project Gutenberg
AudioBooks For Free
Poem Hunter
MIT Classics
Many Books
Open Textbooks BCcampus
Open Textbook Library
Directory of Open Access Journals
Wiley Open Access
Springer Open
Oxford Open
Elsevier Open Access
Open Access Library
BBC Languages
Learn A Language
Foreign Services Institute
My Languages
Surface Languages
OpenCulture’s Language links
GA Dash
Code Avengers
The Code Player
Code School
Programming Motherf*?$%#
Bucky’s room
Learn Code the Hard Way
Mozilla Developer Network
Microsoft Virtual Academy
Learning Yoga
Learn Meditation
Free Meditation
Online Meditation
Do Yoga With Me
Yoga Learning Center
Exposure Guide
The Bastards Book of Photography
Cambridge in Color
Best Photo Lessons
Photography Course
Production Now
Learn About Film
Film School Online
Google Cultural Institute
Music Theory
Music Theory Videos
Furmanczyk Academy of Music
Dave Conservatoire
Petrucci Music Library
Justin Guitar
Guitar Lessons
Piano Lessons
Zebra Keys
Play Bass Now
The Chess Website
First Aid for Free
First Aid Web
NHS Choices
Wolfram Demonstrations Project
Please feel free to add more learning focused websites. 
*There are a lot more learning websites out there, but I picked the ones that are, as far as I’m aware, completely free and in my opinion the best/ most useful.
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L'Amour l'après-midi / Love in the Afternoon (1972)
dir. Éric Rohmer
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29.04.2021 // chaos
My semester is ending and it’s quite out of control. Studying for finals in two different universities is harder then I thought, so here are photos of some moments of peace.
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repeat after me 💫✨
🧿 i release all attachments to outcomes
🧿 whatever is meant to be, will be
🧿 i trust in divine timing
🧿 timing is in my favor
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hello everyone! i thought i would share some keyboard shortcuts in notion that i use the most often and that save me the most time.
note: most actions from word processors, like ctrl + b for bold, will already work in notion!
#, ##, or ### + space to create large, medium, and small headings respectively
> + space to create a toggle block
/, the forward slash, lets you create any page you want. just type out what you’re looking for (i.e. page, table, link)
ctrl + \ toggles the sidebar on and off
ctrl + shift + n opens a new notion window (i use this for notetaking)
ctrl + shift + u lets you go up a level in the page hierarchy (i.e. from february to all months)
duplicate any content by holding option or alt and dragging. you can highlight as many blocks as you want
ctrl + / to change the type of blocks you have selected
ctrl + shift + p to move the page you’re on to another one (i like to use this for my article list to move them to my already read list
hope this helps :)
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Hybrid Note Taking Style
A note taking method that blends the best of paper and digital note taking that I’ve been exploring lately. So far it’s working really well for me :) Hope it helps! 
Hybrid Note Taking Method
Problems with other note taking systems
Each note taking system has its pros and cons. Here are some of the problems I found with (fully) paper and (fully) digital note taking systems.
Can’t use the search function on your notes.
Can’t add images and other types of digital files easily.
Difficult to keep overview between notebooks.
Can’t share these as easily as digital notes.
Not as ‘romantic’.
Sometimes less engaging.
Lack of physical presence can lead to you forgetting about it.
Can be more difficult to do things like sketching, making schemes, making illustrations etc.
Benefits of Hybrid
I like using hybrid methods because they bring you the best of both worlds.
Easily searchable.
Information in your notes is traceable.
Makes it easier to find and carry out actions e.g. finding extra info.
Doesn’t damage books.
Allows you to embed different types of files.
What you’ll need
Source material (e.g. book, academic paper)
Any kind of notebook :)
Digital note-taking app → I like Notion (it’s free).
Step 1 - Read & number the material
As you go, use a pencil to lightly put numbers into the margins whenever you deem something worthy of noting down or remembering. This will help you locate the source of specific parts of your notes later.
Step 2 - Write Q&A-style notes
Write the information down in question-and-answer style. Come up with useful questions that link to the material you want to remember (e.g. Q → What is the main problem with using platform-based planning for new ventures? A → Assumptions underlying the plan are used as fact rather than best-guess estimates to be tested and questioned). Use the numbers you placed in the margin of the pages to specify the source of the information you used for each answer.
Example → Chapter 1 page 27 note 3 becomes 1.p27.3
Step 3 - Write actions as you go (Supporting notes)
Supporting notes
Write down your thoughts, anything you’re curious about, things you want to look up, things you’re confused about, actions you’ve been inspired to do, etc. For example → ?m Maybe I can apply this to my visualization assignment? / ! Look up what 'plurality of the future’ is / fex Organizational transformation through design. I find this a great way to support and manage the learning process.
Action key
Keep a small action key in which you have an overview of what your action marks mean (e.g. ?m→ questions to myself, f → find, fex → find example, ?? → I don’t get it, ! → general actions)
Don’t be afraid to customize your actions!
What you’ll get
Actionable notes
Your paper notes will contain a structured and easy to read overview of actionable items that came up during the reading. This can be questions you need answered, reminders to find specific information, etc. This will make them a lot harder to forget to do!
Easily traceable sources
With the codes you’ll be able to tell easily and quickly where the information you’ve written in your notes came from.
Searchable & review-ready notes
Notes will be (mostly) made in question-and-answer style. This will allow you to easily review using active recall. All you need to do is cover/hide the answer and you can check how well you truly know the material.
Thanks for reading!
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{magnetism and matrices}
1. it feels like spring; 2. i cut my hair very short and i am very happy; 3. i love magnetism because i get to write mu so much and it is my favorite
p.s. billy shakes makes his second appearance of the week
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Train Yourself to Stay Focused During Online Class
I tend to beat myself up a lot for not being disciplined enough to carry out the dark academia lifestyle. It’s difficult to remember that everyone’s struggling with paying attention. So, I compiled a few things that have helped me developed some habits for lengthening my attention span during class!
1. Don’t immediately reach for your phone when bored. 
Generally the first step to training yourself out of this habit is to practice it outside of class. If you have access to them, video games are a great way to relieve boredom. It isn’t instant gratification in the same way social media is, and, depending on the game, requires focus. It isn’t inherently academic and won’t take up too much brainpower, which is perfect for curing boredom and getting yourself away from the instant gratification mindset.
2. When watching a show/movie, don’t get sidetracked or do other things.
I have found myself watching one of my favorite shows (criminal minds) and not being able to go without checking my phone throughout the entire 40 minute period. Pour your focus and energy into whichever show or movie you’re watching. For example, with criminal minds, try and form a profile with them, or construct your own theories. If you really need to take a break from watching, pause the show, and give yourself a 5 minute limit. Finishing what you start is a huge part of this.
3. If you’re in college, attend zoom lectures and not just pre-recorded ones.
This helps hold you accountable for paying attention in class. If comfortable, turn your camera on– not only for yourself, but also to help your professor feel more comfortable teaching. Being there in real time makes you more likely to ask questions and take detailed notes. If possible, treat the pre-recorded lectures as more of a textbook or resource than an actual class.
4. Find something to do with your hands.
Not only is your phone something to look at, it’s something to do. Find something else to replace it with. It could be something designated for fidgeting (fidget cube or spinner), or it could just be mindless doodling on paper. I formed a ring out of polymer clay that I spin between my index finger and thumb.
5. Start simple.
Don’t just immediately decide that you’re never going to use social media ever again. Set a simple goal for yourself, like spending an hour a day separated from your phone and electronics. For this, I like to use the app Bakery on my phone. It allows you to set a timer for a baked good, and if you leave the app for more than 10 seconds, the baked good burns. Of course, this isn’t going to wholly prevent you from using your phone during the allotted time, but for me, it served as a good reminder of what im striving towards. 
I hope this helps at least a little! These are just a few of my findings and things that i do daily to kind of stomp on bad habits.
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28/03: catching up in metaphysics.
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capitalism ruined social media
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Intercessory prayer for Palm Sunday / Holy Week
Dear siblings in Jesus Christ, As ever, we have so much to pray for… But this week, I invite you to do something a little odd with me: Will you pray with me for Jesus, too?
In this week in which we remember his most agonizing moments, his trauma, his desolation, his execution as a common criminal, let’s pray for him, as he prays and works unceasingly for us.
Friends, let us pray.
For those unjustly blamed across time and space: for Jesus, accused and sentenced to death by the powers who feared his revolutionary Kin(g)dom; for our Jewish neighbors, wrongly punished across the centuries for Christ’s death and for many other crimes of which they are innocent;
for members of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community who have become a hyper-visible target to pin this pandemic on; for migrants and immigrants who are accused of stealing jobs and depleting resources simply for daring to seek a life for themselves and their loved ones; we pray.
For those unjustly shamed across time and space:
For Jesus, tortured and taunted by Roman soldiers, stripped of his friends, his clothing, his life;
For sex workers whose livelihoods are criminalized and bodies dehumanized;
For all who have been victim-blamed, told that harassment, abuse, and even death are their fault because of who they are, how they act, or the jobs or beliefs they hold; we pray.
And for those who go unnamed across time and space: for the two men crucified alongside Jesus, and the countless others who have been tortured, executed, disappeared from before the dawn of the Roman Empire through the current regime the United States;
for all victims of mass shootings, too many to name, too many to bear;
for the numberless masses of human beings crushed under the grindstone of “progress,” the deaths of their cultures and of their bodies justified in the name of excess wealth for the few;
we pray.
O God who hears the cries of those unjustly blamed, those dehumanized and shamed, those whose names are eradicated from recorded history – and who replies by becoming one of them, by entering into ultimate solidarity on a Roman cross, and by exposing the violence of worldly powers for the evil it is,
Thank you.
Make your Spirit known to us. Unite and empower us for the work ahead.
Thank you.
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Hybrid Note Taking Style
A note taking method that blends the best of paper and digital note taking that I’ve been exploring lately. So far it’s working really well for me :) Hope it helps! 
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