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Habe keine Angst davor, ganz du selbst zu sein. Je authentischer du bist, mehr wirst du die richtigen Menschen in dein Leben ziehen
Don't be afraid to be yourself. The more authentic you are, the more you will attract the right people into your life
#dancer #choreographer #artist #actor #model #teacher #mentor #coach #photography #portrait #thinker #philosophy #fashionist #bestager #style #stylish #styleblogger #styleinspiration #fashion #mylook #fashiongram #bearded #inked #silverfox #portrait #photography dressed @armani @ersconsum @eterna @vaquera.nyc @rayban
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 Wenn du Jemandem etwas verspricht, wächst die Hoffnung. wenn du es hältst, wächst das Vertrauen.
When you promise something to someone, hope grows. if you hold it, trust grows.
#dancer #choreographer #artist #actor #model #teacher #mentor #coach #photography #portrait #thinker #philosophy #fashionist #bestager #style #stylish #styleblogger #styleinspiration #fashion #mylook #fashiongram #bearded #inked #silverfox #portrait #photography dressed @dopr @afterlabel tattooed @pleasureandpain_tattoo
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Jetzt oder nie. Manchmal gibt es im Leben kein nächstes Mal, keine Pause und keine zweite Chance. manchmal ist es jetzt oder nie.
Now or never. Sometimes in life there is no next time, no break and no second chance. sometimes it's now or never.
#dancer #choreographer #artist #actor #model #teacher #mentor #coach #photography #portrait #thinker #philosophy #fashionist #bestager #style #stylish #styleblogger #styleinspiration #fashion #mylook #fashiongram #bearded #silverfox #portrait #photography dressed @hedmayner @palmangel @y-3 @maisonmargiela @amiparis
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Glücklich sein beginnt mit Dir. Nicht mit deinen Beziehungen. Nicht mit Deinem Job. Nicht mit Deinem Geld. Sondern allein mit dir.
� Happiness starts with you. Not with your relationships. Not with your job. Not with your money. But alone with you.
#dancer #choreographer #artist #actor #model #teacher #mentor #coach #photography #portrait #thinker #philosophy #fashionist #bestager #style #stylish #styleblogger #styleinspiration #fashion #mylook #fashiongram #bearded #silverfox #portrait #photography dressed @Boss @pierrelouismascia @aigner @rayban
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Ausreden machen das Leben heute leicht, aber das Morgen schwer. Disziplin macht den heutigen Tag hart, aber den morgigen leicht.
Excuses make life easy today but difficult tomorrow. Discipline makes today hard but tomorrow easy.
#dancer #choreographer #artist #actor #model #teacher #mentor #coach #photography #portrait #thinker #philosophy #fashionist #bestager #style #stylish #styleblogger #styleinspiration #fashion #mylook #fashiongram #bearded #silverfox #portrait #photography dressed @maisonmariela @stetson @aigner @rayban
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Und wenn du den Eindruck hast, dass das Leben ein Theater ist, dann such dir eine Rolle aus, die dir so richtig Spaß macht.
And if you have the impression that life is a theater, then choose a role that you really enjoy.
#dancer #choreographer #artist #actor #model #teacher #mentor #coach #photography #portrait #thinker #philosophy #fashionist #bestager #style #stylish #styleblogger #styleinspiration #fashion #mylook #fashiongram #bearded #silverfox #portrait #photography #williamshakespeare dressed @chloe @karllagerfeld @thomkrom_official @cosstores @rayban
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frankjohannesknepper · 2 months
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Erst wenn wir begreifen, dass es kein weiterer Tag ist, sondern ein Tag weniger, werden wir beginnen, die wirklich wichtigen Dinge wertzuschätzen.
Only when we realize that it is not another day, but one day less, will we begin to appreciate the things that really matter.
#dancer #choreographer #artist #actor #model #teacher #mentor #coach #photography #portrait #thinker #philosophy #fashionist #bestager #style #stylish #styleblogger #styleinspiration #fashion #mylook #fashiongram #bearded #silverfox #portrait #photography dressed @hedmayner @maisonmargiela @calvinklein @y-3 @cos
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frankjohannesknepper · 2 months
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Glaube niemals du würdest das Leben eines anderen kennen. Du weißt immer nur das, was er dich wissen lässt.
Never think you know someone else's life. You only ever know what he lets you know.
#dancer #choreographer #artist #actor #model #teacher #mentor #coach #photography #portrait #thinker #philosophy #fashionist #bestager #style #stylish #styleblogger #styleinspiration #fashion #mylook #fashiongram #bearded #silverfox #portrait #photography dressed #driesvannoten #bayban
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frankjohannesknepper · 2 months
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Selten sind die Menschen, die ihren Geist benutzen, rar sind die, die Herz benutzen und einzigartig sind die, die beides benutzen.
Rare are the people who use their minds, rare are those who use their hearts, and unique are those who use both.
#dancer #choreographer #artist #actor #model #teacher #mentor #coach #photography #portrait #thinker #philosophy #fashionist #bestager #style #stylish #styleblogger #styleinspiration #fashion #mylook #fashiongram #bearded #silverfox #portrait #photography dressed #levis #skizchandsoda #driesvannoten #armani #aigner
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frankjohannesknepper · 2 months
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Verstell dich nicht, um Anderen zu gefallen. Bleib einfach komisch.
Don't pretend to please others. Just stay weird.
#dancer #choreographer #artist #actor #model #teacher #mentor #coach #photography #portrait #thinker #philosophy #fashionist #bestager #style #stylish #styleblogger #styleinspiration #fashion #mylook #fashiongram #bearded #silverfox #portrait #photography dressed #amiparis #palmangels #saintlaurent #cos #ugg #prettyinpink #blackisbeautifull #weissepracht
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frankjohannesknepper · 3 months
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"Ich habe ja nichts gegen Dich, aber ..." - Tolerieren wir nur die Toleranz bis zur Toleranzintoleranz anstatt zu akzeptieren, was gar nicht der Toleranz bedarf. Toleranz gibt ohne zu nehmen. "But" - das große Aber unserer Zeit.
Mehr Meinung als Information, gerne anonym und schon überhaupt nicht betroffen, mit Beleidigungen statt Argumenten. Gefühlt gehören solch schlechten Verhaltensmuster schon immer dazu. Gefühlt aber auch immer mehr und ausartend weil so leicht in den und durch die Sozialen Netzwerke/n.
Die Gesellschaft redet von sich in der zweiten Person und vergisst, das wir Alle die Gesellschaft sind. Also liegt es an uns selbst, wie wir gestalten, was wir bejammern. Mitlaufen? Ignorieren? Widersetzen?
Fragen stellen, Denkanstöße geben. Szenisch umgesetzt und choreographiert dargestellt. Weil Diskriminierung und Hetze keine Meinung sind.
Es tanzt die Int. Musical Dance Company Contraire; Intensivklassen und Workshopangebote mit den Ensemblemitgliedern.
Coming soon Herbst 2023 | Anfrage für Projekte in Diener Nähe über die Webpage
"I have nothing against you, but..." - Let's just tolerate tolerance to the point of tolerance intolerance instead of accepting what doesn't require tolerance at all. Tolerance gives without taking. "But" - the big but of our time.
More opinion than information, preferably anonymous and certainly not affected at all, with insults instead of arguments. It feels like such bad behavior patterns have always been a part of it. But it also feels more and more degenerate because it is so easy in and through social networks.
Society talks about itself in the second person and forgets that we are all society. So it's up to us how we shape what we complain about. Run along? To ignore? Resist?
Ask questions, give food for thought. Staged and choreographed. Because discrimination and hate speech are not opinions.
The International dances. Musical Dance Company Contraire; Intensive classes and workshops with the ensemble members.
Coming soon Fall 2023 | Inquiry for projects near Diener via the website
#theaterdance #performingarts #petformance #dance #workshop #intensiv #classes
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frankjohannesknepper · 3 months
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Die Aufgabe des Künstlers ist Fragen zu stellen, nicht, sie zu beantworten.
The role of the artist is, to ask qiestions, not answer them.
#dancer #choreographer #artist #actor #model #teacher #mentor #coach #photography #portrait #thinker #philosophy #fashionist #bestager #style #stylish #styleblogger #styleinspiration #fashion #mylook #fashiongram #bearded #silverfox #portrait #photography dressed #amiparis ##seidensticker #calvinklein #tomgreem
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frankjohannesknepper · 3 months
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Die Kunst eines erfüllten Lebens ist die Kunst des lassens. zulassen. Weglassen. Loslassen.
The art of a fulfilling life is the art of letting go. allow. Omitting. Let go.
#dancer #choreographer #artist #actor #model #teacher #mentor #coach #photography #portrait #thinker #philosophy #fashionist #bestager #style #stylish #styleblogger #styleinspiration #fashion #mylook #fashiongram #bearded #silverfox #portrait #photography dressed #hedmayner #maisonmargiela #driesvannoten #gucci #tomford
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frankjohannesknepper · 3 months
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Sorge dich mehr um dein Gewissen als um deinen Ruf. Denn dein Gewissen ist das, was du bist, dein Ruf ist das, was die Anderen von dir halten. Und was die Anderen von dir halten, ist ihr Problem.
Worry more about your conscience than your reputation. Because your conscience is what you are, your reputation is what others think of you. And what others think of you is their problem.
#dancer #choreographer #artist #actor #model #teacher #mentor #coach #photography #portrait #thinker #philosophy #fashionist #bestager #style #stylish #styleblogger #styleinspiration #fashion #mylook #fashiongram #bearded #silverfox #portrait #photography dressed #paria #farzaneh
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frankjohannesknepper · 4 months
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Die Lüge ist bereits dreimal um die Erde gelaufen, bevor sich die Wahrheit die Schuhe anzieht.
The lie has already traveled around the world three times before the truth puts on its shoes.
#dancer #choreographer #artist #actor #model #teacher #mentor #coach #photography #portrait #thinker #philosophy #fashionist #bestager #style #stylish #styleblogger #styleinspiration #fashion #mylook #fashiongram #bearded #silverfox ##portrait #photography dressed #saintlaurent #seidensticker #boss
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frankjohannesknepper · 4 months
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Workshop Tour 2024
Meet me. Dance with me.
Klassisches #Ballett #contentempery #modern #jazz #theaterdance #repertoire #classes #workshop #dance #retreat #Berlin #Dresden #Hamburg #Köln #München
Details on my Website.
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frankjohannesknepper · 4 months
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Das schwierigste für mich war, zu akzeptieren, dass ich durch das, was ich erlebt habe, immer etwas "anders" sein werde.
Und doch war es gleichzeitig das schönste, was mir je bewusst geworden ist.
The hardest thing for me was accepting that I would always be a little “different” because of what I experienced.
And yet at the same time it was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced.
#dancer #choreographer #artist #actor #model #teacher #mentor #coach #photography #portrait #thinker #philosophy #fashionist #bestager #style #stylish #styleblogger #styleinspiration #fashion #mylook #fashiongram #bearded #silverfox #birthday #todayismybirthday #celebration #59 #portrait #photography dressed #lr3 #louisrubi #jwanderson
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