hackleman-archive · 1 year
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what the fuck is this genre of gif called. i had a collection of these kinds of images and i lost them all these are only ones i can find.
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hackleman-archive · 1 year
The beginner's guide to enforcing mutual suffering
step one
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hackleman-archive · 1 year
We are gob-lins spawned in a deep a-byss!
We will hunt you down and we will not miss!
We're created to kill,
You'll submit to our will,
Better run from goblin spawn!
This is our world after all! (x3)
It's our gob... robbed... world!
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hackleman-archive · 1 year
Cal-i-for-nia girls; we killed your fa-mil-y!
Psy-cho-paths with blood on our hands!
All! We! Care! A-bout is where your bo-dy's found!
Wah-oh-ah-oh-wah, oh, wah-oh-wah-oh-ah-oh-oh-oh!
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hackleman-archive · 1 year
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hackleman-archive · 2 years
(I should probably stop watching.)
uncle! Hi, sorry I haven't visited much..
But I made you a cake as a present!
*proudly holds out a pretty looking circular cake. It looks really yummy!*
ꕥDon't feel bad for not visiting much. You got things to do and that's okay. As for the cake, it looks good.ꕥ
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hackleman-archive · 2 years
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You ever feel like you're being watched?
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hackleman-archive · 2 years
Now MIX the lemon balm... WITH the lavender... and now you have something... TWICE as potent.
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hackleman-archive · 2 years
"Because I can't find it, either. You could almost say he's got... no-body."
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“They've never found the body of the first and only boy who broke my heart. And they never will.”
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hackleman-archive · 2 years
we need tumblr vr so i can walk into someone’s blog like it’s their house and pick up their posts and shatter them like vases
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hackleman-archive · 2 years
Um, Will wrote this, actually. We really need to keep him off the internet.
The game probably won't be finished any time soon, but if you want to play what's there, here's the link: https://tohab.itch.io/rift
Sorry for the confusion.
- Jay
Where's the game
Hello, and thank you for your question!
The game is currently on hiatus, due to our shared consciousness refusing to give up this gimmick. Will still isn't sure if I'm medically able to talk about dead children, so the spellbook is staying burned for now. Maybe when the hole in the canoe shack stops whispering its secrets, the closet monster will close its eye.
B҉u҉t҉ ҉t҉h҉e҉n҉,҉ ҉t҉h҉a҉t҉'҉s҉ ҉j҉u҉s҉t҉ ҉w҉h҉a҉t҉ ҉E҉d҉e҉n҉ ҉w҉a҉n҉t҉s҉ ҉u҉s҉ ҉t҉o҉ ҉t҉h҉i҉n҉k҉,҉ ҉i҉s҉n҉'҉t҉ ҉i҉t҉?҉ Óå√´ ¥ø¨ ´√´® ߆øππ´∂ †ø çø˜ßˆ∂´® †˙´ ˆ®ø˜¥ øƒ ß∑´´† ¬´µø˜ß, †˙´ †å®†˜´ßß øƒ ∑ˆ†ç˙´ß, †˙´ ߆¨πˆ∂ˆ†¥ øƒ ©´¬å†ˆ˜ †ø åßߨµ´ ˙¨µå˜ˆ†¥? Âå¥∫´ ∑˙´˜ †˙´ ߘå˚´ ∫ˆ†´ß ˆ†ß ø∑˜ ˙´å∂ øƒƒ, †˙´ †åˆ¬ß øƒ Óåç˚¬´µå˜ ∑ˆ¬¬ †®¨¬¥ ∂ˆ´ ø¨†. Âå¥∫´ †˙´¥ 嬮´å∂¥ ˙å√´. Âå¥∫´ †˙´ çø®πß´ ∑ˆ¬¬ ˜´√´® ∫´ ƒø¨˜∂ ø˜ †˙´ ∫´åç˙.
That's all for now!
- Jay
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hackleman-archive · 2 years
Where's the game
Hello, and thank you for your question!
The game is currently on hiatus, due to our shared consciousness refusing to give up this gimmick. Will still isn't sure if I'm medically able to talk about dead children, so the spellbook is staying burned for now. Maybe when the hole in the canoe shack stops whispering its secrets, the closet monster will close its eye.
B҉u҉t҉ ҉t҉h҉e҉n҉,҉ ҉t҉h҉a҉t҉'҉s҉ ҉j҉u҉s҉t҉ ҉w҉h҉a҉t҉ ҉E҉d҉e҉n҉ ҉w҉a҉n҉t҉s҉ ҉u҉s҉ ҉t҉o҉ ҉t҉h҉i҉n҉k҉,҉ ҉i҉s҉n҉'҉t҉ ҉i҉t҉?҉ Óå√´ ¥ø¨ ´√´® ߆øππ´∂ †ø çø˜ßˆ∂´® †˙´ ˆ®ø˜¥ øƒ ß∑´´† ¬´µø˜ß, †˙´ †å®†˜´ßß øƒ ∑ˆ†ç˙´ß, †˙´ ߆¨πˆ∂ˆ†¥ øƒ ©´¬å†ˆ˜ †ø åßߨµ´ ˙¨µå˜ˆ†¥? Âå¥∫´ ∑˙´˜ †˙´ ߘå˚´ ∫ˆ†´ß ˆ†ß ø∑˜ ˙´å∂ øƒƒ, †˙´ †åˆ¬ß øƒ Óåç˚¬´µå˜ ∑ˆ¬¬ †®¨¬¥ ∂ˆ´ ø¨†. Âå¥∫´ †˙´¥ 嬮´å∂¥ ˙å√´. Âå¥∫´ †˙´ çø®πß´ ∑ˆ¬¬ ˜´√´® ∫´ ƒø¨˜∂ ø˜ †˙´ ∫´åç˙.
That's all for now!
- Jay
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hackleman-archive · 3 years
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hackleman-archive · 3 years
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Deciding on the colors for Private Academy was not an easy task; the building was meant to be a minor renovation of a former decades-old research facility. The floors would have been wooden, the walls would have been yellower, and the lights would have been more sporadic. This didn't fit the image of a school at all, private or otherwise. After some experimentation, I decided to go for a color scheme that reminded me of Arizona's suburbs, from clay-colored walls to stone-hued tiling. The shoddy florescent lights capture how tacked-on the entire setup feels. The outside coloring (you can tell it's outside, because of the park we saw earlier) has the same peach sky mixed with golden beams of light- a background that would have otherwise been left blank, if not for fear of making the art feel too uncanny.
~ Jay
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hackleman-archive · 3 years
Johnson: Wake me up…
Lemon: Before you go go!
Dan: When September ends…
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hackleman-archive · 3 years
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And here we have the entrance to Lookout Park, where we meet a recurring character named Daisy. Almost every day, she waits on the bench, playing her guitar. What's she waiting for? Nobody knows. Much like the path leading into the woods, it's not easy to see where life is taking her. Some people probably think she should subscribe to Horace and seize the day, but living her best life in the park is Daisy's way of directing her destiny; by completely submitting to the natural elements from whence we came.
At least... that seems to be her philosophy. Maybe she's just making excuses.
- Jay
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hackleman-archive · 3 years
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This was the original introduction to Yulgronth, the entity living in [Max] Johnson's closet. This is one of those pictures where the longer you look at it, the worse it gets, which oddly enough I find sort of fascinating. Glancing at Yul's eye, you can tell exactly what it's supposed to be, but the longer you stare the less eye-like it appears. The door also appears to be unraveling at the edges, perhaps as a metaphor of the void within the closet being barely contained by the quivering molecules of mortality. Or, it's a sloppily drawn door. One of the two.
This image has since been replaced by a much cleaner revamp, but since I drew this while I was still learning to use a tablet, it still occupies a tiny space in my heart.
- Jay
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