gloomy-boys · 3 years
Baby witch master-post
I know a lot of baby witches have trouble with finding where to start out so I complied a list of good resources for the absolute beginner witch!! Hope this helps ❤️🌿
Witchy starter terms
Witch terms pt.2
Tree magick
Herb master post
(smudging is a term from Native American that is not an open practice, smoke cleansing is called Smoke Cleansing, smudging is closed as well as white sage and san palo, important Native American herbs)
Moon phases and witchcraft
Moon grimore
Chakras (The actual history) (includes Yoga)
Chakras pt 2
112 ways of enlightenment through mediation (Hinduism)
Yoga history in India
Origin of Yoga with The God Lord Shiva
Beginner crystals
Origins of crystal healing
Crystal care
Crystal master post
Beginner master post
Includes: magick theory, magickal tools, Beliefs and UPG, centering and grounding, Magick names, Visualisation, Circle casting, Warding and cleansing, Taglocks, Symbols, Curse info, Planes of existence, Laws of magick and spirit guides.
History of Astrology used in the Western world
Celtic Tree astrology
Witch tips
Spiritual protection
Includes: Moon info and astrology, Herbs, Lots of spells, Astral Projection, Blood magick, Elements, enchanting items, Runes, Knot magick, Salt, insence, Plants, spirits, DIY recipes.
Candle magick
Beginner witch advice
Celebrating sabbats
Sabbat info
Water magick
Master post all thingy witchy
Types of witches
( I would lay off deity work at the beginning, you might never work with any, but it can be extremely dangerous even lethal and some dieties are from closed religions)
Home magick
Protection magick
Protection magick pt2
I would wait to do spells until you have all your information and research and do protection spells for your first spells. Also I wouldn’t do blood magick, as it is very powerful and can have major consequences if you don’t know what your doing, and spirit work or any work with deities.
Pagan vs Wiccan
Circle casting
Book of shadows prompts
Familiars in animals
Familiar info and summoning
Energy work terms
Enhancing psychic abilites
BOS prompts galore
Witches tools
Charging vs activating
Witchy apps
Charging pt 2
13 goals of a witch
Spiritual burn out
Energy cycles in spirit working
Master post for beginners
Angel numbers
Fae info and resources
Love magick
Travel witchcraft
Tea reading
Energy lessons
Sigil magick
Spells galore
Spells prt2
Umbra magick - don’t need to know for absolute beginners, I just found it interesting.
Energy protection magick
Spirit work
Spirits house rules
Planetary hours
Amazing deity info!
Ancestor work types
Ancestor work
Shadow work
For any witches interested in anything demonology I highly recommend these blogs!:
Legions of demons
Satanic sigil master
Randopus of hell
Balthasar 666
Summoning darker spirits
The grand book of Satan
Occultist romantic
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
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Exciting news.
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
The best ships are composed of one person who doesn't like being bothered and the other being great at bothering people.
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
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they/him femmes rise up
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
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Lol I tried a semi realistic Annabeth bc I’m having such an art block. Been years since I attempted any sort of “realistic” art and boi have I forgotten everything :)
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
anyyywayyys Fuck ronald raegan 🖕
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
Tips for Reading with ADHD
(or without ADHD, if they help regardless)
Physical print:
cover the page with a piece of paper and reveal lines/paragraphs as you read them
use a highlighter to emphasize important/interesting parts
take notes as you go to be physically engaged with the material
Digital media:
copy and paste the text into a doc/word processor
change the font size/style/colour to something more legible
make your own paragraphs and spacing
copy and paste one paragraph at a time to isolate them from the distraction of the rest of the text
install a browser extension like BeeLine Reader or Mercury Reader
zoom in on the page and scroll slowly so you’re revealing lines as you read them
physically cover the screen and reveal lines as you read them
if you do better with physical media, print it out or find a physical copy
read out loud
pace, move around, or use a fidget while reading
set a timer for 5 minutes and read in small chunks with breaks in between
divide the material into sections and read one section at a time with breaks in between
have another person, audio book, or text-to-speech program read it aloud as you follow along
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
just thinkin about cutting all of my hair off in the bathroom tonight
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
i’m feeling extremely bored and dissatisfied with myself so 1) I WANT TO CUT ALL OF MY HAIR OFF AND DYE IT GREEN 2) i want to get like 15 piercings but i can’t do it without parental consent 3) i want to spend literally all of the money in my bank account
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
Elle just fucking murdered a man and good for her
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
women will ignore their bodily needs and be like why do feel unwell. its me im women
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
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morning coffee
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
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day 928
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
fellow former emo kids .. this one’s for you <3
which historical fanfic are you?
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
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gloomy-boys · 3 years
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sergio likes his new sweater
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