faraghatsparetime · 5 years
If you live in Karachi, You are living 10 years less then your actual age.
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Living in Karachi you would spend approximately 4 hours daily of your life in traffic. It has been observed that an average man in Karachi spend 2 hours in the morning to reach the office and 2 hours in the evening to come home from the office in traffic jam.
Four hours a day doesn't seem much hmm... Well lets do some mathematics. Taking 60 years as an average age, you'll find spending 4 hours a day in traffic actually means you are wasting 10 of your life.
The main reason of this extensively growing traffic is due to growth of population. Since 1990 the population grows double and currently number of people living in this city is mind blowing it is 15 million.
Taking quarter of the population and consider they owns their own automobile of whatever kind; bike, car or some other kind of automobile. We will find out that about 4 millions people owns an automobile. Lets cut that down a bit and being realistic and considering the poverty rate we will cut that number to half and will consider 2 millions automobiles are there in the city which has an area of 3,780 km2. Considering this;  there will be 1,058 vehicles in per square Km and it's a huge number.
Now you can see why we are facing this ever growing problem of traffic jam in Karachi. This is a serious issue and if not handled soon, the time might come when there will be no room for another car on the road, and the roads will be packed and jammed.
Heath Issue
Despite of wasting your 10 years of live staring and waiting for the preceding car to move, you are more likely to get frustrated and will continue to lose your health. Frustration is not the only cause of losing health the smoke coming out of the automobiles is extremely dangerous for your health and can make you vulnerable for many skin and lungs problems leading to serious chances of lung cancer. As quoted "In 2013, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) confirmed that outdoor air pollution is a cause of cancer".
We all talked so much about the problem, but none of us are able to present a solid solution and indeed if some of us do present a solution it is not implemented as it should be.
Today I will like to present a solution you all will agree upon.
The public transport system System of the city needs to be revised and we need to develop a high standard A class public transport system. Consider this a 100 cars can be packed into just 2 fifty seater buses.
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Indeed to make it effective we need to make our transportation system as good as possible, imagine a person owns a BMW; why would he travel on a public transport where he could barely find a place to stand. The public transport should be respectable and elegant that it attracts the citizens to leave there cars and stressful driving and take a nap or just scroll the facebook feed while seating in a comfortable air conditioned bus. (well I exaggerated it not need to be air chilled just give free wifi it will be enough though :-) ).
The waiting area should be well managed and clean so the citizen should feel their self respect. In my point of view a human self respect is the most desirable thing a human need.
Other Advantages.
Other advantages includes less pollution as there will be less cars on the read there will be less population and your chances to have cancer will significantly be reduced. Any person with a little bit of common sense knows that pollution by a single bus is far far less then 50 cars. This will reduce global warming and will defiantly benefit the weather condition of Karachi. There will be less hotter summers in the city and the weather will be pleasant. As quoted "Every gallon of gasoline burned creates about 8,887 grams of carbon dioxide", carbon dioxide is the major green house gas and a major cause of global warming.
User public transport, start from your own self, Save your beloved city of lights.
And off-course live 10 years more of your life.
Give your suggestions in the comments below.
Good bye, Stay blessed. :-)
Regards: #farigh_Pakistani and a #farigh_Karachite.
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