fde-angeles · 4 years
Y yo que te ví pasando una vida conmigo. Y yo que me ví conociendo a tus amigos. Contigo ví el futuro relativamente fácil.
Y yo que nos ví como los viejos del Titanic.
- Titanic / Kany García & Camilo.
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fde-angeles · 4 years
- Conocernos y no tenernos, eso es lo nuestro. 🌻
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fde-angeles · 4 years
No, no ha sido fácil soltarte.
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fde-angeles · 4 years
Él me superó encontrando a alguien más. Yo lo superé encontrándome a mi misma.
- @f.angeles12 🌹
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fde-angeles · 4 years
No voy a juzgarlo. Yo también lo buscaría. Uno siempre vuelve a dónde fue feliz.
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fde-angeles · 4 years
Huye, tú sabes cómo. No empieces a preocuparte por mi ahora
Dua Lipa. 
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fde-angeles · 4 years
Tú solo piensas en cómo se acaba, yo solo pienso en cómo acabaré.
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fde-angeles · 5 years
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Rest in Peace Stan Lee
Thanks for all the great memories.
You did good kid.
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fde-angeles · 5 years
No me acostumbro a ti
Ella es Evaluna, y en sus ojos caben todos los colores de la flora y la fauna de este planeta. -Él es Camilo, escritor de cuentos de hadas. -Es imposible acostumbrarme a su manera de ser porque cada noche mientras duerme diseña y práctica con paciencia un nuevo gesto para sorprenderme cada mañana. -Soñador de sueños gigantes con mil detalles chiquitos.  -Ella al igual que yo pertenece al club de los que no disfrutan el helado de chocolate. -Conquistador del mar. -Antes de decir buenos días, grita “Caféeeeeeee”  -Ama encontrar tesoros y guardarlo en cajitas de hojalata. Hojalata, una de las tantas palabra que lo persiguen.  - Es chiquita, pero no existe una palabra tan inmensa como ella. De todos sus mas grandes sueños es ser mamá. -Le gusta descubrir palabras que son ricas en sonoridad. -Pocas cosas le hacen tanta ilusión como comprar y empezar un cuaderno para cada proyecto que emprende. -Él busca,pregunta y escudriña como un niño chiquito y me motiva a hacer lo mismo;  nunca dejará de serlo, por eso es tan feliz. -Cualquiera que la viera hablándole a sus plantitas de tomate diría que le falta un tornillo. Con los tomates y las piedras que le lanzan siembra jardines y construye castillos. -Vive buscando nuevas perspectivas,  entonces no es nada raro verlo caminando con las manos.  Le gustan mucho los olores fuertes y los colores vivos, especialmente los que vienen de la tierra.  -Su claustrofobia no es más que una confirmación de que ella es como un pajarito libre y que lo suyo es la libertad y no los límites. -Él siembra y cosecha, siembra y cosecha… -Es capaz de narrar una historia entera solamente con el movimiento de sus manos al bailar. -Cuando escribe. Cuando escribe se despiertan las luciérnagas, las mariposas empiezan a nacer y las flores se ponen a bailar. El viento lleva el ritmo y las nube siempre lo siguen. -Es mitad humano, mitad sabueso porque su olfato puede distinguir mil olores como estornudo o afuera. -Camilo es sin duda el transportador de luz más resplandeciente que hay en esta tierra, su luz se contagia, es luz pura, yo veo a Dios es él. -Me enseño que ese infinito absoluto que vibra en el amor tiene personalidad y quiere relacionarse conmigo. -Él me enseño a disfrutar de las cosas pequeñitas, a amarlas, incluyéndome.  -Ella es inmensa porque es hija de la inmensidad y cuando aterrizo en mi vida trajo consigo sentido y propósito. - El amanecer ya se ha vuelto su mejor amigo porque cuando el despierta se levanta el sol. Juntos leen en el sofá blanco que está al lado de la casa. -Él me hace café, me hace feliz, por siempre. Camilo y Evaluna. (via unapandicornioblog)
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fde-angeles · 6 years
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⇒ ATLA: gifset per episode
b02e18 - The Earth King
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fde-angeles · 6 years
Cada segundo sin tu voz parece eterno Cada mirada accidental es un infierno
Ahora que no puedo hablar - Morat 
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fde-angeles · 6 years
Reblog para que terminar bien el año y que te vaya bien en todo.
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fde-angeles · 6 years
Y aunque me quede sin nada, te quiero dar todo aunque no lo merezcas
Cuanto me duele - Morat
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fde-angeles · 6 years
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Disney | Wallpapers
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fde-angeles · 6 years
#100 Dialogue Prompts- Angst Edition
“This will be the last time you lie to me.”
“You know it’s not like that.”
“How could you think this wouldn’t hurt me?”
“You’re never going to be the same after this.”
“I just think it’d be best if we never met.”
“I can’t believe you would even think to leave me like this.”
“You never loved me, did you?”
“It didn’t have to be like this, but now you’ve ruined everything.”
“I hope you’re happy.”
“If you had have kept your mouth shut, then he’d still- he’d still be here!”
“What did you want once this was all through? Tell me!”
“Now I have to deal with the consequences of your actions. Thanks, it means a lot.”
“You could’ve- could’ve stayed. You could’ve helped me fix things.”
“I knew she’d never change, she was too stubborn, too similar to me.”
“This isn’t going to be fixed. You’ve ruined this for good now.”
“I hope I’m not put in the same part of hell as you.”
“When did you think you could hurt me again? Today? Tomorrow?”
“You’re back in my life and I want to die again.”
“You only ever brought me pain and I’m sick of it.”
“I hope you got what you wanted.”
“You made me miserable and I still loved you.”
“When you die, I’ll be the first to dance on your grave.”
“Don’t underestimate me, I have more power than you can even comprehend.”
“If only you knew what you’d brought upon yourself.”
“We’re never going to have a happy ending, just remember that.”
“Everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.”
“Don’t pretend like you’re not happy to see me like this.”
“There is nothing worse than seeing you get what you want.”
“Your mind must be a horrible place.”
“You can cut me, bruise me and skin me alive, but you will not take her from me.”
“How is it that we always end up in this predicament?”
“I want to wipe that grin of your face with my sword, but my mother taught me to play nicely.”
“Did anyone ever tell you how pathetic you are? It’s incredible how low my standards are for you.”
“Ah, well if you want them back alive, I suggest you lay down your own life.”
“Don’t be ‘smart’. The battlefield is no place for Math Scholars.”
“You shouldn’t have come. You can’t be-”
“Stop talking or tomorrow won’t come.”
“Hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself.”
“I shouldn’t care for your life, but I’m starting to and it’s becoming an inconvenience.”
“If you live to see her, please send my best regards and this box of her father’s ashes.”
“It would’ve been nice to get to know you better, but I’m afraid I don’t care.”
“I can’t help but think you’re a terrible person.”
“Seeing your face has unconventionally made me want to die. I wasn’t quite prepared for this feeling.”
“You could have loved me, I’m quite good at seducing, but you’re actually vile.”
“I hope I see you in a bodybag sometime.”
“Let’s pretend you didn’t cheat on me with my sister and be good people for a few minutes.”
“We should probably stop talking forever.”
“If I hated you anymore, I think I’d probably be crowned as satan’s right-hand man.”
“To say I ‘tolerate you’ is a vast overstatement.”
“You broke her heart and came back for more, you bastard.”
“This isn’t fifth grade, this is a courtroom, you whore.”
“I think you’d be the perfect match for my ex-husband. He loved to sleep with multiple people.”
“I’m not coming home, don’t look for me.”
“Time was always a measurement of this relationship and we finally ran out.”
“Please don’t look at me with such hatred.”
“I could’ve died and you couldn’t have cared less.”
“Just get out. I- I don’t want you hear, just leave.”
“You’re not the same person I married, don’t tell me I’m wrong.”
“I wish you wouldn’t beg for forgiveness, it has the opposite effect of what you want.”
“Don’t hate me for this. You would’ve done the same.”
“This could’ve been the end and you were ready to let me go.”
“You should’ve left me, you could never deserve the person I’ve become.”
“Hate me all you want. I know I’m right.”
“Today you broke my arm, I hope tomorrow it’s not my heart.”
“Nothing can justify this, you’ve ruined him.”
“You live with so much guilt, I hope it drives you mad one of these days.”
“My life was ruined because of one mistake. You were that mistake.”
“You are everything I hate, don’t ever come back.”
“Evil doesn’t come close.”
“Your wrongdoings are becoming your pastimes.”
“I wish you had of just done it for the thrill of it, but now you’re in deep shit.”
“Next time, I won’t be here to salvage your wreckage. This is the last time.”
“You should have ruined me when you had the chance.”
“No one will keep your name alive. Once you’re gone, everything you once stood for disappears too.”
“Don’t pretend you haven’t thought about your life without me.”
“This is always how it ends.”
“Break my heart once more, I dare you.”
“Forget how you loved me once, I mean nothing now.”
“This isn’t Romeo and Juliet, this is real life and I can go on without you.”
“You don’t own me, I don’t belong to you.”
“I should’ve died. That would’ve made you happy.”
“Are we going to carry on like this or are you going to give him back to me.”
“She drowned and he lost his mind.”
“We shouldn’t. You’re married and I’m pregnant.”
“You’ve never been loved, I can tell.”
“Who told you I needed fixing and what made you believe them?”
“You’re almost as far-gone as I am.”
“Maybe it’s best that we don’t go home.”
“Roaming the streets was never safe for her. What makes you think it’s different for you?”
“I think you’re going to ruin me. Am I right?”
“Do you remember our last feud? I wouldn’t want someone to lose their life again, would you?”
“Kiss me quick and leave them be.”
“I hate seeing you so sad. It’s just so dramatic how humans show emotions and being sad is such a boring one.”
“Will you ever forget my number? No? Ah, because you still love me.”
“After the funeral, let’s surrender.”
“What made you think I cared for you?”
“It’ll be fun explaining this to your sister. I hope she likes horror stories.”
“Don’t act as if we’re friends. I know how much you want to slit my throat.”
“Let’s not get angry. Let’s calmly and sensibly take this outside so I can ruin your face.”
“Please ruin yourself for me and I’ll watch in adoration as I fall apart as well.”
// GuYs, i haVE ofFiciaLly hAd toO muCh coFfeE. I never thought this day would come (or night/morning. It’s 2 am lmao), but here we are. I want to sleep, how are you my darlings? xox //
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fde-angeles · 6 years
No hay nada que yo pueda hacer, solo me queda hechizarte A ver si logro atraparte
Morat - El embrujo
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fde-angeles · 6 years
Once upon a time, we had it all.
Little Mix
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