foolsredstring · 1 year
Is tarot real?
I constantly get asked by friends and acquaintances whether tarot is real. Everybody wants to know if what I say in a reading will come true. So here's my answer.
I did a reading for myself regarding a confusing situation I was in. I wanted to know how it would turn out, which might not have been the best way to approach the reading. I could have asked "What should I do for the best outcome?" Or "What should I be focusing on right now?". Instead I asked how this situation would end. I pulled the Eight of Cups and the Ten of Swords, indicating that I would be ultimately disappointed.
The next few days consisted of me convincing myself that the cards aren't always right and my hopes for my desired outcome kept growing.
Low and behold, my world crashed around me and I was left remembering the reading I'd done weeks prior.
If you're open to recieving the answer, the cards and the reader will provide it. Tarot will answer exactly what you asked and nothing more. So yes, there is truth in tarot, but it's on you to ask the right questions.
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foolsredstring · 3 years
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Not a comprehensive list, but it’s a solid starting point.
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foolsredstring · 3 years
Found my spirit animal
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Ten of Coins. Art by Buboplague, from the Yokai Yochi Tarot: A Deck of Ghosts and Spirits. 
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foolsredstring · 3 years
Someone: Will things start looking up for me?
Cards: The Tower
Me: Well, your house will burn down..
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foolsredstring · 3 years
Your 2021 Tarot Reading
A 13 card 2021 tarot reading for sale, message for details.
Here’s your 2021 reading!
January- Seven of Wands- January may seem like an exhausting month when you’ll feel forced into conflict. Your beliefs, views and opinions may be brought into question, but you’ll stand up for yourself when it matters.
February- Eight of Wands- Things will begin to look up and it will mainly stem from your mentality and attitude towards life. You’ll feel hopeful and confident in your future. Things might seem generally easy going and positive.
March- Ten of Cups- The things you were looking forward to may be coming to life around this time. If you’re in a relationship, things will be going very smoothly, but this card could simply refer to feeling emotionally fulfilled and lucky. Other relationships including friendships and family will do well.
April- XIX The Sun- You might’ve felt like you’d already gotten what you asked for and manifested what you desired, but this is the time when you can truly have whatever it is you want. March was just a steppingstone into the bigger things April holds. I see this as a very positive and enjoyable time.
May- Two of Pentacles- What was so easy before, is getting a bit more taxing and you may start feeling like you’re doing a balancing act. You’re juggling things, but you still manage to hold your own fairly well. This could be because you gain more responsibilities.
June- Ace of Pentacles- Financially, things will begin to look up this month. I’m starting to think you might start a new job in May which would connect to your finances in June and would explain the responsibilities in May. If this seems off, let me know. If it is a job or something like a school or something that requires training,  you’ll enjoy it and it’ll be a good opportunity for you.
July- Eight of Swords- You may begin to feel trapped in some rather negative situation. The most important thing for you to remember is that things aren’t as grim as they seem and that you can always work your way out of whatever it is you feel trapped in. Remaining positive in this time will be helpful.
August- XVI The Tower- Here you may hit your breaking point. Something excessively negative may happen such as a fire of some other event that could negatively impact your home.
September- XXI The World- After such a horrible event, you’ll find incredible support around yourself. This is a time of rebuilding and nurturing the aftermath of August. There seems to be a happy ending to this mess.
October- Five of Pentacles- It’s safe to say that life may have taken a slight toll on you and the positivity that came so easily early in the year may be lacking. It’s fine to take a break, but don’t feel bad for yourself. Instead, look around at the beautiful things in front of you. It’s there if you’re willing to see it.
November- Ace of Swords- This is another new beginning. You might finally feel ready to start over again. You’re prepared for whatever life throws at you.
December- Four of Swords- With the year drawing to a close, you’ll be able to take a well-deserved break. This is a time you’ll rest but still be ready to take life by the horns.
Overall- Knight of Swords- 2021 will be a turbulent year. You’ll meet any challenge head on and in the end, you will not be bested. I think you’ll grow a lot, and it could easily be one of those years when you look back and don’t recognize the You from January.
The end of the year seems rather dull to me. I found it hard to pull anything specific from the cards, but rarely is every month special and sometimes that’s for the best. I hope you don’t worry much for August because it’s followed up by such an incredible card that I know everything will work out.
I hope you found this reading helpful. If you have any questions about the reading, I’ll be happy to answer them. If you liked the reading, consider buying me a coffee, I’d appreciate it very much. Thanks for taking an interest in my work.
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foolsredstring · 4 years
✨Tarot cards for the signs✨
✨Aries- XIX The Sun
Aries see their future and see glory and golden light. They’re ambitious to a fault and aim to be better than both themselves and others. Aries aim to be confident and optimistic if they’re not already. The Sun’s golden glow embodies the inner strength and power of Aries beautifully.
✨Taurus- XXI The World
The World is an incredibly warm card just like Tauruses aim to be. Understandably, their favourite part of the process is enjoying the end results. Tauruses are easy going and cherish what they have, although abundance is a desire these individuals wouldn’t deny.
✨Gemini- VI The Lovers
Geminis contain two halves that compliment each other flawlessly. Their airy nature makes them sociable and communicative, when they want to be. Gemini’s are decisive and intellectual problem solvers. They’re soft and calm yet energetic and curious. Geminis aim to be balanced and harmonious while maintaining their freedom and individuality.
✨Cancer- III The Empress
Cancers would like to be caring and kind, almost motherly figures, under the right circumstances. These could be the mom’s of the group, or simply supportive, good listeners. Give and take is important to these people, who dislike feeling as though their the only ones putting in the work. Cancers wish to be nurturing yet strong individuals.
✨Leo- VIII Strength
Leos are represented by the lion, so this card is a perfect fit. Leos hold a tempered flame in their souls, at least that’s what they intend. They might have short fuses, but their true gift is knowing when to control their wild spirit and when to let it run free. Leos want to be powerful and respected people.
✨Virgo- V The Hierophant
Virgos are calm and practical friends. They’re go to people when looking for advice or a good story. They’re the type to be wise elders who share their experiences and knowledge with the next generations. Virgos wish to be grounded people who can be helpful to others.
✨Libra- XI Justice
Justice is an obvious card to represent Libras. Balance is an important concept to these people. They strive to be sociable and persistently objective, regardless of the situation. This includes being honest and truthful with themselves, which may come harder than the social aspect of their desire. Libras aim to be responsible and moral.
✨Scorpio- XVIII The Moon
Scorpios are hard to read and harder to understand. They tend to wear a sort of mask and can easily fool you into believing they’re someone they’re not. They don’t let people in easily, or they overshare and there’s rarely an in between. These people wish to be calm, collected and driven. Scorpios are a wonder to behold when you catch a gimps of who they truly are, but are daunting if ill respected.
✨Sagittarius- VII The Chariot
Sagittariuses love to be ambitious types who take life by the horns. They love the idea of having unwavering focus and certainty for a goal. Sagittariuses are driven and confident people. They wish to be free and distinct individuals.
✨Capricorn- I The Magician
Capricorns are grounded and hardworking. They can be incredibly spiritual despite being earth signs and may have goals or desires connected to their spirituality. Capricorns love getting what they want through many means. They’re easily able to manipulate others and the world around them. Capricorns aim to be original, determined and dexterous.
✨Aquarius- XII The Hanged man
Aquariuses are intellectual and idealistic people. They’re open minded and appreciate new views on old problems. Aquariuses don’t mind being unconventional if it means they are making a change in themselves or the world around them. These people aspire to be daring and opinionated when it truly matters.
✨Pisces- IX The Hermit
Pisces are adaptable individuals and seekers of knowledge and new forms of expression. They are introspective and value understanding themselves and society. Pisces strive to be independent and free spirited.
Use your sun sign.
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foolsredstring · 4 years
Tarot isn't a tool to save you from rejection and disappointment.
I'm guilty of asking my own cards silly questions about how people feel about me. Even when they give a proper answer, which is rare, it doesn't matter in the end because I always find out on your own anyways. They like me or don't or I just don't confirm or deny what the cards said because I never cared enough to find out.
More often than not it's the last option.
Random rant, I get completely what you mean when it comes to romantic readings and it's okay if it's something you don't want/like to do personally. But I also think that it's okay to ask for some insight before approaching your partner. Tarot was made for advice after all and what's the difference if it's advice from a friend, family member or a deck of cards? This is just my personal stance on it, I by no means am coming for you, everyones got reading prefrences and I respect yours.
You have to understand, I am looking at this from a point of view where me and my partner ARE best friends. We know ourselves and each other well enough to communicate smoothly and clearly. (If it's a new relationship and you aren't there yet then communication is even more important so that you GET to where you're comfortable openly speaking with your partner)
The answer, again, every time I have read - and I mean every single time I have read a romance reading- is to communicate with your partner.
Tarot decks can and will call you out. I tried doing romantic readings early on, and my deck's tone changed quickly from exasperated to outright frustrated.
It would be different if the questions were like
"what do I need to work on personally to ensure I'm doing my part in the relationship"
"How do I make myself more approachable to attract romantic energy"
But these aren't the kinds of questions people ask.
People ask
"Does x like me?"
"Is x hiding something from me?"
"why is x ignoring me, what did I do wrong"
And my favorite? One of my friends got asked if the senders partner would FIST THEM.
So yeah... No thanks on romance questions. If other people want to do it that's fine by me. There are tons of peeps who are okay reading for that subject.
Not me.
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foolsredstring · 4 years
hey there! i was wondering if u have any books you could recommend on meditation, spirituality etc etc? Thank you for your time x
I can't really say I do, but I'd love to know too. Any recommendations would be great! 💖
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foolsredstring · 4 years
Future Love Tarot Reading🍀
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1- My future love – XI Justice- I tend to see Justice as a representation of karma. In this sense, this relationship would likely feel like a push and pull of the forces in the universe. It could provide you with what you desire or what you feel lacking in your life. The same could apply to your partner. I see it as an incredibly honest relationship and you both have a way of seeing through one another.  
2- Will the attraction be instant? - III The Empress- I think this card is very important. It fell out of the deck twice while I shuffled. The Empress is the embodiment of the mother and of nature. She’s incredibly nurturing and in return, the earth is grateful. I can see a situation of being very kind and caring towards somebody and receiving it back in different ways. This could be small gifts or compliments, but there’s plenty of mutual appreciation. This person may enjoy entertaining you and you value that.
3- What Will the person be like? - Nine of Cups- This person feels very positive. They’re hardworking and eager to reap the rewards. If they attend university, they could be close to graduating or they could be more generally ambitious. They’re introspective and could be generally lucky. While they may not be particularly emotional, they’re not detached or cold.
4- Challenges – VI The Lovers- The Lovers often represent opposites and decision making. Things that may seem mutually exclusive often flow together better than you’d imagine. The Lovers is a union and could represent one partner being ready for marriage while the other is less eager. This reading began with Justice, representing balanced opposites, but with The Lovers in this position it could come down to difficulty maintaining balance and your differences clashing.  
5- What will help? - Six of Cups- There's an openness and childlike view to the world in this card. You may enter this relationship with an open mind and willingness to experiment and challenge yourselves. That mindset may be crucial to maintaining that initial spark.
6- When, where or how will we meet? - Three of Cups- I generally see this card as a party. It could be something more like a wedding, or a get together amongst friends. You’ll probably be introduced to each other through a mutual friend or acquaintance. A warning worth mentioning is to not overindulge because I can see alcohol being involved.  
I hope that you found this reading enjoyable! To me it genuinely seems like a very loving and fun relationship. This person seems to be pretty different from you, but there’s harmony and balance between you. I would love to know if the reading connected with you and if you have any questions regarding it, I’d be happy to answer them as best I can.
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foolsredstring · 4 years
Ok so this actually makes so much sense.
little things about lacking elements in a birth chart.
please note, the house position and having the Moon, Saturn, Mars and Mercury in a strong house or aspected harmoniously can offset the effects.
Lack of water
Prone to emotional outbursts. Struggles to emphasise with others. Struggles feeling emotionally secure. View emotional situations with detachment and a coolness. Feels disconnected to intuition. Can miss subtle cues in other people’s body language and facial expressions. Difficultly in expressing emotions. To compensate, individuals may go to extreme lengths to show other people compassion by acting overly concerned over minute things. 
Life will challenge them by placing them in emotionally charged situations where their inner feelings will rise up and demand a release from the individual.
Keep reading
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foolsredstring · 4 years
little things I associate with the Mercury signs.
Little dreamy, abstract things I associate with the Mercury signs in Astrology.
Aries Mercury
Authoritative. When I want something, I make it clear. Crystal clear. No beating around the bush. A forceful way of speaking. Don’t talk about it, be about it. Short sentences. A hint of arrogance. Competitive edge seeping through my words. What can I say, I like to be a winner? At all times. A raspy voice. Adopting a youthful charm when it suits me. Attuned to perceiving danger in my environment. Disliking an over-emphasis of niceties in conversation. Keeping it real. Exercising to clear the mind. Pep - talks. The rev of an engine. Pedal to the metal. Talking to me, I need you to bring your A Game and something new. Conversation needs to be stimulating. 
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foolsredstring · 4 years
little things about the Venus Signs
abstract dreamy things I associate with the Venus Signs in Astrology.
Aries Venus
Risk. Risks you take because you know that something exciting is on the edge of it. A good time. Fire and desire, a flammable combination you can’t help but be drawn too. Dependability. Someone who has your back. Moments to remember. Legs dangling off a balcony because when the wind moves, you’re filled with freedom and empowerment. Less thoughts. More actions. Weekends away, just because. Kisses in public, just because. Laughter. Belly laughs which’ll have you crying. Experiences to remember. Eye contact. Daring you to look away. A look that just does something to you. Promises something more.
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foolsredstring · 4 years
Go to my new baby reader Yu for some guidance💖
Be kind, she’s new to tarot. (But she has impressive intuition)
does anyone want a free reading?
you can ask 3 questions max (less if you feel like it), i'll pull a card per question & give you some insight on your situation 💖
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foolsredstring · 4 years
I hadn’t heard of shuffelmancy until today, but I found it super interesting. I’m thankful for being shown this new side of magick and I love the reading! Your question doesn’t have to be as cheesy as mine but I’d totally look into it ahhaha
Hi, are you doing shufflemancy readings? I'm wondering: do I have a red string of fate or anything similar? S.R. 💖💜 playlist 3, skip 5
Angels - The XX
“Light reflects from your shadow
It is more than I thought could exist
You move through the room
Like breathing was easy
If someone believed me
They would be As in love with you as I am
They would be As in love with you as I am
They would be As in love with you as I am
They would be In love, love, love
And everyday
I am learning about you
The things that no one else sees
And the end comes too soon
Like dreaming of angels”
“And with words unspoken
A silent devotion
I know you know what I mean
And the end is unknown
But I think I’m ready
As long as you’re with me”
I would say yes
Hope that resonates! Consider leaving feedback 💖
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foolsredstring · 4 years
I didn't know who else to ask.. Maybe you could help me? I was curious about predominate signs in someones charts. Like signs, element/s, modes, anything predominate in a chart? I know that's probably too vague. But I didn't wanna ask in case you didn't want to explain this.
Sorry for replying so late. I’m not all that knowledgeable when it comes to astrology, but I do have a basic understanding of dominant signs within a natal chart. As for elements, I feel like the dominant elements can generalize a person’s overall vibe. I tried to avoid using the word vibe, but it really is the feeling someone exudes. For example: I highly doubt anybody would peg me for a fire sign because I just don’t give off that energy- because I’m not! I have virtually no fire signs in my chart apart from Pluto. If you happen to have any questions, feel free to ask! I might not give the most professional help, but I enjoy doing my best 💖😊
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foolsredstring · 4 years
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Simply that.
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foolsredstring · 4 years
Hello. Can I have a reading for 03/22? KD ♎
I’m sorry but free daily readings are currently closed. 🌼
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