fatelesschild · 4 hours
It's been mentioned in passing that humans and gallifreyans can procreate together. Depending on who the carrying parent is, what would that pregnancy look like, in terms of gestation length, physical symptoms, etc?
Gallifreyan/Human Hybrid Pregnancies
🧬Triple Helix DNA
Successful human-Gallifreyan reproduction hinges crucially on one thing: the offspring inheriting Gallifreyan triple helix DNA. This genetic structure is vital not just for the viability of the offspring but also for the inheritance of distinct Gallifreyan traits such as regeneration. Without the triple helix in full working order, the offspring may face severe health complications, sterility, or a complete/partial absence of typical Gallifreyan abilities.
👶Human vs Gallifreyan Carriers
1. Human-Carrying Parent
Given the complexity of Gallifreyan DNA, a human pregnant with a Gallifreyan hybrid could respond to the pregnancy in very unpredictable ways.
Gestation Period: Due to the human body's influence and biological clock, the gestation period may align more closely with human norms, typically around nine months.
Physical Symptoms: Due to the alien DNA, the human body may exhibit unusual symptoms, such as heightened sensitivity to temporal fluctuations or yo-yo telepathic abilities. There might also be unexpected bouts of healing, linked to artron or lindos energy surges. Increased appetite would also come into play, with some very weird cravings that reflect the baby's high nutrient demands.
Gestation Complications: There's an inherent increased risk of complications during pregnancy due to potential incompatibility issues between human and Gallifreyan biological systems. For one, the human immune system might react unpredictably to the foreign DNA.
2. Gallifreyan-Carrying Parent
A Gallifreyan carrying a hybrid child might face a different set of challenges, owing to the intricate developmental needs of the hybrid DNA.
Gestation Period: The gestation period could extend beyond the standard nine months, potentially up to a year, due to the need to fully integrate human DNA into the Gallifreyan biological framework.
Physical Symptoms: Gallifreyan parents might experience less physical strain due to their superior biological resilience. However, the presence of human DNA could introduce anomalies, such as disruptions in their ability to regulate body temperature or metabolic rate as they normally could.
Telepathic Bond: There may be a developing telepathic link between the carrier and the child, providing early emotional and cognitive connections, and possibly allowing the parent to manage gestational discomfort through direct mental intervention.
🏥Medical Implications
Advanced Gallifreyan technology would likely need to be used to monitor and support the pregnancy, ensuring the stable development of both human and Gallifreyan genetic traits.
Check-Ups: Baby check-ups would need to be very regular and very comprehensive.
Daily Monitoring: General monitoring of the mother's physical and mental health daily.
Gallifreyan Interventions: It's likely some Gallifreyan medical interventions might be required, and these would have to be adjusted particularly for the human.
🏫 So...
Little baby Gallihumans (Humifreyans? I should make a poll) are certainly possible and create a bridge between two hugely different cultures and biological heritages, but it's certainly not going to be straightforward. These are all of course some theories, and theoretically, anything can happen that I've not mentioned.
Hope that helped! 😃
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fatelesschild · 1 day
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Dreaming. ♡♡
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fatelesschild · 1 day
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“You don't get bored of stories. None of us, as human beings, we just—we never get bored of stories. And I get to tell stories. And each story is new and different, so it's a continuously renewing thing. And hopefully you are constantly getting better at your corner of the storytelling process, and you can—with each new challenge, you sort of have to find a new sort of corner of yourself. And it keeps being difficult, and it keeps being challenging, and it keeps being exciting. And fun as well, if I'm absolutely honest.” — DAVID TENNANT (born April 18, 1971)
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fatelesschild · 1 day
How does a Gallifreyan or a Time Lord experience humans? (or: how would you describe humanity from a Gallifreyan or Time Lord perspective while accounting for their fundamentally different sensory experiences?)
A Time Lord's View on Humanity
Gallifreyans/Time Lords have a wealth of senses they can use in their first impressions when meeting a human.
🌟 Immediate Sensory Impressions
👁️Visual: Time Lords naturally see more enhanced colours and details than humans can, so they can notice incredibly subtle details about a particular human. With a look, they can also read cues about a human’s health and emotional state - this might include seeing the flush of blood under the skin, the subtle muscle tension, and micro-expressions that might reveal a person's true feelings or intentions.
🦨 Scent: Humans stink. Time Lords can detect pheromonal changes that indicate stress, fear, or deceit if they concentrate. They can also detect the unique personal scent that every human carries. This can extend to a deeper picture of where the human has been recently and their lifestyle choices, like diet and hygiene.
🎧 Auditory: Time Lords can hear not just words but also the underlying frequencies of a human’s voice that could indicate mood and sincerity - if they try hard enough, they can hear the heartbeat, a quick inhalation of surprise or shock, or a sigh of relief.
🖐️ Touch: Even through a handshake, Time Lords feel the texture and temperature of human skin, the strength of a grip, and the pulse rate, all of which offer clues about a person's current physical and emotional state.
👄 Taste (if applicable): If you're hitting first base, Time Lords can discern a lot from this sense. Their enhanced taste buds can detect residual chemicals and substances on a person’s skin or breath, providing insights into the person's recent activities, health status, and even emotional state (as certain emotions can alter the body's chemistry).
🕰️ Chrono: Time Lords are 'time sensitive', meaning they can perceive time as a dimension - as easily as humans can see how much wine is left in the glass (not enough). This means when they meet someone, they sense not just who that person is now but the "echoes" of their past and potential futures. They might get a sense of important past events that have shaped the person, or their potential future significance. This probably doesn’t manifest as clear visions but more as a nuanced understanding of the person’s temporal significance. This could result in a particular 'draw' or 'revulsion' to them.
🔮 Psionic: Most Time Lords can't read minds medially or distally (i.e., most can't read minds without touching a person), but they can get a sense of mood or subtle emotional undercurrents from a distance. They pick up on psychic residues that humans unconsciously emit, which reflect their current emotional state and deeper, often unacknowledged, feelings.
🤔 Practical Interaction
In practical terms, when a Time Lord first encounters a human, they process all these details and form a complex, layered first impression. Time Lords tailor their social response based on this comprehensive sensory and temporal analysis, often leading to interactions that seem incredibly perceptive or mysteriously prescient to humans.
Of course, some Time Lords prefer to shut down or ignore many of these extras to be on a more human level for their own reasons.
Hope that helped! 😃
Further Reading
How do Time Lords see the future?
What happens when a human spends a lot of time with a Time Lord?
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fatelesschild · 1 day
Every day I curse not being born with skills that are in any way marketable. My whole life being told "you are so good at these things! they are worthless things, though. not deserving of money. sorry, you'll just be poor forever."
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fatelesschild · 1 day
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fatelesschild · 1 day
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Happy Birthday David Tennant!
Featuring David on his birthday in 2006, 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2023 (and a 2008 photo of the cake from his Doctor Who cast-and-crew birthday party)
David Tennant Appreciation Week - Happy Birthday!
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fatelesschild · 2 days
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and it has made all the difference.
@doctorrosebingo for the free space square
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fatelesschild · 3 days
Do Gallifreyans have some sort of Braille for the visually impaired? Do we have any idea how it'd look?
Do Gallifreyans use a Braille-like system for the visually impaired?
To begin with, it's important to note that blindness/visual impairment appears relatively rare on Gallifrey—only a few known Gallifreyans have completely lost their sight, and each has found their own way to adapt to it. This matters because eyes are very important on Gallifrey, as Gallifreyan technology often uses retina scans.
Unfortunately, there is no known documented equivalent to Earth's Braille on Gallifrey, so there is no real idea of how it might work.
... But never let that get in the way of some theories.
👆Theoretical Gallifreyan Braille Systems
In human terms, Braille is a tactile writing system that relies on touch. Gallifrey, with its five-dimensional tech, might push this concept further. Imagine a Braille that conveys letters and words through touch and dimensions beyond typical human perceptions.
Multi-Dimensional Touch: Gallifreyan Braille could utilise a form of tactile feedback that incorporates temporal and spatial dimensions. Each 'dot' could represent different states depending on temporal phase shifts. So, a single touch could convey layers of information about an object or concept, not just its name or description.
Sonic Enhancements: Gallifreyan Braille could integrate sonic feedback to help convey more complex information. Different frequencies or vibrations could be used to add layers of context or emotion to the tactile experience.
Holographic Projections: For a society that can manipulate light and space, why limit Braille to a static surface? Holographic projections that can be felt and manipulated in the air could be an everyday reality for the visually impaired Gallifreyans, allowing them to 'feel' the data as it floats before them.
Neuro-Sensory Integration: Taking it a step further, Gallifreyan Braille might directly interface with the nervous system, allowing a user to 'see' through touch by translating tactile information into visual-like perceptions in the brain. This method would bypass traditional sensory routes and offer a direct, immersive experience.
🏫 So ...
While Gallifreyans may not have a direct equivalent to Braille, we can certainly have lots of fun thinking about it. Of course, you may decide all these theories are rubbish—the floor is open!
Hope that helped! 😃
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fatelesschild · 4 days
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David Tennant at The Olivier Awards 2024 (winner in our hearts 🧡)
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fatelesschild · 5 days
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Behind the Scenes of Wild Blue Yonder - Part Four
Excerpt from Benjamin Cook’s article on Bernard Cribbins in DWM #598
Gareth announces that David and Catherine are on the travelator next. They take their positions. David runs on the spot and stretches his legs to warm up. Then he runs – fast – and propels himself off the runway. “I could always do the sprint,” he says, catching his breath. “Can’t do long distance. I peak too soon. It probably shows my impatience. I can just about manage the 200m, but anything beyond that… I’m probably slower than I was 12 years ago.” That’s disputable. The crane, which is carrying the camera, was too slow for David in the practice run just now. Either the crane has got to speed up or David has got to slow down. “How come Tom gets a techno crane?” Rachel Talalay – director of Special 1: The Star Beast – has popped in to see what’s going on and she’s impressed. “I’ve not seen this before. It looks amazing!” “Sometimes I’m a busy man,” says Tom [ Kingsley, director of Special 2: Wild Blue Yonder ], “sometimes I’m just a man waiting for a big crane.”
For other posts in this set, please see the #whoBtsWBY tag. The full episode list is [ here ]
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fatelesschild · 5 days
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Time Lord Victorious
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fatelesschild · 7 days
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rose tyler, i love you.
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fatelesschild · 8 days
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1.05 | 2.08 | 4.13
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fatelesschild · 8 days
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Doctor Who | 3.11 Utopia
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fatelesschild · 9 days
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Doctor Who | 1.04 - "Aliens of London"
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fatelesschild · 9 days
🤔🔥 What happens to the old body when a Gallifreyan regenerates?
We all know the drill. Glow > bang > new body > explain regeneration to your companion for the 99th time. It's pretty obvious what causes regenerations to happen, but what actually happens to the old body?
When regeneration kicks in, it's not just a repair job but a total reconstruction using lindos cells. Phagolindotropes become exceptionally active - these specialised Lindos cells effectively "eat" away the previous body to make way for the new, with their essence serving as the raw material for the new form.
In essence, the old body does not disappear but is rather the cocoon from which the new form emerges, eaten and integrated into the birth of a new incarnation.
Gives a whole new angle to this joke:
Why was 10 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9.
Gallifreyan Biology for Tuesday by GIL
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