festitup · 7 years
New Studyblr Account!!
Hi guys, I’m completely new to the studyblr community although I’ve been privately stalking several accounts for the past few months. Finally I decided to take the plunge in an effort to motivate myself through becoming a part of something greater than myself and my infuriating habits of procrastinating when I should be working and staying up late when I should be sleeping. 
Forewarning: my notes aren’t always the prettiest and my handwriting changes from day to day and thus is incredibly unreliable but hopefully that won’t deter me from posting and developing this new method of motivation. 
Current Studying Strategy includes:
Occasional pre-reading for lessons, regularly for biology but only because it’s basically a necessity 
Feeling a sense of accomplishment when I complete one piece of homework and then deciding that’s enough and packing up for the evening, neglecting the more difficult and time-sensitive assignments
The above leads me to frantically completing said tasks the night before and nearly tearing my hair out when I just can’t quite get the phrasing right when assessing Henry VIII’s foreign policy
Spending endless amounts of time watching Netflix (more specifically Gilmore Girls) and Amazon Video (cough Parks and Rec cough)
Panicking the night before an exam and re-writing all of my notes in a desperate attempt to commit some useful tidbits of information to memory
Revised Studying Strategy (which I’m aiming to implement no later than tomorrow) includes:
Nailing down my schedule by producing a down-to-the-minute timetable (this will be relatively flexible, catering for travel and factoring in my need to faff for at least half an hour when I get home from school but will otherwise be rigid and give a little structure to my life)
Cleaning out my room and working on promoting a positive study space that will encourage me to sit down and get to work instead of deterring me from doing so
Using the next 21 days (I’ve heard this is a myth but hoping that my brain will fall for it anyway) to formulate good habits that will stick
Devising a better strategy for planning and timetabling homework and exams and all of the hundreds of other school commitments I seem to have
Enlisting a few friends to work on themselves alongside me so that we are less likely to give in to the temptation of sleep not study
Considering what I really want to do with my future so that I have a goal to work towards - at the moment this can just be what I want to study at university (anything that will put me on a solid path and really motivate me to work for those As and A*s)
Being in constant contact with my teachers to ensure that we are both on the same page as to how much progress I am making and how to further develop essential skills necessary for acing my exams next summer
Becoming hyper aware of deadlines and the upcoming exams so that nothing takes me by surprise
So anyway, quite a lot for a first post! But all things that I’m really hoping to achieve in order to put my bad habits to rest and formulate some better ones. 
Hopefully you’ll get to know me a little better over posts to come but this blog is mostly for me to motivate myself so I’m trying to stay on target and keep focused to achieve that goal. 
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