femicef · 3 years
This is what we get from the queer perspective, feminism does not revolve around a penis.
For short you know a man is a man when he doesn't have a uterus to remove.
TERFs: Don't make that language gender neutral when we're talking about reproductive health from cervical screenings to abortion! It needs to be known that it's a Women's Only issue!!!
Me: Okay so how am I supposed to get access to that without risking discrimination and being left without that care.
TERFs: Have you tried not being transgender? Maybe we can put that you're trans on your everyday ID because that certainly won't cause any issues.
Me: Yeah no that's not going to work and expose me and other trans people like me more for discrimination and harm. The fact that this isn't obvious to you shows that you couldn't care less about us and have no clue what it's like to live as us.
TERFs: UGH you only care about Yourself and HATE WOMEN!!!
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femicef · 3 years
Why trans women want to access to women bathroom's?
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femicef · 3 years
Yeah I hope all of these rapists die
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If someone knows how to hack people’s Twitter, now would be a very good time to do so. Men are straight up expressing raping women on my tl rn
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femicef · 3 years
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If we taught boys sex Ed like we teach girls.
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femicef · 3 years
If you guys think Tumblr lesbians are horny, that’s because you haven’t seen Brazilian lesbians on Instagram.
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“Me trying to not think about fucking”
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“Me drowning in your pussy”
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“If you’re a woman and you can’t suck your tits, come here because I can.”
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“Me” “Your entire boob”
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“Come over to eat something my mom made…”
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“Do you have a place I can sit?”
“Yeah, lemme just clean it for you.”
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“When you get home and your food is making dinner.”
(all memes from @sapatomizei on IG!)
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femicef · 3 years
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dedicated to that one anon who was convinced i was white, for some reason. (white people can reblog but if you try to discourse at me i will 100% block you)
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femicef · 3 years
Nah,fuck you
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Saying that gender doesn’t exist or doesn’t matter is transphobic
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femicef · 3 years
imagine the world without men. imagine every little girl forced into sex slavery finally being freed, forever. imagine dancing with your friends under the streetlights without fear. imagine little girls exploring the world and being unafraid to be big and strong and brilliant. imagine getting our forests and oceans back, letting the world heal. imagine the beauty of this world without the plague of men. 
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femicef · 3 years
Imagine if male genitals were treated like female genitals? Like testicles weren’t even referred to as testicles and some men didn’t even know what they were actually called and the general area was just called “penis”.
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femicef · 3 years
It’s a sick society that lets this happen.  And the parents should be ashamed, they’re as monstrous as the mothers and fathers who cut out their daughters’ clitorises.  
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femicef · 3 years
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refuse to be a victim.
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femicef · 3 years
“women r so impossible to understand” maybe because you 1. Refuse to see them as multifaceted people 2. Willfully misinterpret kindness as sexual willingness 3. Willfully ignore displays of disinterest and discomfort
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femicef · 3 years
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evidence that ancient paleolithic venus statues were made by women who were examining their own bodies and sculpting them from their own point of view, not, as previously assumed, exaggerated features from an outside perspective
source: toward decolonizing gender: female vision in the upper paleolithic, catherine hodge mccoid and leroy mcdermott, 1996
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femicef · 3 years
i think it’s funny how men use myths of female inadequacy to cover for their own shortcomings. 
like how women are supposed to be horrible drivers, when four out of five serious or fatal crashes in new york are caused by male drivers and research shows that young men (18-24) have a tendency to take high risks, over-evaluate their driving skill and disrespect the rules. 
or how “women are stupid”, especially with regards to the debate of the wage gap, where men often claim that women earn less because they are less capable, when there are more women studying in higher educations, women are less likely to drop out of higher educations and are more likely to end up with a better degree than men. 
or how men claim that women talk too much, when research shows that men talk 65% of the time within the family and are more likely to talk in long monologues, whereas women more often offer commentary. Men also are more likely to interrupt; in fact, during a political debate, the former (female) minister of state in denmark was criticized in the media and made fun of for interrupting the current (male) minister of state too often - study found that he had interrupted her 28 times, whereas she only interrupted him 13 times.
or literally uncountable other scenarios. the truth is, male pride today is so inflated and builds on so many lies that it would be laughable - hadn’t it been for the fact that these things affect women’s lives every day. these jokes mean that white women earn 78 cents to a white man’s dollar. they mean that women can be ridiculed even for the things they haven’t done. they mean that women, as a gender, are assigned less worth even in the fields where they succeed. they mean that women, as a gender, are devalued and disrespected in every aspect of their professional and private lives. 
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femicef · 3 years
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Exposed rapist and lesbophobe.
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femicef · 3 years
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femicef · 3 years
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Follow me on Instagram at connor_lachmanec_art
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