gods-of-cheesecake · 3 years
Behind the Stars
My head is a nightmare,
but I´m still fine.
I don´t want to be left behind the stars,
yet I don´t know if I will even make it right.
I want to ask for help,
but my lips stay dry
while my lungs drown and drag me back inside.
Will I make it through the night?
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gods-of-cheesecake · 3 years
This kind of things, as an asexual, warm my heart in ways I can´t express. Just, really, thank you
Reblog if you genuinely support asexuals
It terrifies me that there’s so much raging passion in the lgbt+ community that insist on marginalizing asexuals and implying that asexuals don’t deserve to have safe spaces. There’s still so much acephobia so I just wanna know which blogs are genuinely supportive and a safe space for asexuals
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gods-of-cheesecake · 3 years
Reblog if it's okay to befriend you, ask questions, ask for advice, rant, vent, let something off your chest, or just have a nice chat.
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gods-of-cheesecake · 3 years
Life is full of mischief, for why must I suffer this much just to cause her mirth?
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gods-of-cheesecake · 3 years
The fact that you dislike me doesn't give you the right to disrespect me.
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gods-of-cheesecake · 3 years
Salones de Cristal
La vida es como un salon de baile. Para algunos su salon parece muchos, cambia con el tiempo y nunca se queda quieto. Ellos siempre tienen algo nuevo que ver, que explorar, siempre hay una nueva puerta.
Unos salones estan llenos de las mas bellas joyas, aunque su exterior te dice lo contrario.
Otros poseen salones al aire libre, sus puertas - unas viejas, otras de madera, otras modernas- siendo sostenidas por una fuerza vital invisible.
Muchos sin caminos en concreto pero siempre sabiendo en su corazon dónde cada puerta se encuentra.
Otros viven sin jamas entrar a su salon o darle mucha atencion; sus puertas, pisos y jardines yacen abandonados bajo cortinas de polvo.
Muchos salones crean nuevas puertas con la introduccion de nuevos personajes en la danza de la vida y cierran otras con la salida de ellos.
Unos tienen musica constante que cambia con el ritmo de las estaciones emotivas.
Otros un silencio tranquilo.
Existen millones de ejemplos y perspectivas, asi como estrellas en el universo. Cada quien posee un salon de su invención, un salon que sin importar que o quien siempre es de cristal.
¿Sabes porque entre tantos todos siempre tienen esa caracteristica en concreto ?
Porque asi son las personas.
Una accion,
una palabra,
un silencio,
una duda,
una tristeza
Son capaces de dañar irreparablemente a una persona sin importar la dureza de su exterior. Los salones de cristal son solo pruebas de aquello que no se ve con los ojos humanos, que incluso los mas abiertos y sensibles pueden no sentir.
Somos personas de cristal y nuestro mundo tambien lo es. Un pequeño moviemiento puede cambiarlo todo, sea para bien... o para mal.
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gods-of-cheesecake · 3 years
Heart of Riddles
" My love isn´t free, it consumes everything it touches - and that everything is me. If I love you I´m giving part of my sanity to you, part of who I am. Never - not even once - think that I don´t care. I do, in an old fashioned way that thinks too much and shares too little, yet somehow it´s enough to please you."
- Captain Vatil
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gods-of-cheesecake · 3 years
La vida es como un circulo constante de vicios, no importa por donde lo veas. Unos - ¿los menos virtuosos pero mas suertudos tal vez? - poseen los vicios de la avaricia,de la envidia,del orgullo. Vicios que solo te llenan momentáneamente y te carcomen por dentro como un cancer silencioso. Te transtornan poco a poco, hundiendote más en las obsesiones menos sanas que existen - y te ves tan normal como todos pero solo llevas al cadaver del corazon. Son aquellos venenos que no solo te infectan a ti,sino que tienen la mala virtud de infectar a otros.
Otros, aquellos que son fácilmente pasados por alto, tienen los vicios de la bondad, del amor, de la compasión,incluso del perdon. Son personas normales,pero sus vicios los asemejan a seres aun mas virtusos que nosotros. Sus vicios son vistos como debilidades o ingenuidad por la sociedad, como cosas que no se valoran ya que todo lo que importa es lo material.
Pero ellos deciden ser lo que son, nadie es naturalmente bueno o malo. Hay situaciones en la vida que nos fuerzan a tomar un camino distinto, pero el como enfrentas el camino es lo que importa. Si te envenenas o sanas; nadie va a hacerlo por ti, pueden acompañarte en el camino pero al fin y al cabo cada quien tiene su vida y sus pruebas.
Admiro a quienes tienen la fuerza de caminar a su bienestar sin dañar a otros, a quienes ven sus defectos y desean cambiar, a quienes ven y sienten esa enfermedad y tiene la fuerza de decir, "Basta. Ya no más ". No es un camino fácil pero creo que el vicio de progresar en la sanacion propia es el mejor vicio de la humanidad.
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gods-of-cheesecake · 3 years
Quote Meme Tag
 Thanks @petrareads for the tag :D (though I took a million years to participate, sorry :”c)
Tag meme: list 5-7 snippets of literature/media that live in your head rent-free to the point where you have them memorised; write them down from memory, no cheating allowed!
1.-  “I was so alone, and I owe you so much. “
- John Watson, BBC Sherlock Holmes 
2.- “I didn´t destroy the Death Star or anything, but I did just get through 5th grade and that´s not easy, even if you are not me.” 
- Wonder by R.J Palacio
3.- “People couldn't become truly holy, he said, unless they also had the opportunity to be definitively wicked.”
- Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, Good Omens
4.- “Children’s parties were obviously places where any angel with an ounce of common sense should fear to tread.”
- Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, Good Omens
5.- “ Oh she was clever! Cleverer than any of you and now she is dead!”
- BBC Sherlock Holmes
I tag @augyshit @daydreamerr25-blog-blog @i-wanna-fly-away @notesby19 @writinginthegardenofserendipity
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gods-of-cheesecake · 3 years
I will see beyond the stars because it cannot be that our world it's so pitifully sad.
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gods-of-cheesecake · 3 years
I can't stop imagining one of my OCs, (Eirlune) who is a magical doctor being the one commissioned to do so. Like, if humans have evolved to the point of immortality, what use would the health system have? Obviously there would still be some that have that "useless" knowledge stored somewhere. Taking into account a lot of the old magics are forgotten by that point (if not completely misunderstood), someone like him would be quite a fit
  He listened in silence the endless bickering of the Leaders, for calling them Kings would be the end of decorum. - No real King had existed, not since all this madness started  - though most of their talk exited his ears as soon as it entered. Their words were just trying to find a pompous way to avoid calling this for what it was, a massive genocide. 
  The fingers of his right hand tapped his knee in an effort to center his magic  it seemed as an incessant pattern, a nervous tick when in reality it was mimicking his heartbeat. He could already feel it, soft yet brutal waves of energy burning all the way from his heart through his veins, it wanted to act because with every word they uttered. They were just trying to kill millions of people, but hold no responsibility for it. Tap-tap-tap.
  It was inevitable, really.  Humans were already murdering Kalira way before immortality was a thing, now they were just seeing the consequences of their own actions faster than expected.  Back then it had been nothing more than a dream fools would try to conquer - and die trying. Well back then not everyone had different shades of purple in their eyes either. Tap-tap-tap. Now those same shades of purple glared back at him, he could feel them trying to analyze and dissect him -they had long since passed the judging phase where they saw him as mud on their expensive shoes. He was proud to see several of them rubbing purple bruises, one poor chap even sported a broken nose. It was a depressing thing, that the hateful and analyzing (as well as some judging) glares were the only sense of familiarity he had experienced in a long time.Tap-tap-tap.
  Several minutes after their “speech” had ended and the tension had grown to the point it could have been cut as easy as butter, his gaze moved to the screen that showed how many people should be killed in order to bring “peace to the world and save it from its demise”. His lips formed a soft smile as he allowed his gaze to swept over each of the present members and took great delight when they became unerved by his abnormal eyes.There had been a reason why he had tied his curly brown hair, leaving at plain sight his heterochromatic eyes - gray for the sky, green for Kalira. “And what would I win from,”  he waved a hand towards the screen, “this?” He inquired, his soft voice acting as a soothing balm that seemed to somehow erase the tension in the room.
A woman with fiery red hair was the one who answered in a sickly sweet voice, as if talking to a child.“We hope to have something the...” she paused as she licked her lips,   “elders like you have been looking for quite some time.” 
Something flickered in his eyes at her tone and his tapping became more intense as minuscule sparks formed around his fingertips. Placing his free hand under his chin as he leaned towards the table, his stance reflected that one of a predator observing its prey and those closer to him instinctively recoiled. “Pray tell, what could that possibly be?” 
 Another man with auburn hair and freckles on his face interrupted the woman as he noticed the true danger they had in front of themselves. This wasn´t some vulgar assasin, yet some - like the Eljieris empress - seemed to forget that. “A Klavis, the one your texts describe as ´The Guide of Stars´.” He pressed a button which created an opening at the middle of the table at which a pedestal rose. In its center one of the most beautiful jewels stood, its form was inconsistent yet its golden center surrounded by what could only be blue nebulas. All of them, as one, turned like vultures towards him. They knew they had won.
 It was breathtaking.
 Eirlune´s eyes grew wide and his lips moved, yet formed no words. It was vibrant and full of Magic, of old Magic the one that hadn´t been tainted by men. For Lazrei, this...how long has it been since he had felt or seen it? Voices flooded his mind, voices of people lost in time. Lazrei, the adventures they had all lived together. How their promise to celebrate a party when it all ended. He closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, focusing on the present, on the magic that poured from his whole being. It was not the moment to get lost in such memories, despite its beauty and magic...
 “That is not a Klavis.” The Guide of Stars, indeed. How could it ever be a soulless jewel? 
 Several confused exclamations followed his words, for all the Leaders were ´Peace Seekers´ they lacked inner peace. Rolling his eyes, Eirlune cleared his throat. 
 “But,” He slowly stood from his seat a soft smile on his lips and fire in his eyes.   “ I will do it. Despite it not being a Klavis, it´s a valuable piece of History and for that I must thank you.”  
 Oh sweet blood, similar to the crimson liquid that rested in his untouched glass, how others made a mess of you when trying to take a life. Yet only one like him could kill so peacefully and attack such vital points without weapon, for old Magic turned into invisible needles pierced their bodies. Not a single scream was uttered in those chambers and the once powerful World Leaders fell like puppets without their strings at the feet of a Lord.
 “Well, ten is a nice start.”
Prompt from: @ownpractice
Writing: @gods-of-cheesecake  
Story Idea:
Humanity has evolved to the point of immortality. It's becoming a problem since the population of the earth is unsustainable and people are destroying the planet. The world leaders get together and decide to play god. They commission you to be the Grim Reaper.
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gods-of-cheesecake · 3 years
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"A Writer's Nightmare"
Original creation of: @gods-of-cheesecake
I don't know what to write;
The skies are not falling apart
And the creative rivers are dry.
I don't know what to write;
Medusa has entered my mind
And left my characters like statues in the wild.
I don't know what to write;
There are no more wars
Raging on the quiet night.
Man's worst nightmare has murdered my knights,
It took my kingdoms
And doesn't plan to give them back.
It wants me to remember its name,
To scream in frustration,
To destroy my pen.
"Fear me,"
I hear it whisper,
"For I'm the wall between your worlds,
Who keeps you away from your people and has taken
Your sweet, little throne."
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gods-of-cheesecake · 3 years
The past is past as dry as the ash.
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gods-of-cheesecake · 3 years
"The Lock on the Clock"
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Original creation of: @gods-of-cheesecake
I love them,
But now
My heart is left underground.
I fear I can't go around
Of what keeps me bound;
My mind has started to drown
Am I just a clown?
My soul hardly seeks
The peace that can't be.
My lungs are tired to breathe,
Can I have some sleep?
My eyes are closing down
Heavy as the skies of dawn.
Please forgive
For what couldn't be
And live with your heart
Beating faster than light.
My time has stopped,
It has broken my clock;
Something else has begun
Death was its lock.
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gods-of-cheesecake · 3 years
Instead of expecting it, why not believe it? After all our own existence might be great ^^
And one day, my dear, we will be great.
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gods-of-cheesecake · 4 years
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"Excerpt of Mr. Madness' Diary"
Original creation of: @gods-of-cheesecake
Yesterday I had an interesting encounter. A man, probably on his fifties or sixties, sat next to me. His extravagant appearance would have raised my curiosity, had it not been due to the fact that I kept encountering interesting characters wherever I looked. Well, what is expected of a land where magicals (ahh had Mr. Moon read that, he would have hit me with my own suitcase) mediums come and go?
Anyhow, we both were waiting our turn to retrieve our supplies from a certain shop. He and me stablished and amicable talk about our own works and I must have had expressed far too much my interest in, well, systems or order. From then on our talk drifted to more political views - something I sincerely hadn't expected as all mediums seemed to have certain sore spot of that- He stated something that got me thinking for quiet a while and that it had distracted me from his own departure, " Wars won't truly end, they will just become more human. There always will be something to improve or something that needs change, just like the volcanoes destroy lands and at the end they are the most fertile of them all. All races are waaaay too prideful, but well, they are funny." Somehow I felt as if I had just had some kind of mythical encounter from a divine shadow or something, because really, it was plain out weird and true! And if I decide not to ponder on the fact that a woman asked me why I was talking alone, leave me be! I don't want more existential crisis, leave those for Moony!!
Hah, all this curiosity of possible ghosts and my possible last straw of sanity seemed to have brought inspiration upon me. Not my kind of inspiration, mind you, rather one that I never really polished that much. I have gotten quite rusty - not that I was any good at writing before - but it felt...nice to write an small poem about it all. Though it doesn't really capture anything, I feel as if words escaped me despite my wide vocabulary. I guess you can't really portray life, not with our languages, at least not yet.
"From one who has travelled
Far and wide,
...And the facts of endless skies
Were lies
As it all lay
In a black bay.
The clouds are more like paintings
Someone has made
As a thin glass,
Giving us space.
We, humans and creatures alike,
play to be gods
Thinking we know all odds
Silencing those
Who know better than us.
And one day
We will pay
For what we have laid
And the land that has been dead.
No magic nor spells
Could free us from our own fate,
Less of something
We have brought upon ourselves.
We believe to be different,
To be better
When we always say never.
Magical creatures are not beasts,
They can think like you and me.
A vampire isn't just a thirsty monster,
They also had a father and mother.
Nor is a mermaid just a beautiful lover,
They have a world of bigger treasures
To explore.
And the elves can be ignorant,
not an ounce wise.
Humans can be powerful,
Yet powerless and afraid.
Magicians can be scarred
From the rights they still don't conquer.
We all have blood in our veins,
We can all feel pain and learn.
For we live in the same Reign.
Perhaps it isn't too late
To accept our odds
And stop this wars of blood,
For I have seen to much
And now I wish
For the blissful blindness
Our own prides hold.
This beautiful world
May be a bit too much for us.
But, Oh dear stars!
I hope not."
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gods-of-cheesecake · 4 years
I'm not bisexual(I'm an ace), but this kind of behavior always disgusts me, coming from however it comes from. To this biphobics, acephobics, homophobics, and all the other phobics that threaten someone's integrity or value, believe me when I tell you that someday someone is going to treat you the same way you are treating everyone, in other words, like trash. Then you are going to act like crybabies and won't even acknowledge that you are the same thing. So better shut up because by doing this kind of thing you're just showing the world how small your intellect is.
The next thing I'm going to say is not only for bisexual folks, but for all members of the LGBT+, you are all valid and deserve respect. Don't allow this kind of uncultured people to treat you however they want. Love yourselves and always remember that there are people that will stand by you, even of you're strangers.
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This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual
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