felixhenry · 2 years
Tamsyn couldn’t help but smile as Juno explained the subjects of her drawing. When the little girl showed Tamsyn, she nodded happily, “it looks beautiful, J.” She looked at Felix out of the corners of her eyes before the little girl skipped away happily. “Don’t be so hard on her, Felix.” Tamsyn frowned when she looked at the fact that her own name had been misspelled. “For some kids these things just take time. It’s normal, I promise. I’ve babysat half the kids in this town over the years, and trust me, they make Juno’s drawing look like the Mona Lisa.” She admitted bluntly. Tamsyn knew how to be patient with children, and it was true– she had babysat almost the entire population of teens and young adults in town by this point. Some kids just took a little extra time to develop certain skills, but it didn’t make them any less special. “Is she in preschool? I know the hospital’s got an excellent daycare– they could help with the writing…” Tamsyn offered.
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Felix looked up at Tamsyn as Juno hopped away and shrugged, "Just trying to find that sweet spot between encouragement and pushing her to be better." He spoke quietly, the truth was he was incredibly proud of his daughter, even if his sarcasm and dry sense of humor might have hide that, still he did want to his daughter to go on to achieve great things - wasn't that what every parent wanted? He nodded, staring at the page for a while longer, maybe it was his mind playing tricks, but he could almost make out Elsa in the crude drawing and he smiled to himself a little. "Yeah, I've been taking her to the daycare some nights, usually she's with her mom during my shifts though." He mom wasn't the brightest blub, but Felix still had love for his ex-wife so he didn't say so out loud. "I'll work with her little more than I have been. Once I start my residency I'll have more time. It's this shift work that's killing me." He sighed, still unsure of why he was working so hard, it wasn't like he needed to work to live, his parents and his trust fund took care of that, but he hated not working to his full potential, and that was how he found himself a little over extended between med-school, being a paramedic, and being a parent. "Thanks though." He looked back up with a genuine smile, "Still, are you getting Moana at all from this? Be honest?"
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felixhenry · 2 years
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“i don’t know what you’re talking about, i’m the least stress inducing person you know,” which they both knew was a lie. for whatever reason, people were putting all of their trust or energy into her and she was bound to let every single one of them down. her smile seemed to somewhat fall with his next words, though she’d normally melt into his touch, she couldn’t help but take his words to heart. she was in no position to influence a child, sofia was still a child herself, making dumb decisions, doing whatever she wanted without too many consequences. hell, she didn’t even know the first thing about kids or how to be a positive influence for one, all she could do was watch disney movies while high out of her mind. “i hope not,” she couldn’t help but blurt out. “that’s not my kid..i don’t think that’s the compliment you wanted it to be.” 
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Felix smirked, rolling his eyes, Sofia was dramatic, but then again, so was he. he liked to think their dramatics fit together in a chaotic way that worked out just perfectly, he’d never been the type of guy to go for easy or low maintenance, he liked them a little unhinged, made for a more interesting life was how he saw it. Plus he’d always seen beyond that, Sofia had a depth to her he didn’t see in a lot of people he’d spent his life surrounded by, and he liked that about her. “Okay, maybe it was a little weird.” He admitted to her and raised a brow, “Did i cheat on you in a dream again or something?” He questioned, half teasing, though the concern in his voice was clear as he pulled his arm around her, his lips pressing against the side of her head, “Do you want to spend the night? Juno’s going back to her mom’s in a bit.”
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felixhenry · 2 years
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“obviously it’s moana and elsa, geez felix,” she replied with a smile as she elbowed him in the side. she might not’ve been the best with kids, but she liked juno, it was always entertaining to say the least. as soon as the little girl left and felix’s critiques began, laughter eventually spilled out. “i don’t know, are four year olds supposed to be drawing at a higher level or something?” as soon as she the name spelled incorrectly, the brunette lost it. maybe it was from her lack of sleep the few days, but the whole situation was too hilarious at that moment. “i blame you, this is your fault.”
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Felix chuckled, looking over at Sofia and giving her a roll his eyes, "Don't encourage her." He was smiling though, always glad to have Sofia around, because she understood his sense of humor, which seemed to be lost on most people, "You know it's the two of you's fault I'm going gray. The stress." He teased, feigning exasperation, his hand going to his head as if he was faint before he rolled his eyes once more, leaning into her and shaking his head, "Totally your fault, you're rubbing on of her." He added, his fingers moving to Sofia's dark hair, drawing it back as he leaned closer, his lips brushing her neck. "You're fucking lucky you're so cute...just like her, you know?"
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felixhenry · 2 years
open to anyone location local park tagging @charmingextras​
It wasn’t good. But he didn’t say it outloud as he stared down at the picture in front of him, “Wow...this is...” He looked up, giving his daughter a hug, she was pretty confident in her drawing skills and he didn’t have the heart to tell her she drew like a three year old...she was only four, but this drawing was abysmal, even for a four year old. Still, instead of breaking the cold, hard news to her, he did what every good parent did...lied through his teeth. "Wow, Juno...this is...what is this?" To which his daughter, who had more sass than anyone he'd ever met before quickly lectured him about the content in the picture, which was very obviously clearly an accurate depiction of Moana and Elsa at a birthday party together. Of course her idiot father wouldn't know that though, and Felix nodded slowly, squinting at the picture to try and make out which blob represented which character. "Wow..." He spoke, waiting until she'd run off again to play before he looked at the photo more closely and shook his head, "This is literally just scribbles...what the fuck." He mumbled, looking back up and sighing, "Seriously, does she think this is good, or has her vision just not developed because she's little?" He asked, showing the picture to the person next to him, "And she spelled her name wrong..."
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felixhenry · 2 years
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musing tag
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[ logan lerman. cis man. he/him. ] did you hear that felix henry is currently living in charming, california? they’re a twenty seven year old who have been in town for about four years, and are a paramedic. it’s known around town that they’re quite generous but can also be overbearing. people in charming always say they’re reminded of felix when thinking of streaks of salted hair tangled in a mess of dark locks, a possible god complex, memes long since forgotten, the stale smell of cigarettes, spearmint and hand sanitizer.
name. felix jerome henry
current age. twenty seven years old
date of birth. april 30th
gender & pronouns. cis man; he/him
sexuality. bisexual
occupation. paramedic, currently enrolled in med school
personality. compassionate, outgoing, confident, loyal, ambitious, generous, adventurous, courageous, heroic, strong willed, nurturing, responsible, sarcastic, self-deprecating, secretive, aloof, arrogant, overbearing, aggressive, argumentative, tactless, short-sighted, narcissistic.
felix comes from a prominent family from wealthy southern california neighbourhood, business owners and wealthy investors, the henry’s always wanted their own children, and eventually opted for adoption. felix came to live with the henry’s when he was three years old, and grew up in the family home. from a young age, felix was always smart, and never had issue with speaking his mind and making those around him laugh. he was also a problem solver, anytime an issue came out, felix loved being the one to help out and save the day, and the praise it garnered him from parents, and other adult figures set him on a path to want to help people for the rest of his life.
while felix did grow up in a loving home, part of his has always felt resentful about just how happy a home he had, supportive parents and an understanding older brother left him feeling as though he never had to work and earn the things he had in life, and he grew to resent the life of luxury his parents led and had given to him and his brother. he determined at a young age to work harder than them and make his own way in life, without the help of anyone - though this was more in words than in action, as he lived off his parents wealth well into his college years and beyond.
in adulthood, felix is a paramedic while he works his way through medical school and while medicine is not something he’s passionate in, it’s a field that he is pursue based on his own merit and intelligence without nepotism or the wealth of his parents playing into how he got there, so he’s continuing towards that goal. felix is also a father, to a four year old daughter named,  juno - who is not his biological daughter, but the daughter of a girl he met while she was pregnant. he did eventually marry juno’s mom, and legally adopted juno and while the marriage did not last, he is still a devoted and committed father - however unconventional his parenting style might be.
wanted connections.
aa sponsor
ex-wife & mother of his child
former hook ups
open to anything really.
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felixhenry · 2 years
if YOU die because I poisoned you…how is that MY fault like I’m sorry you aren’t immune to my poisons I think that’s genuinely something you need to work on. Fix yourself before blaming others.
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felixhenry · 2 years
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Jughead’s Iconic Emo White Boy™ Speech, Oil on Canvas in motion (requested by anon)
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felixhenry · 2 years
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felixhenry · 2 years
Why are you problematic
just for fun
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felixhenry · 2 years
my shoulder angel & devil are too busy flirting to actually give me any advice and thats why my life is in shambles
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felixhenry · 2 years
she knocked that smug look off my face but luckily i was wearing a second, smaller smug look underneath
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