givemequeen · 8 days
can i request some domestic Draco fluff about Draco and MC raising Scorpius, either after Astoria's death or with MC replacing Astoria as Scorpius's mom?? thank youUuu
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givemequeen · 8 days
raising Scorpius: Draco Malfoy x reader domestic fluff
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request: can i request some domestic Draco fluff about Draco and MC raising Scorpius, either after Astoria's death or with MC replacing Astoria as Scorpius's mom?? thank youUuu a/n: loved this request, hope this is what you wanted!! word count: 721
Arguably, the most coveted space in the Malfoy Manor was the sun parlor. In summer, it bathed occupants in the warmth of the sun's rays, while in winter, Draco's charms ensured one could relish the beauty of snow without enduring the biting cold. It had some of the most conformable sofas, which made you feel like you were lunging on clouds.
Any time of the day, it was the best room. In the morning, you could nestle into the plush sofa with a cup of morning tea, savouring the tranquil spectacle of the sunrise. In the afternoon, the room offered a front-row seat to observe the majestic peacocks leisurely wandering the grounds. And as evening descended, after a satisfying dinner, it provided the perfect setting to lose yourself in a good book while the sun dipped below the horizon in the distance.
Its panoramic views stretched out before you, showcasing the sprawling grounds in all their splendor. Adjacent to the sun parlour lay the small Quidditch pitch that Draco had set up a couple of years back, providing the perfect spot to watch your husband—often shirtless—as he soared through the air on his broom.
Setting your book aside, you turned to gaze at the pitch, a mischievous grin tugging at your lips as you hoped to catch a glimpse of your half-naked, sweaty husband in action.
But as your eyes scanned the scene, they widened in alarm. Instead of Draco, you saw your three-year-old son precariously perched on a broom, giggling in delight as he wobbled through the air. Fear gripped your heart, you pushed the glass door open and sprinted towards your son.
You looked around, trying to find Draco but he was nowhere to be seen.
"SCORPIUS, COME BACK HERE!" you screeched, your voice trembling with fear, but your frantic calls were carried away by the wind.
The wind whipped through your hair as you reached the edge of the pitch, your heart pounding in your chest. You waved your arms frantically, trying to catch your son's attention.
Scorpius, oblivious to your frantic calls, continued to giggle as he attempted to steer the broom, his tiny hands barely able to grasp the handle. Panic surged through you as he veered dangerously close to the ground, his laughter echoing in the air. Your hands flew to your mouth, convinced you were about to see your son crash against the floor.
Suddenly, Draco appeared, laughing heartily as he swooped in on his broom, scooping Scorpius up safely in his arms at the last minute. You could hear his roaring laughter, but you didn't find it amusing.
"Draco Lucius Malfoy!" you scolded, your voice tinged with anger and relief.
Your husband turned towards you, your use of his full name wiping the grin right off of his face. You could see as he muttered "fuck" under his breath, knowing he was caught.
Placing your hands on your hips, you waited for him to approach. As Draco neared you, his demeanor shifted, his expression a mixture of sheepishness and remorse at being caught. Beside him, Scorpius bounced with excitement, oblivious to the tension between his parents.
"This is not a game! You scared me half to death! Scorpius could have been hurt!" you yelled.
"I'm sorry, my love," he said, his voice soft. "We were just having a bit of fun. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."
You scoffed, not willing to accept his apology, and turned to look over his shoulder.
He took a step closer, setting Scorpius on the ground beside him. His eyes pleaded for forgiveness as he reached out to gently touch your arm.
Draco's warm touch on your arm sent a soothing wave through you. You turned to face him and couldn't help the smile that spread through your face. Draco saw this as a way in and pulled you against his bare chest.
"Ugh, Draco! You're all sweaty." you complained half-heartedly, but made no attempt to back away.
"Mmhm." he murmured softly as he kissed your cheek. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again."
Scorpius, who had been watching the exchange with wide eyes, piped up with a mischievous grin. "Yes it will," he declared innocently, earning a chuckle from both you and Draco.
How could you stay mad at either of your boys? It was impossible.
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givemequeen · 1 month
new chapter on my dramione fic
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givemequeen · 1 month
HEY GUYSS!! pretty sure i've mentioned before, but i'm working on a dramione fic. i have like 5 chapters out rn (working on the 6th), in case any of you are interested! its on AO3
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givemequeen · 3 months
plz plz plz!!!!! UN TRÍO (matías, reader, enzo)!!!! estoy muriendo muerta de tanto pensar en eso, sí pudieses hacerlo sería LIVE SAVING fr
✪ pyramids ✪
enzo vogrincic x reader x matias recalt
tw: +18 la fantasía sexual de todas
a/n: mi escrito mas largo, más producido y del que estoy más orgullosa ;) si veo que les gusta puedo hacer la parte dos, vivan los hombres
"¿qué tanto mirás?" susurró matías cerca de tu oreja, tratando de seguir el camino de tu mirada al percibir que llevabas varios minutos con tus ojos estancados en algo.
bueno, en alguien.
desviaste la mirada hacia tu derecha, mirándolo a él por un par de segundos mientras apoyabas la cabeza en la palma de tu mano. "nada." matías levantó una ceja. "qué pasa, mati. ¿celoso?"
rió, negando la cabeza. "depende. ¿a quién mirás así?"
"adivina." dijiste mirándole a los ojos, devolviendo tu mirada al uruguayo. este se encontraba charlando con sus demás compañeros de reparto en el otro extremo de la mesa del restaurante del hotel, expresándose corporalmente al discutir sobre un tema inaudible gracias a la cantidad de personas que se encontraban a tu alrededor, y a los pensamientos obscenos que se encontraban invadiendo cada espacio de tu cabeza.
"no tenés nada que envidiarles a las nenas fanáticas de internet; sos igual." dijo acompañado de un suspiro, envidiando que el brillo de tus ojos sea gracias a alguien más. "es cómo diez años mayor que vos, hija de puta."
reíste, mordiéndote levemente el dedo. "yo las entiendo tanto." te respondió alzando ambas cejas. "por algo estoy acá con vos."
"estás acá conmigo y lo mirás a él. ¿cómo es la cosa, gorda?"
"no sos mi novio."
"él tampoco."
"puede llegar a serlo."
devolvió su mirada a ti. "¿eso querés?"
imitaste su acción, bajando la mirada a sus labios haciéndole sonreír pícaramente. "mmm. si te pierdo a vos, no."
matías giró su cabeza hacia enzo, analizándolo por un par de segundos mientras apoyabas tu cabeza en el hueco entre su cuello y su hombro. eran altas horas de la madrugada, pero aún después de un largo día el perfume del argentino seguía siendo predominante en el aire cerca de su cuello. "no necesariamente."
"¿qué me estás queriendo decir, amor?" susurraste alzando tu mirada sin moverte, tus ojos aparentando una inocencia que matías sabía era inexistente.
"vos sabes exactamente a que me refiero."
sentiste tu corazón acelerarse levemente al sentir un poco más real una de tus fantasías más intimas y utópicas, no considerabas a matías una persona que estuviera abierta a algo así. y sincerándote contigo misma, antes de conocerlos a ambos tampoco te veías capaz de encontrarte soñando despierta con dos hombres, uno adelante y otro por detrás. pero faltaba la parte más importante, que era que enzo estuviera dispuesto.
sentiste la noche pesada y larga, los minutos parecían horas al no poder concentrarte en nada más que en tus fantasiosos pensamientos, siendo poco charlatana comparada a los días donde matías no tenía una mano sobre tu muslo, y donde enzo no tenía el pelo tan desordenado y la remera tan apretada.
al finalizar la cena, te despediste de todos con un beso en el cachete, quedándote charlando con esteban por un par de minutos mientras matías saludaba al resto.
y entre tanto que lo escuchabas contarte sobre su próximo proyecto, divisaste a matías por sobre el hombro de esteban hablando con enzo, haciendo contacto visual con el uruguayo mientras matías hablaba.
"estoy en el proceso de casting, pero pienso que ya lo tengo en el- ¿qué pasa, flaca?" esteban pregunto con un leve tono de preocupación en su voz, girando su cabeza hacia un lado para encontrar a lo que mirabas que coloreó tus mejillas de un vibrante rosado.
"nada kuku." respondiste rápidamente y con seguridad, queriendo que volviera a hablarte para no llamar la atención de nadie más. "¿que decías?"
te alzó una ceja. "nada, que pienso que ya tengo el rol en el bolsillo." le sonreíste y asentiste a ver a matías caminando hacia ustedes.
"¿vamos?" dijo matías al acercarse lo suficiente; asentiste como respuesta. "chau, kuku, nos vemos mañana."
"chau, nos vemos al desayuno." dijo dirigiéndose a ambos, pero regalándote una sonrisa picara al comenzar a alejarse.
suspiraste y apretaste los labios con vergüenza mientras caminabas al lado de matías hacia el ascensor.
"¿qué le dijiste?”
"¿a quién?"
resoplaste. "matías."
"¿pero a quién, nena?" respondió riendo.
"no me molestes hijo de puta, ¿qué le dijiste?"
negó con la cabeza mientras se adentraba en el ascensor. "nada, no le dije nada de vos. no te comas la cabeza."
lo miraste con los ojos entrecerrados . "no te creo nada."
"no me creas." respondió, cruzándose de brazos mientras miraba hacia adelante. "pero yo no le dije nada sobre que te lo querés coger."
lo miraste con los ojos muy abiertos, pegándole un codazo. "sos una mierda."
"y bueno." dijo cuando el ascensor abrió sus puertas. "no era necesario con cómo estuviste mirándolo toda la noche.”
resoplaste. "cortála, querés. que te pones celoso, como si vos no fantasearas con otras minas."
"en realidad, no. me basta con lo que tengo en frente mía." dijo mientras cerraba la puerta de la habitación detrás suya, tomando tu mano y acercándote hacia él abruptamente para besarte con brusquedad.
llevaban varios días en el hotel de venecia, hoy siendo el ultimo antes de viajar al siguiente festival de cine. matías decidió llevarte a vos como acompañante, ayudándolo con sus tareas diarias como la buena amiga que eras; cogiéndotelo cada momento en el que estuvieran los dos solos.
la dinámica entre vos y matías llevaba un par de años funcionando a la perfección, acompañándose mutuamente en todo sin la necesidad de formalizar nada, para no sufrir gracias a la distancia y las diferencias de horario.
sonreíste en el beso al sentir la brusquedad de sus acciones- agarrando tu culo con fuerza, mordiendo tus labios con poca timidez mientras jadeaba en tu boca. empezaste a caminar hacia atrás sin abrir los ojos, chocando contra la pared y un par de muebles hasta sentir la suavidad del colchón debajo tuyo.
matías gruñó en tu boca, explorando cada esquina de esta mientras se acomodaba encima tuya y bajaba con poco cuidado los tirantes de tu vestido por tus hombros; dejando descubiertos tus senos haciéndote estremecer con rapidez por el frío aire que rápidamente se transformó en la cálida sensación de la lengua de matías.
mientras su lengua rotaba en círculos por encima de tu pezón, matías bajó su mano con lentitud hasta tu entrepierna, rozando con sus dedos por encima de la ropa interior y esbozando una risa burlesca al sentirla tan mojada tan rápido.
"cómo te vas a mojar así, mi vida. aún ni empiezo." dijo separándose de tus senos por un segundo para besarte, pasando su lengua por tus labios antes de volver a dar toda su atención a lamer, morder, pellizcar y besar tus pezones.
consumida por el placer de su boca, cerraste tus ojos mientras acariciabas y tirabas de su pelo, gimiendo su nombre de vez en cuando acompañando todos los quejidos que salían de tus labios.
pero a pesar de estar nublada por la sensación, el sonido de la puerta de la habitación abriéndose no pasó desapercibido para tus oídos, haciéndote abrir los ojos de golpe mientras te apoyabas en tus hombros, tratando de taparte lo más que pudieras al no saber a quién estabas por traumar.
pero para tu sorpresa, matías no cesó sus movimientos.
"mati-" dijiste tirando de su pelo hacia atrás para alejarlo, tratando de advertirle que había alguien más en la habitación. pero no se detuvo, mordiéndote con fuerza obligándote a ahogar un gemido.
y en cuestión de segundos, miraste la alta figura de enzo pararse frente a la escena. pudiste mirar con detalle su cara transicionar de neutro a horror.
"la puta madre-" habló fuertemente luego de voltearse con rapidez, subiendo su mano hacia su cara para taparse los ojos. "perdón, discúlpenme, no pensé que- dios, mati como me pasaste la llave pensé-"
"mirá, enzo, volteáte." miraste a matías con los ojos ultra abiertos, sintiendo cómo tus mejillas se pintaban de rojo puro. "no te tapes vos." dijo mirándote con el semblante serio, pero con la comisura de los labios torcida. sentiste tu estomago burbujear de la vergüenza, pero en el fondo sabías que era de la emoción.
"no mati disculpáme, en serio no quería interrumpir-"
"en serio enzo, volteáte. mirála." enzo giró su cabeza por encima de su hombro, mirándote por breves segundos antes de desviar la mirada hacia matías. "vení, acercáte." dijo mientras levantaba tu vestido, dejando tu ropa interior descubierta y sentiste una fría brisa de aire recorrer tus piernas; pero tu cuerpo estaba caliente. "abrí más, mi amor." te ordenó, a lo cuál obedeciste inmediatamente. sentías la mirada de enzo constantemente sobre ti, pero te sentías incapaz de mirarlo. "¿ves lo mojada que está?" dijo pasando su dedo indice por encima de tu ropa interior, haciendo presión para mojar la rosada tela aún más. "en la cena, me confesó que era por vos." matías te dedico una breve mirada, sonriendo pícaramente mientras sentías tus mejillas arder a no más poder. seguidamente miraste como los ojos del uruguayo se oscurecían frente a la vista. "y yo sé que vos también te la querés coger, por como la mirabas en la pileta ayer. ¿quién soy yo para detenerlos?"
enzo tragó saliva mientras te miraba, su respiración estaba levemente agitada y sentía la habitación tornarse caliente. "es tu novia, matias, yo-"
"amiga." interrumpiste. enzo desvió sus ojos rápidamente hacia los tuyos, compartiendo contacto visual por unos segundos.
"dale enzo, acercáte." dijo matías separando más tus piernas, mirándote con lujuria. "a este paso me la voy a terminar cogiendo yo y vos vas a tener que mirar nada más. mirá como está." enzo se inclinó con lentitud, arrodillándose al frente tuyo sin quitarte los ojos de encima ni un segundo. divisó de cerca la oscura mancha en tu clara ropa interior por pocos segundos antes de que matías hiciera a un lado esta, dejándole ver sin nada de por medio lo mojada que estabas. "mirála." dijo pasando su dedo indice por tus labios, ganándose un gemido ahogado de tu parte por el inesperado contacto, necesitando más. "¿no la querés probar?"
enzo mantenía el semblante serio, pero asintió inmediatamente. jadeaste al darte cuenta de lo que estaba pasando, alzando las caderas y ganándote una risa por parte de matías. te incorporaste, acomodándote para así sentarte en la cama. enzo te miraba constantemente, prestando atención a cada movimiento tuyo- buscando tu aprobación para actuar.
a raíz de esto inclinaste tu cuerpo hacia el, enzo imitando tu acción al levantarse y reclinarse hacia ti. te arrodillaste en el borde de la cama, al lado de matías y bajo enzo. lo mirabas con inocencia, esperando su actuar mientras él esperaba el tuyo.
"que tímida que estás, mi amor." dijo matías burlescamente, tomando la mano de enzo y acercando dos de sus dedos a tus labios. "chupá."
enzo rozó con suavidad tus labios, mirándolos mientras los entreabrías con lentitud, la inocencia en tus ojos haciéndolos brillar frente a lo oscuros que se habían tornado los suyos.
acariciaste con suavidad la yema de sus dedos con la punta de tu lengua por unos segundos para luego meterlos por completo a tu boca, gimiendo en estos por la vista que yacía ante tus ojos; vista similar a lo que verías al chuparle la pija.
los pensamientos que recorrían la cabeza de enzo eran más impuros de lo común; no se habría imaginado en mil años tenerte en la posición que te tenía ahora. el bulto en su entrepierna crecía acorde pasaban los segundos, y sentía como si fuese a explotar al sentir tu cálida lengua dar vueltas en círculos por al rededor de sus dígitos.
luego de haber recorrido cada parte de sus dedos con tu lengua, te acercaste más hacia él levantando tu cuerpo hasta quedar a una altura en la cual sus labios eran accesibles para ti. matías te miraba expectante, relamiéndose los labios al mirar la inocencia que reflejaban tus grandes ojos al mirar al uruguayo; sabiendo que estabas muy lejos de la inocencia hace años.
acercaste tu boca a la suya con lentitud, enzo imitando tu acción al inclinarse hacia ti; mirando a matías por unos segundos casi que pidiéndole permiso para actuar. el argentino le sonrió, asintiendo levemente con la cabeza creciendo impaciente al no poder hacer nada al respecto de la molestia en sus pantalones.
enzo subió su mano hasta alcanzar tu pómulo, rozando suave por unos segundos hasta deslizarla a la altura de tu mandíbula; tomando ésta para hacer coincidir su boca junto a la tuya, rozando ambos labios por un par de segundos antes de amoldarlos entre sí. el beso comenzó lento, empapándote en el hecho de estar besando a enzo vogrincic luego de estar meses fantaseando sobre algo que considerabas imposible. podías sentir su respiración agravarse a medida que el beso se agravaba con el pasar de los segundos, el uruguayo devorando tus labios mientras gruñía al saborear la dulzura de tu boca. movías tus labios al compás, dejando que tu lengua se entrelazara con la suya al ladear tu cabeza para obtener mejor acceso.
impacientemente, matías se acomodó sobre el colchón colocándose detrás tuya; acomodando tu pelo hacia un lado de tu cuello y comenzando a besar y mordisquear el otro, provocando un quejido tuyo dentro de la boca de enzo el cual fue directamente al bulto del pelinegro.
matías quitó tu vestido con agilidad, dejándote completamente desnuda a excepción de tu ropa interior con la cual jugueteaba mientras frotaba su bulto contra tu culo.
te separaste de los labios de enzo por unos segundos- un hilo de saliva los conectaba mientras ambos tomaban bocanadas de aire- para poder quitar su apretada remera negra y así poder sentir su cuerpo sin nada de por medio, y matías aprovechó de robarte un beso y mordisquear tus labios mientras enzo admiraba la escena.
"dale enzo-" rió matías al separarse de tus labios, notando como el uruguayo solo se había quedado parado mirando en vez de actuar. "tocála."
negaste con la cabeza, riéndote mientras mordías tus labios para seguidamente acercarte a él, juntando sus labios por un par de segundos para luego comenzar a dejar un camino de húmedos besos desde su mejillas hacia abajo, besando, lamiendo y mordiendo cada trocito de piel que tus labios rozaban. enzo pasó las manos por su cabello, ahogando jadeos entre suspiros gracias a la sensación de tu lengua recorriendo todo su torso hasta llegar a su cinturón. mientras, matías comenzó a desvestirse a si mismo, admirando la vista de tu cuerpo encorvándose levemente hasta posicionarte en cuatro, dejándote perfectamente como él necesitaba.
"¿me ayudas?" preguntaste con dulzura mirando hacia arriba con una de tus manos en su cinturon, hablando por primera vez desde que enzo se había adentrado en la habitación; el uruguayo comenzó a desabrocharlo como respuesta.
"así que la nena sabe hablar después de todo." habló matías en un tono burlesco mientras enzo acariciaba tu mentón con suavidad mirándote a los ojos.
bajaste sus pantalones junto con su ropa interior por completo mientras sentías a matías separar tus piernas con poca suavidad mientras acomodaba su cara en estas, tragando saliva y mirando con los ojos brillantes el miembro de enzo completamente descubierto, relamiéndote los labios para luego devolver tu mirada hacia el y divisarlo con una sonrisa pícara en sus labios.
comenzaste tomándolo por la base y depositando delicados besos por la longitud de este, para luego trazar una línea con tu lengua desde abajo hacia arriba y comenzar a chupar con poca suavidad la cabeza de este. enzo no demoró en quitar el pelo desordenado de tu cara para poder mirarte con la boquita llena sin nada de por medio; tomando todo el pelo posible en su puño mientras que con su otra mano acariciaba tus mejillas. el uruguayo no tardó en convertir sus jadeos ahogados en gemidos, apretando sus labios con fuerza al sentir que los ruidos que le provocabas se estaban haciendo demasiado notorios.
mientras tanto, matías deslizaba sus dedos con lentitud de arriba abajo por tu feminidad, frotando círculos en tu clitoris cuando se percataba de que tenías gran cantidad del miembro de enzo en tu boca para hacerte ahogar a propósito. cerrabas tus ojos con fuerza frecuentemente, gimiendo y quejándote sin vergüenza alguna provocando que las piernas de enzo se sintieran débiles, y la erección de matías dolorosa.
“así, justo así- dios.” gimió enzo entre dientes, gruñiendo al sentir las vibraciones de tu boca en su miembro y tratando de concentrarse en algo más para no acabar tan rapido en tu boca.
te sentías desesperada por más. “mati-” lloriqueaste separándote de enzo por un segundo, frotando círculos con tu pulgar en la cabeza con mucha presión provocando un jadeo de parte de enzo. “cogeme, por favor. no aguanto más.”
enzo gimió al solo escuchar tus palabras. “¿ah, sí? yo creo que podés aguantar un poquito más, hermosa.” dijo matías mientras introducía dos de sus dedos dentro tuyo. “hacélo acabar a enzo primero, ¿no era eso lo que querías? ¿que se corriera en tu boca?”
miraste hacia arriba con la respiración agitada, encontrándote con el semblante burlesco de enzo. “¿eso querés?” dijo con la voz ronca, pasando su pulgar por tus labios empapados de saliva y su líquido preseminal. “nunca te habría imaginado teniendo esos pensamientos a vos. tenés una carita de ángel.” te sonrió, notando como tus mejillas se tornaban mas y mas rojas. “y esos ojitos inocentes. quién podría pensarte así, ¿eh?” lo interrumpiste tomaste su miembro dentro de tu boca una vez más, pasándole la lengua en círculos haciéndolo quejarse. “c-con la boquita llena y rogando que se la cojan- dios seguí así, así.” enzo tiró la cabeza hacía atrás al sentir como acelerabas el movimiento de tu lengua y como tu mano se movía con más rapidez por la longitud, sintiendo a la vez como matias encorvaba sus dedos dentro tuyo.
percibiste una sensación conocida burbujear en tu estómago al sentir el pulgar de matias moverse en círculos encima de tu clitoris; a la vez sintiendo como su cálido cuerpo se pegaba al tuyo al notar que el orgasmo de enzo se acercaba.
sentiste un golpe abrupto en tu culo, provocando un lloriqueo agudo sobre el miembro de enzo el cual lo hizo tirar de tu cabello y sobrestimularte aún más, abrumada por el placer y el dolor que sentías a la vez al tener a matias por detrás y a enzo adelante.
pasaron pocos segundos hasta que enzo comenzó a mover sus caderas hacia adelante, suplicando entre gemidos hasta que sentiste el líquido caliente llenar tu boca mientras matías movía con brusquedad sus dedos dentro tuyo, haciéndote acabar en cuestión de segundos mientras enzo sostenía tu cabeza para no dejarte caer sobre la cama. apoyaste una de tus manos en su abdomen mientras recuperabas el aliento, escuchando la conocida risa de matías detrás tuya.
“¿mucho para vos?” se burló al mirarte sin aire apoyada sobre el uruguayo que se encontraba en una situación parecida. negaste con la cabeza sin mirar hacia atrás, tragando lo que tenías en la boca mientras enzo te miraba con una sonrisa.
“te toca, recalt.” habló enzo mientras soltaba el agarre de tu pelo, sonriéndole con lujuria al argentino y haciéndote dar cuenta que la noche iba a ser más larga de lo que pensabas.
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givemequeen · 3 months
everytime i look at enzo vogrincic, my pupils become hearts!!!!!
i mean look at that face, that beauty only comes once every century
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givemequeen · 3 months
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girls pls someone start writing about him or i'm losing my mind i need him so baaad
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givemequeen · 3 months
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givemequeen · 3 months
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enzo vogrincic 🎞️
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givemequeen · 3 months
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enzo vogrincic 🌹
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givemequeen · 3 months
i am in love
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enzo vogrincic 🎞️
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givemequeen · 4 months
i hope everyone had an amazing christmas and new year!!!
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givemequeen · 5 months
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givemequeen · 5 months
Ancient Runes: draco x hermione
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warnings: smut! did not read through word count: 1325
Christmas break had come and gone faster than Hermione would've liked. Late nights curled up in her childhood bed with a book and lazy Sunday mornings spent talking with her mum were now long gone. It was back to long essays and hours spent cramming ancient runes.
In reality, Hermione didn't mind that the Christmas break was over. She loved Hogwarts, it was her second home. Plus, she was Head Girl this year meaning she could replace the overcrowded, bustling hallways with long, empty ones in the middle of the night.
The silence helped her study. So, she spent her rounds walking down deserted hallways with a thick book in hand, her finger tracing the different shapes each rune made, hoping she would remember them when the time for exams came.
Her footsteps echoed in the hallway, each step seemed to reverberate against the walls. The echo, like a relentless companion, accompanied her every move, amplifying the solitude of the vast corridor.
She came to an abrupt halt in the middle of her tracks when, from somewhere behind her, she heard a noise. Hermione gently closed the book and spun around, the sole of her shoe scraping against the stone floor.
Her eyes scanned the dark corridor, she raised her wand and cast another lumos charm to better illuminate the surroundings and get a better look. Yet, she found nothing. Still slightly suspicious, she turned around and resumed walking, her senses on high alert in the dimly lit passage.
Hermione was about to turn a corner when, from behind a tapestry, a hand reached out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her into an alcove. She screamed, eyes squeezed close in fear, but no sound came out.
A cold hand was pressed against her open mouth. Her eyes shot open, heart beating fast. A flicker of recognition sparked in her eyes as she realized who the touch belonged to.
"Malfoy?" the word came out muffled.
"Granger." Draco Malfoy replied, a grin spreading across his face.
"Let go!" she stuck her tongue out, licking his hand.
"Ugh! Why'd you lick me? I was going to let go." Malfoy groaned as he wiped his hand on his trousers.
"Well, why did you do that? You scared me!" she countered, a frown twisting her features.
"I wanted to surprise you!" he said "Never mind that, I missed you." he continued, upon seeing her mouth begin to open in order to retort.
She smiled, the frown melting away. "Really?" she asked, feeling like a schoolgirl (which she was, lmao).
"Oh shut up." Malfoy said, rolling his eyes, as he dragged her towards him.
He wrapped his arms around her, pressing her tight against his body and resting his chin on the top of her head. Hermione sighed happily against his chest, gladly breathing in his scent; spearmint toothpaste.
Malfoy pulled her away, he placed his hands on her cheeks and leaned down to kiss her. Hermione couldn't help but smile against his lips.
Obviously, he was eager to wipe that smile off her face. He slid his tongue over the lower lip before biting the soft flesh there, his hand going down to her ass, squeezing it. Hermione gasped, giving him the perfect opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth.
She could feel butterflies in her stomach, that familiar pressure building in her lowed abdomen. She deepened the kiss, kissing him back harshly, and tugging at his hair, which always drove him wild.
Malfoy groaned against lips and pushed her back until she came into contact with the stone wall. His hands slid under her ass and onto her thighs, where he encouraged her to jump. She did, and then wrapped her legs around his waist, gasping at his erection.
"Fuck." she moaned softly. "Malfoy..."
"I missed this." he said, squeezing her ass.
She hummed in agreement and rocked her hips against his erection. "Please..." she whispered, her left hand going between them. "Please fuck me."
He didn't need to be told twice.
He pulled his mouth away from her and shoved his hand down his pants, freeing his cock. With his other hand he pushed Hermione's skirt up and shoved her underwear out of the way, using his knee to hold her up.
Malfoy looked up at her as he lined himself up with her but Hermione was too busy glancing down to look at him. He grabbed her jaw and forced her to look at her.
"I want to look you in the eye as I fuck you." he growled before shoving himself into her.
Hermione groaned, the intrusion both painful and pleasurable. Her head instinctively swung back but his harsh grip on her prevented her from doing so.
"Look. At. Me." he groaned, a wild look in his eyes and he stared to buck his hips against her.
Hermione bit her lip, scared her moans would wake up half the castle. Malfoy was relentless, his hips slamming harshly against her before pulling out and doing it all over a again. She bit her lip harder, she could taste blood on her tongue.
The pressure in her lower abdomen was growing rapidly, she was close. She clenched her thighs, squeezing his cock and making him groan.
"Are you close baby?" he asked.
Hermione nodded, tears starting to form in the corner of her eyes. Without letting go of the grip on her jaw, Malfoy slipped a hand between them, his cold fingers making her jump when they found her clit.
She bit her lip harder, sure she would tear the muscle in two.
Without warning, she was pushed over the edge. Her nails dug into his shoulder, leaving crescent-shaped marks. She moaned his name over and over again, not caring if anyone could hear her.
Good, let them see how good his cock makes me feel. She thought as her brain turned to mush.
"I'm gonna cum, fuck." he said she slammed into her. "I want to cum inside you... I want to fill you up." his was starting to slur his words and Hermione was too out of it to response.
With one last thrust, he came inside of Hermione, his cock filling her up.
Finally, he let go of her jaw. He pressed on hand against the wall to hold them up, scared his knees would give in, and wrapped another around her small waist.
Malfoy kept them like that, holding her up, as they both caught their breath. He dropped his head on her shoulder and gently kissed her neck.
"I- I missed this so much." he panted as he slowly moved to slip out from inside Hermione.
Hermione winced, missing the feeling of having him in her, an sense of emptiness washing over her. He pulled her skirt back down into place and slowly set her down but the moment he stepped away Hermione's knees buckled. Malfoy shot out to hold her back up, a smirk creeping onto his face.
"Oh shut up." Hermione said, already knowing the comment that was bound to be on the top of his tounge.
"What? I didn't say anything." he said, a cheeky look on his face.
Hermione gave him a look that said more than any word could've said. She made to move away from him, get back to her rounds and her studying but Malfoy's arm shot out in front of her, stopping her in her tracks.
"What?" she said looking up at him. "I have to get back, what if someone notices I'm gone?"
"I'll notice you're gone..." Malfoy said as he bit his lip.
Hermione rolled her eyes and, with whatever little force she had left, pushed him away from her. She slipped out from behind the tapestry, holding her thick Ancient Runes book up against her chest, half covering her face, to hide the blush that had crept its way to her face.
Malfoy was going to be the death of her.
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givemequeen · 5 months
Needy | Dramione One Shot
Author's Note: When is it my turn to have my "enemy" save me from some asshole, just to turn around and pleasure me until I'm a blubbering mess? Life isn't fair. Anyhoo, enjoy! xx
Summary: Draco discovers Hermione drank a spiked drink at a Slytherin party. He takes the responsibility of making sure nobody uses her vulnerability for their own gain.
Word count: 4,710
Warnings: smut, profanity, mentions of spiking drinks?, partying, alcohol
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Draco isn’t sure why he reacted like he did. He has seen and overheard countless Slytherin boys spiking the drinks at almost every party or dance they’ve had since he started at Hogwarts. It was never anything too serious–more of a luck boost for the males than anything. Still, he didn’t agree with the idea of having to take something to increase the chances of getting laid or finding a girl to grope all night–but he had never interfered either. That is, until no other than Hermione fucking Granger, walked through the doors. 
The moment she entered the Slytherin catacombs, Draco felt…protective of her, in a sense. It was quite irritating. He was enjoying himself before she came. He had finally gotten a chance to unwind, to forget all the bullshit going on in his life, and to breathe. 
He was pissed that she showed up, to say the least. 
It meant Draco had to watch every drink Hermione held at her lips. Had to make sure she was getting something from the right cauldron and not the spiked one. He had to watch every Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor that came near her. Just in case they’d try to switch her drinks without her noticing. He wasn’t trusting of anyone. 
Wherever Hermione was, Draco was near. 
Lurking in a corner where he’d have the perfect view of her. Sitting on one of the oversized, plush leather couches opposite the drink bar. Socializing amongst people he couldn’t give two rats asses about just because they were in the same circle as Hermione. 
Draco was near the edge of snapping, tethering on shutting the entire party down and dealing with the consequences tomorrow, when he watched Hermione accept a drink from a sixth-year student. The boy looked innocent enough, but Draco knew the kid. He had practically taken him under his wing and taught him all that he knew. 
The Slytherin’s name was on the tip of Draco’s tongue, ready to lash out, when Hermione subtly emptied the drink behind one of the tapestries hung behind her. His footsteps stuttered–his mind trying to process what to do next when Hermione caught his eye. 
She smiled at him. A genuine smile that made the corners of her eyes crinkle. Those eyes, Draco thought, bright and welcoming, beckoned him in. 
“Malfoy.” She greets him, her lips pulling up into a sly grin. 
“What’re you doing here, Granger?” 
His attitude only makes her smile grow. She enjoyed making him uncomfortable at times. “Drinking…dancing, y’know. What most people do at parties.” She can’t help the way her eyes dart up and down his body, “it’s a lot more fun than standing in a corner and watching somebody.” 
Draco wants to hex Hermione for the expression on her face. She seems curious, too interested in the reasoning behind his actions. He hates that she noticed him. 
“Maybe I was watching for the moment you realized you don’t belong here and run off.” He smirks, his eyes glazing over as he builds the occlumency walls he’s grown accustomed to.
Hermione watches him for a moment. An unnerving, irritating moment. It has Draco’s skin heating, burning with repulsion. Or desire. He isn’t sure which anymore. 
There is something about those eyes of hers. And the way she walks. Those damned curls that she refuses to tame. 
“I think I’ll stay.” Hermione declares and her voice drags Draco back to the present. 
Before Draco can think of a comeback, a hand rests on his shoulder. “Malfoy,” the voice slurs slightly, “aren’t you going to introduce me?”
“No.” He deadpans. “I will not.” 
And with that, he gives Hermione one last warning glance and strolls away from her. 
“Draco,” Blaise greets him as he makes his way back to the group of eighth-year students, “Granger is here.” 
“Yeah, I noticed.” 
“I…don’t think it’s the best idea to leave her alone.” 
Draco glances at his friend, a brow raised. “Granger can handle herself. Why should I care? They don’t understand how too much ​​Felix Felicis will make them act. She will see right through them.” 
Blaise sighs and shakes his head. “It’s not just luck.” He mumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“What does that mean?” Draco’s heart stutters. “Fuck, Zambini, what do you mean? Did they put something else in the drinks?”
Theo shows up then, all breathless and slightly sweaty. “Got it.” He huffs, clasping his hands on his knees to catch his breath. “I switched out the one they fucked with, but I don’t know how many drank from it already.” 
“Merlin, can someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Draco snaps, eyes bouncing from his two friends. 
“Remember the party from our fifth year?” Blaise asks, and Draco furrows his brows, trying his best to remember what happened. “When the older students put that potion in the drinks… the one who made the girls–well, quite literally pleading.”
Oh. Oh fuck. 
No, no, no. This cannot be happening. 
“I had Theo toss all we could find, but I’m not sure who already had some and who hasn’t,” Blaise explains, but Draco isn’t listening. 
His lungs expand rapidly and his heart beats against his ribs like a bird begging to be freed. 
Blaise and Theo share exchanged glances, and Draco builds his occlumency walls up high, his expression impassive. He can’t let them know he cares, because why should he? 
If Hermione wants to stay, so be it. He doesn’t have to protect her. It isn’t his job, it never has been, and it never will be. They’re enemies–no, adversaries at most, but that doesn’t change a thing. He won’t let a few kind smiles and cordial greetings with Hermione Granger be what changes his perspective of her. 
She’s still one of the Golden Trio and still not his problem. 
So why is he already searching for her? 
His eyes scan the crowd quickly. The spot where Hermione had been is now vacant, save for the drunken students who are dancing near it and spilling butterbeer everywhere. He can feel the panic start to settle in. 
“Malfoy–wait, where are you going?” Blaise calls out, but Draco doesn’t answer.
His hands shake, and his chest pinches painfully. He’s not able to draw in a full breath as he starts back towards the floor where Hermione had been. 
Draco hates to admit that he can feel Hermione’s magic. It’s not something incredibly common, and he’s never admitted it to anyone other than himself, but right now he’s grateful. He focuses on the shock that lingers on his skin, and like a dog with a treat, he follows the sensation until the electricity grows almost unbearable. 
It leads him out of the catacombs, into the stone staircase that leads back up into the Slytherin dormitories. With every step forward, his hair stands on the ends. He’s close, that much is obvious–but he doesn’t see Hermione. It’s all stone walls and large tapestries. The staircase is illuminated by lit sconces on the walls which casts a sporadic shadow as he continues upward. 
He’s going to chain her to a bed, Draco thinks to himself. That will keep her safe. He will be the only one with a key and he won’t unlock the chains until the party is over. If he has to keep her locked up and personally sit with her every time someone throws a celebratory party, so be it. Draco doesn’t mind missing any balls, or holiday gatherings with other students. He doesn’t even care to celebrate quidditch match winnings. 
He’d do whatever it’d take. 
“Lumos,” he casts with a whisper, and his wand glows with light as he aims it at every hidden alcove that he’s aware of. “Granger.” He calls out but is met with silence. Damnit, he curses to himself. 
Draco doesn’t want to do what he’s about to do. In fact—he’s tried his hardest to avoid it. Through all the years, he’s never dove inside her mind. Admittedly, he’s afraid of what he might find. It is Hermione Granger, after all, but he has no choice. 
Hogwarts is far too large for him to go searching without an inkling of where she may be. 
He lowers his wand and inhales deeply. His expression blanks and his eyes harden. A stone. 
Draco had been practicing occlumency before he even knew what it was. As a child, Draco forced himself to conceal his emotions. Emotions, in his father’s eyes, we’re weaknesses. And weaknesses were catastrophic. Deadly. Punishable. 
So, like now, he buried them deep. So deep, that his mind couldn’t find them. 
He focuses on one thing–more specifically, one person. Her grating voice. The maddening way her brows furrow so perfectly overtop of her eyes. Honeyed eyes. Unruly hair. A set of full, pink lips. A soft upturned nose. 
The image is clear, as if Draco is seeing it through his own eyes. He can smell what she’s smelling. Taste the faint smoke that’s enveloping her. His own heart flutters with need as she’s pressed against a stone wall. 
Draco’s legs lead him forward, chasing the familiar image of a sigel carved into one of the stone bricks. With each hurried step, Hermione is begging the man in front of her to touch her. For the life of him, Draco can’t seem to make the face out. Of all the surroundings, the man is blurred. 
He assumes it’s due to whatever the drinks were laced with. Something was wrong with the way it was working. 
Damned underage fools, Draco snarls and forces his feet to move quicker. 
At last, after what feels like centuries, Draco reaches the alcove he was searching for. Without announcing himself, Draco rips the tapestry with one angry movement and is quick to toss the boy away from Hermione. 
He has his wand aimed at his throat, a vicious, surely illegal at Hogwarts, spell on the tip of his tongue. The only reason he doesn’t cast it is the woman behind him whimpering out a slew of incoherent pleas. 
Draco severs his legimency with Hermione, only to quickly swap her mind with the boy laying at his feet. He toys with his memories, twisting and turning them in such a way that the boy won’t remember sneaking off with the Golden Girl, let alone Draco showing up to stop them. 
When the boy races off, confused and inebriated, Draco turns to Hermione. 
She’s flush against the wall, hands balled into fists at her sides. She doesn’t argue as Draco snakes his way into the alcove and drops the tapestry over the opening. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, softer than he intended it to be. Hermione’s eyes flash to his mouth, watching the way his lips form every syllable. “Granger.” He gruffs, “Listen to me.” 
Her eyes flutter closed as Draco’s finger meets the underside of her chin. “Look at me,” Draco whispers, and this time her gaze strikes him like a tonne of bricks. Her pupils are blown, eyes lidded with need. “We need to get you back to your room, Granger.” 
She’s shaking her head in defiance before he can even finish his sentence. 
“Yes.” He demands, and his fingers tighten on her jaw. “They laced the drinks—what you’re feeling right now, it’s because of that.” 
“It’s not,” Hermione argues, and despite the eagerness of her hands, she hesitantly lifts her palms to his chest. “It’s not because of the drinks.” 
Draco closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “It is, Granger.” 
The heat from her hands burns through his shirt, erupting goosebumps over the expanse of his chest. “Don’t, Hermione.” He warns her, his free hand clenching at his side. 
Her name dripping from his tongue elicits something inside of Hermione. She leans into him, her body arching instinctively, seeking closer contact. Draco goes still as her lips graze the shell of his ear, her voice filled with longing. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for an excuse,” she breathed, her words dripping with a mix of desire and truth. 
Draco swallows roughly. His throat is dry and thick with uncertainty. 
Clearly, she’s drunk a lot, he thinks to himself. 
“Please, Malfoy.” Hermione whines, her body aching for his touch. “I can’t handle this feeling. I need you to help me.” 
Draco can’t help the way his body melts at her words. She needs him. Hermione fucking Granger needs him. 
Even if it were because of the potion, Draco was who she wanted–no, needed. 
He doesn’t respond for a moment. Hermione let’s her hands travel cautiously up the sides of his torso, her nails digging in every few inches. She’s waiting, Merlin, she’s trying to wait. Her body feels like it’s on fire. 
“Drac–,” Before Hermione can finish her plea, he is quick on her. 
He shoves her away from him, only to crowd her against the stone walls. “Don’t find me tomorrow and hex me. Do you understand?” Her breath is knocked from her lungs, and Draco’s arms cage her in–each palm pressed against the bricks at either side of her head. “Granger.” He grinds out, his heart pounding in anticipation. “Do you understand me?”
She nods her head in agreement vehemently. 
In any other situation, Draco would like to think that he’d take his time with her. Feel her out, tease her until she was a withering mess–Merlin knows he’s dreamt it numerous times, but tonight was different. Hermione was already on edge. He could see it in her eyes. In the way, her lips stayed parted and she’d puff rapid breaths of air past them. 
“Can you stay quiet?” He asks in a whisper, leaning his head to the shell of her ear. Hermione closes her eyes, cursing him silently for using her own tactics against her. 
He trails a single fingertip down the length of her arm. “You had better.” He hums, pressing his lips softly to the rapid pulse in her throat. “There are plenty of people here. Someone could hear us if you don’t.” 
It was meant to be a warning, but Hermione sighed softly at the possibility. 
It made Draco pause.
Is that something she wanted? Did she hope someone would find them hidden out in some random alcove, all tongue and teeth, and hands? It made his stomach tighten to think about it. 
Hermione didn’t Draco another second to reconsider their agreement. Before he could acknowledge what was happening, she had connected their lips together and was pulling him in closer to her. 
Draco was stunned. 
He pressed his lips against hers gently, as if she would break if he pressed too hard. He could feel her lips moving with his. The way her lips caressed his, how sweet she tasted, her gasps as he nipped at her bottom lips. Her fingers tangled in his hair. Her lips were soft, that much he had guessed–but he never imagined just how soft they’d be. They were velvet on his. She tasted of honey and a slight bite of whiskey lingered on her tongue. 
She needed more. She didn’t want soft right now. Hermione slid her hand under Draco’s shirt, letting her nails scratch the muscled torso. “I need you.” She emphasized, hoping he’d understand. She didn’t want the caution. She wanted Draco for who he really was. Someone brazen, someone dangerous. 
It only took a second before Draco understood what she was asking. His chest expanded and his heart quickened. 
Hermione moaned into his mouth when his hands finally caught up, and his nails dug into the flesh of her ass, pulling her closer to him. With his free hand, he held her by the throat, applying pressure to the sides of her neck. He was hard against her stomach within seconds as he slid his thigh against her cunt. She was uncomfortably wet. He was unbearably hard. 
“This is what you want, Granger?” He sneered, looking down into her eyes. “You want me to fuck you how I’ve dreamed of doing for years?” She whined and nodded as best as she could. “Have that perfect little cunt of yours dripping tonight and aching tomorrow?” 
“Fuck–yes. Yes, Draco. Please.” She groaned, grinding herself down against his thigh. 
Draco had always been selfish and he would take whatever he could as long as she gave it to him.
He dropped the act of being gentle. Hermione moaned at the change in his eyes. Hunger, desperation, control. His eyes flash in the dark as he stares back at her. 
This was what she needed.
Her mind is blazing with the feeling of his lips and tongue teasing her neck, barely pressing against it, barely touching but enough to make her feel wild. 
Maybe they’re both crazy. 
"Tell me to stop," he hums, only tightening the grip on her hip, "fuck—tell me, Granger." 
"I can't." Hermione breathes, letting out the quietest of moans as his tongue traces from the base of her neck to the curve of her jaw. 
The sound elicits something similar to a groan from Draco, a deep and guttural one from the back of his throat as he backs them up. The nonexistent breath she’s already struggling for is expelled from her lungs when her back collides with the wall, his thigh coming between her legs and her skirt bunching up in one swift movement. 
Never once does his lips separate from Hermione’s skin; whether it's her neck, collarbone, her jaw. They stray from her mouth though, the place Hermione’s been craving for longer than she cared to admit.  
Another breathless moan falls from her lips when he grinds his knee further between her thighs, and he only pulls away to look at her face. A smirk appears as he takes Hermione in; undoubtedly blushed and frustrated. She can feel her brow crease and lips open from practically panting. "Yeah? Did that feel good?" He asks her, his dick throbbing in his trousers. 
Hermione whines as he drops his leg, breaking the friction between them, and her hips are bucking down on their own to try and feel him again. "Use that pretty mouth, Genager." He tsks, slowly, lifting it back to grind against her. "Does that feel good? Is this what you want?" 
"God—yes, I want it." She huffs, throwing her head back against the wall, "Need it. Please." 
Another smirk, one that she doesn't entirely want to wipe off his face grows, and he rewards her by gripping her hip with his left hand and rolling her against his thigh. "Was that so hard? To tell me what you want?" 
"Yes, now shut up." Hermione groans, welcoming his mouth as it reconnects with her skin, peppering open-mouthed kisses across her collarbone. 
When his free hand trails up Hermione’s side and pauses near her shoulder, he pulls his head back to look at her. "Can I? Tell me when to stop, Granger. Seriously." His fingertips are toying with the strap of her tank, and her stomach tightens at the thought of him seeing me. It only takes Hermione glancing at the light filtering through the small opening of the tapestry for Draco to notice, and he roughly forces it against the wall—effectively cutting off almost all the light source. "Is that better? Whatever makes you comfortable, just wanna help you." 
The softness in his voice drives Hermione insane. 
"God, yes—do whatever you want." She pleaded, finding his eyes in the darkness. Despite how blown his pupils are, the gray shines back at her. Hungry. Sensational. Dangerous. It only makes her skin tingle and the ache between her legs grow. 
Trouble never looked so goddamn fine. Or tempting. 
His tongue traces over the inside of his bottom lip, eyes drinking in all of her before he lowers his head to the crook of Hermione’s neck, "I don't think you'd want me to do whatever I want, Granger... everything I've imagined—be careful with your words." 
The question on the tip of her tongue is quickly forgotten when he rocks his thigh up against her again in perfect rhythm with the music still playing in the background from the party. It's barely audible now, though—thanks to the small whimpers and harsh breaths that are shared between them. The silk strap is dropped from her shoulder, Draco’s fingertips guiding it down her arm until it falls and exposes her chest. 
Hermione swears she can hear his breath hitch when it does, but she doesn't have time to analyze what it means before his hand cups her breast, squeezing it while continuing to help guide her hips down onto him seemingly effortlessly. "So fuckin' beautiful," he murmurs into her neck, trailing his lips up the curve of her jaw, "sound so fuckin' beautiful." 
Hermione’s head falls slack against the stone as his breath fans across her neck, chilling the small bit of perspiration that's accumulated in her hairline. "Malfoy, please," She begs—not sure what for entirely. More? Faster? 
"What do you need, princess?" He hums out the question again, pinching her hardened nipple harshly, padding his thumb over it to soothe the pain. It only causes Hermione to arch her back from the sting, and she can feel him smirk against her skin, "sweet little Granger likes it rough? Wouldn't have guessed that." 
"Guess you don't have me as figured out as you thought you did," She shoots back, clamping her mouth shut when he pinches her again, harder this time—and rolling it between his fingers. 
The hand he has on her hip finds the leg that's slightly wrapped around his calve, "Hold it around my waist—yeah, like that. Can you keep it there?" Hermione nods at him, silently grateful for the guidance. 
He stands between her legs now, fully enclosed between her thighs, and she was already about to whine from the loss of friction when Hermione felt his hand replace his thigh, fingers teasing at the band of her underwear.  "Is this what you want, Granger? You need more, yeah? You gotta tell me."
She meets his eyes, and he is looking at her—looking at her like there is something worth looking at. In a way, nobody has ever looked at her—not unless they had their own personal motives. They're not just gray eyes, they're his gray eyes. Angry and unforgiving and deadly, like the sea—the sea that she had always loved, the one that made her race with adrenaline, but somehow made her feel safer than any solid ground. They were stormy, and dark... but it was addicting. 
Just. Like. The. Sea.
"Yes, please." She’s suddenly mumbling, the words coming out broken between the gasps of air she was dying for, "Touch me." 
His mouth is back on her at the same moment his hand slides past the fabric, "Fuck, Granger." He groans, mumbling the words against her chest as he falls slack against it, his fingers just grazing over her pulsing clit, "all of this for me? If I were a religious man, I'd be thanking fuckin' god." 
Hermione’s body tenses as he slowly circles, putting more pressure on me, her leg locking around his waist to pull him closer. "Want my fingers, Granger?" 
"Need it." She urged, pinching her eyes shut, "Please." 
His mouth presses kisses to Hermione’s chest and when he finally pushes his middle finger into her, she lets out a moan. His lips wrap around her nipple, circling his tongue and sucking it between his teeth before biting down gently. "Merlin," he grunts, moving his hips in rhythm with the thrusts of his finger, "so perfect, is this okay?" 
She’s nodding breathlessly, too transfixed on how perfectly he feels, but that isn't good enough for Draco. His teeth bare against her nipple again, biting down and pulling it out a bit to elicit various curse words to tumble from Hermione’s lips, "Yeah—Merlin, yes, it's good. More?" She pleads, ignoring how her heart races with the question. 
Hermione’s never been one to beg for things. Never really enjoyed something enough to. She’s had her fair share of hookups over the years, but by the time she was in whichever room was chosen for the night, she was already ready for it to be over. Not with Draco though, not right now—not ever. 
He smirks, trailing his lips up the curve of her jaw until it meets her ear, "whatever you need." Draco mutters, thick and rough, letting out his own moan as he adds a second finger. "So fuckin' wet for me, Granger. Feel it? How tight you're grippin' my fingers? Wish it was my cock, fucking hell." 
"Me too," the words are out of her mouth before she can stop them, and when his fingers pause, her heart drops. "I—I’m sorry, don't stop, please. I'm so close." 
A heavy breath is pursed through his lips, his eyes meeting Hermione’s as he stands straighter. She nearly collapses when he starts thrusting his fingers into her again with a devilish smirk. "Yeah? Do you want to feel my cock, princess? Let me stretch you open, make it so you can't walk the next day?" She can't find the will to look away from his gaze, piercing and dedicated as he curls his fingers again, his palm flattening out to rub on her clit in the same motion. 
Hermione’s hands find their way to his shoulders, holding on tightly as her legs start to shake beneath her. "God... look at you," he hums, "whimpering and shaking already... fuckin' pathetic. I love it. Are you gonna give it to me? Come all over my fingers, make a mess? C'mon, I can feel you pulsing around them. Give it to me, let me help you relax." 
"Draco, yes, please, oh my god…," his name fell freely, and Draco’s eyes danced with delight at the sound, quickening his fingers. "Oh my god—yes, right there." 
Her nails sink into his shoulders, but his eyes only darken at the pain, a sight that has Hermione whimpering and struggling to keep her leg wrapped around him. "So fuckin' beautiful, Hermione.”
Maybe it was the way he was thrusting his fingers into her. Maybe it was the concoction brewed by the younger students. Or, maybe, more than likely, it was the way he said her name. So elegantly, so delicately. She wraps her arms around his neck for a grounder as she cums on his hand, his fingers moving slower and softer to help guide her through it. 
Deep inhalations, infiltrated with his cologne and a slight musky scent, is what eventually calmed her racing heart and she found not wanting to let go—but Hermione could tell the longer that she held on, the more uncomfortable he became. 
So, she peeled herself away from him with a sheepish smile, resting her weight against the wall behind me. 
Draco wordlessly summons a cloth and uses a cleansing spell on it. His hand is light and careful as he guides it up her legs, looking down at her with concern before going any further. “Is this okay?” 
"Yeah.” Her voice is a higher octave than normal, and she looks up towards the ceiling to hide the blush on her cheeks. "Yes, thank you." 
Draco sinks to his knees in front of Hermione, tapping her calf to gesture for me to spread them, and she does. She only allows herself to glance down at him once, because when she does, he's already peering up at her through his lashes and her legs threaten to give out again. 
It's as quick as possible, him wiping the mess she made, and to Hermione’s surprise, he doesn't comment on it. He just cleans and dries her legs, slowly standing to his feet when finished. It's still silent between them as he carefully fixes the straps of her tank, swallowing roughly as he does. 
"How do you feel?" He asks after a few heartbeats pass, his hand still lingering on her shoulder, "Feel okay? Better?" 
"A lot." She smiles softly, "The, uh—the ache, isn’t so bad anymore. Thanks for... the help." 
The familiar smirk grows on his lips, "anytime, Granger. It’s my pleasure." Checking the corridor quickly, Draco slithers from behind the tapestry and leaves Hermione a panting mess behind. 
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givemequeen · 5 months
real talk paul mccartney is such a resilient guy if my mum died when i was a teenager and then my manager died at the peak of my fame forcing me to take a leadership position that all my bandmates/brothers would hate me for and then leave me and write songs talking shit about me and then my closest friend/songwriting partner/ex lover was shot outside his home and then my beloved wife and other musical partner died relatively young (of the aame disease that killed my mum) and then my baby brother died a couple years later (also of cancer) i wouldnt even be a recluse i would just kill myself.
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givemequeen · 5 months
draco malfoy x littlemissperfect slytherin!reader and the pair swears they hate each other but at a pureblood party the tension breaks and they end up making out? maybe like blaise or theo or daphne or pansy (their bffs) walk in on them and they’re just like ok at least i don’t need to listen to u guys argue anymkre
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