hangukeo-baewo · 2 years
Notes on Memrise Korean 2 - Love and Relationships
나 지금 소개팅하는 중이야, 나중에 전화해! - i'm on a blind date now, call me later!
소개팅 - blind date
소개팅한 사람이랑 완전 잘 통했어. - we totally hit it off right away!
통하다 - to go through ; to speak the same language
정말 멋있는 훈남이었어. - he was a really cool guy.
훈남 - a warm hearted man ; a cool guy
멋있다 - to be cool ; to be stylish
예쁜 여신 스타일이었어. - she was like a beautiful goddess.
여신 - beautiful girl ; goddess
친절하신 분이었어. - he was friendly.
친절하다 - to be friendly
너 썸 타는 사람 있어? - are you seeing anyone?
썸 타다 - to see someone
나 썸 타는 사람 없어. - i'm not seeing anyone.
나 혼자 짝사랑 중이야. - i have a crush on someone.
짝사랑 - unrequited love ; crush
우리 오늘부터 1일이야. - today is our first day as a couple.
내 남자친구는 연하야. - my boyfriend is younger than me.
연상연하 커플 - a couple where the woman is older
부모님이 결혼하라고 재촉하셔? - are your parents pushing you for marriage?
재촉하다 - to push ; to hurry
말도마! - don't get me started!
내 전 남친은 바람났어. - my ex boyfriend had an affair.
바람나다 - to have an affair
전 남자친구 - ex boyfriend
정말 꼴도 보기 싫어. - i hate the very sight of him.
걱정하지마! - don't worry!
똥차가 가면 벤츠가 올 거야! - your ex was a crap car, you will meet a benz soon.
똥 - crap ; poop
똥차 - crap car
벤츠 - benz
세상에 남자는 많아. - there's plenty more fish in the sea. ("there's many men in the world")
세상에 여자는 많아. - there's plenty more fish in the sea. ("there's many women in the world")
우리 다시 사귀어. - we started dating again.
사귀다 - to date ; to be a couple
장난해? - are you joking?
질투하니? - are you jealous?
원래 부부싸움은 칼로 물 베기야. - nothing is as unpalatable as a lovers quarrel.
부부싸움 - domestic dispute
칼 - knife
베대 - to cut
난 정말 두 손 두 발 다 들었어. - i have completely given up on you.
손 - hand
발 - foot
들다 - to lift
너 마음대로 해. - do whatever you like.
마음 - heart ; mind
난 우리 남자친구 믿어! - i believe in my boyfriend!
믿다 - to believe
나 상견레 했어. - i met my fiancé's family.
상견레 - meeting your fiancé's family
일주일 후에 결혼해. - i'm getting married in one week.
자기야! 나 임신했어! - honey! i'm pregnant!
자기 - honey ; darling
임신하다 - to be pregnant
심장이 두근두근해. - my heart is racing.
심장 - heart
두근두근 - pitter-patter
행복한 하루! - a happy day!
행복하다 - to be happy
매일매일너무 행복해! - i'm over the moon everyday!
매일 - everyday
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hangukeo-baewo · 2 years
Notes for Memrise Korean 2 - Vocab: Jobs
취업 - looking for a job
아르바이트 - part time job (from german 'arbeit')
정규직 - permanent position ; full-time job
비정규직 - temporary position
계약직 - contract worker
신입 - new recruit ; new employee
경력 - experience ; experienced employee
거래처 - business associates ; supplier ; client
휴가 - holiday ; vacation
채용 사이트 - recruitment site
의사 - doctor
간호사 - nurse
선생님 - teacher
공무원 - civil servant ; government employee
농부 - farmer
어부 - fisherman
광부 - miner
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hangukeo-baewo · 2 years
Notes on Memrise Korean 2 - At Work
많은 회사에 이력서를 제출했습니다 - I submitted my CV to many companies.
이력서 - CV
제출하다 - to submit
저는 인턴입니다. - i am an intern.
인턴 - intern
저는 인턴 아닙니다. - i am not an intern.
면접에 합격했습니다. - i passed the interview.
면접 - interview
합격하다 - to pass
저는 보통 아침 8시 30분까지 출근을 합니다. - i usually arrive at work by 8.30am.
보통 - normal
출근 - going to work
좋은 아침입니다. - good morning.
오늘은 지각을 했습니다. - today, i was late.
지각하다 - to be late
팀장님에게 한소리를 들었습니다. - i was given a scolding from the team leader.
팀장님 - team leader
한소리 - nitpicking ; scolding
듣다 - to listem
오늘은 오후 3시에 회의가 있습니다. - today, i have at 3 o'clock.
회의 - meeting
회식에 빠지고 싶습니다. - i want to be absent from the company dinner.
회식 - company dinner
빠지다 - to fall out ; to be absent
회식에 빠질 수 없습니다. - i can't be absent from the company dinner.
프로젝트 성공을 위하여! - for project success!
성공 - success
회식 때 술을 너무 많이 마셨습니다. - i drank a lot at the company dinner.
저희 팀장니은 대머리입니다. - my team leader is bald.
대머리 - bald head
저는 어제 실언을 했습니다. - i made a slip of the tongue yesterday.
실언을 하다 - to make a slip of the tongue
어제 완전히 필름이 끊겼어. - i completely blacked out yesterday.
필름이 끊기다 - to black out
미쳤어! 미쳤어! - are you out of your mind?
내일 나는 죽었다! - i'm dead tomorrow!
죽다 - to die
진짜 쥐구멍에라도 숨고 싶어요. - i feel like crawling into a hole.
쥐구멍 - rat hole ; mouse hole
숨다 - to hide
퇴사해야 할까요? - should i quit?
퇴사하다 - to quit
저는 처세술에 약합니다. - i have bad people skills.
체서술 - people skills
약하다 - to be weak
제 친구는 처세술에 강합니다. - my friend has good people skills.
강하다 - to be strong ; to be good at
김 과장님 부탁합니다. - could i speak to department director kim please?
지금 회의 중이십니다. - she's in a meeting right now.
지금 통화 중이십니다. - she's on a call.
메모 남기시겠어요? - will you leave him a message?
다시 전화드리겠습니다. - i will call again.
드리다 - to give (honorific)
요즘 스트레스를 많이 받습니다. - i'm under a lot of stress these days.
스트레스 - stress
사실 인간관계가 가장 어렵습니다. - actually, dealing with people is the most difficult.
인간관계 - relationships with people
어롑다 - to be difficult
쉽다 - to be easy
오늘도 저는 야근입니다. - i'll be on the nightshift again tonight.
야근 - overtime ; nightshift
이 또한 지나가리라! - nothing lasts forever ; this too shall pass
아싸! 오늘은 칼퇴근! - yay! i can leave work on time today!
칼퇴근 - leaving work on time
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hangukeo-baewo · 3 years
Level 2 / Lesson 7: Adverbs
안녕! Hey everyone! Today we have a pretty basic lesson all about adverbs! Adverbs in Korean are pretty straightforward and there’s not a ton to say about them, so I’m just pulling a post from my Instagram and putting it here so y’all can see it! Of course, feel free to ask any questions if you have any!
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hangukeo-baewo · 3 years
hi all!
little update: i'm planning to post the rest of my TTMIK Level 2 notes, soon, but i haven't done a TTMIK lesson in a while. I did the placement test on their website and actually, it placed me at Level 3, so i'm motivated to start those lessons asap.
other than that, im working through memrise korean 2 as normal, but i might put off posting more of that until ive done the TTMIK stuff.
hope you're all doing well, and thank you if you use my notes to study. it really motivates me to keep working hard.
love, han-bae <3
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hangukeo-baewo · 3 years
Notes on Memrise Korean 2 - Vocab Booster : Months & Seasons
this one is honestly pretty easy so i wasnt gonna write notes but i struggle a little with the seasons so i decided i might as well
일월 - january
이월 - february
삼월 - march
사월 - april
오월 - may
유월 - june
칠월 - july
팔월 - august
구월 - september
시월 - october
십일월 - november
십이월 - december
봄 - spring
여름 - summer
가을 - autumn
겨울 - winter
작년 - last year
울해 - this year
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hangukeo-baewo · 3 years
Notes on Memrise Korean 2 - Vocab Booster : At the Hotel
프론트 데스크 - reception desk (konglish: front desk)
룸서비스 - room service (loan word)
보증금 - deposit
싱글베드 - single bed (loan word)
더블베드 - double bed (loan word)
1박 - one night
2박 3일 - 2 nights 3 days
근처 불거리 - nearby attractions
귀중품 - valuables
금연 - prohibition of smoking
입실 - check in
퇴실 - check out
타월 - towel (loan word)
화장지 - toilet paper
비누 - soap
fun fact! i only remember this one because the North Korean word for shampoo (샴푸) is 물머리비누 , a combination of 물 (water), 머리 (head) and 비누!
칫솔 - toothbrush
치약 - toothpaste
드라이기 - hair dryer (konglish?? using dry)
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hangukeo-baewo · 3 years
Notes on Memrise Korean 2 - Work Hard, Play Harder
a lot of these are in casual form so ill put (c) next to them 😅
여보세요? - hello (on the phone)
오래간만이야 - long time no see (c)
어디야? - where are you? (c)
나 지금 집이야. - i'm at home now. (c)
너는 왜 허누한 날 집에있어? - why are you at home day in and day out? (c)
허구한 날 - day in and day out
이불 밖은 위험해. - it's a dog eat dog world so i want to stay in bed (c)
이불 - duvet
밖 - outside
위험하다 - to be dangerous
this is translated strangely by memrise in my opinion. its more like "outside of the duvet is dangerous" when you translate it properly. i think they wanted to use an english saying to compare it.
우리 영화 보러 가자. - let's go see a movie. (c)
영화 - movie
영화는 무슨 영화야! - what do you mean go to the cinema? (c)
again, not an entirely good translation. 무슨 means "meaning" so with the nuance that -는 gives, i take this more as "a movie just means a movie" as in "a movie is only a movie and means nothing"
술 마시러 가지. - let's go for a drink. (c)
아휴, 진짜 이 술쟁이! - oof, you're such a heavy drinker. (c)
술쟁이 - heavy drinker
translates more as "oof, really, this heavy drinker!"
지금 6시 밖에 안 됐어. - It's only 6 now. (c)
밖에 - nothing but ; only
뭐 어때! - so what! (c)
술은 좀 이따가 마시고 밥부터 먹자. - lets eat dinner first and then drink later. (c)
이따가 - later
일단 만나자, 만나서 얘기 하자. - lets meet first, then talk. (c)
일단 - first of all ; for the moment ; once
얘기 - story ; talk
만나다 - to meet
"first lets meet, meet and talk"
나 요즘 살찐 거 같아. - i think i gained weight recently. (c)
살찌다 - to gain weight
맛있게 먹으면 0칼로리야. - if its delicious, the calories dont count. (c)
literally "if you eat deliciously, its 0 calories"
진짜 나이 먹은 거 같아. - i feel so old. (c)
나이 먹다 - to get older
됐고 밥 먹으러 가자. - whatever, lets go for a meal. (c)
나 지금 돈 오천원 밖에없어. - i only have 5,000 won now. (c)
현금은 없고 카드 밖에 없어. - i dont have cash, i only have card. (c)
치맥 콜? - are you in for chicken and beer? (c)
치킨과 맥주 (치맥) - chicken and beer
콜! - i'm in! (konglish from "call") (c)
나는 소주파야! - i'm a soju lover! (c)
소주파 - soju lover
짠! - cheers! (c)
i think this is an onomatopoeia, like when we say "clink" in english
우리 셀카 찍지. - let's take a selfie. (c)
셀카 - selfie
this is konglish from 셀프카메라 (self camera)
찍다 - to take ; to photograph
여기 봐! 하나, 둘, 셋! - look here! 1, 2, 3! (c)
보다 - to look ; to see ; to watch
이게 너라고? - is this you? (c)
사기 치지 마! - come off it! (c)
사기 치다 - to cheat ; to take somebody for a ride
얘 사진빨 장난 아니야. - they're so photogentic. (c)
사진빨 - photogenic
얘 - this person ; this child ; hey
나 원래 예뻐. - i was born beautiful. (c)
원래 - originally
this literally translates as "im originally pretty"
얘 취했네! 취했어. - they're drunk! they got drunk. (c)
취하다 - to get drunk
나 아직 안 취했어. - im not drunk yet. (c)
우리 2차 가자. - lets go for a second round. (c)
2차 - second round
불금을 달리자! - its friday, lets paint the town red! (c)
블타는 금요일 (불금) - burning friday ; fire friday
again, memrise used a english phrase with a similar meaning for context. it translates more like "its burning friday, lets run!"
속이 울렁거려. - i feel nauseous. (c)
그만 마셔! - stop drinking! (c)
내가 미쳐! - for crying out loud! (c)
"I'm crazy!"
이제 그만 집에 가자. - lets call it a night. (c)
"now lets stop and go home"
택시! - taxi! (loan word) (c)
도착하면 전화해! - call me when you get home! (c)
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hangukeo-baewo · 3 years
Notes on Memrise Korean 1 - Vocab Booster : Places to Go
박물관 - museum
미술관 - gallery
공원 - park
동물원 - zoo
교회 - church
절 - buddhist temple
쇼핑센터 - shopping centre
빌딩 - building
극장 - theatre
피시방 - internet cafe
표 - ticket ; vote
바다 - sea
finally finished my notes for Korean 1!! stay tuned for all my Korean 2 notes, I've almost finished the section so it may take a while for me to write them all up, but its good revision haha
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hangukeo-baewo · 3 years
Notes on Memrise Korean 1 - The 'Hottest' Place in Seoul
서울의 핫플레이스는 어디예요? - where is the hottest place in seoul?
홍대에는 크럽과 술집이 많아요. - there are lots of clubs and pubs in hongdae.
크럽과 술집 - clubs and pubs
길거리 공연도 자주 해요. - there are lots of street performances too.
길거리 공연 - street performance
공연 - performance
여기에서 멀어요? - is it far from here?
멀다 - to be far ; to be distant
홍대까지 가까워요. - it is close to hongdae.
가깝다 - to be close
여기에서 강남까지 얼마나 걸려요? - how long does it take from here to gangnam?
걸리다 - to take (time)
얼마 안 걸려요. - it doesn't take too long.
십분쯤 걸려요. - it takes around 10 minutes.
오래 걸려요. -it takes a long time.
길 건너에 지하철역이 있어요. - there is a tube station over the road.
길 건너 - road over
지하쳘 역 - tube station
지하쳘역은 버스 정류장 옆에 있어요. - there is a tube station next to the bus station.
정류장 - station
버스 정류장 옆 - next to the bus station
근처에 편의점이 없어요. - there's no convenience store nearby.
편의점 - convenience store
근처 - nearby
전통시장은 정말 싸고 좋아요. - traditional markets are really cheap and good.
저통시간 - traditional markets
전통 - tradition
싸다 - to be cheap
전통시장까지 어떻께 가요? - how can i get to the traditional market?
쭉 직진하세요. - go straight ahead.
직진하다 - to go straight
우회전하세요. - please turn right.
우회전 - right turn
좌회전하세요. - please turn left.
좌회전 - left turn.
여기는 맛집이 정말 많아요. - there are many good restaurants.
길거리 음식은 정말 싸고 맛있어요. - street food is really cheap and yummy.
길거리 음식 - street food.
관광 안내소는 어디에 있어요? - where is the tourist information centre?
관광 안내소 - tourist information centre
공항버스는 어디에서 타요? - where can i take the airport bus?
공항 - airport
타다 - to ride ; to take
공연 티켓 예매하고 싶어요. - i want to buy a ticket to the performance in advance.
예매하다 - to buy in advance
어디에서 환전할 수 있어요? - where can i exchange money?
환전하다 - to exchange
무료 지도 있어요? - do you have a free map?
무료 - free (no cost)
지도 - map
안녕히 계세요. - goodbye (when you're leaving)
네, 안녕히 가세요. - yes, goodbye (to the person leaving)
야경이 정말 아름다워요. - the nightscape is really beautiful.
야경 - nightscape
아름답다 - to be beautiful
오늘 사람들이 진짜 많아요. - today there are a lot of people.
입자료는 얼마예요? - how much is the entrance fee?
입장료 - entrance fee
성인 둘, 아이 하나요. - two adult tickets and one child ticket, please.
성인 - adult
아이 - child
이건 내 인생 사진이에요. - this is my best photo ever.
인생 사진 - best ever photo ; amazing photo
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hangukeo-baewo · 3 years
Notes on Memrise Korean 1 : Ready to Order?
여기 맛집이에요? - is this a great restaurant?
맛집 - great restaurant
이 식당 맛있어요. - this restaurant is delicious.
식당 - restaurant
어서 오세요. - welcome.
오다 - to come
몇 분이세요? - how many people?
몇 분 - how many people (honorific word)
두 명이에요. - we're 2 people.
이쪽으로 오세요. - please come this way.
이쪽 - this way
여기 메뉴판 좀 주세요. - can we have a menu please?
메뉴판 - menu
여기요! 주문할게요. - excuse me! i'd like to order.
주문하다 - to order
잠시만요! - just a moment, please!
주문벨을 눌러요. - press the service bell.
주문벨 - service bell
누르다 - to press, to push
주문하시겠어요? - are you ready to order?
삼겹살 2인분 주세요. - can we have 2 portions of pork belly please
1인분 - 1 portions
2인분 - 2 portions
삼겹살 - pork belly
김치전이 먹고 싶어요. - i want to eat kimchi pancakes.
김치전 - kimchi pancake
먹다 - to eat
그리고 김치찌개도 하나 주세요. - and please can i have a kimchi stew?
그리고 - and
찌개 - stew
와, 맛있겠다! - wow, it looks delicious!
김치찌개는 서비스예요. - kimchi stew is complimentary.
음식은 입에 맞아요? - is the food to your taste?
음식 - food
입에 맞다 - to be to ones taste
매운 음식을 좋아해요. - i like spicy food.
맵다 - to be spicy
매운 음식은 잘 못 먹어요. - i can't eat spicy food well.
사장님! 물 좀 주세요. - waiter! can i have some water please?
사장님 - boss ; restaurant owner
물은 셀프예요. - water is self service.
반찬이 짜요? - is the side dishes salty?
반찬 - side dish
짜다 - to be salty
좀 싱거워요. - its a little bland.
싱겁다 - to be bland
주문하신 음식 나왔습니다 . - your food is here (formal)
나오다 - to come out
맛있게 드세요. - enjoy your meal
드시다 - to eat (honorific)
맛있게 드셨어요? - did you eat well?
잘 먹겠습니다. - let's eat! ; thank you for the meal ; let's eat!
반찬 좀 더 주세요. - can i have some more side dishes please?
좀 더 - some more
잘 먹었습니다. - i enjoyed it. ; it was a great meal. ; i ate well.
정말 맛있었어요. - it was really delicious.
계산할게요. - I'll pay it. ; the bill please.
오만 이천원이에요. - it is 52,000 won.
영수증 드릴까요? - do you need a receipt? (polite)
예, 주세요. - yes, please.
아니요, 버려주세요. - no, please throw it away.
또 오세요. - please come again.
많이 파세요. - goodbye (in a shop) ; i hope you sell more.
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hangukeo-baewo · 3 years
My Notes on Memrise Korean 1 - Vocab Booster : Korean Food
밥 - cooked rice ; meal
떡 - rice cake
호떡 - Korean pancake (with brown sugar filling)
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떡볶이 - spicy stir fried rice cake
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어묵 - fish cake
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삼계탕 - chicken soup with Insam (and other ingredients)
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팥빙수 - red-bean sherbet
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양념치킨 - spicy stir-fried chicken
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접시 - dish ; plate
숟가락 - spoon
젓가락 - chopsticks
포크 - fork
대기표 - waiting number ticket
돼지고기 - pork
소고기 - beef
닭고기 - chicken (meat)
생선 - fish
알레르기 - allergy
채식주의자 - vegetarian
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hangukeo-baewo · 3 years
My notes on Memrise Korean 2 - A Room with a View
숙소 - accomodation
검색하다 - to look for ; to search for
숙소를 검색해요. - i am looking for accommodation.
게스트 하우스 (게하) - guest house
저렴하다 - to be inexpensive
게스트 하우스는 저렴해요. - the guest house is inexpensive.
친구를 사귀다 - to make friends
게하에서는 친구를 사귈 수 있어요. - at the guest house, you can make friends.
호텔 - hotel
후기 - reviews
호텔 후기가 좋아요. - the hotel has good reviews.
후기가 좋지 않아요. - the reviews aren't good.
접근성 - accessibility
이 속수는 접근성이 좋아요. - this accomodation has good accessibility. ; this accomodation is well connected.
예약하다 - to reserve
예약하셨어요? - did you make a reservation?
체크인할게요. - can i check in? ; i'll check in.
성함 - name (honorific word)
예약자 - the person who reserved
예약자분 성함이 어떻게 되세요? - what is the name of the person who reserved?
오주영으로 예약했어요. - i made a reservation under Oh Ju Young.
알려주다 - to let someone know
예약 번호 좀 알려주세요. - please tell me the reservation number.
선불 - advanced payment
결제는 선불로 해주세요. - please pay in advance.
예약 사이트 - reservation site.
예약 사이트에서 이미 결제 했어요. - i already payed on the reservation site.
예약이 확인되었습니다. - your reservation has been confirmed.
여권 - passport
여권 좀 주시겠어요? - can i see your passport?
복사하다 - to copy
여권은 복사 좀 하겠습니다. - i will copy your passport.
열쇠 - key
여기 열쇠 있습니다. - here is your key.
이용하다 - to use
저쪽 엘리베이터를 이용해 주세요. - please use the elevator over there.
방 - room
신발 - shoes
벗다 - to take off
방에서는 신발을 벗어 주세요. - please take off your shoes in the room.
옮기다 - to change ; to shift ; to move
방을 옮기고 싶어요. - i want to change rooms.
두고 나오다 - to leave something behind
방에 열쇠를 두고 나왔어요. - i left my key in the room.
청소하다 - to clean
지금 제 방을 청소해 줄 수 있어요? - can you clean my room now?
10분 후에 청소를 해 주세요. - please clean my room in 10 minutes.
조식 - breakfast
숙박비 - accommodation fee
포함되어 있다 - to be included ; to contain
숙박비에 조식이 포함되어 있나요? - is breakfast included in the accomodation fee?
조식 시간은 몇 시부터인가요? - what time is breakfast served?
조식 시간은 아침 6시부터 9시까지입니다. - breakfast is served between 6am and 9am.
지금 체크아웃 할게요. - i will check out now.
짐 - luggage
맡기다 - to keep ; to leave something somewhere
짐을 좀 맡길 수 있나요? - can i check in my luggage?
공항까지 얼마나 걸려요? - how long does it take to go to the airport?
택시를 불러 주시겠어요? - please call me a taxi.
네, 알겠습니다. - yes, got it.
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hangukeo-baewo · 3 years
Memrise Korean 2 - Vocab Booster: Days of the Week
월요일 - monday
화요일 - tuesday
수요일 - wednesday
목요일 - thursday
금요일 - friday
토요일 - saturday
일요일 - sunday
무슨 요일 - what day
지난주 - last week
이번주 - this week
다음주 - next week
주말 - weekend
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hangukeo-baewo · 3 years
Memrise Korean 2 - Vocab Booster: Money, Money, Money
십원 - 10 won
오십원 - 50 won
백원 - 100 won
오백원 - 500 won
천원 - 1,000 won
오천원 - 5,000 won
만원 - 10,000 won
오만원 - 50,000 won
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hangukeo-baewo · 4 years
My notes on Memrise Korean 2 - Shopping Time
오늘 어디에 갈 거예요? - Where are you going today?
쇼핑몰에 갈 거예요. - I will go to the shopping mall.
뭐 하러 가요? - What are you going there for?
선물을 사러 가요. - I am going to buy a present.
오늘은 우리 기념일이에요. - Today is our anniversary. 
남자친구 선물을 추천해 주세요. - Please recommend a present for my boyfriend.
커플 신발은 어때요? - How about couple shoes?
이 신발은 한 켤레에 얼마예요? - How much for one pair of these shoes?
70,000원이에요. - It’s 70,000 won.
너무 비싸요. - It’s too expensive.
좀 깎아주세요. - Please reduce the price a little.
현금으로 결제할 거예요? - Will you pay with cash?
현금으로 하면 5,000원 깎아 줄게요. - If you pay with cash, I will reduce the price by 5,000 won.
봉투 필요하세요? - Do you need a plastic bag?
네, 하나 주세요. - Yes, please give me one.
봉투는 한 장에 50원입니다. - The price for one plastic bag is 50 won.
장미꽃 좀 보여주세요. - I am looking for some roses ; Please show me some roses.
네, 구경하세요. - Yes, please look around.
누구에게 선물할 거예요? - Who will you give the present to?
여자친구에게 선물할 거예요. - I will give the present to my girlfriend.
여자친구가 장미꽃을 좋아해요. - My girlfriend likes roses.
장미꽃은 한 송이에 3,000원이에요. - One rose costs 3,000 won.
이 꽃다발은 26,000원이에요. - This bunch of flowers costs 26,000 won.
케이크 좀 더 작은 건 없어요? - Don’t you have a smaller cake?
이 케이크는 너무 커요. - This cake is too big.
이 초코 케이크는 18,000원이에요. - This chocolate cake cost 18,000 won.
현금 영수증 필요하세요? - Do you need a cast receipt?
네, 해주세요. - Yes, please give it to me.
입력하다 - To input
너무 지쳐요. - I’m so tired.
우리 커피 마시러 가요. - Let’s go drink coffee.
아메리카노 한 잔 주세요. - Please give me one americano.
라테도 한 잔 주세요. - Please give me one latte too.
9,000원입니다. - It’s 9,000 won.
10,000원 받았습니다. - I received 10,000 won.
여기 잔돈 1,000원 있습니다. - Here is your 1,000 won change.
진동벹이 울리면 커피 받으러 오세요. - When the vibration bell rings, please come and take your coffee.
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hangukeo-baewo · 4 years
My notes on Memrise Korean 2 - Getting from A to B, More Transport, and Is It a Car? Is It a Plane?
I finally got through all 900+ classical reviews I needed to complete on Memrise. I know Korean 1 front to back, but I realised when i was reviewing Korean 2 that I am unsure of the content I learned so far. Thus, these are my notes. Please be aware that if I am confident with the majority of vocabulary in a sentence, I don’t bother to note the new vocabulary separately. I also didn’t note the content that I am already familiar with.
Getting from A to B
그럼, 오늘 명동에 갈까요? - Should we go to Myeongdong today, then?
버스 탈까요? - Should we take the bus? 
출근시간 - the time people start work (morning rush hour)
지금 퇴근시간이에요. - Now is the evening rush hour (time people finish work)
지하철이 더 빨라요. - The tube is faster.
티머니 카드는 버스, 지하철 환승이 돼요. - With T-money card, you can transfer between the bus and the tube.
티머니 카드는 편의점에서 살 수 있어요. - You can buy a T-money card at the convenience store.
명동역은 몇 호선이에요? - Which line is Myeongdong station on?
지하철 노선도에서 확인할 수 있어요. - You can check on the tube map.
명동역은 4호선이에요. - Myeongdong station is on line 4.
서울역에서 한 번 갈아타야 해요. - You should change once at Seoul station.
이번 역은 서울역입니다. - This stop is Seoul station.
한국 지하철은 진짜 편리해요. - The Korean metro is really convenient.
여기서 명동까지 얼마나 걸려요? - How long does it take from here to Myeongdong?
지하철로 20분쯤 걸려요. - It takes around 20 minutes by tube.
여기 앉을까요? - Should we sit here?
여긴 노약자석이에요. - These are priority seats.
그럼 저쪽으로 갈까요? - Should we go over there, then?
다음 역에서 내려요. - We will get off at the next station.
More Transport!
조심해요! - Be careful!
왼쪽 - left
내리실 문은 오린쪽입니다. - The exit door is on your right.
좀 비켜 주세요. - Please make way. ; Please let me past.
입구 - entrance
몇 번 출구예요? - Which exit is it?
6번 출구예요. - It is exit 6.
나중에 집에 어떻게 가요? - How will we go home later?
택시로 갈 거예요. - I will go by taxi.
금요일이라서 차가 많이 막혀요. - It’s Friday, so there’s many cars blocking the road. ; It’s Friday so the traffic is bad.
그럼 지하철 타요. - We will take the metro then.
어디 살아요? - Where do you live?
신촌 근처에 살아요. - I live near Sincheon.
어학당은 어떻게 가요? - How do you get to the Korean language school?
하숙집 앞 버스 정류장에서 버스를 타요. - I take a bus from the bus station opposite the boarding house.
가끔은 자전거를 타고 가요. - Sometimes, I go by bike.
도착했어요. - I arrived. 
쇼핑합시다! - Let’s go shopping!
Is It a Car? Is It a Plane?
비행기 - plane
탑승관 - boarding pass
배 - boat ; ship
항구 - port ; harbour
대중교통 - public transport
고속버스 - express bus
터미널 - terminal
첫차 - first car 
막차 - last car
사거리 - intersection
교통 표지판 - traffic sign
횡단보도 - crosswalk
주차장 - car park
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